p16 weekender november 27 1993 crohns and colitis meeting wednesday the york region satellite of the crohns and colitis founda tion of canada will sponsor an education meeting at 730 on wednesday dec 1 at the 6w williams secondary school on dunning avenue in aurora following a video presentation dr james culnan will lead a discussion on coping with inflammatory bowel disease admission is free and all are welcome for information call 7733288 trttrtf flick pick nov 26 dec 2 2 the three musketeers 3 catttoway j 4 my life sfemflbpamm m 8 cool runnings 9 beverfy j issiimfrtrte crmcs- average h aaa wimuinilliiimiii m a 4 mpaa ratmg pg sssesss pg13 pg 10 the piano new r drama much mild lots theme adventure drama m vv-x- fantasy violence drama new buy one filetofish sandwich med fries etf rtme present his coupon when lka i vlim buying a fitet0fish sandwich free and youll get the seond one free limit one food hern per coupon per customer per visit mot valid with any other coupon or offer good at afl markham locations cash value 120 of 1 cent 1 992 mcdonalds coporalion st draw aids united way kathleen wilson of the mort gage department and manager rob mattacott draw wayne snooks name as the winner of this mountain bike at the bank of nova scotia in stouffville this week proceeds from the draw totalling 113932 were donated to the united way the proceeds for this years cam paign at the bank was 119 per cent of the goal set by the employees giijams the simplicity of style sophisticated dressing for the holiday season exclusive and beautiful styles excellent values the best from the international collections for winter 1993 giliams un ion ville 177 main street 416 477 8840 l have you seen our free chinese language community newspaper at your doop step if the answer is no call 2948244 we would like to include your name on our distribution list the sun weekly is published by the markham economist sun good news there are practical lifestyle changes that you can make to keep your heart healthy t a heart action take heart action now and phone l800267beat2328 for more information grand opening of our new location at markville shopping centre wide selection of christmas gift items full line of pro shop merchandise clubs clothes shoes accessories morel brands include callaway ping lynx spalding mcgregor nike reebok aureas if only your goif antigua etonic lf j i score was as low tltleist maxfli markvi shopping centre msmmmm and more fairvievymall 4159980 491 kitchen necessities housewares emporium gfc corning automatic s hocking glassware from a set 0f4wine glasses or goblets gottcemakhi prefrogrramhed brewing am clock 899 i 3999 compare at 1149 wealsocarry champagne flutes comrre at 4999 keeps coffee warm all day long cookmre 6 piece sairasmn set 2899 gombre at3a99 we carry replacement glass lids coupon expires dec 7th coupon expires dec 7th coupon expires dec 7th iii xutmt la frota aiul qaajl svhaoc can 6e ftufuinte samtstomi off shcwppes of unhunyille ii 1 4261 hwy7 4158661 mmmaa ff f t wbbbabbbbbnbbbb9h v hi