1 i m m m i i i i i i 1 thinking selling or buying williamsou remax all stars realty inc stouffville tribune weekender so mercedes beni repair speoaust 172 bullock drfve unit 31 markham 4718660 car for chief water meters top town priorities tracy kibble staff reporter a new fire chief vehicle water meter ing installation and items for the bal- lantrae satellite fire hall top the towns list for spending considerations during the 1994 budget year stouffville politicians and its depart ment heads met for a full day of budget talks last month to discuss which capi tal projects will take top priority for next year and which others will make the fiveyear list during the oct 25 meeting which is open to the public politicians and top staffers assessed the towns current financial position the towns needs assessment and costs expected by the court rule appealed to protect town wells the town will appeal a nov- 2 ontario court of justice deci- sion and continue its fight to close down a readymix plant operating on bloomington sideroad officials met privately with lawyer stan makuch of borden elliot tuesday afternoon for more than one hour before deciding to appeal judge j r mackinnons ruling to dismiss the towns case the town had filed an appli cation with the newmarket court in september 1992 against st marys cementcanadian building materials on grounds the com pany began operation of a batching plant without obtain ing a building permit under ontario building code regula tions but the company maintains the code stipulates a building permit is not necessary to set up and operate a batching plant since no construction took place and only equipment and machinery are on the site judge mackinnon also ruled that batching was a permitted use confirmed by the town when it began its 1990 opera tion the judge also ordered please see batching page 3 town during 1994 for the 1994 budget year which starts in april estimates are now being com piled and officials have already high lighted the following areas as priority for spending water metering and possible imple mentation in 1994 or 1995 which will be discussed further at mon dec 13 budget meeting computer purchases for the recre ation department subject to provincial grant funding fire chief vehicle purchase from 1995 be considered for 1994 politicians also considered the follow ing project cancellations delays or deferrals during its first day of budget discussions computer upgrades for parksrecre ation be deleted for both 1995 and 1996 memorial shelter and drainage be considered to 1997 energy conservation program moved to 1995 recreation complex snack bar fryer not be considered for replacement until 1995 consultant site plan for museum be put off to 1998 the five year capital forecast is like a planning document which maps out the towns main priorities and expendi tures and acts as an economic guideline for the next five years the budget is comprised of two por tions capital and operations capital items are the towns fixed assets such as infrastructure water sewers etc big ticket items such as a fire truck plus major construction and large repairs the operational portion is the upkeep maintenance and spending the town undertakes to protect public assets such as snow plowing grass cut ting repairs and salaries in 1993 the towns capital budget was set at about 24 million with the lions share of costs coming from roads and recreation the average resident paid about 550 last year for garbage roads and fire- fighting costs rec centre opens satellite office bruce stapley correspondent the whitchurchstouffville parks and recreation depart ment is branching out as of dec 2 the department will be setting up shop on a pne- morningaweek basis at bal- lantrae public school recreation programmer peter arnott is to man the satellite office between the hours of 9 am to noon each thursday while initially serving the pur pose ofansnveringjsidents questions regarding parks and recreation services the branch will soon be hookedup by comv puter to the rec centres head office said arnott when that occurs the office will be able to offer full services including registrations arnott said the satellite office is in keeping with the towns objective as set out in its 1992 leisure services master plan to make our services more accessi ble to different parts of the com munity the school has been wonder ful arnott said of the assis- r given by the staff at bal- lantrae public school the school board has also been helpful as has the bal- lantrae community and school association arnott said the town would eventually establish a second satellite office in vandorf he said he is hopeful the satel lite program could be made even more successful with the help of town volunteers process slammed people who dont fully under stand the complicated munici pal planning process are made to feel humiliated and unedu cated by those who do charged one local official this week ward 6 councillor ken pren tice said he as a direct partici pant has difficulty in certain instances understanding the process and said he can lament with frustrated resi dents who are left out in the cold objections and corrections to any planning developments are treated as an inconve nience and a nuisance at the local council table prentice said he was referring to councils tuesday evening decision to approve an official plan amend ment to allow the development of the west hill subdivision south of lori avenue without first notifying concerned resi dents mayor fran sainsbury how ever said the town has fol lowed all required steps under the planning act in regards to the development including holding public meetings for res idential input it would be dangerous to stray from the planning act the mayor said and added the town shouldnt bow to special interest groups for every plan please see lebovic page 3 1 1 1 1 brand new 1993 bistpuci vuars jjyjj mlusifm jmim 24 months rock nip open unoote window ana more imokr 21973tsllni96t brand new 1993 villager gs iistnia brand nsw 1993 villager ls 24 months includes 7 paw loaded 8 way power seat aluminum wheels pvent windows privacy glass hip gcdewindowmcve msrp234mt s01397t but ma 01lulsk 369mo 24 months brand niw 1993 villager ls includes loaded 8 woy pseot lone paint high level audio system ouiinwn wheels mom msrp 25495t sfclil5t jest ma ouumht titno 24 months includes loaded leather power moon roof quods handling suspension keyless entry system more msrpj29lltslk13t agx brand new i 994 best nia sable gs wagon jj j mum rat 24 months 38 l v6 ac pw pl fib cruise console more msrf2828ot stk1197c i mjww markvillems iititi mm bmw it new service hours mon thurs fri 730 am 530 pm tues wed 730 am 830 pm son pneo ft put invent km uxbt pemrt beau oq down i t mssr lof ftpffvkt ontf w fiwdtf fll lof w5l zlm mawcham 4v u 1 lit 1 iri j3 t i rr ww sxsz i fcktbagaqaafcscgzb asjmr rrrr 1 1 vff jt7