mmmmmmmm mkst u if i i iiit s- the 90s silver lining is hidden the 1990s thus far have earned the reputation of a blighted era recession the widening gap between rich and poor and a scarcity of lead ers who can be trusted make this a decade wed probably like to forget but to turn a dickens phrase it is the worst of times it is the best of times in spite of the economic situ ation and the ripple effect it has the political changes which have come about in this decade will be remembered long after the last soup line is discontinued east and west germany became one follow ing the tearing down of the berlinwalla year earlier that lead to the demise of commu- viewpoint paula crowell nism in all of eastern europe and the former soviet union political and economic pres sure has had a profound effect on south africa and while its people are still suffering from the strife black south africans are closer to attaining their civil rights than ever before this week people all over the world watched as palestinian liberation organization chief yasser arafat shook hands with former arch enemy yitzhak rabin israels prime v minister the two men embarked on a peace process which they hope will see an end to fighting between israelis and palestini ans none of these momentous events translates into instant positive change but 10 or 12 years before they werent even in the realm of possibility perhaps when the human situation reaches its lowest ebb people decide that change must be dramatic to shake us out of the doldrums whatever the reason for these steps in the right direc- hospital seeks support as abortions ongoing an open letter to the people of markham and stouffville the directors of the markham- stoufiville hospital are presently soliciting donations from individ uals and businesses in this area to support the hospital fundrais- ing campaign although we acknowledge that the hospital is providing a service to our com munity in some areas we nonetheless question the integri ty of a hospital board which would allow abortionists to be on staff abortionists who deliberate ly kill about 200 helpless unborn children each year distressed expectant mothers should be offered practical and emotional help but the hospital board at the annual meeting in june of 1992 refused to even consider the implementation of a program of informed consent whereby the mother is given information regarding the abor tion procedure and advised of the alternatives common sense dictates that it is only when a person has all the facts regarding a situation that he or she can make a wise deci sion and these mothers are denied the truth about abortion you have a decision to make you could give your money to the hospital while they continue to kill more babies or you could wait until the policy on abortion is changed to ensure that the life of every human being who enters the markhamstounville hospi tal is respected your decision whether or not to donate to the markham-stouf- fville hospital at this time must editors mail be based on the above the choice is yours jerry young director york south right to life association editors note the markham stouffville hospital responds the resolution informed consent put forward at the annual gener al meeting on june 23 1993 dealt with issues which are specific to the physicianpatient relation ship and as such are not duties of the hospital neither the hospital nor the board of directors of the hospital have authority to specifi cally interfere with or direct con duct of a physicians clinical prac tise because the content of this resolution clearly fell outside the jurisdiction of the annual general meeting and the hospital board it was ruled out of order the pro cess of obtaining informed con sent is a fundamental element of the relationship between physi cians and their patients adam adam by brian basset notwviel ttefkstwfse tion they offer us hope to over come obstacles closer to home if israelis and palestinians are attempting peace surely we can live in harmony with newlyarrived immigrants if former communist states are offering people freedom then surely we can set new examples that people who are free also have the right to food shelter education and opportu nities to improve their lives let that be the legacy of the 1990s markham economist and sun stouffville tribune uxbridge tribune weekender edition a metroland community newspaper patwciapafpaspubiisher jo ann stevenson editoriihaief paula crowell editor andrewmair editor debra weller director of advertising barrigoodyeardireetorofdistribution vivian cneil business manager pamela nichols operations manager mu 2942200 sales 7987624 classi fied 2944331 stouflvffle 6402100 v uxferldge852974l 2948244 distribution and administration 9 heritage bd markham lsp 1m2 fax markham 2941638 stouffviue 640- 6477 uxbridge 8524355 the markham economist and sun stoufiville tri bune and uxbridge tribune published every wednesday and saturday is one of the metroland printing puwishing and distributing poupof subur ban newspapers which includes ajax pickering news advertiser barrie advance brampton guardian burlington post collingwood connection gtobicoke guardian the liberal georgetown inde pendentacton free press kingston this week lindsay this week milton canadian champion missisauga news north york mirror oakville beaver onllia today oshawawhitby this week peterborough this week scarborough mirror the era banner contents not to be reproduced without written permission from the publisher v ft sports is half mental 99 per cent of the time if lever needed a brain trans- plant id choose a sports writ ers because fd want a brain that had never been used norm van brocklin good old norm was a football player back in the 60s who was known for long yards and a short fuse he was especially quicktempered around sports writers especially when they asked stupid questions which sports writers do a good deal of the time but then look what they have to work with after all milliondollar short stops and megabuck goalies dont exactly have to be rhodes scholars to do what they do for a living aside from their god- given ability athletes only need about five cliches to deke their way through the average sports interview knuckles how much would you say each player is giving out there today ummmmm id say a hun- nert an ten per cent floyd and how are you going to fin ish the race for the pennant uhhbh were gonna play it one game at a time and how would you describe your teammates id say that they came to play floyd what about your opponents uhhh well ya gotta remember they put on their skatescleawrunning shoesjock straps one leg at a time floyd and whats the most impor tant thing to remember when youre bearing down on that goalhooponeyard linedart- boardpool cue duhhh id say concentration floyd somebody once asked the great gordie howe if he was bilingual gordie replied all hockey players are bilingual they speak english and profani ty well some athletes are trilingual yogi berra comes to mind the famous yankee catcher spoke a dialect so con voluted and esoteric that he was its only known practitioner some famous berraisms you can learn a lot by watch ing if the people dont wanna come out to the ballpark basic black arthur black t nobodys gonna stop them a nickel aint worth a dime anymore ninetynine per cent of this game is half mental yogi wasnt the only sports fig ure to mangle the language when someone asked georgia basketball coach hugh graham to describe his philosophy graham replied its not how good you can play when you play good its how good you play when you play bad and we can play bad as good as anyone in the couiu try with raw material like that its no wonder sports writers strike out once in a while but perhaps not for much longer i shudder to report that there is a new computer pro gram available from a firm in missouri its aimed at newspa pers which regularly carry high school football summaries and it kind of cuts out the middle man which is to say the sports writer what the zybrainics spdrtswriter pro gram does is submit a ques tionnaire to the coach of the team the questionnaire has spaces for opponent game date game location and weather then it has a series of blanks preceded by questions such as in comparison to our talent opponent was clearly inferi orroughly equalclearly superi or assessment of your teams performance coachs quote game winning score or play quartertimedescription start with player name the macdonaldization of sports reporting it had to come reminds me of the story about the excuse milwaukee brewers infielder jim gantner used to explain why he missed a sched uled interview on a radio show jeez i clean forgot i musta had ambrosia v t x i i t i t t j j 1 1