sainsbury unhappy with yorks vision 2021 plan for the future tm3mjmmmmm5 from page 1 smaller areas to protect green space the vision document she maintains leaves smaller municipalities holding the funding bag to preserve lands while larger towns rake in the industrial tax dol lars sainsbury said a section in the 24page vision report regarding preservation of yorks environment fails to make funding commitments to help preserve land its all well and good to preserve and conserve this and protect that but where is the money going to come from who is going to pay the mayor wants the region to set up a compensation package or a fair and equi table tax distribution system to help smaller municipalities deal with development freezes through extensive environmental protection measures yorks vision docu ment which will be incorpo rated into its firstever offi cial plan this fall describes an overall shape and direc- tion for york region over the next 30 years the vision will serve as a blueprint for determining the level and type of services to be provided and the condi tions governing new develop ment in the region the report prepared by brian strom of intersol consulting associates limited states york region proved this week that it already fails to fork over its share of funding for environmental projects after refusing to help pay for a phosphorus reduction study at musselman lake sains bury pointed out this is stagnation without compensa tion ninety per cent of my municipality is affected by this book sainsbury said despite the mayors request that a compensation package be set up to provide for fund ing of preservation officials failed to support her bid several regional councillors argue the document is merely a guideline to provide the way of life residents have request ed anything we would do would obviously have to be within the bounds of our financial capabilities markham councillor carole bell said regional councillors call for safeguards from welfare abuse tracy kibble staff reporter york region must protect itself against people who inten tionally quit goodpaying jobs to collect from the already over burdened welfare system said one regional politician last week markham mayor frank scarpitti said during a meeting in newmarket last week that he didnt want a slew of york region residents following the lead of a metroarea woman who publicly announced her intentions to quit a 41500-a- year government job to collect welfare under what circumstances can a person quit a quality job and go on welfare scarpitti asked scarpitti called for sweeping changes to the current system to prevent ablebodied workers from quitting jobs to collect from taxpayers i dont agree with any poli cies that force people to quit but we have to stop incidents like this scarpitti said the councillor was referring to a metro toronto housing authority employee who quit her 41500ayear post claim ing she can make nearly as much on welfare and be home to care for her two children helle hulgaard a single mother said she nets 1993 from her job and can bring home 1973 collecting welfare her public statement caused a citywide public furor howev er as metro residents lit up government switchboards to voice their disgust in hul- gaards decision welfare workers later said she miscalculated the amount she would receive stating it would amount to just over half of what she nets from working scarpitti asked if there is some way york regional staff can turn down or screen appli cants that quit jobs to collect social assistance calling it a misuse of a system designed for those who are unable to find work but community services com missioner peter crichton said single mothers make up a large portion of welfare collectors in the region and there really isnt much he can do to prevent it but crichton said there are implications that are consid ered with each case well i know of some single parents who stay home and earn much less than 41000 a year and get along fine scarpitti said crichton will prepare a report special concert announcement tickets are now on sale for alaimah myles september 4 1993 presented by club mirage and georgina against garbage tickets 20person for information call 7226747 club mirage baldwin hwy 8 nmcmtlm south of sutton night club t rrv registering now for september registration in person and program information thursday september 2 1993 900 1100 am or 700 800 pm stouffvitte fyfontessori school 254 sunset blvd stoufrville 4773452 tvv m y x v ttv n whitchurchstouffviue minor hockey association final registration wednesday september 1 1993 700 830 pm at the recreation centre whitchurchstouffviue hydro 6209 main street stouffville ontario telephone 6401902 notice to residents pursuant to a plan established by whitchurchstouffviue hydroelectric commission to meet the obligations under the social contract act their office and operations will be closed on the following days friday september 3 friday october 8 friday november 12 thursday december 30 emergency services will not be affected the stouffville bia and the whitchurchstouffviue chamber of commerce present an evening with hazel mccallion mayor of mlssissauga topic running a small business during the recession wednesday septembers 1993630 pm sleepy hollow golf and country club tickets 20 includes hot and cold hors doeuvres tea coffee advance tickets available at stouffville tribune stouffville sun office freckles on main st or call the whitchurchstoufmlle chamber of commerce for more information at 6424227 qaacaxjoa hoaa 2uxa r1ngwood plaza invites you in for a complimentary colour whaircut call rina becky 6425374 by appt please offer good on tuesdays only till end of october 1993 b m