w ww consolidated statement of operations year ended december 31 1992 sources of financing taxation and user charges residential and farm taxation commercial industrial and business taxation taxation from other governments user charges budget 12s2 19143571 4795020 162095 1796544 actual 1992 5031502 160992 1701865 applied to current operations general government protection to persons and property transportation services environmental services health services recreation and cultural services planning and development capital general government protection to persons and property transportation services environmental services recreation and cultural services planning and development appropriations to reserves and reserve funds municipal fund balances at the end of the year note 6 to be used to offset to be recovered from taxation or user charges unexpended capital financing capital operations not yef permanently financed total applications during the year 672804 11411223 1119407 128331 11853 actual 1991 budget 1992 actual 1992 actual 1991 1416430 1417473 1478628 1150563 39184 2146377 440807 1410150 1347272 1298084 1307891 41458 2162903 425769 1406312 1359681 1494520 1093013 36603 2182162 655094 8089462 7993527 8227385 177672 839340 346565 740460 528220 16700 120699 54310 284267 214922 347802 259855 84435 860468 282872 616905 4157 2648957 1 022000 2108692 the accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement taxation and user charges and grants amounts requisitioned underlevies overlevies for the year underlevies overlevies beginning of year underlevies overlevies end of year mmm school boards 15983707 15981873 1834 1849 region 3523176 3566686 43510 26807 total 1992 19506883 19548559 41676 28656 nskiriv- total 1991 17823563 17813581 9982 38638 15 70317 70332 28656 19178847 17816285 4575471 159310 4 1748624 24897230 26073206 24299690 deduct regional and school boards share note 2 19286478 6610752 19506883 6566323 17823563 6476127 grants government of canada province of ontario 2600 1514926 2906 1070321 2606 1387800 other contributions from developers investment income other 102880 567290 1077026 360897 651100 604897 452139 1025619 559769 appropriations from reserves and reserve funds 1462009 921228 1141583 municipal fund balances at the beginning of the year note 6 to be used to offset to be recovered from taxation or user charges 66265 66265 582104 unexpended capital financing 140005 140005 221818 total financing available during the year 11411223 10251412 11849565 1439748 66265 140005 trustfunds trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to 302690 1 991 291 351 have not been included in the consolidated balance sheet nor have their operations been included in the consolidated statement of operations pension agreement the municipality makes contributions to the ontario municipal employees retirement fund omers which is a multiemployer plan on behalf of the members of its staff the plan is a defined benefit plan which specifies the amount of the retirement benefit to be received by the employees based on the length of service and rates of pay the amount contributed to omers for 1992 was 175698 1991 138072 for current service and is included as an expenditure on the consolidated statement of operations 5 net longterm liabilities a the balance of the net longterm liabilities reported on the consolidated balance sheet is made up of the following issz 1991 the municipality has assumed responsibility forthe payment of principal and interest charges on certain longterm liabilities issued by the region of york at the end of the year the principal amount of this liability is 950922 1172174 of the longterm liabilities shown above the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges for tile drainage has been assumed by individuals at the end of the year the outstanding principal amount of this liability is net longterm liabilities at the end of the year 10251412 11849565 9922 11174 941000 1161000 b of the net longterm liabilities reported in a of this note principal payments are payable as follows 1993 to 1997 808000 from general municipal revenues from reserve funds from benefiting landowners 106000 27000 941000 6 c the municipality is contingently liable for longterm liabilities with respect to tile drainage and for those for which the responsibility for the payment of principal and interest has been assumed by other municipalities school boards and unconsolidated local boards municipal enterprises and utilities the total amount outstanding as at december 31 1992 is 9922 1 991 1 1 1 74 and is not recorded on the consolidated balance sheet municipal fund balances at the end of the year a the balances on the consolidated statement of operations of the municipal fund balance 11 6478 1 991 73740 at the end of the year are comprised of the following general reduction increase of taxation general reduction of user charges benefiting landowners relating to special charges and special areas acquisition of fixed assets to be recovered from sale of niches acquisition of fixed assets to be recovered from proceeds on sale of properties acquisition of fixed assets to be recovered from proceeds of long term liabilities funds available for the acquisition of fixed assets b approval of the ontario municipal board has been obtained for the pending issues of long- term liabilities and for those commitments to be financed from revenues beyond the term of council 1992 1991 22283 27392 156583 10707 78656 79611 128331 66265 5913 13413 29890 47034 60469 70984 213887 11853- 140005 116478 73740 by management as well in our opinion these position of the trust december 31 1992 and with the accounting markham canada march 19 1993 licence number 1251 year balance beginning of year revenues sale of plots interest earned excess campaign donations expenditures transfer to operations charity payments other forgiveness of debt balance end of the year assets cash term deposits other ontario homa renewal loans receivable note 2 liabilities due to town balance the notes 1 accounting a basis of these financial administered by the the municipalitys separately b basis of accounting source of financing 2 ontario home the ontario home 1973 to provide grants rehabilitate and 7500 of which the ontario home repayable loans of forgiveness is earned and occupancy in the ceasing to occupy the loan immediately