a8 tribune december 28 1988 take care walking among grazing cows with calves by wm baxter agricultural representative durham west durham west a farmer in the northern part of this area responded to considerable bellowing among his herd of cows one evening last fall he im mediately grabbed his gun and jan to the field to his surprise discovered the animals had treed four black bears j a cousin of mine when quite young was attacked and serious ly injured by a shorthorn cow with a calf by its side the peaceful look of a herd of cows grazing with their calves can be misleading these cows like all protective mothers will react to any real or imagined threat to their offspring unlike human mothers they tend to act first and ask questions later farm workers are advised to use extreme caution when mov ing among grazing cows especially when they have calves how fast can you climb a tree strangers should never cross a pasture cows can run faster than 20 milesperhour over short distances trip to art school a hassle by kate gilderdale stouffville stouff- ville and area students atten ding unionville high school for the arts program there are facing a difficult transporta tion problem trustee harry bowes has advised the tribune that one parent is making a presenta tion to york region board of education on this matter jan 16 we wont be doing anything until we hear what she has to say explained bowes mr bowes said a bus from stouffville serves don head secondary school travelling along major mackenzie drive its possible he suggested that the five stouffville students going to uhs could possibly avail themselves of this opportunity they could be dropped off en route he stated margaret brock duchess street stouffville has two sons attending unionville high we fear the program will become elitist serving only those students who can get to it she said only those who live in the unionville area or who have a second car and a nonworking parent can take advantage of the program she claims at present one mother working in scarborough drives past the school she pro vides transportation for some of the students another father takes the rest mrs brock usually picks the young people up if she has room often she returns later for one of her sons who sometimes stays for sports practice mrs brock says she knows of one grade 9 student who rides the bus daily from 63d to 8 am to get home this same boy takes markham transit to markville then transfers to a go bus the trip extends from 1 to 315 pm thats three to three-and-a- half hours travelling every day she notes 1 tmmtimwwmwttt our sincere best wishes to you and your am ily for a happy healthy and very prosperous new year if i