tribune november 2 1988 c3 barn storming windy weather last week took its toll on this barned owned by stan and- elva newmarches of stouffer street the barn built in 1932 was no match for the chilly blasts of wind mr newmarches was in the midst of putting a fresh coat of paint on the old barn and cleaning up around it when the wind swept into town pnotojim thomas 4710530 bukxk business centre for larger sizes 14 maternity weac 1 canicsantre iso busock drive kghray7 i mccowanroad maridam road 48 scotiamcleod have your ri y has remembrance day lost its meaning sue sherban i dont think its lost its meaning i think they still recognize it in the schools at assemblies just like they did when we were kids h i l lag jkx 5s l rsk jh- 1l liv steve payne yes i think it has lost its mean ing people glorify war now especially in the business i am in theatre film and television theres almost two generations now that havent known war and i suppose thats something to be proud of if you are confused about the relative merits of the many alternative income investments you are not alone now scotiamcleod has prepared a brief easy- toread booklet which is designed to strip away the mystery and confusion learn howtoevaluateinvest- ments for safety liquidity and maximum aftertax returns this booklet wiil be a valuable reference guide for all serious investors free booklet important topics include taxation mutual funds interest term deposits dvidends gics for your complimentary copy treasury bills canadasavings bonds bonds and debentures call 4772022 nancy constable it probably has lost the meaning it had for our parents our children are two generations removed from it and it doesnt even mean the same thing to us as it did for our parents please send me a complimentary copy of your new booklet entitled investing for income telephone bus res scot amcleoddervs please 5wenamoojyouscrfiamcleodinvesmcriiekecutw send to scota mcleod inc ste tot 3100 steefes a east markham ont l3s 9t3 construx lazer demon 59 or mlf galaxy voyageur 34 construx light pack 29 or v power pack 27 two military vehicles our buy 1 get 1 free fisher price construx offer is good as long as supplies last v