b6 economist suntribune february 24 1988 antiques art 340 norman knott paintings 2 limited editions calling and alert 2 originals 1977 untitled 9 geese 1981 free butterflies 6407209 cars wanted 405 gokds j towing also will tow away your old cars i- 8871397 tracks for sale 410 17 r ton gmc pick up truck asking 80000 work 6402111 brian home after 6 pm 888- vbns 4 wheel drive 420 7385 dodge caravan 5 speed 5 passenger latest sell call 4736239 msm suzuki jeep white with white top exce- lt condition 66000 km call 2340459 even ings weekends 510 feieral help motice to advertisers the ontario hu- rpen rights code prohibits discrimination be- rxjjjse of age sex marital status race creed nationality ancestry or place of origin in compliance with this code this newspaper reserves the right to make the necessary changes in advertising copy school bus driver wanted in markhamstouffvillearea for mote information call travblways 2945104 part time days we are a childrens wear com pany who requires a multi- faceted individual to handle a wide variety of duties includ ing limited clerical responsibi lities knowledge of childrens fashions would be helpful near highways 7 and 404 7334518 petr0 canada great for school students part time gas attendants required immediately apply to east end service main tenth stouffville 6405822 parkview home parkview village requires a part time cook for its dining room experience an asset also dining room service day time and evening positions are avail able interested persons may apply at parkview village 70 ninth line south stouffville or call 6401940 part time sales help 23 days a week stouffville florist 6402025 scotts chickenvilla full and part time positions available apptyat 467 main st w stouffville 6404163 general help 510 4 full time positions shadex corp a leading manufacturer in window coverings has openings for light assembly in our mar- kham facility we offer com petitive starting rates call for interview ask for rick shadex corp 121 mcpherson street nearwardensteeles markham ont 4758235 general help 510 a career in trucking transport drivers needed now is the time to train for your class a license for prescreening interview and job place ment information contact merv orrs transport driver training brampton 18002653559 bethany lodge home for the aged requires dietary staff an opportunity to work with the elderly in your community pleasant working conditions full time or part time 4773838 unionville check your ads for accuracy on the first day the markham economist sun cannot be responsible for the cost of more than one incorrect insertion any errors in the classified ads section should be called to the attention of the classified department on the first day of publication call 2942200 counter help 6hour full time part time for donut shop mccowanhwy 7 call 2940955 caretaker mdva 4 hours daily flexible 2940103 or 4774913 retired and want to be semiretired warehouse work shipping receiving odd job person required phone 8875822 well estabushed beauty salon requires experienced full time or part time hair stylist call 6402653 or after 6 pm 8871121 woodworking shop now hiring assemblers labourers lumber handlers 6404788 jotjkneys end motels requires the following staff immediately housekeepers apply in person to 8330 woodbine avenue athwy7 markham ontario white rose s3w ciafis and nuisclrsates iimj1eo white rose crafts and nursery is growing our new port union location to open in the spring we currently have full time positions available in the following locations whitby unionville scarborough port union join the industry leader positions available in the following areas e crafts nursery cashiers e indoor plants bookkeepers hardware please send resume for consideration to mr j eichler white rose crafts and nursery ltd 4038 hwy 7 east unionville ontario l3r 2l5 help wanted join our winning team canadian tire petroleum division has immediate job opening as follows fulltime and parttimeday and evening shifts self serve gas bar cashiers we have flexible work schedules and competitive wages our excel lent benefit package includes bonuses ohip dental and major iviedical coverage also be sure to ask about our profit sharing plan qualifications if you are interested in working with people and looking for a challeng ing career onthejob training is provided pick up the telephone and make an appointment by calling cathy branget at 416 2943960 or visit our pit stop located at canadian tire pit stop 935 8675 mccowan road mccowan road north of highway 7 markham ontario all students seniors and homemakers welcome call today join a winning team ritstop assembly help a well established manufacturer of electricai devices has a new modern facility ready for production we have immediate and future openings on our afternoon shift for light assem bly workers we offer competitive wages and benefits this is an excellent opportunity for motivated flexible people to grow with a company that offers a high quality work environment and a participative management philosophy easy access by ttc apply in person at northern devices inc 35 dynamic drive markham road finch ave area scarborough ontario social worker community services department senior citizens division the regional municjntty d m requires a dynami and innovative individual to provide a contact poinl or seniors requesting admission to york manor home lor hie aged on a temporary lull line up to six maths basis rcsponsmties include die completion ol documcnwion and assessment lorms rebting to admission and the provision ol preadmission adjustment and on going counselling ser vices lo residents and llieir lamfcs ouaificalkms a university degce in social work and operience in social services lor the dderry in a communily selling preference ivl be given to carxtdates vilh specialised training in gerontology a car is essential salary si107b8 to 127985 biwcchy with a cornpreliensrc benefit package ouoting competilion no 88 m please submit idler ol application and detailed resume ol education and operience by march 488 only those candidates selected lor an interview wo be contacted human resources department the regional municipally ol york box 147 newmarket ontario l3y 4w9 position available picture framer- learnatrade experienced picture framer accounts receivable clerk 4758181 between 4 pm 6 pm warehouse person full time year round position available immediately for our unionville location salary commensurate with experience excellent be nefits apply in person to terry reid warehouse manager white rose crafts nursery ltd 4038 hwy 7 unionville ontario dairy queen counter help evenings weekends salary based on experience with regular reviews apply in person weekdays only 2 pm 430 pm 10 wellington street east markham road highway 7 markham production chanics a well established manufacturer of electrical de vices has a new modern facility ready for produc tion we have immediate need on our afternoon shift for production mechanics in our and compression moulding departments candidates should possess 35 years experi ence with electrical pneumatic and hydraulic machinery maintenance and repair we offer competitive wages and benefits this is an excellent opportunity for motivated flexible people to grow with a company that offers a high quality work environment and a participative management philosophy easy access by ttc apply in person at northern devices inc 35 dynamic drive markham road finch ave area scarborough ontario new distribution centre located in valleywood business park markham immediate openings for experienced warehouse people must have own transportation hours 800 to 430 pm order processing coordinator salary range 19000 22000 experience in order processing document control preparation of bill of ladings and manifest typing filing telephones general office pc with lotus experience will be helpful warehouse people general hourly experienced order pickers loading and unloading trucks drive lift trucks both conventional sit down and stand up narrow aisle good mathematical skills send resumes to clopay corporation 35 valleywood drive markham ontario l3r 5e5 attn joe corder eoe mf warehouse person warehouse person possibility of progressing to inside sales good opportunity for right person hwy 404 stouffville road area apply to mrs bailey 8881164 counter help dairy queen 65 0 hour part time lunch hours 34 hours per day regular salan reviews apply in person weekdays only 2 pm 430 pm 10 wellington street east markham road highway 17 markham landscape maintenance and snow service crew leader re quired immediately experienced also part time and full time help top wages markham area 4749582 high profile company multi operators bindery worker required in print shop in richmond hill full or part time days call bob 7311132