tribune november 11 1987 c17 mill st rezoning has residents concerned by robin robinson rezoning on mill street has given some residents concern about the future marketability of their homes a delegation of mill street residents came to the ux- bridge township planning and development committee meeting november 2 to ask the township to straighten out their zoning woes the three properties back onto the electric light creek and have been given a special bylaw designation that con trols building and develop- recyling coming to uxbridge by robin robinson uxbridge township will start a waste recycling prog ram next spring the move is part of a re gion wide recycling prog ram initiated in 1986 the program is getting into full swing with many large muni cipalities slated to begin curb- side pickup of glass tins and paper this fall smaller muni cipalities are joining the prog ram on a staggered basis but the small communities wont be providing curbside pickup instead uxbridge township will purchase col lection boxes where residents can deposit recyclable mate rial according to regional councillor don jackson uxbridge will start recycl ing in the spring he said three sites will be located across the township the program which is funded in part by the provin cial government is designed to reduce the amount of waste being dumped in local landfill sites municipalities now pay a gate fee of 1807 per tonne to dump in regional sites jackson said that money will be diverted to the recycling program to help finance the operation initially recycling is not expected to save money for uxbridge township but in the future the savings could be dramatic jackson said when the regional dumps are full uxbridge township may have to take its waste to the metro brock west landfill site where the gate fees are almost triple jackson added according to a major study done by the region durham has received 475000 in capit al grants from the environ ment ministry and the ontario multi material recycling inc to help finance a recycling building and to purchase col lection boxes an additional 330000 is anticipated to purchase col lection vehicles and the region has applied for an operating grant of 243700 the balance of the projected 1988 operating cost is expected to be recouped by selling recyclables and di verting gate fees to the program a fiveyear financial fore cast indicates the program should operate on a finan cially self supporting basis but if the cost of recycling paddinotons ldxt is coming to the promenade soon climbs in the future any deficit will have to be borne by the area municipalities ment on the lands but delega tion spokesperson tom robin son is worried the bylaw may prevent residents from re building on the land if the ex isting homes were destroyed by fire or a similar accident there is no provision to re place property should it be damaged robinson told the committee should our houses burn to the ground would we be issued a building permit according to robinson that could affect the homes value and make it difficult for own ers to sell in future what happens if someones looking at the homes and thinking of buying and the lawyer says by the way that home sits in a control bylaw area and if destroyed you may not be able to rebuild robinson said previously the land upon which the homes sit was given a residential zoning while parts of the backyard were zoned environmentally pro tected but township planner john mcdermott assured the delegation that the special bylaw is only intended to freeze development while re zoning takes place he said provincial legisla tion makes allowances for re building and would supercede the temporary municipal bylaw there is no prohibition in terms of use you would be able to rebuild if your home was destroyed by causes beyond your control mcder mott said mcdermott said he would check his interpretation of the bylaw to ensure it was cor rect in the future the lands will be rezoned according to very detailed maps that specify the creeks floodplain flood channel and spillway it could result in a three part rezoning that allows develop ment in the residential area development with controls in flood areas and no develop ment in the channel itself he said lease special 1988 olds cutlass ciera only 27995 per month equipped as follows 4 doorautomatic power steering rack pinion power brakes power windows metallic paint luxury cloth trim dual mirrors centre arm rest free amfm stereo cassette w s side window defogger rear window defroster dome lamps deluxe wheel discs halogen headlamps body side mouldings white side walls steel belted radials free air conditioning whether you currently own or lease this is a unique offer at a special price 27995month for more information about this outstanding offer or to enquire about other special car deals call 416 9280263 we lease all makes of cars and trucks price subject to change quantities are limited offer valid unlil dec 12 1987 this special offer is only available to you by appointment call now 416 9280263 hoj leasing markham please bring ihis advertisement with you