Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 24, 1987, p. 4

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a4 tribune june 24 1987 s editors mail barbaric dear editor the result of the stevens poll re the death penalty was extremely interesting and not surprising its very easy for most of us to say kill him her knowing full well well never have to pull the switch im sure the result would be much different if we were once witness to an electrocution or a hanging whatever the chosen form of death its barbaric regardless of what the politi cians decide i doubt well ever see it carried out only the threat of death will be on the books giving the electorate peace of mind and letting the elected off the hook sincerely gordon dickson thicketwood blvd stouffville fortunate dear editor a brief note to say how much 1 appreciated your roaming around column of may 27 related to toron tos sick childrens hospital it is truly a caring place as any mother or father will tell you the fact a staff nurse would attend the funeral of a patient tells me even more about sick kids your writeup brought tears to my eyes thank you for sharing this per sonal opinion i agree with every thing you said how fortunate we are to have an institution of this calibre so close at hand sincerely mrs andrea dawson rr 1 claremont the tribune jennifer hutt distribution manager established 1888 james thomas bruce annan patricia pappas editor publisher advertising manage community editor chris shanahan sports editor alan shackleton display advertising dept lome hillier retail advertising lome hillier manager charles canning real estateclassified advertising joan marshman real estale manager dorothy young classilied manager debra welter distribution lea killer doreen beacon business office manager chris bertram national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 the stoulfville tribune published every wednesday and saturday at 54 main st stouffville ont ts one ol the metroland printing publishing distributing group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press ajax pickering news advertiser aurora banner brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke advertiser guardian georgetown independent markham economist sun milton champion mississauga news newmarket era oakville beaver oshawa whitby this week richmond hilt thornhill vaughan liberal scarborough mirror topic newsmagazine willow- dale mirror metroland printing publishing distributing is a division of harleoum enterprises lrd single copies 50e subscriptions 52 1 00 per year in canada s65 00 elsewhere member ol canadian com munity newspaper association ontario weekly newspaper association ontario press council and sub urban newspapers of america second class mail registration number 0896 6402100 6492292 guest column- no match for big red by denise mcdonald editorials applaud smoking ban four times and out the york region board of education after sidestepping the issue on three previous occasions has met the school property smoking problem headon and approved a ban to the eight members supporting the motion a standing ovation to the seven members opposed six hisses and a boo while we dont wish to dwell on the negative reasons given for not support ing the ban were pathetic more education said one i dont think we should compel any one not to smoke stated another whitchurchstouf fvilles harry bowes fears the ruling cant be enforced it can and it will principal peter festival fun for everyone its strawberry festival week in whitchurchstouffville a time to let down your hair kick up your heels and enjoy activities planned for the days ahead while something for everyone is a wornout cliche the description truly fits the many events arranged between june 24 and july 1 on wednesday tonight for exam ple theres the lionssponsored beef barbecue from 530 to 730 pm in the stouffville park the whitchurch- stouffville concert band will perform from 7 to 8 pm with a street dance to follow from 8 until midnight if lawn bowlings to your liking catch some of the games until 430 in the after noon or from 730 until 9 at night the feature attraction thursday is the miss whitchurchstouffville pageant at the high school 730 pm and a tri bute to lome boadway the towns 1987 citizen of the year at nine a euchre tournament is scheduled for the silver jubilee club from 1 to 5 pm with free swimming at the town pool from 3 to 530 the list goes on and on culminating in a monster fireworks display at the town park july 1 canada day between times theres a teen dance friday a people parade a baby con test a pet contest a piceating con test a big wheel contest a bike de corating contest a pancake breakfast a dance in latcham hall and a slopitch tournament saturday a community worship service and a strawberry so cial sunday theres even more while we dont expect everyone to take in everything wc urge you to attend at least some of the things and make the festival worthwhile 4 h bright has assured us of this markham member margaret mcdo nald even went so far as to suggest smok ing on school property is not a minis try of education matter but a problem for the ministry of health talk about passing the buck but enough of the negative we slap ped their wrists before we commend those eight trustees who voted on the side of the majority and gained a majority vote as close as it was 8 to 7 majority rules the york region board of education is back in our good books again our only regret were never totally satisfied is the fact the nosmoking poli cy doesnt come into effect for an entire year september 1988 but better late than not at all while whitchurchstouffvilles vast array of motorcycle enthusiasts are finally standing up and proclaiming their rights to individuality its sad to note one man no longer has this oppor tunity on june 24 stouffville area resident mike waltons 1983 candy apple red har- leydavidson valued at over 15000 was stolen from his ninth line south re sidence after yoars of working and sav ing to fulfill a lifetime dream of owning an exceptional motorcycle he no longer has anything to show for it im sure many people never having owned a motorcycle or known the joy associated with riding one will find it hard to sympathize too often the newspapers are filled with accounts of deaths and accidents resulting from crashes involving such vehicles in most cases readers are quick to blame those collisions on the motorcycle rather than the rider mur- dercycle is a common expression used by the uninformed personally my sympathy goes out to mike not only is he a close friend but his decker was the source of admiration and adulation among many mike and i are only two in a large group of friends who own or ride harley- davidsons were not clubbers but rather a group of people who share a common love motorcycles usually just mentioning the name harleydavidson is enough to bring to mind visions of motorcycle gangs such as hells angels paradice riders black diamond riders and the outlaws however anyone would have difficulty branding a group of people consisting of a foster mother an electrician a mecha nic an insurance agent an electrical en gineer a journalist and an auto parts mechanic to name a few with the same iron not once have we been labelled just a rowdy bunch of bikers not once have we been considered a public nuisance not once have we caused destruction to other peoples property in fact were looked upon as the exact opposite by anyone knowing us very few places will you find a more charitable considerate and giving group in fact many of us are proud to say weve participated in the metropoli tan toronto toy run to help gather games and stuffed animals for needy children its in this respect we find accepting the theft of mikes harleydavidson dou bly hard to swallow both mike and wife georgette feel the person or persons responsible knew him and his activities very well how else whould anyone know the harley was stored in a barn rather than up near the house as is customary for most motorcycle owners why would they leave behind a 1968 triumph bonneville stored in the same place unless they knew exactly what- they were after its sad to think many future harley- davidson owners myself included will now sit anxiously wondering whose bike will be taken next when once our group would have- scrimped and saved to put extra chrome and customparts on our motorcycles to make them stand out in a crowd maybe now well think twice after all mikes harley was fully customized and extremely distinctive on the street maybe that was its downfall- according to york regional police theres little if any chance the bike will be recovered by now its probably in a thousand pieces with the serial num bers ground off waiting for an unsus pecting buyer looking for parts i hope the person or persons responsi- ble can sleep well at night as for mike im sure hell soon buy another harleydavidson but somehow it just wont seem the same without the big red decker leading the way editors mail an indoor pool dear editor i am writing on the subject of the stouffville recreation center which was built just over two years ago although it is quite large the only facility there is an ice rink i feel there should also be a swimming pool and courts for games such as squash and tennis their voices were heard around the world back in the 1950s the stouffville youth for christ choir was a dominant musical force in the community not only did they sing locally but their voices were heard on several radio stations around the world several years ago mem bers held a reunion shown here at the organ is gladys ratcliff and standing left to right marion gostick had- dow barbara lliscy widcman shirley schcll doner and jean brown doner jim thomas i find it difficult to go for a swim in the colder weather because i need trans portation to markham which is the closest pool to where i live if there was a swimming pool and other facilities you could charge admis sion and eventually make a profit be cause stouffville is growing so quickly there will be more and more people us- ing the center so it would be appropriate if the recreation center was larger thank you for your time i would appreciate it if you would give me some information in regards to the expansion of the recreation center sincerely jenny hart 161 second street stouffville lions to celebrate dear jim the stouffville lions club is plan- ning a number of local activities in the coming year to celebrate its 50th anniversary these will focus attention on the club not only in the stouffville area but inter nationally as well the highlight will be our 50th anniversary banquet at spring lakes golf and country club in june 1988 the lions club is a nonprofit orga nization that through fundraising events and volunteers earns money for community services and needs each lion enjoys promoting the club we accomplish this by visiting other clubs and exchanging pins we are hoping to receive from some one a colored sketch depleting some thing or somewhere local in the town of whitchurchstouffville we also hope someone will portray hisher thoughts of what he thinks best represents the area the prize for the best submission js 150 for additional information please call me at 6402264 sincerely ivan harris pin contest chairman 50th anniversary committee stouffville lions club

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