a2 tribune may 13 1987 from out of the past dear editor recently i observed a group of men sweeping our main street i was astounded this is 1987 1 thought our town had progressed past this point were in the machine age doesnt our municipality have a moto- rized streetcleaner f i thought id entered a time zone of maybe 1927 surely our road mens hours could be put to better use amanda blake stouffville horse team was trafficstopper on hwy 1a fifty years ago a scene like this wouldnt war rant a glance but not today last week motor ists travelling hwy 1a between the brock road and cone 6 uxbridge twp gave this team second glances on the property of jim and de bbie nelligan rr 1 claremont the belgians are two of six horses owned by mr and mrs nelligan formerly of mississauga the driver with mrs nelligan going along for the ride is ray keough of caledon stoopscoop bylaw difficult to enforce t a iwi lr7 cvaima tender juicy new york stoipl01n new york style chicken wings tips removed chicago all beef wieners 3 kg 66 lbs approx 53 per box offeriexpiresmay4a87y i or whjle quantities tastt closed victoria day 8555 mccowan rd markham v h blk north of hwy 7 near the biway store li 4715260 3i1 of i vm to r x yc xr7 i by denise mcdonald stouffville irritated stouffville residents may have a long wait before town council im plements a stoop and scoop bylaw for dog owners walking their animals on public property its a good idea but a little pre mature said mayor fran sains- bury at a may 5 protection to per sons and property committee meeting according to chief building official bruce arrowsmith en forcement of such a ruling is ex tremely difficult by the time anyone arrives to investigate a complaint someone could pardon the expression re move the evidence said mayor eldercare manor retirement living v with the a pspfojts ofhorne sainsbury prior to feb 12 1987 municipa lities did not have legislative au thority to pass bylaws of this na ture however they are now emp owered to pass a regulation re quiring owners of dogs to keep their animals on leashes and clean up any excrement left by the dog at present markham and vaughan are the only municipali ties to implement this bylaw with a potential fine of up to 2000 but have reported selfevident diffi culties in its enforcement ninetynine per cent of the complaints we receive are from people who say their child fell in it while playing in the park said mr arrowsmith yet by the time we get there theres abso lutely no evidence for prosecu tion or someone who knows who the dog belongs to refuses to go to court and testify councillor margot marshall felt neighbors should be encouraged to watch over other dogowners and request them to use the scooper we dont have the staff to fol low everyone around she said im not so sure dogs have to be kept on leashes said councillor jim sanders however i think if we did have this sort of bylaw on the books it would reduce the problem but how do you prove it asked councillor wilf morley hand outs hand outs dear editor over the years people espe- cially those whose political think- ing is right of centre have com- plained of too much government- interference in their lives this is particularly true of those in the business and commercial world however when these same peo pie have a bad year and suffer a financial loss they ask the gov- eminent to bail them out with sub sidies grants and other goodies the western farmers have their demands the oil companies want tax concessions fruit grow- ers request help after losing their peach crops to frost parents want the government to look af- ter their children and so on a few years ago the ski resorts went through a bad winter with little snow they too requested assistance from the government to keep them out of the red on one hand its government keep out and on the other its government give me surely profits gleaned in pre- vious years should be able to offset one seasons loss provi sions should be made for this pos sibility i say let supply and demand dictate business in this way the market place should be able to take care of itself subsidies concessions and such only help create surpluses that tend to pile up in government warehouses these cant be sold or disposed of except under pro- duction costs supply and demand regulates production so why doesnt the government keep out of business at the production level and lessen the burden on its finances let the producer take the risk of loss the producer tends to be less efficient in management if there is a dependency on financial help from the government to con tinually bail him out i ask who is next on the govern- ment welfare list sincerely adam johnstone rr 1 stouffville notice to all residents of the town of markham notice of the passing of a bylaw to extend the effective period of interim control bylaw 16086 by the corporation ofthe town of markham take notice jfiat the council of the corporation of trie town of markham passed bylaw 1 6687 on the 28th day of april 1 987 under section 37 of the planning act 1983 to extend the period of time during which interim control bylaw number 160- 86 will be in effect and also take notice that the council of the town of markham has the authority to extend the period during which interim control bylaw number 16086 will be in effect from may 13th 1986 until september 30th 1987 and may further extend the period during which bylaw 16086 will be in effect to a total period not exceeding two years from the date of the passing of bylaw 16086 and further take notice that any person or agency may appeal to the ontario municipal board in respect of bylaw 16687 by filing with the clerk of the corporation of the town of markham not later than the 29th day of june 1987 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the bylaw and the reasons in support of the objection a copy of bylaw 16687 an explanation of the purpose and effect of the bylaw and a key map showing the location of the lands to which the bylaw applies are attached dated at the town of markham this 13th day of may 1987 gary f roseblade cmo cmc town clerk town of markham 8911 woodbine avenue markham ontario l3r1a1 explanatory note bylaw 16687 amending interim control bylaw 16086 the purpose and effect of bylaw number 16687 is to extend the period during which interim control bylaw 16086 will be in effect until september 30th 1987 interim control bylaw 16086 passed by the council of the town of markham on the 1 3th day of may 1986 applies to certain lands zoned with the following designations by bylaw 232568 as amended 1 a1 agricultural zone 2 rr1 rural residential zone 3 rr2 rural residential zone 4 rr4 rural residential zone generally the lands to which bylaw 16086 applies are situated between 16th avenue and 17th avenue major mackenzie drive east west of the 9th line and between the 9th line and the loli 0nssp6th of 16th avenue the hmitsrof the designated area of the bylaw are shown on sche dule heretoa more detailed plan showing the limits of the designated area shown bri schedules a b c d and e of bylaw 16086 may be examined in the office of the clerk during normal business hours only those lands within the designated area of bylaw 16086 and zoned a1 rr1 rr2 or rr4 are affected by this bylaw the purpose of interim control bylaw 16086 is to ensure that certain types of development may not occur on the subject lands while a study of land use policies and zoning is being undertaken the by law provides that the following uses will not be permitted on the subject lands during the period that the bylaw is in effect a cemetery a place of worship a medical clinic an elementary school a high school uses legally existing prior to approval of the bylaw are not affected the period during which interim control bylaw number 1 6086 is in effect is extended to septem ber 30th 1987 this bylaw may be further ex tended until may 11th 1988 in accordance with the provisions of the planning act 1983 but can not be extended beyond that date new zoning bylaws or amendments to bylaw 232568 as amended will be passed upon completier cf the required study the corporation of the town of markham bylaw no 16687 a bylaw to amend interim control bylaw 16086 the council of the corporation of the town of markham hereby enacts as follows 1 that section 3 of interim control bylaw 160- 86 be deleted and replaced with the following 3 this bylaw shall be in effect from may 13 1986 until september 30 1987 read a first and second time this 28th day of april 1987 read a third time and passed this 28th day of april 1987 p p lamh covf mo y 3v0 aatkai vfm i crt j lmc4 07 aixrw tk toicmio it c hi mf d