office kelp 525 receptionist typist woodbinesteeles area pleasant and courteous personality and bilingual an asset 4756330 ext 50 returning to the work force heres the job for you we are an rv trailer dealership looking for a parts and service assistant scheduling and inven tory control an asset thornhill call brenda 8819000 experienced ibm display write iii operator some word star experience typing 80 plus expanding company in richmond hill area own transportation re quired for interview call julie 7642036 permanent parttime office help experienced in payables and receivables on com puter woodbinesteeles area contact lori 4758696 markham chrysler requires part time clerical person flexible hours call lynda mallon 4711500 legal secretary experienced for corporate commerical wp andor shorthand an asset wood binesteeles salary to commensurate with experience call mrs peacock 4751266 sales help agents 530 printing sales sheet fed litho company markham area an excellent opportunity for advance ment commissions commensurate with experience 7319230 part time sales opportunity home party sales repre sentatives needed for a popular quickly expanding company exquisites hand painted jewellery call louise for an interview 6403486 salespeople telemarketers required urgently for charity commis sions paid apply in writing to box 4232 markham economist sun 9 heritage road markham up 1m3 sales representative we are an automotive orientated computer and software com pany we require a professional in dividual to call on automotive dealers the individual must have a know ledge of the automotive industry computer knowledge is not neces sary we will train you in the com puters excellent commission earning potential car allowance benefits forward a resume to w carney company inc box 4234 economist sun 9 heritage road markham ontario l3p1m3 hospital medical dental 535 homemakers healthcare aids rnas for private duty nursing care in rich mond hili area 4278659 u- full or part time rnsorrnas our nurses make the difference heres an opportunilylo grow and learn with a successful internationally expan ding weight loss organization that has more ihan 10 years ol experience and proven results we need nurses who lake pride in iheir own personal ap pearance and who enjoy working in an up almosphere wme helping others to do our oneonone counselling pro gramme ils fastpaced and profes sional no weekends or late nights only 5 positions available so call now posilions available in oshawa picker ing markham eaton cenlre yorkville etobicoke scarborough and peterborough contact ms may 8317503 positions also available in burlington oakvitle and downsview contact ms may 6360802 l micro computer and software sales richmond hill computer systems consultants specializing in health care computing require two additional sales staff to market their new physicians office computer system to doctors and clinics in the metro toronto area york central health systems a sub sidiary ol york central hospital is a small company of 12 staff which de velops sells installs and supports its own computer software clients range in size from lage hospitals to doctors offices we are looking for sales staff with experience in marketing in micro computer and software solutions please send your resume in confi- dence0 john flint york central health system inc 10 trench st richmond hill ontario l4c 4z3 an ideal career for you in the 80s it youre glamorous in other words lake pride in your own appearance and have a can do altitude then its time you phoned weight loss clinic and ask about our expansion programme we are an established weight loss organization with over 10 years ol pro ven success and still growing one year sales experience necessary call now only five positions available positions available in burlington oakville willowdale and downsview contact ms taylor 6360802 positions also available in markham scarborough and ihe eaton centre contact ms taylor 2940030 hospital medical dental 535 dental hygienists dental assistants medical secretaries for permanent and temporary positions in markham and north york areas please con tact carlton personnel 4740595 medical receptionist scarborough family practition ers office requires a well- organized person to handle re ception typing ohip billing etc mondayfriday 830 am430 pm previous experience neces sary call mrs white 2920019 parttime operating room aide to clean surgical instruments 8891125 between 9 and 3 pm mon to fri hotelrestaurant 540 counter help full parttime for donut shop hwy 7mccowan road attractive pay and working conditions 284-0955- weekender march 14 1 p53 hospital medical dental 535 scarborough general hospital a 770bed communily hospital invites applications for booking clerk parttime this parttime position is re quired to assign available accom modations to patients admitted to the hospital this position will involve working rotating evening and night shifts including some weekend coverage applicants must have demonstrated good organizational skills 50 wpm typing and the ability to work on their own emergency admitting clerk parttime required for shift rotation in a busy emergency department shifts will include daynight and alternate weekend rotation ap plicants must have excellent typ ing skills and strong interperson al skills must be able to work under pressure qualified applicants may submit resumes including shift availabil ity to human resource dept scarborough general hospital 3050 lawrence avenue east scarborough ontario mip 2v5 your care is our concern j hotelrestaurant 540 patio lantern new restauranttavern open ing in markham positions available chef chefs helper t 4 waitresses highway 7 between ninth line and 48 2831917 6710940 ask for heather of al ohip plan available after probationary period waiterwaitress required immediately for banquet work at private country club must be energetic reliable and mature previous experience not re quired homemakers wel come parttime positions only call shari monday to fri day after 2 pm 8894833 teaching opportunities 545 tutors certified math teachers for grades 9 to 13 required part time omson centre for learning skills hotelrestaurant 540 full and part time waitresses waiters kitchen help call for appointment 6407211 greens restaurant stouffville we require the following servers server prep line cooks prep cooks dishwashers bartenders good working environ ment tip sharing monthly staff events please apply in person 7355 bayview ave thornhill domestic help wanted 550 my name is ashley and im 18 months old and would like someone to care for me monday- friday call my mommy at 8875318 two great kids need a loving responsible babysitter after school and for 7 weeks this summer good references required please call 4711083 or 9797520 to leave message domestic help available 555 two reasonable reliable cleaning ladies mar- khamunionvillo area have vacancies for housecleaning best rates in town 6406455 af ter 6 pm village maid housecleaning on a regular basis personal and dependable call 2348209 employment wanted 570 permanent part time accounting general office data input 15 years experience mar- khamstouffville area 6403209 births 615 hoover robert and dona nee wenger are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their son jorden leonard on february 8 1987 at dryden hospital a brother for scott mcpherson- mitch and susan nee smith are proud to announco the birth of their son cameron mitchell born february 25 1987 at 325 pm weighing 8 lbs 11 02 second grandson for beth and russ markham doris and fred of dundalk and jim and nancy of oakdale many thanks to louise at york central hospitfl anniversaries 640 2948757 domestic help wanted 550 domestic help pan time responsible adult to superviso 2 teonagors and porform light housekeeping must have transportation aod bo availablo 3 6 pm mdnv f nwel required 6407884 open house for ron and jeanne preston to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary atvandorfhall sat march 21 1987 3 pm 6 pm deaths 645 duncan kenneth thomas suddenly at his home on march 5 1987 in his 84th yoar dear brother of archie deceased and grace mrs all smith undo of duncan deceased joe denton patricia and margaret great uncle of 16 great nieces and nephews funeral scrvico was held saturday forcfi 7 1987 at oneill flineral rndwot sdtitiff jhrblfnbritaffvlelviirotertletery