day eare subsidy needed weekender march 14 1987 5 dear sir i would like to respond to the letter in the feb 28 weekender from a woman concerned about tax dollars being used to subsidize the startup costs of the learning tree day care centre she is indeed fortunate to have the option of staying home to raise her children her assumption is that all users of the day care centre will be high lypaid female teachers presum ably with husbands also earning good salaries the day care centre is primari ly for the employees of the york region board of education which would include teachers secretaries janitorial and cafeteria staff the statistical likelihood that some of these day qare users editors mail would be single parents is very likely would mrs carsweel have the day care centre users penalized for not staying home with their children by adding the startup costs of the centre to their month ly fees add this to the astronomically high cost of housing in york re gion and the single parent may as well stay home and collect wel fare and endure its attendant so cial stigma the community at large should wake up to the fact that many taj mahal wont benefit us reader mothers have no choice but to work and leave their children with an alternate caregiver our energies should not be directed at criticizing these mothers but at ensuring that our children for they are also socie tys responsibility are cared for in wellrun stimulating and lov ing day care centres i would far rather my tax dol lars be spent on a government- subsidized and regulated national day care system than on provid ing an expensive safety net of mental health services for adults cared for as children in substan dard situations sally shearman unionville attend meetings urges ratepayer dear editor town of markham planning committee meetings town of markham council meetings public meetings ontario municipal board meetings a schedule is posted outside the council chambers indicat ing the time and location of meetings which are open to the public decisons which alter your lifestyle are being made at an alarming rate please try to set aside the first and third tues day of the month at 3 pm for listening to planning commit tee reports and recommenda tions the second tuesday at 2 pm and the fourth tuesday at 730 pm for council meetings additional meetings are scheduled as required please try to attend listen and learn the decisions being made are drastically altering the face of the town of markham and the lifestyles of the resi dents the next decision may alter your neighborhood and the meetings may be a good way to give the kids exposure to muni- cipal government during march break donna shaw secretary rouge river residents asso ciation 2945803 dear sir i am writing youl paper to ask two questions the first one is where have you been normally if i want to know what is going on in the markham community i would pick up the economist sun but for the past two weeks ive had to turn on my television to fol low the recent debate beween re gional councillors frank scarpit- ti and ron moran the second question is directed towards mr moran it would seem that the young councillor whose ideas you called juvenile immature and irres ponsible is taking a stand you yourself would normally take that position is one in the best interest of the people i dont think that this building is in our best in terests mr moran and i was wondering what happened to your voice for the people i think that maybe the tax payers of markham have had some say in the decision of a 23 million dollar municipal centre perhaps mr moran should re evaluate his position to council and realize that such a large undertaking is not going to benefit the people as i see it all that this building would accomplish is to provide a castle for mr moran to put his throne i dont think that mr scarpitti is electioneering as he has been accused and i think that it is pitiful that a councillor who the people elected should be ridiculed for speaking up against our estab lished if not too comfortable municipal government its a position he believes is in the best interests of the tax payers maybe the voters and tax payers in markham should take a stand council cant ignore why dont we refuse to provide finan cial assistance for this taj mah al in the way of not paying the additional burden on our taxes maybe council will listen to the people when their jobs and their paychecks are on the line lori maier markham uthbertsof heating air conditioning 5embkbfsgga8b8tksbga nr full 3 year parts labour warranty we believe our products and workmanship are of such high quality that we as a contractor have a full 3 year all parts labour warranty on any new residential air conditioner we install all work performed by government licensed technicians yourlogal authorized consumers gas dealer v guarantee everything we sell p tw 8555 mccowan rd markham 4715260 hours sat 9i 530 sun 1130430 mon wed thurs fri 930 6 1- t 930 9 ew 5 glen cameron place thornhill 7640698 jusl north ol siecles east side of vonge j wpd thurs 4 tfil saturday 0pems0nd3ft- family xdwned operated business serving markham unionville surrounding areas for over 30 years uthberts0n heating air conditioning 4714097 s stffwvi 15 heritage road no 21 markham located across from markville wv f j r r9ptn t i