a10 tribune december 3 1986 last time this offer available for christmas delivery r 23piece portrait package plus 95c sitting fee 2bx10s 3sx7s 15 wallts and 3 mintatvro charms on your caoc of a traditional nursery spring or fall background at sears no appointment is necessary to get quality photographic portraits we welcome adults and family groups each additional person is only 95c poses our selection these attractive options available in addition to this offer white background black background and christmas background also available instant passport photos use your sears card approximate sizes offer for portraits taken thru december 6 studios located in sears retail stores and in morningside catalogue store and clearance centers on rexdate blvd and warden avenue in toronto new cata logue stores located in brampton and in the kingston square mall in scarborough work is proceeding on reconstruction of sunset boulevard in stouff ville between albert street and ninth line south the road is to be widened curbed and guttered at a cost of 221000 jim thomas editors mail us foreign policy is in a shambles your moneys worth and more dear editor one might describe the fore ign policy of the united states at the moment as being in a sham bles no denials by president reagan can undo the damage to the credibility of the american government after the exposures of the nicaraguan affair the sale of arms to iran and not-to-be- forgotten the misinformation concerning the libyan bombing episode expresident nixon and lame- duck president reagan have done little to enhance the prestige of america or the republican party present and past foreign poli cies of the administration so far as central america is concerned appear to be based on the full sup port of existing rightwing milit ary dictatorships aided by mas- merry christmas to one all from inside out esthetics you are cordially invited for hot cider yummies on the eve of friday december 5th commencing 7 pm upstairs at 12 main st n markham we will assist you in designing the perfect personalized bath beauty gift basket featuring silk sponges therapeutic bath botanies bath pillows handmade spanish glizerine soaps natural bristle body brushes rachel perrys exclusive line of natural skin care cosmetics and much more she will feel beautiful inside and out with our christmas gift certificates for facials hand and foot treatments body waxing makeups and makeup lessons sive injections of military and economic aid the excuse for support of these regimes is that they are a bulwark against communism the united states have themselves created these problems in central amer ica by their support of these dicta- torships and where human rights are dirty words when the local populations rise against these conditions they are immediately dubbed as commun ists all they are trying to do is improve their impoverished lives needless to say the real com munist countries take full advan tage of the situation by in turn giv ing full support and aid to the anti- government forces a typical example is the united states backing the wrong horse with their support of batista the former dictator of cuba who counted on united states support both economically and militarily for his continuance in power if support had been given to castro and his revolutionaries in the early stages of the revolt i venture to suggest that today cuba would be an ally of the un ited states rather than an enemy it is a tragedy that a great coun try like the united states that is supposedly a champion of the downtrodden and the underpri vileged continues to support these governments who are the very antitheses of freedom and justice sincerely adam johnstone rr 1 stouffville spotlight on education buckle up by lynda williams the issue of seat belts in school buses was raised again recently in a letter to the tribune weekender from seven- yearold jenna chevalier of et crowle public school in markham jenna wants seat belts in buses because shes afraid of getting hurt for the last ten years its been mandatory to buckle up for safety in vehicles that come equipped with seat belts because of declining enrolment longer field trips french immersion and special programs bui 82 more children travel farther each day by bus rural students likely spend more time in a school bus than in the family car my children will each log approximately 56000 miles per school career k13 plus field trips the canadian motor vehicle safety standard 222 became effective sept 30 1980 passive restraints form the compart- mentalization concept the bus seats are placed closer together the backs are higher and padded and built stron ger in a crash situation the acceleration of the student passengers is stopped by having them crash into the high padded seatback ahead of them transport canada did a study in sept 1984 and released a report and film in feb 1985 school bus safety vol i three buses of varying sizes were crashed into a fixed barrier at 48 kmhr six anthropomorphic dummies per bus were used three wore seat belts and three did not this test raises many questions in ray mind only a frontal collision was tested what about a rearend crash or a rollover only lap belts were used why not at least one shoulderlap belt combination all the dummies wired to instrumentation were the same size 102 pounds could varying sizes have produced results more representative to the student population k13 only six dummies were used per bus in an actual collision on a large bus sixty students would be hitting against one another and the seats school buses are one of the safest vehicles in which to travel according to accident statistics does this mean we should not seek further ways for injury reduction i think not according to the ontario ministry of transportation and communications seat belt usage and driver attitude sur vey mayjune 1984 one of the largest groups of non- wearers of seat belts are those 16 to 19 years of age in a presentation to the ontario association of school busi ness officials march 1 1985 restrain our children le dagnone md frcp c states a precedent is estab lished which disrupts earlier good habits and increases the likelihood that seat belts will not be used by older children and especially teenagers for whom motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death as well as the physical benefits of being able to ride down deacceleration in an accident dr dagnone suggests seat belts in buses are a means of effecting attitudinal change regular use of seat belts for 14 years while going to school could very well become a habit many teenagers would carry over to their personal driving perhaps a standard lap belt will not be the best restraint system to use in school buses but we should be considering seat belts probably a shoulderlap combination is the best but the dollar cost for installation is considerable and the bus frame may also need to be strengthened i feel the prevented injury of just one child makes it worth- it sdss smokers l kick the habit stouffville smokings on the way out at stouffville high more and more teachers are endeavoring to kick the habit principal peter bright told the tribune smokings no longer socially acceptable he said unlike the catholic board dr ron doodlin ifieubed to announce that dr brian altman aa joined lib hactice ai an aadociatefet tne nactice o family dentistry theres no policy targeted to wards a total smoking ban earl evans public relations directof for the york region public school board said instead each school has established its own limits the motion recommended by a staff relations committee of the board went into effect june 1 at sdss no smoking is per mitted in any open areas of the building mr bright stated the ruling applies to night school as well as day the only places where smoking is allowed is the custodians lunch room and the staff room the arrangement is much the same at the board office in au rora there smoking is permitted in ones own private office and at one end of the staff lounge but in no open areas where others are working mr evans said the york region catholic board has approved a motion that bans smoking on all board proper ty effective sept 1 1988 season yia and or moviemateft must bo returned by 4pm on following rental 1pm on saturday national vldoo vip bqflk card or valid security deposit required regulations nuy vary hay not be combined with anv other soeclal offer