p42 weekender september 20 1986 office help 525 x experienced secretary receptionist part time 9 am 2 pm monday friday with possi bility of full time ask for anthony or phyllis 4778970 flexible daytime hours we are looking for an individual with a pleasant telephone manner who enjoys a small office environ ment to act as part time recep tionisttypist wardensteeles area preference will be given to anyone who is not intimidated by the pros pect of working with a computer although experience is not a re quirement full training will be given may be suitable for individual wishing to return to the work force 4758057 sears warden eglintoim requires part time credit personnel applicants must be available days as well as evenings and saturdays must have pleasant telephone manner typing skills an asset please apply in person personnel office 800 warden avenue scarborough ont mon fri 9 am 3 pm tridel unionville condominium site requires receptionist typist previous office experience a plus pleasant telephone manner and accurate typing skills monday thursday from 28 friday from 26 call for an interview 4791240 receptionisttypist progressive company relocating to hyvy 404 7 requires a re ceptionisttyping for brand new head office accurate typing neat appearance ideal fo someone re turning to work send resume with salary require ments to irwin industrial 122 howden road scarborough m1r3e4 no phone calls warehouse office person full time position with full benefits challenging position for per son with general office ex perience apply in person to ron maclean 4038 hwy 7 unionville part time secretary receptionist evenings saturdays to perform an interesting variety of duties including reception typing telephone and customer relations for local office of a national trust company an opportunity to join a pleasant friendly team in comfortable surroundings good starting salary and de sirable working conditions including attractive fringe benefits apply at eatons markville or calf 4791922 e a t o ns part time help wanted immediate opening for clerical worker in busy office bookkeep ing experience an asset located on tjc route in mar kham area nonsmoker preferred 4751400 receptionist wanted for expanding company in markham typing and transporta tion required call 4777865 receptionist secretary required for markham real estate office permanentparttime position or some evenings and saturdays good typing and switchboard skills a must call mrs russell 4714900 why are you reading want ads are you new to this area are you returning to the workforce are you curious about how an agency works are you interested in earn ing top sss for your skills we at dgs are trained to tell it like it is no false promises just a sincere effort to match you and your skills to the posi tions currently available in the area you choose to work in we have immediate temporary and permanent openings for secretaries junior and intermediate dictas typists receptionists word processors light industrial workers dont hesitate call today karen mugford 4919363 2 lansing sq ste 903 ask about our bonus plan dgs group sales help agents 530 i mm time i frinay part person friday our busy client at leslie hwy 7 needs someone who is willing to pitch in and help in a variety of clerical and typing duties 3 days per week if you are a quick learner and have a flexible nature you will also assist in word processing pro jects call anne or debbie 4928502 hunt persowvjel receptionist data entry for sole practitioners office in the unionville area word processing skills required salary commensurate with experience 4772263 receptionist person friday required for toy and novelty im porter this position requires responsi ble person with some typing skills reply to al grossman president carjess saless 7318686 economistsun the tiibune required immediately real estate advertising sales representative for a fast growing community newspaper located in markham salary plus commission car essential for confidential interview please call dorothy young real estate advertising manager 2942200 unionville pontiac buick limited 2 professional automobile sales persons we are progressive dealership currently undergoing rapid expan sion our sales staff is a group of totally committed and dedicated professionals can you meet this challenge a unique and lucrative pay plan company demonstrator and unusual benefits apply experience is necessary contact mr doug ross mr pat condon 4771666 for interview shoes too do you have a love of fashion a warm caring personality an interest in people we offer an opportunity to team the fashion business from the ground up the support of a team dedicated to providing thooest service in town an active and exciting work environment opportunity for advancement interested why not drop in at our main street store for a personal and confidential interview ipj i itw tedtbiti tt fitfc iitnc itocfc clct m sales clerk full part time opening available im mediately 2440 hoursweek apply to mens wear dept woolco markville outside sales person fully automated markham travel agency required out side sales person excellent commission and travel opportunities to sunny des tinations congenial and friendly atmosphere must have a car please call liz 4757336 office help 525 receptionist typist required by corporate communication company experience neces sary bookkeeping skills an asset 4792582