p42 weekender september 13 1986 career training 500 1 school bus drivers required for september van routes i would you like to earn extra cash call now and start training open- i ings for van and bus routes in richmond hill gormley and stouffville no babysitting take your child with you ideal position for homemaker retired person or shiftworker full training provided minimum 21 years or over must have good driving record please call alberta witiuk 8881938 general help 510 notice to advertisers the ontario human rights code prohibits discrimination because of age sex marital status race creed nationality ancestry or place of origin in compliance with this code this newspaper reserves the right to make the necessary changes in advertising copy ftconomistsiin visual verifiers excellent position for students we have immediate openings in our distribution department for a pleasant well groomed person parttime monday to thursday from 430 800 car required please call requires servers full part time cashiers full part time dishwashers full part time ca 471 5050 8515 mccowan rd markham ontario careers 505 genera help 510 a career in trucking transport drivers needed now is the time to train for your class a li cence for prescreening interview and job placement information contact merv orrs transport driver training brampton 1-800- 2651260 ever thought of a career in real estate and done nothing about it spend an hour and obtain com plete information on government required education family trust sales training income opportuni ties for a confidential interview call betty webber markham 2941372 linda killackey unionville 4771270 tony voutsinos richmond hillthornhill 8848183 pauline mancini stouffville gerry michael uxbridge 6402082 8523443 general help 510 counter staff attention home makers fulltime midnights training provided flexible hours good starting salary regular reviews apply in person country style oonuts 8370 woodbine ave south of hwy 7 4751464 counter warehouse required by electrical wholesale distributor ex perience in handling and selling electrical apparatus preferred lawrencemidland area for appointment call ross dunlop 7518253 assistant to work with toddlers in daycare part time 2 6 pm daly 14th ave kennedy call 4774778 unionville daycare centre bakery deli in unionville is looking for help call after 8 pm 8810795 2sp mouxmaid come and be a part of the team molly maid a house cleaning service is a good company to work for consider the advan tages good hours 830 am to 430 pm monday through friday full and part time transportation provided active job keep fit good wages be a part of professional team that has established an excellent reputa tion in the town of markham call 2948200 work while your children are in school telemarketing if you are looking for a new posi tion that offers paid training as well as a competitive starting sal ary plus a commission with every sale we have positions available now in our mcnicoll office wa are looking for ambitious de pendable people to sell education materials and products to schools and libraries previous telemarket ing experience is helpful but not necessary hours 830 am to 330 pm monday to friday summers off plus a christmas break please call 4924000 beaver creek area hwy 7 and 404 i persons required for the follow- i ing positions to learn data entry mail opening light packaging packers warehouse own transportation helpful for appointment call margaret 8811030 could this be you were in the service industry and you can be backed by one of the largest real estate companies in north america no sales experience necessary we will train you in addition to the real estate course in order to make you the true professional that all our agents are income opportunities excellent please call me for further details brian harris 4772533 wrm armour real estate inc bookkeeper general office duties experi enced fulltime mccowan and 7 4715353 v foods ltd the following 3 positions are available im mediately experienced short order cook hours mon fri 630 300 dishwasher hours mon fri 800 430 general kitchen help hours mon fri 830 300 for more information please contact harry ralph 4748089 counter help experienced required for coffee shop all shifts 6 per hour 4754089 blue jean jobs earn good pay immediate work available loadwgajnloading packaging stockroom work general warehouse jobs light assembly yard workcleanup fold map staple stacking sorting general labour short and longterm jobs now available for people with some experience km services 7100 woodbine ave suite 102 markham ont l3r5j2 4775744 1 19m kty strviut uj junior opportunity we will train a mechanically skilled junior for factory work and shipping and receiving can lead to greater responsibilities salary and profit shar ing northeast scarborough location 4977516 clean up person full time for busy bodyshop in mar kham drivers license re quired 2943443 charmaines maid service requires supervisor and team mem ber for house cleaning will train salary bonus and be nefits contact 2294316 dodds overhead doors requires self contractors for service and installations apply to john dodds 8812255