weekender august 2 1986 p33 general help 510 carpenter carpenter assistant wages dependent on experi ence and ability 2949786 evenings dairy queen counter help needed for weekdays part time starting salary s500 per hour with regular reviews apply in person weekdays only 1030 am to 10 wellington st e markham rd hwy 7 markham driver wanted for furniture store pickup and deliver furniture must have d licence and like to work overtime good job for the right person 2942581 dispatcher trainee 4771803 robert donaghey drivers required to operate tandem dump truck full time year round work 1000hour call 8881993 short order cook must bo neat and fast texas burger uxbridge 8525050 neat courteous parttime worker for gormley texaco apply in per son call 8881074 drafts person a young progressive tele communication consulting firm has a permanent full time opening for a junior drafts person good working knowledge of leroy is essential apply in confidence to nel network engineering ltd 180 amber street markham ontario l3r3j4 4740206 experienced cleaner required for night work 2948796 jwl iy hair care j fulltime part time waitresswaiter hostesshost cook for daysnights positions available apply in person hwy 7 east of mccowan toial family hair care offers licences stylist one of the best compensation packages around base starting rate 455 hourly commis sion and bonuses on all services paid immediately upon hiring paid advanced training course extras paid birthday paid prescription paid eyecare written raise policy sudsidized education policy sales incentives equipment provided we have full and parttime positions available at our markham location to arrange for an interview please call today 4714888 the fire fighters gormley green golf club f full time prop shopsnack bar lounge help wanted until end of season must be at least 18 years of age also loader operator for ground work phone for interview keith walton loader applicants please call dave ash 8881219 gas attendants permanent fulltime apply b m motors limited 8150 woodbine ave 8 am 5 pm ray moss 4756377 office clork to answer phones with good typ ing and filing skills immediate opening steoleswardon area call 4758232 horse farm requires person for grooming and gener al duties starting september 1st 2946934 joubnets i end motels night auditors full part time front desk full time housekeeping full time apply in person 8330 woodbine ave markham woodbine hwy 7 mature help for market garden must be able to work weekends 6401819 magicuts requires licenced hairstylist for the new markville location 2999099 tow truck driver must have good driving record shift work required experience preferred apply to b m motors limited 8150 woodbine ave 8 am 5 pm ray moss 4756377 waitress waiter wanted fulltime experienced kitchen help wanted fulltime the stonemill bake house 149 main st n unionville 4775057 texaco service station 8219 woodbine ave just south of hwy 7 requires immediately class a mechanics with 7 8 years experience some experience in air conditioning and propane conversion an asset sal ary negotiable apply in person or phone 4791812 two carpenters needed immediately with own tools transportation 4716859 unionville experienced dressmaker alterations to work in better ladies fashion store must be able to work satur days contact mrs green 4778839 fsfs services we are currently seeking several individuals to fill full and part- time positions in markham ex perience essential car required weekends involved cashiers salad makers sandwich makers short order cooks please call between 830 am and 430 pm for an appointment sandy parolin 4485792 weekend jobs at stoulfvillc flea market res taurant call 6402944 or friday saturday at 6406246 roofers helper physical labour involved no experience thk muvduxtocrt 345 main st n markham requires experienced servers apply in person m pnrocuoba has openings fulltime positions are available immediately for cashiers to work night shift apply in person or phone between 8 am and 4 pm to the manager 4780 hwy 7 east markham ont 4772003 person friday for small ad agency typing filing general office duties printing and pro duction experience a big asset non- smoker 4753330 richvale block ready mix richmond hill location dispatchteletype operator seeking experienced tele type operator capable of tele- typing from verbal instruc tions for radio unit dispatch rate800hour full benefits package contact t brookfield 2232730 scotiabank experienced part time tellers required at our new location opening in the woodbinemacin tosh area 1 mon tues thurs fri 11 am 330 pm 2 wed 11 am 330 pm thurs fri 10 am 6 pm please submit scotiabank applica tion to scotiabank 1031 yonge st richmond hill ont l4c1t5 attention mrs f seou necessary 6406655 recreation supervisors required forchildrensprograms full and part time positions available call 4442612 anytime 4753011 between 4pm6pm