p40 weekender june 14 1986 general help 510 claims adjuster trainee for an independent insurance adjusting firm must have good educational background sound employment background investigative ability good communication skills outgoing personality initiative to work without close supervision we offer a full training program leading to an adjusters license good starting salary good working conditions interested applicants please forward detailed resume with complete em ployment and educational history to box 4145 markham economist 9 heritage road markham l3p 1m3 experienced cooks experienced bartenders required immediately for full and parttime good wages flexible hours judys pizzeria 8881264 comer kennedy road aurora rd 7 day a week medical centre in markham opening soon another in ajax request applications for permanent part time shifts days evenings weekends reception skills typing technical and computer experience an asset please provide complete resume including experience expected remuneration and flexibility for shifts and availability to medic demand walk in centre rs jackson coordinator suite 205 8515 mccowan rd markham ont l3r 4m9 gormley fruit market new store opening soon full time positions available for qualified applicants o produce manager o produce clerks grocery clerks cashiers part time positions produce deli baking grocery and cashiers please call 8871031 to arrange for an interview gormley aggregates ltd requires inside sales person own transportation necessary 8881932 7736586 wait 430hour positions now available for part- time or fulltime employees at the gulf self serve on corner of hwy 7 woodbine apply in person to this location coffee time donuts 7065 woodbine avenue requires part time help 4754089 pizza pizza markham area requires full and parttime drivers with own reliable car must be near in appearance apply in person after 1100 am to 68 main st n markham daycare experienced daycare staff re quired full time july august part time september june please call 4442612 or 2945087 experienced rubber tired loader operator required preferably one who has used 56 yard bucket experience need only apply call rhoda 6401272 parttime social worker required to work out ol the cnib markham office considerable amount of travelling required will 08 working with families of visually im paired children and counselling visually im paired adults please forward resume to canadian national institute for the blind 70a main st north markham ont l3p 1 x5 if youre ready to work talk to us we will provide the know how if you are eager to provide the effort the rewards will follow if you are interested in a career in real estate call joyce spensley 4772533 today for a personal interview tfm i tops n trends limited time only no invest ment fashion consultant and amanagement positions avail able call lynn 4792815 hairdresser experienced good wages plus commission to take over clientele in ex clusive area downtown mar kham 2948523 insurance broker due to expansion we require an experienced ribo licenced broker for servicing personal lines auto and homeowners applicant must enjoy dealing with the public have a pleasant tele phone manner and be able to type please contact paul or mark holman 4755233 wardensteeles area dietary staff for retirement lodge in un- ionvillemarkham area phone margeret phillips between 2 pm 4 pm thursday june 12th only 4772831 counter help part time evenings weekends apply in person weekdays only 2 pm 430 pm 10 wellington st e markham rd 7 hwy markham m arkham 9 m ajq were still growing strong if you are a conscientious dependable person who enjoys housework why not turn your skills into profit full time and part time positions avail able call 2949871 old unionville required for ladies fashion store full time junior administrative clerk duties include pricing inven tory control daily balancing some typing and filing nonsmoker tuesday to saturday part time dressmaker nonsmoker saturdays a must contact mrs green 4778839 requires dishwashers full time pizza makers part time independent drivers apply in person 8515 mccowan road markham ontario mature help wanted experience a definite asset for busy landscape company own transportation needed 4773030 out of school out of work out of money the canada farm labour pool needs willing and able workers for sum mer farm harvest positions are currently available for haying working in the holland marsh strawberry picking general farm work apply in person at the canada farm labour pool 289 main st schomberg or call 9397081 or 9397493 between 8 am and 430 pm monday to friday 2 positions available im mediately secretary to sales dept order desk assistant at a busy markham office dealing in consumer durables for further information and to arrange an interview call cory 4740101 le flirt requires bartenders waitresses apply at 96 main st n markham immediate opening for experienced bartender full or parttime t dishwasher bussers cooks we will train apply in person days 258 wellington st w markham 4715952 owghnj3 requires waitresseswaiters bar help experience necessary call lilo or hans 4772715 parttime help required hours range from 300 am 600 pm extra hours available upon request light industrial work 4771010 retail investigator parttime possibly full time call mr macphail 4776060 security guards full and part time stouffville 6367000 student required part time full time contact lloyd hamm 6401892 stouffvilu feeds ltd