tit ccumunust burvtkibursc max m isoo north york the jewel in knob hills crown opening specials are avail from canada packers cdm meat plants cut from canada grade a beef ft- from onta packers fresh gsma2e3a v all varieties maple leaf frozen beef burgees 750 g box of 12 burns smoked shankless readytoserve 239 218 99 i limit 3 boxes picnic pork shouims 46 lb average vac pac i i 2 roast limit i mother parkers 200 g jar imstaot coffee 9 2 limit bravo chick peas romano kidney lentil large 19 oz 540 ml tin beans 49 13 mmit m polish k 2 18 sausiige primo italian large 28 floz 796 ml tin tomatoes frozen sunpac white or pink 12 floz 341 ml tin lemonade 12 limit i 24 tffj li mit i from canada packers and canadian dressed meat plants cut from canada grade a beef kg 4 flfishoulder blade f 15 lb limit lb 99 beatrice sour cream mm cheese 500 ml or 500 g tub 1 4 limit 99 from ontario packers choice canadian fresh kg faq canadian yjuikaji 4m shoulder never frozen lb l49 burns 500 g 176 oz pac pride of canada centre g aa side mc0mk 1j99 e d smith 250 ml jar assorted jelly or w pure jjim 99 never frozen w whole or half 1 71 loim of por 1 fiq kg y jt w i no center chops removedl lb wrtftgw maple leaf brand all beef or regular 450 g vac pac hardee farms frozen assorted all beef or regular qp gl ihh wieners s 129 1 kg bag canada fancy grade a a vegetables 99 new zealand frozen vacpac short cut genuine kg to spring leg q 414 of lamb lb 109 maple leaf brand pure pork idinkhm 500 g tray pac all beef or golden fry g lmjj mix or match sausage m aloro frozen pepperoni large 345 g box a mfltt gggm 33 king cole brand utility grade j a 4f young oven ready bona brand whole 2 18 ducks 99 kg bbi g3 w 3 bird limit w vi w cappicoli pepper butts hot or sweet lb vac pac us york from concentrate large 136 l tin orange or grapefruit kfa x purejujce m finest quality brand vac pac black forest style a aa rft smoked 4 cooked ff ffllfl v859 hmm sz39 burns pride of canada custom sliced at deli counters cordon bleu assorted large 680 g tin a m cooked m cmpnr all xjg hum l ijbtg i fc w gig hal we reserve the right west mississauga dixie mall at dixie rd south of queen elizabeth way north markham woodbine north at no 7 highway markham central toronto 222 lansdowne avenue corner dundas st west wednesday may 14 9 am 10 pm