b6 tribune may 7 1986 w wm best selection of gas and electric appliances the appliance centre hotpout rx 920s microwave electronic 14 ft word prompt 100 minute timer auto rout special ss5995 cis our reg 5579 9s only xc9 hotpolnt refrigerator rt 172 crw 169 u ft 1 meat sor q and 2 crisper drawer i modernity drag energy jj twitch special s89995 1vb47 our reg s9499s only 3c also available the hotpolnt rt 152 crw 149 en it refrigerator special ss499s harttwkkgu range cd 9621 m539 rcx pootleu ignhioa variable beat burnt removable buck glass oven door with window special 79995 ol 76 our reg 879 95 only uglls dblrwasfcer po 37000 scour master washing system delay wash featare sottlood dhposerffourcoloordoor pash special 56995 l 42 our reg 61995 only abo avacane hgfe dishwasher po z 7000 same as pd 37000 but portable special 59995 low rnoiuily pavnrot said tax ettra for for a total ol 124 47 lowest mmtmy ftymtnh pu jsowt no down piynwm wltji af protrd cnjtl bated oa s jar fuaadog at a lomhal lalrrrtl rate ol 175 per month or 21h per yeac ko ptmtty for early pj uamplt hot prkt ol 5799 95 pi- credit charges el 1505 65 lor a loul ol 12176 60 rqialfog jl jos 60 uh prke of 5499 95 phi atto dwgn ol 1564 25 60euubl6s20ultprktofs569 95phjicrnmjiargrits355 25fraiotatof51s42i60eaw19i5 20 uatt price et 155995 ptmcrrdrtthwow 0h34905fralotalofs15isi60eqalug5909o0 christian womens club host special guest night by marjorie woodland fourth line a special guest night will be hosted by the goodwood christian womens club on friday may 9 the prog ram scheduled for community centre at 7 pm includes dinner followed by a folk and country music presentation the special speakers are former national hockey league player dean pre ntice and his wife june of cam bridge tickets by reservation only are 13 per person the baptist ladies will hold a regular meeting on tuesday may 13 at the hockley home on the fifth line beginning at 730 pm ladies will view a video that takes them to indonesia for a visit with baptist missionaries dennis and janet kirkley sunday may 11 is a family day at goodwood baptist the com bined sunday school and worship service will begin at 1030 am itll be attended by a boo bear actually a guest speaker in dis guise wellington yake had the mis fortune to break his hip in a fall on friday he is recovering after undergoing surgery at york cen tral hospital richmond hill irene alderson suffered a fall a week ago and a subsequent ex amination revealed a back injury she is confined to her bed most of the time at parkview home stouffville and would welcome some callers to help pass the time mrs william porter nola died in centenary hospital recently following a lengthy illness a funeral service was held friday hours monwed 7 am7 pm thurs fri 7 am9 pm sat 7 am6 pm 99 wellington st w hwy 7 across from mr grocer in stouffville she was prede ceased by her husband and re sided in goodwood before and af ter their marriage just a musing one day how to portion the time there popped to my mind these words in a rhyme housework has changed so much these days no longer do we say on monday scrub the dirty clothes tuesday iron and put away wednesday was a day to mend sew buttons on and darn thursday was the buying in for needs around the farm some sugar oatmeal flour cheese baking powder salt and tea remembering too the childrens treat if cream cheque sufficient be on friday make the bread and pies some cookies too and cake then saturdays cleaning brings those sighs and causes us to ache sunday came next to start the week so off to church wed go the heavenly fathers will to seek and more like him to grow but modern times caught up to us and everythings mixed up the laundrys done at any time or even as we sup the iron is seldom applied who ever heard of mending baking scrubbing were sup plied other ways our time of spending the hours of drudging toil are gone each device to save labor we laud now all of the time saved be sure you have some on sunday to worship god spring has arrived drapery cleaning special off on all reg pricedrapes take down and rehang service now available truck mounted cgpjjae livingroom wwa dininjjroom or ha cleaning 1941313 free estimates are your clothes becoming to you or should they be coming to us markham cleaners buy two cans of cuprinol the second is half price 4414 steeles ave serving scarborough markham 4774461 nows the time to look after your wood and save your money with a better kind of protection for a limited time only and while supplies last were selling the quality of cuprinol at prices youd pay for lesser brands hurry in now offer valid from may 7th to may 28th 1986 on all cuprinol products excluding cuprinol wood preservers when purchasing two different cuprinol products the half price offer applies only to the lower price cuprinol does it right the name cuprinol stands for higher quality wood stains coatings preservers and paint and stain remover you can depend on us puis lots ol not aflvortised specials ask us about casriway gilt cer tificates hurry spruce up for spring sale ends may 10 1986 over so stores serving you- oelivery is available check out our flyer for many more spruce up for spring savings building centres ebsmlr forest fence deck 151 bentley st unit 10 markham