get your teeth into this puzzle across 1 dont eat it before dental appt 2 part of tooth in jaw 7 type of appt every 6 months 10 bacterial acid effect on teeth breakdown 12 registered nurse initials 14 no one likes to talk about it c 15 inner soft centre of tooth nerves and blood vessels 16 bad breath 17 checkup of teeth 19 mineral in drinking water strengthens teeth 20 colour of healthy gums 21 placed in area of decay 24 suspends fake tooth across gap permanent 26 cap synonym 28 number of baby teeth in lower jaw 29 patient doesnt like to hear this 30 process which turns tissues red and swollen 33 who should care about your teeth 37 cleansing teeth with bristles act of 40 cleaning teeth is an of prevention 43 bacteria in cavity causes it 44 difficult to clean esp smokers 45 removal of hopeless teeth 46 what dentists like to hear jumble clue better than expensive makeup answer 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 18 21 22 23 25 27 31 32 34 35 36 38 39 41 42 43 down opposite of boy dental checkups a year mother father sister professional dental cleaning tartar type of math dentist gives relates knowledge person who cleans teeth short form for doctor white outer layer of tooth plastic teeth prosthesis greeting string for cleaning between teeth articulates words gets in dentists way number of people in room other than patient second layer of tooth between 11 down and 15 across dental assistant initials neglect causes teeth to become mobile your dentist in god we not cleaning gums can make them floss per day you had 32 of them at one time girls and visit their dentist laughing hurt picture of tooth in jaw dentist gets you out of it pet whose teeth need cleaning by vet mans best friend perry lichlblau for york region oental society oental health week 1986 k a a a j k a a a ac chimohotel 7095 woodbine avenue markham ontario l3r 1a3 sheraton parkway hotel itt tlie ixisplmlliy ixopk- of 600 highway 7 east richmond hill ontario l4b 182 4168812121 the above crossword puzzle contest is sponsored by the york region dental society to mark dental health week on april 13 to 19 prizes two weekends for two with breakfast at parkwaysheration hotel approx value 120 chi- mo hotel approx value 100 two pairs of tickets for the may 13 performance of the toronto chamber orchestra at markham theatre approx value 30pair one dinner for one at mainstreet restaurant approx value 25 open to residents of york region 18 years and over not open to de ntists hygienisls assistants de ntal students and their immediate families rules 1 completed puzzle must be handed in to your local dentist by april 19 198g 2 local dentist will only forward completely and correctly answered puzzles to dental health chairman for york region by april 26 198g 3 all correct entries received will be placed in a box and five win ners will be selected by draw on may 1 1986 l winners will be notified by phone and be given five minutes to answer a skill testing question in order to receive their prize 5 upon failure to answer correct ly a replacement winner will be drawn until the skill testing ques tion is answered correctly weekender april 12 1986 p13 dental poster contest the york region dental society and the weekender have teamed up to sponsor a poster contest to mark dental health week from april 13 to 19 two pairs of blue jays tick ets will go to three local win- ners of the poster contest support your teeth is the theme of the contest which is open to three separate age categories kindergarten to grade 1 grade 2 to 4 and grade 5 to 7 the maximum allowed size of the posters is 36 by 24 in ches posters containing trade names or the names of pro ducts will be disqualified contestants should handin posters to their local dentists by april 19 the three winning posters will be submitted to a provin cial contest and winners from that competition will continue on to a national contest proper care of teeth informing the public about new dental techniques and the importance of proper oral hygiene is the purpose of de ntal health week in ontario april 13 to 19 its to make the public aware of whats happening in dentistry says dr perry lichtblau organizer of the event for york region were trying to educate to accomplish his goal mr lichtblau a dental surgeon in markham says he is changing the approach taken during previous dental health weeks in the past weve had mall displays but they havent been very sucessful he said the public wasnt educated in any way this time he says oral hygiene will be promoted through the loal media with a crossword puzzle contest re quiring some knowledge of de ntal health appearing in com munity newspapers through out the region prizes of a night at the park way sheraton hotel or the chi mohotel will be offered to win ners four tickets to a per formance by the toronto chamber works at the mar kham theatre will also be awarded mr lichtblau will appear on classicomm cable television throughout the week to discuss dental techniques such as the replacing of teeth and bond ing he will also talk about new services available to the public part of the project is the de ntal awareness program which has been sent to local dental associations and public health units the program is comprised of a kit which con tains an information poster public service announcements and statistics