well grants approved tribune april 9 1986 a13 claremont the provin cial government has granted over 15 million to subsidize well im provements in the north picker ing hamlet of claremont durham york mpp ross stevenson announced that a total of 1546000 has been allocated by the ministry of the environment with 200000 provided for the full cost of an engineering report on the project i am very pleased to see the grant included in this years budget after working hard to en sure the proposals acceptance mr stevenson said in a press re lease the environment ministry will work to correct claremonts widespread water contamination problem in conjunction with the town of pickering according to mr stevenson all upgrading work is scheduled for completion within two years funding applications are now available by contacting the town of pickerings municipal office at 6832760 meanwhile council recently acted on behalf of a claremont couple who replaced a tainted well prior to implementation of the hamlet of claremont private water systems study in a resolution moved by ward 3 regional councillor norah stoner and seconded by local representa tive wayne arthurs the town requests the honorable james bradley minister of the environ ment to approve the request of dean and carolyn evans for com pensation under that study the evans5011 barclay street installed a new system in 1984 af ter their water was judged unsafe to drink in the works of nature purpose not accident is the main thing aristotle 4714730 landscape sinteriorscapes consultantsplannersmanagers good design greendesign bridge results from uxbridge this areas first and largest complete discount wallpaper supermarket continues its most popular sale bridge results from clubs in ux- bridge and scugog townships are as follows uxbridge duplicate bridge club st johns school tues day april 1 at 730 pm 7 table howell regular club game director john harvey winners average 685 1 judy and donatkinson88 2 dianne har ris and doreen bernhardt 845 3 jane demers and harold brown 765 4 bob shepherd and tom john76 5 billsoulsby and john harvey 755 theres a gal we all know cal led doreen who last week at the royal york was seen playing bridge and studying hands every night then walked away with no 1 in her flight congratulations mrs b and valarie from all of us ux bridge bridge club wednesday afternoon bridge club st johns school wednesday april 2 at 1 pm 5 table howell director doreen bernhardt winners average 36 1 dorothy and cy richard son 43 2 janet hickling and lois gray 40 3 elsie montgom ery and marion olding 37 scugog bridge club prince albert hall wed april 2 at 1 pm 5 table howell regular club game director harold brown winners average 36 1 doris phinney and otto czi- lok 505 2 marie carnegie and gwen rennie 42 3 grace love and pat love 415 scugog bridge club prince albert hall wed april2at 730 pm 6 table howell regular club game director harold brown winners average 48 1 kath burley and virginia clif ford 575 2 margaret fitzpat- rick and maura diamond 57 3 bonnie and jack da vies 54 4 audrey and peter francis 505 dlorah nworb set one one on a large instock selection s first quality reguurtosioo get one 495 free davey crockett visits goodwood public school students parents and staff members are com bining their talents for goodwood public schools annual stage play performances of davy crockett are scheduled for april 17 and 18 at 8 pm the cast of 56 grade 4 5 and 6 students includes from left angela bearden georgie angela gayman davy crockett jessica dennis carrie ann and mark fine mike fink tick ets at 150 for adults and 75 cents for children are available at the school chris shanahan solid vinyls regular to s3990 995 buy one get one free new spring miniprints regular to s2390 dllvnuc fe k b2s 8uy0ne bl hue get one 999 a double bolt free new tile look regular to s3490 895 a double bolt beautiful assortment of colors and patterns largest selection lowest prices we guarantee it euhmi ajax 1313 harw00d ave n justnofhwy401 6860719 open thursfri nights until nine mr oro is fighting the high prices on furniture and bedding yes we are the winner we beat any price on canadian made furniture stock furniture and bedding up to new order discount 0off 30 why do you pay for delivery toromark the oldest discount store in markham since 1950 offers free delivery 6 monthly payments at no extra charge no financing be smart shop at toromark were not one of the biggest but were one of the best toromark furniture house ltd in the iga plaza highway 7 just west of highway 48 4772055 2942581 markham open 9 to 9