wednesday june 20 1984 mc5 general help switchboard receptionist typist terminal input looking for the right position your first job or thinking of returning to the work force we have immediate needs to cover a varie ty of long and short term temporary assign ments in the markham and north scarbor ough areas while you are working for us temporarily our permanent division can assist you in your search for full time work 4928502 hunt hlfaljmel hairstylist required full or part time the hair design place stouffville plaza 6403553 licenced mechanic required georges auto service limited 2941303 secretary legal real estate legal dept of a growing manufacturing company located in woodbine hwy 7 area requires an experienced legal secret ary with excellent typing and shorthand and good communication skills word pro cessing experience would be an asset experience in all phases of real estate mat ters including responsibility for conveyanc ing and closing etc as well as in general corporatecommercial work this is a position fora qualified person who likes to work with a minimum of supervi sion if you possess these qualifications and have professional manners and appearance please send a detailed resume in confi dence to legal dept 36 apple creek blvd markbarprjqjjt l3r4y4- qualified ece teacher unionville coop playschool 2 mornings 5 hours weekly sept34 may 84 send resume to playschool co 42 summerfeldt unionville l3r2b2 receptionist we have an immediate opening for a well groomed mature individual with good com munication skills good typing ability and experi ence on a busy switchboard call jim avery ntibusiness equipment ltd 180 amber st markham 4755730 swiss chalet chicken ribs waitresseswaiters full time part time daysnights apply in person highway 7 mccowan rd wd sms division of s sunoco inc 91 wellington st w markham requires full and part time car wash attendants and full and part time cashiers please apply in person studentsneeded for parttime work good pay call mr ferris at 2990903 sales order desk leading furniture manufacturer needs selfreliant in dividual o assist at the order desk keeleno 7 area concord please call mrs vonda for appointment 6692420 liberty furniture the fruit cellar opening soon in success square stouffville requires 1 full time cashier 1 full time deli counter per son 1 part time person retail experience preferable call jeremy 7492233 or dave or frank 9792410 join the fruit cellar bunch 505 wanted by the distribution department of the economist sun a telephone verifier to work parttime in the even ings usual hours are from 600 to 800 a few evenings per week for more information please contact vicki outfield at 2948244 parttime sales people who have a flair for decorating are required by st cteir the paint and paper people hwy 7 and markham rd call 2944934 sales help 520 registered nurses full or part time for jury august parkview home 6401356 looking for new rock n roll bands thursday night is new talent night call for more information 9617433 trucking careers above average drivers are al ways in demand to arrange proscreening for job train ing and job placement help call men orrs toronto branch 2519073 thomhil insurance broker has openings for the following customer service rep with ribo license and computer experience switchboard operator with typing and telex experience filingmail clerk with some experience on telex and switchboard contact mrs bryce 8894933 permanent parttime production and accounts payable clerks required by medium sized manufacturing company minimum of 3 years general office experience accu rate typing and pleasant phone manner qualified applicants should contact mr john finley 8834343 part time general office help experienced typistbookkeeper required for 23 days a week in denisonwarden area phone 4772901 to arrange an appointment paid volunteers required to participate in pharmaceutical studies must be between 1840 years for further information please call 2949944 or 2941936 evenings ask for maurice skilled help 510 unionville motors 1973 ltd requires class a mechanic experienced in front end repairs and alignment apply in person to carl michell or bob gannon 4630 no 7 highway unionville office help 515 receptionisttypist immediate opening for a person with out going personality and pleasant telephone manner must have good typing skills mini mum 45 wpm some general office duties good working environment with excellent company paid benefits reply with brief resume of experience and salary expected to apsco products ltd 4075 gordon baker rd agincourt ont m1w 2p4 sales help 520 advertising sales people wanted with 17 year old publiction protected territory leads supplied for more information and appointment call the city dweller 3670297 pamfia childrens shoe specialist markville shopping centre parttime sales person required experience preferred call or come in for application 4752795 ladies wear specialty store we require mature parttime sales person nel must be flexible we offer pleasant working conditions and good benefits please apply to mrs a grigglestone markville shopping centre 5000 highway 7 markham ontario l3r4m9 4741811 microwave specialty store requires a mature thinking person for instore sales and demonstrations of microwave ovens previous sales experience an asset we offer an excellent working environment pro duct and sales training must be able to work flexible hours apply in person with resume to micro cooking centre markville shopping centre domestic help wanted 540 experienced housekeeper required 2 to 3 days per week cook clean laundry 2 adults 5000 per day thornhill area apply by phone 8897135 domestic help available 541 moving have your next home completely cleaned before you move in windows carpets cupboards walls etc supermaid 9224888 or 8986000 career training 560 tv and radio- nlb is now interviewing new people for news commer cials talk shows dj and sports tv and radio announcer training part or full time dial 9643616 free 120 pagecareerguide shows how to train at homefor 205 toppaying full and part time jobs granton insti tute 267a adelaide st west toronto call 416 9773929 today word processing typing related services lettersresumesreportsmanuals stouffville 6403330 employment wanted 555 vdttelex operator 8 years brokerage experience solid employment back ground desires full time position markhamuninville area call after 6 pm 2942589 tenders 509 the york region board of education tender for general contract addition and alterations to woodbridge public school townofvaughan sealed tenders plainly marked as to content for the construction of an addition and alterations to woodbridge public school shall be delivered to the director of education at the administrative centre 60 wellington streetwest aurora ontario not later than 400 oclock pm local time thursday july 5 1984 drawings and specification will be available to general contractors on tuesday june 19 1984 at the office of the architect wil liam g whitney 232 woodbridge avenue woodbridge ontario on the deposit of 100 certified cheque per set payable to the architect deposit will be returned if draw ings and specifications are returned to the architect in good condition within seven days of the closing of tenders each tender shall be accompanied by a 8id bond in the amount of 1 00000 made pay able to the york region board of education an agreement to provide a 100 perform ance bond and a 100 payment of labour and materials bond the board reserves the right to reject all tenders or to accept any tender not neces sarily the lowest william g whitney architect tenders 60 public works iravhiix publics canada canada invitation to tender sealed tenders for the projects or ser vices listed below addressed to the chief contract administration ontario region public works canada 4900 yonge street 10th floor willowdale ontario m2n 6a6 will be received until 1500 hours on the spe cified closing date tender documents can be seen or obtained on payment of the ap plicable deposit through the office of the director general public works canada ontario region tendering office 10th floor 4900 yonge street willowdale ontario project no 641 049 for canada post corporation stouffville ontario post office 22 main st cleaning closing date tuesday july 10 1984 deposit for tender documents nil enquiries 4162244240 the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted canada legal notices 510 i diane wilson boucher will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my husband blaise boucher as of june 6 1984 wamonro ctokmtn racmstuft orectw of eajtxt nd srtuytrmurr in the estate of ida lehman spinster late of the town of whitchurchstouffville in the regional municipality of york deceased notice to creditors others all persons having claims against the estate of ida lehman spinster late of the town of whitchurchstouffville in the regional municipality of york deceased who died on or about the 12th day of march ad 1984 are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of july ad 1984 after which date the estate will be distri buted without regard to claims not then filed dated this 12th day of june ad 1984 eric r button executor of the estate co button armstrong ness 6 main street east stouffville ont l0h 1l0 personals 620 canadian cancer society for information call president 2941601 6404279 4774021 patient ser vices 2945037 6405672 477243 in memoriams 2941853 6402461 4771626 parent support line for help with youth drug in volvement 2256601 markham alcohol drug education parents against drugs business personals 621 actors fob tv tv sound stage is now interviewing new people for spe cial tv studio training to act in tv series tv commercials movies parttime all ages for your studio call dial 9643393 lost found 630 lost black cat with red collar female east end stourfvitle answers to ebony can 6402728 births 635 gannongary debbie are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter a sister for ryan catherine susan- ne kiernan gannon katie arrived june 16 1984 828 am at oshawa general hospital happy grandparents are owen irene gannon of garcon and watty peart kiernan of markham kimberlee alan parker barrister solicitor wish to announce that their new daughter courtney lynne was called to the bar at toronto general hospital on june 13 1 984 at 307 am the new specialist in baby law weighed in at 7 lbs 4vi oz presiding at the trial were dr whetham and dr shime and a final verdict was welcomed by her sister kristy mcgregor rick and careyn nee netterfield both formerly of markham are pleased to announce the birth of their first child dylan james william bom monday june 11 at 428 pm weighing 7 lb 15 oz at calgary general hospital proud grandparents are jim mcgregor of markham mrs barb doble of port perry and mrs mildred netterfield of calgary olearyannette st mike are pleased to announce the birth of their first child a son sean patrick joseph bom june 13 1984 at 345 pm 8 lbs 5 ozs grandparents are ruth pat blaney of markham and isobel 8c the late joseph oleary of peterborough first greatgrandchild for mrs e edmonds of toronto special thanks to dr easton barb pollard rn at scarborough centenary hospital in the estate of elizabeth degeer widow late of the town of whitchurchstouffville in the re gional municipality of york deceased notice to creditors others all persons having claims against the estate of elizabeth degeer widow late of the town of whitchurchstouffville in the regional municipality of york deceased who died on or about the 12th day of april 1984 are required to file proof thereof with theundersigned on or before the 19th day of july ad 1984 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed 1 dated this 13th day of june ad 1984 h reginald button and eric r button executors of the estate co button armstrong ness 6 main street east stouffville ont l0h 1l0 notice to creditors and others in the estate of innis mary macdonald all claims against the estate of innis mary macdonald late of the town of markham in the regional municipality of york ophthalmolog ist deceased who died on or about the 5th day of july 1983 must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 14th day of july 1984 thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed dated this 13th day of june 1984 marlene innis findlay mary lou rodger and laura elizabeth macdonald executrices by their solicitors cattanach hindson sutton hall 62 main street north markham ontario l3p 1x5 the change of name act 1980 notice is hereby given that the application of ng geok thiam residing at 32 foundry crescent markham ont to change his name to victor nicholas bong will be heard by the presiding judge at the court house at 50 eagle st west newmarket on thursday the 2nd day of august 1984 at the hour of 10 oclock in the forenoon dated at newmarket the 18th day of june 1984 coming events 615 art alive a professional showcase for artists grand opening saturday june 30th located hwy 47 n of stouffville between deerpark inn the salesbarn hours sat 9 5 sun 12 5 6980822 gllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllflttllllllllllllllllllllllllllu dickson hill cemetery i decoration day service i sunday june 24th 230 pm at the church 5 rev arthur walsh will be the guest speaker f soloist miss shannon clarke iiiiliiliiiliillllililiiiiiillilliiiiiiiiiiiillllllliiiiiilliiiiiliiiillllu announcements iu z commercial ctstvswgrww s13foftv frtfttctf 9649610 steckuey kim and kathy are happy to announce the arrival of their son robert keith on thursday june 7 1984 at 656 am tipping the scales at a healthy 8 lbs 8 oz first grandchld for keith and lorraine steckley and thirteenth for chuck and kay maynard special thanks to dr bate and staff at york central hospital forthcoming marriages 646 mr and mrs jack ward announce the forthcoming mar riage of their daughter shelley joy to thomas alan lacenski new berlin wisconsin the wedding to take place august 11th in new berlin wisconsin deaths 655 murison bertha at parkview home stouffville on wednesdayjune131984beithalottonwifeofthelate gordon murison dear mother of isobel russell aileen robb william james john audrey and george muri son lovingly remembered her 17 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren funeral service was held at the zion united church cedar grove on friday june 15 inter ment zion united church cemetery thorn walter lewis alonzo suddenly at st catharines on sunday june 17 1984 walter thorn a long time resident of stouffville in his 81st year beloved husband of violet phillips loving father of phyllis mrs e winter- stein audrey mrs kmurphy carl june mrs c pierce lily mrs bmyers robert don and marilyn fraser also survived by several brothers and sisters deargrandfatherof many grandchldren and greatgrand children rested at oneill funeral home stouffville ser vice was held in the chapel on wednesday at 1 pm interment stouffville cemetery cards of thanks 660 aloving thank you to our children and grandchildren for the ride to deer park inn our lovely dinner gifts and flowers also thanks to our relatives and friends for the lovely dinner at the grove restaurant gifts plants and flowers to all who sent cards and the well wishes we received for our 50th wedding anniversary thank you everyone ken and florence betz i would like to express my heartfelt thanks to our friends neighbours relatives for ali kindness thoughtfulness during my stay in the hospital and since returning home and a special thanks to very dear friend who stuck beside me through my long wait before my operation we thank you all for the flowers cards visits and prayers they were all appreciated very much mrs dorothy yake the family of the late howard storry wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many expressions of sympathy extended to them during their loss of a loving husband father and grandfather aspecial thanks to rev wayne reid and friends of ballantrae united church and members of the ucw for serving the lunch the oneill funeral home relatives friends and neighbors for the cards lovely floral tributes and donations to the ontario heart fund sincerely florence storry bill and lubke fred and mina barb and wayne ken and florence and grandchildren thefamily of the late bertha murison wish to express sincere appreciation to all our friends for their kindness support and expressions of sympathy during the recent loss of our mother and grandmother special thanks to rev robert lyonstewart thanks also to the staff of parkview home to glenn smith of dixongarland funer al home and to the ladies of cedar grove ucw in memoriam 665 graham in loving memory of a dear husband and father roy who passed away june 1981 alone but never quite alone i face an empty chair but sometimes in the silence i imagine he is there my companion for so many years no longer here wilh me and yet in some mysterious way he keeps me company lovingly remembered by wife hilda and family randall lee james tootey in loving memory of a dear son and brother jim who was taken away so suddenly june 24 1983 little did we know when we awoke that morning the sorrow the day would bring the call was sudden the shock severe you didnt have time to say farewell or for us to say goodbye you were gone before we knew it only god knows why our hearts still ache with sadness our silent tears still flow for what it meant to lose you no one will ever know when family ties are broken and loved ones have to part it leaves a wound that never heals and also a broken heart sadly missed by mom and dad and brother ted tooley rljim- juno 2483 in loving memory of our uncle jim always a thought many a tear for one we miss loved so dear the sudden way you had to die we shall always remember wonder why to know we never said goodbye will always bring regret but the hearts that loved you dearly are the ones that dont forget always remembered with love by your niece christal nephew sean from pilot mound manitoba tooley randall leo jim juno 24 1983 in loving memory of our dealy beloved brother jim one long lonely year has passed since our great sorrow fell the shock that we received that day we still remember well the parting was so sudden wo often wonder why to us the hardest part of all you never said goodbye our hearts still ache with sadness and silent tears stilt flow for what it meant to lose you no ono will ovor know to hear your voice to see your smile to sit walk with you awhile to bo together in the same old way would bo our deepest wish today no ono knows the sorrow wo share when tho family meets youre not there as falling leaves time passes by but loving memories never die you live with us in our hearts still not just today but everyday always win so lovingly remembered so sadly missed by sister bruoette and brotherinlaw doug