classifieds 2942200 6402100 6492292 if its speed voure after the c lassifieds really move it second section uxbridge pickering 1384 tempo nowhere from 7765 have you drven a foro lately- mcarthurs sales hyw 7 kennedy rd 4741350 service 20 heritage rd 2345400 a metroland community newspaper wednesday may 2 1984 handitransit meets public opposition by audrey green uxbridge uxbridge and scugog township coun cils have supported a handi- transit service for hand icapped persons but some concerns have been voiced on the services need be nefit and coverage area i dont think its a benefit to our township on a whole said ward 4 councillor san dy ewen ewen who voted against the resolution said the con cept is viable but not in a rural area like uxbridge township because those us ing the service would be res tricted to certain parts of durham region handitransit in a lar ger municipality is fine said councillor ewen according to handi- transit general manager doug manuel the service could transport users throughout uxbridge and scugog townships as well as oshawa whitby and newcastle however we cant go into ajaxpickeringand i dont know if theyll the ministry of transportation and communications let us go out of durham region he stated we just try to work it out the best we can said mr manuel handitransit inc which is a nonprofit organization is proposing a vantype ser vice which would operate approximately eight to nine hours per day monday to friday councillor ewen was also concerned about the actual number of handicapped people who want and would use the service during an initial pre sentation to council by ux bridge and scugog com munity care representa tives it was found through research and study that the northern section of durham region had between 172 and 345 people who require and would use the service in the area 291 people were high winds cause damage uxbridge uxbridge township wasnt left unmar- red by high winds which played havoc with southern ontar io monday although no personal injuries were reported durham regional police uxbridge 26 division said there were many reports of wind damage caused to various struc tures power lines and trees police said many trees were knocked down and a number of grass fires were started from falling power lines houses barns and sheds received different levels of dam age one major problem which occurred frequently was the damage caused when the wind tore off or stripped back medal siding on buildings at 137 pm the town of uxbridge experienced a power blackout and remained in darkness until 3 14 pm said a spokesperson for uxbridge hydro commission the black out was caused by high winds but the major problem was located with newmarket hydro potential users which 185 would be served by the prop osed system the numbers were dras tically reduced said ewen there hasnt been any actual requests and until we get some demands for this type of service why support it he questioned according to uxbridge community care co ordinator kathy anderson the number of potential us ers currently stands at an estimate of 48 people in ux- bridge and scugog townships those are rough figures and theyre changing all the time said ms anderson a lot of what we anti cipate is once the service is established there will be a number of people request ing the service that we dont know about she said the figures are not from personal request rather from research if it exists theyre going to start using it if its available she said were hoping to get the service established in the area- it was initiated by the community care organiza tion and their job is to pro vide community care said uxbridge mayor bill ballin- ger we have an obligation to provide the transit the resolution passed by council was in support of one vehicle shared between both uxbridge and scugog townships the resolution also stated one council rep resentative would sit on the handitransit board and all capital costs for the service would be covered by handi- transit inc according to mayor bal- linger before the matter is finalized there are still many steps to be taken i fishy kid business the royal canadian legion branch 170 uxbridge held their annual fishing derby for children at elgin pond in uxbridge saturday jim cabell 14 of goodwood displays his catch of speckled trout jim won the first place prize for the longest fish which was 165 inches other first place prize winners included danny mcallum 13 of 204 wheeler st toronto for the heaviest fish weighing three pounds threeyearold adam kennedy of uxbridge was the youngest boy with a catch weighing seven ounces and judy traynor 5 of lcaskdale was the youngest girl with her fish weighing 85 ounces approximatley 150 prize ribbons were given out during the event jim thomas uxbridge ex citement ran high at ux bridge public school friday when students gathered in the back field to release approx imately 600 balloons into the wild blue yonder the schools first bal loon blastoff was held to promote the upcoming fun fair which is sche duled for friday may 11 from 5 until 9 pm the event which was organized by the schools parent club was a fundraising effort to help buy library and sports equipment water concerns group claremont the de lay in solving claremonts water and sewage problems is a priority concern for many residents here this was indicated at a recent meeting of the claremont and district community association april 12 several speakers re quested action on the issue saying the matter should be resolved within a year a figure of 1800000 was mentioned as the cost of a communal water system the alternative is new wells on individual lots peter gillespie the asso ciations president said several test wells were being drilled around the area at a cost of 49000 apiece he questioned the expense suggesting the fi gure appeared excessive a committee of three was established to check more closely into the matter balloons were sold to students at 50 cents a piece and each balloon purchased was tagged with the students name the object of the game is to have the balloon which travels the farth- est returned to the school and the owner of the winning balloon will receive two free passes to canadas wonder land fun fair chairman jan wilson said many events are planned for the students these in clude pony rides an obstacle course video games and movies pup pets a magician fish pond bingo toad jum ping a haunted house games music room tea room cake walk and more we re hoping the fun fair will be a substantial fund raiser she said admission to the fun fair is free and it will be held at the school 64 vic toria st ifisiil up up and away keeping a tight grip on a bunch of balloons uxbridge public school grade 5 student andrea farr 10 above prepares for the schools first balloon blastoff staff and studentsgathered in a nearby field to count down the departure of about 600 balloons once re leased students said their farewells as the balloons floated to unknown destinations audrey green uxbridge mews concerns voiced uxbridge concerns about water quality gar bage density traffic and location with the proposed uxbridge mews a 34unit condominium apartment project were voiced by loc al residents at a public meeting monday night the proposed 2 million development will be located on brock street west across from the uxbridge arena and its a joint build ing effort between seaton roads become graveyard uxbridge uxbridge township is experiencing an increase in illegal dump ing of dead livestock on ru ral roads said a spokesman for durham regional police uxbridge 26 divi sion people are just dumping them on the side of the road said staff sergeant aird its an easy way to dispose of them and its hard to find out who does it aird said they have been receiving a number of re ports the most recent being two calves left on the side of the road just south of ux bridge police have also found a dead calf and goat east of the town he said legally dead lives tock must be disposed of within 48 hours of death the usual method is to bury them people dumping livestock illegally can be charged under the dead livestock act said aird he claims its difficult to catch the offenders because dumping is usually done at night pickering plans first fun run pickering to help celebrate national physical activity week the pickering depart ment of parks and re creation is hosting their first annual five kilometre fun run sun day may 13 starting at 1 pm at the pickering recreation complex the run which starts and finishes at the com plex is open to all ages and abilities admission isl development ltd and ramira builders barbara moore lot 5 cone 6 uxbridge asked representatives whether the complexs construction would affect water quality since most neighboring homes had individual wells steven kirshenblatt of kirshenblatt korman mani- ates architects and plan ners in toronto said the project would be hooked up to a public water and sew age system we intend to collect all surface drainage and we propose to let only the grass areas drain naturally he said company representatives addressed issues like gar bage and snow removal by stating no buildup would occur seaton group would make provisions for weekly garbage pickup from an out door bin and snow collec tion the entrance and exist is designed to open onto brock st which raised questions about accidents increased traffic parking and noise the residents in this area have been subjected to increased traffic noise and lights with the arena stated a neighboring resi dent residents dont need to be subjected to this mr kirshenblatt said am ple indoor and outdoor park ing 43 spots will be pro vided for the complex solicitor steven melnik claimed the location of the driveway shouldnt pose a problem with the number of vehicles which would be us ing it according to mr melnik the concerns on density we rent an issue because this is not a high denisty urban proposal committee members assured the public that these types of concerns could be considered and ap plied when drawing up the site plan agreement mrs moore also asked why the company wouldnt relocate the development to an area already zoned multiple use a community like ours never has enough multiple use or anything for that matter said uxbridge mayor bill ballinger other areas of town would be better suited said wayne trotter a resi dent to the west of the de velopment this is an area now for singlefamily dwell ings we do not hold clear ex cess to any other land at this time stated mr melnik at this point in the meet ing developer don kerr pulled out a piece of paper containing financial figures and proceeded to accuse seaton group of owing large amounts of money in real estate taxes since 1977 mr kerr claimed because they owed money on the east and west forsythe properties they couldnt build any where but the current loca tion this is totally uncalled for at this meeting screamed regional coun cillor gerrilynn oconnor id be interested to know how mr kerr manages to get people upset even when hes not presenting any thing chuckled ballinger