ih w v r v sb4 wednesday november 2 1983 bell cracks mum down in an effort to cut down on fraudulent longdistance call- ing bell canada has started to verify all thirdnumber calls from coin tele phones if there is no answer or a busy signal at the billing number the person- placing the call will have the following options 1 paying by using coins 2 calling collect 3 using a long distance calling card 4 calling another time the oct 17 date was selected mur ray makin bells vicepresident of customer service said to enable cus- tomers who regular- ly make third- number calls from coin telephones sufiicient time to obtain calling cards such calling cards are available to qualified business or residence users at no chargethey can be obtained by filling out applica tion forms enclosed with august tele- phone bills in 1982 more than 250000 fraudulent thirdnumber long distance calls were placed from coin telephones in bell territory resulting in a loss of more than 13 million this represents a 90 per cent increase since 1980 jewzuuts touch of class ob allan jewellers presents the ultimate in elegance with this classic 10 k gold bracelet set with 14 brilliant diamonds total diamond weight is 28 carats a classy touch at just 5 k to better serve you our bonds you want in what markham office will be denominations and theyll open from 9 am to 9 pm arrange it for you no stand monday to friday during ing in line no waiting- the canada savings bond just fast efficient service campaign put wood gundy on we make buying canada your side when youre savings bonds as easy buying canadasavings as dialing your telephone bonds and let our just tell one of our account professionals make it executives how many easier for you wood gundy wood gundy limited royal bank dld 2053 centre st markham ontario l3p 3p9 tel 416 2949151 diet center is here were the fast natural and inexpensive approach to permanent weight control that has proven safe for men women and children no contract to sign 129 main st n suite 5 in the tremont house markham 4714500 call u tody fora frm introductory coniuhitlon fa th list wclghmoss program youll tver nhd a great selection of cards gift wrap candles at mark 7 smoke gifts 66 wellington way advertising correction eatons toogoodtomiss toy prices insert ap pearing in he oakvilte beaver brampton guardian the mississauga news markham economist sun max whitby news advertiser on wednesday october 261983 z due to supplier delivery problems the following item will not be available page 35 item 35fi coiecovision buck rogers cartridge inadvertently the error listed above has appeared in our advertising we sincerely regret any inconve nience or confusion to our customers eatons n i uni0nv1lle veterans association armistice day parade sunday nov 6th 1030 am fall in- at veterans hall proceed north on main street to the cenotaph for the service diamond stone ski 1st v ifflrt jaihifii belt sander w- w f- 4 sjuustt diamond stonejuneo s 0nly4 in canada and vtrtuallycv hused by allcompetitive skiers the world r ifoverconventionalsanders leaver r- u thousands offibresrounoed or convex j bonoms and burred edges on your skis xthey are hard to turn handle poorly on atf ice and generally effect ortimauu- v performance see microscopic photo tiaboveixrfs v diamond stone turning gives you a flat jt clean true base with eoges honed to perfection for better more controlled v aimtn par tiir nrniimrn ya punrnr l skisdiamondstonetunedyouwontwant avf to ski without itrbring your skiss va in byn0v13 and pick them upby yn0v 27 and we willmakeyour old skis ski- n i live new absolutely v frf m nhbm a bmbm k please hote the above does not include base repairs a fitting solution for your old boots fj t in most cases a small adjustmentis allthats needed to solvethat pinch here- 0r pressure pointtherewe have spentfsv thousands of dollars and hundreds 0f3fej man hours on the rightequipmenton seminar 1 f trained staff both in jheuand canada we knowyour feet boots and the right answer to give youthe fitcomfort and x v control you must have for better m0rej enjoyable skiing weil give you 30 minutes r of expert stafftime and upt0iojjo worth of pads wedges and labour until- nov 13 absolutely any additional huing device will be pr0vi0eo at very fair competitive prices reason 3 the greatest little sk shop in all the land i v riquite a strong claim butwe believe onef iavisitst0 our store wilumake you kmz believer winner of 5 national awards wm fcthe past a ski selection price valueik ihthat we believe is quite honestly moresf extensive than any small specialty ski shop or than canadas largest sporting tttgoods chain services from computer v- equipmentselection to a boottesting fskrslmulator a very friendly staffjhat has been classroomtrained far beyond the norm altthis in the most exciting ferr store imaginable and all of our nonservice shop services are always j wts q w lvkj rllml iqtkst wax- with puimuo any purchase fllossss untlaluh visit us youll be hooked on us foru t 5-