Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 2, 1976, p. 4

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3 j santa claits parade was j f aluie effort by all concerned it seems everybody is agreed that this years santa claus parade was quite a suc- cessxv fs credit goes to the kinsmen club for organizing it and to the local schools athletic clubs service clubs and businesses who ex- pended so much creative effort to come up with original and interesting floats it would appear that stouffville got the better of the deal this year as far as our sharing of bands and other entertainment with markham went j markhams parade began at 10 am in pouring rain and although it cleared up when 5 theparade was in progress it was still pretty c wet7 by the afternoon the sun was shining and fexcept for a slight nip to the air the weather was pretty well ideal t f j s with many people who travelled a from other places somequite distant to see tthe parade 0ne group told usthey enjoyed the local vjparade much more than uie toronto parade the toronto effort admittedly is many times larger than our parade but the spectators are so jammed in there that it is possible to miss f just about the entire display n the long parade route in stouffville 30 yedr ago thistweeu m from the dec 5 1946 issue of the tribune f r i f sallin school tax- rv isf iresidentsof ssno21 intke township of if markhamraistheifeyebrpwswherithey l their taxbills this fauajidarestilp- 1 demanding an explanation astp why taxes i ijihavejumped on a 4000 assessment j some- f j thing like 21 when the township rates are not i increased of course the jump is all in the v thinned the crowd out nicely and it is doubtful that anybody no matter how short had their view obstructed it was obvious that some groups and businesses had put an immense amount of thought and labour into their floats and in our opinion it paid off unfortunately there were a few business floats that were apparently viewed by their owners as nothing more than a cheap way to v the company name before the public in our opinion these few and there were only a few floats detracted from the parade there is very little that is pleasing in seeing a float with the name of the business prominently displayed and decorated with one or two streamers s our only suggestion has to do with the minibikes in the parade there is no doubt the colourfully dressed individuals riding them added something to the parade but we feel the same effect could have been attained by using bicycles instead jour objection to the motorcycles stems from the noise of them and the increased danger of a collision at one point three or four of these machines were massed around the newmarket legion pipe band and they all but drowned out the music it seems silly to hire so many good bands and then have them barraged by motorcycles a few times we noted that the minibikes were travelling at a great rate of speed with- in a foot or two of the crowd and one step for- vard at the wrong time by a distracted small child would have turned a very pleasurable event into an immediate disaster n v but as it turned out there were no mishaps jandwe can honestly say that whitchurch- stouffville represented itself very well l more snares tor sugar and spice i separatism threat maybe needed jolt increased ofscourse the jump is all in the vlbinlziit riiii7aic i school tax as one ratepayer pointed out to the ul ixllvjlls ujl jl v ci 9 ureporter however he asked the newspaper to n explain why the school trustees should cause jsuch a sharp upward swing when there is nothing untoward being done about the school which isthe locust hill school enquiry tothe township treasurer brings j i i u either the 1945 levy was ridiculously low f or the current levyfe too high information on f this matter can and should be forthcoming from the trustees at the annual school ameeting perhaps the ijolt received by the vfarmers in ss no 2llocust hill will be ws fthree 1946 tsfy will bepassing into history 1 legal notice p of stouffville are you in favor of an expenditure of 25000 to be issued by december repayable in twenty years forlthe purpose of procuring a r community hall in thevillage stouffvillel jstake notice that the above is a correct 1 statement of the question to be submitted to the vote of jthecorporation of the village of is at the same time arid place as the 4 i annual election for the municipal council the time of year is fast approaching when as the old song says tis the season to be jolly especially at this time of year much of v jollity is of course alcohol induced arid k when combined with winter driving can form a deadly fcornbinatiori this year york regional police will be using the new roadside breathalyzers which will make it increasingly difficult to avoid detection only a few years ago impaired driving t was i viewed with relative leniency but the everincreasing number of related traffic deaths has resulted in a turnabout in public opinion y4 i ktftlt is well- to remember the mandatory penalty on conviction is athree month suspension of the drivers licence judges have heard the plea so many times that the convicted person will lose his job if his licence revoked that their standard like so many others i was completely astonished by- the sweeping victory of the parti quebecois in la belle province 1 i was also just dreadfully dreadfully upset at the thought of that darn old separatorateest rainy lavack taking over as prime minister of quebec and exercising his rights to exorcise that fair province right out of the body politic of this great nation in fact i was so disturbed by the whole thing that whenxmy assistant department head jeanne sauve came up to me in the hall grinning fiercely and said vive de gaulle i just gave her an icy look and walked on j i made myself scarce when my old shuffleboard partner bill chernier was looking forme tor our usual noonhour game in the staff room no way am i going tobe buddies with some guy who is probably an underground agent for rainy levack u however i got my own back in a sort of sneaky and you might even say sadistic way i asked my fouryear grade lls theyd heard the news that the government of on tario was going to put everyone with a french- canadian name in concentration camps just as our federal government in its infinite stupidity did with the westcoast japanese after pearl harbor boy that shook them they started looking around at eachother half my classes are madet upof robitailles cadieuxs i cadeaus moreaus bourgeois and so on i said itll certainly be nice to have smaller classes their mouths were open c then one guy in a front seat with a good scottish surname started to grin and said in the impeccable english i instil in my students ya sir i heard that there broadcast but you didden hear it all they changed their mind they aint gowna putten in camps theyre gowna line em all up and shootemmy cold stern look began to crumble and pretty soon we were all laughing as they realized theyd t- been had once more by old smiley then we talked about what the separation of quebec would mean the kids as usual werent too perturbed dynasties can come and go as far as they are concerned as long as they dont get a homework assignment out of it the only thing that upsets them is a case of unrequited love or the breakdown of the tv set just as the big sex orviolence scene gets started v the possibility of quebec separating from the rest of canada upsets me just about as much as it does the kids i love canada as it is but i dont think that confederation and all that jazz isvsacred thing it was put together by a bunch of politicians for reasons that were not entirely altruistic and if another bunch of politicians wants to disband the club so be it the original plighting of troths was basically a marriage of convenience after more than a hundred years of marital disharmony if one of the parties feels the union is incompatible why not get a divorce when i was the age of my students the british empire stretched around the world in the cant phrase the sun never set on it today that mighty empire has shrunk to a tiny beleaguered britain financiallyon therocks 1 does anybody really care vnt a fou by bill smiley except a few elderly pukka sahibs people love frightening themselves and each other political columnists are having a heyday speculating onthe balkanization of canada after quebec drops out speculate the worry warts bc and the maritimes wul probably become part of the us the prairie provinces will secede and form a country called manalsask or something and ontario will be left sitting high and dry the only- remaining bastion of the trueblue waspv canadian nobody seems to worry mucht about newfy maybe its time this country had a jolly good shaking up7 we seemed to have changed in the last few decades from a vibrant and- vital young nation with lots to be proud of and plenty to look forward to into a sour crabby and suspicious middleaged country beset by inflation unemployment and strikes v we run down our leaders we seek security rather than adventure we whine about american domination and do nothing about it we bitch about playing our part in v nato and giving money to poor countries and letting in too many immigrants and anything else that is unselfish despite high unemployment we have one of the most erratic labor forces in the world despite our tremendous natural resources we let the americans and the germans and the japanese do the investing in our development because we havent the guts to take the risks ourselves v j f maybe the threat of separation by quebec j is just the jolt this country needs to get the old i adrenalin flowing once again this isa grealfr country but it wont be greatfor long if jt is inhabited by a nation of or sheep 1 life is change things that dont change die lets remember that and not panic when there are indications of change howl ever great it may be 1 writlnd tells character istfrozenexptessioii a v by je feckitt cfghandwriting analyst j handwriting is everyones very own personal and individual identification that cannot be mistaken lost stolen or even successfully duplicated by anyone else bankers lawyers and credit people accept is revoked that their standard reply has become you should have thought of that before yo nc j t ttt ll i l hl i v conditional licences that allowed a driver to go back and forth to work have been vir- n tually done away with so there is no easy out we suggest that all drivers give the gift of j highway sobriety to the rest of the travelling i public u i r smmmmmmmmm countdown stouffville centennial 18771977 early reeves 1 j r gjarnes x of the prominent law firm of the day in stouffville mccuuough button became reeve in 19q5 mrrmccullough beat out dr walter sangster for the honor f it was in the days just prior to local op- tion mr mccuuough advocated wiping out the hotels and dr sangster took a more neutral stand both men were capable but the socalled drys won this first battle which was to go oh for many years fi i mr rmccullough- dropped out after one year lnofficeiwith him on council were lmessrsrrpfcoulscij ahisey cv ann- strong and s hedtl928 qneenconteft crests and morgan jewellers nominations for girls 16 to 25 years old should be submitted to centennial queen contest secretary box 1036 stouffville v sketchbook c a tentative price of 5 has been set for the sketch book folio of 10 prints j centennial logo stouffvilles centennial logo is getting plenty of mileage these days we reported a few weeks back that jim brazier had painted the crest on the side of a rennie transport truck since then he has recreated the design on a anker truck belonging to don anderson haulage this bit of advertising proved especially visible to the public at large asthe truck was entered in the annual ontario signatures etc are accepted most of the time without question in au the world wherever people have acquired the ability to write not one person- in all history ever wrote exactly the same as someone else who lived before them at the same time nor after they had departed from the land of the living this same may be said of your writing and riiine when you look at your friends and acquaintances writings it will soon become apparent that each writes in a different script from your own did you ever wonder why we all write with such variations there is a very good reason and this may be summarized by saying that we each have our own individual personality the most easily understood definition of personality is to say that it is the writers outlook or attitude towards life and daily living as the writer perceives it not always exactly as it is but rather how it affects tne writer inwardly and the inner interpretation which triggers the outward reactions the determination of a writers per- long time is easily recognized before we open the letter just by seeing the handwriting that- penned the name and addresson the envelope there is one great difference in the habit of writing that may be a blessing really where a fleeting smile soon vanishes writing remains as long as the material it has been placed on this makes it quite possible to study the writing months and years after it was written even though the writer may no longer be among the living becauseof this it if become a lawyer or a doctor when they may not be sure that they even have the kind of j- inner self that may be required for this it is quite possible that a person would be better- suited to be a super- salesperson what kind of mate should onejook for to match up with ones own personality i fi t knowing oneself thoroughly the strongest form of assurance for a happy h future handwriting analysis can be learned and if readers are interested in seeing sonality from the writing depends on ac ceptance that thcfrokes that make up let- qi j i r 9 ters words and sentences are the keys to the 0cfloolttiett jotsoh s 5 elements of all the characteristics which are t i normally classed as personality factors skcltes stlocks pclttlt is quite possible to know what kind of a person columns appear periodically in this paper even our ancestors were how they thought demonstrating the personality characteristics reacted to many of the same daily living- encounters that you and i live with today it has been that handwriting is frozen expression and this is quite true in the sense that it is a form of outward expression of inner feelings thoughts aspirations hopes dreams plans and conclusions handwriting analysis may be learned by anyone willing to use common sense and willing to work at it the accuracy of this method of knowing self as well as other is far beyond the possibility of chance what are the benefits it reveals ones strong and weak points so that there is the opportunity of making use of this knowledge it is helpful to know if one should spend time in studying to letter to the editor revealed iriyqur handwriting and mineplease let the editor know youv thoughts i ldcalfeifel fell at montgomery tavern by jian barkey f7next week friday dec 10 nominations trucking association show in torontopeople ctosefof the centennial queen contest rn all over ontario are now aware of the potential contestants maylbeiuredby the approaching centennial sometime in array of contest prizes nowon dispry at crest january the logo will appear on the side of a hardwaihkspageant tickets are onsale at- spademan disposal services vehicles hsi r- basically there are only six strokes used to form these letters the variations that we use in combining the strokes to fomrthe letters can run to quite a large number but it is in the deviation from what one learned in the process of acquiring the writing ability that distinguishes sour own individual per- v oncethe mechanics of writing have been mastered we then write as a habit without actual conscious thought much the same as the way we walk talk smile or any other of many- lifelong habits so too in writing we infuse our own little quirks and mannerisms that tell others that it is ours a letter from some friend not heard from for a dear sir last week our son took his skates to school so he could go public skating after school someone took his skates they were a new pair of bauer junior supremes that cost us 42 v i can understand a child taking the skates but what i cant understand is the parents letting him keep them we ask what is happening to our youth today is this the answer t j-vv- v- xyoors truly t v mrs d rex graham i jjstouffvnie next tuesday december 7th marks the one hundred and thirty ninth anniversary of the death of ludwig wideman the only man killed at thebattlebr montgomerys tavern on yonge street which ended the rebellion of 1837 in upper canada t v some7ortyfive years ago last sunday a group of men paid homage to the memory of mr wideman this group visited the grave in the union cemetery at dickson hill south of ringwood on highway 48 their pilgrimage they said was made as a tribute to a canadian patriot who answered what he firmly believed the call of his country y t mr wideman who owned the present farm of oaude kerr and east to the ninth concession was also the owner of the stouff- ville monument works had served in the war of 1812 with the rank of lieutenant 5- he turned over tothe rebels during the general election of 1836 it is said to have been the result of his vote being challenged at newmarket when it became known that he wasa reformer when ordered to take the oath of allegiance he is said to have taken this v as a reflection on his loyalty which as a soldier he bitterlyesented a i

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