the tribune thursday feb 201j75 c t v- established 188s charles hnolax publisher rwiv rprvirn mm t urn rt mulo sstouvui dif til mmit i barrebeacock s ttorrt pbm mmm sfawl copies ax subscriptions mm pr ytv m advertising manaeer i editor cwsaslntlsrmramcabmeaditbrcviciraiutioacaimdia s manager b cwnmsfltty kwpdr- allocution md ontario wmuy nmpiptn assocutiwc second class auil registration mmber mm v the tribune i one of the inland pumithioa co limited group of suburban newspapers wbict include tbe azwkitbyyickriog news advertiser brampton cuardlan burlington- post etobicoke cutdt mertjiam economist and sua ncwmarkevurora eraoakville beaver oshjwa this week tad mississauga news- t m s whatiiliairinihg all abbiit whats it all about alfie is a question posed by a popular song that might be the apt query to put to members of whitchurch- stouffvilie council what is planning all about anyway hamlet reprieve remember cedar valley it seems that the hamlet has been given a reprieve with acceptance t of a planning report by council the death knell was sounded for a proposed industrial park in the hamlet the study prepared by the area service branch of york region recommended that the land presently designated industrial in the official plan should be redesignated rural until the new official plan is completed for the whole of whitchufchstouffville x that along with a decision by the ontario municipal board last year should mean the end of plans for anindustrial park in that area v but neither the planning study nor the- omb decision really provides longrange protection only a hew official plan which specifically designates the area rural will provide this kind of protection for an area that is obviously unsuitable for industrial- development councillor beckey wedley asked this question rather succinctly at a recent plan ning board meeting the issue involved approval of the second phase of the felray subdivision in ballantrae she fought the approval on the grounds that it was not good planning it vioiated recommendations given by the towns planners concerning expansion of y the hamlet of ballantrae according lo the t owns official plan the hamlet is allowed 500 people a secondary plan must be drawn up if it is to grow larger than n if the second phase of the felray sub- division goes in then the population will ex- ceed the 500 limit in other words the council has ignored this the rationale is that the felray sub division is a definite asset to the community the first phase iscertainly well designed and planned that is not the question in this case the developer has been pressuring the council or some time to complete the project and this has forced a decision that the tribune feels is unfortunate if planning is to work it must be con- sistent if an official plan is a frame of reference then it must be adhered to if the town has planners they must be listened to the days when a municipality could develop like a patchwork quilt are over we hope the council gets that message t- yearsago rinisvweek i excerpts from the tribune from fii parking problems 5 t parking spacewas at 0 a premium in stouffvilie on f saturday afternoon- and more thairl5 sleighs cand cutters crowded the united church sbsdsa number tying tip outside 0 for lackof space if t song composer visits s eddie 4 foley rof toronto v well known cariadiansong writer and composer of the new victory song when the v boys come marching home was in town last week and after a visit to our high and public school his song was said to have been accepted for use here j- roads cleared v at last at long last the side roads adjoining the highways are now open to traffic people living on these side roads have been- much ini convenienccd bv then conditions of the roads this winter which have been blocked a good part of the time good friday good friday march 30 is only five weeks away v sugar and spice bill starts national campaign v by billsmiley i long hearings tod long the environmental hearings into the bremner dump have been- dragging on for many months the hearings have proved to be the loneest in the history of- the en vironmental hearing board a dubious distinction to say the least but the limehas come to wrapthe thing up most of theexperttestimoriyhasibeen giyenandthe board should now be giventhej opportunity ofidelibvratihg testimony to conieupwitha decision time is of the essence now with the april date fast approaching if nothing happens in the interim the dump will close that day in accordancewith a bylaw passed by whit- churchstouffville council last year it is imperative that the ehb give its judgement beforethat date not only that but a decision must be made early so that the minister of the environment has time enough jibmake his decision t he can either accept the recom- tmcndatiohsofithe hearings board i either case morel time would needed the tribune feels that the hearings have gone on long enough a decision siiould be made and made soon tendfdrdpal poorly handled this apparently is womens liberation year orsomelhingpfthesort so be it arent you getting a little sick of it all i mean youand i dont care whether youre a man or a womanor a hermaphrodite dont worrychaps i am not afraid i have a northern hideout an old atom bomb shelter with three women laid on one to bathe me one to dress me and one lo cook for me so im going to say exactlywhafl want lo and let the chippies fall where they may first i take a look at my own family to see which womerineed liberating answer zero my wife needs liberating like i need a kick in the groin every since i met hershe has been not removing her chains but applying ynineiclahk when i walk v v a she doesnt need to be liberatedshe otfreject- needs to be tied uptshe hasmawititeciear vould be that she isf smarter thanlabout everything from making out the income tax return w screwing in a light bulb belterlooking lhanl and aluwehave lo do is look in a mirror more artistic than i shes always frigging with the color thing on thejeleyision while i bellow i dont care if its all purple shut up only male who could if her yearol3 walking son pokey and there is the only hope i see for the future of the male i looking further afield i remember two dames who were so liberated you wondered who was wearing the pants in the family in 6oth cases ohewasiriy mother she called the shots in our family from the time shvpiit on her wedding ring she decided which of the kids would be licked and she did the licking she decided what speed my dad should drive at she pulled us throughjhe depression mydad was a sweet- gentlechap like myself and always sat in the rumble seat on each new family enterprise my motherinla was the same with a combination of tempers tirades and tears she made my fatherinlaw walk on eggs until he didnt feel comfortable unless i i didpt feel comfortable unless he had an egg underfoot j j mysisters and sistersinlaw they bully and needle and haggle thejnmen 5 unmercifully they continually make them jc feel that ihey tthewomenhadpoor luckin the draw and make veiled and usually imaginery references to the great chances ihey had to marry someone worthwhilewho turned out to be somebody members of york regions board of police commissionersstand today with egg on their collective faces v tjie fact that they accepted the tender for police cars put in by emerald isle motors of stouffvilie shows the strange v that decisions can change after a wrong decision is made the tendersoriginallywere opened emerald isle hadthelowestbidthe com mission decided to go along with a reebm- mendation that the third-lowest- bid be ac cepted v ithe reasons given involved the high y maintenance costs involved in the cars the force had last year- the unfortunate fact is that the tender the third lowest which was accepted from a newmarket dealership which then found it could riot honor the tender thecommission backtracked and chose to buy the cars from emerald isle atthe original price f in future we hopelhe commission is more careful when tendering if thepolice want a certain kind of car it is a simple matter to makethe specifications to that end so that other cars could not meet specifications if that is done then this kind of unfortunate flipflop will not happen again and watch the program and in better shape and this phenomenon is not something than i always concede the lastnamed -v- r i mdu than ii always without a fight boyi could never scrublhe kitchen jnhalfan hour like you dear it would probably take me half ihe afternoon- and im right so theres no cpnflictpf interest there 1 i v she also has a joint account the house is in her name the car is in her name and if i droppeddead tomorrow shed have so much insurance she could give jackie onassis a run ifovrhermoneyliberation my armpit my daughter is in the same boat or new something of 20lh century queen boadicea if- anyone remembers her had a great time smashing uprqman legions until shedied of an overdose of woad lady macbeth was no -shrinking- unlibcrated violet shei was more or less a shrieking liberated violent r queen elizabeth diddled her wouldbe lovers for years and rah a growing empirp with avel vet glove in an iron fist madame de pompadour literally ran the french empire in the day of the 15lh louis and she wasnt evenrharned j category she alternately bullies and nobody is weeping over jackie whatever wheedles her- father and her husband she who bounced from a us president to agreek lakes nothin offa nobody especially male billionaire nor are itnany tears shed ovefthe cops she is in a career course and she is way poor little helpless liz taylor has been using or kicking outof the way every male mistreatedbyfive six or seven husbands who stands in her path with one exception of course- all these women had charm she is being usedand pushed around by ihe and drive br both and werent loo much concerned about ihe cost of hamburg f hats what the womens lib is going to hit me with among other things one last example iknow a lot of womenj teachers you think they need liberation like hellthey smoke and drink and swear like sailors and swagger around in comfortable pant suits while the men strangle in shirts and ties aijd the real clincher is that j they make as much money as men and frequently more top administrative jobs j open to them they dont want them why not because they cant handle themmost of them would doa better job than- the dimwitted males who now inhabit these posts no its because they dont wanttbgiye up their feminine perks staying home for twbj days with a sniffle shooting- off to thehajr dresser once a week breaking iritoitears when everything becomes lpomuch forime lhave always treated a woman fas a woman first and a person second ihaye used k i ea kids if i have to start treating women as people first and women second iknow who is going to complainthe loudestthe women and the second loudest complaint will be from yours truly it will destroy all the mystery arid glamor and excitement which are the only things that make life worthwhile men rally around for years both sexes have been equal but women have been more j equal than men nowallthey want todojs widen thegap v x x spme of my best friehds have been a women buthow would youlike your son to r marry i once started a national campaign- for porkparents of rotlerikids it was fairiy -successful- ii s oncemore i appeal last time most of the joiners werewomenthis time i want the men of canada to stand up and be counted as members of my new organizationdbnt nobody be scared i it will be called men attack female independence anonymously- in short mafia a unutte v by iqhn montgomery canada has the rather dubious distinction of being the only country in the world that can put on an extravaganza television program giyingaway22 million and still have it come out unutterably boring i am of- course referring to mission millions possible the fourth olympic lottery draw which was billed sarcastically i suspect as being presented live im not disputing it wasnt pretaped but after being subjected to that horrible drivel for an hour i woumsay referring to it as live was a gross exaggeration not to mention an routrightie w as one disgruntled viewer- myself commented- just v suffering through that trash you earn your million bucks there isapossibility although a very o remote one- that the programs stunning shows of this calibre arefaired it could start a j whole new trend amongst television audiences instead of everybody waiting for the commercials to head for the refrigerator or bathroom they will sit through the com mercials and then take a break when the show comes back oh also the olympic lottery theme song aired for the firsttime sunday night appears to be in no immediate danger of fritting the top 40 charts and becoming a runaway success quite often you hear arevolting song and one or two lines of it seem to get stuck in your head and keep repeating themselves until they begin to drive you sberserk fortunately whoever was responsible for writing the lottery theme it is expected the writer will remain permanently anonymous had enough cempassion for 4jie long suffering ft mluuilllk i r t mediocrity wasa carefully planned strategy meyiewers to make it so wonderfully bland r iven awav you vhaathe whole thing was forgotten instantly what with being given away you would expect a little hysteria and high blood pressure as the drawing unfolds as a public service they may have purposely kept the program so low key noone could possibly get overexcited i f if this was the purpose then it worked only too- well in- fact- considering the per- fqrniances put on7 there jwas w a very real possibility the big millidn dollar winners are was making all soils of interesting witty and urbane remarks perfectly comprehending the english announcer i could not attribute any of these things to him but was stuck with the harsh reality that hispatter was dull arid inane the french announcer a woman at least spoke with a certain amount of animation and even cracked a smile occasionally the english announcer whose range of facial expressionswere slightly more limited than charlie mccarthys delivered his lines as though he were announcing a death in the family youre probably all saying this is just sour grapes on my part because i for- the fourth time invested 10 bucks and didnt win anything that is of course untrue although i did win 100 on theiast draw a damned in- suit and i did have my heart set on the 50000 prizei no point in being greedy yv- once the number had been called i displayed great equanimity and stoicism ripping my ticket ta shreds and at fhe same time casually putting my foot through the television screen putting all thoughts f of sudden riches away i trundled off to bed and piiyntti the disappearance of theorierooin school in the area it is a goovlj thing tolook iback once in a while to the way things used to bev lbethesdapuwcschoolmlm2ynotallhe vivian road west nmk ai known but uie teacher is- th y- -i- mimes i are known but r as tmi n t teacher is- the 4- gently snoring awayin front of the tv set by bearded gentleriian in the back rowand his thattime and only learned oftheir good for- cnamelslssafrpikethe pjefure is we of a tuhe jhe morning paper came outthe ti jtiiii ujinw1 li nextdayvi derably in- beingable to understand a word of more was free to fari jvimmonfainr a number that are ondisplayat the whitchurch stouffvilie historical after a deathly experience like that we should be thankful for small blessings one shouldnt be overcritical though as there were some positive aspects to the show not only did it further the cause of national unity but it struck a blow for bilingualism just imagine it people from all over the country in spite of regional and economic disparity watchingonei television program and all united by one common motivation greed j j- ticket until igetpaidfridayr ji the show did notjparticularly make me well at least rmdeterminedtoshow want to run outand learn french but i really sorne forbearance and waituntil uieresulta cried myself to deep well im fed up with being 4 captive audience to those awful olympic lottery draws and i am determined not to buy another did enjoythe frenchspeaking portions not are publishedyinjthe nextdayspaperl shouldnf be too niuchof was free to fantasize the french commentator fa hardship waiting a s hours to learn i havent won anything-