v the tribunetuursdayjan j1jj5 established 188s don bernard i editor i 1 ft iw r svaiarleshnolan js w j publisher publish every rh5rjdyit4miiiscstouvilloiittl4ll- torontophone mi11m snsle copies e subscription m00 per yer to idvvrusini itanavrr tciudasitooelsewlmre member of audit bureau of circulation canadian so community newspapers association and ontario weekly newsptpcts association second class mail registration number mm t jz the tribune is one o tbejnland publishing co limited group of suburban newspaperswhidi includes theaaxwhitbytickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicefce gazette markham economist and sun newmarketaurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news barre beacock ager llfr miissfeiim should be moved late last year c w brillinger presented a report to whitchurchstouffville council concerning the operation of the historical museum it is situated on the vivian ftdnot far from newmarket in spite of its remote location the museum attracted 2640 people in 1974 an increase of 150 per cent from the previous year three special events account for the increased attendance including maple syrup festival antique car show and strawberry festival mr brillinger pointed out that the problem facing the museum is lack of money for acquiring artifacts in the budget funds to keep it going are largely provided by the town the total 1974 budget for the museum was 6700 it is good to- see thai people are discovering the museum but perhaps time has come to find it a more central location some location in the centre of whitchurch- stouffville would be more suitable perhaps an historical museum is a fitting way to preserve something of our past over some difficult obstacles the one in bogarttown has established itself it is time that a better site be found that would enable the museum to serve more people in the whole town of whitchstouffville we hope that the museum hoard and the town council will consider this possibility in 1975 watch out for thin ide w i bible fbrvtke m i mji the old phrase youre skating on thin ice refers to a philosophical fault in an argument butwhen winter conies around the dangers of thin iceare real indeed every year there are reports of people going through ice on lakes rivers and ponds in v ontario all of these mishaps some resulting in drowning oi freezing to death can be prevented it only takes something thaudoes not a seem to bevery common these days i common sense v si w- sn6wmobiiirig can be fun but there are many hidden dangers ice thickness on a river i- k isvery deceiving from the top the ice may look thick and strong- but current below ban wear away the ice from beneath this can happen over a period of time even in very cold temperatures r snow on top of the ice is also deceptive and should be watched very closely below may be weak ice thateannot be seen because of the blanket of snow l sljgar and spice tl f fromthfj 7 living bisi sijesustold him i jamtheway yesaad rthetruth and the life ndonecangetto the fatheritexcept by means of -me- iftyoug had known who i ajnfll then you would have known who my fther- is from now on you know himv and have seen- him philip said sir show us the father and we will be satisfied jesus replied dont ybuj even yet know who i t amphilipyeven after all this time i have been with you anyone j who lias seen me hasi seen the fatherso why are youasking jo seehim dohr you believe that i am in the father andthejther isin me john 14610 44 clean flip results not startling vj yes winter can be fun butis worthwhile to take proner precautions- test ice for strength and stay off patches of ice that are suspicious 1 v make this a safe winter of fun v this is the time of the year for out v the old in with thvnew i honestly did tr r imperii for valedictory go softly riow thy days heed nouthe sighsdf fortunes gales yieldjnottothemthe flame of life leave not- behind hy dreams delights be still withuruth hopes tender song bejightwitirjoyjthe souls bright crown i gosoftlynow- p s but in each man as his worth claims go slowly now i5si go slowly now too soon thy time with fleet and wayward steps unwinds i and youththat storehouse fiill and fair rgiesvwayonaughibut7 bare v bind not thy faith follys chains be happy now enjoy thy being dnnklonghfes waters cool and living embrace thyloves with arms as fire give thanks for birththe thoughts desire strivenot for feelings but few denied conteritmentiies inthings well tried be happy now by sharon tranmer editorsnote the poem was com posed by misstranmer and was recited as part of her valedictory address at stouff ville dist secondary school with y to do this butit was hopeless i got bogged i down right up to thenavel in my first at tempt to getrid of theold s i decidedas yearend project to clean up mywritingdeskthis may sound i simplea mere 15 minutes of sorting and tidying butvyouare not acquainted with my writing desk perhaps you remember the myth about hercules cleaning out the augean stables they were filled with cattle hadnt been cleaned in decades and there was a veritable mountain of youkiipwwhat a formidable r v task he did it without even using apitchforic he diverted the flow of two rivers through the stables and lothey 3 that was scliilds- play compared to cleaning off my deskand also i am no her- cules vt v on each sidevofmy typewriter sits a v teetering stack op papers that reaches v proximately to my head when i am sitting at my machine huddled between them like a sparrow betweev two huge tomcats squats the typewriter occasionally one jof the piles like a i glacier slidesimajesticallytp the floor my wife picks uplhejriessand mutterjng under her breath jamsitback on the deskshes forbidden to disturb anything there or even to dust it thatsthejniain reason the pilesare i- two feet high i dsallow her to dust the front of the desk7wherethe trouble is shesso annoyed shepiles the stuff backijanyold this causes a problem when decide to clear the desk at r years ehdir- a j a- i pickiupthefirst letter it- is from a farmers complimenting me on my stand for the beef farmertcjt is ciated 1962 that suggests that the last time i cleaned my desk was in 1961 l it also poses- questions what was my stand on the beef farmer in 1962 ill bet it was a little sweeter than j my attitude toward sirloin steak prices today was the letter ever answered who knows so i put it in the staek- iabcllcd who knows this turns out to be the biggest of the many piles i lay out on the floor the other piles bear such esoteric labels as to be dealt with sometime needs further study look into this silly old cranks to be answered definitely in the new year complimentary over the hill and so on the second largest stack is called v miscellaneous because i dont- know where f under the lastitenr go such tilings as a passport application form a bill from the by smiley on top of the pile the stack labelled com- plimentary thisicontainsthc letters i have received from v those splendid- intelligent people who admire mywifeor kids or columm yes iknow they should be thrown out but surely you wouldnt deny achapa little ointment for his egoany more than youwould begrudge an old lady a seat in the chimney corner where the fire can warm her ft the piles beside the typewriter are now only a foot and a half high and it has taken a day and a half to sort them this may not seem like progress to you but rome wasnt built in a day as some idiptjonce remarked one good thing came out of thisjyears sortingi remembered that i hadreceiveda letter from barry broadfoot author of ten lost years a compelling book about the strand palace london a christ- depressionrdwrittehacolumn about if mas card from my insuranceageht a test for no x couldntfind his letter have grade 11 an offer to do the smiley family tree wandered into the miscellaneousor 1 for only 300 must have been a small family and a reminder that 1 am due at veterans hospital for f chest xray which i forgot all about i have a very definite way of handling these pilesmiscellaneous iput back on the desk over the hillwhich contains anything t more than six- years old goes r into the wastebasket as does silly old cranks a very slim stack of letters from ridiculous people who dont agree with me needsfurther study goes backon the desk right on top of miscellaneous look into somewherebut the memory of hisletter jmade me remember that id had at least teh j from all over the country and the states asking where a copy might be ob- tained no i couldnt find these letters either- t but the memory of them reminded me of what barry broadfopt wrotem his letter hes f writing another book called sthe pioneer l years and he wondered if i would ask in my column for the names of oldtimers who were spry and interestingso that he could in- rterview them if r so there youarel everybody send the this goes back on thedeskon tbpof needs names of spry interesting oldtimersof either further study next on thegrowing pile on the sex to barry broadfddt care of doubleday i desk goes to bedealt with sometime then i lift the whole pile and slide un derneath it right at the bottom if youll pardon the expression to be answered definitely in the new year- v and thencarefully and delicately i place publishers 105 bond su toronto ont m5b ly3 samepeopieyvill be happy to provide you with acopy of ten lost years there my first good deed bfil975and thats going to costiyou brotherrbroadfoot crown royal will do te 3 i viewpqjnt r- v- confessions of a chronic iprocrasiiiq v w w it is now about three oclockin the mor ning im notsiireof jthe exact time as i didnt get around to winding my watch today and i am just getting down to writing this column which was due at the printers several hours ago vf- v i have absolutely no excuse except my own procrastination for not having the column done because i have known about if for three weeksand-my- boss otherwise known as the editor hasnt been particularly reticentabout remindingme s r unfortunately this is the story of my life no matter howsincere my intentions or how much advance warning i have that i will have to have somethingdone i still end up fran tically i scramblingwat the lasb moment to compieteit i always seem to end up lineup atthe cleaners waiting suit 15 1 minutes before im supposed wedding this was true formyown wedding as wellr- i4it i ta perennial joke among my friends a j sarcastic lotisthat i have never seen the opening creditsitoajmovie s i f il forlthe firstfwoeeks after learning i had the columnto jo tnevereven considered byijohn aa6ntc5aaerr -tr- fi im i v before conceding defeat- oneethis ifwell ididnjt getit done 6n next at- monumental task- was completed 1feltli- tempt i had gotten as far as trying to outstere deserved a break so i settled in frobtof the m keyboard whenmy brothermlawphoned television with a cup of coffee as it happened tosay ne had tickets to a basketball game and i became engrossed in an hour and a half would i like to go if there is one sport i truly special on the six life of the aardvaik detest it is basketball but it seemed kind of disgusting little creatures which ordinarily foolish to waste the tickets especially since i wouldnt bother with but for some reason they were end redss 1 that night i found the program rutterly fascinating needless to say by the time that was over i felt i hadput in a pretty good evenings work and well satisfied i went off to bed i r a couple of nights later i had another go at it this time i decided there would be no nonsense so i sat right down laid out all my pens tested them by doodling and sharpened all my pencils looking back this seems to those are the circumstances which brought me to the bynowalltoofarmiliar position i now find myself in that is feverishly working away at three oclock in the morning k vs k a the sopmsticatecuime wasting methods i c have outlined were certainly not an accidental- occurence but in facthaye been honed to a fine edge of perfection byer a period of many i yearsthey arejn fact theyery methods that to a great degree were responsible for my less i magnificencscholasticrecord c 4 a couple ofjyeafsagovlread about a standing in a have been a rather irrational move as hype to a gi vaitingfor my everything j vik 0 fnan posed to be at a i i took a piece of typing paper and inserted i fo it in the typewriter and without a moments aco hesitation i tapped out the wordcolumn at x procrastination club to the article the top of the page f rv fiw arranged atrip new york worids pleasedbut exhausted fromjthiseffortlfair the year afterit was held as sponas i s squandered ithenext half hour staring j heard thati knevthis was the club for me listlessly at the keyboard and chainsmoking and i immediatley wrote a letter asking how i right then i paw kettle in the maw and paw kettle somebody foot would gptcrashing thefront porchstep or theywbuldsit r chair whichwould disiritegrateihto dumping tlremjunceremoniouslyjon raw would uncohcernedlytcomment gonna hafta fix thatsometiriiemaw a man aftermyiown i hearth- xi- tl v fit u