2 ilhe tribune thursday jan 9 191s t if fe greenwood rieios tifcw seeks toattract young m y by betty pegg s greenwood- met jan 2 at the church and discussion involved v how to attract younger mrs grant members into the ucw pascoe dale brian and groups j ilchristopher- wl s vi f ri returned from a twoweek cooperation withthe ronald david had a visit audjey group at the frommrshennings i j vi gatheringfor gerald day those present were henning parents last week mr mrand jfcslloyd and mrs young of henning and family mr- bancroft- and mrsedward hen- mrs u mclean and ring mr and mrs david beatrice had a large henning andronald and j cathy pegglacv 7 companied by cathy i- mckay are enjoying siding at mount sutton ini quebec cagfe rev j isiesjs m vacation in florida celebrated asbirthday s v thatday and the ladies ijmrand mrs ken enjoyed a birthday cake mctaggartv entertained and ice cream with their for new years day dayinbishonorlv those present included oks sr 3 daughmrsdonpegg st and family of whitevale mr and mrs milton pegg and edward en joyed dinner with mr and sympathy is ex pressed to mr and mrs vernon hicks in the death t mrs alfred pegg and -j- sister ruth mrs- john pettmger of the square dance tusonburg- club held their annual mr and mrs david new years eve party in henning and r f blue heron ceramics stouffvilles controversial objet dart was the centre of attraction again last week as minor repairs were carried out the teepee like affair shrouding it was to keep the wind v off and to keep the heat providedby heat lamps in while i some fiberglassing was being done the man behind thei plastic is riy spiers of newmarket f classes begin week of january i3tfi- calnow greenware and supplies claremont i five year warranty on piece j 649231 7 you can have clean softcrystal clear water for as little as imi per month with a water conditioner from water treatment no long term contracts eliminates cloudiness spots on glasses and dishes brihtens dull hard to manage hair eases scraping pulling and rough shaving no bath tub rings ends rust stains on fixtures and laundry eliminates accumulation of lime call now mostw stouffville the stouffville post offices recently installed sculpture underwent minor repairs last week ray spiers an associate of patricia fulford the sculptures creator told the tribune the piece had developed 10 hospitalized convicted guelph a l7 youth was- fined 500 and had hisdrivers lincense suspended as a result of an accident in volving a gorrhley area woman r peter madsen 17 of guelph was found guilty in provincial court of dangerous driving after thecouffheard testimony of how the car ke was driving vas travelling at speeds up to 95mph the collision occurred near guelph on aug 14 the car driven byl loiswidemanadvertisirig representative ofthe tribune w mrst wideman was returning too gormley from tavistock and had four young girls with her in the car- mrs wideman suffereda severe concussion in the crash arid herl daughter helen 10 received a broken arrn and severe throat cuts anotherdaughter ruthanne and two nieces saridraand susan beynon were also injured in thecrask three girls aged 12 14 and 15 each told judgehirrhowitt that madsen was driving very faitkjwq of girls said they saw the speedometer of the car from the back seat and said the needle showed the car travelling at 95 mph constable frank beradine of the guelph police department said that he found skid marks at- the scene uiat ex tended 335 feet back from l the point of iimpact v v mr madsen f was fined 500 and was prohibited from driving anywhere in canada for two years after being found guilty of dangerous driving some cracks on the inside cost in the neighbourhood surfaces i cf 23000 i he was unsure cas well as guaran- whether the cracks were teeing the sculpture for a result of somebody yive years the artist is banging into the sculp- required to insure the ture or whether it had not piece at a cost of 150 been given enough time to set before being installed the cracks were ground out and then filled with fiberglass the process required only a few hours according to mr spiers the purchase terms of the piece include a five year warranty period he said in some cases the artist is 1 required to guarantee a sculpture for up t 10 years he disagreed with peoples complaints about the cost of the sculpture he quoted the price as 2300- rather than the 2500 figure atgiyenout byt public works r a bronze sculpture of about the same size he estimated would have durirg construction and placement and the artist is- responsible for in stallation every ones an original he commented with different sorts of problems he estimated theartist made about 40 a week pfofiton the piece mr spiers who worked on the con struction of it said it took a year to complete working on and off the piece weighs about a thousand pounds and has between 300 and 400 pounds of steel reinforcing in it people will beef about that the sculp- ture he concluded but they dont say anything about those damned ugly paper boxes r announcing nino one of the leading hairstylists of toronto has joined josephs beauty salon at markh am shopping centre f 293232 fl vspecialsbnpermvnents v y- -v- iv eq1 t v r ji -excluavel0cal5- representative forf kitchenaid dishwashers by hobart i vtwestinghouse appliances vspeequeen appliances lv all day friday jan 10th and saturday jan 11m i z sanyoatelevision stereo ir i lloysistereo components 1 j 4 fadidassrprts shoes equipment sherwinwilliams kem paints 1 i i i i ii i 5 m ainist stouffville 6402771 1 1