thursday jan 9 1969 the tribune page 9 rzzi farm lhune new legislation dooms family farm york county is the family farm doomed many people feel that it is and base this opinion on a new government proposed estate tax that became effective oct 22 but has not yet been approved by parlia ment while the tribune has not yet learned whether the federation of ag riculture plans to oppose this ottawa bill many individual property owners are incensed by its provisions many others perhaps do not un derstand what the new legislation entails in the jan 4 issue of the free press weekly the suggested result of the estate and gift tax bill are spelled out clearly owners of property val ued in excess of 20100 should study each statement carefully in the past an estate worth s40000 or less was exempt from estate taxes now the exemption is cut to 820000 and the tax on the remain der is drasticallv increased it will be 50 percent on an estate worth s300000 or more very few heirs can pay such a penalty to retain ownership of the family farm instead they will sell the farm to some rich man or a large corporation and cut their losses or more likely the farmer will sell it before he dies why should he labor into his old age for the benefit of the tax collector the new tax is represented as a concession to widows they no long er will pay any tax when they inherit their husbands property but widows do not long outlive their husbands when they die the estate becomes taxable at skyhigh rates to be paid by the heirs no consideration is given to the farmers children even when they have spent much of their lives building up the farm many people think that the new tax was designed to hit only rich men this is not true most of its victims will be men or women in mo derate circumstances during the last vear of record 5700 canadian estates were taxed and 82 percent of them were valued between 50000 and 300000 about 70 percent of these estates were worth less than 100000 it is clear from the figures that the main tagct of the new tax is not the millionaire but the man who has worked hard saved his money and accumulated a nest egg for his children of these men the most typical is the canadian farmer and the chief victim is the family farm residents of york and ontario counties desiring of additional infor mation on this planned federal lation should contact the representa tive member of parliament in the riding where they reside crop improvement meeting a a wall gricultural representa tive for york county vewmarkct friday of this week is he date for our crop im provement meeting for ork county this meeting isually attracts a very arge crowd and we think ur programme this year vill be useful for all farm- rs starting time is 1030 sharp and those who tried new ideas in crops last year will report on their experiences the corn growers will be represented by those who broke the record in yields in 1968 they will be george robson carman boadway walter brillin- ger and murray cupples h there are two experts on the afternoon program one jack hagarty will deal with growing the crops and the other harold clapp will discuss the feeding of them things like soybean pro duction chemical weed control and new varieties will be the main itemo of jack hagartys talk harold clapp will be spending a lot of his time on the use of haylage in rations for cattle the hay lage system is great in theory and good in prac tice but there are prob lems with it that are puz zling to many who use it so we will have some dairy men to question harold on some of the problems high moisture grain corn is a new oportunity for york county dairymen and this will be covered on the program too the date again for the meeting is this friday january 10 at the victoria square hall and it starts right on time at 1030 am farm equipment show the 23rd canada farm and industrial equipment show will be held in tor onto beginning jan 22 and extending through jan 25 the location is the coli seum building exhibition park dealer representatives from the markham-stouff- villeuxbridge areas will attend the public is invited to view the displays the wid est range in the shows 23 year history near million savings the 1968 operations of the largest farm supply co operative in the province united cooperatives of ontario generated before tax savings of 975000 reports president fenton cryderman of thamesville this compares to 1967 unusually low before tax saving of 318000 a financial review will be featured at ucos an nual meeting coop show case 69 being held at the western fair grounds in london january 1415 an estimated 5000 people and voting delegates are ex pected to attend it will highlight new techniques in todays agriculture and combines the annual meet ing with an informative trade show income taxes at 340- 000 reduced uco savings for the year to 635000 some 366000 will be re turned in patronage divi dends to the close to 25- 000 corporate and indi vidual uco members pay ment of preference share dividends takes 111000 and the remaining 158- 000 goes to general re serves sales for the year amounted to 88262000 approximately the same as last year assets climbed more than a million dol lars and now total 34963- 000 how these assets are working for the farm mem berowners of uco and re tail cooperatives will be the subject of the walk through look at ontario agricultural cooperatives by means of slides and displays created espe cially for coop showcase 69 notice to subscribers during the last ten years there have been a vast number of changes made in the quality of the tribune both in the area of production and content major among these improvements was the change to offset production printing the benefits of which accrued to both readers and advertisers while advertising rates continue to rise the cost to the reader has remained constant wages in some departments have increased by more than thirty per cent and with nearly twenty people involved it becomes necessary at this time to increase our price to the reader wages are only one of the many items which have mounted annually in cost newsprint and equipment and many other ingred ients of the newspaper business have climbed as well subscribers are thus advised that as of feb 1 1969 the annual subscription rate will be s5 a year and two years for 900 the price on the newsstands and in paper boxes will be 15c per copy sub scriptions at the old rate of 4 will still be taken up to feb 1st sheep production theres lots of room for expansion in ontario alone the onfarm value of sheep and iambs in 1967 was just under 7 million there is a vast market in canada and in on tario for more lamb than is produced last year the canadian production was 21 million pounds of mutton and iamb but we imported about 75 million pounds mainly from new zealand and australia there is a dual crop with meat and wool with sheep being a cheap con venor of feed to meat farmers could find sheep raising profitable particularly if modern techniques of intensified production are applied ontario department of agriculture federation of agriculture an improved program employee centre active york cty the can ada manpower centre with office headquarters at 460 park avenue newmarket was successful in placing 1629 persons in effective employment during 1968 this according to man ager w r mccurdy rep resents a 10 per cent in- by john j dunlop director of information the past year has been one of intense excitement for all involved in the ag ricultural community in ontario as vast changes have come about the com ing year promises a con tinuation in this vein as even more startling chang es will make hopes into strong realities problems into workable solutions and differences into points of earnest discussion the ontario federation of agriculture has a sea soned history based on committment to the farm ers of this province its continuing involvement in many various fields has thoroughly disciplined all concerned to the demands and expectations resulting from committed action the federation has now taken on the greatest com mittment in its history to become a bigger better general farm organiza tion programmed to serve the farmer as never before this action will soon in volve every farmer of this province personally on an individual basis as director of informa tion for the ontario fed eration of agriculture i enjoyed meeting many of you during the annual meeting at the royal york hotel in toronto i have had verbal and written communication with many others of you since that time it is my sincere hope that this bond of communi cation will continue and expand in the coming year if i can be of any serv ice to you at any time please contact me imme diately on schedule stouffville last year a ewe on the farm of w r dick coffey rr 3 stouffville gave birth to a lamb on jan 4 this year on exactly the same day jan 4 1969 a second offspring arrived crease over the previous year in addition under the ontario training for adults plant 148 persons have been so referred with 85 graduates another reason most people listen to tqt bill stephenson sldawhite sunshine fresh juicy 138 sunk1st oranges doz 43c fresh 10oz cup brussel sprouts 29c crisp 1 jumbo stalk pascal celery 29c high liner ocean perch fillets lib pkk 39c tasty supreme french fries 2lb bar 9c we reserve the right to limit quantities best buy save 23c with pork 14oz tins clarks beans 599 special supreme brand 64oz plastic jug liquid bleach 39c save 10c red white 5oz jar instant coffee 69c special feature squirrel 31b jar peanut butter 99c save 6c fancy cream style 14oz tins york corn 2 39c best buy dole brand fancy fruit cocktail 19oz tins 39 save 8c del monte breakfast size prunes lzib plio bar 59 best for value best for health sunspun coloured mb parchment pack margarine 29c best buy presweet post sugar crisp 9oz pkgs alpha bits 10oz likes 39 c feature lee brand sliced crushed tid bit best buy save 28c 14 tns york fancy peas 5199 4 99c pineapple if m save iibbys lliw tins sockeye salmon 49c alpha cetti 2 39c bonus buy compare at sllil 10oz spray tin rkg4sr oflf pack lib pktf lustre net hair spray 69c domestic shortening 39c reg 4c westons chocolate cirli domestic oil 65c it kg 85e antiseptic listerine bii ml guest cake 45c buy of the week 100fine cotton pillow cases save ilk- regular crinil hill brothers coffee lb vacuum tin 89 specially selected fresh picnic slinnhlit r lii fi 111 ave pork roast 491 ulcul lor kikisfing iun boston stvlr pork butt roast lb 59c i 111 mraty well trimmed butt pork chops lb 69c bologna rings lb 69c filler specials schneiders famous mild seasoned fresh sliced tender beef liver lb 55c sizzler sausage 4 249 lean boneless chunk style stewing beef 3 239 where friendly people save you more schells red white stouffville open every thur fri night until 9 pm j i