mmrksmmtlmnaswnir the tribune thursday muh 7 1968 pje 3 sewage plant is thorn in side of rose ave residents rose ave stouffvilies sewage disposal plant is a thorn in the side of residents on rose avenue east of obrien during periods of heavy rainfall a backup occurs into basements and recreation rooms staff photo past flood problems stouffville mr and mrs harold gibson moved into their new home on rose ave jan 9 1959 since that time they and others in the area have been plagued by basement flooding due to the houses proximity to the towns sewage dispo sal plant problems during the past nine years exper ienced by the gibson fam ily and some of their nei- bors are listed from 1959 to 1962 base ments flooded three times all following heavy rains letter of complaint sent to town council request ing that something be done letter was signed by all residents affected alarm system installed at disposal plant no flooding problem ex perienced during next four years attributed in part to the conscientious work of the plant opera tor mr fosdick now de ceased basements flooded again in 1967 it is under stood that no one was on i duty at the time or respon sible for keeping a close check on the signal sys tem neighbors discussed some form of action but unfortunately the matter was allowed to drop some residents in the area installed traps such action was taken by mrs norman burton un able to cope with flooding problem any longer mr and mrs lloyd jennings wished to protect their finished recreation room others contemplating sim ilar installations traps will not solve the problem completely the real problem is in the inadequacy of the dispo sal plant even with traps it is feared that a heavy rain or spring thaw may heave the basement floors if the backup pressure is suffi cient water enters not only the drain like a fountain but also comes up through the cracks in the floor around the pipes of the laundry tubs and the large pipe leading from the toi let to the basement floor with the planned erec tion of 140 new homes in the west end of town res idents fear that the situ ation already serious at the disposal plant will be beyond control fox bounty ontario county ontario county has been notified by the ontario minister of municipal af fairs that the province is terminating the payment of bounties on foxes a total of 400 was paid out by the county last year men part of the fam iliar saying men often make passes at girls who drain glasses town resident charges negligence the following is a copy of a letter sent to the reeve of stouffville ken laushway from a resi dent on rose avenue mrs muriel gibson out lining in detail the problem of flooding in the basement of their home due to a backup of sew erage from the town disposal plant copies of the letter were also sent to all other members of coun cil and the clerk accompanied by an account for 725 the letter reads february 23 1968 mr ken laushway co sanitation department village of stouffville ontario dear mr laushway only by chance did we discover that we had water in our basement a member of the fam ily happened to go down stairs at its rate of en trance another half hour would have made our automatic washer new dryer and furnace in operable as well as seriously damaged a chester field suite tables also new tv sewing machine and various other furniture and appliances which we could not have hoped to replace disaster was temporarily averted through chance and a tele phone call to mr ralph corner who in turn set the necessary wheels in motion we consider the town entirely responsible for damage done through negligence at the disposal plant the alarm system did not operate one pump was turned off and the other pump did not kick in when needed this is the second time in 1968 that water has entered our basement on the previous occasion mr gibson was required not only to clean up the resulting mess but also to remain off work de priving us of income to keep watch over the basement however that occasion followed sev eral days of rain and so we were alerted and did not complain though we were nevertheless very disturbed about it the fire department was called upon to pump out the sewer main in front of our home to prevent further flooding incidentally pumping raw sewage into an open ditch in a resi dential area can surely not be a very sanitary measure during 1967 we had flooding in our basement a total of four 4 times varying in depth up to 18 each flooding required much work in clean ing up each flooding caused much damage involv ing great expense it has been suggested that we put in a trap perhaps we should but first and foremost i do not consider it our responsibility we are paying taxes for a sewage system that is giving us un satisfactory results the town should make the necessary adjustment since it is the town that is at fault secondly even if i didnt feel the town responsible we do not find it as easy as some to come across an extra 300 or 400 to do the job the mental anguish involved has been very great we have never been able to leave home for any lengthy period of time and should it rain while away we have always been obliged to hurry home to prepare for flooding the situation has reached a point where we hesitate to go to bed at night for fear of what we may find in the morn ing we have been unable to finish the basement and use it as we should be able our only improve ment in ten years the only one we dared make has been to put in dividers which are suspended 18 from the floor our basement is now not only waste space but a burden we could do without it is difficult to state anguish in material terms but i have done so very modestly i think on the enclosed invoice this invoice also lists damage done to material goods and labor involved in the february 22 cleanup besides being an explanation re the enclosed invoice this letter is also an application to the village of stouffville to have a trap and a sump pump if necessary installed in our basement and paid for by the town i expect to hear from you in the very near fu ture yours very truly muriel f gibson mrs harold e gibson 36 rose avenue stouffville invoice re basement flooding feb 22 1968 through negligence at disposal plant damage 1 business records 2 clothing 3 boots and shoes 4 toys games and books 20000 labor cicanup 2500 mental anguish 50000 72500 this docs not include the almost unbearable odor and unsanitary conditions following each and every one of the floods editors mail county road not required dear sir your vague editorial of thursday feb 15 in no way refutes the welldocu mented arguement by ux- bridge councillor clark muirhead that the plan ned highway from 401 to uxbridge is a multimil lion dollar waste you say it will be a multimillion dollar bene fit to the local residents but the only example you offer is that a private ski resort operation will prob ably have a more profit able two or three months next winter also you imply that as long as the engineers use restraint the local beauty of the area will not be marred it is an implica tion i find a little quaint since when have builders of superhighways exer cised restraint as a working journalist it occurs to me that such valuable editorial space would more profitably be given over to an examina tion of what looks like an embarassing conflict of in terest a local gravel pit operator building what amounts to his own high way with the taxpayers money that sir looks like a very good story to go after sincerely ian adams rr 1 claremont ontario eds note its difntult to obtain the story when there is none a spokes man for the road depart ment of ontario county has informed the tribune that the road in question has not yet been assumed by the county and no con tract tender for the work has yet been let emergency aid program stouffville during 1967 a service of assistance called emer gency aid has been in operation and was organ ized by the stouffville united church women we will be continuing this service during 1968 the aim of the organiza tion is to render help on a short term emergency basis the work is strictly voluntary and no remun eration is desired the ucw members feel that this type of ser vice is needed in stouff ville they feel that on occasions circumstances have arisen where people have nowhere to turn for immediate emergency help especially new fam ilies moving into the com munity the service includes looking after the house and children for a day or part of a day shopping for groceries for someone who is confined to the home supplying emergency car transportation to or from hospital or to a doctors office doing family wash ings ironings or other household chores when a mother is ill sitting with a shutin the number to call if you desire any of these services is 6403236 stouffville it is said that a rose by any other name is still a rose a few residents on rose avenue in stouffville will argue this point and punct uate their feelings with a few descriptive words of their own although by no means complimentary the terminology is indeed ap propriate at certain times of the year the thorn in the side of a halfdozen rose ave householders is the towns sewage disposal plant during periods of flash floods or a rapid spring thaw the unit cannot ac commodate the runoff of surface water with the re sult that it backs up into the basements and finish ed recreation rooms of homes in that area on thursday residents attended a meeting of council in force hoping to find a solution to the prob lem reeve ken laushway ruled however that the matter should be discuss ed in committee with the a few of the homes affected are shown here the sewage plant can be seen at the extreme left staff photo press not present his rec ommendation was opposed by deputyreeve bill par sons but supported by three other councillors and carried one home owner has submitted a bill to the town for 725 and this account has been tur ned over to the insurance adjusters for the munici pality the council has argued in the past that residents could alleviate basement flooding by installing traps on sewer outlets within their own homes some have done this and others are planning to do so whether this will tot ally eliminate the problem is not yet known reeve laushway has stated that the plant is of sufficient size to accommo date the flow of raw sew erage which on a normal day is less than 5000 gal lons during heavy rains however the flow has been known to exceed one million gallons or double the regular load since the plant site is low the entire area becomes flooded and a backup in the line occurs auxiliary pumps are often pressed into ser vice if the hazard is not iced in time even these have difficulty on occa sions in keeping ahead of the flow the problem is not con fined to rose avenue resi dents only several on russell street have also been affected with the contemplated erection of 140 homes in stouffvilies west end the council proposes to en large the capacity of the sewage plant but not in 1968 silver band the metropolitan silver band of toronto will pre sent an evening of instru mental music in st and rews united church hall markham friday march 8 at 8 pm the proceeds from the concert will go to the second markham cub and scout group village police chief fred white is a member of the band brings you all new lower prices on ealth beauty aids fjrffn 1 m bum dc buhk s uivjjijll io of corn in buikr 1auh ptamt n 0 in eumr vegetables vegetables 49 french fries 2l 89 fish sticks 39 vjwacaroni cheese 6 bakery treats hot dog or hamburg iga buns 2s49 cinnamon su apple pie 49c bturstfsomtt kaiser rolls v 7 m v now iga offitr you well known nationally klxemiwttj brand of health brjuty aids 11 new lower shcif pf tc plus acfdtfil vhkuji of tlicse uu islanding tfmtuittft mim- ptual lhat at iga we really car med lotion head shoulders 99 scope mouthwash 83 e deodorant r ban rollon z 73 toothpasteregular or mint flavour t fresh ontario pork sale shoulder roast butt roast fresh lean 3949 kan ftttl irivmta j butt chops 59c ails pbtviuw brifss shc1d 4 side bacon w 69 variety pak w69 muss kifiifd j m vbologna 355 crest giant size tube in the dairy case cheese slices 16ozpkg 65 vgmh fahhwim blcks whole dills no garlic bicks polish dills m g pickles 49 g01den ripea sovoory tropical trent bananas 2 29 br0m0 seltzer vicks vap0 rub regular 49 49 men tttiii cough syrup i 43c child aspirins 341 matin margarine 2 53 nun a g shortening 33 paramount fancy s0ckeye salmon 57 45c 3 ll 10 mmict 01 us bunch carrots 239c flrhtoi mtotfci it oil cauliflower 3 37c vrleft ftwlirf 01 u i0 tttt ch91 aniou pears 549c cuinf s ritit ri jh cms t cure v aa g 29j cghoxino iuit uio imt 0 olnce aylmtr choice peas carrots swiss capri ice wafers davids biscuits 469c 53 fruit drink 3 89 fruit cocktail 2 59 ctimic lt cui 1 1 green beans 2 37c cake mixes 2 89 fiuo qua detergent f53 cadbury bars 475 mamma cuusi hi i cusi mi ciu0ms cooking onions msmm lljuttflll strawberries ii it m 3 salad dressing u oi oi m1bonus tape sow muffets it 01 nc tuxr iftituii vmck ib vxcm cii i km 11 tt 0 11 ftftttitltfttk i instant coffee i 1 1 0 wicw j s9 ratcliffs 9ga foodliner stouffville ontario open thursday and friday until 9 pm