the stouffviue tri5une tkktjy jefy 8 1765 ptgt n township of whitchurch auditors report 86452s5 443 university ave toronto 2 may 27 19s5 to the reeve members of the couci arfl the ratepayers of the corporation oi the township of whitchurch dear sirs report we have audited the books and accounts of the corporation of the township cf whitchurch for the year ended dec 31 1964 and in accordance with the regula tions respecting municipal audits issued by the department of municipal affairs of ontario subject to the lejiort herein contained we hereby report that in our opinion 1 1 the financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of lite municipality i2 tiie audit lias been conducted in accordance with the instructions of lite department of municipal affairs the financial statements present fairly lie financial position of hue municipality as at december 31 1961 and the results of its operations for the year ended on thai date we have appended to hie copy of the report attached to the official financial statements supplementary comments on the assets and liabilities and technical pro cedures cossar hector payne co chartered accountants statement of revenue fund surplus account for the year ended december 31 1964 debit credit balance balance at beginning of year 13240026 transfer to reserve lor working funds 13240026 balance of surplus account at year end nil ei s a statement of the investment in capital assets for the year ended december 31 1964 balance december 31 1961 100 trust and special reserve funds balance sheets december 31 1964 park land reserve assets cash in bank nil liabilities and fund balance balance december 31 1963 267811 add interest on bank deposits 4958 272769 deduct transfer towards purchase of land 272769 balance december 31 1964 nil property development reserve assets cash in bank s 652901 liabilities and fund balance balance december 31 1963 sllsll9l add int fees received 250000 interest oil bank deposits 21710 1452901 deduct transfer to revenue of the year sooooo balance december 31 1961 s 652901 revenue fund balance sheet december 31 1964 assets cash on hard cash in bank liabilities 22500 5654755 5 5707255 accounts reeivabe sundry no allowance for douhtful accounts due from province of ontario due from other municipalities taxes receivable no allowance jtnr uncollectible taxes property acquired for taxes less allowarce lor uncollectible taxes 1013393 81614 2s3s 19 51137s9 101442 209s7728 931779 33125542 temporary loans accounts rayable debentures and coupons due due to other boards and commissions hydro arrears added to roll water supply system other liabilities deferred revenue reserve for working funds total liabilities and surplus 150000 co 1035713 1296513 102683 1 03800 335005 15252113 s33125s43 capital and loan fund balance sheet for the year ended december 31 1964 assists due from schools for debentures public and continuation collegiate and high due from utilities water supply system due from other municipalities for debentures assumed accounts receivable other tangible assets 50619197 43265565 93854762 14191147 22106636 60369 100 130246014 liabilities debenture debt drainage other than general schools public and continuation 44091532 collegiate and high 31900000 total due to other municipalities for debentures assumed other long term debt ontario water resources commission investment in capital assets 60369 75991532 76052201 39999566 14194147 100 5130246014 revenue and expenditure account december 31 1964 revenue expenditure total revenue from taxation schedule i debenture dept charges recoverable schedule 5 contributions grants and subsidies ontario subsidies direct relief j 4166562 highway improvement 9974517 police 4754 unconditional per capita grants 2450500 warble fly 7640 recreation 60000 actual 558996027 budget 568425703 actual budget 2852730 2852730 4000000 10144000 4754 2450500 7610 60000 general government schedule 2 executive and legislative 651500 administrative 4600326 other 1232419 6454545 7040313 total ontario other municipalities relief government enterprises county york forestry etc licenses and permits including dog tax interest tax penalties etc bank interest karned other revenues rents concessions franchises fines miscellaneous roads and bridges sale of departmental supplies expenses of prior years school audit fees planning board fees tax writeoffs to other bodies miscellaneous net profit in sale of tr properties transfer from reserve re tr properties revenue from redemptions re tr properties transfers from reserves police expenditures from general purpose account purchase of park land from 5 land reserve account recovery of prior years expense total revenue section 16663943 16666864 402772 220179 400000 216000 466200 550000 116273 l 1330000 43539 50000 125000 125000 313966 438966 100000 225000 304553 250000 340711 160000 160000 99000 70000 371001 300000 82304 60000 s0125 44873 39891 protection to persons and properly fire police law enforcement livestock claims dog pound weed control warble fly water area expense public works roads highways and streets etc sanitation and waste removal social welfare remef assistance education schedule 3 recreation community services debt charges schedule 4a less own share of school 1085390 7271578 233795 447371 28452 15535 69528 1500009 6233200 600000 350000 15835 50000 9151979 8749035 20604544 438000 5793111 34720267 1359912 13559827 200 3 59 344 14 135 00000 50000 00000 54371 27102 59327 debt charges 10693534 interest and other charges taxes written off joint or special expenditures county rates special area rates garbage 2566293 694162 8513756 709023 miscellaneous adjustment of deferred revenue reserve for provision ior uncollected taxes 3560455 584350 9222784 110092 461 10693534 2866293 800000 3666293 400000 8444699 720106 9164805 500000 4787 2012087 12000 00 1492458 840000 800000 800000 272769 270141 1072769 230273 1070141 230273 94042587 92856711 94042587 923 56711