Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 20, 1965, p. 13

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multiparty delays pari by mlrhsh starr llp whoi the govrnmm miriv ducd th first morion io o into uppy tn depaitmemal estimates were brouaht for ward for thi consideration of parliament they were in the main mjor department some ct thee estimate will he refer red to special committee for thir rrutiny while other will be introduced directly in the koue tor inspection and debate five other motions to 20 into supply will be introduced from time to time during the prevent session each lime a number of departmental esti mate will be introduecd for consideration every on of these motions provide the opposition with an opportunity of moving amend ment on any subject in the form of nonconfidence ote quite recently we nave had an opportunity of introducing nonconfirience motion on the throne denate and the bud get debate becaue of these ic- cent opportunities the official opposition decided to forego moving an amendment of non- confidence on this occasion and urged the government to bring forward legislation for expedit ing through the house how ever the ndp took advantage of this situation and moved a nonnnfidence motion which wai dehated and voted on politics progress i because of the multipiititv of parties in the houe it becomes more and mote difficult to ex pedite the business which should be dealt with with dis patch before the last session ended we were in the middle of ques tioning the maritime trustees on their stewardship the ses sion endec before we had com pleted our sittings since this session had begun the govern ment has been asked to re constitute the industrial rela tions committee so that this could be completed the gov ernment has steadfastly refused and this attitude gives rise to speculation the senate reform bill has been under consideration bv parliament for a few days this bill provides that a senator who is summoned to the senate after the coming into fotce of this bill will be eligible to hold his place in the senate only until he reaches the age of 75 years it also provides that senators appointed in the future shall contribute under the retiring allowance act and be eligible for pension pan 3 of the bill provides that any present mem ber of the senate who has at tained the age of 75 years may retire and receive an annuity eaual to twothirds of the salary- he is paid as a senator within recent days a furore was created as a result of state ments made by ministers of the provtn of quebec one made by the minister of municipal affairs for quebec was to the effect that his province wishes to take over the responsibility for housing which has been the responsibility of the federal government another minister has stated that quebec has in j mind the complete jurisdiction i over jobplacement in that prov- j ince because he claimed they were losing too many skilled i workmen to the province of ontario this too is and always j has been the responsibility of the federal government vsssss3tvwvv guaranteed sheripan jewellers diamonds watch 138 custom made jewellery 38 main st e stoiifr ville phone 6401650 d f sheridan certified watchmaker see us today for free estimates on asphalt driveways concrete sidewalk and curb sewer connections patios built of your choice work by beaudoin construction call t reg stouffer crest hardware a main st w stouffvllle phone b402771 peter obdams greenhouses offer you a wide variety of bedding plants vegetable plants geraniums and also gladiolus bulbs imported from holland located on the 3rd conc uxbridge approx 2 miles south of goodwood 6402806 cornpulsary inspection of vehicles ordered by dept of transport the hon irwin haskett on tario minister of transport an nounced last week that in the interests of highway safety a new programme of compulsory vehicle inspection had been in troduced in cooperation with the ontario provincial police mobile safety check units will be set up at roadside weigh scales of the department of transport in eastern and south ern ontario and the police will direct passing traffic into the scale areas the first locations are on hwy no 7 west of perth and hwy no 5 west of cooksville this is a three part program me in which the police will ii examine drivers licences 2 examine insurance certifi cates of drivers or alterna tively evidence that pay ment has been made to the motor vehicle accident claims fund and 3 department of transport personnel will make a 38- point safety check of each car in the past years the provin cial police have relied on visual examinations when cars have been halted for inspection while the department of transport has used its equipment for vol untary checks only this is the first time the two checking tech niques have heen used togeth er said hon irwin haskett mr haskett said that the mohile safety check units will he moved each week to new locations throughout the prov ince he hoped that these checks would cause as little in convenience as possible to driv ers but owing to the traffic ac cident toll it was becoming vi tally important to ensure that motor vehicles using our high- ways are in a safe operating condition brake testing machines and front end alignment eqiupment will be used at each check site the front end of each car will be raised off the ground so that king pins ball joints steering mechanism wheel bearing and tie roads can be examined ex haust system lights and mir rors will also undergo examina tion cars that pass the safety check will be given windshield stickers the police believe that hip more thorough examination made possible by the portable equipment will reveal faults in cars that migh escape attention in a visual examination the stouftvlue twbuke iwjy uty 20 1953 pjjj x3 ot color tv fully qualified sales service we now have several colour scls in our charge personal demonstralion by appointment admiral zenith lowrey simplicity tv radio hifi organ kitchen and laundry equipment neville appliances for the best our service excel our prices match the rest our year guarantee sells 6403395 e4ooa0e8009ssa9e080ss8aaaeseset iiifaled fame tangle of losses loans hold inquiry at milton accountants outlined a tangl ed web of milliondollar losses and loans as a royal commis sion inquiry opened last week into the financial affairs of a farmers cooperative farmers allied meat enter prises cooperative ltd spent 2633282 of the s2b3173f it raised in its first 4 vi years operation said john c newiand the accountant who has been checking fames books for the inquiry most of it more than 51510 000 was lost in an abortive attempt to buy a burlington meat packing plant f w fear- man ltd nearly all the money came from selling fame stock and debentures to 13000 farm ers the burlington company lost 1902447 in the four years he fore fame bought it last aug 31 this total includes s371ss7 depreciation that normally would have been charged against the operation fame agreed to pay 2500- 000 cash for the companys share capital with this deal the coopera tive accepted responsibility for 1000000 in mortgages and s1s7s93s in further liabilities as of last june 6 weekly loss the company lost money every week on its operations from the time of the financial statement marie lune b to the time of purchase fearmans treasurer david ritchie said fame lost control of the com pany when the former owner i e r gunner of iondon eng repossessed it in early january the cooperative had failed jo pay the final 1000000 it owcil on he purchase price and the parkin company had also bor rowed another j300000 from him tremler rolmrli appointed mr justice campbell grant to curry out the inquiry into fames affairs and its relations with other farm organizations the cooperative and other farm organizations had asked for the inquiry commission counsel m a craig questioned mr ritchie closely as to why mr gunner thought s250000ii was a suit able price when the feat man financial statement showed the book value of the stock as oniv su6s000 the treasurer replied that it was considered that the compa nys replacement value on fixed assets was ss60000 higher than village of st0uffville auditors report 1964 march 31st 1955 the reeve council and ratepayers village of psouffville stouffville ontario dear sirs we have examined the books and records of the village of stouffvihs and its local boards for the year ended december 31st 1964 we report on the financial statements of the village as follows results for the year the statement of revenue and expenditure for the year is summarized as follows revenue 121954 surplus of prior vear included in 1965 budget 33175 total expenditures 455129 4145ss surplus 10563 the details of this account and comparison to the 1964 budget are shown on the statement of revenue and expenditure tax roii and tax collections the revenue from taxation compares with previous vears as follows 1961 35541561 19c3 3417s542 1962 2924 i995 1961 277029r5 1900 21613911 the taxes receivable including penalties on the current years roll are s130767s as compared to s1700036 at december 31st 1963 the collection of the current years taxes and penalties represents 96u of the total tax ill including penalties added as compared to 950 for the year ended deccmher 31st 1963 the collection of the current years tax toll arrears of taxes and penal- lies during th year represents loob of the 19b4 tax roll we submit the following comments on certain of the items appearing on the financial statements revenue fund balance sheet due from the province of ontario si 10i72 this account is summarized as follows highway subsidy 1143605 welfare subsidies 23975 department of highways 1s5164 sales tax and grant in lieu of taxes 97723 total s1450472 taxes receivable s2087s79 an analysts of this account is as follows 1964 tax roll 13n7678 arrears of taxes 1963 545904 1962 127900 1961 and prior 106397 total 2087879 notices showing the baanevs of an cars of taxes owing at december 3rd 1964 and requesting that any differences be reined directly to us were mailed to all taxpayers in arrears we made a test of the current taxes due in a similar manner all differences reported to us were reconciled to our satisfaction with the village records we report on the local boaids of the municipality as follows waterworks utility the results of operations for the year show a surplus of 1029925 hydroelectric utility the results of operations for the year show a surplus of 3057554 after providing 736200 for depteciatiori on fixed assets and payment e 589163 for debenture principal and interest during the vear the com mission increased their fixed assets by 1652951 riblic school board the surplus on hand at lvcember 31st 1964 is 20 s1s2 as compared to 1662802 at december 31st 1963 stouffville district high school board the surplus on hand at december 31st 1964 is s7s45521 as compared to 3367075 at december 31st 19g3 cemetery board the surplus on hand at december 31st 1961 is 318960 as compared to 226351 at doccmbcr 31st 1963 riblic library the surplus on hand at december 31st i9r4 is 1421 39 as compared to s3s71s at deccmher 31st 19tv3 during the year the board expended 137373 on permanent improvements community centre the surplus on hand at december 31st 1364 is s12046s as comoared to 2 1 14 at december 31st 1963 we report that in our opinion it the financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality i2 the audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the department o municipal affairs 3 the finanrial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at december 31st 1964 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date yours faithfully edd1s associates chartered accountants license no 2800 date of filing with department of municipal affairs april 26th 1965 revenue fund balance sheet december 31st 1964 assets liabilities cash on hand and in bank accounts receivable due from province of ontario due from other municipalities taxes receivable 2731634 12830 1150172 6s471 2087879 6351286 accounts payable debenture principal interest coupons due due to other municipality guarantee deposit deferred revenue reserve for working funds surplus account 14 51225 15750 3977 30170 49747 00000 03416 s6354286 capital and loan fund balance sheet december 31st 1964 assets liabilities general fixed assets due from schools for debentures due from other municipalities for debenture debt assumed dues from hydroelectric utility for debentures 93992670 41068934 491560 5189221 debenture debt issued and unmatured- general schools electric utility 5s491567 17600000 5489224 total 81580791 due to other municipalities for debenture debt assumed 23963494 investment in capital assets 35501103 s1410453s8 141045383 revenue fund surplus account balance at credit december 31st 1963 4964570 deduct surplus included in 1964 budget 3317500 1647070 add surplus for 1964 1056346 balance at credit december 31st 1964 2703416 statement of revenue and expenditure for year ended december 31st 1964 revenue actual total revenue from taxation 355415 61 debenture debt charges recoverable 638737 province of ontario subsidies highway 2570397 welfare 435485 polire and fire 17136 grant in lieu of taxes 70793 per capita grant 1009980 grant toronto and york roads commission grants in lieu of taxes dominion of canada post office licenses and permits interest tax penalties etc other revenues service charges 161939 rents 25100 fines 125592 fire department 5 491 51 hospitalization and welfare refunds 34790 sundry income 100 surplus of prior year taken into revenue to reduce the levy expenditure 4103791 303302 83837 21610 410279 budget 6383 40075 3033 830 1511 3230 actual s97775 42195432 3317500 s625 414350 33175 tola i 45512932 447325 general government executive and legislative 190000 administrative 2349452 other expenses 951807 protection to persons and property fire 749140 police 21218c5 street lighting 475353 building inspector 75975 crossing guards 13760 dog control 19a3 sundry 19800 public works sanitation and waste removal social welfare hospitalization 515750 relief 238129 cost of education including debt charges library community centre debenture debt charges 11537195 less own share of school debt charges 4349388 7188107 interest on temporary loans 33959 taxes written off discount for taxes capital expenditure out of revenue land county of york provision for deferred revenue and contingency provision for working funds surplus for year i to ta 1 3491259 budget 35705 3679543 3338207 1120510 553879 15533806 400000 250000 37 844 51100 12000 90 0 152960 4000 2500 7222065 46871 191820 72 331 500 2000 750000 4005136 1000 39447 990r3 1700000 7047 17000 44456586 1036316 447525 15512932 117525 book value combined with an estimated 300000 that could be saved on future taxes because of past losses this brought the value to s23500pq the 2500000 price alsti in cluded trade mark and good will values mr ritchie said all its cash he said it was not until after fame had taken over the plant that he realized the cooperative had spent all its avaiiable cash in the sl500fi00 down payment ii said charles w mclnnls who was llieri fames president was trying to negotiate a 2000- 000 loan in new york that would have carried an effective rale of ii per cent in its first year fl7i per cent the following six months and fii per cent for the rct of lis term mr ritchie said lie told mr mclnhis this was too high an interest to pay and expect to be recovered through f w fear- man co the prospective employer was interviewing an applicant for stenographic job and you thoroughly uo- denland the importance of good punctuation he asked oh yes jaid the young la dy at my last place i alwayj got there on time golfer id mow heaven and earth if i could jut break 100 once caddie try heaven mister youve moved enough earth al ready

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