ouimdwi ia itfm yet tl liberty to pmllee iu favorite ya of neary nation with ttl4l j fluofi tbe jutwietion r cilf council exercised far atatfasj capotes yold 6 readily ackoowlcded f w m t rf oal eaoerknce h w a want of mprfietta thojwere limit d fat to anneatina of lb lot bat rc r4fef tensor uu welfare ot it health waittaominuunof iuiigion they ul 24 i coaufnrlswy jwirtww they none s but it there no wch thine a moral ia- 1 tff ac i who outfit to polfim a psatrtuau degree trjou c a nihoite 4udt prsavylenin minister to pas arm in rii thrjogb the suburbs he fijhl ibclf vrtreociy ftovel in kiapto woald almost f a ipc r l i the wont f disease and what cathie prctes4at or pressylerisn if olioonfitmedbio would refoc to c- kwwge their anlboriiy 1 i don oro to say hit thcoe reverend gentlemen nevct visit the sijfeibtboy da ia fluently o ftfcillffp tonjfoit o the sick comoteltoo g tbbjrnjrdpocun aid to ihepoorand dy bat oot u nomber of ihcjaoard of qeaitfi s4d vi i dutic of the of am r u j those of ihn other will naturally- increase death mutt folkw wnro- no ef fectual owtoj accad0b4d by cocflptltnt an shortly for arrestio it cause the city of rioncnnobe safe while ditette hang attotl to the medical men of kingston too touch canarf be sjlven some of these n itemrfl im their seivlcfi to hie soanj f health for civine jrattftoos attendanci upon li ootj ij it ir imrer bavin been returned the offer ujat repeated 0 the miyef cbirmon of the boar3 ho wphr4 thai itehtd bwincctof far greur ittfmvici l tht city to attend to tail u tb minion to eriund tais i ro fictioa ol fnine bi cc ikml from the lip o ooe of the pat- t- ji r l of the city conoeil n of mfetojj maje od obetv1ioo 4ot highly siutririg to hit t- humanity bfl which io rot repeat x bavc it ldia member of the board of heakb o na whose word may ho relit 4 ott eveo ihnh iincorrobofated by iho f4cu of ihc iic tbito fr ftotn joinj any od ibaj utofiu boy rrt had lafrtd aud difpeeetf nihtout ooicif anything at ajl aad v when the health of the city ltaogi the indnets of proeifjence wgioi to improv ithe g1cry must he pfcttla iht tteattb aoi it do ivotlring policy xaliod to ihe dignity of a great mi cat le yotir mr utto oac or tur paoionibcn aug 18 lsa ktftvw the tutk pjfjofk ili eoiii mrvr itholtf udrctd m rn fi gfcorjnim oik wtll ttnij gallant tervien mo maintained more cheaply in thi friltl leiiitory tlwt at iow- wo antrt oo the other hanl lhat we afo a let ftttiutory benert to tiw mother cooniry and thiakyuhn it manrnfictorc freely ol the export of protection to oar own to far at an actoal acri6c of our own proipekty oar lontlon coiittmporatitt ro too food ol ew cealing a fact which ho wver ha leaked oot in pit cf them the united starriwiih nearly 30 million of tnlnbiunu take about fluqoo0 worth of llntish iftaniihclitrt wo in ilvete lkvfnce wiih awot t0 mil lion of pi04ej t4e nearly oihuin of the le mnfactiirr catcutc per head eve prrftiaihcllcnimjie ifih the kreah like jftd the ivajiw h tha siaaiaires a fraction our ttvmim4ion amornu to jj pit wad for ahwt newen utlo that cf ihr lirjkphc over and abov whtt wenake or ftrttvt- and vl our nctperi ae nnifrnily conmiltfd to the vnvir t tflcet while count im other titlin m oj dfleetion tvr mletsl fonnh n r failux theme of speculation aitd iti- tix- ivctire reytnteel onlve called ti to pen thee yk they arc irciej not aimt the- hoittiroixkopc with wlhiettit u our prdf aruf boat to he eobbieltd cainl a wrhcbed and oprrcvc iituhn ttu off anting of avricf anj fully which we believe iuc hoatt iroil w oriiuwl ihe rno mojl heartily dire to lfow oflflqfnx oaffrof- general cry of home home and the peopl skfemd about midaim a party of th s8nd neemeni accomnied by toroe of it- montreal car4iry also went op to mr- ee- fontaiik houe ahot it oclock political attbests and sulise- ctusftr kiots werejretto announce that the goeeri- meni haeesteu fit to arrejt a nnoaor of our felloweiiiren artnu on of the dburance in april io t tne shoty llifet hcae aflp were to be ruaje wa yrry cm- 9 the london times acain- the lofldob timet ha ul the ca cut of ihevac- not that wc iijhelh eld lady any wtfb tokrep ibi pevlicolaily h has tar from ihn sheruilooron- nihcentm eneof her own cmitatjoacc 10 mueh puffej up by the rillff adalln vt be who arc pleated to tlyle her tv 7i- rfrer taer the mark btudrtr nl be a more appmpriate name lo care a ttraw about the concerns of ao iaucnineaul tpot o earthy onw tix limes ibe siko of be briiifh mandt the dttnrbftcet io canada ace- dintothe inrt rid the minitltrial cm awe mere tempert in a leapol there i a eeruia pieco of water callm he haronr nr fiton which once tord tnc porpote of a reaper and bceiued a liltlo icmpem the ef fect of which ire felt at oref orope at the pre nt hour our coo tem parity i after wonder at the ud- denfttia with wibcritbalauconadmn now v j r- o ltwat bit duty to koop iavt to the cormc of eeenu through out the world tvd ohsereineuh regard to the piorily of duit that l flight ti the real eoccteaion and coimurvieatiofi bctwrco england and ill cblef britiih eotaoy ft rane ly doe away with alt the eonder be admit- tine that pfeeioutly ita nle of canadian ti were committed to the wa1e panr hafcl who iho it to blame that u little communication etfd belwei n enxlnd and ita chief bfith colony tni elcar headed ttutjpjffjtr of bririth rntclled thru proceeds to jumble lsuer all the put aclt of the ca- nadian j- i i relative to compenmion of the sofferer by the rebellion ttatio th it the lt ml n no rctpect from the ones jost a if joilty and not guilty were tynnovcnotit termi tiue it it we deprecate a every right thinking and peeient mind mutt do the act of violcoce vrith which the protects of the canadian loyalifu were accompanied th- treameiit of lord elin in partjculiir lu tended we perceire to crf4to a feeling in hi faer amonoor brethieo at home aid 1hisillntfatr atentiment attriamed to t1 icyraoit on the eccaionof the murder f dc denhien ny bonaparte t i wore than a crime it it a blunder every crime u a bmde and jroducc a feejinjr nofavojle to the perpetrator which nil ujl aintl hm anonetoi utcr ujv mvchbitet timply lo have hld meelin aad remonttmtod in a otitntional manner agaiiht the obaoviii bill rut thi doc not ut ihr real natur nf the nuettioti et between loyalut and rebel we dtfubl evn if the ttoie would with to lecal the day of ciiarle l simply becate hu opp nen1 altoweo ihrir aal to harry them into a drplvrame crime no ne wottld ak are ihece cotooie of to little valaanfe to the mother countiy thai ihe can afford to pay fan aod aooae with thm in ibt fahim tbe ealue of a thin- art tn it will brine ia politic and every tiin ebe tayt tie faeonte tchool tfieoih- mitt wc bid imagined there were oje atticlet not included m any tariff but more pkcioaii than robiea nolwitblonifi stich are 4 i e obdene tioop oj fiirtj thee the alohe cdntry pofw in thae tent on toetday ntjhl tut we cofe ha ran the circumstance of tbc grrion ben kept voder artftnn that day failed to ctn vinee ntof the trtih of the rtimoft dotwith- iiandintjtho xcllcttce ol the tpnrcet forn which we recrifod the iiifrnnnlion we crnild im sujipote that hiving allowed uh accctjitkm aiint thee it totaud oe fiom april to aucut they wild now have firceedcj to cause uieru anxiey at a dae jn prior io ih it when lel pcadiu tv poihe and when thu ia o reason to o- tuttf that any ol the accbc wnuli leave te city yesterday mernint lwevf tin un- otua dknfay of military foice at he cner- toent hontcmtde ilevtdcat luvt m cp wa itlcctl aod a lutle before 12 ovlok we heard lhat iho lltli coiittalil w ic lively enatej in execniiu wanojll- hitr- injc the cnreof thejay the fotlouin ter- ton were bronehl before the police maeu- uales meters wcom wciheuli and jmatiner aad sually committal for trial meatn juba orr sosert cok andjohn dior jr for rict and tujltoou iiretion of a houte mettif- jvreph ewifig and alee aader conr tenay for arton mofutf cook aid orr were admitted to 1 lhfpewcii 4v two toretictia 300 ech mr john ditr k waa abn aduvitcd to bail himtmf fa mi and two turettea in ltoeach mr joseph ewin fikrc nail hiinaell in 300 and two aurctie ia x each we tikrud tht ihe mittr wei unaniinncs in admittiiithi nritofter to bail with the fxrcpttflfj of sir ewift in hi cote mr- mcotd dinrhltnf- n mr conrieniy ear- hail refnid bolitaatt ftosomlityh ihbe wm by rv jldffj tomorrow we nlefta tsi the eawaof irfiaiiljii thi eate the treaty character of ihe offnee impdle1 in the acen ed and the xttt rumt of witt4ae who haer dpotvd air t laui wo intri ftetwr that lhe me wafranh oer aainti mi llnwh the dry uili rtirf chant and ihnei- i nelton juj jimition and lint tcvnal vlieit may he eteled tttottly in be i vied at thit mamtnt wen wi ore imallv una ware of iho tjioinid whii h m ernmeiit ha for ihe procreiinfi it it idin it qa he premature on oir prl in cr ifti opinion i what ha ben dmr lreoni whatne hate already allcceda ut i totil inuthiy jf tliia partleutar time nor hbivver mjj bv the retut would il t lktiy l iee c rutc of the person acenvd to indulv in violetttor etcilinaniae pome of i hern we kniwtntlicientiy wll tn hiitc hrmly that they may f- y submit to ia- yeatiatoai thi hjs been mide eviden f com their ilemeaanur vnce te occunente which hovo trieeo rite tu ihct usint prftcrcd intrj althojfh jdeniy of nputlumlie bine been afforded focccpe had tliry done any ihin to merit punishment thit much wr hall however permit ourlee io v fclul wboletale arreii of ifttaii who b ve jfi bi knowoa xood fltinai oohl ot t be on- deitaken on tigtii ctcndt epeeauy it a cilyj where fiom the tor naue of om oc ly a trifliogspirk is toftitient o canic a e nou wait of cieil itcord if mnil wifi- ii- lie- rd wtlajfr british whiff tuesday morning uc l w the riots in montreal it i greatly lobe rertelied lhat uie trok feclm which exit ia montreal thoaldirn- coce the more unthiiia of the briibh pah io be gohy ef midnight riot and olucr rocti nai bfoahtrtof tlw tcace if thtre be e0 hint more doirawe 1hn anolhr by rtlr french and radical rtciihi in the biwcrpt vinee it i to e ihtir old pnlitieil opponcto iin commit titeoelvc tte whvle pou of ibe province the civil government in mitlury1bc mhia the conrtabolaiy a the gnod tense of th cmtntry mut be ajah the lioioll who 0t only ioyire ihemerx and their catm but terioutly compromise tw rtitr prvtoner the leader whom they li y enlrmicm with ihe redreta of tbtfr noliik wroae nothing ennvtreneiha lord ad bs expattettaement io lc imp vernwient more thatji ihl eoctinned nianifw linn on the yn of the oprvedto lake ft taw in their own hand by act of violef aint the altered wmxfrr th tpecie opwarfjte tht can tnd only la trw own rlreoi fori ire antl reflect indcliwc ah grace tpou llw nme of brilbh coojcivitfffi tbat theto ioleri will be punitird it ttf wiorl bat otvo to h- feared nce lhetro viclioo will rohably be the oceaion of cn foundiasthemncenl with the 5-ttilly- tr itew jury law li lower canada which 1 thf whole power of trial by jnry to french harlan imw in force taefth arc at ignorant at they ar prejudiced ad inixihiiihe ce of those who have hs lellty eeulty of nutrhaef and who oueht tlf pnahhd with that whom the miihiry p and teitli to punwl the mot frightful act itticu tan readily be perpetrated afii french jury haj poerly conyieud yo hj doxcu rioteis to ieevent the nej ry or other nf lih clat od fteliop convctinj mrjitit couxtcnay ewingmc ferret ci- who have committed no of any hwj but whom the minitity upvn dctuoyig ttiui ihe note only br th cocn of cau true lion but lo that of iuo wo can hanlly believe ir pwble thol 0mlemea ean liove really oompromnd ib eltetinlhcrvetofthelaw whenny waited io patenilf to be arretteil 1 the ernmctita convenience ji10 fat of obrien and other of the iih 1011 should haic taapjtit them a diflvtmi fib limy really yiiy but vilty ii u iu aaako no dihtetakff with a w have eentnrd on ucn cmnte a tl aut very tuflieirnf evidence if a we pect they have tairn mrrc ide ilet i hajjl of their fnteciiiioa and albiex pv virulence to nbltad thm iuf logical r- eciticn in thi cee they w ill hrvi mem red a orient of lerortihiiiiy wfh wistneday aturedly overwhelm them wc brliavo that tbe pern accutrd arc riuite ready to lalritil tbcmtelre- now at heretofore the mere operation of law for tsir jcmluh c trot that wht hi uben pace may not icdei uiar now or at any fuore time to taiimhtca- lamity but abonu it fo to anl shontd t v adm i n i5t ration fil totow uh god cauir a we tire hinted 4 for their eeudtict um their hed be all the mitrhief the iriltery and 1 be shame nce we wrote the above we fepet to leam that ibe excitement cauted by rne ar- i- tt h aeain led to miwhtef at far a wc c4 leam th fazu it apear unt 4 aimibee 0 pcrtdbovormcn wen ftp li mr ia- f 4iatb0 hooie and tiui ci acce to hit yad to wlwt etvnt they liaj proceejej we koow ni but while tfiy were bred on by anumvr ofmn who had mmocmue junic itt exprctatior of a vtajl i iw fir f tn the window u effect eti a jjd turned mi o yjnof the liey uho heopertl tit nae wboivn danotiy wounded by a rll tvoih the thifh anil wlen we went to jirr wa aaiplpatad tube m ottiderahfo dai aer thi liafsried abonl tia il niiw oloev aitd at the inebnir aiihmbr ofmri a 1 in ntir f4u strcrt aal tvlel tfaatitopof mfslitlordtm hiki inwlitali vlr- tily va reporled to he hu alter to nv rialtoin the loop aere ent for and a paciy l th h aij jjft of toplain swee- bjtrtoiiof imnntrial cavilr were tiiedtlv on rhc wi- meetr timhrr mctvid ami 1 wither wee olv ia altctdance at ma-t- ee tfie iioibcr country po-t- in ihp t au nihri f impit nceacea red nmr provcet without porehne in tarli an e- j i tlir eicptua at fib pe the time hciu rnie i in te jiui demo fjtmoi and tvo- lefit at to eeil the atihnliiiuiit of all wri- terdwn to wabefltld and rocbuclc w thall e- orry to be ever informed n better authority than ihe tittup tliat tbre t tti mated by the ule thai what coat nothing it valued awdinjly at the tme iime toofhimc tbe mee hue tion of l 5 d we it italy repudiate tiie non5enecviy circoum by the kri itt rconntiu eteially tbe liverpobi fman- loge her ti taarietof allow g rnoi onl lt nd tht tlnc are paiu 0 t vt the fmpenal nae lutiin iv wl cli ijic cvcitl he familian- il tue cilirr tlie tr inaichcd and e ultcrmarhi d u f die ewil arei4ipaivel lbim tjviru tcaorml ehr inr their feo- l atil lut ilfd d ttcn he ihe mmher country ojic penny eacept fot p tomtcftil with naral and miliivtry xcupation while br il rcmcmured tbal the nlet ledjuy br cnily liveh y lor titch ptrtie a had lartihoioitiijir ti uj mpriiiujtir with this at acmliiv nndtneliet lrd lkin and met- tr wetierallaiwl mccird werrtbepartteu jar ojct f ihit kind of h anriblr mmt oa ffco novelty the eemn hh 4 kiitd of bar ricade raided in sjini gbeiel suert at the vye deny that ihe iloinret cot i jnt- iectio oj nolr danc street wa pot itj aboit ii ovjock and thvetly oltr deiaotitbed byttetroow it wa a very mtbwlfczt- tnrniii bouiett soon aftrr thi there wia it rit kl tfcir owiv itt hoc nl ue -n- ito u wee rati i l jury f te 1h- r ancd b n of r4 virt cajitaici it would hee inlhmen to havi tn ilrrl niacjl i he atfuam amlpejs ylhe previnntrial oj c tiofert lndrr ordinary err ive its lffirut f n iuipaf lial if i llc ef e caadidat ordained by the r hev biho- of terool t st- cenftje church itiivn on stwlay aogaatj k c bwtr b- a new un hal0lj t- w mofotajl akine-co11er- il bjeopii r ai t baldwin b a d elkmenkt ba kin colics b r c- ihwrer civerity colre durliam c- brwn thtrioglcal cofcairf- j il cte o do e pjtleraottp do do e il stinwn dtf do j it tooke do do a il r- mwiji a ireland to giw-fltavla- km college tnront i7i dio b a da do j- w march b a- do alln theological cottts co pev t wi bnrj- g a a3ean da ih efl aarivaa afi loataear mr f c cipreol ef toftiftto ivm tevnl io cnla- for the purpne ef iitaaas th- byal am to the bill for ibe toionio and ikc ulinm rajhoad ratted upwad oi hi wy hj yerriiy afitmoon ho btiiitrbcvtidin- vf hi htecan in the reat ojct of hit 1 i loa lie alto telu ut thai mor i ilia gtrtfatit tht taiin to the coooial from ibe city of kingtlocij intend rctumuv i 1 the neat sftcarr the conodu and will b here neat vhttk for certain dictioa of tbe kintoii board of hctlth ia lot ia aod it watony throucii the eaition of om county member that hi excellency the governor general anetioncd tl appoint room of a uk bard lnned of it inuti lity at to thort a diiance from kindlon where a prmauevt board of health bad pre riotfly been ciiawnuw a local board wa accordingly propped up in due fom hot whit did ihey de ai iuardian of the puldic healihf nothitt- bmtli and all ibe cle ment of tichiie 1 and derate wcto tnlfered 10 accnmulale- day alter day bfote their eye but no ttejt lahaa to eneoaaur the evil nntll iht preenee tf feaiful malady look them by tirpiie when ftoy had the rapacity to ditcovertbai blwecn nn expir law and a rorihceiie lauv tbey could d nothing a lttle however hi been done io the way of tleentiaetf about lot 21 but not tuflkeiil to ptotcct it vt the city which it border from a tolapte tbe wort feature of a dfoeaje and therefore it it for the termanem boaid to encrcwe their power and do tomehint- 11igirjoridict0nonot no tm icomletc if tbey think proper to make tie of it lord cathran hld the tame opinion lon befor the matavuf of ifimxariaa uy to pat aad bi fxudhipt jodiment in tire matter tbey will hardly ditpule it wont do for them lotiiand jureiti the town ilall and wail for complainu from a ditlanco it wont do for them to diturb harmony and jfood leejinc atoon ueibhour by rernirin- ihem to inform aeaintone anulhcr for the removal of tome eonmon noitaiice whith with a foil know ledge of it tamtpaaf it i their own bonden duty to correct it wont do for them to rely loo much on the extinction of lb- prevailm ma lady became ithanren cecerthy teak- ine to hare centcd in the city it wont do for thtcn to rk the pubjic health nd the pub lic tranquility in th war hut they mot bu from ineir retreat if rhcy man to be useful and pairing ihroue the tiibnrbt imtl t no one report but make ue of their own eye anj otfactori lbey mull eve ucb or der atrircitmttancc i particular cater may teem to demandj and initl npoo these ordvr lieing premptly ami ttricily carlieil out ey i 1 thus they will have fulfilled an im- portu doty otherwbt i ereaiv fear ihr conviction mutt remain tbal they be roajlj done notuio 1 iavile nv rnornber of the boatd tu pi in ny direction tome evcniri after tontet when the dew bejiik to tall and if without the use of a wcllpi fumed hand kerchief applied constantly to lajfj note ad moulb he can eocouiileriheaotfmecunent of tickenin- air that merle him at ctccv ici then will 1 candidly admit that there i bat little to complain of what would be think if at ihe ewe of 1 summer evrnin when moat piojile ihrow up their sathe for ibe bere- of frth air hr were eonttrjned to tltiit every incr add ividtow and every anrluic abol liadnelliuc firf ihr purpn of exclnd- i f ftwnoi julinj ito wihofii utft- cient almoii io tlop hi breath r tbi n i ficcueiilly olijed to do nhifil lio gad of heuh ln i idle at my elbow wonderinjc with aaumd ufavitv win orb- contioua npoo lit no 2t wtile ibe city of kincni i comnaratively free froa it i fry id oder to fi iilion them 0 fearft1 re- pmiibility ihll ihe city of kinton cannot oj afe long a permanent cautrt of diteaae rr ored ibroitfh their inerlnets and with hcir knowledge 10 bold noteo of lot ko il 0c or ma paojcaiiio 20h auuti 1s49- end in the meantime the deiracion of the halal proceeded aod pxobamy at about twe oclock a ivudery called tfte attention of tba bimndet to tbo back wail of tbe wioe in champ de mam sirel which im- mediately fell with aiemwovcrajh the ml bea fmm the erd nf the win- toward the clump de man and iraduolly ealetim to the eociier where a nombcr of crow wait 1renitlhned the holding tbi corner con- tinned abndiog for tome timv longer bul at a later peiiod a pt of it alto fell down the ttnottd wall nf tbe building in boiue- cattr street with it rixhly wiodow toon dfter came down ton makin a gigantic rein in tbe suerl drinelhe protre of tbe coallajrattoa efal liepwawe eotvialtte oceored- at a very crly tlarr a fireat noeiion of the fiim- tnre wn ttiroirn from the window of the hotel andtvefeurt latjale lhalacberlof drawer or tome timdar article ml upon the head of mr froilc jr who wc undeutand wat very daneronkly injored towatoa daylichtj a alilj more tenou accident oc curred to a fireman named dooalas a black- tmith wbowa poin ap a ladder when a ttone from the enoinof thebuildio lell unon hi hed and ttrock him to the iround tfto biow wa unhappily fatal the inmate- of the hotel wc belief all ctcaped with their hit and tome of them taved a ewd real of properly bat other have hnt many valuable at nr eery abort lime krfore ihe breaking oat or the hie there wefe a corvnkrawe nomber of prrmhi in tbe bar of the hotel aid wo uodertlud that a penon namvd mmahoo vbo bad he- come obaoxiou to the crowd wa ttupped nearly naked after iba firewa ducovered a niimbvr of pitol bot were fired m tbe bar and paate to alarm tbe inmate npttair the oriein of the fire i perhapt not ery alitracton1y mad- oat ball it appear lht aehimnry wa on firo 00 tuetday awl il 1 tuppotcd thai after tbi wa apparently ex- tmithed a beam in tbe chimneywall still tmaaldered at a tmell or tmoke t taid to have been obtrrved y the inanlc for fojly- eihl hoar reeedio the ontbreak hie tlrtt manifeiatiihi of the occident watmthe upper prt of the home directly under the roof and whether the above conjeetore be wcsliwdcj or not ilitiatufatloryioknow that there i not the remote reason to tup potclbalthc incendiary had aoythiojj to do with tbccauttrophe on fae bwub jnoo fvaol e jlwfraf ctiiw jltkat w aug k firenoi hotel in coins oo ii4ay booming about half an hour fcflci aldidjit tbe city wa alarmel hy the vty f fire and tb ringing of ibe beil from lr ivetal station i oii and the parish cbnrcti the entire horiawa appeared at ibe limenaomrnt to e in a wa to whichever f- iim apreator inrnrd on the ono hand wer the flame tif a burning building on ii r oiter lb reqcetion ihtown aaintt ibe aly which wa remorkahly clear and ttar- on habtnij into tbe ttroet it wa manifest in on initaat lhat tbe calami- 0cfed to the maniacnt pile koowit fi flu ilyhdo yit 1 1 hnel at th- time m writer utfl approached he wne of diaitrr the re could scarcely hafe appeared more than b1f on hour but even tbeo tbe flame ii- lbislcd thcmetve thioaluut tbe whole pircadth of tse bnksn- on the wettera aide our city reader are aware that tbe front of rt hotel nrnamcnlrd wlh piltar wa riluat- 05 ikreoarr orjfitre dme ttreel iroco jeaewe the tide wll lift down bootccvuri atreet to cbamn ic ur street where there vat a toltf win in which the dinine and tcoocert rm wa i mated the end of thi rtvnie therefore fonlrd ilr pctatorapprmcb- ou trom the yrt hy notre dame sttet and the line of buildme wa continued to va ftieet by ibe mnbedy of ihe hotel f ti irne wa libami from ihe coarr ad joiiug mr baelafixl which appeared ftobe in btcat danger of taking fire at the vtakf t il through to hie dining room win- and the fire wa5 howin through the rnof and uireio out of each window pocced ln down tn champ de mm slret lha nociaclc heatoe one of great grandeur and lbea k ibe writtr reached that puf had bomt ibevirli the roof over tiie jportico and were rapiitly climbing thr cupo la frim which they were illotta oft by the w tin roof willi davtlioc bribtnet ihe smoke xr pie of uc y h mmm 1rfti s 7tuxl ngout in the mronetl klicf again ihe 1nmiaiej sky after buiniin- in tplc did atylo for torn time a mi j jen blae in l up above tbe top ofttic cujndj ibe next aooent tbe whole fell and a column of jaoac ioc ovc the tpct where it had lately tod many ol iho neighbor terriged by tbe coidh3iion had bcan 10 more their oous aad ihe pavement of nofe dame srrel the tiackof ike crampsdo mare and si- louis suct were all encumbeted with bed tofaa and all kind of furniture a artrard of sul- dwrt wa taw op acrot notre dame street and the whole ol the fire companie were oi the enrnud vhb be crealrst prhoptitude notuthmaoiiot all their ltortt it fcooo beeaine evident taat there wa no hoe of saving any pciliori of the nook building wuich bad to foddenly become a prey to the raven- out elroeot all exertion were therefore di rected to sarin tiie tonoundin properly and water wa plentifully ihrown on the neigh borinir oof especially on that of the national school wbch i covered with sbinglcf it wa oaa apparent however tbal no danger need be apprehended for other property ami all anrietyon that score wa therefore at at v fw ritiih ivh tub board of hralth lot no 21 being now by lw a comf neat t it of tbe city of kinto i tbou not yet tuhjeel to tavaiion liable 10 ke iaitt letrietoih and ronnd parliealaily with tv eard to te riblc lluh ind toliec a ai 0 rao4 111 rtuffiu all kind of jtlej uuch proiecuoa fromihe cityaiilhl q iirtf u ilic in thete rtecu t the inhabilanujb cencral eomnonly enjoy if not ultcily ie- uoraiit of firsl uiincipte noie but tome souc iltoaured casuist wlio prefers hi com enieiic and eae to tbe railhfid ditehare of a hie public lifrt will attempt to gaintay ibi eeij jtaio proiar1iin should su 4 prroti onroritinately hataa to tkoba of health i hall not be sorjuisrd to himtpitinhtrais to tltew the illcjajity pamintr otio invh beyond the ancient lnoitj the city although death aod dito to prl ale ib worlt af destruction on the opfoit- fjde af an imaginary line that diridet it ruj oneofiusulniibtaojlhrotent lut owri safety let him stay at home he bnt csoses raaiment and delay and may be the mcaoa saxriiiiri valuable live by bit umeatonab iloubta and acropiilou efclea at ajfc riod wbeu ihe quetltoftof aunckation waa r gorded a one of doabtfut issue the highi aolwitv ia tke province recogoitej the jut i- aeeerol other were more or let hnct aod ill feared that 0 nomber wa carried overboard aj the boat watmach crowded maayra- were current io regard to the conduct of iba tfljl la allowing the baat to strike ibe pier and tbe matter is to undergo a soircbing in vestigation kcw your g p m a tnx steady at s for boih sorts flovsl- our market for western and state for tbe lower grade i n j better indu ced by the limited reeeiiitand good demand for western leu doine for ibe east and citylrade sales sfioo bbl at 1 a 462 foe tour 505 a s 176 for hue 575 a 407 for unintpvcte 544 a 550 frr eomtnon 1aio and mixed western 550 a 56j for ttratctil state and good michigan 579 a 5 for pme gene by ihe arrival of tbo fatnoci ibis morning we haro advices from havana 10 the i3th great ecitameut pie ailed in the island in re gard 10 lb abduction of the spaniard rey from new orleam and ibe in ler vent ion end direct agency of the spanish consul and hit being conveyed forcibly to cuba tbe fal con biinr- a lare number of dcptebes from the coital in relation to ihe affair which oor eortroment will make public and fmi jijv to rdayiaoevi k which show a failing elf vtw 0aak ifitb the soanifh consul waa bound oyer jolapd hiatria at the united state circuit coarttr be hs noil waok ik- aya in bond of isooofer hi appearance fo trialtad antered bit solemn protest agaimt the whtjje procead- ing pirrsaunoir j8tb cm taylor arrived in oareily tattovea- iagad met with a most cordial recaataoo irom ihoutands of oajt citiaeni 8oto- i7lh the repair tbopt and car hooves attached to the afattuuhutels railway at lawrence were burned last night lot 15000 the steamship washington arrived al southampton on b 4th ult gea avcraera late minister 01 war at rome ha arrived in thi city the italian are making preparation to pre bim a nation al bouquet in philadelphia 5 cae and 1 death re ported for the last 24 hour narsv you 6 a at ar steady at 6 a 6 both aorta floca market for inferior and low grades stat for tvm and loeal trade receipt otoder- ate ale 6000 bbiat50 s4oordor paoviooar pork dull sales 3000 be at 1075 a 101 for met and 9 for priu lard 1 s- io philadelphia ihe board of health repeat tbe cholera at 41 eae j in booklyo tbr bave been o dcalbi by cholera dnrirt the pat 43 hour- jhe cir phladelubm waa taado tba miene f a drodful riot which comnice4at tbe corner of fem ad si mary strtj7 totcen lome rowdie and cvtortd met- tlo former commenced the attack with tckajad bayonet and rirarcnt were freely oatd a strong police foco wa ordered cot sod tbo military were under atrns during the a j nt as c nc ei ajiianee mo phenn mi e 1 1volfl 1 quebec iimiiitflo ol tinhtwrc 20c taso x1l5 mootfoal globe low lsoo avsoo a1h350 another fire toov place lail night at mr marrtyi boot and shoe store i naua dame street ike cniaer house bul one ftom saint gabrirl street tho ditatrr occurred almot etactly at a quarter to 12 oclock aod ihr ftrticnrine waau lhcpoialheclcck itmck the ivtwtr imtis wa then in ilamef but by the jcat activity on the oart of the fire- mti tbey were r v hjj de- lyed either of the adjaininjt loae mr- snvlha hoie boncfer was srvncuhal daajedj anh the comer till niote trc ae tivity of the lirrmeii tteitcd ernetat alie lion lurioftkr fiielher- waan exiiio- nmiiilr scroti ibe sire int jr7twvj 6n iwojncfe 4 fiiany mtlils rrpurt- hfostrkas aug 17 74r aaicscrral ioiiy for both soru j 30 30 6d for pott and 2s a 2 3d for pearl flouuwwe hear of 00 tr ansae lion mcc tbe ilea nee uefoe ne nws considerable ale were effected at 21 7jd provision without change about 8 oclock last evening our streeu presented the appearance of another aittorb- knee about 9 crowd of persons began to atsennble in noire dame street and as the hour of 10 approached a mob eras raited wnich coniited principally of by j they com menced breaking ibe larps and rilingoiihioe the lights trom the couit hotml 10 st marys streeu an afterwards repaired to the place 4armea where altfll mueh sholirt hy josstad ihemtelves hy ereci- a otl ol barri cade with blocks of javing uodaero tbe t of notre dome street- presently a com pany of dragoons came up wben on being addicted y col- eimatmger who advised ihem to ga home they dispersed mr chas- adtocate wa svrely beaten in the courfc of ihe evenine and eonteyed in a cab to the suird houe up to thi moment he if in a very precarious tuie it h reported thtt air lafontine coachman has been severely teounded by tbe esplosion of a pistol m hit pocket mr h jsmieson who was arretted yealee day has been adtnittd to bail it j said there are a great many more warrants signed but not yet banded to the high constable mr cunrtney ias brought up to day in n writ of habeas corrm tbo cjurtion of bail was not decided tbe judges took the matter initvbcvre uoneca 1 hotel nore dame street was tot illy destroyed by fire this mornine the fire broke out a little before on oclock it is said in a healed apartment in the upper part ol the building used tor dry in- clothes a larc portion of the furniture has beeiysaved a fireman named oetlats a tanitb by trade wa killed by the falling of attune fiom the building insurance on houe and furniture 133 at foltom 1 alliance 4000 mon trcal etna 2000 pltenix 2000 p qurbccxiuso globe illoo th- oojrd of health report interments for the 21 hnun ending noon today of which z were from chotcia af the agtcato 4 were children qucbce paper of yofcrday report ii atrie- abomot tbe m tbe albion from glgow and tbe serenader irom lieerpool with gen cargoes for thi port niw yoju2f ar cliolera 8 coses and 41 death a dreadful accident occurred last eeening a little after 5 oclock at the pultun ferry by tte boot striking tbe south tioe of- tbe pier intteaj of entering her dock toe atboard tido and railing were carried away and agirl named alia brady ioetnatly bilm by one of the spile t mashing be body and bcr tight arm was also broken a genoemjn named bal laid was also thought 0 bo eri injured saturday nipjhtn leport hortutat ans lrh 1819- ploor canadian ine 21 superfine 21 3d a cti oatt in demaod at i 6d pro- rimont moderate alr of pork 67 6d a 10 for met 55 foe prime mes and 50 for prime frcgbi 0 njr lo liferpvol 3s i0j ahet 32 6 stock market rank dull at 10 dis count coml bank offering at jo difcouot wit boot tales city bank procnrable at 39 diconnt montreal mining consols transac tion at 12 9 cah aod 13 short ctedil que bec minim- co inquired for at 10 a 10 5 the prince afberl froa lritb with a general cargo arvl tbe victoria from halifax ivith su gar ic arrived tody the montreal and the britannia from liveipvol with general cirgoe for this pott have arrived it qcebcc the utter having made the paa- in 21 day patsk- lata niebt in nhre dame street a fire broke oul about 12oock mr mur rays lot ond slioe store w completely gutlvd m pellirer shoe store sini some adjacent building were alo mik damad- ijernvijtf iriftm vihhhaifrvrvwf the funer of wm matron lock place till anernoi at ii ovkrek- tbero ansm poll- arers who wore red hat bands and aits- upward irf 500 pcroit followed the hat bodofaomeof lhm weie tied with red ik the conntr iitqneh s adjourned till monday in cosequence of the absence of oae ibe jurors nt- lofaeiltine rt to be specially iummonedtv attend il mr juiiee day rendered judgment thi mnroing upon the application made to liberate mr coortcnay on bail granting the opptica- tioo bail wa immediately given for mr court nay and be his been liberated there were mr dtitorbnncc last evening in notre ime street but the intervention nf tbo city authorities wsj tuccetful in rcttona order hie board of health report 13 iotrmeoti for the 24 hoora ending noon todiy of which 1 vtt from cboter of the aggregate 9 were children new von 6 p m atra small sale at 6 flupu market for western and slate i testtuyaot and upply limited sale 4500 kbit at 125 n 1 for fine s3 a fls fine and uninipected 44 a 550 foi mix ed wciicm and common staie s foritraigbtsuleand micbifan g562af575 fin pure q and favorite udiaoa wicat- uppy fair market in farorof buyer royal sptech mr fend ant gctiticmsn we have it in command from her maiedt to inform you that the state of tbe public ocu act enable hrr to ditpenc with voir attend ance in parliament and lo clote the pretext ictmofi her majesty baa directed u to ax l tic her naiiisciion with tbe zeal and atdt ity with which you have discharged the tabo riou aod anxiou du6es in the perforaioce of which you have been occupied her majesty ha given her arnt to lb important measure yon have pasted lo amreiy the navigation law in full confidence that the enterprising kr1l and hardihood of her people will aorc to ihem a fall share of ibe commerce of the world and maintain anon tbe seaa fcv airrient renown of tbi nation rfermajety bat commanded cm to acnaiat you thai tin riendly character of bar -era- t con with fureigo power affordt her ajfjt conridencin the continuance of peace the preliminaries nf peace between prostua and denmark have bceo tjcned umertbe dilation of her majesty lmts thai thia vtniion may prove tbe forerunner f a definisa f and permanent treaty her mjtty edortt will continue to be directed lo urvmole ibe restoration of peace in ihoae part of kurupe in which it bu been ia tcrtupted ccxtliaser tfte iloose or corassoxs we are cnmmtnled by her majesty tors j tujn you her thank fur tbe provision which you have made lor rbc public tervice law public nf miunr- has undergone contideraa hie reiluellitn wilhil tiepretent year and her majeatywill contirnie toapjly a atcbfol economy in every branch of the pubhc ar- vi re mv loan axr gextlkmot wc are commanded by her majely la tfmiiiavuitujle fiear jafabaylpt ntatlylba government twi w wla fator jirtaej by the army io tle field e- niujtliee iafort ackrioledatrrnl her memyhuobieivedwilbkraufiei ibe pint 01 ooeutence to the lawa which been mamftitrl by heitubircta during tb period which ha elapovdaioee hr marrf lau addreaednerpaflimoau hit tbe characwniiic of nor conslitialu that it tcndeti the maiotrnance of order 1 parable with ihe lulleal eojojtoem of notiti cal and civil liberty thcalit wbuibrmrmtjetiybaai viewed ibe peaceful progrcaa of her ytoflt ia arts and industry has been teatlt alloyed by ihe centinuanc of teeerr dufrtat in one part of tbe united kineno her marny baa observed with plcajurc your liberal ekcrtioua 10 mitigate ihe preture of ibis calamity and hrr majeviy commands n to think you jor yftiir unremitting attention to me a ores cat coulcl lo icoorofc tbesetirat cordttion ai ireland it is her majestys fervent bone that it may please tbo almighty dnposer of evnt to fa vour th iin oirtr faor nbich ban ben sanctioned by parliament and tcna4 ta her irilh pp1r at ibe reatilofthat paliencet and rciirnation with which tbey haee borne 4 their protracted rufffihe the ofesi of bb abuudanl barvtat endofiutemal peace in boston so case of cholera hate occur red during the pat c4 haurs in droollyn 15 deaths from cholera since yesietday in pniladelphia 4 case and 1 death in new york 66 case of cholera and 31 death piml is geatayjor is hourly eipectcd tbe com mittee have come out to meet him aod he wll be brilliantly received flart arc rlyinj in alt dircclifftt 3iondny niirlilti kepoit moxraral 7 m tseerentsoftheday have iartially sus pended business operation tbe proceedings on ihe inqiirtt of thf uiforiunate mi were resumerfat cyru hotel tbo hon mr lafootaino was in allendaneeofiee evidence ami in the cotuseof hr examination there was a ory of are tbo buihhni was in a moment enveloped in fiames the cout and iu atlcnd- nl looker on fa- were speedily ejected and tbe hon attorney- one rat was safely conducted to hi home under an ecort of ihe 7li regiment there aic varfou turmiaes a to the origin of iho fire and an investigation is now cait on by the aanlinrtaa camnanics tse builditif it cntirt ly tiileii and nolhiiif bul tbe wall slamlrttxi trrurance as fol low illaivci alliance 2voq tlna atuoos funnture qtee 6w wc ate happy in announce the mtirr ditajwi anc of chojera from ojr city the report of the doard of health is 19 interments from satur day noon till noon today 16 children m eluded ai quebec ihe epidemic has sub sided new voaa 2 rsi the report of chuleta fiom saturday to sunday noon was 56 caej and 26 death crtoals in tljtf cltq rclvals at alcxknoers fjrltls american hotel- aof llb0 beibeme montemt revi v p1eae uoontuhi rp r 21t kc- moo ireol jnn mdoolo tsetse tile jein pctcr- ro botoa me maiak roronto arohovieon boihuoe rev graokn w belt cbwc otr csibbun tkucaltti ftf k uawkine londoor rt s- foc bibtoic n y w1i1j tdion n y m defwtacfnt fiiafr ir alleo cornnll 1 ii lluohfw petept youof sb il c mitch- kioc bl ltifbod bart ond diu orwcfo- m- r rrl 8 1 loit of kindlon aueaaa uib cfar winnobigo otwco io bakaal mr pad dock su viifara levolon a fanjfl caro ofeaer ebfoue c liio scbr umnol pset dalhuric i7q ptecos oak tkbiber i rn co sir cotaraaojfrobirf 1 iwn rev m st art prop eoeee chief ofdcofbora 5 tiercco riee h pmrev 1 bale j a co 20 half cheeta tea beovne 5r gtfardfc mutty aoeavtlsib nicafa 0dftyrj iaricer iirf qfw gajo a okniao ray state saekeira hwfer j3 8re1 app- aoilenao i ce e and 1 ba jcrelry ftlr ooiteed scbr saab aod coaeti amheib 13qca wem todi im chfoca k cv autliotoma7 0iretartmrt frr 2i rirel uf flour il hcndtrton k r- c eurrvja pttot maeaternoa tk crane- died on uie laib ioat alw o i infer nf dlneaav wa fuuioyl iviac fatberof mr wro losf iq re of tin l 80 veart i this chj tfcp stiaraviai saucct too f dr wen lo4imore aged s tearv drrma fourth aped w yajt r ir v of coftiumpljon ai isctoi on iho 13th iat duhlei ol mr cna kmitb deeply rerotlod by o lfo cuel tfci enoroix ot 3 oclock mr wj potlo ajed k year ai mtl creek bit sun roewcoce mr isaac iikxm ocd74eam5muimnd6dayo fat mtir yeam nc mi the ubket of evreituatad which he bore frith patience iu tbo tt