and the if hg ioi canadian affairsannexation and confdmcy afaw i canada are certainly rcomar frio ihetaeninf the toptr wrrv m llial dlb prtv jd ft taolbrr eamy t eampm th 1v tl h been h eery hvyni frinnl whan pncrnd i aplva ark oat of poact r awwi ttijftiily o o narniie ailbvrlo dcdar for ibwuiiit or firm anfder4cy of ill h bnlh north a i trt hxal nitk mmiiti by in aanvofk unwd stat hfi they ti the pat ettdhin of canada and be avnt frviot 4 the brtlth party thrr- t bf a hj b tc roj1 influence of american iiirllitw v lb ee1l wblcd ihe amcn ppmc pttlfhtt iv cm4 the c of iv oral party ate faiwfhy ioafm afthelvaod slates a i or iaii the wrvi muci lieain mtkcll tbe butf party h v1l fetelyawar eomrkdthe polt of th two oiiwe d alway eojovrd the n4 emolirurtb i the cldaa o ih frerch by takv irwlh frich4t th txtndcact and ihat h ad mim to is avian too d brine om i thr fcnh ww emeriat to them al iwvtri4ery tphwt thirt mm- tv rebellion ioilcnty bill wa a notorial mair i t ibe wu parly ww a ihe gomiwr nrl to vie ii uvt would h a itoy ecr th fttmh tftef tried eiery rneancin ccmprh fried afirr it bill allowed lhy patched pltioas to england for a yrfr tbry were ftw hrtabilr ibrtiu of hwatiofl to iho ubm suttwttj froblely ojo tbt fcuith of jj t amirf fla h- r r 1 at nwal tompicooi pm cmi thvr ly ba bfcft a ny ft i fiof of iocopofftti il with b u nkf wa tomomd orcipahy co-n- mrcul 5ito bt mc or ibe bth or loniitt pint eo rmui with ii- 1h bntb flr rdld ioa y j rn imnr if tb coiitd ald 1 l w old lwy comlm th fccnch bat qffliti ihtltbey wnt co o tvy wrm totnj i 45h thif irob clot of btita rm 4 to join th orim 5w- th taon of cht oftvpwk on crh til itwyj beorokdby1heclmtmilyioirjti 0af4yd of mrallx il h r o if uipr ctfl0jdfit miulcofl vim lrt mwauu4failii odtbeoficf- finca the corrdonmp ou n t u jioi i ei b althrrdjf hi thy woiv b it tn m itfwt1 nj wht u alo- h i i cnm br it1ifd or btuth iocnmjon- fblrttvto rct ihrif bflolhbilitt ecrcxtmuiii to papl uo ifa cratn of h wotw tvf cam 4ft lotiwr od n mih d how ibtf fb bfltib tfh tvol 4m df rmtrd ii to pmtiio tb bli30 ply tfriin wtmfh tn a j ib foh ubruf 4t i a1y dav tiow nft otl i fo-mtii- 4mom ill t end- tb- indof ibe btfti ty v coaplirftf it br fcne4tija li ti lqntj siaico bft oubhc jid to t im- f of d th bhuh crtn arlctv j ht utter fl vim m th- flvrfrmpuct uftjf tf caa- o mxd ib tttfta of f etjivnhum st- nj tlii bct j i lu f cjeirrtv bfc- cl fcdi- pi fctjfefttft1lm4ftil v tvd5p iofnt w rrrt to bt comriud to ttpn r6ffgl ri4 ai tl ytrdty bn lb di nm ro4rrrd oc pioh md eftvwil rrvkv tt pwic m pi htd to awi j i th 110 k tli d bcr ojie ibvvt 7olck no 8 ard urinaii bp ivtttfwcui4 nchstiiit ftiimsft of bj t4 tor tno vilimtj mil- uti ocd onhr on hvc hn titjtii4otberfififhmiii sli ifcot t j qt a ib lc l uirsitfo rtiy pr4rly pjid a jiniil tan in r4 o thu jojtetfipth cja 4 pfioft t 1iky t t itrviroof oor i0 of in riftrr public i nin nl lb bt inlrtu th citfi drnnd ibdti ivicj jo iiiio ib fft jiij ib irirh4 pi hirbi ol all whof rciji in it- fiiyiufbn4i4cy tbvn lotfacitttbo uabc koteaoii a lvvx ir r ni tte4 rtt an iaiaal i ih ki pc- ichii tmi ttv can4ftiar hy thtanofofjor hif oly on th ihornric oi t 7h imuftt v ihc tlmi n iinfv i vtr mn nlm of aifham tftc aotil wn b y dtcf rct wi sohajii ib vkty of in i it nijht lbc jitad br hr lltd j 0l it hfu- mw iftcr hittbvfcpiwii x ttvat whii ct wrily tv morjb- iltioo wrfld b- tb t o ii do y m- a tit rilo iri tf tbty tf h pji j tl0rlar n tariftvduu wttb unvt4 iicntbvf jf jit tclw4 f cl- cf b oiii t pnn flf ir fj prftt rau rarfchj atfm klipt ui j- otfithcrof jhr drjl la nuhh fxffrr cacu-jj- put bc iny aiift id iitl 0430 vr tu d b irttd o u 3 dtd m be itntijb mia the l7fck paky hth beti iavi fr gjjvia4 tbfaj haf c11dw 0tnrtipjirdi f fy iiad arui aid prepatmt rs n w- f t i- t a l ft- mc anjft itijrt iny c 4iny aaivtjt it ay lake riacv iti mafif e1 if ttoinewfjx j prolate rdk4 im jpiardt 4eepj vld athn pe-r- vacbajety fvlbt hoi ibpr id- tuk st luaxcr ao crtai ca- k4l a rtji thit a mclihf 001 ifl- 0u4lal etiioee tv to k hjd a titv oi or about th20thf ihbnonihwilh vie co lihuu loairrj f the colttctin of thi jat ititmmio al ofk it n f re t irnu that r us otmeeiani there ihohj be no ipuec but iee tvith ic ifteoee to th lir to be 4td ifaete ha been at pp to roue pmped one by chraa abo ibe ciiy of mom- trcal th oti by lotoi1 vjw ihf city j at ii wwal i iboe ee cach rout bat iu own pirinin we t ie the nat atemaent in ff ejr 0 be kt- tcl to be adopd for h hac of ihcial irite fro ihaineramaiipi of lixkjj upfroil io b- arctay lr that cowrie 0 th oth had it i acd thii lb lin by lotcii j4fenij mch fiwf esiarfi ful5co1ik ft titok l b4 t th tte af- tul teat the lltr roui wld be hjmi ad- tuiticow foe h ral tnm the otha ivaieh a attomt lb fiaf rrnporttnt objds for which tbe accomenda i i top4l toj be proridrj tne raft ti are arfw4 atmot ay dnd t tte bjck of the i- ian mojitl fro wlne tlty wje r4ty toardtoa cant enince at i- cg grnf vhdc it j bf alrwnt imbotble to eonrev them to a ntmtattm th iafirv iv r are not iov ni o etolb lb kperto oceuence t eiibeof tie lm bmi onty io point ool ihif coat1ciin ci ni if mi irica i momrra1 crv to uk ny paft in llii itellb o ttl- cnen who re honly m atec aitia thy ii w 4 bat- an 0ajtmjiy of d o ijtoc- dj ibe bit ltf iimnwtf totn ep of earj tp to ha i to a tbr notwy whuf nelcfl iil no eeme from amuohrcle it will be frf lb enttemra uh 01 ay 8mcrii v i i tlie o v i r whfr hy cinfid rxtwiarb h d we fll u1i to cuii tlnn a hy dttei intoi hh4 thj otd the tigtotf th- cmi jpittoiotr e1d it h conracil ajn jrivijdoftheoaflmnioihriiir ut pjij rath f tv toecr f tbcit fbiad be tow 0 tuck out a far gtam lretib i eme the laji item o4 nurl and adom m p th it win he iairtacl0ft to the c of the brtiai ftil the larip wll nt a fv day fadwcitatl ioaliritv wiucjrf fi n evtlc will lake nhth tet4tinl th aid sin n a 4ara otfh american omadettej m y h rm aamu 5ron a dt ciiae th r ib th iivtmus b nearly jl ip oared fniir lt tpait of coiitiiiy nrvhib tbj wo roavd i iimanpd frrdin aaj rarrlj ided re any f lp fceva to aa itrr rtitt ihf 1j i ptrckl of clf ll- yet ccajiooaby oc makn int aji- 4eeavne the colli rtd aelkof wf tnnewtofktbotfhbureepiotit fajcbannjil him fret hi tiriiy tatoimy ls ai ts b4aja 4yed on ari thue cow rooh ih ready oidr cmam erf h k hifl- en at orkca lhr cao1 fepjifin the 0 phlhj berscjoqi mrand half vriof tht eiy fell jtrtrreo joe wai dcoefed trotiin dowftihehrelpath t09rdaieo iibe ip edtaddenty hn aihoit julmt froo thnt caard hart t n puacrd o lhr i- j lo the iopath tide rhcre were aii dk ai tok on tb fcoat ij klmni hiiioaj c miam 5obh curk henry jmdtrtdslgrgii imd oaroibrf 0 adiiui arndrd ibeir ahou aod cat lav tv deer leaid lhr fn and cio rimerl tttt monine at leneth m o veaiov corered wth hub aid canada fbifl tr frao iwtwlbitltn tbry rijiu bar fooled roahed iato the crat ani fctfw drotr th a ci dial bark and faith tawrithaflfm limiiim j1t1 titj lhca dotp u djn ino a conf r of ih woeaadiubartld tut it w vbv lolttf ol yooic hcin thed upor tbtdil4wodthecieek ad held it jjju flfthtxt cam to ho p a f wia mocjfd froot th boat and tbe a tifftl whack in masiphlhajh juc th friftl jbo chlft owo4d about haji in ktraiidik duanc ij ffomih bfl4i vr lflq a mile- wr dobt ll a lull t0 aw da aa tttr brfofv captured io awaiia abort m twnr tbe tvcd d kaaviaei ih mi of ft k h ki ift9t4x adtjoipi prfltruof ctvtiialioft t xactran jofy 10 lwaax jr bior t auaxr a fife boka oil io q itrfta albny oo the ajvftoon wiieljih which tklawid 4ta dfoboetion lvtot wjite with the inaaof a few wood h airot amrbe ih ftremtn rnud mjoofml of the i3tb describe a fal yoihfcl p1bjbcc or aliypsonu u tiarf mce rvrial o nc ujim hn r on hi ak of ib lam nor l ica4 tttwc ink w k ihke lf rarreti and h tht rhean of d sl- fit awul ii eaaf a tthot witfi m bxkvof laoj we tiei imwifc mie nn liri i v 1 fibibi of ih h ut th d4hei af ih tioaratiw m- jooi w m lftkiie up ikr tank irnj vip a dc yil luk wh ch bakift7h a uecipiiaud 1110 the rim 1 aaftk 00 of the boy ftmf sat- fird trtnc t he hj mta 1 1 to jir rvr ltnirjmltv m io lb i4tit p ighf j hit he wtttf dviiif gotmfcf the yowoj dy i t er nelftihrte con ih of farlhei lailflka ai pret iti ahi the coton ihrpttf eluetfl at timtdj kirteh tiicvviilr aid vt othi 32 p- orntr in lip canada jurtnninf ro tiioctthr 1339 wi- o y 5li f f- iel n hieh t9 fiiimi1ti j- 1 d whici njiiipi tl mjiff 0 ihrhnt ssfloo of rt iti h4c vn cohctw jum- ib im q a tiof ivroito 4io 09 nn viioo crv fron tbiwc luxalir asylum ike j4ibjirr lo ilt ulh joy im ay pjan i4ib jon 1411 fmiftiff dfinid dvnj ih nioh m- wffbhs 1 15 tal 0 lavtnvyrd fmnt nomh i 4 totl dd dtirme h ihrtili mmm t n frl ha pahnt r iht uhtj tln f rnirft rikmncp oj ml- utffttp flvii toul- wat ramav tnchctcm or nrttnryc we eool rliai cnalm wih ri coijraty the tvoftnrpf f rmaikinc upon the cettirr lfkpuwkijvof wimb th oiiiftbhais tjctia we lme lo the fct of aoa hun- dii4cihe cirarih of montreal tiany of r rs ieaicd in thrii catae ad cabt aa v ii cb nht of lb concert ouide oi the hot 1 iti cbuni d m rttrtf and iber litmnj to piuidux and in de iolan- cfftfpmto intn cftcvrethe varioii p oric rxeewd wa th iv bom tin void aifear w ffah a frah daniion oi fie fatjaf iflijwtveidw a qcicn tai tre cnlian sfa- hc4t 0artiee anived bi thi morning with oicoe and oototmscoirh pi ro- cftaimtned o p axdtaaoi lq le left qivbo thtveno of the towel a kioorr briwve moattel aj kic4oi and oariel fnh a oit oy5 to lceh ai toronto and hamilton her trip wmld bay brensftrunedadiyitiiepilol bad ru her at niehl briwe lottrea1 nd qotbc ad ih oyaie been dit h kitoa iv lb wclland cinal- c ifrfa jftraj toronto market 9hjolyt4r fvvfti liaaaorlaiiw oi e ily a hd hue ad f-o- cev r r dctotaf- fnkw lo lit w p btfl rher io lih h madeamt ti- hne roxinwre tilrfvif 4fd uppi kei af u bba od at o dy n c- todt the k u4l capiio if ftrf ritoaio jtvm j rti6ooft llaluid war nfivrwb froltfa a ape awitmat- ittbar- whnnia bum a frna m th fk ihm iho iakis bor r a-oor- of 7aht la with faal aib l natdrioo l ek i two 8c0o0lrs canadian duels it it ted that a doi look pltce in monire aloa the 24 bmei or tiaenrr and bfr l hatklo botti of thl ciiy fv lofltamf boh prtmpd tjiieatw ll aid thai poixi we ib- ce of th quarrel bctwrt ib enieaeal tri nr hii a p of linr aa l vr l j hakift avpporur ef lb ptat anioitiry donlrcol tfcfam 0r taetday lul a lmlind lovk b iwa a chffm fl of st faa- oc aadcapt tenck f4 th- hrrj tao swii t kh atbrr j a ic pkev tbte irctkokn wce rcrl fmcajainlhiofy4ir mje flmitm tir dibc k 16- of on of 1 1 fcoed 5t coaoi jomj fd hx5 it hjt uaoe si lt no oft in erer billed o toand ia a cnt ijoa ju1 liu iiy ietafftplimiq th wofusjbxmon bitr whig jfilu or ic friday evening july 120 ltt ciiy cotiuelk mer wjklw pacatxt hit woehipil acting mayor 1 auerawa mclean syth mcch if fua 3a coancillot wle rloa wa4dig- bam matthews barilitf crdiwet th miaaietofihc taimccti ft nkk littkij hoa j a macdaaald wit rea for loe qv a city hall daiin the coaee4aof tbe biiiia anericja lej ciaaied d t wdham poon fccwiary ct lijbt ceaftplo nas iad tuioj lhai ih con- idfry villbepepar tliu aoon to form h ih cotporaii with 1 my oa lajml for the strtrt fe aa lby y doem nccctary a stel ceanraitioe wt appointed lo cooler itb ca compny to ftuhuh acery uetit c miller q- on tbe ujl of ofaiar and oajaiaj kfuibl sueei- referred to cu- tnie oa svmfj ic lo report ibrn r s headetfon soprinlnlflt of com- raoa school w read for ara to ptrcba prize lor jchourt no clioa take a thereon robert ciiaaftofthoofe ud sacaoel hion werervad aadrcfened lo ibe conemttre ofi pjiceww frpori lhroo rtttihm e v palom p that be be allowed o make in to r r 01 shop leaaed by him in mattel ba4di- ferret to committe oa ciiy prop my r tasitil t laydowa toitdinjmateiiab ajfajutl oa iaeaaalcodiioi m httinnillll rent two hopa ia city bwldirtj rfird co tb maket coanmiiltc lo rpot lbcrcau je powell payojeatof aecoam-rcfer- ird 10 finance cmiiee jereab aw d obr io ope a dvn referred to ibe com milee on streets c- torrvi thereon vlt ril lt alranifi of tahkn ap loav lceaiefriied lo in pvic gowmitict- jhn ftir lo be allowed to diie a cab iftdf bt lry slble lkflh- refeff j la th commillee oa civic cfp rrily latcla irajufei of culvis licote- thirc wa no tctioa takeo tbcreon eoiirary to law- e boyle o opea a drain fiom ptrmkt refertnl t the comnwuee 00 slket u lo reirt ibereon u chli k rmpcciiopt rent ol stall in mtheirefricl to tht market ceomillee o repoc iht-rro- ibs 9lrvriwf onmotvoaof amrmaa flaaran r wewtk4 lb ciiy comncil ttelhrr wltfctfw rr- mcrcirrv mr mlrbhl r mr rd- h m- baat the itghi rr bittos ptielao re mr dooe ht mr larimer r- mr fnifick rev mr itatfvand dr maifbe iho local boaid of ileal f lb cuy on mot oa of alderman smith tbil the board of healiu the majmnorce at 10 oclock e ery monjittf fr ihe tanoetio ef bjifti tntaioanf mr wdaiam tht a lilt f the nnoiber of media j of th city coacil for 1s4 op to july i6ih he uubtjthed together with ibe atlcodaqce of membe ttiatthe owner of tbe timber at the wert ed vf iv- ch br aoiiatcd by the city strreyot remote the ne within twatj day th fotlowmg mentbcnof tbe city carja- ell jhre elected a cojtt of appeal oa a a mentt tiz aldermen flanagan fotd mclaa ad cooacillor wtddibam the council oft the immigration the immitaln of the pcint year ha ot a been exeiie bordc- i ttoovftome a lrje notion of the jumi ehu bae bt coeanarlirery well ot and ave to beat then owa harden which o tothelahrjl oppostfon have not beoei peiiieinbe wa of oemtlav a thit larger poetic have pacd throwth cavia to the onited state but a in all lae 01 of the ppk 1arf any dotitut and oitrable so in tha laiwiftation ftf i9 tbeie la ttill atjch potcny r and wruhda4ja the frompt action of the eul aam at xattoo hitbt bu daily removed all lhal mijht ottend ihe eye or r in frelinca a for od dcttitvte imvairajnuariivedfrofn llmplip by were hvwarded ip the lake lotrtoato and hami in it tha etpcnol cvivaeat nd al tbn hu been en o jrpriced hare in ihe bap of dmtooa ihe occnio al iape- lalioaof atins jcb a happy attte of 1111 ia aot foiny to coulinu kmttan ia about to take raoit than in ml chrp of paapti fmmisriion ad hence lbc abject of ihi article tbe enitrant aent ha received ordert ccptoa argent ocaiioai 00 loftjrt ta pay tb pajaah fjon tl r io of dcilltdt i j i- penu the 4tee of ibh orar xiu to ih emweed ful of ibe ateeeta d wharvei of tvrooio and haciiuo- vh hvkaaji bfiap -il- to had food gutter or cjc4 employ- ment soch wil eef ooa be ibe eae ia kiacaton ul pcdy meai tc awd to m ihe apftvaehlne dftr to ffct hi tbe nro ib pojeeu lat try f ty piivaiefiihtcribon a m aiftcit o po- v wis foa f- abellef tu why are nilh ml hie or brah to ai t ihe umi tave lo ck 4ovanfr th imwbadiad vl tbe wimiftg to work 5id by a voluntary im co iht cit 10 aeconplih b tame rfl an1 3rj to tep into ih ho a lb cor- uat and turtjiycmairikliv rr rnt ih comj5 evil by cotriamkr the an of dmy cmijfn la atw bubl opiati the art ad 4aai pejc art uve046e md iwpacitbi iopl iti because tird ol tatrtlt ad iuna1md citilbi 0k4j ii- viio ihe lliiy of ihe t kot laiiiih th3rlplan it it a ill wid that bkw abn crod the manboi opiiioa a aim whih w eottutaltt wk ear ta ra benefit a ibciip of ftv buadrej jolreuilt aitttice to to ibwiaad poot rmijat from the lfu af ihe cite ad cavry tha lo pucct we il have abaneof e pym nl jorifrft hat hue anivrj it u not likly that awe tba ihit iuner of dettitote f will ctn for nch a pain v im ah we nr what w a the imngraau bai al teaily eomafaced 10 be cbly- for h a lahrymra shol the health of lb ciiy be come really aftcioj kvm m- be op and tt live rnandrv 1 pmede plnk dm each bh rmue and hwsh aflod ibe ready mean to iranpat iwo ibojonj o-l- and when ihi t ovean j ibe mney all rxptnov ktthetahscrirpiiavihetefenanew hi better an eatter to ait tire bnuliel rfafliia twke ovc than la mainlaiw iwo ihonxind pcdc for a linle k much lea- jvr a wliol aawoti melancholy casualvy oi wdaelay atfta a la a pom eou- erani nmed ceoe rwtldce who had oty arridin kitatiaa the da pre itl fid qwchcct et oat accompanied by a xoaat man rhipatw work oa ibe loachboo oal naw aeie aaacadamiaed rbey fa a mr cejauert d an their relijin borne ia the eenin ltatjede coated pined 0 being hny and fatifud abdcaj reaehihjlhe tslhp of ivautta p addcaly dropped down and notwilhladia ihchkaaaaaatutiiionof doctor qamiah who 4 ct to he apaittanee hr vxpired in ahobt hilf an hoar afterward a coraier liy ah hed ih aoae icna and ac eordinx kt evidence at the oo tn ayw bad accompaaied ihe defeated and who naly knw hi 4 ben a baard at tbeaam boa it apfmain ihat rtkde bad only eiy recently arrived at qebee from 111- ttiihibree yaaa child e on hi way to jiialm wif who it en had pieeded avtrtaya b1ie loaaiericaand wlnwo lfirtal a no bawn hi 0a nv nw yaffhf aailh fniif bvt lu fundi rtwyrj ihmi he wa nhlieej to look fn wwk tn odr iacae iht ni4b cf pinin h pe tlir wilnt alao proved ihat it tij rat nibai ffon the lime h i out o ili- wak i loctbtvnil drank a eoeaij-r- a1 luamv of cold waie i luri a rjiru n qtaitftfait knd the iy therrfwe in tccurdarc u the n of ihe mrdic almvi tvtoiaeda lerihct th ilrceaed harj cone ta h a deaih fa ptlry canted hj tapaaritc u lb heal f lhr mia exhaa tioa da ft v hei irn the d tu f lhr mrlfljicljoy abhii i the hp ifcai tley eny etciie th ympithy of th himaaen walfef the w hildren who y th oetricmct bate btcomc nttetly deatilnft aithanl a fttvld in tb pifciin a olily ca pnre halfpm reee cr- fully wrapped in a thick piece of pap wm he ertly can found in the pnor fc1hw packet after 1tib wo inov aron thh x beina peha 1y dirincae cev ltt nila at ibe thtrt ltoal mi heaii anj mr manrert wlih at au of mita hill g t of the friactjmt ivcfjvdta dnmiiietlihchatflifoerof lj fill da remni an- ang the maic mat dtlittmly mfusrjraii h a ry accoti- flihed mnri3n wth avrt and pvftl ox 4ll her snri were ratiimdy r- cettcd hy a hc ad irpceum audieac the erand ia ah hope gone wa aidendidiy acaud mc m 4 i a well kkvawn tcnar ineer on whoai ii patie to lixbtly a lo lave mile or no impreatton of hithcarv hand rtaas wu lait ihl a b 6 j jeiao when he ritited k pptn in company wiihth stfqla troupe th only wo be fame thy toice inipitine wa much admired fa ha imlh faan and hvilliancy and m the di- cloatde biwea hintelf and hi rtep daacbter h acquitted hiinlf to ihe vidnl lelighl of all who heard hita ther ii a colnc aboai rinaln andi- ene tsat matt be xcdnjjy aiw l aentitiee atu although ry peiaon in the tatre wa p1eud beyond mart and all the ane and dttttts were ri tteas aa delcnf jl aslhf y ware appreiaud ad a- preccdvnid yii nolonmnji p waa en cored- itjjane ffom provincial meawuc aorafi th kmplon pepl good my ou think ihai an eaeotr i difui io a navel oat of there kind ne and comppamon re frain froai eacafinr ho jink da they know tv fact that bowcr lircd a aocaiial my be only call for lbc ng second tim and by m aa il wte frih eor acqtii- red and it rarej happen thai the tone it ant heuertona the acconj than the nrt imr daring tb iemaini ninhta of the aum engagement let ojr muiictl friend bet io mind ibe word of the anocoi ovlodj- and sioa b a land iampw th anoveasmii lut nist wc caoelcded with one of thoaa rltaaaat cmnitttt which ih hill family ajoraa knaw bow lo play wall fttlbaeolcrttinaaeaiof batirh we refer to ov aovartaain eoloaaoa jjftrkoaayn the theatre- t iv irotlier remner hoaie welcom ed wjp 6inli aau mr mmwvt to iheii attamae w actiaeale ama ai the praeipal ca4i n beltiai chrain apra u ia sm aavaavv vb wub tbe otianc of mr aodmiwl u4 tcecurely accem tiid miabnentitalbe mo c alloticd h ifoj r will rcch rowt ed pilho nd io the u i rtcilatifa and coati 0c wold i bat him drw dom fbaatj a emhuriai ipplaaar in ihe hut of ltv mr- wfcpyfj vii eavre at bwmtva on ihe hkljiftf twit- til epni suited to u- tiallyawett a- 0 pwaf mc ul he iac with o r 4tvlj bi a it two cf b vjctj weic awfc aalatiiaw 3t ibil ihaalj mial aid pmftct- tbe love ibi r m av ai all 1 i waw idcd the klel rt4ca ltd fv 1 m acodtiine bl aa dacv annib diapfirjpwit u in ihroeje fhtslmjti 10 ji ihe al cioi ibt lt the lhm pal whle ihi ltji it- i v ceoatitrai th day rtvel for tb t ibtw twi b4t t cia4eo hv omiiotj i t that i 0 mi nhtidrin tbat oia tal ir i u oalhtll lwe af lajaihoa weatiin- if afltetjjt mia uiil nan caw wi mfictfng of the convention althojj we hetl nothing t rl of lb trvot meelac of the ltlfoo ai kneon from aay of the uiwjwjflf aaaj bereytt ton a d-i- uncewe gaihet mighty itdm rad oa rx tract jfnftja airky eopr0n venchay vmn the iiiial aaouhly me dag o lb moatieel brach of the at aofiatin rtra tidj al ajc ilotel t wa a ve ry larice atleditce of mob nd mvcf iumvm iflwn it ih bqiam of cj lfapp cod4- wfilh loft frai itjvvtal j the tfranth- in uper cnad i lb dv of trren of ite 0 vr oa of dev- wfihniiv ai thhtj at baptan a lhsth ittl awibe irti hy ifac a n achni in n ir id ic e tmt we the pliiaiar ulttoton f reader th0 jgiut il h- ovjnc li this c i ntuo chittb and li- thil am uwh ktfihien willi mave iia widirkrfwn at il a iy if 1 jil td cu nitif n atlnatcj ie talu t bne c-n- nt on aj w mwi naettig f 1 ll purio- ofrufln will b- fld 4ilv in rtrx week mint hteiil q ihagnctic 2cicgtaph tuedoy itepori k7w yont jaty 7 ftaijpf health repoh 105 cae bod 51 db ilacv yrat f om cboleta ciaeivarn ltih tpaeemewb fiom cvtrr yrey st 0i mciki m huwerai r neh r diat l ivtn ci- ia u wn ulltlia i- abiallht cap r ra j atnittti 4 c nrtmlbj fi v st lcii isib ih an chafer fvi the lat twealyfoar prttatacii 16 h tfeti vifr hlftj m aucfbmy cnv 30jildcn ah itclcdia dr wift ll 11 imparl i th whr if wi toji no water u thrawa 1 ily it pftjgrvn ia ranirfioerlc af ftafeermeit beiwe the gnna a- d th city coaocil 5caerl npaae fon pt e n ih jpothnt lf nc will no ii9 tie m to work ti aibuitif ht fc il geiv to call 001 tb frilry mr ceift at tj dit jltc i- 111 bihaut ally ti meidy tcertaiva rhwnnj- 1 jtliful m lua ru u j tlhr at ih turaii roy mr 3y atsha brwntipitji tlieii la4pajt f 41 ware ijaiaiijsy 3 full tvie kcui ne iki ef th- uilir h haeavw c1i ui ps a is jviikiu t- tonaace nil of vhfln frawi t n f id samjaavttfli aal a fnrk and ilc h al lhr v n nl da- ftu w r tiluld mr u v d- ii uk if1 er ap mi b ii ivave tun icadilv ti b dcri a pirxt or paacth i amtt ll ey ane h who hat ocln to b rate boat in iheve tlnria lim yji chvc af ounce phial of min spiiu of camjthr ami bespit in biai t oai pckrl seal lb fl miweru tiiqnaj lc day tan apiritelorout of afjr him occao lak 4 dap of spkh of oap in half wiocla lull nf water aa i he may bid dhce o trholeia malyrab and bltc ptat- a fact r ttft tre leaawa a 4 tieh at iaowr a loun ej 1 iicir act ir uee ai tlte phvatiicfajv t uinm t e civ ei nvtlj l ex lifted for imfttpjanae mtt frtel tbvaa witr u- peny rjeoi mtfvi stav geliom 1 a id haajvlvf llir mvntret r e lil on jll upper t aoaaaan ti f lm nt a ciet parity ay hallad ar eeh i lcartataare ttaln tbh udet mo nev ba cl lnrjihbi oiit hiaid b a aid thrawinc ik wil ewi- nfj to kirat a tl ttiea whit a tb to o tak bail i ro mitacj t kof i french on d n ion wt a flrck f hep there hrvei w- peee i iateatda tfl in- i 1 lf kiowae 1c match th ik l aojd be i if any iejt- al vipj cail i y v nub s j- mwi from tneb naartef il wfl lery mfl nrptiv a a i cooi tvatiivl of upper cnda i in o aw ihat thn tdt mai u he aj fo le moiem kwbmertr m- dlti ad ll imhl sm wr re hapy to eauoancv tbe atiivnl in kindlon of tin eery talented family wiiae eciraor- dtityifrrmftc4 0i lhr sa hoa have crenj nc a aeo- oa lhr cuamcil o earaf where they hv had the uk ol puja befeoff tbeir manitie q en vielosia aaj lvip philippe and hat tven pua i wult fvat by theducliaaolllie cme jfvlseilvddrit i b orcti u urii bcfdj h j rj intend to wake a hnuied mar lliratih idafattfaoml 10 lhir reiura to en- ft hi fei alenlml on of tlie laue t tin cavii r let th repectable tore of tkir canada rad th aniele foaihaipa- e in aapihei cadiinn a d flit ivmelvi if hev etc ppa la l4jie with mn who g oeaa elective gno a rlecr leeib- aliecoaiit he ikaliiioa cf tin r hioa pnxmnlww t lvt iheii ead the iaovijf ih dtaie anprtintd 0 thi 1 it4iked ofconeativaaru ihyillhad ifi1oaeaifaf tmm at lean rlhww eoio aaaeaaiinnit tbri i n miamler- imdi 5 ii tbe whole am ae miajcf of ihe leagae u anyifionpiilaj1y clak- rd b the balfjorea rcckleat men wtio a it np to eaahte ihrm 10 o1iu a few cnnrrva- lviumeafoii uer cao u tpi ibem a ibtrw offeviettabtlit at starliu the vto v kptv th ih c leail hi l v dtrljk in pa m tsie peya vh dilithamd faeaien am ailh planda tti wawlwfea avtfl tais r u itit miio- ntlhe dilinomfnvfa1 horn iby alawtie na tied mvrin vimc ihe moti riihi te hfaeme dlm a rittied hv m llac e cwefik coatrvataire rvl d w ia refm aare of stw sera hi vi h ihfjr m win mo v f ev a w ho 4 aid hanihra capocie- hit for- e imtnir hain eery dihvnlt a- ihetraaowkieh he did nhd alo 1 i aia m llanjelt ll th bvht tlirfconnwuin had iwi wn f in pari rw ai4iiv year ai no french waiijd atlvmpt oitin recptioa wat a mal hiirianl t andiine and arebetra maifainj vlicbt by th mail emha tie plaudit 1iln and hiv a w alw nfevdtilrd arltwdid 1er medal thecofwhle lhamlc ubtede beea an ifa y coatiliraoiarv a4drit i thaii par- neal iher grvai conceit at th tlgivl r oppoiioniv 1 k iv invent ft ril nmhtc wall i iv 1 enelisy h j v k ithjik th peaide of the neihworint rewahlic arc unnjn w n ibir eye ta ibe ba a- aaof lb re of the btiah x a vieai ion law the followin- aitiete ton ihe ow0 traaet of ik 14th uvl whiten with good iac and in eod tle aa indeed are mat all ihe ftcfait mah fiau that very ea- celjeni capri tu-tjcnr- tit -rut- dftfticff avij ilon law th lt it- i of fie viviijlier lm ty ttreai itntjj atd ib rrvvi ert t ua fflrwuiic upon th toanaielcv of th ivijvuj more eajitciauy n ihe tarlattij ia navaiiott nfonr own count t and uoji 11 ctjiuon and fatme drttmy of the hilt ah col-rir- tnva iji olpref t bjlvffi4nd intupptlfaefenlful tanlhete would h4 rntroited iy ienral attnlian a j ei wa bave cn na cany o the id a it hevaaai a lw iwmnhet in thi evyutft tmi vim i t ft iib rneral aea aay be 4ihefd iron a summary a ihv jkoc- infb n- ii 111 v i jafi idronh parlinneii cltectnl and pnhtthed u the new voi u tvitateaf ih nit c i re oeialroii f tfw ct a we urjrn1 it the naviatian f ihr st lawtence will h fic 10 amenejfj vrrh- oir twxi may pa fan ant lae pni lhiaah the river vcdncdiy mrhtn rcpdr m taiaijuly is71 a m we hv n flitkt e w hav paiive tfomtma from maa i h 1 cf t mi p ofo f ih rapid abpt tte pvta r- ei pdcaic- qbc 4rd ol lajbj ial ibtt th d mai i ih dirri l ithin ih 1jh lhor aj inevitff mahlt etera and i r t ii j ai teryjalr4f yve pr k xtotara laernpt mcbni menart i bavn o- aoal sunm and 0dohjety tw t ih ste piim v4itl from cork on ih ifrl june th real of the aiantra will io ant i t sw p 4 10 n bifffp the aeeawu fm kvn a th- 3d nl itthai ih french afwy hd m nat lir pwir a i iroat 4nli look piece n ih niht of ttk 2w al bnt it waa not ijcevrti tb ka i be wat eacea tb vktae of imt aaatiiant o tha maxariei a conifadctd litia ttcm sltai hui aion hit j ifac ij hn bjfccw n by the betliae raiitf a frdrieka iiaiatdjtis0ed athartty that turkey h4 rtueil prmiin for ihe rajiib vmy la pa tbeh hir ifiritaey advibc iicia mdnd tair that the diarae tion oa the tuiff lal n l cbiaiber of deplie on th 23rd wb ih prjpcl waa carritd by a mtjoriiy nf i m 20 fanberajicvt tram india wiihdateifroo calcaila l 8b may and from bombay ta iba 4lt they anaoince ihe caytaf of appa ahib tb wreieoder ia lb njpaia uuaoe nd the ilwatof hi trvaaaftpi a very bn- liaat affair by brig hampton and vaaa uoop- bhhodfimi deperaulyand bi- ctdrtr hampton received a dingtioq ewont cut mor lyaghi capt yale cap oct and 1 harno were all ma a iraa woaoded- combmebcial u0j0a my market joac 30 hl feaiareof imaortance caaat h a 91j conwlj for ac- i- miu phtin mak their promised aance loashi at ih cy hall thtr u fof ceat xurfoi ceihrily which j- 1 iualy ntcatjt 4 large ujienct u avekly hel nn lo the bmvd of heallh of in ihe banal ciatmd of r ctv at waooa for th week fnifj ih i7b of jl chde and fho yrvia it l td m c oram rat a ciroveaa amone ih y fewcath in knm of petm ccne y kaowft we reefflet la have recom thtl ef tbtr mcariea trappit monk of mmn1 lury who h recently reviuj can jt far ihe pufote of eatabliahing a cowent rf 0 cj caicatal th autcn yerierday wipween the cobarc chib and h- club in tha vxa tueimol the military weh fij well ked o tttcatptc lln or tiic rivxa ihe stamc fashian ha rumd h reca- in trip and tt aiiy m l moairalt ihroneh by rtayhejlt ia cnnxtoi with ihe mail lin on th lav is now complete ttmc rwaira the tollowing jic citlmen were yfeday elected m ben tf ibe maiiajtiaa carcrjuiue af th prakal t- ad aftcrwud pwinied a ib- cammihee lo manage the rveau lau davi r n and mr- hind r- sdowr and fowler rxlhmritijrc or tmx ltucwwe haj and ate na mdicatima of any meeting or tiaoraaltoa to bthed at kioptod tbnc ifl iberetiny aow abou ihe mailer but lfa tbaj bp their inuaekcj aovecaow aary jrlvf za4 it raanli ta ih o ly ll pravitvm of lhr act which tke tlti o iv 11 if jannaiy net th ta ahi je to b prac- lk ally lb jaw j 1 ocna- amficen whaler will be aleoea lo brng lb ft mlma jlkcl lotiieal bnliia fr evnamkvn ibe preti- rainary can l- n reinaf tn rtet 10 ba atled ool in eolith p btio cmttd wils ihe rrmaii of ihe c allien tiad anj ile frat i 1 ihe hvdt bjik ib whole of ihe untib n t ir are in h abaled incladinx cf comic thai action which iibit ttc oot of aw afica nd america oncft dt4 a orjkr firiof enrop fom hnhratiu fir hoje coeitnmptbo into ena awoagd ehffpj f american ngln anl prajuctioh ct be bitfed fr birtaln exccpi i a biib tw but adr ihe rejal bill loe bnlh nakl may lw be j a vnt for cur american at imjoited t00b anj caiiej ihnher iib our own ibiprtt thecoatmiradeof rjntain and her cd- lonie id ihe ftbcies r 10 be ieircud to untih eelt aetiy m at preent bu tti foreign tud i 10 be throvo bnat willi power lo tae qjen m cmkii lo impnae coantoroalii duliei a th etej of nkh forc naiimi a do am met england oq eanl tmi and th f4lrict0v wwch pit vcatlh- imporuiten rem aiope of ihepin- iiuc of aaa africa ni ameiia wfl mnnectnrrd ae 10 te ablnhrj the bntith fthipawner to bf atowed 1o obtain hiwtrtj on ihe rjwvpiut term be canw taey e na lander hiaill and thp h abroad ta entitled 10 bunb ieitraion thr coatiing u de of ihe cotoaic i to t c a at pre with pw la tha calanial leiilathre 10 ihiov it apn if iher thmk fit by way of howi ih crowih and im- portaner 0 oar whalenabin inlerc lo be ahvctvd by the nuaajr it ataled thai dermic the li 28 yean ttw u s hp ern- poyrd in ibi heanch ftl hutiftc he n cacd from 90 ia 73i empuym o0o teamen naaj imntine tvoilh ss0xw yearly thit oil can oaly he iictd into ateund eftf it ha vm nded io th united uea whle oil from bstih hiiea my he lenevd direct the nw act siaabaid afjeican thipoi on tfce ama fvhinv tb sooth sa whj ffheiy re- nwrea a lere capiial 10 carrv t c tet tlnd wheie imlan vi rascal obliad hat alieady kit the trade atrvant aa v ii sutra ve1 ca lake iii a caw at q leheo tiftu fo a rvtic pari bmt the re cl wil rnahif oar hip pine in compel tvflj n friehb lo ad frvm ct btiuio and 4ny pari in ihe cndaa with her abip waatbar bai u in liiipoolo qurbte liverpool cora market scarcely anything doing in breaduajk and price apparently 4rclina noiwoflhearopa leeadan c market some intioc iovne don at mark upi fife ha mol ihuntr t waa dift ult t iw prtce pd i eetrrday k aiket eroj4 proaniing kowtaarm- th chavra 110 case aaj 10 daatlai lot tht laal 1 lxuf- st ia 7th utnaiau toda ftl f tla week 7lw cincinnati i7th uienenifr the lae il hoai 69 from otht d 41 f the wk 1050 of which 6go were fai chokra the diteate it on inw deetcaie vreebiaiton i7tb a pfcclac for phi1ae1phia eanuiaiac a 30u belartpna 10 car laibam le ca waa paetor- from the pol qt 00 san dav lal- tirtietvbrfii walrillemaiaesev n saw mi d a aaajaeiy of lantactde graved tow h laaaianca rttooo fn pbi1adelpia cae ami i dealb flam ehelvi in ycileiday ia braktii0c4acmdl3iiealhathowiaf an laciea er lertiiid lo b bruifh ill by brieith auhjecta tliurtjdwym repdrf montreal 7 p m- th erdemie it aahmdrntf aconnu fron quebec are mor faeahl ihe me mernks fmrn liverpool with fe- neri ratea ariy n tart thi momtna al the coart of caiir seione yetterdny e mccni ju- mallin and t tretoa met eonncied f larcency and trnlencedu 5 ya imprthnmeal rb the penitentiary at kehoeth ffauaad wa inea lor tteatiaa 6j from tb pcitoa of ona treeart on 59th may lal the jmy who were are haie wre committed to ihe care ortba sheilfand wre dicbared thi momeoie without nndiai a aerdicu the cawt cm charged lb grand jay newyoik m the bah of health report mart fauy caaeeaodsddeatb baliimoreltxh vaane coah who wa bat at richmond un sadayby lahjeiieraitatill tiwvrajc- braojilyn im 19 eaaei anj 9 deatba alocc y4terday phudfpbia 19th- laftt fire at camaop ld oiam ahavt 10 clack e k hoaamhaafclob factory waa dtioyed lata 12000 i3 oana cbotra aad i 2 daib for the ltt ai bair- in cincinrtmi 5 avaib f roh craatera acd 40frm 4hr iaaiajinr none todty weather drlhtft bian 19ih na cholera tewied toaytatal w af death front all dieat for ut week lw v lincreate on wodwady afaavi on monday jcdy laih 15 t bbj births jvtavlmraauraoati mra cobciii lui notice to pensioners n offlcfr hienr arrivtdfram eac- uftdi tor the parnoa 0 mdrnlifviat ihw cheva other pemionrr reaidina kt cftnada neae ia heehy bte that h- nllatt 11 kingston m tht slit jul usstantand iwvt anypnociraaatly ttid at kinptan who ahatl fail te mm icalf far iwnauen rd mutitr an low caaion will ftnie entalkd lo arcaa jur tare aiei 0 piuios antil ha aha u he aifaftrily taawnd litl of lotaira- rxtora whicji li- 11 bafumitbad ta him b thiseutadaw twtajply ta the pl- lonetibiiherlopajd al brllceiue who aul eaiee farlher iwrwitoaa j 0tx ivaut evlmlfjbwaay