affairs 0 rime thi frrne h is iet eiidon tii jay ibe orteialnea thai m leep thr envoy i l ary ami pfcnipaicnliajy it kcrnr sii positively hecniae derailed i hvt intellect ii wto believed thit uidipy iiwi- jal would still futlher eonvlwatc ui italian on cat ion h ttllffl frm ron e of iha 2cuhunan- muctlktt heslilitie bad nolboenreumtd otfwtcn the fmtel troop wh rom oif iumi bad entered cu ne jpotitatt ivrnioiy idhid il wii hern rereiwd ly if iohabittnii of the tow ftf acre with mthiitratiotof i lie tod fitfihily wi movement to the iikm in urder lo r feci a n i with ihf roiitalh 1 rt-fif- 10 hd matched from hc clptul jjiirist ibc as- iritif- on at evening of the a dfpntation of n dlkcw weal to carry iboc il 50000 ciear and iwo hnnlrrd pound of la- hteeo to the french politene njnch m leseps intended to return it i old by trieing a knftqnf t le tbe triiimv irte the french army- nw com 25000 to 0000 mh iij the hritfhrs cm- mtndiiur ihe eiiy tarticiilbrly tn fnwil of the bftsliemed will oxltlidiuic fmm the 1eitc st p aerate to the pwima gate o ttw hniiit of ihe t- r- on iht lhtt side of the titer 0 hiod f advance itiurd it tntrtltttvd in ood pillion near the htmch of ml paul bill iut from i hr walls it f hoped to ptotrot thr taifflin the ftrt caused mauray elbtihiu ihem o the hij-hlt- xbt ilia tf with r vf ry malm nf war b hi arrival al civita yicchia by i decrr f lh fkib ull he iriumifft of boot li cflijffcftl4 ill ifcf iotomt9u ofuhi kfti oi nrifto tin within llm h- eiin ivrritor fhry fr t k fold and iiir croduc ipptird to uidvtntufr l f on who an infffoil fom ihf ntipliltii sntaioa- f ijlitf rynu t0a4 ak cor- cfitutifn it afo the king of ixifdrf kmkii by cifikmi sad r-i- 10 fhcit 4 coli ts r4itid a pncfri it ihp rttmlacl of mlip id rwi thr ioiht plukj io iftr u tj io i aumbry tlc kin- n niv irr eri ihftt btf lf thf hmn sliloi for two ttafi bctiritc tli ptckcll cmmih fj cukbid in anaiiiu wtineot bis 4fiiipjiiit jnd nrh fp- ciil0 m lf dil ri4t yr ff thr jti4t iroo lon bltrtkibf hnpj in twidhrlfi i bo pofehrtd ni4if frfl o moilifid hy b ttxmt 1 ihr bulbil he ruh d ior1arlt im it fjjctij 4nd to rtiifc to acnom th lri iljrni f tbr chtif the ttm tttrp4t wiafjntd tb4 lb dfmth of ilu prrfi kny t fino lull tl fdiitih iltfclmn 1xitj oir tno fh irni iit contncuco o lb aanre tl 1 w ivtlntt iliov are rncsrj m in j itailv fvri by ihf if ti0ior tkii m if tbp aimiuu lfanprnaliinibp fncl jnap ii rli tv inoimv t prnil i cvlh4oi tru amuiim vti tccmliihc m te ui afti l ttirltui tovrard jrl and imrndtfd i iii t iilr anona by iir if i i 1i1311 w ftcr f ftfim ziim k iri ha i wiii j i itollicilif4 jclinu hr city of anton in 1 l4cf irr thr i-f- vinr o av hi been ihnil ivcurrh a itilc of iicc by ihr rutan uj fcinr iimui of tbf wti otini tlrtitnr upon th pher thf aylmcf peof havr it mmidi with tlutiiiluii1tathc n oavrei lotiktm rrhvnh ihc debentiwn u mcd for the cot pf b- 1 iip 3roiflt cwuflr fooioti jsmnuvjlwaw of ttip cinalr ifluri d oib o1cbrld wwfc li n ol lint f ckly at ppf lii of in fltftftl fiiivni iiri ik rf lit- pnj 1 lo ubv clmuf oieln of ili ljon fuikii wl irn fftbi ih jl rftrr f kit hi hoi vr n4itlr nipinit duwn f iji jcfold prihiu ihf r diiim fhimlid uf -hiu- vjhy wit and 4jiiilhr lillrr vrtdomin ti f living from a jinf boy he jiiicjnrd a way l firluitr by li wi olfnhs d t 1 in l- i ni i i-ji- ui- j a 1 11 in thr t lhfk u tuthtx iiir ili if jilt f snilr corih titllj4m lclt 4w ik caluoamajn llf b wuc t jnv tma fi tnnn in c4j1- ftnin civile ni1imiv thv i ia imivmjuj if1ri 0m4 1 ji to wmh wtli it rritir tdj in llii uflni rf ciii 01 111 ihr irciiifr n ximfchmrnt the mc p3li brimj -nitctfdfotftilintfan- kn fi fr muidtrin a vhite f4tni1y t tin ostrcmr frimtty ol h ttiifin a mn nn foi ow tfal tiilm olt ce in tbv mi4t iii aiy mmbtr tllrf c l c nuialmi of fl ifictw ft ibcit drim noiimtior nilly iiurtt to tlo c4f of cutmimli wlirtt i nun i cbtl 1h any cimpi hi vc 1 inrnrth- kih njiiiiu it t a j i 1i1o n d 4tid if hifoa canmiftttoif 4iid hearinj if proof joinij pjiliy b i foribwiih rxvctitfj the trvcrity ol the iinhftitiil wnhi l lvi tht fuqnency ol cif ml ihi amount of the nrft cteiof cttntf md rendvt piojrrj c0i in ti lively secuie ia cdhfomii theft i n ultrr vinvcion of iticitdvr of society a it ix4l io ihe stale and a ennfwio of ml fuk ami jitiac4p yi mihiii t4tcof afjaira there none prcuh- 4nlv lior it htthaltn nd mibpprpvsed in cahlifnia theft ii an ultcf bverionof the ojjei ol fikiitr a it exifl in the siato 4ml 4 trafifrioii ot oil rmk bih inmuehh fearful uimcnrm men foojetioict iw urtet- mcmly from lime to eternity mi odin mi dcccfldincthr colunbu liver itv an of cnuiby bol k hadun vyjgvi ill well evfreneoced in tbeii on jrrivinf at the 1jjlo tbey tit lacticablr to ran them io ojii 10 but mr orfdtn dcttrmiatil ibo potiayo w fool witffarjb nev the fivci wa in midi a au that il n ti l nfe for the hoal ij v iowa ht wa ac cordingly jftl acfil ti ruck from which he lu1 4 full vieu vf tit walr ililli it oted it tctbt topa their ienf atfe aoj of the j in if at infant eerotj uliiii cv the wau lik tit flight of ti birj bt in on mttvrd her mop and iht irul of tv trthr w lli anviis hn f- ithr 1 s- nan vrn told him thit ihy had cinmnui th whirl slnkglv thry plied thiir oais and deeu anitty it rnt fcr wai 1 ijjr1 in the i r vvimrl ti hn ic jjiovr not fiavard lnl with lite wlijrfriiuiiiil ihev wti wits inertftveuiciiaill iiir in to avoid the iviw rvukni uw thai nvwifrd then a ftw inove lanri iafh hvmre raurid than ibe hril the kut aiih all frr w a- apprarerf so nhi1 hal hen ih tinil that it wa with tlilvnvy that m could fijltllit all iijm rivrivipf apon ihfnteie iht cmoi4rg itji 0ftbitowik8if withotii my ipil- la ohodinc lo ihi objer a feda- ve tura thti the if neiiiomuf do nut undtmimd unit the cnadiani have aupfttd ilic 0ii tub naeiiti towfjiy ubert qpon ihenneltfft iht cilol and rtj ution iith utoi vibe we mik thai the st liwrenci mim wnl nl a great thanit in tbv coor or winn tmde to whcb me fopd of thr bifflo cremtfial emrel hi diieht the nufibtai of wei ts prihice hy amvkcan vcueh to mftotreal mitbovt aay formaj jwlaaiioii u fre uaii- gntihi w jwtfiiy h pn id n aetivr conhttlitin ulivecft a ent and mtih ahipfnntf may iuslumvc f tome cluugc in the lie irov- hody chii of th t n wi aftcrvad the imtlotn of itif ojlh lorn f by the kuife it had no ihmttv k it lfiie foiy ne 1 itind it il iiiifilfi itiftinjjfcr cfffliraa at st lnb m iht 20h 1h- intermifttu in nite eeic4iii neie 99 f amci l ipttpgioei nf dulh bv 1 v tnm rincnljroat 11 rennicl of a mi i taylor wh wa taker vefc wilh cwer ni j sun pay ii w m npfd ibajt he bid did binvd titt th r 1 r day 0t mocdaj whit the fiinl ltrciiaiatine wrrc ia lir- trl be iiilonjy revived and nnw bitv tali 10 ireovffp a1 cicinnti n te joth ihtie were fn tybif inline icjmtrd iliir- in iht 4 houfndn at noi- f which a wen c4fa nf ciwnn- ov cemelfy ul re- nojio- the wvailiff vrrv wrm thr hr vwi roird rpmfl 5 taiet of ftora nd ibu x deaths rn the cll tite pom no mi rtftoiinm a feel- it- pipe intelh- l at ihe i ifcil hi i or iht gml ine binoniiini 10 mfh iehcc f his idhthttled in lii county hy ihi etnce ve in kiirnjian paper htniulent old eiillratan on jieaftfi 1 rtmnrjtian vvnhf involve ltc hcdp blood f his quoirum nhjccn jpjif tint of hfe deihrvd oal he 4h al t chae hi rtornm nl inch cl f- rf- mans jourr4l of 4l wrk hteve rpie uona ib liidn tb i 4 umoau caiblic iouinl of coiiidlfame atsotj a aitirte riihciilm any mich kininamt iiwiet h ihe pope idjurcllinfi tttat il lu w uthorilv ff pfivm lhentn deif tenlrj- i british whig friday mornlivfi june 49 ii9 w f hni m ihiamjteotaltaiuihcre b one ivc- dicton of nh tl trt raree imfiiy liot u ojmkn and nnopptril i re ceivr il full rc the intlhvl loniin fithiir and the mnl niiy aid rthuhv life likdy to t mqpi of ihe mihl and 4 vn coitimandri rehjiccti tiff ure the diiociavy of caliiorria a wok or a huje twarj a higher alan thpiii the tjer ot new yoth and an in- dn1iiii ilrvmut uilh im cai rfiitl mitvi i bellei iitd tfui tiw sicreu of the united sutw the ljy of tbe pot o1atci at ian hvnico le ht ihe lifhtm would xil for wjvhia ln linen and tod carm lef ri a bigihif ctvtnjteiia fr ttivif ltw than ilv cfli vf iht siuij- ruriu nau journal juou ttlliijee iim f uuiu intf 4id imiorit- ihe gtfted ihd lowq pit ixi wh ttib ihi embirjr ix pay fa jy trj ditivccice poffi iniii1ieim rtuiw jvio ivr ctioiorjij qwo the oultlstl rarmausnt hi4c lono jji the mooii- ifttfl to ihr fit a n nfir wkiuvmiiu ieei ihr kill f fcfin d pily lapctfe r pi v mm i- doothifl mi oite ihal m i i- hilliv nrdy ho mttm hlonkf loihr niji eil ih scfeiy fc touial attji iu pevni ti hniin il i w i i ptid for looft il m j ite rvi i ad4 thcmbfcinj ktrital hinl ijf du helill potttte h unimoj vrlilih tl i h tyljismffeilh imli mml m lh vl eihu in cvmj id to lie com poniiifi hi ill fidy nk on tuej1y ld ihiufhain beftd li b tm loftfe kd nppfcio wlhihee nt r i in 4wiyi of unlf iiirfoifetio fntn i ia wilj reftti v ppbat hd ihen jee in r- gch i- rul hrrhf it uce he ftirtvj imobe ili ih gtimraemhid toccotd k ioiubf the iftdcwmiy ff biikhn b v who wrf pqv oj eloded i the bitl nd hl li pf vcnniw f- be tad ode d fwu ihe mtiftay who lud cr noon con vicicd or who iwi feting ccvieicicdor irpejhsdjft tvbwititrd iktmmlve ik tkt liw oed been io ihe turojv of i r f aod impr- vledt peihtptthr msc iw4 oild iivc rr- vbttt il t irthe tfcl un w4t ell kdonhme fuflgroy mi 1w0 f ihe ifr- rehoh ho hod recti ttd troivi irv ufrefftr fleoeiil i aj on ihe hrdtliipa taue ay 4lcr errofvin swiirtiiijto cji r tioii wci- iicdiyut iili upwaoiof 210000 waatr- o-ni- t 1 1 hi i tlit piovinctjl chem y a lulls of niei dcuimd il legiliir im h we rcl li rv have alt made ejt wiul ibvif tfvly i 1 i -iv- i i- l v pitt i the ig wflt tie th 94inv cvriiill oji hafd ihe iiehec rl nd vlher hve intf hrr hccd lo pvr citudo- w- mhri und iiai utie of the art caud oitho nar lowly eiit oen tken vpiei hivii heeii fvclh hn rar int in ihaie a rii 1 li u dthenliiicai oil oiilieiigfie lieaied hnw he hctmltti oed of o niich itfitty he mid ni- hi fmna a niteman imhrvd vvihud il t hh butikllmlim w4 lnvhlmy ilhiwej 10 olqhll he wic 4 tevcr panjer na kiimlbihly iiiioja mfilrf we thill m difficnu ronid cold ii ecro i ihi- neihabi a loug well there ia kiivch o y app7 o nltffmuraf i jy diichn lom lh neiehrjnjriitf owtbipi ne have aiwctvfl the arnt f4vfwrhr icotrnu tv hgool roaon iheiffcre 1st hoietliat with fit com- wvncenicnl nl tht c ha have trcn ihe it rf ihe fi lie the 500 hi ttftn u thus far brtwiamirthg which if 1- re nty hlllhykl liife mill 1iopvf attention in clenfmlg ihe ttvvi i the lawn mny eicaie il4t frarfil eer lie cholera which irom recent a r zonula i iasflvmcmw u w difeeiiotir it o ada cncr it i stih greil plejsoe we itlr li lilc itvui cl anivriiy l croji lh oigh mt he diit el tofc n in pditbjro 0 yafel ufaltii of lllr citv we haic every reason in brlieve lht lite ceal hratllof kiiioi a u nte iettrr dipik- the vjeihrnm toi wvalbrf than il ia al the iiejvnt time duel the comiionen irern dirrcte i torn- qitc iii- afi more ibi rtiiie- t- f en filiation been dirttud by ihe gofwnrfienworotonitoojijnly tbit weaalliftfofmowr rtidfrmoealleniih oir c- f 1 1 e daf a waitr suprumfm tf kingston it of every 0 p fn a fft ctaaa hotel wn shtp on eranjnvdvfalofl ha lors ben waatif id ejf i chip hratp where a hiinr man can ft a chop ca 4 iklki or a bowl of ioui in lw frriijioof the day toaiiy hip tomh outil dinner time 7m want after moth pjtiencc on the jort of ihe eople lw teen al knjth rtmlicd- there it ichop home open in kinton mr thooau willing who by n wiilingntm to act omm date otber4 h- st cjtritaanliwtjf affnt haj cceilt bowl ih prhatvai fttyil eladihon1 lmf kiowwvf corner to the libibir liar shu- riiililioin uj tm livi mw dooi lo m old print wtikli in all fu- lure time will be known 4 lviinind ooeofwioac features h ihe pemantnl e- tablishrnem nf a chtpor lunch how whct in the lyi f ll lmlf of moidieal ot bmbtt ahopir oidk can be pmmlimc cooked av a chop wo ivwmtt thai w are not raunlinjoir uillin mendn capa- h lodo ihe decont ihin without having faihy ttled ihcm wo he- ttave to afnami all vrepltci artd doubter tsat on tlmrcday 1a mr willifijdid ui the hotor lo iavitr oiirsolfandfrinid fdtr of aewapan al- wayio in crupif to t lunch at bit new and hvwbouc paec of luiineit flic recol- letttomof iun lonch toclhtfwilh ijic ef- inttfucliont at may be ifiiied by the dor jnd agiied by ihem al u rcruuf ot olduivry hcednx tli dfleton of ihofily we wpfon lo lie in wh ihairapari rcidrncij iho kvclj vr whom rviidri in moalrval aihromelmeainui ciiy of io qbre a ihird at tornmn and occ4fnlty in lf don a fourth in haoitfo and the fifth nl mriao village a ton- way o ihe w1 nw we bon1d iibtf to kiow hort in caw nf any eoitrnty iiw ptoo aao to awcmble i ihr piirfiiiaiy 01 the pur nf ihf inomcil and of tbi ihty themtelvtk ttm lo bivi en perfectly awaie by apjiitiiig onoof iheir wy to do ihe ohoj wnrb of thf h4fd jn a il may toil nt fncy of which wt have ud a few ruaoidinary t- imen of jatv whenever a ieerwor oiarif i pinted lo at fecit of aou ae lie al fvt in a xca zeilatfi pmr lately pi ihe iditof nule o aiovjy to hi f f ihchimvowale ileuy in ihe pwl4ion of hi journal earned by the c rvmnte inai ill thtf lype i llul mnnher ll wri ihrftwn iaa pie by tie vnttci l ltr eafihvialtr whiclwo jrrallyinjufvhntiowii of vmhttfifl i ih 1 l hxloten ovrivtft frioa ike eoif the tctve rohhthci in iho lxl jwflbbi a4 wheh were wt mk nllt itscomibli l the nuuo btlj vnej lord a lohto hr i4i giving any 0040 onoer ihro rtuini4orx u 1 n j ho losfawamc for jmo lo fire i tipan iiq ibi inrkl not fee mfo tu mcovplioti ikteafuf lysd bhwhiai am i t utrftb4 tv nhi ci that ht hi reeeiffj n0 otriul v private daepakh 00 vmilgtcy too iftwioaiwo whieh i mee 011 hi ptjifeil dfiivii fom hto cinim new inparoi lavdrlgm in o ptfvali inter icfertd tj the tcpotif lhat appeaiei 10 eriiim oe 1 v j f tit dtotten ond hxj that nvo mhmm frvqs tbrro lrfd brvujhaoj tbcbi ptthiiii ld flei adud ti rrooii iht pptarej in ikt otw thfoi ivfbafwam bit bemf frjr 4 uf lh 1 1414 irfttd hoc or cfsjti j mc 4 tuf spthcrlsrallhtiifl ircjoch eaxaw rbaxluo uftt tiui mf cldvnecvo ntlice llul if trt itu in- entem oi fmg hnbi rni mhro nr eopfily m in 1 ivfepnii t mjvr ri irr mir4 ff llorlvxem uiewflm 4tiutcflo i tr aiicoiino j ihe it hi 11 c r p of ipootidi conipnibaii aftekltiafj vlj c 1 u ppei tin qii kit uvx llie milf wf her mittv lllsheil 11 l in- u chiefclritt 3 irijin imils 4 ifprctrtices tletfl ari rilm iwj ufjtieit and tnet a atftic iwo rvcuoici c men kilchvni tt 2 mt ntrnf- t ia j iit 11 wfa y 01 the cniti clerk k ihh xtaj a yal fo ot tht totir eiak ajfuiii a dvu ty of tlm m ihe clnt and ialtfrooia hvt hif pivdescof ub apfoniiee whnn ihfiv irciowl ihr pi em mm which b rrfrivtd irotn eacbavvra fjv- 500 kr- nc dvidft j pff rffraflgriiivit kriwecn ibitin the valine 1 of ihf other pffj m the hitcbvo v4y ftoit 10 per wfek in 173 ajfat a ud need lo one if the qien cov jurtf it he oltducl bimietf pro tiiiii i aili4im in the kikhei we copy what follow fvin hit fair foift in if r siio- ia0a li i ill in ihr m and itcomnvisd il to the 1 ratal of our rcidrr fatal inuicy of the bri vkinmivr towards c fcrir ttrey ritftaihli lisrvivb 1 milled a dciatch to lord in hrj tordihip 1 account nl ihe ivtcnl luc tient in canada in whnb the hritith ftn- tnent expesae th etuif mlawioii i th qtm with all that b i unuhip of k l done m canada the llnlish frovtfrt we arc inclined lo believe ha acfed in ch too great a hurry it irouu him itrt 411 for iito have reftccleil fieti thai lhfrva 11 ipprrr coaja fcondli thai ihe tn t fovw tlin waa onaded and tliy- c that if one individual ud eimj rvh collide ration a 1 leaal onw mil three caididate ace in the field far the pmewlilomraf thf connity uf limeiick and lorn iht aonte tonui id in onr limerick ni upiiifont leuerj il woitld apiif it if thovuctoiof ihal rtrnmv cnnniry srero bot u ahvp aoinewhat alraoge cftvh of policy iiatidy in reelect mi s odncn of esrtirs ihtlfilt i ihe lord jidm rihi and hn coileiitc tnat rilhonch ihe ni law aj hr 1 guilty they nrtlcr hioa li iy oihit rti4n i m en the result of tle election for a new cnth die liinak in 1 oovi of the iai j crvl ly has iven alifacton hr diaoo it oiodrrnmc in pnhlvcaiid nlf rn duibi iin- ne hv same eomluiotj policy vduth rtcroi ei it oiail in cinjrjj vuunr iv liioi i c frm kacf th- iactrcimojritk tuevjay wvdiwvliv anltlimfiui last iv pvai ivihy a r uedncadu tvheu th- mcc lut the lliiht cop si j rut for twenty- aiarud tie ricr vraw won hv the flying oufehniaai bi l u a kuth lloi- cane hi tcroffd j i todmor ibrcj the u4kssikfhitk rvnitnresarliy pitmen lrr varud wlcw iur im arksviihi came nn t i s t wuak third t10 race wo usi ty iilf bttlglh tin kkvi ni vmb fawhcliv lout phlphnkenlkejni mnch hit- y ltim bauclfeatd nf hi poverty rl hi ft l- i 140 w rn my jvmum lhcmot ihifsam vidfe iniol i- tssu ihf rich t jtfiv lie indivvtnflail in ihr known wold hisignii new yk m ufargr ha ioiht ftf him iiiluuf sitlsliarexc eptriy privhkip an airfoil iiooopje 41 fen ihiunn haii li iptfeilt wen iin tfihe n w vwt jrh4ii the prol unitd 5fitc expedition in erch of if jiifiii prankhn ha t lal been deferred aecrrhn lo ihe conopondefil of the ivdrtn imerurit ivashi3catoj jim is tc boinl nf navii ultert cotpistincof conmodie wimnctn skinner and nmith 10 whom the setrtiary of the navy re fnffd ihe pinpninn for fitting out an expedi tion tn rarch lor sir j fraukho have ft- ported rainvt thr ltaiulitv of the enifr pmc on rariotti tfrottni because the mvm rjitoolv advanced to reach the wnitcuuri the continent m liine a rrotccnlr the fareh aetoling tr v p4jectel pur ad becatwo the itavwmpbl frwrw rn ffcffib adapted to thi pevnliar drrfiptiit of ecvic thes vje ihe iiirchaf of two fsatfin vel of fnm kmon birthrn to be snita- mv eitnted with iore and msjrhro oeee mi i r lb mwritv of th unrthens ta tilnrfet aid provided with di ufticfft to eaeh ve vl frtrthi yiirian aggregate rxpe rvlitnre of hrt i tiamrilt a likely lo rover the prac tical ontliy under iwe ftiiaptte they re- coenoiend thl llteexpeiliion bf tilted on to ulo trail ulau tarty period in the oriwiino year the fev nji 1 t 1 1 e ni fmd it hat no an- isntitv mnnke tlie njeufd thirchac and il at i-tviihtittirtefaranapfopfia- iv icre- ihhri it nvv in l lal urirn mate anj navv have umitirt hrttiepiimir tecu whaler and other nasitatoji ihr pa 1 lit containing all in- fiftmanon m itrit pown telativo 10 sir john rfrwkun and wjji itn tafntm to-pef- ation 10 i4srrbiiti the e trch co- afcbv vtcttaiitj at hrrtrwxyi tnda jmr id wt wfirpafhtjleil wilb a ery fie cikrpiv piilm n ihe 1st rt june perfrcily rip ohi uai til- mill im ant a rfh l vavvlmii it will le en hy me irnrl of ihr f cor- iorain liofiertnik u14i it citj fattwrt have mfsjy ilis4nhd the tally tlnardt lok i 1 twe rrdv hiando of the we l the inili it fhot brlckt the i t fotlin 1 lr t i tr 1 j 414 it iitwcd cl lh awiicia ot ho hov hrc4 and virw we doim io the jltivh ihoiiy wllbe prfcily re- fxjtilieepjviliitjlhce mrd itfiaiir the hifa ir j kljchi ty ftpx lif iio nfms uy lhtnles mi ktii 1 nf rmfc nef r rlmncd ft avrsilm wm fhifoihf i1 j otfr niilh ivm1 1 lioimuy latli of tii- 1 te fvi the rti jlotfartlii ffer kj chi vtilrt ailn j lli hon f i aflo wmnlrohm nivr f ettio ivl mr mn iiv wrrl jtthttg -a- id lilt fi trfhe only cn tell hw miifh rutift tut tkru il r vt 1 tift rkiiicl wnifcipoor the follow ineilent ia r ijii by the pwjrualit of lh liilili llpitilirri srd hovi wilh w hai people reviuiftd moiti the british cvetntnetii ha arted i maiter with rah and iwitvied preeipiuir hat acted on the ishpitin that the diint bahaw who mld nef ihi distant prtjce could do no wtonaml that ihe peoplehjer- tothetoyal pfoplc over wm he oahl l be heard in it cal la jkoj uneneros and unut fe hn towar l canadian people aliniit with iho fv poaeandinlcntinriof motifinc andin- th at people ihe brilih covemmtnl despatch by lonl cvy ior- on to fj lorain to rclain ikt njhce whieh h exprotcd awiih to review ibiviir ifi advance an anwrr m ihe petition i people tiat lrd fclrin h bo rop from hi 0i am ili irivln ihtr in an inciiltin natmei without heaitoi reading ot eonsicterinj ihe petition ano plaim ol ihe people and inxttch a manti lo confer an invidiot iriuenph nim the 1- over ihe people whom he ha otitnml thi coivtuct of tho bfitih nve mm in om view loay the ivaalof it enaiey iniidcom4 and illadviwd the ciwe will bo to throw the canada mom imnv ty into the lop tod arm of tbe united 5 niwiijndicin step thi hurried m- d the btitiih ovemmntin ihf cmndfar jde- witlditn the caiudij 1 o- ptc it will dly ifilkeit fiiio n lint t of loval muchaanil 10 ihe briiiva riv wuca hitherto tbeyhavc evee felt ifwl alcoate oil their arerfoaf rirqal and lov fcctini and byao doinc il wll pluct im ihv uilisi crown ordf of fie n bleh jvt which eraafeherl ll r wliich eould lii crown namely the ajtettionnf a nc hencefoftb ihrse pept nre tin wt lt lonrr ltnid by 3ltmlisk with nw i h the tjritihpvcriirnftt aii1 intcrel m ready to call nt a parent whom now f will vtdty regajd aa an injnrtcwancl iaw opprenor we repeat it the advivert ef the q ft hive acted not inaantly t thi v people whom it w enmh that hi-r- icloie illirealcir ind injured axrwfcas bhcu ravaapr mwx vt t lwoiv 1 e chooier lliitaw and h ilfatod from twlrdo on the 9 h with n of torn and cotton for monut l 1 he tch miranda capl dtno etearcd fonn undonihe lih williacaicnof i00f of com cotincd lo mmn holmes i d kuipp a eatfxiive montreal ho tli mi ihe cleveland herald if 4 thr tiitt hipmenl ol bread ln0t in on v iean vtae tn menireal ftimi thi port wehojtcwill kir pifiuhif tcioma i eoaeetirtt and itad on etenive cirr with islidiia teihhniii 11 w vhipi the herald imdtmamh h neramrnnf monlut alt hivjliii to a ic lie a lkf rim1l iit thi ai ihaiihty r dip to aw liber i arinihi inueh inteicuiir win the penrrfuftcary we nsenliened in oir paper of lh 90th tost the dimiaaal if a ketjiec and thier guard frm the ptmlnliary njer ihe most iivbarj t f circumktnce mce which time svv aaadimand ihey have applie lo he war den for written cfiaavtvr toentbv the 10 gun oitter ritortiiin but which hive betn refined noi en aetrsiim nf any j conoucr alleged araoil lh mw o ihe pica llul a be ti ibni lo tetifv from lle wrjeiuhip in a few jay lie eoanot with 10 mix himelf wilh ihe dt a in eiencf al that in tn lion o thai thnje ior fellows are to be de n what wy otc c eil 1 ln merely hcr that officer wi not ciff or haa hefn prt- tenledfami jciintihtm a ctrtiucateof their ehatactef while mider lie eider does ihe war lei nippoae hjai either hi ptedeceaanr or hi neceorean tve lay jocnah it fte meiaeoisirctfe the ai ai ven moot h or llul ihry arsq o far commit lhmt ivr a to j cfrtify lhat nj which ihty ait ciitivrtjr ioo ifaim1 wc rally hanly know hoiv lore- i 1miii oit indignation al oeh nnprreedtnud rioei firt lo ilrj jvc 1 nan of hi all iiation p and even thai too sviihoi any j ciioo ifitl il h lo withheld ihe nviii nf hi pro- rwiineict empjiy mtnl f ir tke vipoft of ln uiniy y rvfusnt to irat him what i aeenhd y erttj wrll dpo ptttai to a il irii vfrn w hn ieeiv nnf j t1iiai ewrvon- otalwrctif t cavf of irc hiraslib 10 at if ihe r- tvl paiten and ut etc 10m that an appeal either im benot will be made to ihe cxr- tiitivc adif ihrr i any jnatiee robe bad from our rulert w e liwt me cavcinment will direct that o rfaonme rerjoc thepattof ihe i v 11 mil will se aileiidtd to hi the penilenttvy a4iherilrf why theom lhte men wftatiave kohi feaaatj from iheir 3ilaiion wihout any ained came bo left ondet thnaticri of having hvn tmt4 on i from ihcir pace ffr iemebadennditcf which may in llu niiminif the wnld irndc them uawittsy of u ice from their feilfw fflin si treal ithe pnhlc indignation l anch ar- hilrary and unjnt conduct that the ctbjeti aa wt art lold hai been eaiivaved by omt of oui most if spectacle etienanb tilk of call ing a fnffline lo takr thi miller into coo i parafon an j re predentin it lo se covem- mfot- we ate piowiel hoitly ts bo pnl in ijo i n of ifirenalinn which wlp fape th srerel p in ihal ha been al wnik for ome time pnl in briniint ahonl he lat nf hinr which nnwwpfiranaifly prevail ai the ir 1entiafyand we will nnsv eoy late one thine which most male the public if beifij fserharrthe naoit outrajeouin ckametct of ill e proeeedincnf iht crvnmiioner that bnvit yet come iyoir kmmledcje wbal we refer to is lh removal 1 f ihe laic watden from hi ilttai n h t any itepfl wa made jniii him and whiv his trial wi llt eosn en niiytit any reason being eiven ftff icb a cp hcioe laiten asenniiiled wilh ihe rc- uiflllvnrs to iii5 iliiiliin nf cne if lh rli- nicd oteer wlmi evidence aium ihr wamrn and nt f iht inspector waaof such analnrva to cane a criminal iajlctfmat i h piffeffed him on wiifh he will hr lltdt te nl auf- cranienl b lift riccv in ifs a ca ycl wc 4iin i in li avitrarlial avc aath emtajffdidaiy cirtum ufee wcmw have hefn mrc becocfiiti jnai is leafa loitdn iorter x are nvcrj weeing ibat our reaeri rnusl ijccam any deatriptlon autece il thai il waaa lunch tuch t taajrimi to dol ly fame would tae pride in placing be fore a judge of the ankle our friend who chance lo be of a poetical icmpcritncdl baa promitud wlwn the etfcetj of the luick are worn away lo favor ihe fniedie wilh hi matuud impreniotv under whichcvpccuiism wo icii content one wed wc have only for- tber to say which ulrial ifenar reader mew- ini the whole world with 0oca ynt lingvforlheif own pauveailwr ibey aoual support it lbera the bett of chop and maju fldji have cutoen c sncuivo icf feici ftaiatvtbc aocrcoi trownf fm 3jh sbjl ifteronot lifjejy from ibt tt conchide iu rc- coark wilh the fejloainj sxfsifl aaiayiafli 7nil the jtaaj in ihb opprobrious un- cuieody ptak ihe aeotineni of downing slrefl we have every rtajpaj to stlicvc if ihttv aentimcrru are endotiej hy the people of frgund though their repreifiiliaavea in pailioenenw tiiin iiwue fw cinidianj- enjlijhor french or liberal will hrtiiate hetwftn ihe liumitiating coaov lion of depucd id insitltcd coouj and the friendly embrace 0 ik neibborinr republic f i lonector of which kr the oivnr p ihe xfiiaiidoi wn- aooal eiiirpiite h hecnr a anwvrf l montiem irade ad captain unrinw jl1 ine owner lonake i livuurablo imprei ihe brnailfaleba hour american vki ire ieirallud isvi f tiitinrr reentaliuiii to n hflow lint 4- hid sv c m in ien waud the cci jaty f eiilie uetfi iey lookmch alcp 1 and mere pailicularly aa we bebre latcd a the coseinmnt hveoacially rmrojaurd and all uw ayt rf te lifj itoard f ihedksuivsal of the pei- n in rmtli 11 wi net we cannot lor on miiril ienarine ihal the minimry wmild 10 fat commit them5clvea to r ihe rtan- aumenl of any pnhlic kcrvaittinono cjravc an ueniitioa and we nmd 1herefre el il dwn a the act rf ihe head hmv and uiil who was served ti be partieufaly ae- lire in endiavorin tw iluwaah hi ple5tf at tv lail aimj for thi nittrii i weo nelupjoe ihf jiblie ii lo he on- hhtvnrd as to thr content of ihr lajv proiited commitnniifa reirl until the next nrrttinenf pkmtul hut w brhfvr thai ionr jucky inter hi rm ihe jvt of ptirtic il with all il acronaniiti docu me it if 11 1 f th m arc asipprtucd which we arc lold will jut ihovt 1400 into ihe aarhcu of ihe foiinale typographer ah tbalwf know al pira nl i ihit one of ihe iflinn of ihr vnircitf4iy into lrm eoi- the penitentiary aaclhcr irrak iflhe pcoilsiiary anther tie htkjmt tvne to our kawkfai kh vetfvm r im iht aaic viiotijo f mae acquainted with the manner in which atfttlffi ire carried on in toimpoitant a pro vincia csiahlithmcnt u- make know to err re a deft a fev dyt atn oie of lh- ciardt wat di- miaes on the plea of hrin ben jbfnt vihui laer orheh ht explained by 1 1 hat he had overepl himlf and waa con rrmislly onible lo appear at the 6rt rolf- eall iu the morntn ana fcnnwin thai from thai eatcvraatariei btwmiai to if re half day pay bfiheumtit mirm jatlly aja that time lo hbrn dimgttiftd thoreftie went to he peitilenllafy l i ovroek ia4l lend to hi duly for the after artof tjie daj- rlar citea we are iifonnej have occurred in retard to nccationa ahseoce- amone the ke per an guard of ihf fntirtn which upsti a proper eiplamtion beifli ejtcn have been paco oe wilh merely ine mulling of their piy fof thi alwent irtw hut ibe ea we refer to not 0 tenirntly daah wiih thm enan i art lodwaoe of the witoetiei who gat evidence in favor of ihe evwanlcn il the ine proirteird a ammifion rnio the artan vf the v v iary allhnnhwe wiw nol for the world injitajili lhai ihi had anyibin to dowilhbidifmii from uu sitoilirn cut we wih to tee on ifatli ft aw intaic of a flmilar dereliction of duly aa ihe iart of anmticr guard who vit lately abatni from hiduiy for even or riiht days without leave of which no nntice is if taken a far a we can learn forlbe mais ia mhi employed al i pf oitcntiary at in all eur ohivatiunt on lha doinecf iho pioileniijry people we aihlo record ihe pnl ihey lk durtv the sihnjt of th realufbcrrjivd comnije wc sve irae fnutry a lo ihe itlo talvi dixin iht rtctmcioiiy r xatninalioh by ihe j 1 r- wvmi wr jjsiaide anj ne learn thai he ae rateeidence in rvvai of the warden mrarfe iai we tiihlaoc ondtiloodii hm in the alijflalcal itpt titppnaifij thai thit ajanwiimorc lenenty delt with lhan ihe oihcr 01 that account thij ame man lioir- eeer wauu wteleaaaat ailtrpon hi pcni fn- whihho wa very imapetly roiled to lllf warden for ol ajjacca whvre vip- lante if required uw appear lo aj at much rvatiiay thai virloe i ihe pemttnliary wwrc lt convict arc everon the watch to aiidaaapshluitjlj lotltvft tbtir cacape notwiilitaodhia lhat in recant in klaofe a dsmuial of another guard look p in coiiieqicece or a tiuiilar avpy ilri of alatty el thla man i cxpiiaah in hi mtmiion for ome 1aknowit cause or hlnr wo have cdeav hiaeover ihe reason of ibi apparent ftrtrleil ia na noliciia o arrant a breaeh of duty and we jtarn thai the mattvr haa hten fepftvd to ihi 41 hid body and inil to whom wo formerly rtfrrrvd a tohimilapptoti ill the power andditlira of the flead 0 hav bfeo dclcgaicd in diflt of ihe statute urhh eprraaly dclrta thai no individual lnpectorihiucsee llaj ordtr or dlrrctiopa to ihf ifaetfeb who ij only boiiad in olrv attcb he ptattentiity e undrttnd it ary hcrm sworn faithfuly to fulfill the dntic of ida al an no v perron 1 nnilioiiscl lo idoiuitei lit oalh of office if ceji ihe pieidentp bni we are informed that ur head wy aaj tail ha lake lit i l is hlmrtf ttitre by kdftj noughi the pnteirisiri af the lne- we cariict foi ooe minote iittagincibat auy ol tbte proceediig are carried cm with ihe hlhotny or aapariiski of the government for tiltleas we admire tviae of their proceed- in we do nol believe ihe mrwiy would be o reckltaa ialo conneiaisce a violation of the law on ihe part or any one employed hy ibtm and at they bare rrvoreotft pub licly declared that ample iotiie ihall be done to al 1 aftin cifncvined in ihe laic tncjoiry we are inclined al prom i to five them full credit for perfect sincerity in making tutb a declaration in affile thr cntant whininp 0 foni ih rteiti merchant mim i aalattl f fiday oeirjaj taa t le jay i rino t ihe traa i in at 1 1a toeciit fron nuence he acqoirtd hit iafemnalron certainly noi fioat ihe idreiliae m- lo eoieluioi sr the proprietor of tsr qf o aure merchant taat they have every dcie to continrie their et c1ion 10 arcommtidate the public eorwiatenl ly with the ptotcl of b-im- able to pay 9tv la ibe x a merchani will onfttaed tad nm from any jnrl they may have ibai ihe offer inrapiaio chamber or any other capin will be jceeded and that ibry miy thereby lfte ihe while of ihe factitive bni- 11 ftom the treft including tbe tmdividtd iijtmrof tle mercblm i am sr your ovdieru reivant henry cohby 1m9 for fac brim 1711 k k- jane ttb ova a sii wc the cburcb wirdcni of 1 paaj cbuieh kinaloo be to arknowledr- on ihe behaff the couijp lion tbt very hand e present cnade hy yi to the cborcb cf an eieal 4 crock aid whibt we comidcr the ri ft aa ao ejaf of the intereatyoa feel fortheeontinuint proi- penty of st- pauls we cannot bul coaatdcr lhc iloivalioa it a token of ibe etieern you have forlbe memory of tbe hie revd robert d curtwrighi a a memorial of wbcac woctb ibe church waa erected we have the honor lo rcmaia tour ancnl wt- t veavanls r- sellars s scouell ciarci warinu totirn a coaectt eo 1 onerijrad thtu t kipjitoa to iht tdifor mi u i r whig wiltlkcs 0d ffirnd m 4n l be ma- wtcy- tne rage of improvceicnl it racapadl in our ood cily wiineaa the auiely t msioh ind comfortable dwelling tprininj daily from oir tr horace once eorapltined of ihs- biilira nai ili la i nil raf ibat atateiy edi6ts isoulo become but cuji- netera if thf ground here we aoafe from t ctnure and apprehc naion for to art our houhdt thai lemlea p ruaion lower of bahrl and all architfctnal wonnvr may he reid aid heaped hratenwaej till they inke ihe ttaft id tdl ari sh t have for all tbe iod ala aorrows of ou mirntant etenee mjfty of your radr nodooht l nan j i well m ivmi now artty wiih antiquity and iherrfirf ibe more hejivrd where hours like mnut hand iahitfi danced hy ful liit tu iete celt and eonvcrtaejone wee- ihrre enjoyed wilhuut talfrratiiann 0 hin drance nd wntn rtcebo- oidcrtd a libalion he mood vf lt pwreat viitait qikli in ihe enhlet and hodeised rht tj thit krd ihe raty tide barltheiefh nalirntm- four- tain has eeawd 10 pby and m gauymedt willing and hs llhc haee thrown open the pjtal of a utr j fttiucarc where ntcfa i a iid all thai 11 delieiotw 1 n aad yjacefnlly tec red to all who iliah lo lake of the fheieeat iiftfmlii mr- wi- 1 too arc aware n opened a it ivi pffadid filoon so ibe elegant and ipacioua iwsiw in wellington str et v v in r hit r wl tememhered com- thre y wi find fiery ihin lo ynur iasc and i y i an day of tore that be marjmandpot ptromty continue o theamiablci like miie butt of the gviei is he with 0 v who hat always found mm retdy i- witin in promote the jnaocenluaante arid hppinea fi all j cgelebs june 25 hay of qfjlntfi theiwo fnuowi tttten have been pub iitiej by retpicm to me di7or of iv ffrifsal uarx- 5 in i nmice mier in one of ynor late number fiom a u mirchani it the trent the proprietor of tbe tcmr queen tctono monojiolivt honb a merchirtt may terra htm hate ucd fterj extrlion lo accommo date the public 00 the bay of quote rnate and until hi it aon ihey hive made ibtir trips rvgaklly lo the head or the biy ihree time a ork athouch hy 0 loin they tub- miiif j to n heavy ins they cenkfiucntly decriued running there cfltntr ibaa ooci a week mondays as advo1iert during the prejpot staon unlrts they were auurcd of ujncieitl fujiporl to pv foe tbe wood eon turned fiorn belleville to the head of ibe day and hack if ihey bad received iny nee to thai ritvei tnf iripw would have brea continued at rjmll thrrefore if ihere it any lack ol pumic aparii or entcrprite il cnaat bo on the pari of the principal tmsinrsa mn of ihe trtut and other place at tbe hfad of ibe bay lo whofa thia otter waa perinalty tnado hy the anbcriher ian winter aadsuheouent ly repiatej ihtough wm li u an old rcjdni of iba trtol who will confirm whit i hist tlatrd lfr i ihuik tbit enplaoatioa will ba aus belleville juna lp 1549 blaavjli 22 ir 1s19 illnav coaiv ftit in pftosil f lie dtstf ftritisk otg t yelerday i ihterttdan arlitu ennpraaaiat thai the rteamcr qutm picfowo dee not ex- lend her ieu trip in ihe frit cf trqt wheh ii an 1 neon een fence 10 tne irivrller at well aa the route nt aoercruota i bite nothing to ay is lo ihe indivjdaal gioeooj of complaint but i will state tbe coorrru ion i had wilh mr keadind yo on ibe sob- ject t called on you after the second trip af the queen ptcrona ihi sprioc hal aaktd if you did not intend lo evund yonr tiipa to tbe head of tbe iuy thi teaton yoo rep1irdyaa woi1d do aa most chcaifully cvqld it be dona without lo a thit yoej fort coruidrtahly by lo ihe tent ut year but lhat if the inercbania al the trent would caafinlrt tbe eapecite of he wood consumed bcttvern the tieitt if d dellevike thit you would go there reenlarty intereted in a ptate ft here f rinded fr more than twenty yeart i com- munitattd the convcraatioa verbally eo afr commin he raid that he foe one was wil ting lo entei inta the arajigemenu 1 atad no tnore of the mailer tilt i saw the cenrwa- nicatton alluded to it would be deajrabrt ibat you and the tree l people avtuid come lo form they aoftr an iacoavcnieraee and ia the end you may anfler a kta il fa to ba hope thai ibe depreitioa of lhi yew aftli end with itself touft troly wm robertson insults to lady elgin lady eln we learn with deep rrtvet will be competted to diacoalinue her daily drive round the mutiari oa iwomrjerent occasiim the haa been irwiajtrd hr ruusaju ia rae fwb 0 rtnio who flrowed ker carriae crafkioj their whips and bodg after her wv will not attempt ogiv vcot ofiir fceinof indicoaiion j ihli adjiboaal insunee of tory hiatal iy jvef the iboe ihc4afi ukci faon ihe orpn ef ihe adminiiratie4h ire look upon at scose- wbat aiaerypbal ant puuisbcd loreffrct- in the fjrt place wc do not betioft that ajy prvn much i- any gcntteoianj woold ic tuwariu u lady as h here reprennifd n mroeidlv the poeulijir itwalin of her lady jklif hriiliinm tuy tvlslflf hr fr taily drives ravrdthetaoaa- uin the pohability it that lady eltjt- like other women in high positions ban tarn tured at ira ooe af hr eacaniotia aince her connrvrrnert and ths staring haa been cnated 10 produce vn- oliiicaj esfcl j-et- bap ibat of the genior geaerar farruy leaving mollant lcl him m wii and family u ihey wilt be speeu 10 kington here ataay talea ireaied with ritenuon aod if- ty tbe wei her hs kiolhioii lir ihe pasi let- wt ranhiji fiom soto 90 c os ltpl 1- by well an 1 poni- ly i rocnotieaie da al in j a ibe iher look lowiia nerdtd iifeu very nillryata uy tbe rtrsm mo n the thadr tla yrvpilook resaatb 1 fall i i yet ton ear- sone rai ft i o -110- ail w wiite the wea a heavy uu iamucb v the novfflnok gefferalt it f jfcvlc i rxilo kotvitidcjtner wctt taa lot i io iareada anortey aa til iprtr carwatl- let rriit enme are and lei him be recvave ton or a ovavvvara alkinsjatnnthe tory revb woold not peiraii hitaameto aonrr ne of their sa ot mt emer rhe corjfectiorier oon discoved t while al toronto nt well at at kintlun we have no doubt hat that ant hundreds only bul thonao1 il tnm out lo p m i teorm rceepliiin so gvd mao aiach a for if irntb and such 4 aofcr of acaadal bul ihcta ai amn ihal has doae to inueji to coura country in peee which avonrad u rebellow mow not he iultted lo visit upfnv cahaca wihioul hi rewarrl i up thw bntrraia if ari vf who hive loved britain 4 ipeefty ve vho have prild o much ira apoet of nltovh connection lei out the op- prtunlreteapeof ororine your crhtvitr ofafcieaal mr g ntai hmtld peak f biiown loeavs- ly should lor j dgatl and hitfaoaily viaii ktaihlasj thi summer be will be imh4 wiib that rttftct due 10 hi hiti tauost tlie grrm maniy of iht ciuubi tjt- uio aiionfj coervaiivo opiaione and k eoir noi be evpeettd thai patliiin citeraor gi neralweuld be received with ihit anlbtraaiati wbith a british iovetnnr cenarml oocbt o meet with in 4 loyal rity like kinplon oil loyal it the good mb of aungtiro ira araay know how la duiitmh between the pubko acu of a cavcinim gi rtctal ind ibe yeitifa pncttding a of a rmbltman in staieh of hoalisi or recrtitioi fnr bimtelf tnd family faajrlfe therefoti of what thi fofarnon tayr oi- adviurtof lord elpn may real aaaureui hj to far from ibonaniu lumiraf oal to ata bins a warsa rectpjion at kinalnn tnaia will aot be ibe alimet occi lory for a sirrgh tueitahleto oaintaio thi pcna an eamhat lordship ibourd make i ahnd tay here oo ihe contrary we hehese hi v oatu ftras sajall at they ar in nuavbef will ha tlronaasj wholly umtopwmigmm lion and eeerj letptct ibty mar plroa w fvojttt wrtiavehrird thitrailhr ujavitis in public coupniiy and bifaotery taaaaaba biljtva thai whil wi iy wittb eirris 01 to tbe letter