jikrnl v swl1li flr1 rep tru th time match mopr at mf oa i ian v iflhahl- raihanvm i t pkbt wtif rt tm roftet k- j im wat ktet 15- i aihr rir4ttuif at vkkunj itt t j beya ker- elcj el l i hcti p ii i i- fn v4 etofftj ftaieivkieo- ii ml jtd ckk1tjtt mf h uc b jmeitwmnfpi hut ibe w i i lolm rh jclht utrdr one pmmp rwiaof ai tjx tbal the rjijii tr tvnriala lm1 xonoicb ikot the afym rj the t revise print r dnrmji ikr ivi 1 inotitf rt to ni irea ikm j icotij i in at p4f the lbu driu- ilnrhnui30 in fthbc irnubcd kai lhriitiffr cgaeeded the ittmimlh srkiek kd tndc hy piilxnwm v i ufe k hi ttrr uuntwf ol other ilcnw in avar k wlfilv f tkeicatcrt ccoovny nd int- fmt co of hthj ic fljrtwk il h1i eey ur ibrr 11 t irmtikd n iho pr mirrtiitvirtiritt nccwlivr ivmed mawi- auin ki tse awkhtj cficrlvjl be tnn within i tailed tin wttb mljltts nl all and ibm wa d ifoin that hate a irnt n the cati ii tc m nnet ia hick ronat meniarn were frurtd on ttneh ifidc- nc il cdnr co- neeij tilh iheir prefer i i 1 i u fthrtmi tho pjteaianei of en iilul dde qt ihr rjiaar m tiliek friend jjl pihtif fd trf ffnl lwi pe i nl yti w vrtr i k a i 1 1 of vjr tare the grrt efublttumcat of iu n iuoloa llwt f ltr coiai it ivwmhc 1n a 1 of nnim i4itf lut k -jr- leal timfflkiiluuftrtraib nroprilf vsbll iw plcccd nrlwf 7 m ulv0iiw th 4uams vtfthy n poriam la ucilf- 4lr ike u rbiac lr im ft ltj aj i paor itaii ihe widfaof lli rate ma dolr limra ilhfr occni ad 1lc ied- wd aniil nd niljr ekre m1r will af hmpc ie bcjir uief it x jt a aif- r- i iik on ike friui i oatf liwe boi iw new tiw will movr ike uni nl ue w lie ufrdfafit reie ertd lite ppty will he i4 1jr waiiefy pfocmfc lit fiiffrnlly wui lkr tmuvcmciti ike lieir4 general l i-ln- deced e ptavfl fce faeiia lint ike mleeii eutaljffed lalfw- tit ki iv enaim rnouf tkfe ftti enikffl itfrclnij ikr wlof ckeatrty inllnd tb fmmiimn will lu llite yea wjl toite uawwrwe wi vh wilhngl ve and m ike imlnco i aaj mfltr pul onnrr irtrheilanrrr or nftil- ced wiilwamtn jptr atrr die jrueir and muiifcrllw wtrfu f wln i iy eicm tk jwntrf at tmtf n if in ptird i jti of ike hud and wll itttn ii ccrlnalf er iwlf wkferk wdl liakl ivd dfttid ttll ikr 4 arid ii n dtipie arie ike wdj of iu av httt itlitolke thiivtf inland wtllkmapq ihrtr oniil ii uviivd tlir 4itanf hie wixj iij ke denicd lvt it tti rr ftt jihw in lvir notdabiu ts j r iaiuti v ili tdsjerl v qhftil tir a ik rttot to h x uwih wftkh ad- tcwi rctjvrl il arlfl on aivtna en tia1 yint titt lenevf tia vfrri lie italdinin mii if eicmpiej try ihr ltrtivv c iii- tf ait i ktiv i id fvl j i- fwtt hz it v evfipi q iht conliv ifiji kuntt livfc our eye a id the rubiarifi bhwcinjtd rwjkiiv liout ws tlkf iff uwtiwl tidpo- cetinf f -r- d v ill u tbt rfc ika ciuj 1iv ule of ihe f aad wiili a iir nl fnii dt evci akirtr lhat dcv ihiyc x iim lobiihrr of m anv wey jktriiir wit i4ivt rtokti ihv uimhi at aii4 -f- lluity ktf lftc lo ic- ii ici iftliji khmti iaatt tltc ceuivh rrfitl f til aher ihr pxm siwali tht- unf i villwfleaviitofcei- tavpf ivtliarail ni y lonr jrtr tflrr- wlfas r c ihit t ian mtf pikvkiltfvd tai imtl pw vwb iu vtltl lmltns i ilttnbtwhtttfaj- lj hun 4 n ivt- l iffl u earridl out iowtnee atl iitiwer fc mid eciri in liaim kev tn a uvl tiai ejeu tmrcpi ike lmi yill dj bare co eotifrici w ii l wii ti fu ji mia ltllll 1l hff il eotk snrr f ieif kcot atj rvdih7 tk lw i lta- mil ijk i lat ie copy may dr it1 n tli it- of oh plfswllwjtf llitl lt tjfnsrt f 1h ctaer wiltiin liu hit f li tjirl f qi- wf wbt uty iviil z tiu fin lir mrr of sc and fvn i itttev ele tial av1 iuitirtai i tut irto pallmlfcclli niltj i ibr cil of tndimm a imw ji lcilv of lie rtjt- i iwt laoiion and cooti kmk ftil si mtyfm ihc vfcthiun ii lv i- jr i i i annlpc lv i ts aii4illof lk it i 1 p jl hlivll ivia hia tttfitk vu lit tlw nrhlo lir lp n4iniiiififaiki f jii mkcf wjivttbiwtlaf 0adj iiiowrirl lutoc xivijvj ikekdmr aueruktf catiwif d m taitkline atkr pvii ikcanr but m lie vwfy wiiej tu imve hrni oa lie ito llirt ej uia irkmi vjt uat eeaiva no c r 114 ur mr fkrthiir ikrn k4 aitr crafrr bala vkrihc k ikavtii a jrjrf c ike at- tevai uinrellikt al iko bictuiivc i attxiat gnirnl imvin i ikat l tl i n vk ek cntiid we pled ke r itjtwjm ii ierfj ikjl ike diuuhl luve a leecii mik rbnri mr ftrtfie ne aeae llovi ie srjlnrlrb ml tlkrm lu cnlaad qmj cniv uji pjij jvf jtilciaiih ikcit mr uhll ivm mwtl kc ivmaoaeterj f ike re ftvinr wkch h d wkm hk hue revdnd ilf imvih t imiie of pf4 ken ratii pitaiw rwif arvci ajtn a pjv lo ikv irereij f trdncme ikt jp u0 t piitwg tii iirf cvooeaif ac co d stvcjl of ike i wee itwn pi fk odiffltttfc ne lchitrdeiiiv and lit art jgjni iiwlwl tiin fvctjn avii atimn lmvs ah freb tfulfi in rilk u stated fh r eteefi clreiiv jpni 21 it hiii keen efrcifidtroilv eh and nnf ue l- tvcd awiine iitiif ike likerst iitjit tanfetat ialey u fpily l j taind iv tk pm id vlalcwf anj lui mr isrifa ttftts a kit eirikenix akn kc cdjd biiwll vr ihnr hirnn n ntci trtit h it tn a cf fvi2 iie iko roiiewiiw taidilmin ilie kieif iwi l4 the fnml vi nithiit eed idiftir f e rf iae ii- j- im tlai aihfien fice ute t trdtf lic utx fcaacrctl like fiixctjtiaa ntd rrfitv1 iu j miter of ef ile frtaua ij all ttrftclft mt lckt ia tt wtttttv vttj tjliica tkil otl iwlmi ie aad ei04ta timie 1ttava c3 net cnl m itirikirc yeaia ia evenii ve jlee atod ai 3 milttore itfilg fr l 1 ttipmbadful lwlt rirwiwgim inckawinlafi rnilmtii a jji ike ycrr iifaer ik ik ppfrfeikn- yrjir dm ma vy iiiileehlly i itiii enluiwli fcunfly rxeird kfc ud mllineartf in cvfiai itjiimf id wijki tke an ptlrror ike mtjiema iff rrtj- itrily jd all ikw sime dviti cr utmml tylnew levmfp lty elinuihlee ike ttoef lli- faion erao oi ihe iie r e414m vtte i fit- p- t 1 rf i rl fnat lac lfrdvn 7tre tub nsft ikisli briuaor t111 ii difinai or mtrarorttt to- thi a ilvctaltlwji hi lalcn jc iidn ibrfomof he jaie snieriatrfirrat of ike dtimn m ikr fco rllin to eotlin ir rr4iiiit in tkii hribwtvmi of iltf aio aieatathtt yltt anuyl b rfoed in ike lvfifcrjojc a and aic ikrn il nkjecird lo id nve 10 ike fuittti tor ptintn iliey lt ii mgnedkv iv stipe liilmitnit of lle diu- oi a k y co iiivrlde in m iilotkepeiwoncrmr mdicot nn hbll min aitd jvitiritl a ike ii divbali lo atie cae a ienard of xo wa fjtob by a sriiat in i hfn il scveial pblicceatiahkt l iheir r rrici wkich ca dnly i- pnuil at keadqnaftfry ia seeilaedvard a d nfileicd lj w luid oerr in ibe men fif abqi ii iifcvitdrtl lui liar eiriiiitrlid m err iartnt wiib it a ivat nanj- mb tt uirt ieif huinnl in w kanrl m hie- l rattr teaa jkei facu and eiwi oik i jim unfed i tliould y alto ufpwatht bkh iccoftntt we bmiteetiil latftt did aimear tabt 10 onar mry layd wnkupecuo 1 r otker s whhhirii j ut ifion of be trenerl tu ei v tbe fiieil arjil fef a canada joi riiijf hill 1 birfc2 itrietl injtwnim wii4 for ia fei tinjlbe rhivoioei 1 d date tkal nkn ibe lirod tbe eanoi bilk whtb juee bern ibtiun llwmvin canada will v f ibr cviniof lemrial iff wih br i- j cifiir liu diifrliai unn it il iilw- wlftm rmlkr ibat llrr jrtjijj mlil f ir y fhiseteacc in cr- ml irtve frfchfr lm of urdrjii mrclbtaap aktd nketner ft tlneaf ibi iwdite trt 1 1 my ikal lb vs lutlilh otoeuiih he ent jt aldf iv rpivnov lnfal li aflel lie bad al ikreuli hm i aiikly and f vnieilj ijh fiai lit i agreed for a iuiimeiiej before 1 oalive were r minillrd fr in a til erdkn hi avce llr replird that bllv frankly ai r fjur it uiry were htlt tta far tw fi viiof fntvifll ti i tin il bat ieccatyand he lbott it nx lliallue jivfinti rtiieral skoj ileciin ejm iheia i ill lonarijt ity jkt add rnot fe tlir nfiiaei ivfien ihe vaii i4flj n tbe mill gwatiffl aii of ml been iiiial end of liit rniivfiiiiri vzoh ikat liehil n j- left mr ie ij l ahntifu foiro tut dvlihioa u w itir utieci arid att- b rk it kiu i paieh oft 4 vffuo i- kc vj jk llien n a j dialilieceadidtk l pidy ii av ikn cwnirj an qckvhm of ui witfj or pfle lim keld rnttdrl nnj ike aiwa irif ki in- ratf y tirqucetf atr nnlj tkhy f rehraei4 0 i xefwcal tyr c k tf p iijnily it ittv ii iit rvnawft and kiaaergiaal pomurilj ike seie if mill av- iatc r khrml tv a oaaidcawe nifirii 4lkt pm kilaiire cfinfe i iko ilkhrj direham ie fripemi fr tke i vni ad th iaiihjciiwi st ii f1 f aoeeevd m ik t de njn f iftoaii d fttfralitl oniht ihikiftn uai6mai1i htinfm iv nf ike eotfti aft eotn rnwtii mitci ihcre ji ur killed tili tll a earjiia miti rrdrfj enuc u nre lkirrfoe ircrt ni apaelirnioa iknjt tucci and vtate couc ke kad iikm j lft mr unley attd ulieihet he om drruivj tic lio lrj to aay ibat inuaictun wnteifl ib v erartal oi by but ra united sine- wim fwathevallv teiijate me of lite f r evi kr be ate it 11 irtit f iv j l i lit ii itif t to ihe cfi i lii v a11 iy 1 i 1 ki lntfiif imfirt4 in 11111 k ain ylifca aif jttimn jij i tke itiiie liiaiu of ikcjr e- avclfri jiiici m i u hutrd dmr 1ov id anidt tw1 of ikr ifirmkoi winch w- lo mr mieivrvillralilr mnrrd a rafor- htietf dimply d vlmi llr lyfity rinoi in r tjnatnt ftnvenirai rvnn monlrrak he moved lyil ia frbreill vftcl il iidrmialde 1mmfjievi1iill ui cottt mail fcc wjcetj on a ib kki sat r irovcmum ftft lcc4dnnn naid tbal be ra4 heard llpfj i 1 ntb ibc i j- j- of tk- govemtnin i re move the seal rf ceverninrnt to quebec im- cijiamy aftir ihrwxi waalbal e mr bamtrift taid ai llvat be waa a arc of if acj33 fty3r ifr melftrd jkiftctkpaorfd nolber amndutnt luting tr iu object the dexlaia- lirni of ihc llniiye in efaul of kiftaton ave il o 5tx ftlr fon trn mneed arotser ooienfrjcn 1 n favor of b latthf av 13 neyw 47 tbe tde wa ikn labti on tbe ftluo teas 31 nc m lad the mitlae vu i j tu dta tut a jirtsa in k- cotdaac wilb inc wol mr h j huu cbtarnaji of rv aaid casuwittre inmrjuteu hivanei to umin ted mr shanl rs1 the cojc it 1ahw mr tiny matctl tbtit tke hne drr f ohmvsil s aain tkt ibc cijiml ration of tke svhjrci bo iltopcjrh mr- mfdonaj rrjd ihi motjcu uotild an ther wcm rr i ml- on 1 in w ihc llojict of mtj ijeal vrm were row atpxcut fooi tbe liome lie w3 mcj brl- teroalve parlitmed wuld rcveri mj dinairiion 1 i tka inallrr eas a troipted ii be kwtb t tkioab tbe loiu ivi i bv4e tke kin mrnikrr mjifc ift ispealiatbe lot- a peiant mwet 1 f 1 lot e ant v rconohit a retknf ki uc irn it f lv 5rut uill htra 111 tuv fntre ry fftatd m eiiuely imiuk mrku dcfakattoftft and krjte lit he wa rcdorrd to tbe taik of lflytcir soft afrfiwan freb jidntftitriiiir ttitr il nurl le wa auin drfimrf iinr ilimunel fraen hi iaw an iiimiti- of whilioa trdlirnt wn siiehnteii- aanv rl xooa year if naaliifjra he a a rtt jit ko ii and did aot aipear to he x kioail kiit if well knoun to kave levied a kind nf bljrk anail in tbe fliape ot laant in ike nublicaw ia the district ol iyit alfieb wjlfllm vhiltcal and si oiorgtfh lhfal hue bcr noj vitlnaue in iftpef kat scfilhfield 11 liii creditor for upward of jt2t0 onolker in ikr ante neijeb- obod for 10 tuo in siljlield vacli fir c 10 j and rarirn ntberf fr mini cf 5 x10 ami r0eoeb the refttof iwaattut alowrd ky tbe comftrmonci vii ter paid axd hltrruier he baa viclmnittj ibe fredeimrn to a entuidcramc avonit il if a bo well kitnwn thai more than one publican of wbom mrdlieolt had hotrovvrd raonry wete uol iiaeeedv acabnt fc andaylfad- ina wiile others who bad not coaoc down dawn nith the djt nrete rigidly -roc- lej for very ubl vioulionaof lb law- sreial olbcr dintttal and dcradateiiv to to tlic rank- have taken rdace in the divmo wtikb in ttwftdjr called ibe liiali krlxade from tbe number of palljodera who brtopf ia iu rji l- tke h diviaiaft wat ia a tadly dforcaftied cndilnn nntil thr dimimal of mcdbemi a d ibe iwniofl nf rol it i omv in cbare of mr steed laic of ibe a di- wrdfw and it enor n w alkiil dien- wtal cryirlkd kewj vf ha ultd slaici u retaine mpcclbf t ei ol ltelxie- ibr ikilirk nerieaibia eit- ihi it rntlf dv ftadr vpaii lite fkiiiai likaftj ia p arorc tr lbiiik ftltafi ibo tnuiirfe ot lfaiinc fraeftaiiw a t ia itie atm lv any jl ia lt tid sia and f jvi j irrrind rttj nl ii wp el lcliare urileltike anicfkaftliipv tlii- r fiain lk actor ntirtw iajjvak inlkrfttb mcijoji ldlblntmlaurr and ike tjoirtnihai wi now cauh ii u the ndle ford hd called mm iiotrid nf r ificiaj capnaiaatcaitvc j lfltd j- lvt tvaal ikal wa v lpift uljetti oft tvkkh ike covert j tkmht in ntiuiicatekv nnl lv r be eoftitnuniraied in that m- a npnntherijirloa a wkicb ku tkiiik it cvjiedienl to wf tie public u a be wac at libcity of tir lo ij irit icllei itbj it m tkat km he niilten tnch iiimic deapatcliee ivarifem lo f lord j uolniiktbeanawfihai 1 kad tatc ift exdjmaiirm on llm of heeii foaml by experience in the c fft bec ilal cn fticbif lud ocf hf the rubtijtian of dreack tt-lyco-n- iraace the jjle lord mdcalfe m l plained thai a despatch he had j j the government bad lcn pryxiqfd fjeal ii f pobation bid canfiiiij aaei and exctttmeotift the wkol in jamaica british w oplter tr or dkr friday bvexiko may el ben wr in tbe time it fait aapoachin tec canada may epct lo hear of i of in laiujihi of tke new of the dt i oiil r it iurii u- 4ti v yllyarjrhmwr renbn n 11 11 1 tk wkn formerly did duty sic be driven fton cw cii arfcb0al imvwjva iftktadv in i 1 ly by itrok rorltiicn palac he hat been iiitno ner the bedh nf many olaer inirctm 1 vcnl otkcrr n rljaoi ltd nver the b jtwl the i influence itat noravieamt on ike kje ur proooticn j hipccky steed ia hkely to u licet a leanoialniw in ibe iriau bri- rrryiav by hie pnifn- of fij n iffn n itm ikit no dircriambiiif dntita ate inved i ilia favunf the aaal nurm ura vri ulaatly bdihtfia- ia cbirna llo u m ne umi ed iapircl in tbem ibe fwijrtil m iftos kaf pel iiattiioa dee daikt mrfndcd- f fr a 010 oau natrwa id tlie coda evrjreil ei uit flv a tre ry riiujr d1d jfftlwawl k i t ike qovda riiriat dud nnterp hil ike aup id ny i fan rkpa fim ike dinar wiiict l ureal ikil 1 111 r t i v eontfdim statg tf conmmar calwat april 24- i hate thi mnment ictnrncd fom conne- au eirere i bavf keen aaiinllie pavst i if iwaenjo fnowet aftl iwfced w bid nvvvt bteti a tint at tom i i people lewmavea llial ita t w1f 2 l h v v vh atlaclod bv mcurttv f r onceutke awrutm kwttm foev bjt ifflo t liearf f f et 7i t mq wid tkat the iw nbkb rtw p kutait y wevailed ittlbrfffty weifed i s i bavoem ttiilejm too voruketerini w- j u vfv fijcvle acd in cii liaaei inat atuttcai 1 i j l f 1 e 6 v l t we fo iv sem of f- i v j b k iwm l0 mailomd amatwtl f lolv ibr i s 2efv s ii b wocrll kiwi ilic i 0 t f l v w f cnvrnnknt lawltislfi icll ou ibl tbe bntmiable rtm is t r nt wul eub u taken u or ikt 1 j hair i f wcio netine5dc- i nil we of ibc lva mure ire- s nari l0 l d u v aflr ike taitrjfie ia14 tf hiboll of ro mary ba offrird lb i ilfwb ciotie- lowat w wwu lp pfiflftf liritb now- nokaal ftf iftaiint liwonei- y ut wbtt km ahliftlscukyftuae7 tkrv wom g tkj cnaaik lbir owii tbry troff 2 i e t ifttnl ihc atiful nuir- a lo i link ot levying lat ikem ike ridnt ha t it 1 1 1 1 1 m- 1 1 j li nfcli uic vcau x inauidioara hit iboibif raf way wia akirk ricaspli amikbii rkfpa fm ike dinf m oia rajjrlvallalaiee and ahtwot trtiovnl prncuii lioa be frre tui meh dnca in kc n fj p ai ike united suifi end mr ikir kaftan vb 1i9 refrniaftoik act l lira c licrrfure at feiraad eauit- becoaditraaiiiaairrd by ikiaari tee kt 1 res efa ad tkrii carkf in ih in u orei and ii dnrrt fwrin itade hpa tbe ajnie faoiin wiik vearru f ike united tatc ike ciiue iraocia af conne reerd iwbm ikektrcrl ptrtpfeo of rreifwiritv in ifirec und rr- ciion ikieal had uro pneti i 1 1 affoplcd prevtoa lv it itmiar m ihniww wkiek imd keen eoneladcd vy iwjilrd sieu- aiik dmmafk sweden ike lliaaeaiie ipmic and rjaan end kavr aacd been fljiru imja wet in irratira eorw laded w iali aumha ii- atidtfltter povcte nil uf kck are and in tace- laoaag ba not taere ted i aonie f ike 0 pari ihc fel keta it contttfy afiicli pot tke kolkiret oviimadttict m any crea irde laaya enolya ihr eitel niiwtc rhip bat il kirancteanry in o im avlnrtr rexadi tke uuic pvtta fur taa jjr drali iiintr arqvedmley arefovea ip foot movka aa the yete add dtaqok6ed ky naiuir frj an reimt oaiuied ccirri with a coiaiiy n edmiray mm- ted at grtdtx utiiain ivi tlmll wc no inkuklf owrtedcri witk mco lknmie ndilrravtial aru tfiieai ia finiacr bb irfcnder vf ike iiitni lawv fkqiaei iketceoiin w ai inu iniutd te 10 ire ike cmiik rorfy tke caatfanf and coknl ttide ij ha ltiib tkifxtwvr ifc baa il ad il ammnu ia j ja itfo fifk afvrhat le rokea fr ike ncixn traile a akickko may ke impeded but r n il5ika life hilub iboyci vcmt itcj take hip llnajtctoi ratliament tbe fiftt weebofjnne mch ne evxpcttoj hero we fli rfl nei wii lie- a g cat rsai in parrameat iftctotll of paihaftrir tm noieinneftt will aunport fafd eljiia f prove ot all lliat he fia done lftitf and olben of the cortereativ p wi suiva lomalte fllitical capiul oiil ftf j auion iiitcfliace but ibe appalin a lidtoik tnftbi luivin wantonly ov jfii h prepettv will xfay mat vp i forl the catetnor cenetaf will n re called aeiibei will the ministry i tn fledge in dhallow ibc rffbcilinn ln acl itnt ofler ihe colonial awbotitt jitftiticdatl lftd klins ach iaj inm ii while ffftm toy lo loe theft jjjjjj will be framed forth nonce and bitv will robiftlarily quit canada ms vvorji or vr liifr lialj j oaic of tbcm uoeyom lw ma- fir of4tvkt tlttrtj llvfti woii fhtt uiywtwfc hi tbrtrrvmj 1 toftnk on iccmm ntf tin pbriwl- eeof an 0hiftvi fe rv f fjr caiiic lb ft btr in mmkel f lbec wfatbfc ftititr fvaaal liiat p nvd je b t fitn ze- uir m- irt nhni hecn rotn i abuntjafuil iiriwavda bk ii lakib- bmnim- toionki tv wft- nf- iftiue ill tl ra ibj ii c ftvjil atat ilb v etc a rr ty it itikar pac ia rirlaiirr u 111 c on- ore o ifftffrw fhcnbeiu ilr lb an iatiintuntbe rka- vujtd ef5ew aimany at imv ish etfv ii mi ltih tntlitn n tlluwarl iviattn ii iwr e krtl cwiaetraa t 1 in- e noa ieo nltuiwr j iwitk liajihuil iml i min jttofllaiaa mrri 01 x- hlcbdtv vl icno t nhallh p iwrjuri ik t rsiir a iv1vm lieita ii tti lek kalt hnltttali tei rmtfj uftifajr jwei fi the ehtfnr lilt a-innndin- eaunict of ibe i ihel 4t lliere to rlll tm efuf- tf tftil ylt r ikr coji1y i jra to llice c i it ia tbe i mm wio bil in aft v fiuftiy ra4von i rftvcto aai- aft anaach mrf auil j piiafr tla4hrha dwht ol tlfttli ioi4 inl in hee 46fialiv of asrrsiry tvaayl ay hi em aea wic tkecifnflwr owacr knrnnt 30 nj fl tieep and a od tiip i 11 omina tfiaaml to viain ihcm ti ft wb lived d eenlly an i can it d en a c- nltiiml- ene if one amee n fd ful iriv j li 111 iifir ilteir mvn nide fahkn aiv rfcti tiati i f ftoua vm1tim i int 1rt 1135 tr nb ike raniitjy 1 itska ajul ivih and vcaviiy fiar ovillii ji t in l lefniijatiim bf iheir miclatf tieji lb krtedilelv v rh nf fj il kave h hecntt il ni 1w1 inberiianci t ilelynn i rffftii f llc run til la- which nf jfitiuar roaih wl ire ctlclaxid yoltt of faaiii bare mttdwftj iu rmneraara ike fiil hiiiaikauv ciianr tlie ibbjbjlanl i vij- alw avj bard ij readvaeain tvir k ad fcy krnrl ne r- ha x- ii v ata tol baidy hut iast inin hb ntntej 9 diaia ftd i md of iwilio the ifvrelurp ii a oaiiiatjlitrdy kappy ii uiy are tkv j mii ohki- k mimtp tier fikv eailk t aiamd ai jllii an4nn ceuwt mp iet fima i aw a caniavratw knpaker of t as fi ij 4 iit ol tw i em 1 y rot a kadi- atjt fvtft ttta ij wlia ibc ijtakni i ti fit i v- t d im d utinlin drpjfiufe 0l ihv ltilalahi r aiftrri- ca tb j i riif u- k ate br kri jlfi while thoe ulo have ihi polwf to aariited hy ivilrruiiy nrtrcatild aatyfnien and baye h kipjtuo nomkeird lit3 7 i in led i hie kioavoeily ttuniic itot iah a oc cieaeoof ratkei ineeikin fiic pcrcenk u jfti il auiabetcd 03ii of ihcae nlal w ewiparyf d in ibe lorcis tmav and aij l i in tnepraetttd irde the bd ictcaj am ltfl at ika rate f 49 per cet and tbe fniaer atikerit4f llropcent t incutta- kte iafr care ir iaai tlie fvrcifn iraile jlikwk 1 adaasniiihiweirraittnk4kbcniaiheeen lrcniiiccntrvlkeckrf fouree f narraiilme icainer mduialova tecid ihciac autj ihiaiwt ibovl klf na rra nicaancrn id fjij l and cikca if air u f yoaj doliit uvj kcei pfaeaoalti c r ll a braadcaiinaeiveavetaf bke line wta rwij pernrd caft avel oeccne wa tntvt feoaa hlkkt iobd ioiaroinifciaetobcairihaded frjnilicbi1lawiiokrradaelv3idlrmthi eveiiwii akiii tie taicf ilieenvaka 1 wr oflirkftl ki indicate iilc irainineal iuifjf ia be aipirkrndrd fftn iho icjerli af ik ho arift ttjuiii to lrd slmitey tmd mr her 1 iea ill t ii 1mvtii and ihr wr4 indie fur eaaannir ud hi 0atenl k iervc tc tneoareacice of de- ienior eabntviunt fteaelita a link lcr ai- rnkd dr ad moaafrdira nf rur and ifiiwr weie nakrrd t uino rut tkia nic indepent ovaily of ikr pail pcayrd ky lha nvlk lo in ojalirliin thca ia nn irveina biy iljitiiy j the pmirenanieia nlmlivr ixitiuea aoniiwer ahtr e a ai iko uil ioy rii jtj i imcv will awl iijciy ikck ihe atarifttit 1 air rdaaliial reaic aid eippilc mir inanii iiccm lavt aatafitf otnl davii l efama ik wtand nralatm ppkevwlficli kaa akacn aai cwrllul cioiiire i a he ke 7c ctiaor gent nvs frfy to v of fht jrdonaf dilirkt 1 am much cheered and cacoorar vour declaration confirmed aritis raric which i receive froo o endnf lersibattbeatbortyof lllymwjvuj j tifnt and loyal rtbjrcts ift canorla aij jj lo rally tonnd mc in defence of tbe ch lino and to ftjfou me it tbe maintcnt f 1 livalivnal order and public peace the mitrae whicb have been 8w in the city of montreal arc iiulceji ft bt deplored ami wil it n greatly to oj ed evcrcim a murk prejudicial eftcc irate and credit of tbe provincef nme tiotf i feel ibil i sbmikt be diretolifta of duty to my qea should coaiaoaiie ioterettt it 1 which eycfvfl fnje jrnpe arc mo rcci any other if i were lo ccaac to ajr ibcne principles by which in ike amii tiftit of the fjovemmcnt tny coodiacl ha hi ibe t to re dilated elgin klxcabdr the addresvhad 3933 rignatorcy ileaft tu lfiraiin fiiiv these miruuels after x lwd coaceilmi loa ihe iirl of which m remarka attended left low o for brock vitw s ifloain they inlend vttitins mnr l fjucncc ami will probably return lbti pcrcanajatotbc united tatea v icjl merit armicb a wll jtneure wrkomc vatievi tliey o le v icorier ctteert tboin ifdf never s ky thcloyerof harmony a nn the of ibc xhtl of llw tymlese ituil cme ckd canada o- ibc the sad inaf mr ii pl two qic1iont nf wlneb lur kd tfivrfl noiie to l yln r t ea i r r rafc r rt r t 11 n t ia rmlaer hiwl rm rrakrraa few 1 ra or aj r r traeimi fka rathtn d ih aia 1 po my at iak a 1 p 4 hhr i 1 tpv a uf tlmt l p tttr t lciajc will jhheiiflil 16 n 0l ill ift flofti ihe ribl 01 b hirtrry bivtrn k ah j cbmjic of ikal rfantfrj la ttlji a u- inajalriatj 1 h iav-mi- d ubeie aia4e jlc irrf liadm a lb w litiv iiilnu mmr rtol ina inidmd a kill f nietiiire iv i1i la- lw llr miafriorr af etihi arc ik tajiibiat af a hnrjiin rtfr f 3 in 1ie and n tba eleetxral u f 1nuail ai lmalkira4ial me tw4 braval aa rijpn ie f rinjrt an wnkoj rle-ia- jij mm ierrl l- m iko ieif it ai ikal u11 tn eiirvanatof lk fat atrjibk o0v our ike nimr lotd at the head nf tkr lwvetiiprni me wirhcdt0 4k nl wbvibct tin mfmin miniate weie pre aed lo cmmiiniral lke lloaie cxtiacl bom tbe votei and pio- c-edin- nf ike l0fiai4 acmkly of t lab on tke bill for iriantin inilrnaailv for lapses ntiaineddoiitij- ibe nbclaion in cam- da am alxi copiea nr rltiil of ay corrrv lnnifence uluck had paaael between u 1 aiajtyv toicimftrnt anl ike tovernor t- nrul if canada lekilitiq in thai yilj ti and mrondly wkrlber nr no 1l rancionof tlm eronnhadky ike adviee of lief majly miarlen keli ri or irhled to the will nkichkasl bicn pacd by the kijalufa of caraila lord join jue1l in iiirr in tke tjtir- tkiii of lk titfhl ban ceilkaiau i livie to iuie aal no r jttf acta ol ike lutch and pr eetalllu of tke jp4otie aavoauji l cmiacilof ciiniia badlnni rrii ived ky iki vrrntnial and itut itlcfv i an iohpo-nl- unl iipmi nklrhi 4 cut kav re cetved seveial hirr all f tlim taiivjle rile ix- bom ihr hnfeinot lirfteral ol ci in which he malei tlul it 1 nl kia nilii to wrte any otker ilefojirleswt vr aitjr fc ivrent ai k- eatireivrd 1hl p t dri i ukirk laiihl ke lnd lilair- viim f imkt iiirreaa ihe e eilirrnt in iftal pm rincr wjucb ii j fcery dvaiialle hionld b ual 4e vfjf imil t rrcc mollo4lbeiclfthieb rani elie table i inm autvllkit the i ic kiil nf ihr iujiaii 1 1 jiiiti gy rtiir compaktcs it is fi ibat tbe filjlnre inlerfctcd and the iniblie aainrt tbe cajirier of fijg panic fn tomato tbe wliole fire 1h at ihsne will the mnnicijl au ibe aame ibin is tbe en at picton at kift1on wlierr tbe firecompao ly have ibeir own way ui creiy ibin of irombntinatieai occurred at the r and a coftiiny leftitt enaire on ih j it irj not likely that tit every do uk cnmpanica are in ihe ricbl onj yel i as if ibey were- certain civic privi cxcaiplionr are ncconrail lo ftiemcu i fir whicb ibey iritdeiube ift frrftniri dtilica laaal at every tiac ami tum ivj lorouaidvr tbcoiaelves inailllerl or h and makitic ilwonclvc tbe j3uc in cae withmil iwlicc ibrow up tbe f ihy bavexolunurilyaaonkd lb tbinmoat i ameiuco gy tun hvrden liiitfii lv diy wa a public holiday fttid all h mtif k wflo ihftti altlftoch llie j rainy has been ibe esse lor ibe p feat he whnkr irf tbe tlfta an 1- imned nntp ainlltniprd the queenv lurrielivkl otnmon after wlncb slnte nf il nac w fired ky llio ana live fnfaatry lnkwea wilb a fhfaior tke military on ibe ctmind caaaiated ld rjeftctal kan an q sialf lbftsolh ii iny tho 3 rompaniea of ihe rift hri4de 1 r nf raiadiflii kiflea ftnd a fnll mallei ifpyil aitiheiy iernie tho we lb bad a iol jnifoiinf tnptoraitfe o tiic qpjclvs im dav today her majrrty rnten brsiri tr ind event will he duly celckratel tbroikowi ihc length and hreaeth 0 bcr vatt doinnift we bejref rmikia pellicular eia on in kintioii there will ilftnrtrm be ajjwle or review a trcopint of colct ot oaic- tbin of ike kind oft darrieficu cnmmoa pravidrd ike weatbrr be nive tbi take plice kefojo 12 otvck in olbrr lawn where loyajhj mvnfrjj liod gloa ift llrf brcat of every contrt vatiee ihere tie to be icat doiii mrane thai at tje vrty lim lilieniainy mea ac easltft j atoat ift ihe winds rye for scene other state of political eienc thnc sbrold w snb ileoioiimra lioiii 111 fvftt of pvronal aluchimni lo ihc qeea suck hoiverer ii tke fad iltr mjjly wa m vernvafe ponolar in cnaa than iki ii at chi oioirilil frtkc prode lave in yjoaki0 as they dtiet ker protiilj mittttrri and abo kftowp t hat aiay gnw out of lkirnve m htr and luled r thrm tnu cone divtuicr antart a denurionof eiifhlcrn reftitcmft fiom ibc got uitirici with ibe warden at ihrirhiad went down yerietdiy to montreal lo presold on aildirst of conjjralnblien to the cocrarr uenrral ike addrcts has 5000 slrafnrrs and i 51 yarjt lon several other addrs- es from tke tame uiirict have already been presented lo km ecehty awiwawrinsh al neat jaoth rtames 1 he picsent ajdm ia from itfc parts of ihe district not corercd hy ibe iftrtncr addresstf inwdoriar scfte may libcily of i c honoa to oli kicsron there i no lole wiihont an exrejdion although loid ejin coes rot crdieanly dine the de poiaiioita yet s special act of courtesy be did ii nr ike kingston deviation anj oar valued friend mr kennelb mckcnjic kad tbe karor of hxadin ift to dinner tbe count- rftf tlin one thro in favor of tburx- iraodiii4fv act of trace it that three mil ot the fuur ibyiities happed lo be gentle men 5 oetwtiw ox tut ttitim yeler- day ajiofiuag the tctner aai4a cine up fiom montreal wilb a fair load of ruenri 1 kinelflft atfj toirrd back immeoijlel with anatber load ot pasacnffcn grraer ibo ine woo hi rp tbee paeftrers ore e vcctcd to arrive in montreal in twelve hours rktch it a fofl improvement in slvamboal liivsejuvan tr orroftion rv tuc bat or qciirn lathe rniii of lir ari fit brtweea seeambnal prokric1ars en the lake aid river mr wvilrr the slice proprietor intena lo thrast inbii itar lie has n lifted iw piiklici that keitlcftie pjurnjeisliveeii belie- vide and kinloii 5 1 mifva io four lipre coaclie fn one dollar the ual larc irfl r 0ev lia taar etrv lt tl ileaiiibowtt immarr lxroitiriu so irftwltrtm iso masfitactrncri of coax bwooaue sftme doubt hsiftj okrftod as lo the meaning of lhat pal ff ibc schedule of ikr late cue lonfti ael 13 vie chap l impftsinc a duty of 2 10 rr irnl oft ceriain amiclei and infer alia oft tlrrows corn ard as to wkelkci this rneaitt itreosn cjlil or flcoom majuficured of corn the mh t wa brooght under the nnlice or tbe pin- per autkoiiiie tbe collector of curious here and has bem vet at rest by a utter ad dresacd so that olicer hy the cftmmifcaoaer of customs feesa whicb tbe following n ai ex tract you are abo correct ift ifnposin a duty of 2j per cent on broom coen coin bioucftv arc liable lo a dot 12 j per cent i have ibe honr lo be sir yaar obediml scrvtftl fjko dvnscomb totiiucoltwioft or cvstoms kttglot hastikcs address- the deputation from ibe counlj of ii- i resented yciterdiy a oyal addrms la h celrency tbe governor geftetal siatned by olitvarvf of three thousand ptrtons to which ihs kctlkikywa pleased to make ihe fos rawing reply frmffeawn i liearlly hansryoit for ihe riobu uiiaik witch you bear in vonr rtnmrr- oufcly mned adjfeas lo the justice anl ioipar litlity which liave chaucterired ray adtt iiiiation of tbe fjoeerftmeut thee qnaliiie tro i fitmly beheve tho teal oaajo ot the bostiliiy which lia keen directed aant ftie i came to tbe prornce with ibeorte iniua- tian to atbi to the ctraislilflllm which has bern iriranred in vou ky tke filth of the imperial prkamenl ti full cclion and in re conie ift the inbhiiani of 11 clascs fiitk fat al jcu ofljc qnceft c tilrd ift the cftijl cijvment of the iht and pricilec ol iroo fdnlais i eaneitdare without renn uhat ever rfi nark i tnav be fiiffretct to in nch a ue li tbi people oicaiadt bare inch at sine in ike jolutiwt nf ibe qoealpon wkirb ihe rwc m iliru fibciiir have attrinr- teil loiaiae and hie unvniaily wul wkkb l ut cemm fmwatd in tbe soppail of ihc toverniact abetvs that ibey are conscious of in impftrlanee and real claraclcr tern if ibe rikarr of iidemmly to which rent refer bid keen more obcciionaue man it i it wonld alill have been the only ami in t real of ail lovers of true freedom and nf rd wblvh is amnrvt ilf mot valaakle finit to protest aiit the onirageoa a- iultsonlke faiidaraenul princijiles of cn mitutional cotemmcni fornkieb it k been a3le ike piicx bat i am konndtoaay in jihtice to ihe lirc mijiriiy of yor repc- entaiiea hy whom this bill was sanctioned lb it t iamy firm beltcf tlut ikey didrtai iead in juainx t to oftonlrnftwe rebellion or 10 tompenfte ihe lot of persons niijly rfibc hvimti ctimeof treason knt ibai ihtir p4faae wa lo make rotrtfflft for uc ly- lilvnt of ibc rtanloe and unncciry deirnc t of hvi which is ike creel tboab tikaps inct it1dc accornpanioient of civil itarfjir claim ubick had been already rc- cv ijtd ky the deliberate aets of prnccedn iaibiufttm and froverumrats under lhi envirtiodi 1 nid l tke bill and in tbi jr t aufy cmjj i ever ciaktiii a tbe brad of tire kactive cr eraiwei t to jiic rtfect ift it lta4 elgin kincardine ncrrv it would have been a bajipy lin frr canada if lenl flia bad rvpiitm i tke addrcjaf an ivtilimit of the cwer- talive in the amr inyal rlraift wilb wbick he svaitv aatweia in tbe itadical ad4cse hadbr idilsi allan mnab mdollier ojji i4y tkjl bt minutet did not intend fo lonufeincc ribtfiivn or reward iniloffl be iuld bas juarmej ibe oproitcoft of hilf ii i ajpil ftce ai i would have slaved hi own itwvi fiaitt raitiace lbe eikmie of sir 1 tnnm tndilhradvadminutralioftlnol irae fteree and with crave cane beeane that 4denl tcealleflian enmrdetely iwntiliel him irlf wilh are nf live two parties wbwh ttien ilmtmeled l canaa and called the other tajnc4 what it ld kl en now join tthen be apdie the pretty epitbel foe of ibe pciaplca lilmrltta to the coneratirc thomas tllli rhymiib many of tke hd rcfcrdinl of kintmaft will be rirtced to bear ibal llteir poetical friend itid ftinle tboeiialbe rhmef obo mr- uftuald lvtlnrari umwbile editor nf i ik tlae- lic inwejiapcr ike njanycr i alive and bwkmjift ike wm am tw current oricyorrbxday the editor dftrin hie recent tnp westward liebkd kmti ibe 1bwiti- eniv nf verses written in tlie rood obi kyal wbaabof heone days brucn adprfvm to tux jqtal iaxad1axb toa o pyaaaae e av rnoiiae in pprmcft xrh aabaewi cntatrre bted kite h en bveeeu mt hae kd t- frnk morem o uow ilevad irhki itilirrv kowv hie d ty al aw ibe hr p- lvalketrl idiae ami waver wkenl ifivc rela rank ftd poarr sokvbcfaoi rnine wnaiaie rya feln2now i 1 hnw full well ikri0 menndi and toc qui all tkat i eaaae kere lo eki total all iiii- fiee tkr onjci fttt ahick i wa aenl 4 ebe ike murdtotj mj ura lepeftl mure jy abrtl w m pitliimrnt otf f tkxm vet five than lkee tball h for nyaeiy aiaa tlmlvraraliipal victorifi uirine tho ifdiy severy fi ie ta owl af jit for ine milmiiav naw eaiiie elna at hand aad fatal wh roaal nnderstaftd lhal i en mv ntf raj il rad m jkc fcoc and kd ajgtia kn msn kcncclnlk wu bstfaeitntft 1 i wkieprr il is all kl ono if aav uehcl lal a arna until iwapitd ihiai line tim theve kee kanied far imrieoef and chrari hjtaara nwrv ikr tree tto l- j ia trntki krailvd via lac dacntftl potrey tlie qwecnsanil even mrea t arc i d ao hr jiikka to jmw frvaoi oral ufasasf canada cck mufdinj liebcra ftci c9 a zra 1 ir- kia aajire ami lay aarde old divtv1oi ya abon jili feewach lciter di and 2caicr liberty wbcei with kia teal irfcrroia dirk hell tertpo ike ntia fjc ftihc kk andrndkia llikofnti ak ataorrf yirar mrnitiiy wbvh leach yniir jounjiei dotrari new tnai rorara are betiur men thjn iai and ckiimini earfab nt t a aoo shoald ma u buckl tu fire wbal a lliieef rinaarkkum nv wtbbtflijy v ban cataiicd io iae nlne ivnnd centura ten tlviiid renufrre andiieikrir bmbaakia dee i via ii tors ik witivi eraee anj veikroi an linpnvid rcc ia altliejfdcictiy i tlirn itiia wm ke a fayal mm wlv- fr hltjin fiiiy wnd njtl vftan ntv o i 4 on ihe rat ti jw r t r f ivr j sa alac e- jk uaia llorrh f fir lyei fftistoanft and like arai beinrk nam jly llm ct hadr cci f co fine a fire look ptsce in jrliatiaa streat on monday niabl l which one dwelbn- raoaotff ijihv ond itobbe bo- lonin lo mr sjcncc were destroyed- jke mibury turniifoot and nere of ihr greatest utility temporary lunatic asylum- city of tombs si to hit exttumtwil wigar bm wj vf rvfeio nnrf aiftrftrdfw captain general nnj croerrner f chi af tie provimci cuaejo atti avto brntintk ix sr tjecommisiioneraof ibe teinprary h- natie aylmn al toronto bej reave to rt pod tbal alntni two years have elaped fcince tbey communicated lo yonr hxcellency a eainiirenehave rialemrnt of the projte of the institution lbouib diitinc that period they have reulaily juvaented a cjuarteily alatc rntut of its rtnanec and ol other time have ficrvnily mthmittcil fnr onr jijdgrrieut tlwir irnu imtviunt poeeiirn during ihe two yearn now fthoul to opire ihr r ba lieen corilaat incnae ift ibe num ber of poiiirib in the ejabeibmetiu average nnmhr bar tbi year then reported bavinf been 100 that of the tomncaccrftnil of ibe lol two yearn bein l atnl tlsat of hie jrrrrenl hrijil jul al tbi lime inert are a rnany as 119ii tbe buikliag wbirh wa femily the aol or ibu jxtlncl aftj w ift that formerly a pam ni the parliament llnild itarjfij k j n pi ic than ihr rniruicral wbieb theinedical oisccr lecjnled ibc boatit lo re fuse any increase nf adnbaiora il hra how ever keen fcutcd tn your lcellr ncy ibal esi- deavors umikl k ftiade to t all cacs snii- ame to eitmnl within lb inlltntwn till yea bmkl b pkaacd t prohibit tbe iikti atd evpetthire which il involve and the hoard hafkern more incliunt to enntinae in that eoa oji jrr unlit m apinarcnl nearue of th- time w h n llie lafc accimrro jatioa bain provided in ii- p uiun ut kuiklift will be sialv it i however profrer rwwe lo tliic thai tia lfertir ruiiitief of iatf nn i mnch ivyond ibal whieh it would jar prudent lo ittvr without lwcr prembes in caa of ibc arrival of any epidemic or contaennidiease or eien of tbe bijb icmioraliiro of summer should there therefore lie a coiemlerame addition to th rarsocit number of patienb il will bo teepiisilc to provide ftlbcr presielca ift wbieb exigency yonr cveelleftcv would leo kikly uthoric tbe filling uii cj use of a part of a new uiildin of thete il a hro oroporlrnn bave been far ieral years in tbw esiablishmcnt and niauy nf them were itxane lort before ihev were brniit hither tome even from theij blithe thcc are iaot probaldy iacura- bfle tbi fjet i referred tn at ibi ijane as iour eveellearv may cnniilerii of imparl a nee ift delcxmimn ihe clae nf pcrsora to wbom the pennaiwnt anvbiift ahull be open tbe eapvmditsire of this lumimiiort during the pcnaftit now umlct pavrw ha bcn as fol- vm aiojnl r ii a 7 lunt 18 7 1470 us 1059 p a w io io 1is6 0 6 10 8 ibe daily col if each lutieiii in the year pi edin ibe service of the present coniniitfri da dm a reiitioniaiitoonrse of aigna- iiuc o hjniijionxftd neiabbntbrolrayincfoe ft comoinialijn of the xmenco of this uufor- tmtlc rmn for ike qiartrr rndinf mb jaict7 mlise 3l lire 3lm vjwek w vlib june mltsai 3ut dec 39tb mrek 1i9 i pin a rnennaiaft of live exnendirtire for tbe year itfla with that of 1817 it t found ibit ibe eni for each patient diminuhd fion till ja 71- in t5 4 fid and comparing ee- on e irrilh 4ul rsf the yiar m ihere u toutvd to bn a dutiinuifftft from a- 5il to u 4d in ibe r v pel wiil tire lr ibc 1oil war there bs 3 been included in a rreal increase of tev iv mealieal slalislica will be finiibed by dr priairum your coiimiionnei would only add to lbmc atalrineuu tlut they ate eiaidiktitir their af fair with n view to ihe early termination of the institution nnd of their own official res- ponaikihltca bisned il j geusset chf u pro fun tje siupifoir actiievaslbeapc- mr ejomirtjr ftowp the lake yalerruy nnttiinr she waa nift inln hy ihe scliooncr cariw tao of port snrim of 300 looa bur- itseft and call fllavot down to the water ede fortftiuloly ui r weather waa mild kriuorraiwhcroccuncd rteamer lhamtioi lea vine the ihc frrius t tbe ccnstnlete irinmph of 0r vwj ficetft steamer was never more r ikan in tbe ha niward phmf rf the amt- ieaibal vessel bavine tvben ibtee days ofti nawd in iriumvdi ihr amnrcan ft wtaioca the latter had left son ibe dv who the america mefrj nnd reminds ibal ik mm e on ber first irip io n yrk achieved the lile itaftudi over one at ibe racket imew m-ibi- former npfimh tp lonide ftftl rterr- in ihe ulter wl three cheers m aumvaj a toair nr swavxjs trvicln be six- utb retiiutv iht ej on th wem wtm of scotland were enered wita firah une of there airaiasp joftlii aiofifi an i hrave to dcsperjtlnn callnc roe momii- at ia inm the eatle of h epralucr crafty old matt who ibadrfbl it wiaiw ib well to ainplny allan lo avenge a ourrel upn mqaarnc ntolva my dear alan said bo sen lime to obtain yiwirm if a cahe a villae culr ftiryeormeft and a barb w lav an yonr allcva beta is the inland i ira it will eoi toi ivo trniridc save pulii w death the urd mqrriea usclmld uicle wfco bv efteambered ihe wctm euoiuh allanasaiiejlin sail aptcared be fore mqiuirie boose aft ur before hosu tke ohl chief was much alarmed kavm no ellrclual mcaftl of nablficoc 11 benic a abrewd man he delerminetllo receive ibe in vader wilb erery demontranon of ai saticfin aceordiftxlv a banqatt ws nvpajroil ft5jpeffldn a- cifcamsuncis am l- led t in le kastenel to the a1iire to nieet tke rot er and welcome him to the place in stack a msnitcr that tke pirate found it inpotiwe it quarrel tbev ated mcther and in the rvemn as allaasop uaaobimino uutr he thanked tke laird for bi hontality knt aid with a nija il had eot lirra very djr lloavcart thai he tan mqiartievtheri what i bare boloiveo k in free col will 7 llhuuc replied ihe iiiale bt it in quire dikoftcertad ihe pnrw fif wbieb i eame keie thi ishnd woirld hava keen very cenvenient foe me hut otif teceptioi has rendeted a impotiue for inn lo ewente my plan mqiienie icpliej vvo pm iato yonr mind snonliftd a pu twarik your old fiiend il niuartavt kceiioldtar- fishpvtbo wa such aft utifirudk stepfjbcr wheftymt weic a hrlfloa lioy if ou con sider ike matter ritbtly the haihnr of tarksk lies full as eottvoiitiitly as that of flea and if von are disposed to make a tetilemenl by nwit is much heller llsjloftm beallhesi- crne of ihe old chatl who nver showed yon imffte than of a friend who always loved are honored yo allan n turned to tar lih mclean hastened o meet bim in ev- pcihiiim ta hear of the death nfbu enemy arqiairie but aun greeted btw i a ry jiuvrrftl maftftcr yna k- jiy old ttaiktr yon instrttnl me to mnrdrt a betlcr mm than yourself but b0 vft ffticoltrit imw yon scftichecd my anders twenty year aco with a hnrotnf cake the diy ii eoitie hi ibe breath must be raid for so saying he lew the eld man witb his bittle- arid ta rots propeiie how cle 4ve violent jealincji lire pate nflum ulio aku ibal ihe law of kindneb- f rmr ibe enemy ia ihr hvrl jitcuriiy for ubv bccatitc the ihe eilvmy t made ilo an ally srfta of kls cslle ald ily doe thi accounl hvft aba nf ihe previa- eofeliifw araro i ojnccif iaoaalkd in doe and aflairbt wrvt il eras afco fjejiinimonaly hara red llvat ikia laxtye be collet hat oawon mark lcj ao0 ikal itrcthren of nil lidxea io lira city iiaf afif i rrwiaitecwtcrt abort poikd j reduced iolninf fee omirmlce wrre ajpmaieil lo ftejiftfe ke j rind ou pr the nhl 0 iba imf tfama bnl f iiiai ffl a mirb aiaaier mnanvaut tha eny f- pwmmnf frrenavbs and rnic eileoejcd tluriiy afr tmr rills lost in tiik fkdeprty uktuumrng ofkickk wateuloo mostnco may 11 in the llaike on thursday molton of ibe him mr price a tctiee waiotdeir to ibe council to ocniiitnl tlir honor tkat me liii o jhnliojipoiilioft to martin fnijiijed nn taamive e klaniae which bad been ent lo their bon and relumed to this ilouo a db several aneftdmenls for il coiicprrrice hitd which amradmcuts were still tinder coo uderalien on the 2lh ultimo was eoaanmad ky ike fire which on that day destroyed botb howta ei tbe provincial atbaiften an j abo that lite eiiltl followtfts bilk tvltwb had beers aenl by ibrir hoitors toihisjlouso ferilciviirrence aftj vereslill isivkrcftft- rtleraiieft v ibc ssfc ultimo- weie consumed ky tbe fire oa ibe r day vix bill to noke hellvrproiioci for the prc- recltti of ihe laoejiy of persons dyii io uftorcmad hill k pcoeide for tbe fornafioft of jnrvt slock coinpauiea for mannfac luring minm nrciii rji jr dkemical phoses rill ift provid e for the intcriioft of eenaio tilfieial and bealnotices in the coamlcr caz ffceonly liill fr ike protection of mill owner in up per ceftadj hill to amen j aad simplify ibe law rela liu to ihe ineicstof motey lil for ilie removal of delects in be as d i i istrjlion of criminal jimiice- bill lo incorporate tbe roman catholic archblsbop and uisbops in eacb diocese in loveer canada bill to confirm a certain sftreeyoftbe town ikip of ariaibiir ift upper cat id a john millet iho depute returninc 0eer ift iketownibiiiof llellaftd cftnftlyof vyarrr- to was diccd al the bar he was allow ed to speak in his defence sni etvrasej lis m if he bad iftfrifttrd ibe law he bii not done so wilfully he tvas irr toronto oa uisinesa when tbe auftimoa from tbe hon was ituff thai was tbe ieaonof ibodeuy in bii appearance tbeie is nol ibe teas doubt i bthrvr that miller behaved sbame lully at tlc electiftft and evaded the warraat fto the lloiife bwt ibe evidence arairwt biftl wasdestrnyfii t ibe buaiaeof iko hooje irvd could not novjr be reptodoced vritboot oinre ttoahle and expense than ibe case was worth mtuer was therefore dascbar a jiopoitmi to pay bis cxpeniis vcaa nefativ- rd by the house we beliefs it is tosed by the iu ieore mostatt aud olher ntloiiescf montreal to ie mr mjllcra public dinner a ta f ritar t ciotvt i one down t tkem and ale ivrrm on uie itlibrefll ac j the reeaat se- f ite ii liecl tlnre s io i 4 lind oao ikal a mnro likely vi4k itii h trranaci wrk rerile tl tt linaied eaea uft ue- fm lire ride atkich ineitdhle aa a mty apcar in tneit afa 0fl aeitrtied val tsre hm- btimtt mieeiea kck c perprtnilrd minim r r letw kaa keen aduly eiticd i 2a veara 1 el an fnnt aaasto iktf renrrikk adrma wky mia ha usi latkrea by aelaf iikamral cnabrat ia ike fcemni l theprarkilyndain hy h rtker ai h luki ad afcr lire iraoarnc mr w i a uw aoifc in a fteirr value than aar io ihawaml in tkia voficc ha- errcu n iry kia o calm afier ibe aaj- plntfiota of the ten leel talent on ka behalf tor inaiiy veme it kia been t lart drroavrrcd fka ikeoilliofnlleeiarcftd otker sriv renked ky ua kid heeft laketi and utc ale dnccnni bekc aad alio by k n al ike ceaaitaeenie ccnlurf aa antyad awd rwl rinit4ia hw whereby any pcta na aclamy inrn ift ike pnr riaee ia livic to be diieritrd by iha an any pernio wka can cuira aawran rri wnplied wiik ky lire kia relm lo eninpe rai of he if lo llaj f ft kik rncratioa i9 arkilli cro ii naki ki ln ito ctnr baa been aiufteded i eviie mr uecmiiifkrf pmperiy a aeiaivrkamrot hs aa car ores aeturd itm aeiirhi and ite- cle d a niaat mfirv- i rpohalron of ihe pmpeily if n biftth aha id we kta hiai ika on r- lauvib ifhiitclkw ciiieea j ikeir lum nhkiwibcra- ctihaiioi io lr lronefni for wjac kd ike brat part mf kia ue ft aud i- ike piaraesrd fonie of a fcw rqipand fur ike railror dt w and bfrienae wlkk lie kt a ki pre aem fure lwerner f ecieml unllli4tiaawieriiird ki ratke iba bl ke to u uic ratio oartrr exrstcsa the an ore aod more iikhhifo anifal laiits the cakria reacket her itews however wa iiierprie nt uw new yok iterlajd dei ale a tkc haafx ovtftiano eaailiiion of kurnpe rrm troumed a each later ip1ellifar bntmt on friday j anticipated by ibe piea ihreauh ikr lusrix in the hay of fundy ihciwa by team- boat to st johf and horn tbat place by electric trleetaph the camkria readied halifax on thwlpday aaornioj and her rews wa tab1rhcd ia ike new yrok psjicr on ktiuav moiniif in hv tkan 21 hnrs after her fttii 1 ihe mramer reached jtttoei on friday momin n tkat f the plrasurc cr antirijkti- mdy j- knr ike reculftl arrivil of the mciuier a ker oricjn ioi ibc new ynk p ee alnut o c lknuibl d llit fr rcarjt cypres tblfacorl hardly wtitti wkire and sis a ruaitci of acioet dv iot tut bul ns indie li an iirflomiiame spirit of em0ibe it ha it nstitt a neater meiil tijiafd ibtt u one- for wkicli ibe wbelf ennnliy u unler ordiaiioh lolko new yoik previa thai ky iki atrjaemem ike tiaiikiliiy ofruniini ioiia1r exjtsevt itvfeal rl anil kviiei tin hikhc i o j from aeillaikins fotjnibd on vnnwled ihn ac- nuind the arrautjeneo tiy which hie uc idaiis 1hi iaw i o rrieity rardid that nd a lift r r ft wliivr tf llm uvpalrh a tx reatrd ti7 by ike rteclric teletapb ia nm yink is peiiniite j to tfavpie oiitilc oftlie apatiaient ubere it ia receiedp until ike u kie i roanjdrtrd and coivd off by a mani lidd whlvl itkarc colirt brtit leldy one fivttehftf tire aociaied panri the ivit ate unlocked and fmhitk on ibr jlchn at tte nrwpper office ateat lir itvnmcb tabik frftai olne of ln olflco iti inn i ly ined in e fat this way pwifecl latmrm i secured all ae on a fvilinanil all ikrahb lire nnrciitd ak ary of tke i riiuji i lenlu enieriite of a fv ncwr paivn- hal fm ihi expresses wiiildlc run vbeitr4r new of an rwilin nature rll re- ceivedat lulifav us private hhr ibey would iit- tkr- iikriaton ihua arrniied lo peculate upo i1ai in ignorance of ikv ciiad ii n which the rf tail tit w v in no instance since this enierpirp lu keen in 041110 ilaitbestijblrtt imwd of ntieioii uenciicn thai tlie ptes poiiionofil ii 1 i i ru iliti ohiatiird i nwrt n fur iit oaft brnelil in aivciitfttiee oeiatoii mamfestoof tub president of tiik french republic tkefolbawia- letter addressedby tbe prea- idcftt of the french bepabiie to bis cociio cvpjins th indiscretion commitred by latter iltouh it rray be nrccwaty to erve lhat the electoral committee of ibe g reprimand ettfb kftaweuti afrit 10 my dar cvnsiftll it isretoridei tat i ptnng ibftkah bordeaux yoo nvld usupuet of a nature to sow diviiici amonp ibr a iiilentioned pcisftfts you ate reported to jn raid that ovetrnled by ike chiefs of tin reactionary anoveuwnl i did nl act lr tiponref iftrnitatio a that impatient jf ine yoke i war ready to throw it eef awt tlut in order to assial me 10 do so it w aa dsscwa at the appfoaebinte elccliws to a cbamwr men hoatile to my governai cr than men of tbe iraoderate pi an imptitaiion from you stay vrew yon kootv it v auaciently io be sota will never tubmit lo any ascendency pari of anybody and ibat i will co endeavor tr rovetn the interest of the and not in ikal of a party i honor the tet who by tbeir capacity and iheir estnrr ear give me a aa coonsel i daily recti ajvice of aft oppniitc nalftrc btit t mj only ibe itftpulse of my re a too and cny brn it was not for yon less iban any other fvr- to blame ik me moderate policy yon wt disproved of my tnanifedo became it bad ir mine sanction of he chief of the nr- i- ratty now ikn manifesto irona vebirb el have prver swerved remains the ron tiofts episftft f if senlimenlsr tbe fnl duty wa io tiaft qui i tie the comilry f four iresati4 past it baa beeo daily 0rassjmcoa lidcnre for every day its ladk aav- first then ameliorations the aparoarho eleeiiftft will adane 1 have no ifoirl- period of rossthle reform by atronrit ill repulijie by order ind modrraliaa 1 biln closer to each olbcr he old parties intie to recoftcife tbem is ibr object ntt it 1 fi 4 cttorts this is ibe mtsvion attaobed io ereal name wbieb we bear ir wonld fail were inleiidcd to divide taklesitofrallyie et ker the luptioriers of the eovernmeol ibce reasoosj i canftl aoprore ofyor cominc a caftdidate in co departments t fli lhat under tho hanw of your name it pi be attempted to brinjt iftlo tbe aaembty en eidates ioaiiic to the jovcrnmnl and lc courage iu devofed parfi2ns by faliuin people with the fnqren eleclaofto wtrb k cmse wtjild necessitate ift fftlnrc le fore 1 htn dear coosin that jj errt voutmlf toenliblcu as lo my r loiitiuftp ike tertn a ho rosy be il i with you ail tke care ooi lo aecridj iicoftsiverite lancujce ihe abturd eatom whk b state ihjl ifti jokcv is influeor t ordtd ai li rel ivtiihincrereat bii itiftittwilldivlurb ibc ereniiy of erf t neuter ahafct my reokilioa frecte iirtal coiuuaini 1 will pmiic iheiik iwhftt itti ny conacieftee fr aftv eftifi i when 1 ball rrlinntrh ibc powerif j toaelied with fois whicb uerc falat riitahlttbair at lean have verfowta u i hiicrrl lelievr c bf tuy duly heeive my dear tostrirtf tbe aifitraitee of my friendship loits navohcotc hoaurar iwsl on the 31 a aii tbe tejieaw ibe n ej i svi- tlon mitiy rtitn4 jimki lr aerp pternted ky the zbic xallinrkrrundilte duke of braoforft l k m acinic umtln al a numi imi ivetuiff af utk haanna ehvl by pasktae milirc wrad held in ik niflav ltn on the lih kii ii v afjveil m f4i a imvi tvdee rajwwaiiftf of ik llw marl llwaaoji n lli eily hiii ik la yr aad al an ini mott- iajjaf ika mim in id tn ibe slamtie tllt mi lrjy rveniic iko jli uliilre fvllowiej feaoacta were ekren i llm l kditjthaa fit waeriimfml vtur nx j lb rrkll vr r7nif ltarfty to jimewjirra j ttt iruarii lira wilkarai rrasre ifaaref orvvrr ikn jjvi wipafbaj wair oeei- la nl viif in irftaw jrt ore jlro j u ntasa nvataarer rita wi uaft tailip rmhtw hhalvnpia pa iiilv haaifj 3 ii h foliar ibnurt hm r rt kiw flioaka mrkay jutr i xrrreanr ika irvaiykaft- am jukn llailrr atanaljanrmj meeki ueu in tl ulloft imlycinac may ilk irtatr orrtrj ver maanwk pocltjfi stanley ftml otker okle lorls aircin ut ftak nirajas the jjle ltitkniind tt preaeatled a petittoo fteeli hafj lr of adficultttrat diress and casaa if llitoit fridiy tbe itth ke wmild csiii1u lenliftr of tiieir lnrkkrj lo ihesfthject wenbl i uca ok met majesty o m- wkviker tkev adiniikd ike exienet fl tieiillnral itjfn v f they dirt ranf he wef wnkfc fr a ecmnittee tn earrbtt lfo frnb lic allrcatioti of ibese s tilloner if djifj be wrtttld ab vehal larasursatbtyhaj prrpataiioii io pti ct ibe tenant faieaers w mia ctvtpa ioid 5ailey jrrrenled a iin fiem tke lont of tke boaid of 1 jtlnaliial in canadn efinplatniwie raiftanrrrit nbey pfibf lanieitaj cat meiil i watds that colony faviiatat wmen nkw cat 14 alk i ctmmktcatbe kiirepesahf ulioriei liuaf maud ia erdimateel al ikoknnd kal it i- prnbablr thttl me nni rnni j mi ncenrale rviurnsl isoiv fall eoiimdetak below ibe rsv sinerlke teiruinaliftel ef tbe war it ihe reeriids of ibo nied treataily lo ltevatf ahhitdiirr ii row imt it rfti kuippau nteiekama mi litift tssaiuikeiftio wry mwefaili ckasmc nva lrwhi pf lh m ftci and tmrvmely aniona to r itwbaiiib fttlltp i ui wm tinidieit af uiltkb ptvbabt mil ira 417