f i4wai riuai avif itwu an pprairniw lqr- ip- i1ci1u 1831 r ieo rtraniine br a 1 be i n ilir aidimrr itiuh ad o j wt 1 in jam v a ohttisfc a jmiftl tl j- j rtj ilnri fo dppmoi1 o i l itfmt ii msfnti l dtytjinc ml r firond of nl h tt ml rflwdlo m0 totw i been hav lvi ithiw fn 0 i v t il bnbi totv irit o nfl4ajv nin h rfliw ijkiii aij vltid 1ont mmr sect r firths ri- i is- i ii ri i li sj i li i wc i i ravfasmij lv tf pll eliimnn- set a rdrd rw a lflu ft flm mini yti uiinainakv o ttalifei the rid iamrr imm uinmaijtjim horn nm raw 4fi f imto m ith fiav- srt- ltd ud drh freefied a v u diniv iirk and 11 mef- r du h- nd twdrr- ond iw- mhw hit llic tier u at fftetm trtiiiml b1 rfihuntiw trdtrl mis it i fin ftov f fln pcf9 s twll mill 1in trj c nnhr f1 intreeann vm r wrn hhirlmiir fi 1 mt vr uri ittnrr fli if c efto mimlttnt icnyriilr lh n i lhi an4vj ffl ltm ntnkw i it- xj ir i iu ii ir ntjrl 1j k ri lin hjtirif fc- 1 u- it i kmnmiw vlyinl 7 0 k kd t fttivr r i 0ntpmhumvfrirkf mr pjrr wrrfimlmlw vlll r 1 siuilp i ortf r ijj lirjir nj ili iij1i nt llt n f r t riifi ift iii rtc pvfmliivf i ill lit cich vi k 4f iul- tiih ivirfctflfl wi i i i 1 jflrii m 1 h ipujnul ji vmlv ii arrtiliunkrt r a uvillic f lifr n iity omijt iaihi ic ulytiii hiih ff n p iht ii end tacn ttjtriml l mw m tf- tnlpi f liii iptiit ii ctiii loi ktt mk w it rlliel 111 i him vr wi vl 1 iv oblll d m1 vnltp fith in 11 tl 1nim il ihtfliri vki ta hi 04 r of 1 rin n tirr rvlf 1 ft qrj ijim bttfi t4ciiavr i is fnpckttwtl mr ilnn i lhj ftcktilr lwnlmr lil tiij iiin uhi loiarj ljf k o ik vi il ihf i45i fix itccb r i1m mrt inm4 n rt hillh ip kknnlt kltrrllv wll a niee icii a j ilinrfiic it iocaiti l iiy ff tli f- c n- lbliimil thl lhr allir5 which h bch i i tutin kv 3lr- lljkthk wn rrtiilrirl an1 n fully bctv ij r i ihttm hmtil tlibf ipj4i holh tr iv lif j0cmpiv4iv t fr4fir rifany o fcrf trtimrif fw f ffir en ntmy irilii 11 itt llmmsjbl lh i 1i if i nrmariil wnrcml i trshi i o ht t tncitf all rlirwn l wa ciir llm mlivi- fml ii im mrti miisw rntloin irn rkua wnf ttnt invar vy rxtr mi ikr irnrih0mfitflfir iatfy notim utllkl aiahirr mllk iljrcl l ilmojt t nx iiir thftl ilifllt ny in xttvvril ir im mlnllicjl friiitt j iminrry lfifiraiiollfflht lf of llwmwllte tnii fvf lirai ute nfbaffal kail hn n fiafjirj i rfxjtffiil inariurr m m to inclnlc nil o tthttovr irickrfjlivv of act o oary llio chntrmfiitit wcij be mtxh kurr nm to imctfclrw- anyihint fikr ihf ccmii el a politic pfjiaiifi itml rftiolhcr iimm nf 3 rfrkrlvhl 0mnii fion hn mihi ovr o miiiiix jmj liti whicb tnubt noo co lii hilt lit 0 illtfitl f vi b otvit 1r lhr ihunori frit mmh i jri iitvrt aid irypnfljtihitiiy ihit ocfairit hl c a- ifiolv orjnf in- iho hmtiias ulitn from artiliitx lo ibr nvimiml ail rxf of nty iolira 0iiiiifti nbatfifcr ll n liar m mlly iriluiw lio owirjiiura wiiri h hil a li it vm nvratti- 04 h ihij t mf- vuiiitmfv wonu jo tiiy lilllc fr him a vovi wip wi1lafcilaartiii5laliiiil tht chunnap mlhm iflhy wmifj lutv uv tirc liiy nil tioi ilkiim iittim ml t moci llritil it woiifil rffli 10 mrffvol v or aity lor ki wl i1 jrii0i iki a tray opfr lit jai o hit euwi il ibrj or any lal vkalrvrf wtf if 0 ol aoy cmuvcihtl cotlu br rrirril a irufion o ilio ciotvi m tin fiiflttc il mi bt folio r thcr-ft- ihc laore mite th 111- 1irs wms lli brilf r nifiril ww isrit uiaoimoa1y ii llii filoiof foo lifvu ion on 6or lj4t owha orvfai alv il iif vn lualcitcv wi battle of stuirlwktssemhumj ivtroal uojr ihtir bai jltocbicli a hfl 4rra tv thr b atlli i tiiliihtnliinj of sinhtrrif i nr f tlif iittoviiid fcj lci4iu of ihc actii y t ihr amm u gztu ii ii s piwrti l a inatic to i nvtock io tho itatuiit- irlhcfcjchal ih hal l in aiipy viij fjili fiofn ibo tatn of suhi- ttvit nbur hi ic frd ir0i to lli t jic atlrkrj ib it in iviti of i he mtitijatiah n trilli lnf mtiti hti to c0ptflavl if sriimiml gtituu tcrc ihr fifi iuckeli indfrhbck in ilurrjrr hiil rllyitif 4i- tanccj jjiv4ijily viih fixcj batoii4t arl ihtvi iht ooaiio iwcjf ih alajimhtai jrt- llidi ilti iiiil trtki lo hia ciniiii lo fhair iiml iacij iiromir al ifw bead off ihrna ivaikri ai full jt1 on ihc hnith nan iiifiolry- the imarian cmaliy t1itt ii uif i halite arrav in hiaitifii1 oltf a ihc riiito4iri cur tinhiitto miaknl hattrrv f lbf trooirian laitilwrhr rtalhwh tn a hill ithi nj mnipml ly a wj fl iitfntiy will a iniifirrou vollry of iiullro iitlo ihr cht jcl rtiff ihr ltoiifio who ktircd in ilittrtle r the hunjma i h4i cluircd lit llttir lorn ami a baml lo hnnt ihfcv ojinnl urhicli ifotvd ftom cloven in thr rimfniaf li it in lln afternoon ufiicral otf bocoirnanjnl ifitf hinvrim ji hu ilmitm kill ami colm al i nwk lli aiullrry reael nlari and ill fn4iijn amy hiihilrrtv tloly in a ch iefly diirclion a onntit of tvar wa im- 0triaif in u ii lhr llfinanait cn f ii imi uie rnrtiiy wim atui k tluif jtikv ai clwlvar wa an bkiw attack ofcn in aiioilirr tnim ihry re conirient- ly io tri hlraw to irkonvmt lo prated lite cily ini a fpua dt tniin the hehl tf liable was left in common of ihe 11nn4iitn who imtr to ifrplorr lh ito of iv4ltka oie of ihtii lcikt ivlio ms made annsoart tliei la i eo oohcrfl ltnnv e ofuinl llieu-itnir- ihi i br rvcn utt it m in ihe mm f ibrwjkm rlcalcua r l ol in wiling wiiftavo ihil i li umj fir 4 iivii ki of ci iii r which it eoti xnhht fovij j r ipo at hi ioil llo pwc ftiinped lli lojnd iiikllo vm lmlt iptjfhl lir rrn rd tivft lb tiin i tfcivttr ji0llyf 0jirrfnrd nil inhrt itrb if cf incl o i the infl o n nfiii t if ic iivm id nt hiiao mrc os tlp iti1 oovii i limini nerotll rfiiiri t llic vj i4itilr o ihc t iy ken the atii v lli ilnr f i or i hih lotr r milk iliii ll viofii hml lfn w njmin 1 tlt drieiof hf inwir nnd v j halefi i iv trtn lino m i tho- iiimffco bm mawby nva1af i v it4 ihtiti by mi ihe anm oi f wi idrrrint qiiinl o q i wl ijihoilvlr i irirrvi the itviii oic uy ii afv r lh m hnnnl v a htwif h 1 v th t nil in ii irc tfl iiiih i bean h ii cv ihotiflt laipeof mi mt wiiicii eittiek lron it it m 1111 ib t a willidivii p cejniitz ffn iiui iioi nttautt filcuil wrltj ft iht le no j roxn i ifojcti a nnftttottf i llf vltio iiot frcl ii w4 ik wft lit ii tiffrf i ke f i r rlril ii af- ibioa4ianl bihfir irt ei ijj il lbr li- lur irn ivrtriili itrmffff r thus tind rl p alimimla i wi 11 llf c o uh wbieh l4 n j ah lej tjie jklnktyi i ill orjliral hvre jtivl or hint tkevkt m ivitlat lliek ec the chofeha is vrfeb ftoin efaitiliurili qimtjiitioe by ofjeo london ml nilr if ljjioll ho hcen chitetl an lho inihr4it oniin niirii1fy of hbitilifsorinmn suiu vicinity th rfliir keliiev a tin i ltelanl ofbrr murt ciacot uhty he win pnrfib oorirt t- ilnnprrt t be 1 th fnl1fttitf iefot t f a ili hem in 1jhin nn ih ishh titi whirlt we rmfeel fom svawibii ktapi tfir nf ibn ilili miy throw qi- livhl on it iiteu of thr f h in ivffj to the fde of villafi sotlth omhirii yeseflv a n fcr thr mi f pton jtiryi the ce nf mr wm smith a 1mu at ihn rkipike of mf vss no i7f fitrai flinwkk til wlmiit cirjitfbintf 1h tnaf ftji4 in ibe obuel ipwtti aumn ivureoee io el ir aily mrr atieinlasce were shicnan ct- f ii thr rie if i pci of mercy in arilav a trewwaj him a rwie ilw frhiuji 4nee aub th iwnwiu tthiirn kirhard iretl al liltrinl wiilnri ibcic aimrt pcrfti crhworf ii p the mm mi pmllym-p- ifulbakevll flctiry iter df spfllf ivcbiirwaj unbyvmasfcm5 rife th rhiimsn l b ftmh akm itimt ih elii i trpieent lo ihem lbeaf frtpwiny of thrr p m a raji vnl or a rah rx rhhopvdery mllem ihtift im fisteiaririrr ami wnitd conne hiwsclr ifouirobii a he i itf bsmtaat rctehicbha whevej i l ewwlier ihe beat mh rf merlin lhf mrruion lo mercy ajfcsbrfbeenlrnjv j jki bioupt tohear from lit ol ss lll j anotal to ahe lotj lietcnim tttbt mtowin h p1v t rxehev we lb towmtjialf i dublin addrrt 9wfitflltcir a ine repreiitalivr i- iuflpf her mrvi cacious majvty iv- teg we fty conenr in the rreonmrn datoodtthe yw by hitt william smith obrien oafoiil nihv nf bizb liai iii wriiiimr jtui hfnvlly eirel ihi eterei tft maealviir4coaftarerjtvivecf iiwiry in al vw- turj btj enjrvo e in make the atfjiim jftorl and at kitf timr io o ai nkl be and it t fr lb metiin tosle cik whether lhal tt astiumc ativ n fcrtbei ant of a iuftcm cbusltf lmi1j w mr rntrland oicimt mjaj thai llt awrrhnijh1cammiiceuith thr w hhiy cltr majlfvi a inhabit anl of ul bin he wl tat plame in haelnr ft ren m lm llak a jn nihil c dina- jil tih tenr lb ii the city vconm en- mcci f an it a4vr afnifl aaj lbl ibie waiihr rat niintir nf lhr k iwad ihe rail of fir infeiintn anothrr ptt operate in lhr chj ch f iha adjfen weir ahnvil l of dravltaninn tltc it d mnrtav and canl- well bail a ho n0ml la jjif ibeii iemii in inch a cat mr white 1 l fcinn if si he nhttn raaiodhf aievltn tln u frrnnntnj ofihr jdiy tenoilv n fwv rf lins mr 08irft life wbtibor ttie h nen we fill y eiatcur in tin rcoinmen isttimf lhr jmy by tthm willo snch 6birn las hciii ijm nilfy and we ititai- by aio ramcoly m sfatfiul uufjto tbe quitai ev aipoiriiing aeoanmici c i rairv o tin iji l- irrrt- ht o a iimtikv m the nvorilj len cane 0 h etmdrfrl t nnlai til lntr vac a riil hroa thai the reniii o mr ohii tva to lake piacc nil sitnrav nu lit vjs lime ily ih nt 11 1 inr better tbr hon mr iuw1ea iid ini it wonu hi- rrr cxprdivnt lna0in u fraah ilial meciiiitf i wail nit the fd j i l t fur ihe n i0 e m aienlanii win it ivmj uil hi kicelliaf v coirciiirncc lo reeitv aituthei deniiatixi heafnf lhr imrvoia1 fily iictitii wltrllicr thrie h it a wat oltiien itid ioiw ioa lo lhr cmntlrr all lawh aji lkrtjtal nniinlfa pffltittr tlteojecl of lint ineeihjj an wontj act on lb jniiiirni- the lotd imvur onlit iso be nomiate to at on ii a fohcom miltee con uiln ofclnvui s- rtlb maillew while j i imatid uatiel mnel and ln itf vtw av ftitnlinn ift ih rnnaot fjnl ft the erenfion nf mi accovnt or laatltcmi mcwpiejl welit lxf t nviiir1 i e mo der of cmt lqilfv ivlrtjiail hei4 cal by the anuria iniiof lo miult hctwer ihc coilciin milieu we no atiatnil tue jc- mib to om rvaileix thtn monn omni camber jnived in oh u witlmit any atlrmlaitts there tva no liin of thr arinhlyt beoaqti i lcfuiniil thil ishyny htl co umimict fr ivruivlnir hnuw rnce wa tricrrftre ecil him ticnevof lambe anifjl jrcail lik wiljlirc in lml time the national jinil irrved fimn ofnt and laiei thai lamboi lkimnnv 1iv oifkiri to come to inm when bo ldd iheal ibdl lie wa to be ihrir future cnrprnamlrf tltc nrficet declared uttvnimmly th il ihey dij ut reeoiiix inn tantfbi ami tvom not obey hi cunmaint lmvin aifivil in ofen rxasncrateil the toide who brf an to litemm in ar at the brijfr eryiii mil oofn in ofinvc itiit xtne him lifltbertf meaiinile a tinfciring with hahmtvky who how- rver trm ib r i imtnii himsrl y w him to the mmiry ilrftrc out at thi pate mr l uhelher he wai re fern carnage and were in council itfud ui 5th the citr of lrjialoq ha voel an ahrr- aice of jvo pr mihin ihe falacynfft meiheal nffiror to interintcni the beall- f thr liielrtpoliit iv cjfj on thr 4th insl two ffs faihrramt jaihlr ivcre alinwted ini st laiihoutiw ieoital the male pnt wji a laborer ermlyr in lokiitg fier tmuheif earl in ketvfare inatket tliefi- mae patient was l tit tighter the man dird oi the ilty f hi aimiiaion the itle irl i rrcoveiiim jiil aat at an inrnel hehl on sin r- jav at tltc cnminefeialrna fi hetorrmr w hake it wa ali1 by tne wdicahvc- nefj lhat the aaialc cwrrsi in l miae- trere futm haij made itj i i nlhe eat nil il h molofli tt itoaa wv hart- likewise ihtun- ptataal lik of recordin- die fiial ape- ntce of uc clmtef in the ricblilv of th j4tm- ilun docks the meca men in chaft nf tiir lrnon woek pntirnls have ha j sveeey enmnrl in lben tmirifk thritf laf caira have wav rrd tht nit cm ihe fiji iiul ami hi eiet itie after afvcfl loiir catc on ihe 7h iihtanl about eve hum illneei ivo hour after he had toncohe a- two case wit rcjrltl a haem oc on ibeshhut hio not jimy fatal- c irm have occurred on hoid th dread hoaal tbith hie first onc ha not in fatal nmmbtt o fnw cheuea 5 ii graiil3laanlccrrmny fbm ae rrwtr rouiw bfin the dr aifkiiirfi fir liy- inf iie comer aroem of ttt- new totn iiai and market rviming nf st calfcarinei in ill n it ira dittricl wjth maicmie henorra jeeoidritc anctviil hv be craml ttilffe of can4da vyvm ihe beethren ftcnt tirtnlo1ook brie dpfriiire in ihe rnnrniu lo ait at the ceremonial the day wa ex eeedtnly vieihc tay and lake atamjoih a amf airf th tnjrataf ratal axreralf thr laiiy imttihered nwanu of id amona whom threw a obtin of ihe fair et a buki of t1itic accnmiiamej ihe ariy aril what with mitvie atvl dinrinri reciiairon t 1ini ihc liine pi il rwrr rnot aeceably the vecl cmntrvei ft the lrp wm ifcr teampruei ifofn mttitr cajh purdy jnihetim nccnpiej fon trtn io pan oalbottmc theentfaneo lathe wetland ca ititj tvi fom hour amun liciar mare broohl the tarty t su cnlb nine there bein ao detention in ttliv ikrmth the lock in con runencr nf there lcin other veel in th wav lbestenciy fnm prt dilhnmie ta st catharine was mneh ainited i ibrre are many apnlar rnfr which afe mncb talked of hy traveller hut nroeh lets worthy nf aitmiraiion thin ihij the com- mm rcnatk wa thit lhy were writ requited for the lip by hrinf alfirded th oftmitiinity of eriit il the ifnurn 3mer uli dec ratrd with fl 15 ad ever- re ens for tire ocea- kion the paity frfntrirlodf nnt reath stclhariniiiiillaboiinhreeelock p m which waaieil hy an unrifjarcled detev tion at the lime fited lor thet deparinr- and the eoncnuencc tea thai the ceremonie at si- cathaine were delayed till a lafe hour in the ajtcrnoon thi wa mnei rtfttsm hv all rotcerncd the grand lodx of frer rolhe lade with music fion the bkid of ihe canadian rifle the lale mtival if ihe parly from toronlo ind ihe edrfcecjilil delay it ihe ptorniince nf the ceremoni preeenird the amboritiei of si ljihariitra fmrn cnrtyin nut aflajh olheir rrviomy rafmnftl pun for te enlcnain- menl ol tbrlr ajtimal itit th pirty having pmawrn of a cnljl ctiiaim the ifttttrn mm r wt nmi i1o itndv way an i in a frw lioam delivered hrr pavopr afely aa tototoaf4n- sie nwej tn ejcdlenl erkrand th rip nlioether tvaa one of hie mt arrratfe opening of 7iik hranrforo can h- y aerday aloil itlnvlnek iht inrfcviani rjravl wa omed and thf iamrr broora utn hrlo jr5 to the r p jiij mettrf wilke tt from burhilo loaded tvith me chn br he la ms arid a scawt beionginac lo jicos turner ri- t- lottc trith tvhlt pocrded thomjeh to ihr tttwn of nimfil tnerc ar three lnjk 1 30 by 3i fel in nv chamber eveco- ted in a manner high crrdllahte to the eti oeer ttid honliacior the cut rs ahoal ttvn milei and three qnalre in fenth and lh whole work ent 2srif0 the adeantae which mutt reault o braitfnrd rroen thtcnav yr l11 1 of m wok btlh lr i jnulrnir i he ftulonnded water ietvile ir connection wilbthr cana1 an extensive lifd fcrlile emmtfy m t hoa time aihaci lare additmnal pntiatlon o tbi prriiierotrt and beantifnijy itnaled town there 1 a trevat and daily inlek between uanlftrri and jiultam hy etam and the meitf wilkes have boat which tradr tyiihuifi 1ranhipornl lo raitalo journal sf expnts h7a ocl atmakic for 169 we are indented lo menn scobie mm for a copy of ibir canadian almanac fnr is49 il i lent comnilaliofi and contain o much infor mation for an little en one v york shill u that il hjld be ai probably will be im tivery man hnmr it it ao grtod zl eboapit amanac ihil it entirely annihi- jle- in nwry ftaibilml 10 br til j ctimnetitnr for the ftnilr of the pnblie barker almanac for 1819 aiurawr tbr lhr matter it ready for the pje will not he nmhej it on epect oily would thi latter prod etin hare an advantage oeec it formidable rttaljit wiubl contain the m- trohital pro jnoiti cation of or scplimn cnlrllo thesticce of w bote prediclton ha rendered him famowt wherever on illagnctk sdtgrapfy fopoltd erprtubjfir th brill whig bikri sullivan wilbam lnsfirbl r and ii nl lijuld aid to their uumrr are v j oshau-h- with lniirf n ap amiled pfocntemcnaiure to the memorial the fidovip dejiniqliun u wail on hi evcellncy ihe lrd litnteiiani in fitrlberan eeofibeohjctoftbit mretiu wa then ap ininlrd hon mr tawl ftt adlb nvdvr p col oitnne w sharman crawfnrd aldrrman 0nifii m p fiancss scully m p jan hanhlnn and tbr lnfj ftlayor it vraundrrmont that the miwinn of the ahnvr depnlatiivi ws lo acer lain when his excel- leocy ternild reiee the second drntatinn with ihe meenorial fully tidied and to iu- bairo into ihe imth of lb rumor recig ie warrant foe mr obrieftn eecntiin the rdloviiie note was received fiom ird clnncnrry iord clonenrry kei5 lo eenenj tbc reeom meitdaiion of ihe ji rv in fivor of meicy lo t william smiih obrien marelimn lhocl the chairman then vacalrj the ehair and tbe itnal vote ntihitk wa- pnfiwd 10 him and a volenf lh k wa ati arj 10 mr wrbs for hit kindnes in ar7idin tfe use nf hi rom tbr dcputalimi ihm ivilbdiew for ihe piir- por of jvrocrrdim in lhr castle tlie cnilrmn whn vol 11 tile trod in arl of hvfilria1 lonmitl- received print d cojiiet nf the menoriil and wenl tlimtih toavn for the hiikie nii- rn4ttiteiro ir a fniiiervl ihe djnnario i riiifnrd mr crawoil anioneed thai ihe deij- latino v4 drtiiied a enridrrame lin in eonserinrnee nf hi excellniey britij oil hut 0 1 hi fvltirn llty rvcrivrj a nt lrnn litm ibal he wnbl receive l hem tne m traaiial adepted hi re tnal lay had prcitokiy wen em in it ii eceilrny when he mrivnl the duniron brr cunfntd rfcnaiued thl tse ieanit if il rr imvm conic to tr 4 r a f b id wn mctitioaej t1 lhr m clin tit h a aeajrii u h id iitnd to the a v- cvlioa nl mr oi fi whics ria on hrr neotrii r nse i ibl tliv itc nlatnii hatd immtdiatile wjil on t v ewleney for ih ptiiite t ifij in si wbrthet ibevit auqij irralb in ilat rem with rejid tnih- wtanr am midly whrihrr h rxemeucy would be idetel to receive a dvim talioti hn a fitnre rfej in pr afliil bad ree t not known i nil armed m fitoprd the car- iih and 0iv of ihem ricnnixed him the ctefiiewa minirndrd and ahmtt twenty rfiitdi harried firsvard and funned a body ua around htm anil were eod icling hiii toward the rrtroubt buldin when ai im- sncne ntl nf uroitv lb mtzd round lh citr- liae they eoam mil mnve and it tvn imjio- bi to cjnrol ihem ltmbrir was davrj frm the cairiae jo ahvd to death the iroh hi r r cnu than before the inankdenip w3 ifcen carried to ihc bar- rek the deiuiieii urndied hiily jhi cruel dnjunlvvfat ivf htlr llir tiiecnoata wtt an tiyrrt tii coratr sirnvi jiuno a ennrier arrived at vienna on the 4hiii iii juniourared lhr orcumlinn el lhr tity oj lrtbby a fwe of sotaj cral whric ihrv mnceeded toiiiipme a tiejiiiition ft 60hhi laajrea of beradi loo rallnis of wine 3o0o il of beef 1300 brnh of oat and 3u0u0 -rii- in money their demands were im mediately complied with for there were no hungarian lioa in ihe town arising rl ihe country penple in ihe vicinity of raab was kevirtbele expectedt for ihe conquer croat were described a an ill9rxini4eif mob that wa bjdty clad and armed the ialtl intelluenee rrorn pesui pees tbe aiel xnzh dy acrnnnt of the cnoditioit ol the hun 3ariau capital all the hofs arc shut up trade u completely inlv rnipied and the town u filled up with rloa iaible ol volunlcet from ihe lloneaiian forttit an trmtittce of dshoor was enncludrd on ihe 11 int imii huititic re immediately alter ih conclusion the correspondents from prih lteotel that ihe irnee wa violated by the ban who endeavored lo alter ihe nnilon 0 hi a my- we unvmm i lon the latrst hun garian new that two cvmts zichy hroiber were banted hy ihe hungarians wbotiect ed them of trraouabte iitlriipi the hag jar army h burn reinforced by the arrival or flight ol ihe minister of war mea5ato- who joihd the llnufcarian camp wits leu prratiitaat if w drfett of st tliomat and the ti o croatia bad advanced to malon vaiar ijierf cjlw two died nn il- ami ilieomiirail hiln 3 city of h 2 horsvlcydown i a j 27 nnni 10 lavrnvn wooluicli 5 v lo- s tl the lie name t iciiiiihir vth ihc i- liai hmj ri u d iichl t rnilifr f rn th an mo rial 11 ed ino e hi lilithvr etrnvxe ti iii isaire ft 1 irl mt lliecr k iiron in important pkum austrra we now have accnum direct from vienna of ltlervh iitm onr latrr ilantta4tte ivihwelmltand kevin hive been ilitiittrd tn fjm a nev mitmtry tlie irooii a- are ciilbfnl to the etiu nl the rmprjr and the or and ministry after brin driven fronthe ciiyenramied near ihe belvedcrr winch comtfiainulin nntntnse open plain that sitrrnind the ciradvl of vienna- the people bent pa rrf the loort very much nf ih- afty nf the citv and infattf the etvi- r1 of thfrr foecuof tbe r iw- rjrmk hum the ullitnde taken by jrllachtcb in fi mut 11- pre week tueu 1 jen the fohowing epillc addretand in 1c j the loidnn mnrnin palent on ihe saur1r legitimate actor by mi bin in will be with inierejl sln in reply tn the nwrviton teh haie apired in teverat jinria 1 omiitnn in lit jeo- hlmm of 1 soidisunt hrstrfil of the inv lrm mc m ute lino of vnnr inirjani rdmnn t rnefmi ttrri uittt ajlt4lr a rtariaj euajemenl with anch trv h ive nyeriliitf manifested every 4h i iebde litem toy atvimenl f r r fauci i ilievjcb ilj tgf rirrn lo lhit detie etri4 m uneill wlen be wa drawing a n world after her hut mis fncit fmanded xl pcrniht which it w per wj hnutd have been ready to iee ms nibrtt ihe lary ofstch actrcea mrv mrs davivo ie vir z5per wci waeareo hy iter intifitalinnr iimuhio has recently been in tbe reeeipt ofatso alni wa evrmpt from playing in afttrjtiec which clait of vntenammenls both tboc ressrs so encbanred the town i was vtyed to ive mr anderon 20 a week hieln term ban be had with mr macready v dnitv lanr bnt he required 10 per nijilt atso per wrrk with certain other tiratlerje quite hjvux in their way and reolrelin that the kran hxa 2 ner week in trvpleni- lude or hi atuartion i fell called upafito de cline the dltrncc i m tfchiorted enough to ihink that ihe hutriotiic utalwe potea i hy no mean equal lo thai we have lost that i v cifftneit nriutertrnptotc nnr atlracl hy emtraliu to amercttlltal thr pttblic are not 10 be blamed forctraainin their patronage lo first rate instead ofcefond- rale crlits and that a director cannot justly he cwdemned lor refusing lo give urv latter honi three tin the rltrie on aniatragc thai were ivn lo the tinner i have ihe honor in he sir your much omi ed asavaln theatre royal covenl cafdcboctlsts ipmuitil nt e n a e he w- reirral mlnr iimi he wj safely rrirnid nrnr ru another tbillie m hern toieeil lo mi ai itttoslyria unrated by 0j0 llitn- tarii itnnjk iiul mat an inna cement was inline iaciy eveepted on tbc 6h vienna wa imuatnratly fel thramr aivj alan ikt it tdvmld thr ri r nf lit- mr-li- wl rfid dety a frw brv- tttttit iiftlhrf if l- trueabadbrn eocivd in nmer m hajrt- an opiorluiity of hafcinj uh meiniil5 more fjrtirral chairman t nud knl luu m iaa to toieno irlf lo lhointj ivbili we bate i aled fi vei wilt rmy n- aatrayoilrittrt bt f- jf wumm mrimj il i theolhrrc if it i- the ib bf the aelinj thai tb- ii s- tn n frr- fant ibe ptanmnf li enrai 14 ci-m- bivo tinutduii froip thehir will pvttit mr llabn thru- hit iicvenninitlre wo lid bv m 1 iietfil lhr aftlei- wottsol tlr wire in bad blh fit j4rhah oal lie ttiim iai ihtl ir iir kit- nh iff tey earrf ri avut h-n-jr- anyisiin liti llw addihai wii 1 tuly l lh- f talmr0irentfr llaf or thry athod wr io md lla e rrc uiidiiiiin arftlwjoy dm t 110 f tlli n wttairrrf- if- lii l tl aird alnl fib mrrt il nstliii j ri jj irlo arbrebs w rill rf lbinnh ihr rt- r- cur ft iia1 amitittf n ihtu ihe urly onj d a d 11 nt a 01011 i inum w a i met atre a d ilr imiu itf- lrv ji 4i j 1 rr ihfi vi nn- 6rttia nf lavi uhtbii hr t rafcsvaro ir n umw l mr llmjbihi iwn morrd tb te 1 ir ml a w boat re di il wa ire ihi rt w-i- b lra- lit it nrn h thh aeetiditarlr il 1 r r 1 hr laltbi a mhr i i-rft- cf w vri y ilw lielanul ai jjd if kjnrli atvrc- rl iiir lb in m f v nim iufd nev in ciav imitt ift j j sen i arard lr fjr j yrjidfv iwi v twifr jiiiy lwbb r lhy di itfn to r f r ji art- j t 4jj n jr i r a it x t rue rf mflariinmzs 11- apujinlotrol of a raerepul 0 on terrvwarf a rein rvri cnmmitnr in etimidrr anv ptejved altrtti n 1 001 irr fntintjtti on utffouwktl 1 in lhr a iis ok kiis 11 prixoklwuwha vnapartts oi 1 wa c4vovtjr jr ibrn vcnl bjck in tlit 42 itm tojro ravrrfrn a 1 rt tftifni tttj tf i ar atorild rv fitl nfcine nmiiy e prtuhtotfot he rratda anfk rar i nie mvrrt i i kvthimtfv netressnry in aid drre in nijjy tbe izid ottr w d 0v livil a trft uu t trtfj ml 11a 1 1ilfi tnrie nl0 tmtirj hi nttnnn mm attrty in rnivry to uj t ico t ia vaiion tnl wrre eircnlalrd irrrs tilth there liein 111 isv awd ab an nl oh rd me ufravij hailiiw oaj i- trabtir4 i ajtov i iflipritjktr t4tjifcv truth in them albff itir ih rvjicv alt tnrniond hti jb- rva njf nt ftttil tifti- iiionf a mi rcf lttfuft it rr a irnnf nttfjas eidv faiwf ac ut vi- aoftn in nlft ravara mr rjiin i i io ni lnw that im aid that bill i unhiifd bin lowylbal lh iriiiit u n r f ii m-f- iiij and lbit br uomld loir il atumiuj a itditttd lbil the ntlnnl niuiot and iiidic j j y le- nuirrd a rjirifcftn thrn arfttr v in ih etfjeilienct nf lhr i imhi waitin mil bit ilatc arrjjiy vi rabin r the pme of tit i eiliny in inir wih iii ol tthei ini-io- iptii of the ilulridrtil chnivh li be rnimn- a urntrmtn pfearnl ttfld llil itte cvllrv b ntd ne object and inrihiminj lhl hvir imii bt la afuir dumri- lirm jiirtiiifhud within cdv ni tbc imm day i uj m t ptin f f ihne miui ii ihi l lliv intrlira if lb d-tv- il a hiiimaclv iiaiifcil that lhr afini- liiy nrniinrl ptimvr jiii ihe noi ii v ji mwiay r f arrhbp f llmin 1iymld it iiniiriiitkt wiud mi in icfefeiicv lb inrik4ijl iinimt and relln tmny alv i a ailril nnn 1m ihi an fimtaiaa y r mil ntit atfrutti ibi blljl vmic ilfla hrllli tim aemfc whnhlmd veti tt in tbc fim mhnr tiil atravb ha ftfctvta ti inc earrloanaja ii ulu mii-rt- ft th lomibrr of inrnilmrni in iiviii jo0rd imi ihe niy ihfrel t4eyi riiht whicbinien j in- iieui rwraj ihr n virrrbvabbnl ih 1r 9 t itl tb liiidi- wli th ht itt anv titur r im d in ftlom tn i li f j idwhm fiw ird lv aauli uj ilrnari i tto in aiil d il ro ihe- tn il ino i irehv d repibhruiini hrie ii fft njmlildn vilh enrh nfrf nd llttl ia lgr ai tnerr mrnvra oreiniti imi hiljii 4ri04t li la in lfili i for in l fo f j titrrtimenl il md lo unjifiidtnt in dilute itieeti l ht tr n rrn tlie rikol imwh- nili irr r irv1 it tiro tid rf ii nnj be uimo ilotilt ihrwliner tf ri-niu- il hih itiitllr nllil i itc r i ii il tl uji it ir jttd intitfirl mi tbr n iinr of tir ro n noitr4i lhr citiviitni n eivtl iih- jnindiienl ltr ft llijt iht aikvihh of lb lionenf it ln fidtit juiil tell v hio co i rente lif f nin nn 1 it 1 it iii- iinotliv f lb n rii iv iihi elimie tlinri vahnim a9jnn4 arnf riri o ranitv l ir4rihn tie ml id it il id lo in fl iim itjificut tiojld i o it4r itirti tirritii d i lit n imi wm lit iitr iaiv i nke ii lnl nit tn irtrel v i p n ri id f tiimiitl ti ractule iv itro ixm j- litii tbe i tilde ilir fitit n si- tiiti inmlrf llit he wa elrelrit b fo thl mil to tilntiri tltraertmliirii id 11 hit m knti ih 4 irri niter nl brtlb botii riiin i mil v i h jni41f itit ihc liitiinp iii hiithittrr i i err utr rfi iinnf rn siin nl tuftr caiablidtd ri ttlt ntl nmi4i intitv i fill ft lir ihr li vlni fid ieir ctiitomy mn d- afend meo laval nipdm in dtreaaasj hi t idili ant itrd lajol be mi nrd wiilt hi rnrrt hn lia aaiiff l ibeir b buil tnft ddbiullf of io tnniiviii t all anij nt irflifk rim i ift n wlninj anil a ttltli i i r ill ll0 filwtwinf t 4ili la ml riine helhm v toapriili aftu- ih ntfthnrtil rnmirflrf i btfl krun aitlvjin nlly it tdi ft ij rrrovrrnf all mr rflia til air tvantitflin anl th ainwhn tcw provincial copper c00- abnnta yeaaove rrfirrcd brirlffito the inn1a ftcl thai this pravwiee baamlnfl had in aulboriaed cnjiper currency bnlbb dc- rndrd wholly on ib tincerain sunjife for- nind bv incornoriled cinnanie r fcnni jtrivarc sourer jn foimer lime iifdd our anirian neihw raji a crvwterajile aiftasjl f rmss thr maiiuljeinre and exolaann nf a ennper currenev to cnnada the old llmck aid wiijintoi connr- are familiar lo tne recnllectnm of the nhwiitfi tby once tamrail nnr only cnpjier ctit althnuli 4 vr 5 of lhr m wnuhhttot nuu penny itir diflirnllies evvurrd lit lrademen generally bnt hy elftil in particnlat finm ihe waul nf a a arc coal and inereatingp tjij i of montreal have fnr years ftiruitvdvvn j bail mm o n raare nittcnowii lo rhrj iheyluvenf ijl crard in hhiv th trailing cnatmutiily ale bfl llti w e lj uflrr the maiel inconven in jaajl sfv nnvvilhrai to lie nstttyjcj t aeacfnrlhv wlaalc cnminnnily- vhnwc in ihi city fencly ifiil a lari ilartljly uf cnjnrr taen viicb milially vri ihr wtwuflf h irade but ibe rd r tarl snppvinx that ilir partie wvr ben emichril by the rcniinm wailed r nft nf the firm thraalfh the ihe altoriiartei- al ii j iwiion iai at1 hinted tid o a precntion r mtnleiin with ft roy prernilive by evitiin fur ilijt nf ibecinwn tliit vhelm rtv ity mton baeintjbeen eonvtituteil the procis inn wa foemrd jn ih mder anated pc- cohing to tbe ulnwd posramrae wbicb wajsuicljy adhered to fire brijadr idrrktidprti trf odd fetwwa- t ideocradeni onftr of odd fvlkvrs aaocuctcr uitiiy hit on slkftt nd 0 mastratcr frgcmasons brethren in pnaf mjnic clnfiinc le bhev qti with the iieptiv ihe ecl abkh i tvliirr white nerhclitl nnd e and parti atmm and ornnmeni no ihet are rfitittcd to batat tav tjlvrr wiih st n stord mutc bylhrentiat mcteranf anv lndffelooet lien inelcdjc actrdiiy m iwir number ionivr rwin llt a c4aiiu tiitl ivra mrried hy a pi 34 trie trn bth lh wine and oh carried by daiers or tsl mtten grand pitrauirant tirindoitiniai avtiimi j r reierninita ctrand dircetr f ci icmm ii v cratd sprrinenfttit nl uurlci aebll of ibe baddinfi wiih ibe tuiiiand iieria4rjit pjt ginvl stj- lvnrer pl inland ixienna jl irf4i srerrliiirr grand secretary tatahi fb jf coiatitution on n 4if biart hmnd reiltnr with bis tlf grand trtaruier triih pmal ilnin oinc yfa uiitnj uuilrita vivitoi af dinneihw fhccaiinibijn lirbiearrid by a master oe pa matter tliecdimnf iljfimii tfnl warden earricrt 1 n mtf matfo theioninr gmd warden wilhtasc plumb rv bifaner f uc ujnd ldc llic dore liht carrlrd hy a master or par ila gamtti rf ibv psrinj av rdn willi tbc lred the jni it fraid xrorut grand steward tik ii in irin viib bible rt tnjimn grand tit w iid ilir drimlr ttmrl pir vji if sntrr tbe liie tut crthd by a maater rat tt alniarer a pari grand wtrdri rnhetnr dunnciuift wtlli ibe alnlkl- grand jte d br the grjod vi irsentir girnd deacon twn r srrtrsrda grtml tyler rthirdtr me e- sir allan n mnnab pmvincfa grand master and tlmm g hrdout fsq depuiy proviseial granj mailer were bi nrrsent and bride ihe mernhrr of the giand lode there were brethren froiri toeoiitn u chimaaa hamillon rienmnnd hill talbot lceoc themrnti andnther public boilir turned out in tfry ietiertasr number nn the oeeaon the armblae wa very lars- eslimaled nl ihttnl 5000 oesooo per- aavnf- after marching ihmnb the street in srnceicn ihe crremnn of laying thn corner lone ve pnn thrnnh willi the deputy provincial otand mailer first explained ihe nsjvcl nf the mrelin- the grand secretaiy then rad the insripion on ihe plate as fol lows tnttfa ttna dinner snmr or a cirt llmoeeaud mtrhl buildmr a public ornnnen and tnttenieiice uf ibaj fvir if ailhlv g olslcalbarinsimhr niagara dilrcl tii fiid bv sir allan npir knb hi r p and for a jnj tw ibr s t ijrmd miafre nfthe manmi caastali wch tvrtrrthesinonolletnifyvljrff a ercal ctmcotrc f the jle diren oilinj il lla- lornajoaiy in the preenre hf ihr rrnki 6 ihc real f lite bmid r ft and vrrr other ttu r itnnnr annl uo raentlv jium r rwvrtl of nil rantu kitaatjjt xviiiifnljifvo qudity biutisii whig 0lfr iter ortiaafl dteor rutvrday morning nov 4 j8is to a i a aim ii ro or i efic hr h bttsuirly i h wl itv tl mk ur in mo ideal fill inituvh ktv itpl pve c br it mil inly vf 411 n hribrs en tlie brn pf- nl pn t finciil irnven nl m abtpi mv tttovatfe aenrcnvy hf thi kind foe tl ley wiibont drhiy m m uvnphc thai nn nlieer in lhr ttinn iratinn cwild wiih anoio prnriely u object oodcr iba rtnhleram r t than the lnpeetr urrt4ril and l f ar imiied by lliv banl mu1 liaie v 3m pct a i a l the 12th itirtif trnitrf ltij wtet ikr hinpy rcin uf ltrrn virnri it ctijtlt adanv henry miuui jdin k mint chnrlc at the tr mlv ad nl jri rtlof phhee pirmbnl rjtie pvltrri lrthkl l st jiii evfrrjlinu burnt aritdj srcfclary carttaiitinz pipr and ooaoa wa lhn drursilnl in he place n fir if in ihr corner rnr whri k s hioi iwi si rmj pnr cmbai 1111 lent of ti bmtii ii- foiv ant f ioicr u ihe prnvinviai iraid master ntd ihem with a dndiii ilver crow elilinrat woibmiiliii anjide bv mr j f joseph toionioj cvntamin ihe following in vcnpliou i pre l nl proht on il iriifin1arnr nti iui ee nn raou why my lhi cnurcr ilitnild nn mtf if ihe rwvmie ihun iai tin pnrl m i we ffooj neu nirr r an lo v dl irjilctditi duali n crjn lemjh llrtiintr 1wqajrir na it it he iutt lu intrtieii in in riy in 41 111 mi nnilip le iii e i in kasjptanal i iih ear an t itrv olii at jiihii rt bin iijsri nil li nl hvt i ml it i in wr tmilidiitil ny in in lhr at nil iftnaed bf n i r it ili araerr vimitrii li jlkl cti mr uiilih itaa rtif ailni a ni lata iiivmhtfalim intf lvj m mr itjrundti jriei ihu lfti a il wti iiitintaieil in ititi imln lr irn irtiaiii ivrnlil lnvr plnur and lb nibl 1 1 la drurnl lrrntr h lim i 11 npt i ha lhr i i mi ima mttra iin-t- iimi0 we ijti iiui mmiii iiirtntif 4 ittafd t sir a x maiaab m t p pltovixllat urinu mtkt mi and arrippbn masovd oasala west y r- raraidkjtr mmimbers bo vhp up imcb o feijartr i vo tir ifafl tf mlrt shi uf pvimf ttstfftntg q jt 3wi ofeaw wk the pin vineial and maier areepted lit- tintvel aiiiahf tift n an piiitir term nid tien nitceitd loner lrn hit dmy thrrrvt ilh hy rnieijt in thr tftfjiea ttnur antntyin lb ctnnl at if with a ialaelird int and iti nuf lie nlnmh tii cairbtd fir ntii ha thn raler r npnit the lont ii- and with thu lesslait wa in- chapuiii j ih a rd- trnarv fc tbi b oie ij the m i in it aid enrnoil and win aewifafintj in atictriil i riiomary errrm mil tnhrl by the pirviini g4w itiit a very heanitfnl nuun w drjivere ih tt fij omiim in wlnrfi ilieic tern mueli mliiy ird rrrvub drjdayrd in irwlr tlie siainly u ihe order and rapainin it aljrelt jv pars an ddi w4 prrnitnd in the prnvinelal fl mathf l hit- lvidiitl ftjid llmidnf it si calhitrin i ii- wa rrtd by ji s adam kr iml nniai mar lately reallea imjby sir ailn nmdrnlt chr tvrir ivrn in nirrr ibrli fn lb- iirii hr tmii j i atisii- wr ai1n lrnah 4 ilir hkrttin t tmr ii ninid rr tinned tun liiif peam of sunhna wh abowl iwo rnoitbs sliosie upon ihe fallen iorune ofcarada ha entirely dirtpeared nd n il place b darkness viable tie eotliil maiket for jtonr and wheat tll remain ftnod tbidylwo thillinr tlerlinrper barrel is remunerating price for canadian flour but th mnnslrnn freihls the biti rat rf rtiumncv and the lateness nf ihe prison corn hined have irnded to brin down th v1u of a barrel nf flnnr in mondeal lo left iban twentyfour bii i- enrrency leaving a margin of nearly three iwlau in be taevd in epne atl nf trruch are exlravaen or uerfliieiii thi i a featful alite of fhinipt and one tvhrfh lieid ecllr therrio at- triitiun ofibeleialatnrv ahoiit to aemme no sodiitiy cjn diirie ihe aurmni- fct and nothing but ihe apliraljiin of a snund rmda1 rnasnre can remove ibo danger of a destruction allbnnsb it i ihe ncnliar provinic nf a newfiaper nlhink fnr itt n adets yrl ibi a privilege iftfidy exercised wiih jitdsjmrnl editors like ibe iet nf mankind are rjtitcb ino in bv inl1nnced hy whim r bobtiie- inteid of rran or acnmenl our wcutiir and parilenlar weabne in thi repeet lulh erlo ha brn ihehelirf ihal in ihc npev 4 ihe rierr r lawrence tn all nattnn f the etrlb e crfeenf ameiiea wuld he the pmatc el onatiaii ill to hi btdirfwe alill elin- afthouh iv coitff th il our fall h ha annewbat wa vered th ha bn owius to the pereep- tior nf a ditinctinalion on ihe part of ihe ca- adiin in allntv ihe american the f ad tananf thr free naeicatinn of our mhiy riter they would te willing thai ihe ootl fieoplt of ohio miciitan wisrnnin iowa and indian hinld cny their produr tn the aspaid rin ih si law ncc aid th cana dian caoau bl ivey are disinclined to allow the ame penpfe the privilege of loadinaj ibeir return vessel wiih merchandize for candijii up porta now ihi in no wise romtiii to he our d our villa aie only hff pnptlutrd to expect ihrm tn u iiw up wib ihc emigration frtnn nurrjte is lo wait for the pajsin- away of suoihrr genera tion tbe meed jtarvci while lb pw itt growni we with in ee them filrj tip ai ance wiih ihe indirinitr and enkfpiisin populaiinri nf ihc united state people who are etcr avifiing to n where money i lo br mail i aid money could bv hriajtte abiindant ly in canada were the si lawrence once freely epenrdind all rel iciiona wlwrm ihe two conntrir aave lhoe ivdiial vntircly removed li i a foly for a canadai t ii jiie the d-i- in the hav uvwilhna lo pne liimlf of the eluniu jiftspct be- ravbiirt ajaj hall a0e unwilling lo allow niher to avail therrtatlivf of those advanlajs he nrlrrl it is ibis cnomdecal oi which induci in turn oir aibnlion to anohr mean of alje- vtaliiic ihe ditfte nf lb province ttial olie i tb mak m of new ywk and fdoion ibe eanrh of c4iiada already the mer- cbant of ihoe cities have becohit our cbivf eirdiirr and already a jae nlion nf on prndneu arc findiut iheir way thither to pay ihr debts we contrtct ue have hut fe oi yeln in thi coiniiiere wliich i ihe nlhtal reilt of inilinn and eiecnmtiance that objclttn however is a slmnt one h eeanrnorcial lie herwem ihe mercbtts of vw voik and the uoitinin of cvisim are to eucrease and he lightened a mliliesl eon- naim mutt nonhe ibe inevilahle eonte- iuvne anvion as we are lo hive the americans winz u lo infnc a piiit a m- letprirand commrciil aclivityve ar- by nf men inrtiiit to ii over lo ihent boht and j ibr sure and crhap the riuicfceit way loinake the su lawn nee ibe idiibwv nf ittiint wotild bfiinieil loallnw ihe pretenl ttatr of iliin tn enminur and when hie po- litnal rnll alluirdioiakexpuer nfthe lvrlrd slale would lhr do nf llieir aecnrdf what the conadiiih nnw refe lo armanec haj waodered taic the learsed gentleman pionosli cation for the present m of norember and tben rtllect ujnn ue jos tbccanalian would sutain upon ihe seeeision nl hi labor the rittrncncement ef ihi mnnln will be floomy fetccy and disarreeame tiniil aiioui the 6ih sh or lotb w hen hok tm for th- indian ssmmer fo tom fr onr week only tri fort- 11 fnjtrr these lo u sneceeded by rainy aloppy wtalbvrwilboceaional nne day unlit lb month end4 heavy how during ihe uner part o november bni he f v inn tvill remain open until the betrin- ninj of deemlr on tbw imporarit fct forw4rdin merehanis may eafrly rely ltie attnofbrrkal change nf thi answb will occur oi i lie f lotli isihslib and jotb the day wfnve or ibeday after tic v of mercury tbe dicf lite suir whcb happen dtirin thi momh portend anytbintr but fjetad to ibe inhabitin nf ihe etrtb bui ihe ur are silent a to the esjveiauiy joifc out iberefoie f r tomrltiins diannn mfm iinxpcidly o bni fearful murder broah1y as mar during ihc wlule vf november appears uncommonly red montiul sept 7 r ir we bate wlwutjcomrnriciil to irtv floor market torfay ni inaelire holders or bipiint no cunge from yeitrtda ahijj no ciwie no neivs nttw yroi al fa hv i tltodeatb nf bfigadirr general sldieai w oumey al sr laui if eon firm eat br entered tbt losy in hi he was jca 55 fiooa titere has been a fair irnjniiy ftr hoar lody and price havt been tvell sf- ained injoiiy for hrpun at 5 25 haw bevnijood nt straight lrauilrve lot ben eey lo lind li eonsiderahle quantities at tbal figure eitrrrt and llmmr irde basbeess ftrm and irsmactiims leash socne aoo btta the treaie ssle m 7 or 8000 tms at 9 a am 31 ftr state and weiem 5 27a 5 l fr pure genesee- there waa n- mand for filiate delieery al 12 boc tos hrar of iio tal ileal fair ntuinea mg and tau tfw bbt jersey at 3 35 3 37 ryfoiirat35x moderaf r iiquiey fnr wheal wilhnnl cbi in wiih our idea of he full advanlatcii derived from opening ihe sr lwcnee are cities fur intent alfo v ihtir anificara proudly av wewm dnl when ihal it tone by the ibr hiifi l will no longer t over tfirte inwaid water in force our opinions own no man thrnatvee retire in set men thinkiuz fnr themselt we all acknowledge ihcx- ittrnre of ih prrtent ill- siarrjlnm ranunt lava1 for ever i he animal mnl die if not re- lievrd by fund csnlati il in a inn awful loilhi and an iinnedulr femedy is nece- ary may the widnn nf the lrifliire tpiy ihal remedy and my the npiniiijr of th si tnwrnie fie and nn confined le tlie rrsitll thrir dubctatlnik tiiioinri nrrkatinrt ii ia riilnl ihil iietnri are prndhna for lhr 1e id uk full idd namthip rtf l ctl- i j r 1 li tn ibe an rian ttnvrrnmul and that il lh he etrned ibeae noble ahijai which a teas jera nrcnnpeuvd rn imimitaiit an rt4 hi ihe nit ti4ltm f lh allaniic and havo brrn an einiiu ittly irrrfiil in the irniitiiiinii of ibi- pnija wll a ibmiaaiida nf patrnirr and null inn f mnnrv beuveen ihr two roittinriia will hn delivered aa aonn utt font neiv ateflmthijro com no htiill lo aupply ihc plif ai the j it nut froxtenac ward at ameeiin of ihe kjrctor of the fron- lenac ward held al mr josrpb utm inn on wednrsday 1st november 1s3 for thr purpose of mi 1 1 ld two aldermen and two cmmciilnrs to represent ti1 ward arthur harper lurjuire was called to the chair and mr funds weyms reuelco lo act n 5tclary ovhy mr5amnlintiore seconded hy mr jircdi mn c that mrejvib flanaym and mr joia oredc be rvnrlnl tn come forward a candidal fnr ihe office nf aldnmrn for i he eitciing year in rrpicscnl tid wird moved by catain jones and fecondedby mr forylb thl mr john harvey and mr john craw- fgnl he requested to come forward as council lors for ihc onsuin year to reprctcul said ward moved by mr cbirle jolmon seconded by mr foey lh that a meelimrf the pjrernv of utd wirt i belrj al mr joseph moores inn no thnrsilty sih insl al 7 oclock p m tv receive ihe answer f ibe ctnitrwen above named francis weyma tsrxefory kingstoo nov sri i8m8 the schnone tw bclonin nt e- bronr co which jeft kinrstnci in bauat lat week ea diiven inio wellinjfon on wednesday lat diifnatlcd and all band iniin tbr utiforlnnac vessel had been loadin tub oa tltr 0iclt of prince ldwrd and in 5jivsc5j0 6vi alsi5 3u0 bblscu bao inferior at ms s000 joid 0h 01 1 irkv corn wit hnni cmujv to notice if any- ihin- easwr fur mrrd ronnd alt- a72c bnt we ntnlovrand 7j vrasbid milfed lv7e a issjr krw flrlran 65e and inferior mis- r i 67c round mikrd i56cais7c ryllmlr at floe sar 7000 wh bahey at 70c oat 33c a 33c and riiiel park mailiei bunysnt mrs held at 13 j prime sw874 so 500 bbte fairde maml for lleef and cor 700 bbfj foreasaart 5 a 5m and t975 973 ud part oat private erm lard a before ity pickled meat nothing ioint wtfisaeaoteilollie extent f2flqq bbb t23jairdmje24 al the bowd today treasury notes de r tired coverrinml tiv 9 firiihts 10 li vi- j 1 3 a 3 j fee f it i 7d a 7jd fnr train a ivltrr frivn purrk dated ocl 5 sayo ihal the tl- et of crucial manea lis rvliirned ro thi part barm made a lidicoleras ov 1ritci al or near the wand of attrgaevftlta hy all account il appears that they ffco w ih oi nvmbaitoj the consfjiniiaatal cjaatfroq of ihr abrveilanil refused to give halite wbicb wason two dutinct occa oftied ihem and prrnilted ihe qiudror to iroceed qiiirllyonibetrteay a netr empaa4erof ibo aitemplitu to claw oitihc shore sli tcme out were oa i s a i if pen avd fllte at toronto fatly on sunday msrnin between 3 ami 1 ovotk llic ifafefisiio uat ity wa broken ny ibe alarm nf fire tim belli were itinr and the citizens slheicd in eonjiderable num ber r r- u the place where ihe liie broke hl whi h wa in the shop occupied bv mr mc- shvty htm and furrier kiiv direct near yone mreel the rire hridc comprising the r and honk and ladder companir were in early attendance with their knne to render every asitancc in hr power ii rjnencbiutf ihe dame and beside ihr upply of water fuinmird finm ihe aier worrv ihry rrccivrd cnnidriahle iu nili from carter but still ihere wa appartmly great di0icairy ipriinceil in u1idtnii4 ihcfljinrst and com fining ibe fire to the building in which it broke mil the ailjoiniii hnusr ami thop of mr lticbariao but it htiiunately rxad with liilleorim jam to tbe rmildimjor lh eond containrit in i mvsierrt and iu coninu wetv cmniiteiclv drtrnyrd and lhr adyiinm on neenpied hy mr klliv jeweller who rmrl bui lece illy iyn lhrr shared ihe same fate the curncr tlore occtinvd hy msr brtlry tkay very much djmied and thnr nods rsiiined ccal injury in temovin ihin jlie wlmle block of tuildim in in conmlrratdc daiirr and but for the vxerlion nf tbr hi men a much lirer amonnt of tiro aafty miht have been dvtigedt 1 ne sav- iiheofmr itiihaiiuon premite 1 atliibn uhe in novliit decree to the ne of a poii- aide enme which w4 krpt contiuiiilly tvifkiiij and wa supplied wirb waiei fiom a wrll iii an adjoining yard we have not brrn able to ateerlain tbe origin of ihe fire nnr have wr h ard any emanation fiivrn of it rc pl that it wa first disenvrred in he slien t bnp hut snc lime brfnre ihe alnnn wos ptefl ihe noiiale nf mr rirhardtiu hone were aromed by ihe snokr which bad fmcrd its way iftn c houe frm ihe ad tninine o ir which wa ihcft on fare isjl ihr manoe imt yd obseivnl fniin iht lrrl the to of r j mmt be considerable and in ihe over aiimvly in lender tfjidtimfc oi fiom want nf proper eatculalion or airaiivmeni n apiared if property hid been nniecra ritv ijrtnjyrd i he three pi udid plutr c wiinbiw in brllry and kayv tiorr aere mcrvilely hinben lo prcs without any apparent nrcety nir st doint tnov wmdi w at ihe feast ealcnlaiion mnt hare r xm0 thrre wtfw also atietnpt at slealin uonds tn thrir removal fmm the liop a valuable piece of rilk wm found bid turner ihr idrwftlk not far dilsnl tnd other rhr cotiirof a inilai kiml wi r made thr cammntijv wdnvatpmhixe wdhihe sulfeitr in ihi cauioi1oi affair and lbor near al hant wliphavr ecoied the t uli iv er cipvd loo waifuly vxjirrs ihiirtlpnk fnlnent and ifutitndr io imar u whoe xer linn under pmeidrnce they are mainly iu- lehlrd far ihe urervaiion nf ihir nrepetiy we preuine rnil ihe riuihmiii will nitike iaa0iry into tbe eante nf tbe lire tieruiien- ce of lh kind are so f nneni in ihi riiv i to i run ire nn the part nf lhr aiiihoiiir ibitt a m arching utiliiirv should br iinnr mrn rveiy cae the niijhl wa ftvtwnnii ly rilm had il been ntbrrwiv lhr drt line ant nf vi iiy mnl hner bsni nueh iiralvr amm fmr oviock ii rained brwily to the dainnjr- 4inl injury of tht merehandiso which had in 1ft lahrii nut nf the pucea endsnired ly tie ruunift pf favnaonnivanv tan r imi alaicri twkattt mliv pkavotimko ia i ret viian oajlt htvil lbs twenty mil inaryh ini s atnipiimlto r timreamr nil jeterdy af ttrnnnn nr the vnun fmrse l l wadnn by lu hm in hhiui iyrhavlnii nevrt bi n innebed with a tthin inun brajni ii he nrnimiplithr the ealmnli nnrv tak in liarnof in drunn aiinui nnd ihirttpflvt feraadf onf 0 huf which u tliei atnaiitat number nf niha that his ever bean trotted within n horn manesa fltct ba been appointed and il ia tid will b ave aain for maracaho sometime during the pit sen week lo enforce the blockade of thai place and ptohabty a mack iheoppotition rjoidon should ihey master riniirc courage ui ihe undertaking grneral para is now at ihe island of coiacoo watcbinf the motrmenu nf ibe frienes of the yiiuiui u in ihe inleiinr of the country who lure mamfrlid a unnimotis desire to aid ihe caof or nrlrr and lihrrly the outtv uvurwy mkaiieiv- a fire al memjdiis1cnistc detmyed tot hale cotton thie was a mmor here on chancre ye-ter- day ihal german tescl hid arrived al ibia pun ha m hd two oi ii eras of cbourn t arno- he pasenir or uaid a tie huelvn pitnilt re ifamd tiira atd aasefloi nrra abm laj vhoir cit tiri- deitl llatl lr fnnr actntind uy llr hi knlaid ttd in lite untrd ir a ill enture tien n rasfotaal rerertrifoir i by ihc r hie n rii y riii ull iptt i ip thr l t h nill cure a trmd i lie llafliifliiii areri al i ik old i- aex of wiliieeit nat hr i f norrinw srnrr lb matsat i ho llorcninenft kimt krelnd ibr astro rrfvaas rtiue eyinetrts in viioo ciipcomtlbo v- lv hen aiiended niih nnn dd roceeer and n e are ihr rrlwr r- r m r if irn tctii i irit iheir iit i tirotit atill prtvo 0t rhilv iterrjii f and fmr l ibe ofrrs of mutitc anmna ita bu ni iir i- ihe celrbrat- d prftiioera ihnitelrs tne lwiw iii roioe io- uhen raaasj ihe osnua r ii ahtrtiistr ff lamtnrejhr- conreri m hai rrertinff wa itt led imiairohipciiyon iik oeraon f lise 6i4 pr i be tfuichjuiht fonnlj ikreaaacr ihi rrtno r crorr irv- deeif b h heve il limr of nunrnnriii iverj eo vert ilv real ao -copi- n and nunbrro ho in 1 1 hii hn-i- iir niir- coneeri ttcli t ijte r jrllncv t rheir ismioi itmrrren tbal this ieeontjenirnre traa wrlinrlv enrtmrrl rrhdf lalenive hicir adirftbb hm 0iy 1 her l rtrriinly beaut inil fimrttritj in ihe percoinafce ir i 1 1 iion whirh irtriir imertlt aod phajwa in it ujico rtrand al tlie eaineiiioa mutteal eparilf of n inch mdtr it vi need mi rtfciiry io ibe not fdttta eoonotweo tto i ri mii ii oi re leeeivrd m ituj elr arrrrd arilh a warm jactvn ovrbm ruanitf pirees vitb iaiie bnooe aj c nrrri rraadctl iij h n r brrd runter sliiri n firt c vcu triiti imve elleel eat n by iheeomioecr hin rlf alioceijive ifte enrcninmeot aovo ibo bilun ralave0o io lor htrerm il ihoan- maairr mf eecmd eoetjf aoj lbnrsdaj eeenin r tr iro ived to tiir iiotchisson family ve eonar wtji yinar iofo nom my oro notafo irvatnliin their d et dear dinles and life fit irif air tbc brraib of tlwn ihattj and ibe lot of tbaiv frtutilatav tbevocc of thir nodi in tur rmr bcal mint ot ilia wild llfjitfui eit bill in onoe kofhiddro t rnve nrih the pino mojnlaiiia i fir a vc brinj nm ihc hver aii i 0e ei le of ihe b ajejlh rnre tik ini sevc tal aterp on ibo bloo brejfl pltfi rwoa luflid rnekandfntiiaiinytvetd riftv tti lawoi iltcartd rhielloh io pttrnn p nl fi tnijiiiihtmi todjtnoiuaus lako fotetttr- i k- m imi jstif s0vj heart l raracrcd ihem lltoe f bnnte roe i hevr in the i onstbal ye m a vnrcr iltul i wr at night lntn ibe rby thil ri irariwd ii tilain it lh nie frfj- dmal tnalleaatbidt vo come pith yiithint ivr iltriiktt i m and ii and rhc y aiel la tbe er f ibr wandrrer bo 11 the tool imo rtvice u an uei spin n i m oack lona nut mm noi tiroga iwuk mitaj ilh rr ntnttiour ooonlaul ltvarcr cr umf n the lafe mel jnv ism pnbbieo hn teport io st siiri ibt- iuutlu stttmm ai d at tbe ennvlusb at ifrtj ni a nii oi ihe rtmiit etnalr o the ft f i t ronie with ibr nonjri ef htcsa aatjl ibo ioeiine nnj ii i ndtiine nr ibe ui teas it pptaia mat tbe earn la htiwtrn tcinoln and iilnal ireaja radi tat tabor i be ifjwraf wii pitt tl vi- or ii mmtibo ji 1 jir on lhr kdaaidphvb ivtfl qtjiiror rr o wrxati od ln twial ijiiijjrk llnl sale tian lotnoiast ibemi hkimir to hni xvw h lmmk n ibe 4 raier eonul is mntn il tfcr b j mitne of ihe riinl- fivabitl a av shttll tst mtrl ibo hnleikl td lha tatl auns tsrd atjl 11 h liir ottitrlmlm ihi lrrlrvnrj if lhflih 111 1 ha tnililcii doalb of n aistnan n th ofh under laihn ettoidtnaiy lrrtiitsiteoti hhpdll ibe ifni leltnw uutt tno tbt t mr trnwod ami on eotetttin mt0fl1 rattbol he iryhi be pimuud uultai ami die 1 and hating uun a mrk a fw miiiut m ihe vnliaiivi of tbbwlj elne htl mitleed hy him in lo lodljfnie- l lit mtt nf the ship tats mt ri 1114 him in thr ad if tviivo wblab lbs rsha m iliimitriril 10 ha asluly asfak iiimkv kom in bv amltniuj v vl the betli