i o4iii i th auee w li rorei itc tf the tfrm4 iw ad mh1 krwj xlmit lvl te nnr fini revd li lcwy inlet i dah lad i- je rtfhfetk lh mi iv temhi- left wtlwtk jut5 fnine m r 4fa the f dmi ih kmi krr 1 tivmoit- on wtevivrriin tvnv wib a va- nd itct l rfmil c hi laird bk la fft 1ft mag h urt cijf hn rtitfsijn- iti- he fmd fcmi u ptrtmnl in tdal if 11 lafcij d be n tntd tatit vd m ibe ivoj haraejaw in the wfivektretftrl j i nprd thl tjireaee id tha iwatii tlie ear of i awful ealartro frifm jiw r a eonlhcrn wtiaifilierjr vcouvgits upland ftnrn iirf in lime h i the lal two em we la fiatai frnmiiit auckland i standi rf which on ihr fih instant jfe mmtotted 0 nml b nvpe tnennnrrl h plrt lhn tafthr hnwrav cmfif frlivrvalrajl miion nf v island tkv rwkwin itmm addrad sir uriiiv ivlly lha t triaf of t ilud day company cm the njet tvvn achat detail of ihvoljcctac n- apald 13 cimi st llrlcs- hell f i3 my if sir trie ciwivcraiin which 1 hiil with tnu on ftnav 11 willi ifuifbcv in tiv ronilinri of vatic i- in enutiriih the cihtf cm my putjet i lor ieramifcttt the htmi srw m aie- lobvti b eonetnetd mi on are in vilm frofm that vwcovtct vlaana wuild cter e it fcl in tin poj d mr rjrmflf i ih sihf while lanl pcci vbau india cliinti or at i alia naar in the ca of 0f in uuwmrl llofjftf daj in ath4lia h icwiami tnis taii bm convict tt cwwfcvl out in i u a j the arairttiaicalam ulth l- i i rr cilllilf i lki lilif dlloot 4cl iirifl cofij ttihiicu rctfriti ay iik lit1 iftartcc tnrlr vimw wcie hr mcai6l 4in hit tolotims from klairilion ii t ay powmy it alitor ifcai tli r w lif l hln lhl lltat of si ftanciitoy aoont ox mi lei difianl eu lh fimll ofralifomia hint hi be the ir it oirras m hiy oiition rather to it tjtidift tbran lue alvantae of vnomtt iaawlitbch jiimvc raow avked ffthkl 1ni coiiltj miirh l in tlial at of in uoji f if lea mpphinicfllioa iv ho ruauilitdalonj thread cam of vmc ticail cfitaiid not he adv4mai ihat ceu lit after nifinin jlt tlw cvxi of chili ivmi ad mvlitfta io iik nitkjr rlhulih cu the calt al c jfut- r- y ril ftfnr huinlredf of milea fulliot i himiiii without an ioumncdiitc pulim to vji- i trotjvrtt blanijrlhc pur0c t vnvryiiij hiilrr the ver few havaf for yea l rjwmi tnn affonl to jiy lh c ofch me afiftia witk rtftcci to net rawmb ikxveijti ihtnet to chitia odnitlin that lrroi tfitthj ik- willttif to 50 foirv c lth- mf i j 10 yancofvt ulanj and ea imi ili aomm h pnartltap fld fiithin mic tlc pruroulpolu otflmiailwih wnhh mrt 1 j fi ilkir im4itii ia jte toi kcvtu n- mvik imn ti nil mi4o l niv fwianw tv k l4tlv nhiyhaonoe th a4 ittth ler ik en uj i d i vtiiw tho rov jtonv trh- lie miihit w tib wircun d- mt laitf w htrii vdmh wens ltt rnna li h k v wo rae l i trtv jtc hl- t hcnrivc t fkntrffrv lhal ivd j rirl rill ht r eic ul0 lt or rnmt y ikry oimdpiy imrivwf mltjr ftn uki tiv 5h o- ihli wfl ina iv tlio cttf cirrak f el phti nt piii hurb h ik ftr be kiclnj in hiei f vinrle etniv ihj re wc a i hut vftf tfffthim en i5 1 itlw r by k itl liv pnl nneit rd uf 4 flhiicl lfmhmi b le p r lh it hlclcl etwul ci- mitt it ruiritj tiiwivt ieof fffohly aeaerirn jtfcmt i is ihr mmt 4ttfilmv ie 1 jo arr cicmi jmeva e f flji it iou fof4ip fftjcatred it that it rivn ft jmfemin iiiai it m omldi- 41 kraitell ion fr lbe wl aji ftnai ttr aucfcuud w not wca it i lunoifjoiiwy ilair1 fr ihf ifp9t vul leear rofi riattei wmim rir lltoifl inhr mj a biilub aapb in 1ie a fpwlrflctamvlij eaptlir trantarc at- lepltjial mrh vi4il5 0ftlie eok tk hhrcy deoenitial d hie iojh- tfnmu net jn ike month if atu pnd loimi nale iaiwef and rxifn fiom llr lali- lije et 31 r l0 lolh l 0 toiur of 10 in ifth wh yihi nil olntrte m vmcrtavnv usnd wtlhin th atr li- ib ejt tultj rel prh dmr- t ibal saejriy r f luttnt f titrtiptt amitlinf thse a th5 vhich iiiex idt- ttfiuft mttf ahvat ihr m i au ptcu an tiriiitit of ihefin 4 umhl ubf the raw m rr- ofii tn vvu fiom the arkhlnb aiasik- ahfenh to br clerrl nio lnktrrn r t ibafii flhmvtl blood bm l lianeojrqf nt weio nije a iiidtaoherp fr p r 1 thai 1- j ild tivrn 0 lh tee r there tnrm h n ih p-id- viililf for kajrvlin thfnee a afcetffo in ray imi letlei in yo 1 tf the fttb f oril lat antl it aay be a well il bete quote ut pjrtieitlar paae xva f r f fty nmnn ikxt h eemuflniiedfom the ancvland iuivu omaea ty ahoow be itltic bndtif 2il 4iw tfhi tt that i contota ple lby jll tinifmiolv fill wiib oil iftce hie acr- jed the iiiaik t olv iftj lo4 i for lh -ivi- pi miti tlte r4ru n cany cjt- nietilj ihaii ul n crew nvv tin- rviu i ri ti nnitited cm n ic 45 ajsol otf jaiilt at rea ihe ffixhiif iftbemrtf kutcajbd n ft hating b wiih bnt bilf tro would equally ayu though ia a i imie m th dhry in n sio h tactic kot eaonte i mia ui th foced feeirn iie anekliil t- u 6 in hi- nortb ficific anj that hie iian- jslval niomiined duiinjcihe eant h oli oaieoi 1- fill so of tic n h muk f wovm h lt3crt of cooiderahl u totbiit rjfce aj r i if we coij lave a tiliri ai yaiwonvcf lrnd at wklcli lft vcotlvcafim jibirf ihjic etftfoe tiiel a refit and wiere an ajcit cm j aviile the mai t th cfcwi fhhnf the vl itffht emtiji by rh jj i arjjuenlj groat h4lc li4 icapcflel imw aa ibiji eeel ltfhrj 10 inlad m retur aittlf up4hjt acllnd cnum tncmf lb aperni whalsfcery fim ttitoberto ata ir 1 ime ih f tiem rnihl ve emplyd j conveying e- or in lfvtinc w io4iafbiia japan o oilier puce in ihr pocsuitfeehii tbiw emendin rrtiub enm- iejce4ataoeaiineciittf uritih iiltichl i feia9tfm4 oo an pah 1 nve m to a h that the aacnr argument wojli apuly wbtlbrr ibr nfacto employed in the north we 1 fiaci vore oiore or tea htu the nutnocr i have a- nwav 11 nov that the ainerieans hae acvjmiren poapo ocatifjrnia iritc can i ihiiik be little qoetltort lbt they will in fnime rfieh an1 refit at one or ihef of their own ffulewvri i be re a kef than at vanconetln 11 j ami a ptrfrititce oven to ihe 11 d- teh la n which ihev lure hithrcio 1040 tbeircyirl place of rnrxvotn mvj mifd into pva proierif in ionseqnenee and 1 m confimect in ihi5 opinion well hy a rc- f r on the 5uhjet in ihe aotrrivvlft ikwtie4a svifwja lj poblthti1 t bo ioo wvlrai hy tlv oltfi ilii- of wilkra ichpecjihcjiifniimi wlhi xtfrtfire n e amtfupn exptvring ervjinm in tl- at rmitrtij il h osvio tlut utilib and ft ili1i aolonil tvha1in rtirtftl wnum ernitv fi i it totlieit milranfze to irerjoenl rnicu um at mjtfi w mucu noaret o even the sand wich iwihid fjf a mlar reason unct ha- ort ottie mecial n ducemt lo repair 10 vattttkuict ijanl von will lhu iierceive ibal ecpt ffn a jetiir a htmte a ceal national ohjcl tlte colnix4linn if v411- couvcrt lid anl cn wet bf the meaoa yiopoted uitih intertit at ihe nivih and oorilh exlltnilletf of ibl pacinc ocean i bouhfhive ho titttoiem raiivo apart fmm ibe en itdctttioos j have meniiotir 4l ctf d- mrir4 a rnh mtin m vancnur if land ag it wmild ik ovtfe to my alrauufje ihat ibr vemkihovm lefiiaitaoiiefctlleaent 11- the c- 1 v sm inre they wmlm tlen be jn the vicinity of the tpefoj whaleckheiy which t be miocfitej thruoji the year with leaped o lie v niin of ancijrcri il i hv n 1 moa v mv tire to ducoiiiaje tilwr ft en p ocecdin thiihev imt at the maile- iiiei mjhic iotertjt and ha rn made iho wjct of nivciuion bolli and out n pari ji tie nt 1 feel lrjl pcrfjfn a ptiulc dity in ptalllrgtj t tbe mfiration nf pitir who may evnteph jlau ctinj tltetteiode in 1 dimial a pail of the ttvll any citenn1atect of vhn i an avare thai will fmt mim io f tui one je- mtraiideawbitiley t likely io c and hrnee it i thai i mr m ltm tiiicmn- miicatin te ml mich pailiea ihi vjn- enn llaid ie t v1laii haikftir a iftt1raftl ffl eliinal- im- limtier and coafofeylilijtiu whs hub lahftjp t pjohiy all umi chim l frrenl le ahmi il r4t tahmhf wllpwl u- to freit ibeni a vtil imd ciktaltj yicthint ic fjf which ttieie i ivn rlnnil i hryond 1 j j o the aeltlrta ihemteeg and ihe aamt a vexarda finder and coal wiuiwtattwd tbr onlnnittj ihe rr 1 f imjiti vlilni- oow other rvceiurira from knltml w olarnhre rjnee viihn eliu1 iterrvje iboy trieuld ptaft be m t litjr rr them it ampiea loin tbokinjur toitii puije 1- oelilc in vjiftoofteiv htnl yn mn be pic- efrlin timwft tthanu k will befre- cjiientrd bf ahiivi nd e lmhert will a rfffiand fr ihe irhliitv if thj toil tci an4 ti twb feaj f and al40v tht f tiie ifneu tr vei4iiii hmm i onttdnl lap nei en 1 rrauai ly makihfj a fi e l4 4 wutflii matirai in iht a 1 ftiid o lir il4n a bjncli mat i j v i i ii th ijoi ao v if fj if mv bl to thf tll4 0-f-ten- fiiun tlf tnler to chma intvad vf favhttns icstfea bv the may tle afanilwicli iumk iirfttliiiijnim rolotitltt atinpitn tliai t atilixiiiaawiof oefeoa1 x m ml con sider m dviitntnl that j fir my pw- rim be oatpj lj rentuie deeply win ay arcltlion ii llrf p0lvetioi 01 cmrl trt vanconvci i uibli il ibe mc b to jeycwl m any tveb conlmeicy i ichklm i 3ti at a ot to iueo r hov you cn iftuwe iirf timu mi wel r her than li fcw wlonine to the lludpotia ri icmitx to vnroiiierv bland in rhc ab wjrtdl h ihe bcmaf im elei a 1 bide hum k obado ed b re e witlmp 0 aliedon tlnj v ik me h lmfjeielrfinltr fi 11 iwieieept m eiitininic i wiiblierhf tict llli aw n mim ellhd brmd bin ee dhfflle the aifvfajioeff id hie efui ijnwn the knglnfl n ml nl hlidt itw vte ititl thia ttiittt hi krl tn pcnvaoi pftt aiiw hlm tuie la ln tuoo niuii ein be jie lii viui wll pilfkli a and pnritaineiia ntr and f nibnihripil- pr- id plibipheeirpfna ln- iih ioii wtliin 4djnf the tcngluli cifrten p- pfc nhte nntviil hah wllrllwr elf fti neii uf h ty vibntieti t tuo vveicin r in irr jkic lu llw iw 5i i ansthe rca i irf im llndror way dun- e mailr n arfid n laeihlica lo colonitu at vau- ciiveia 1 1ij lofcmrtr girtj hie eon- any re 11i for o rmpln 115 mort tlan ihey muy aitoilti luic vciaoin fv any in- vujc tv ibr teciii jiunjcr uiit defend npn tlie etn o which the colojifaalpph 01 ih iuud aa ke place lithe lmpai tok 1 ow umain iii itfihk out and imuf ihrj cahhnri convey the wl 0 pmlnce d uie c4ojtta they cimld in fct vitly ct o iuuv wk- tlu cent ward and bomewvfd 11 h in bik or weight did iot hapftn to i 141i il in reowb ate t lc wholly ihjiiiwij in the fomiyii v- of coau lo ca iil04ina alwtyt lhal california jivlxini timvr tbjmf tocttm ihecom wiiiild l much leaiir than ifwluting v- e heiic t fo llc puiv tte ne itnnk ait lo lie c-n- vryace oj ejnigji fn if we acivd in eoncom tht ulmiin htjw at in ihe case be fall id of tmny bdl miht cat them i viulcthjvvlfrlaitjav vy mall dtvr in ifen4iih0ti wnb ihe c1 of utrit cvn- taecly u hr tnean aal aftewaidi be prvltibly cinpbite io the imipr wf ibc nbin aeiaotf i ifcc naioml indieau d in the exiriiel fivtn my letter afceady i i ji my deal sir yonit vety ttnly newgaloa whoever knaa limlofl knwt nwfi i fwe aevaj ii ei n he o otn yiav i datk ad fnlrit it jnrem tl0 eye an j ivjhb it a lrmrer ii ile edil wold tm il oil anions leti hiitu d ntdinj it alngt of all enr lindnn trtion5 il otv aa uly tatid letibv andiwpoii pcml oihrr ayrt ijv lit lr4lllmiai nii dqii bill kjufck vie with it in m jemt f hrtn r pired viu ne j3 e ibey ai vren mlti paitcbojed nuke lirve altait but il lmlu penal i he trij ht in jl m ial 1 fiwe f rath if cn iiikjcvani of mwhw n dtb e f ibfl nniioe rlrcl i ihe mute nitencv rif lhi ircume ireiitnir whirh hot ant the place bnt certainly n ii all it aliten of it ie tmn lb chaacter of the bnltns ad u nvironmcnk 1 he colid and nnifufcem mwe of 1u in- iitwallfit iinil in reu nilrtvlhe fiowiiiiit ovtr ihe ironrno niled i that evrn a ifinlended phit in pen 01 roit nccaxinn to let wen in i jnlrmeni an i ftnl jcaii todealh oinjme p the thnnhi ot a ff-n- daldhnfeop or a ifaa rf ftt i oy office rather than lltat f a fiih et its ilitaon tio i suikinr in tie vlj hcail nf the capital pner sdaw of ihe dnnt and cfo of thv him i ehimehwjoittin the two jreal arleriet n lndoi an faon- tnr mp bic st sepilclitrn clmrch tliaviely bnt wvll rhruteiiel ttraw wi ay nane anj jn thine office it w thine to wamthe cnilly ti jineil tn4l oliitapprfachiiirial and irani- thc irm ivicslhoo fm iv tim4 avhf tlicliiitf lht tnrrnlh wtwecn the crun 4itd ita fh dclileti ridly ewamarf on a it vc k a til c the letidir n 4 parimanf tf lite uel tren put xt lh it etnw a llwt jy ap e rniiti kid bro laaint nowe oaildial etcfy lo t 0i1o nep t l elitn l auj re at ih vhirea ol pfiattqt ain-n- lh i tlrel h tt uul fie im tieemil find cttilily bid kl4cied itwic whi ji will ntoovc ihee ultrff tnni thce n 0 rto altrrtt r etery ftid njf ii il t- il i wiuf n fjjibf cenr tlial tin al llffttt d kc d nt iit p laui piktv h icljntj a utltf mi ininepi tha leiltr lif tin thbu 111wfb ivfltfl mf tjy bt y c mil ibey wji a ic ocu 1 eictki d ly llw j n i ivi h we the n aj mnrh n the rikft we ei immiv wiiij unrvuca t ill tt ibe rwunim taavtvvl aj f ireland n t- evmwrvewl itwoela hy peaajf rae- ihewiur oehtd uerrf v hlmlefcl wr tele and cnaridly rathmt m i be eoiteikd tn an undrlaktni h hch ihiy have pvcdtha t pun and rijemwtop ie- ajgifthce f iihmi anyloriyf ntjicaii liaeo been gi dfaotly diaiimjt a uoein wiitala a iotmiaiefll ioacitmp ei by gfowmi leabeheto n until dm l 0f ince- te lmih t be w pji tilt hl ive lc tlie tifliidtj piciiiiet in dmciki f a h i hkaach ft prptrtoa ff 1 we il ia full her ami fume cnnnvd diihty i eic of derive tl iicv ihv ifcia the u m hnme in lclitve lh neakuea f the cnhm uwffth hi mi oy tlao wtftl g llmitnt wo wiea lh tiugun o prjiauj fir a m4 lyd cimciki w- htve m feara abni him he baa awpag a cfipw neiaaa4 j akrahy mi prpwty aawo a trradmiim nhr h dtvritti tiiehn tn j 1 imich tic imi j no h ouiy btilieeiai w- hm n re oota t hvptedt 1 iwhe wni fjiltodjnfirjfier tv haili nj iii lc pnitihl i tlea baeie or th emd ciajot nf l pvd 4cmabtea toaaalttw frfa nthmitl mffalc tal ibc lytdi lsieutmi wtitp 4 dilh el enjracitfdf tnem tfc lltftl hkh bo ha trtkd kinjid ibfji ctiv ovraltf- aauiine ivl tm tke teai a wild auiipi v ihtl th cllialie ekev jf frewtad r uicaj uhrehy ir viil ihetn- aetea h bv mn- a np in a licmwnauo neincnt imtre in tai emlity ww why u10 uiivikik albritu na kett them ae il wid trcal imin tf the ti tuiitej litiib or a aixt i lcn icrainil like o- ml we k j d curen an tav well h- tip- that in wjty hian liftniy fcmbiiieitfj j dimciaei f uh nnimif bmirj uaur ljni inmtcir am tkc dl effc h ii trc lb it lfm4hireidi rtaaahjin an fit f fr n tin huh lifesy ik- lm awrded iituo ditnp and archnimi nf lf drtteh vt uk matimy ibe aaai- eaoilcey and ii14 tnk title f ohiiteay llt art aeoedr j r hc omhta n4 aclitatevim uf cllheh f llj v he dit an et nlifttcc d 1 pen wjftce iaf a ciruiiy vc haa n4hcd the caeatri uf ptwm voi i uinaijalccmjm ho baa afto aa aiiktl a h etld tin 1- jm lrf tn tt tieaa nf acui r ile and lh f avrimt lil htaninolaan he hiamit hlmj im oim of the caenflran etmh tt eant m tlw derij4tnm 4 ihe tlwr lie hia itaa pennnteil lite i pen- pie iv mjriia of she fjti i kimlitfi ti4h he kimi-jrilerpriute- jnuripn- ftirci euiianailibe nniljul it inatham niight lat etperlerf ftnni eiieariaiitieo f ue qkch ln- a or titcukriaa abaciaihat jmj ly jaj alftpmlv aml jfjy traneeed llandun brknted 1 l r 1 u ii r 1 fc f l in ibcdiiinasameipleaiii ieil iahett ticulr i htjfn bbjll hi rit v we hnve iw himulii ii iii twl ihii if qiitr mt f tlte jijiin v il tl altrtfeairrfll laiepwi io aliteli e luee ludti nd l tiitc if jj if v f i tasiti iiteft vi a jlu taa ulicv ibat f i uf1im it v bin tl hi utifn efi1 4i y a ravd mrihtle efntiie jxkacinnnihr ao 4 mcr jtyn uvtf mnjpitlpo neciliifcvwl nil v i- luiii kin hir i lmbiliitlrix n linrtp the he of si sepukhrea toll the crrvictfiwlkc ead bnt hefpcf the deth in the condense crdl it faintest iatrj cat he heard thai m when lhio ii ienec in ihe bnj avrhj onuide he mautve lh- when death i antrnmcrd ajintt llie txle- faetf ami ihe jav i fivedoi winch the tlav- el hlrawir mrtttl he wilb what hiiiauenlde annv each tttoke h deep hdft hit bean with what an iwfnl fieiiaiion hc vdl hlrn fnr ibe oiii wlicl to hint t tixe the hani of i lie ar liaifi tnitniel whici va- rales time row eternity vnl in tbal irtieiifti wal lb few remaining sio arejefl upon the minini tf ibe ircntnin the bmna are plated nut bnidty a d ilttinetlv lvni one loais ibey are aufnlly avjitti- me he knows ii will nevar hrar thencefceth twell op hijhr ad tiicim th bwom nf hu- mati vnues they jre near uhn there with hit a atone between kit 01 how dutaalll i btaler a ad fmm the crnvji ae sasfiereil and loader and fallei the sea tif firttiid inonnh ttp racli tnomeft tlwre uaoml a chacf vep and shriek and htiit il ait llntti all like a fuhul mom the deathbell lolu- uit wnc cjii hear iu trat ta1 pan rj tared lo the ctiminal- the voice of his patjtonlc monitor ttillej before he die tint dioinlic ejuilan dowm it is a flmft tt horrors the open spaee before ihe iort uf xew- cjate is the knlili ladialiial atena jjeic we who tit in ieverc nd were il welt-mec- itrd imiijenent itpota tir barbafou praqliocs of patan and impci ial llnnit prepare nnr ra f daiti for ihe lover of dinttin honors 1lna m nnr circim vve do not m it willi wild and tamithci aidmahr to see them icr eaeh other dcemee il i fine hnl wft only iivtf a ikiw diiection to hi cainal iiittncis f our penile ami srat them in a dttcrent way iticccnet enicied lu f e ilice lis in ihe eye nf all ciritcndori km let ut enter uptsc narrow slept j the luftifceya wml lhl n w 0 iliirklli paair we enrne info a final me eonm vnr founded by hith wtih netween which a scanty vnpply of at and right tutu its way iloivnwaidi a into well faeiiig t slams a maivc tmimtnj cbay of window ami ihrvte uo isjly uted ilrslhc woneti win nf ihe jtfatl tile inalfon it catted an mleujenl woman and a smi as the jameo4m jocks arc turnrd atid the heaey hart rmnd tt riiltr the deorway trie unae sljicaselimll f ch4ne ujikh off on either vidt and thesfj ae occnird hy th- d lioare awa intl an attempt is ma i- lo claily them accordirt- to their detcee of railliitcto km piailtatly thr ta of it me wa a ihe inattotti eon only jimo of ine detenoev fade from her own statement or from the alfncc iviiii winch sftn taidi chargoit little or ho employment fennd for heii and it smioiimea umitoidamy hapna xua iv hullint ant the liitle airmli t traa al m cknunes were ihr l eants of ihrjt li the telitiiua rid ftyi i was biimt down bm wat immediate hilill on the mine plan- th rcreat fajiy ihe wjhi of irnnihc nvrfel of ihwaly ihe n atr a nl iii nwnrm thecairin ci ln mee of well la lir turn 1411 ar- in rm apjeee et tlc n l hi v ahwm l t ihe af v of llowtivdwi all i cit m thai wt oore man onlinny nv the prisoners ri m reit davf 01 tlie fevef is v aii- plicade i0w a il waa 75 years aj rrmcrly the wmhu if pjrl wee otcnpiej by debiori jjii piaeue been dtoiliitikd and hint w reii fr v inmate except mich at are j v a pnoihnenl tsc etceptinnt bcitrac rs0j4 eoivicted of aailleiir otrenrcto iln vina pe riral llie rnnt fnret u the paamo mi considetatn 10 tiatjtmen nf m emplr at the prrtrnt iinotit the cotmhljan of i r elan i t tat cotiiilra n bilherm piesrnled a aute nf vn o awjialots tad n inevpli- a npiicef wllici hard in mat- til avcracc nunther of pneon the jrratf is about 3000 j rafter the nation of ihe tfavtas f the ccmlrj xli court ii t neatly rinpty ht rradnavlyiuv ii ill f tf iraws i aloi fl0f off u re wftil aaih as le nxl anxr ihen it imnales iistally number after liial the cnnvieu are tent prison or pruiuftliare in wjiicb ill tranirattrwwlhrahiwl terrs to the in eorrreiirui ht trainru lo ajiluunk m r nlenccd eapiulty ce taken lo ihe con cd cells not to lrvc lhen again rtnld u mnnenl eepl fee rh a i thee ce htiil in ihr old potlion of the burtdk h irock- the ftarrow pu holes in ilnjk wall looking nio newalt street let lirhf tto the icaovliii in which uiey open tlte ate live oi each of the three 0ots the rulpfit t lh fjk eel on ihe jrmn ftoor i within a j if of ihe patcr ly at the eeluare rnhtfo and awii 9 feet lit 9 deep ard g lroil ilijth up in ea mau wi it jenhe cmud the dtf tie ftwtr incbra thick tlit itrort moiac ti b jinrd and a toother they procut i o he eye of at curit an overwhelm appear jce of strrncth in a mail antrrootri near he t- tranceoflhe prsnn u a casirrciion 4cait ikon tpt the htf4s 0 the prauinl tefac- tns who have tcen rcccnily executed r fronl f tl- vviy u4erci4is lolbc sludeni iafelc- aloicil teiettcvi tkt mmiv natf aneu p pretly mth like ihe rtoftfnj on 1 larger t cnusitls ewo or three yadt and ihe wmiit- aiiettaslintj them no srpnatioti tjf the men i made ohcrthaiaa 1i1- liw require- namc into lelout and ailal me anils this aont of aeparalion bnvnalma fr by the ucwy pt ciimc ternnied in ibr present law tarre ts urt tnoml tlimimviioj between ihe twocaetes if otrinjrs tlin fir israuce alninj a iiiiyie aei ay wf many ullcpij aiiiec- ietl knvreifaj ia rnsjelncaimur f haver- ae rfjinn ahicti prnnir pa i jvwtcal 5 about tliee weeks unriiu ihi pemtki we lyvesnd they htve no voikii in ltucivcepl in criminal acts a baring tcknianv lh cla m of novkc arc only tooiapwfj aciiirrd thete mpmi domtehw ilnriiic these twenty ivs if placed in evil cite ii instance ihouuauer f reiet it is not worthy of wondr lhy will prefer a virions evciieinent jo a ac of kicish inactirily what can be vttrd frniti a igiioe which leaves boh rftj and body to their own resource hot brine either predisposeo to hi or ilelr indtfcret here there mnt he rclurat vih wl lo the boys if liecnn truy arc rtvv in at tend mlvol wvcr if ihty are llol thi a rieat deal of tftfol 11 v are k pi axy f muchreil ff the aiwanue he mil nea- 1iveit it under ihu citcuiuitanccs im portauk if cnplctee aalin br at prett impt- ttble- and at jnewraie it verhmk t so milit aot ihlt kind ot attrntloi an ance he reitired f ibe ajuluv calife aiait cianjr bavo iippaeil ayo vraj rto a e n lima tlut mo pur 4ipp wi -i- ei 1 f lehies aiboairl for her eojwill ptajrot lake foaurteu ww irliell e it ieeeeiu fnn the vejy pnltlt of uie toil m inf1jeiee if i man n thit al- mijbty ct j hit rvt yit appointed ihe time olier rrtitrfaatiofji 0 llul lie reerieil in thi tinnirlaetill fji fooo anciel sconrei y ler pmtxt tfieta rnjuinl h bnnu but hrinhi lo he fjnd bnt spenser j ittty ohtrrees that ihe faoll lay inthikii filitioiifrhcoiniryaid in the fact lbl ihe lii ha i anrtol yel bren mode i to learn uhdnc miln laws tcacrly to know tb- iaa4 of law t4ii remark i a aiilieame la rnr own as jiuasio spuirj lime and ihe firal anai treat rvirvttl pieane f ireanj that which irk t ay the fatttilnm nf al otbrtli a t ath iif ueocv of tno lav x r4jnrdriraentan km mlvrtentibiiiy iitfwi to v 1 puty at ihe evpe nf natimal laketslt mii now k atownl tn mtosl th fwut f jti ir or 10 prerenl ifcc mew tfjj ilcfd i iid n ajil ttti- pem of lh- plnr i f aniichriw anal iraito jiwtlce t tvland demafeittlhrt real jiicto t elaitd ilrntl that faciioi an i deiidnf men aotibl nolnnr be atlow- d 10 rni at bi paaftiiv ly ibr- fabe hit 1 utopian schen hih ca never be real- iiej atd wltkhtif realied woild pove fata afis n i c who icreivcdljwin ju- he in lm palriolsm nr tolt itentlirin that the wlk of beajiipfied rin ihcte jnihy hnl thev sltim receive ihe p iniirmcit jntily oe le i hose w hn lanecy pinder m nnpnuk mvstnnt ami prejudice attd cfiniailly etujva f ur lotcratiry their entl- and arnliiipti m khz con ot their suflefin an i beetlui country fteunj ha rat tiual tiret rc- sooioii vi inch if derclojiej mht at once lilaati and aomeni the pro cd hit ihe comer ic mantainance ijoie nnent hue lo n rtf lh- minuler diotd justice in attend itia of very little ue paii bokt ol euawv pray er and rrli ioilrac r na the nan i hive no iftltrrrd tot resltftl rnind wailirt judrfiiinn which maf ajttrcl tbrir lcrjf- tercourv ami rni itinti of lire- n i sons have lillie tale for the hid diqe mral ail ihc aarai nsmaru rract society and ta dj nol bej miftch om1 d ee hy thi 1ri1l of i ivyltero iubtt oflhts ciinha erjn1 1 lite 1lc of vlfiuructio there wrre no ftmifftiiofls nearlo of ihe ic that 1 rolnn- re un even if m utfrji t y must elevaiehrrc petilyof iheiiatirerj cmpire rtopi of her welfare rel in of ordrr sncceutc loaf brsitated lo laste the lis etrential lo her welijre our srttermn hiv hrcn eo- qnhl an her imaejitaary jioliiiet uinlnine glccilit of lei rvalsciat evils a cieal o- aorlaiaity now p owls ii who tijw arotlritt and ibal iuntiytk miiiiter whrnriifaices the eiin law- and if thvv am iiudeeinlt will hajra the easgiiej l affc from the jxislalurc ohes erpil h t riu will dn v hack j hy the ailhoiiu nf ih tjai najorifjr of the pjote of enaund faoil time nater suf fice ig ov tttedhr ibe perxem brliriiavtt will avail ihmovrt ef tlie o en now offered to tin iti f v once aerjiirnj f j ihenv seltes hou aiiu ttu anl tr their country permanent hen rar ivielhr they vill ahainlia itist nali duly co aslvr and more coirgaui steccstots ibit mnch i ciain that ul who will be minwr the fcent sate of iblaxft in ireland cannot he vloatd to continue bia sed id cp jsfcc condemn it and the eoe of all ly 1 aabi ct an j peaceful ciii- jrnt of all itniw- h venerate irur cdem but ill n the foi ami false ou i hlcti craa- tjwns would vl ni i it piee dmainls thai ireland iny no hmer lie ilrprieed of ihu yieal privilege if the british eonlitn- ton to whv h b is ontillrd hail winch she h never yet tmjiyed cwi1i to life aid ptvjtv montafjce core- a eorfejncni of the rfoa tvts- writing ion thinjl mouijy evening savs ts people pfomg ihawbohj line ofrriil fn ibit tj tierav are in a state nfdwaf feciii an i at ihe fair of cah thantu a td 1 ril j tnn ft v tfteu i jdin liict nnd ohci trnrhlini to lie allowed iw feet f luc for ureal vvcttern tnr eii nnd als ihr hum nf 3 for tou 1 fi pheouei and hnh ml tvi riau pmm rilr4 tlie rpct i l ftlirh n 14 4 uge ttne eieeded m iiir t wie rat i hut aieeril c i mtfce aba4iraai itiff sisf vhere j finenl expnht referd in cofnbiittw en zsl faff and wato 10 rerl iheteont rvfrl trann pirnii lo ri drain i1 linl aw wri l n bet f em t 4 hn wacj icriivin 1 rfi i iaa e i w bnaj net ip itifls a tftnn inn rii wvna ii 7 re aven cipiiied y hi nntvajj l ilwt 0r rtia led ian dil lt tw i y ij nie irtee er pfi h ic n hvi riead holered lite r4jh1 plh fetl llir nm haviiv le rn l iv vh le nmnlh r eaccci ttlv diteld anitirm ihe fi4irmrei itf ok finhuueiif unlia ed inf ill ni ivhidiml nf iv h ttt wlou an- ee miilt vld n ic etctj fiudlliir way ii ie iit- whh in a ftirjtly vi pt avrj nrfftt dfitt british whig co tdition in 1 1 fnf i muuealinn fti ttt sivel i fifrd ivht have lh cae i hainl incil but tew e wrw an lr nn lely n rwi wii j main n it a risbivm invvd arauta cum urn fii-tin- j tvii- jul jiartlj a co uvniuel ij a inch 1 ie 1 1 ci of h m tu li 4 ratyot fv aloaa wiu uf avtatno vice l j 4faaef iwsa 1 n raitnm vancnlvtt yae tv imi praem aiil ljtrefre be a ftlttai l a lij dil inrih ul frill dm 1 okiii caifil hrc uwoaitipi m ucitr i- w e it a e wmv i- lv 1 1 p jc kumi dishj tn y ltfin we- if li1r1iijknnmljlaimjllwwiim iadlawqaawdritvolaf llp0 time l a ihm mmu incoij fj iyfe crare armmniif ainl 4h did eemura ukii inaiiitfi tuiier tn iiiijic tu txii vt me rrtin vnihie hv h whl hate they itne lu uil uh cjimuf r what l lru inttuyf ihoai vf knieralof in alt cuf j laau nm j in a c 4 m il in tu turn tte niiina if iif 4la cute- ui hionvalttilurteur a aeewt njithhi ihcy lun nflbrir pfr- cnneaiidtuhr pribaiiili jcatr hbo 1 iiinac ald e aluni r f w4 ciiinl tininttvea dnccilv 11 pn iin htttjiia aanm l tr ubey y dtdttirrf fwa mmacnwieawhicb orcry mo ni rihliiitma thjr eitvd tha elnliy 4 mt iinni i the 4maii ibp j k- j i u af mtanl lie li unraatul inaat hn4 tlrry it neiihh afit m4itu the piwr teirant girl t st here cnkd fo tooje p tty the ft and shnl 11 with the mt aainluiied of her err wilh nothing ioio ftn dav with no resnrce n thnias tu kill the lime except in listen n to cr- niptin iiiet and the cimvcitatton of ber degraded ioajauion if hc were not a thief a pmliiiv before die will ori eati n he one here solely thi it wion if there be a ticcetly at any limr ofra- dojvon la pieccut cojamii alien in gad this neccviiy itinl cvrliy rxist ii letpecl u perions coivictcd ol cum aid eho may thoreitoie ur innocent ttetore a in n i prun ed lu biec toliled lh aa it is iftojjl a well a iirimo alj to punit hin to ibal tnr safiiv i teemed the law sasno farther hold ujioi him thi mtisf nf co iim be obtained it any pier ttol any pvivatoi any wrou 1 uicd upon bin nit ah ojutey neecsity to thteud a piece f nnvi m rantahte ty- latny aiti eroetly to ioice le possibly in nocet man a herd with tn lowest fried tn coaifvl the ywf jul io live and vleep i he a e rii wilu iir hametem piotilulc can answer 10 ie nf the end nf jtidice ihv aytcrti ci pnitce uuthh bh evil and it iirj td moiphoii ihat a nveiu- auiou to fnr irai of mutual aiamiteinatio1 i id milter in new tfate lh miit i i- eiiittuiklu aiat unreiaincd with prum uncomieteil 8j eieiycaii ncvei make rjpiutinu t u larvt- rent m em her fl ila iulntirvmeiil in ncwalr the heart hecumea lainieil in epilu of irffplfi tloi auj jaeivjtttljhs 41 e fulied nmi il vtri landtimuird if heroine fantliat tu it the inimt i h nrnre th m hu nan hut enild ounc 0111 of tlto cuttjmivimp of ktn ja e miif 4 it entcrrd tt onl r ihr circ lo atlcmpi it haetmlivir attention otipcllcd sum little iiittnteiioj if artoid hn- mane and philanihrnp vwlcn al lie rini esjiecially of laiivs dear khibeilv rry nsrd loinavw the few wards the bnothef iium lunip shr frtml had iters m icce- orsinthe wok udy rue ctntant vijtilm and teacher here iv- so is ina shir ks thay nati enecre and ay with tin if pnnrsoleu the eal their etantw anil usteexminiteircl heaven ij knows for the cm j often ft ofid ibtf whi w llcavtl dohtlnfleulivc in tee w moil tint tfi anaxds vf love a j fflrwi noiseless frusfion ear iiirt the vr ds lal- lei tint hy toe way prswidence j rtdl p nilsncjb minittiiesiobe lielnrt j to vatn the chacl as w befil e d r a rla il nvai atd plain hi re ntc plw- and leirase priioicr ilitaw aaj ire of the flmr n ciar is plieed r y and rnaked lor the s winch i ivid ihi- d mailc and a though dentedly uw noai and of every kind could be aoiladi the etnph to patt liilh iheit inoney ihe country and he tear reciioa itie penylfl have hard from rioui pern nj me co njntcly inrnint ine ictls far tin pail they took in the late nnvrffienl hie iciomnce o ihe prieul were tccr- hl nf ltitrea black 4uk few niifchaveiv bcni tinwfltin tu conrcituence nf f a general irwk va- ains1 litninirjlhioj nullyin iiin hut in seveivl of the adjunin couuliol day iiifirmcd by a koaiau caitioltc as ihe feetin of ihe pople a a jc dtlriclnr the tmith ftartn laevii u amonihcrn httthrvrv of ihem will not now r male he ceo spicltotli i lor ibe invollhe v culprit 0i thlt he i rertted 1 v lore his cxecntioa in face of th coiistnetja linn uc fail l en ihe wi practice and ihiiitc it onht o fh ued formcily tho cnllin hcr into the tdiaitel and p uwh ta rt ii win lc throuvnt cmtfaully that jieal mind wliat the jmeby aitd mmy do not peak m ihetri when utoy nacct ihem on ihe cvad a number of the lvaia catholics in this pari of the country will not at pictmit attend inas or e to the chapel and ffljfiv nf lite rc-c- s pkcopcrs and farmeisdeclarn tual thvy will not pay lh eitoning chiishs dnea a veiy had pro poet for the piits fo the v inter 1 state tbec facii o ijeanliority of li ii v lies who related thtm to me audi have every reason to believe thai ihvy are correct trie disease in thr pouio is fal jwurvsainj vrdtt is beled uivy wiu not lanjish food fr iht people hntil chtishaa h0lch ciniiinats eel 1 baron barrvela piaif hnuld in iinn f m iin hiw 1 am the setlu ler enact i no ft tr of mi dimio itjn- to lo be p 1 at thl tfie the ha- e- eafi come itninal an- lo the milelacor hnnr to ins ienco ont nf it the ilhl to at w der the terror- rf aii i only lo harden binv hile their fl ed io ihe sati faction of a aaorid twoshj- 1-earii- the chalet we reptsi vj nnr ol wluch i hoihv a the s emionst scape that of the wis arc nf tin ame height t h ue in ncwhic lireel ami nv r capo whkh wmiht daunl the r ate itiion hiaker tut theswr ed thtnt placing h lack in i the volhc wurkrid himself op v ad ftctj resiu ihvm aniv- uaumv inti he reached ihe ej then rtepl almtp ihe top of the e tifa vriy tp iv die lofiy enta i- to i invetcr- t j 1 o-lfcl- e n1e of tis bm he riaah filicmal okioutt taw ptt4t ziec tbc illte h aeuiii tf v ainaj ajfaat ouu wbjeli itaejml aiited h riaiice and uvn idi3pt r the eidkelinn in the lanliai ova nbieki tie animal is trail e dfcratmrm 1d bas ireecnie tnap- puarucf ihu ahi j oeietva inadihv fthndotthrrtyearatifn lleiituktanhwjnftli- j4rkiic in iveateiiia nr emu itliaaj of auscsaaaii ehihare ehjfaclrnic f ihe ape vicckaj iinr mcniahiitrcnf aimuiieil ittcnniui aooui aana 1 j carralm anj way renaaifc- aule ii ni ny mmiist dfxeeiimijlr uid ivcethc krpct hnl puuhy hit cace ifec nvjt it m ik ihcotf- enieie nl a wirai tn hi the mreoi vi i nes vvar vn ie hfjorll h hrwsa ilit at i a hala jeath and ma a the n ut en-dtiltv- i verer ra dll jn atnnm ltvartatiii h n n ft clivtnal nw the va i i s tbcc can he no me e way- y hep ic wa u in l frirfrl nil iv iy in- al pli pad br- umi afior ti e c ied vhfd and in tlut licaiyant i f tin ulpthj wiilt u rtirto an cmnleiiiylsat ee ivl i he avamncd bj- nn arab utnttia ft iraerev cmiau mi vl ebociatct rnithicat wme nnd ceen fiurnj aa tie e wars frnj vi ty ha climate ihs roani rceuniin reailtpu fr lho4chtiuuvl c4m ad thcute crvanuc 1- crs pg t bid kswtttaa btfpoeitl and tey fffokfl ojal three anu ilt bitie civerel 1 p wilh n u- 1 u ui tie uf pufui tlie d y hie uj 14 omav d 1 1 rci htve afur the frfbi nf the frfres datjntif ihu runina uf tlie empire and w i me p ilona th tudy nf tulnuta if in lardle fid tw lo jrelty jyineed b tlw pcmne v llueuuiutj at oraea olcar vednkday morning october l the lenrttxtiary commission- the tjor of the feather hrrhrd centte- uvn kens neevl lo approach cmictovion 1 ihe h wt had time ertiuii to hatch halt a 1s n hrkod nf chicken th cenmitoncrf ac now otiily occufied in hraiu- the etjdan ttou or dfetce of the warden aaiitt the hmosarad and ne charge tioiut aaint him altboiijtb before jttdjej r r j tfl landoaua hirri the warden ts rljmia a ttilt battle and keep up his spiiils amazingly vvheaevcr hesueeceds by the crowt exanii- nalion of his accuser or by direct testimony to rebut the malioo or muchi i of any specific accuiation instead of coialiilaiin him ujon his iunncehee the commiisioncrs look soui and aaryiid ean hardly reltain ihemseuta from ivin5 rnt to their tcsation upon one conmirtioner mr amio1 ihe warden hi succeeded in jirodocing an effect not par hap of vniire incrtdolitvt bnt one of tial lonbl and cnnraen1y thi- renl1eman oc- i gies himself ihe icouble to seek and rind out la himvelf the iniih but ihe way iu which he is jnubd by his fllnv conmisiionjri is a caution they haidty al- lovv him local his sonl hi own pauvte amiot i he had belter 0 home lie is too hoted a man foi his company mr shtriit tfnu3s haswiscfy laten vi him touj ajn tint ihe cnmmtiouers if their cpoit will condemn ihe ward iv a settled altiir hat- ctct be his guilt or innocence dm that they ajll cony the pubkc mmion wilh ihem u by ao means such an bttnied certainty wha- ever be the warden oifvno a an hnglli- man and a qhish snjel he is eutiued lu 0 fjir trial that h i omaining a flr trial if no the ewe when he is be lot c a comrrjision predetermined to condemn hitt a1 ilia to he ckpccttd thtt our reader will icotme at nnr bonis oie proof of this ascriion iee aahaf it in the followi aeclnlc a friend to the prctent gnv a retired mrrchanljin wirin to a new york creditor very prtmemly rtjncilsa few montha longer credit plelin hs honor that ihe demand aain1 him thai ck hridlcd out of hs first narters uty an wfiinftf the teuen- iiarv not ibal we believe that this par ticular jenlltman ha any chance of brine appointed to the much coveted olice fur vec hapten m know that one of the very con- nvsi oner them etves has cot rrccdy eyes phoh ihe expected tcsuy and ho has cat cr claim but we giro il it shoes a fireoiie conclusion on the wrl of uie com misicm to otiu the present jikamhent dui although thfl warden may fail in obtaining an imiiottial heorin hefor the cnmni iukki he stand a hivr chance jtts raltthriaitoa otmwri ufontai aaei itahlwin the h a u of the prtsvul goveru- ment those entlemcn may bl vre3t ridi- cals but ihey unnjnejttonably are ntcn of honor tajry are mt pioeided tney jive lhemelrci ihe immf it ift the wheat from th chalt the iriaili fiom the immense mas of calinvny and when the hepiit s uiu be fore the lrituiurc we sham hear whni they say if they condemn the warden vf viall ortistves ive him un in fael we nevcrswj nf iroumdoir hals about thi tatprtiioa business had ihe ciuruniston ers aciel inwards him a id others vjjth coo- nton h n ike eutw 0 tfc brutal tlw magnrlu tolrpapli conpanv hive recently puhhhd alniil nf th if mruufied rjlef in which lh- charge 1 aprtinnc i lv ihe dhdanee ths is reiy rym and peofcf hut 1 object lo the aftimel drttane s a un- jnsl and improper kr intamctlj the d tance lie t wren kin- ton and cohir a- umed at ivhv over one luindied mile wherea in point o lacijii is scaeely ntuety fjur mile k thr coaipaty cannot plea i irnof ance nf the true ditak inrc the hum herof iheiroivn vn tell thai con tcoilctlly whn in the f ce of tbetr awo de clared and ireimisbed tariit they ciare a rate of 00 r on huidfej aite who it huuld iv a rate of fri- than otte huti ired mile iey are term 5 aiafe eslly irsm mr edttof yna hart independnco emuh to hake fact pumicly known tuu tu cabur 01 10 lw rraf n unia win siejh fnr nn 0 ai 10 th ciiflt roil lee lo t7t at net me lina f tity metrs iliutle o hatlliir mcuilmi and 0ihant 5 wah attrlmncr praying for eytcruian of time to wlilth ihey are limited in sell n ahh rman luver rltfl iwrtirenf in ineo tioo lo bfintc in a hji to amend the if y- law relating to auciotmcr n 1 p fin r v commiluce 00 financ and account re- commendhw payneotof certain aount pasf d- market commnle on pvlilib f m- k mi i stall in matket buttdin aseil alikrmin fijian bereevpved hiteoii t tl at the tales demanded by ihe vm- eil wee b utuo hijh ard ihat th ttood dm iungnclic itclcgtapi ajavlral oresiur fve onvab 7tnfr mortniat oct ii 7 p at fjeuti m lo artr idle 0000 lals inpeiftnt m 4 1500 do bl ci o 06r 9d wlirdtaile u- c red and mixed ai 4 6d a 5 fcu3rll- ahe 29t 9l for potr and ma for ivark mm porb oullrr 11 jd ibid 6d 3rd gl fht nn- lollthl arrived balk ruf london otmftl carv rrovintlal libbrntvicc ftkcmfaa tieav enne ix t lttfik ot its ft i flkntiur payable 12 auvimi pitt ineii ineils fim dilr nt f n t crul vrtmjf ianonh zlmfii 0 jiiit i-jft- iltc wtca enjn thdj n 10 0 tldiajed i- riffiinl lh ifl fir ll ffiuj e lsirj 1 renr ii licf uknacf jc ir nidreil seem mohaltom ihat oicut which has pinvrtl isrtf so eitale oniicta fiuirt each nthei p r pin exh irlter fnn ivrjllwf is yvfiient i etoml eaehavep42mdwil havo nil fhe svuip ii nf ihe a hut in a inttl thia a iwdi iittoan nl m i h hav lvn elv rarla rilil rjnfnjjew and imi ihi v iii iis are likely to iert a hilfi frtn ii ieaiurti f a n ulleuoivintenteaos ai a hatt 4lrmv mrnrrvts piticpi 1 tvitr diis i f l in eylei a hnvbevtl anil 0ea willi i ncr ihe di ut- made its f hri htif if luat iumher arr kverv irecattui hi hen la otw a h y ts 0t a jrfhd prlird i lt j n il jr fi rrfy dl tll iumjitllt vadrmfttfn tly rvituntmuj oiaifiicuv4frcr j i tu rt yi i derr ljeajljw4 lh it wk l whack hi- frt ai fmit1 kiiflmc adelai 4 r ij4t a hia p witattifil wheal iriawiaalt n epl hut x ik h ii- j m ful b iy ivhlipjf nv4 ihxa lieasanrnt e uiirri j7 teuulpt aimmikly isa rriff and itecupitif hyhrc me pmii tyi utldiii4 it is trchiei i itad hnl mw lh and thistsiinaiii- vpue nf ilml rata we mw ihrnih aetri cnrriduiv lu il rjmlaile mates as we harrim ml nile ihe inni charailri nf ihe 1 m fid wit a n it oljid ift view tietti y niilainrd iluvili at eviy mli deraltle ijua ilyv a miaaai il ii daik ciuihurd j and in dantlu of the tctiiiutnns cvauhtha pieieived in very ii ii j fu imiij ate lun iitlkiirnl1y url ml he idihira ench a reral the newgate nf the lime of inward- the fever thai lr- iimi aitil drattucttve diaeae whith 0400 deaclihi a nrvt lu the iuije ho rnaf dreadful of chita udtow iieimuiieul nlneji had lu 4j i iy epldwmi within itiwalu the nature nf eii- lit prei vni a tainn iccuihi frrni conaj r aaya kar the esiolei m h a i ri culrd mj in day ara iid to r r viler a 4lnn if what he irhh cai pt mrt- itie ei dera mml lh irlkes ihey titreljayf anteaaure vleheil hy ihr a l- ufiur tlie a llirri utru tatf wmut we hive rnkhih ifln tke iluty f ihe aannerai soilda 4nd i irile lhj in m cr proa u failant del inl ae alfii- 111 crmtmy 1vu lirt wr ntn in tnvow f wlmlea enofajeily ide iuhrmen nnd iijs te d ihe ataanaeffltj lie l irjodi itilit tav ailth mill gr4i ivrv l i hj4 wl f ehd we0 ah ndl and i cnitep ia in ibr- erra wc may pre a itnl ri i on inv ie ml termiu ill w bf6 iiadnetnt iho licuu l hvo i- ifi kitinai a rai lt tit to 11 nittvuta nf the hal i ilneia ta nakinr i uti it waa hnd it ha pa ed it iniil tint iroalba ivi li albnaiitod in ii pw tn- nf til il ji t hit 0 h tn vlweeri ihiiy the l4liiertviitaede jttafae1 1 hi rnrec ai sain died alt am if miraani1ti 1 tiic a pfe a lie 1 hie ieitln wciv u rn 1 11 lj inatv faieiu sviea i nlahn ia latin with ictott inlen 1 nuniuer- were 1yin rttvh frntn utyitillt of the ay tlui ihr ptpia i i1riiiii tania nf aten j4inacu fcc nioihrhra continue t p j tlrtmr imvt hen upward of v l it ua npjieataiu r 1 lh i rapine inlaii ay eal i1va11 ilnuialin nmf day eamedvwn j fmy and at ma rpar lh prrr antral d t a htm- hil fallen 1 htim v as k a j tnil leu 1 hm a in d rh l aiir i hd lllll 1 muaki intl on id cri jto l uae hen e uj iae cdpeand r to if itrt ul wie lap c wlttvinll pl it 1 inlhe ivtrkiu mt tlie rihrruim 1 wf tttlnc uindhonneiejntf siiihhw iru uhii mi mundae nftciivmii hiu t iiit kune he the itir adtjnj 01 imhya jii vitlaja ji tto eoni tfler the iilnni was ivta 1 jpmi wca i d ana neuntl aiih 1 1 l h i i pitfifrh tt nnd rjade nilh in fvitiiiiitf mnjeaf nksktl neaun isiai lu had tra cnjrjilr lha hviillitnw a f ihs tnui amiani eliafier tiewnl vcryiauch ir ineiro litt hy tl leair the slalla at a lower ptcl than thai hd fr ihoall a prevl cnmuijiic on file and waier rcpmlin thai the fire enints and iheir revctive comriaoicti were in good woikin oder auo that j scajiill eo not rectiveany prenuom or uiigin- a pnncheon of water 10 a fiio wl en oid watei was not used in extingxshin ihe fire select commilue on petition of samtd morley and tfbeia rej4ctin- ihe ciuae which was ahaul hetnj veiled zinst be signs after ro uideraale ducnvsion the rturslion sa tamponed 01 motion of mr crawford for six months all i ihere- fie whnjk ha bceornc damaged dain the next two quarter hy comint tn doe enn- nexion wilh ihe low sign boardi or mrro- moih booij will have l make a eloign on ihe coipnralion fur new calcr which will no doubt he referred to a select commijice on shocking had hat and ordered it he ai- lended lo y icrs wngln ard taecdal wilhool delay comminee on st rets and lmporemn relatiee to a lae couiirjjncaliott hum vicai gtwmll maeoonel parsed ann re-jkclin- reliiion of aitdcwall and others felatins todatn kfcrrcd to salicl- lor alo repeetin- common sewer leading from the front of the city building lu the fool of c street- committee tn eorjince vviether ihe ctwcrrunoit willing i pay fr laepojotcd drain ih the event rfihe tx- pnebmj incofltdi and to pirpare ancjli miie of the cot of the work- aio n jpectmi nniaucc at fom of union treetthr railway in he immediaiely re- meved ah of which were pasitj asamen- ded city treasurer account of rvrceipts and kxpr 11 r tim ihe year ending 30th septem ber isis read and icceved city surveyor recommending ihat ceilain ookiruciion in tnc way of the water tabre be removed aldvrnau smylh cave nnlict ol his inlen- lion o iitrndtice a hylaw for the preser vation of the ttdc walks ol the city ahlrtmai mclean inttojuced an acl t regulate the public market in the city of kinsjtlun bead a ilral time rrsoi i7t10ms moved hy aldennan an ten and eronded lwarwr cal4atisai uwnvjvofi lisl he opened for the creclioi of a uinnz sialic i memory of the lite lord fydtnjam coveinnr teneal of canada to be placed on a dome of the city hall in this city and that lift woislup the mayor mesr hilt coritr rtreden and smyth be eomrnillce lo receive juhcrpions for the mmc the people of kihs ton trill rew have an ippmnniiy or sovin thir tfgl for the memeuy ol the deceased nnurinan whrne hsnr in accudanee with his own prtffw iteirr have fmnnd ihir resl flacc n thi city wines ha i ha lived to carry onl his exeellrnl inlentieju lowards us afwild have bid rtr lo become one of ihe frt cilie in the fwtnee- would hare remained the per- iaavnl eal o foemmenl and would have receii cd aflrfl ut 1 like nliiie lending toils general rtfenferiiy and adeancetnem bui all lh jjiol tiling in petupclisv nftc nipjd iuthhud hy tord of hi gitod wrt towards 137 19 0 e dors m m1ti t 4 10 a if vmirfi kreeire lt jri taav 4fy i fa crrrif nmr ynrr a p ar fuirft 50e prcau nd 41 tjr a 5- fi-jj- sme yltiscrj in market hut boljera wer very firm sv dispofetifn io hny tor for fmure delivery hut huver and stller eontd not roc ii flic hul lersakin j0 a tsjr fi nnv satrf of the v l oxh to 15000 included in the sales wer- lsoobms nroolilyn on prirat ternw 5alea troy 9 tti a s 1 1- h 5 va a wvwl er jr- sey bye floaratjj a 5jr3 hhicb ishet- ler the nnarriral of ihe slearner cheeked the demand for train hnl there is no chan in prices wheal 1 27 a 1 30 for jersey salts itxo hoi wcalerra put to airim at 1 10 cnfu held fi mdciait drnjaru alet 25030 lint ai t5c for low ax 1 68 a 69c for hih nie1 73c a 74c for round a contract fcr o0 hus noiih carolina com jeheera in fhmay made on private tenia raiy t14 bye gsjc a 60 oala srmvthernsai- in cotto a iftodetatc business and 00 clun asiirs pvas ralhei fritter ajtd selling at 5ii a tflfiv- klm doti sjo or 3 scoh jotd at n mess 11273 plinai dnl i is r u 1 nl li j c l i n ll aif iidial mm iilmw uf ihe lletal hk lrim nileeal jj4aj ndh and uiijd oaa etn in iim fry kla4ied ahit hewitt if ht m kmia urn waive iu iny irl id an inilbal td wli f irf imthinitfllto licteu ihr rteeaiid fln- ea of male and k- fduiid- ii climil o llparwlus fleiie n il 1 1 wddnd vhi rt hi n lv li tddie if i bnldttp die omih ir iiiwi nvs tliiimtfli ihe l41lr lrh umtay tni i- r wille prd n li il 11l r mi i at ikrlin cairi ii ilei maiinir tittle mil it a auht nlrfli ih vltneeliavl iii- niarid litnln is rrii aft ritiitl uml ieini iti lunr aitinj vt ihi e mtiitr hitm ih feul i limu ili- ib a uam i hitii nillln the riltimie li- ttietfm lrfiin ihe i n ifria dmved id fl ihrtaeni w eni tacit- elrai 1 j in iil tai mi yeam aw for vj 1 d irjeero h1 n uh4 nm l laitln il ip wa nau yitf ualff wnltifjr m 11 ho i a tan if rruvn rniiinaed llie ahnj emteltiir n iv lh ilia ipavhsi aiij t- lacaka wvre tajnd lute altpjnd vtt u city councll- monnar cvi 16 1318 rarkjrr his wrhip ihe mayo- 4ur- men hill auqrn sinih cnanier wilson klanin llredeiumcleaii hikes ciiri ttr crawfri crnnnhuitsei mtmahon wvw liulvti waidin-hait- the minutei of pr meelihc neie read roumvslcat 10 vs s smylh compbihin thtl hc haj ml yet heeu ui in posaanr nf kjrnn in tear of castsati ilowm- which he had rented fiom the ciy ctineilme inonth since- tlw kirktaliick ri halinj thai the kvccutiof th- laic mr juoice majriman had aeon1in to a wtah expressed pieviona 10 hi jreeae presetted the corporation wilh a lotirail rf hat inilennan the i-ur- perto of ila hiijc plaoed i ihe cil 1111 ffrawrfd that the irvr of mt kirkpaliirk he eheecfnlly accepielnnler ihe dirvf lii of a com miller cmilsting nf the major mctfrs counter anvnand msleaajh patlvioaf a mir mayno reprciin paymenl of tavrs teferrd in 0aurl nf au real on aieaiien mrvtf rnei and lttyh rerpirlinv ihat a dace of meettnx h pioride for tie l rivilmrni and prayin tn he peiinilted in eeeupy nirf ihe ew cellais in the city ihihhnkiavrd miller the dcliu of i 0mnilff rq city isnpeily jtdiii kiiihrtty pound keeper praying for reinuncrafim fur certain finra mefrned lo lu4ice cninuhtten wilh imwer tn act airhiiald metnary rrvctin victualling 1 1 mi ie ticinit jramed hud hy tlh unliny ihah rr enfant whoe arl in the axncuir ksn4slu wa un bounded- dmi he remarks a w hy cer- laiu memierof ihe cnnncil on this wihpcl il wassiueacd hy mr crawfard we mkve that the pieeut jovemmetit he 0ved to snhcihe loaard the undcrtakin tiunul cnliur and other place have ptoiniscd to eou aith snvc iption lil ojienrd lt ih nnl however i our cea tn ereci antalliltle woithy ihe memory of tom svpkmja-wfwi- thai offnhlli is afrl due 10 the laic liffnto nulcairik til it sratcs- ma tjik mvs moved hy aherinsn anten ierenleit hy ctkltieiioriuinnlhamht 1vv malralv ha reeji ted tn fnm i a ielh nf ill- tin s inspaclln fciscauii up talhoiim mwiday in 01otr tlie ulmes of thr arljis nnd th ammmudiean4 ihat the regular lepnrt he furnihed 4 fnuraj hy him mnved hy lit ilillj jrcendtd hy mr cra hx that itie police masltate ite rrrjacmej locharifv full feeaeeoidine i 5h rlaue nf iha inevpvvinn act all cart which enn- hfrc liinsieceptsuch numicipat olten cea miuas my reiniru thv fee to be re- duoed thi cninril aljuunic 1ork oatfc the mariel t jc a sjc for good and pjimo llta itetf qmt at prev io rales j asmall altof perf tlaihc at fli no change in pittled meats qrtteb aato cirrrvc in ood demand at piovtott ralvs tavow firm sales 50000 hhu at fi 4 ov sih s or ttjo gallons lard oil at for winter lhiej 57 for best frrcu rs tradv hnl ro iranactionf most of the veeli iubjhh are full tre iury notes ml off j gorcinmeot ts jndj to tiik sudscrtunrs tlie pnwieromillelyslrtday mo ninjj la acquaint he mitncibers lo the- telerapk befirtofthc biitea whij that a freali tnoilh commence ihis prrcitl week via finni monday sptmhei i ah id salniday oetoher 1 ills tteluive atlbii pnbliealion it suppnied instely oilhe cash vteai it is imped atf lue tnlteelnr of ihe mnnihly vuth icnptiimiivill meet with notviva to joy otu 17m tsl niw vonkoci it ci r m i sales 1ici0 hhr tnclndine 3se0 hhs for sfiipmeni demand mainly frhn the trad and the hlt mt ai held al 7 37j for jer- eey stic sj0 wd rye fln s3 co a 3 75- wtna moderate iniliy and without claie in the maraei ccnee 1 2f ohie 1 ijn si 18 corn rthr neiei formived hut man i vet rvl sdra i0 bus at 55c a f5l f tow mixed and new fit leans c5c a to for ovft mixed 71c lor flat jtffoa 73 fft rnmul yelve rye sell at 63j a 60e talev witliont change 7090 bus sold ai 73c- oais4lcal6ic ihe m uket urtoa tniel sh73 153 for mr and eytov sles iik bhls salm dlohhssonr irime s50 berf bevy al 5a 11 witli moderate sales sales imrjrjo lh llid nidcs alsc 10oo dead hogs aoid 5a0a 51 sicssco us whiskey at 51c btilifi stady sate vuoo boxes ohio chevse at 6c lad dull sale0d li vilrow ccerwat ol isc gnxerief doll snjnr declining sates lfxr tmsh flat ecdl5 the stock market show m t lunre trtasury nuus ftj sterling down trirraniii catrif sllnvr absener fictn rviuie pietemcil lna viunr fnm win present nl ih s au vhibilinn thi fhow was about aa poo ai nuat and a rerrat many fine ealtlo and heep were on lh jround iv conio convpllmeut lh jdr npni tneir knowlcdoolht jioris of almre arnce ttuy awanei iber ptettiinma lo the iplh woiihlo 0 iiinau the list it piixia wilt 1 v found in annlhet column rt hfmtiko or pahuasttkt- it aetna un j to br flpnf itfljl admitted and believed um the provincial eilaluir will t t n- ctive until nfler the liii1mas holidnja the hi 1 nf november is the tatrat prriol at winch th inonihvii can reach the capital rtaaajtlaaal ennveyaiice and f the pailiainattt i nolconeemd la meet lhh it cannot ai tiettuo unlil ewly in jannai wh u tor road aio lurnwvt tnr staxioats ap uie pnovikeul siinw cnitioints ara made ihat m of the snaiitiaat jia have icc fhamily in rvfid lo cany mar puentcis in theawi viow il vi pnhlivhrdbjr h ocnrfar oi theauihniily of lie commit ire ofmaiiaitr- mvl e pieopm thai the boa u had agrcvd to like lmeneia cnt in the tair u half pliafn vvhn ihe day came lley icluied to ow smesivihsl nnw of the luafalail ne had been asked io ovfr this fayor if eiht cmuiiite are clottiy wnna in tuib- lnhicvtlvallhiv ttid the star wih riuiiht le- rpuin itieie is nne piece of rfiairtiy enndtttt if ivheh the rtvai mylwf ponaiki lo ennv inswneat baf phcv mt be held niltvik qntlaitia ue woidof mit who vtairdihal they weie tot to ihe thpoav atid rwrvavoiin to make ihem ry full brire twkris weie itisen to tciiain tatties lr ho iivrnvt ihem i ictin at ihoit- ofbceis in diced ptice hut thpse tirkeia when prenirm mi any nf ihe nlhn boata were imt oceeiiirl aihrnih ha pmhrio reanl thrm a belonnirjj 10 oie iriir m the adveitisrmenli rlaaa thrnx as lh llynl mail line the wuosft aifaii uoks thoiiuihlj enmmplibte tortmt ixomrtifr teipin iht avonftvtt rift la tlie crmt of titieewhineh on pfttar aavinoon cnoivrt w heaid befora kfir llaaw lie chief justice and jnieso dof and stnth vn a rlrrnmief taken tn ihe tirartj ing tn the ws nf hntholnmev conrad ah ualna tlujrv ri ilinctsone ef ihe nnwreun nfttooat hrf i v0 havaymi ott anyilihij in ihii papr jnlift i ildarnnlhf loxvtij ran ye- allthlliuhtlriigo dune in lit wrek lmn- r iinkrr i ions ftt tinl aini ihwurnai i fndanl nlra set fmlh ul itlol h ie pwiieiorlolei or inwuhel fiwwmlus at io ttne fc trrfofcr4 ivi imldwiid srdu thai mrmifa lliinimift hl nhthf oir an ihat iheplatti- liiriiciwiimdihem as mthhy mlnxlut oh pelion nayiiiral lli fu a ml v oinfrn hi iv mllott vaaiitaliltiudliu t jlui the vuiix tfth an trvnaiiiaail meah l1lhimn un ponrwhiie li veihinelnri hv moitei a o tt nard villi n aitrj l hitt lws aelhnv rintt ihim hw iiin n raa tn- iijiti j thrlr imran a tnuiiod iy tha miyiftitato viexu lch tl tn lhi plea tins ploinlul m unrd an j ta caao w a hvoid b tie miv ii min cro1 mrtkaloinaw vtoua nitwta llott rm to to ev tn snpaw own niodrti etatm r omtiv nnd w i ffjiti unnirirt mat hnl e ilbotobe fapreudmf t lot ktt una ieaitf and i tat