f nw mi hitfm ik iw lnnthiald ft allauiu ml ihuumli tfci famtarjati iii n cuim mlrmfri liu intenllnn klh tfi einimlaot inin fi he ileht of ulft m w wile 11 t ni nil ha leintnil ihni re hilf ih pnlw hil he pent mm h ilt fxhttv hl ik tm rkli 104 vr hv penple ii i urlh in jut mum ethi msfhlne in antuer mini n m morxrd in w lln fl hi- iiw ollirtty levtnltd raaeliine liv eeaavtleinl en- ajileoio mw mi ivimihva mim minwli mj f by evraf runnd ntl blmo ftjimitviih helium iniifemii it chmjta minn lu itileiffiimr wilh h siietii alleejnti that it cure hip an uii t itm toiid litehliiic li wiiiptg ami hol limply l rveri ilrf itiim wliicli jl mail i a utenlai itiiiimi r inthart mr mise claim d in ha ee rn- wti ihrmwftf mimie iiiai elrciie film will ll b0l mlifnln1 mltv a laiv whij fat lpfrt need he man fur liia own jmfelj fu t loot lli fl oittc i ml i tin omit nf kentucky whaie he milt i died eree wiltihim owl hive iniijrci chr umoi mr 0bilv mw lh1 ibfito imft mrd mart ili c mia named covirtik ma mrhr4va roan n bretm w oviced di ih iwl ptdn n ttjma f the murder oj o d mlwfirfril l be emended tw4lhof oiiovr 11rpadd eniliy th pl npoi h irial hill he miwyirtiily cnnfeaeil ii in fliitj hii firlrni lierwartu threw ihlhrfr 0rrlhprriiiip tl qittnmvti heithl h ilfi ntotut ihe liajol ihe or tt or ftioiit lh aoir timml iijimc n rrv rrv m tl ihfr cimvicl llirnn itcuilty of ihr toilir mrnjr i- rjxb howtr in mr4lift thai mii o cwnn 7m lh mun1rrrof lr lmlaml uiil ihi 111 drrd vas cmitfrli io llie i0 vhoreh a qurnloti fiorfi tlit rvidrihtc ilililcfl 00 tr iml itftpprwlta broooaiil otmibov rtii mr4 fim 1nail in isi7- 1hr wilo rf ihrfonrprr di1 jil oro il ol hr pn ctrdrj ooinrj wilh iho aoiii- nilhy m dmithw t prlof iti all pm iicn4 in lhro room loinher iioi ihr time of lbit anivnl m qitai until hc nnrjti m commilitd dvnoan wi mi irfhr woilhl ilipatfd clmrjtlr bnl oconnor is nprfolrd w hivin oera an ini ii fovr rawi the rcjoi ivlucli nromplfd bcnnan io cnromit h miirjor a- n v i nivi hul he hi pfmicl io nokc a ltaicooiesion upon h ttalnmi kiot ocii0o stpr at ih sem- tifi nun mrvf rfr knr buimmr cwlf t iheciti 11 io i v iio kwp n mlny cfoiu uy ihe m oh l j4i fiijcinri44 pefccfii bwi h n d a j do 3 of m i 4 of 0v44 do airrtc conud3 pfcot tut natoatiov law th nectwiiy of an irnmjtir tenl f ih iid mldm fffn motc snly illiiitrd thao h n pirajtjlb in ihe qnrbcc itmun of srpt- slit whith inforoit ihjt pm more ihn frow 16 to 18 tfmli will be onurqelcd io the hip yard f ihrt tace dating the mfit ioc wint whtca lh imiioi numhr is fwo 30 to 35 fit tu hip gm ttcrirr hot 2- 9d pt day fnr l ooor ukor and a quantity nf the ttrj hei woviorn io hut branch i- r j i r 1 in 1- 1 ibf 9tftt after uyitinf ihr ganpiprsi itlipniyfrated tfat lhrf will not b wnrk fn 1 nne fourth of the handt who orir their sntkiit- cnee ftumhe ihinhidioboioeji dpil be notif alt kotction were rmoyn f tho n 4vifi0i law ha for ilttr o jrct and ewottftfcn nt of thr aoip bwitter and she ship ftwr why tlp they not iffjflftf prnprity and activity in ihe vhip yaidn of qurhrc t the initli of their inahiliiy io a4it and miortoi the rem tneice nf the coonirv it loo tvidtnl fkff h uf- feiancrof ihrir cotino i icr rpoil hapjilv a question oflir cily pmtef- l rrp rviyy aicnbe thia rnimo foidjiino l fwbufcna4t4i u j fj v rtiropo un rtlti lh- nrrl bofitnrt nl ptotitce onfrt my imifinmt why fho id lh eanyin jneiei tc lft in ihe larch n- the hur mwrroi in he fonol in the ftcl thai canadian ntmrfairvs ac ilrlvrn fioi ibr paataraj raaihrinof canada io tfcin nut d in lh nrread itomrtaiii of kwyoih which ohnty the cont heorttfik t r to lliru aof vt ooenf ihjj ttrav ofpicjojiliffhl ivcalion which pfft 10 fawrvf palronaf on ih enmv rotito f a the kije conal and nrw york inprrfri n broad st mw ri ami iia ojw ey iarij4imii whn will roett ihraar aside hipntrvt and open llieif ey ta their real inlmola and adruvat popectuatitt nf tita cca0 stamw the wlonihinjc reolaiiy nf thia lin- uf lea- tten eoawei til o prr5eot every werv aoi- nte accoaol of ihe inirflti vtvnu which atir 110 otj world io its centre thr europe atil had formerly dn- made her waae front liverriol to halifax in tn dara ad in new- york in elofendays nd ahaf larin lioeivool mi satordv her amral ai nw- york was boourn in tnronlo on the hitimay u4eh a cnlrofcrjhlnojin to tbi city who came not in her informed us that w hein aikrd by a friend in mjnheler on the thotvay to hi tail when he e rtrcted la rrach toeonio h tepli thai he thought no sluday rorlnifht abonl tx in ihrrivinv err kt nofatf oil ow hvut 0 qqtr btjort iip fiaw mltmn rf ft ii to trrt sr iigt j eivh in ff4fk fi v t i si ih 1 vr mrti h4l nnl add m tl il0llin aalanv- manifcr when iht inpedienlar w i- aed od nutfii iwr ihm fn an plat- letiheoienl thmo ihne ehiahkfd n i ioij trvxtlc lo ahteh ti r aloj cfl 1 jthlilj cf 0w it- the or ml- ffhtrn ai t h fx4efed a fvfl li to readnffp in thi qofnoonrut fifniredpod o powdr kil nei tlrfjii t fr h rv j nr li a m tm was ik fwf at then rtlord in ih ivliatotfate iht lurm t a temper imr fp boiw lht npoiijf coptojed ihry rr ihen wjlh- mwn ad hammetrd mil tlio unt will far found loho tliu iiffrtly ajnllea tl omli- rmoi lha i f r- whirli my w nmwd lo wmpkmliftn inbca ticacr filfc jfrc df f footrrvc acciosn aa iro peoifcmro wer r law etnnn hfftjfp hrluu u ftte fmm an atdeon knuy ertiiit vrltrn altot coo tds ftom ihe canadt si4e iltrj lieard n nwc lar the ullii r of a ltrvv ktdr owep hi paraavin aoe ilp ttj nd i ajifdtf rlj alawra ei mil e nn iwtfd lltebitfff shf fw aral mro n- undine in ilio wmfi and ii ri h t tli- na f r fj-f- of llrfi hrtde wherr ah ijfwid 4 rt i anmf rondo 4v fioa ajiiteoioa taeeojetlifj rrmim o vmj fal pnaiirjoaolrafhiocfomttilie inarm nf iho brv mfel dn llic pceejoiec too t recero undr ihe chlfa vnen i ilntn af lb ladd rs li wilh loffri 1 t i- of llie btll trr oeethanf ii ovva q i p forn ahoto vhii ehe wa ohard irvi- f riaendfivaoefllithieh ij nllemch a d wtohrd lir jrwivmei with irfeafl purr r i- 4f i j ml a hikl l4 itllenovrht fjeertfi fler tiaenei1 tt odof the- hndt 01 cmdiwi atoe nin irho hnd ot koown or llio accrafatav tho clitj a little fid 6 year i t waa laaajrd to the buck f one of fmirn an1 baatbnal np ataavh ajv ihmxfu col1y injird havio mm a v4h of iu lee hrtrn and noe e0 cnnoidrmy 3i r hg ii iritlj thai the awm wm om inataoiu hiled hadj aanasootf it man faaif follen wef mmj feel aifjeodieirtae wiiho aytlinr impede ita u2reaf iho traeft vineabctow fn fjoalpapa i nl tri y r ih l f perhapa o1l yraranf ariiif th o ml wilblho avoidant were alo aiiaaitahltf wenl ira fttmly wrt ml hfidiin i l v jeaa a itte aiajr aaj ahiai 0 nluh ihlf arnlaf bn ilka wwava lunlrtaaaj ajetupvil uy mlohaat v fllohef m a dwfliina aad ftfttttf i rp m h r i m iwiano fimf aal airfa of iviiinr till- nd lhia iljtltitnf htj4lnfa m mteltar lid a jala ittna ihi ia ik aifh uf i 1 i immure ir v ittauml tofki io pjm c tfcr0 f li uiiirlitir noreflwierf lliriil mr j it uviiliti in wain 1 wa oep a lra ii ilt trtl tit iiil lt- fel i 111 m i- eiim kf tiipiirmth e ia m nitrth wealfin nau urtiiifb t mvihi rtnjtinfi we j i t wl hiiialntt w io to hhrfjeej ic kiiohm a imimi wrtoeaeeihi ariive iitphlti etl 11 ili llika in ilia iomtlo uf va ii ifl tok ots wo oooirt uui tiinilmiia the tti nc miivh ji iriv i ihn woikitr tfilte kre riop ih fial frri nnaaitarlel feoii mr i ifliitm ibt tthlmpalrfmfidlhe iiia nt the rrur f lit hitlin on tso ftf- in uiiri i ulil ht4 oiieily hive 1ern ollfrtrain rtltititihtl oaier4 taae str 1t3- oij qlclcgrnpl last night allrival op tub teammtv t a mbr i a still later from europe- e n a at at i lahfit a lrrtnn laal fnday our cooj liltto town w fivoird ar ilia omtimi of a ft imn itf raiwf irenteel a pp a ranee having ihe viimtp rtf s lleietff hokhinuv develod l till nittfr hlot nt h cnitnllion iho m in hu iokel sutin hiwcrlf the llnnoridv afvrn 4eiter lidaian nplww f rati stirre til iwelendin 10 in a riiaal oiafor i4i ny sitje unlearn- iip fvmfrf raiic aricilime cnmonrc female clm rietvr e tu afire alnoiltiftx lire 5a- iii owv or tw miht btitibal he dc ejmpdnti t sinidv f iirjij tj pay h l it r and itfioter hil1atis i abitt ihe ltl ttaafiaati m ill yonnvef branches ol tin ltih iojily thai pselon ha bad nut wv iimw h ran f err well dlea with ihe viiu o any ooto nf 1 1 a ii lliey hiv- a the aoiorot h foe thei nallictf aij none filloivin it pnttftt sun the i arooirf rlatet hnt does 10- tre il amtlniy l1iil ihf gftv pawt the eminent 1nin hiuorian the wan hnay aifterieaa nvprtlef the rtimoarai moorfi a tiiace hint diihlio 0yipni rvkelh ihei l lit aenldv of the sod cvnli m hie rotj t4me nf ih paiiwa of ueniav the tvmuaihv nf iliticnicovnkehloodleifoti i r 14jiitj ij ihe ojnnrftrd runlymrn of ihe oitrcohisl0ficomiijili htihtr will hcdnr exalte in ih very irnilh the cockka uf 0jf herl liiih 0 ioainin ihe inward fa- totiooji raiiljiinit of the lii maje and mi nioffil m ihe if ta i ion tf lh itlurinma ptwrc f ih fiorioti aillo- ii in hiir- linrmli passed all round at the enlivening urothvi i f having hoi rolls fr their akia- fflqi nil if ilifafftlim with aiale amlttima at thedeipioti ciilibicniu wtff fulhtvilll ordoird for the ynpotinm jnj hcncefufrt jr american ili r 4nd the p cl al hater were ar a premium and harlot cake and the maciroi fell 0 at urcmvduole jia eoamll tirr aofiaca the iiii i court of aafin lor this district will commnee ioinafoiv ai the cotirt hoiltr hrfn chief justice ko hinon and s waabiira it- c wilkifafi late member nfih lisunve cnincil oi ut r- l- fahfn htirci court juiltft- and jl ft conner rx l pai andale jult ii k tiii hut mr hadrnhnrxl of porth will orricaie a qnceu iukkl there will he a ure amount of bnines l ftrrc the court of a civil nature trvn 5o we regret 10 learn br a lldlifa paper that the con tent jda ted iniwven hatifiv and quebec i ahiut to be jimih ned 1 he tirreyiox p- eat otil by the hnme gnrerr mentfoi he pnfoc nfexiotin the 0tie have iiddiilv uouhl their hilars 10 a eloe an i wil it t sai relijcn in knlaol by lte no xi sieamef- ah the illfti auliciptliont ibriefore connected with lbi imtajrint un rfcriiki c fondly indulged in hy the pco- phof lawn canada and the tlaswrn povirt- ce- are atpacntly finlialeii- wlotafth iuuih at lirnik uton apiilu lflc m- h w ktwle lea kiaillmwltfanmleeelal the eof- aaiayajaja frirrarlsiai nrki knarn im h ii i vtvi ii tn fti j ii nubd i it up imltiir up vfitiej fn ihebj irjpji roarlftei t biip iuivh ie yirj1iirmr i simim lono eiain i hi f iiblan- tial ami well fitted tirjiiancr ha commenced her icjuuf up belwron litis pac and dun- llinii at the iotermidatr lantln having had occasion to trare i on load the r boii we can i i ctiliicnlly uf her viptto acconmid4too which i quite qji i bj i mieaaf avabj rill rf 4- laitce he at pfrinl fun- utci all alie meaawfi 170 bv iy etlfia ale toims lor lamiltia or naniet drcmii rooin lalieh aid rntlioien cain with tomohjme bni ai d cloni hejtlioj we were uprjetl at he iledioea with which t4ie pouh the waliry elerrrni ihtic bring little or no irmior ceptihle rfren at full mirij we otid rian1 chai it ihe iitientio ofhtrr enwnruiu nio- metoe mr karliiuei w r4d uuwoul ac- fw vam oe thr floainer vutnbfut af iiv an ivrnwadajp 11 ocloik km it t- dy ai 1 nvluek arriving at lloion ar half- pvt 9 aebek llvkrivol harkbts th com maikrt u firm ofjcaatapot iv l mfhy of arrivalr indian corn 35 i 37 wheat ceioo ier 70 lh wnlhr i duiiii the urrk for areiiiinjr halaiiee of llie hainai ai ripriini potaio nop cori scj a y eliding at the ural price jiiic coiiiiaue it cxercito mmt itiitjooiis iufluenee on the commerce cailual ditni nution in lgklnvs iu ihe winiifaetomx ificn and piicci reacdin the fecliur r- rapfipr manchester matket on tuetifay wn more rwmy than for g mm week j it wai tl0uhl ihalctoiirs v wld gaiu bira reeoure loahfmime the continuance of orprvmion ooiwitlit m- din the nniilvaiioii of ihe aniuiiiri- bftwceti j dili nar and ptuia by ibo dewjaaib k tiunal aicinmy in lveroi ihe same aiale of lhirn0 t i vailx itliji i ofne a hit adiitc ttoiime i wait declared io partake of iociat and fiol charactfi armed hand continue fa- camped the mountaiuc occnyui formi dable iieifiijoif reefy in ihe military doheny and oihr icadem ae lill with the tople in frankfort a anuiiiary imiirfeetion brjbe oot oe sun lay thirty bairicadt erected llnoifghout the eity and dcfmdeil hy tteejtc- rate coitie hy the pope the revolt wa not fnppreed at lul account os rf jfr in saxony a revolt occurred at chem on the llth hairicarlet were ervclcd ftj the operative ho attacked the troops but were overcome vienna ha aiin been the ccn of feli moojvhcd and atill continuvs in a rnotdif- traded stale local disturbances have taken place at hamburgh- iinjfian aitiirj teere mnre conflct5 the mrctiilioi of fance cnlatuli and italy caused a snienioti of hotititit a rriumpson if uflu wa feaieil the army of the aih vroj to he reduced half the km of naples ha ptoroneil psrlia- innt the crcatril alarm and anity i tell for the isue of ho i 1 1 1 the fenvli opfhxe further eltvrla of naples to suhjugnte sicily pant thursday 2lt the london r7rv6e laya that a trmfral iojoi pefvades ihe public mind fion feai5 that ca7ainae and the assemmy would tail to establish a republic a military oopira cy and couflcts were apprrhcudid hy the nirndi of order the law male of ihe lreaviry and ih ilim cully in collecting taxes bad a licnendoin rfrcl on the butifce cavainac eujiys the cnnfidence of h friends and the grmim baa a fir wd- v0cle of oidcrauj alitor ir nrij mn i tnu itlief lv ti tip bilva pitilail 1 iiir ri4ltv ii nt i tie ttrili f ti hi ulut bffqiiini4 kirli i tlmvml ihe til ifallir prflamillnti prinyj uatti eitlij l rue 11 v hi j i i i l ftll inlytj ir ajaakii i und i iue xihti in ni imjii in cfin tie eataj he i irne h ttm lc rre nrifj jtei4l arn al bbk mltfhl fittil a ii mfhul jr nl rantfrli a4il f the hihu fife ne i p ietwf iimi h r rtn tl hul unl mjitc iimijv awl ltllit rerra aiv aiieilo rrtmall i hlvnij cnltteh m otc tll ni iho f1 j e jttn ii ir i i c fair hiii i i ililuh- fm iimil e iiti 0 k li a ilinr t rl i ilv untft n a y mniirard lurir im ijr l m njf eaaaalij i i lih ti ijj ft ll mf4l poa m hie il huli oameen pair mian iw wtafa if aaan i vnl io ln u i in jnl i n dtiajet i l ml 1 il tl 1 llm h i0 t hv tl k v v ri i ui- it ji u rliiiavnl kmm uit nl i nt i ja t ill a arie id at- hii ilea j willi n ij cnifli trh ntv jlaiaja jrajefc pmri i y i f in five vehv imte i eintile f hh heo hfon tiw er rotee i ajtraaiaaae vavrraafa nilkil t i time ii i mian diy kadoiriaj ni renlt bvatri i slutvhl he moj haaaa hkneur j wit liny fn fumlbrf pfiuiirfc l r al my parv t tiiirfiinv v 30j yyiifctlraj elitv veiy irata iv m ii lliltlt took cenuine nniraa aigtej i uuti wi lite tvnitjeir ue erirtih ni hi 11 c bfiuw jht ar itaajii i ha mi piri eie nieira4e oj retail hy rr ind x kammta kujoauaj v1t lie m ciidi aj1 i rervjl i cetv joad government kc tom fin u c o mwi n 1 1 ion d u ri n kviattr nd in put hrel io the spfin- whrjl pffwii icohhly iifi ur fr to kmkin umu turn tttipt ftoua ilrirl mictiiai 55i unty 55 7 a aol nf ftsey rfitr were btiyw r fii exu nt uouerfef con put up tha matlel aftce ktal kittjilon flluint ot vfiwkui arrived in f0rt ociltstd sehr jeio wnl jjtimlfi enel eareo of wrll litdiie j terr ft wld mhrni sedr celu ckrcfj tmnoii j3 bath j tf grre sv tkhr fctfi ahvhuitn tjh0 bmh i sv ilhiie sir tnikf ltnyt mrvnireat qtfi who anl ictemdac unf nc fot wltviu oaftabn 3rd sir qtten veemia ultevitte tffeml ear f vahaaai hi- r limine k o sir cnbd uaiiel4 caa and 7 bate jili mcrr mekore sir cfrftfntai cicril ex uf meachndlac kraramajloa 5r- nittf freoch crck 8j bvact pip j valhintet lx ovlaat 4th str ciiy tmm vtrht arjo of fluor nr mtiejjtcjtoo st c -i- q kikc trirn uvl t haf ij i ahijvsly ihe i4irvii i miall ultimd i i i i io iiivt iiir oir casnikhi oflthap frfdij hot- 2ids 3rd ii- in if lh- kufhy and imdy nf u numilla t b fiileiinail ihia i there inojrn ain conliimtf a jiulic rvlh oil hart dab tl u in fin s le uf hi kiu of a it si vlc si s ijie d olu live s l a d ivi for lli t b ii klllja rfj iou and mere hamlix ii iie fair ir mail i to le ta vt iiijt apilmin nl i wf ihe sreomj dijan rilumas a- corbett awmoa ijrvinghotjset npirwkm kimmaitii bhoaowav 0 1 iioivarh imel brm and lie inhtic lhil i ititti if ih hnv and m tkls in ihe ijniaii riei nil ntiveinr til 41 a vii hkanic iiiinn new york forrnely of llowanr rstiaaaacr in hi fiieuda ha- ru jia entiifii if tiom ttinii ijo- wilh retry rtiv iliif in a stylr lhal will riuoro tilth uy nther e h- ioeiil iti ihe cunniv n pa mi nae etre nh it km w kiittni tn tvtuut euliiq arufciion lu thoo whi may favoi him ivilh llivtr ia imsaiea wmfft i kaa t of kingston taxes to k i rimvliy given ihal in ft a rr a nts art why bcithj jprrpirm li oflwe friho collation of all outstanding u xx rfawiafa nf the fyrt y tcava ore nov in orfevrl hid il be usucd if nvi im mmi i- wu anetli tr vrouict trenrtfft qfaw cuaj hrf knmiuci 5 u i bi4i e s jie ft v sir rlly tf ihe r a 0veo rcoeral ereo itf hier m lut twie x iv mr ilericl j tiuuigh 2 mjrmpviv eluirs wia iaaiiwajao fkud er 5ts sir w ltrt1 ihir ioc fchu fllll vjnepi fh sv titiue tja jtt j fjiciwe f 4di n ri tpiiy imi f llril dnitij rci uj lf4 baas flur j- d flvee fc c 1 le irtee gdwjfd we iho ton 1600 bark wheat 1 j k ic s1i1 r rjh viior sr ckilliuinea 22s lhll ear jo uf tfjjft atur u lif vn tr fj kc veofu fl rcviveeenerit inorehiitdiee flnwio and 4ha svhr lipirfai ittyl iil si iovyssb whnila j ii ivfeef i- a3rna xirm n rm dneet lp whiaky nd hlj- n- ceev p a tm mhrnx srit ii mine n ontt hju hhli pill 4 flniea iiril frnlir 1 el eh john milk i fttttrailee voulrtal- lm 0 oiei- eh iiiihu mvf mi kmf sie kirtrci viuecol i la a fcillmibed j nie ltiiirttii sir oaf wij otieeg tcneial ean f me ehaoji t k fbn fi sir f ibe lalto sljdeoltiteh i vf jilt mr waii i irttj na muttitmcd 4tihe glli relit jfc ntiitrviicndil ivubufvavaf j ii shr lllii yvvtlinfcln vcoo buh whel j ii urf ot in sir krfirns r oajj vsleflmi t cm uiulwn rlein pai 5c tu i tifejiiin d ic the hcvra bni the ojadf showed a ue4cl ur im ji h jure maci eart a late halifax paper taya that mackerel were jdemiful in lhat hatbr i bat fhe bov wer coonc them op with ijmfcti lh vrhirtea they ver md in thf marlcel al eiht cent per doen and the fib fmea emtdny mlm m ahoie tn aid hf m io ealchiftt the herring fnhery is ah aajually abuiijjiil ind tbe qoaliiy very line llieir captain tthn was j health and ii mnthera milk intltjglvice from california la pax i caiii j- ii all i you may hjvc hrad of ihe fiih which we had wilh ihe mea mice i dcember tal 1 think it as scef 10 aebtrm ihrm it avine it discieioiiary with yu 10 mimih ihem or not tile hit oecuirej at sav pfttonio in rescuinj iwo midh pata mh do ieao late m c of obo nd wilvy sertean sratao tbioe ui4rinis o v so ne 1 if 1 in the whole i ii lemy comprised oir firce and we heat the jrcaei hmdsvmefy killini three ahiniti vtierj an i nitlin lh remaiuor 10 flight l hr tiuuinef of ill i rn qljol wi forty or more i must mention an incident lh it otcutred que of ournfheer captain steele when reeofinoteriut was viy near ttein kilted a tlot was tired at him xm a cuartrl close hv aid the ball penetrated hi saldtr 4ml lodged in ihn nhouider of iltlchn un ohei 1 i- 11 i hia anneyed him rkceliuiy and lee directed his mm 10 dmo ml and rally llltdrr cnvrt of a ch v- hv whilr rallyinz lieutenant la ick of the marin- 01 cae up ami he w a reuesld io 3tp nut aid aceiian the best plan of asiautliu and uliin the eiialel the ball aw m thick i j him that he iva unahk- to do no come boys then said capt s eomeon l antl wvwent itwjfjhl inti ihe j 1 1 vve rolled them fu 411 arnhrjfead im our return rwihtrt ilimounled and pot a lirljr nf mexican to rtiht and caphk seeerrlv wundett we lluii returned to our j ou irteleavioat behind u but one man serctvnr t m htpvovtf t1 coiuiiany 11 who tra- i tnily killed la ebartfim the etiartct hatiu nddea 120 lo 110 miles in lventyeijhl hum we h ive rrcrived ieiv oxeilin tavi from upec califoniao1d has been dicoveied there in reat quantitivis and it if aaid thai or man pot worth in ten y the place in which it wa found is three hundred miles eat nf san ftanisco and is 30 mile muare every one is cnit ihtre even uncle sam iraop nme fnty men nf company c slationrd al sonoma went in aod laying ihivn their arm saying iney bad no fuither use of them marched nfl to the ol r region tverntynve deerted from san francisco bairaek and the southampton ts ohied lo fail a the crew woihl have deserted likewise there aic 25c0 pcroni ibrtranow and the number will be increased one ibomtaiid mote when this regiment is dis- baimpvf the mormons hare the police ettamihmrnl nf the pla and my cvl mamn anil bis whole force lo iliite ihemojt crime is very prevalent and muidcif are allowed if ihey are nol aitrocion or cruel the united states t ohm congress dale il ships lexinilon and southamp ton are bete ihe independence hti left for home vi- ihe sa dwieh hland aod tbe caatjie3 u leave soon aamoiiiadir on saturday iwl a me- lanclhdy accident occurred ot the steam aae- mil nairn ll iiiikart that the workmen were engaged in ihe immediate vicinity of ihe saw when one of them stopped down for ihe pur oe 1 thought of nttjutieij the lo but in doinso hihoihjer came in eon tact with the saw which instantly decapild him comple tely r bii bean itw his body llmrt courier imrurrmnt a cafn e ioiiuiivjiii ailf hul the mifkel ctm ot in quoted o er 75 nearly xcllnw idd ai 72e distilliiu efin falualcde- for a lot of soithin while 70 6u0o tush mixed for dec to 5 tbe sale add np 3503 bub tlye gksajea xoooor 1000 hiih oati33 a 35c wheal raaihet heavy sales cenesor s 7 otii mi7- polk quiet and heavy qumaiiois nawi- ally s hid 511 agnail bt new bvtf llaam siili at 1 l laid w iilmit cbante on tellers beiiii recivril in hulier unj chese in ciltine h o the 1 rnoitj ii iljis cin tatrlksuv lliij mr tfjtn iir k whiskey ssauy raes loday weiil if lirnlv the comprlilion wis pi riled and voun hyion p ifaiyibinkf a little better ctoeftfciks some 20tobi urn cotv mid today at fi n ojc shawioe a dedint of c 1 pertb cales toco lbs reewa al itc at the boird hoay guretninent rjj 4 t l lit 1 tl im llmeh hit it m suejii jmv 1 iv vm i k a i1ilur i 1 i j imi j mel wf iii rlvf a knl alls j j 1- j u hi he tie k ln hteirv luit itief tlimuri y m hi iv 1 mr im re r- j u ifj lln ln m 41 1 t 10 tik it 4ml i tt ut moir t i llefi iitk ivef- ii- l nr i u4fr j nreli kiiii rjuiiee rtf in- oaharara ael wether hciroviahi mr r- mile ffiison was tried yelerday o a ciarfff of poreery the jury after bavin relirrd furavinl five miuulea returned into cojrt with a vrdil of not quity lhe coiirl will rise lliia cvcnn afler hiving dpovd of about 123 cases- hi honor mr jubilee dia- ppij proceeds 01 mondai 0 belleyiljc to 0im ihe couji there auttcg to tk laricsaieayidtes a neatly and plainly as possihlc trl flora he yotitjewrllrr gfm a roxfbild the only gem ifhint you thi covering y 001 self wilh eew ijw- like fat cb ft indicates you aie intended like ihrm fir market an account of negro ctnm beinswatlnw- ed by art alligator retained in te bas stomach two hours ondihrn restored to lifhi 1 eji vhl fsjh l mr nnlo 1 real ui lltjl liiiie wtditome ii mint titm ch flint munlrcil r fu rei ivli j mefa- i me itiim lnc me a k aeliiijvnli i mr rim 1 uifjin ii j mix kihy e llr imfire ulion arrom earn j n teie 1 mthiiral e c m l fnhm a 11 iv w ivnull iveai ii qiihrs mr m eim liti nirrji j mr oil lr war in aflaerae 0den1u ft ittlia ititni hmi timirseel taito mr v iviirwtoh msi ldv l iiy bmj serwl monterbl jtiitej a jlueplnn pit- menvv ii slier it flio lo i 1 ikifmte mm- lttran m jfiu- in viikiiiprs saib miolat distaict ff friday ta win k9 tha tmr- tcenih ilf etttber iimfamt will hr rthl tf oleilcei lifjnllk stiiachan tsiwniki pillmirvb in rl u mid in nil ljrivl tho fid hiw inu prptrlv simxril- viiltir f mmiimi kxfliriiniv riatiffil hir shjiya cil r queen- leiinrh vnd ihuicl tmirl nf ih mi i i diairut a it j to nt direct ahc hnuseiioli furni tuhb ftrtiiiii f neint fecilthnff chn tt f wffili siswbotfij carfh slmvcacn piarjnj shul taajaa a nnatiy f vliwit oils indian liti lliiy klniw iiorblrs cow tvvnunsf sleighs llalcnlste with a anttty cf fa re in 5 implnncnts aivo the leaeaf ibe piaairma in this cilv kwwrfcajmllf khnstos foundry tj -iw- in cmrnnienve ui 12 ovmk noun tnom a rojtnrtt aam mmiiaj district william mcmimin f r4ie ishr lbre i iflltml anociawr imv 8j catarij cotton mills city op kingston cifj rififta 0jr cffu fajf wi 1818 notice in rbeftbt ivon lhat ihe vd teits lists f ib election of faoa al mini rv mhearilhm in eaeh o ihe ivfdi of tlinriiv fur tbe var ft9 are huntiu in l be oly llall fur jhe examinalioh nf all cniieemetf and w ji enniiuiud oieie fmiti ihidaie hr ihe 30ih day of narembur neir nnen 10 iimli ffm the imur u ten avieck- a m 10 lime ncloek m ami any ta ro i w bn bl rtain in i ad d lo ify a d voiera ljk or mjiv ledof who ssall desire in have a ijt muie r iviereftom i 10 prefer hi iequem in ivriito mjned willi h- name iin b ward lo wbich be heloot ft 1 14 alll aio ibr xime 10 w d- itveud tn ihe ciiv clerk ufort ibe said jwlmlieib day if ivoeinrtr m fla vac n chjcuri 80 daguerreotype portrait mr ijmack i rarvbtitulifv infitfne ihe ciiien ol f kin- inn lhat h- 4 hill vi the pwojrapui r it iv latirly oecu- hwi by ins itiiihtr j tlie lamston house mkicmisks iiikenm ax m cronw vnii ir uiismul etltr anl nearly o i mu- mceucas lnrkel- im kinpjaftff ladi4 mid flvnilmnen aie invited to call and eam ne ku vaiiv of tmctintua kindlon oali x lb 80 etx3iv cubdit sale fabelu133x rira 0tssiis at tub rce courbt on wthfrttnt oclijnr 18 iv tojj h iifrion wiiboin v reserve tlieulnde ofmrj xorfh fartnin slaok aud lilfteu ime afoj- loajwrled borte s0- wew novels 1mie image of his katarr oe on baif i mnre ironme ihvn adnaen uk hv ihea-rtitu- of thr crealeat itaeoe of life the seven capital sins envy of fiedrielt kitun bv lujine so a wabnino to wives j novi amkl1aoj a youpe iilji iiv mem e l1ie revexe nr ihr rivci of giatamala jmrftriveil folm ner vorlc ramsay armour co qtlovrlitu isis 00 a bazaar in conneclroii wilh tbe fiee cbiirch of ihs cily viji be held on wednesday jsih cklotetl nexfi ai 10 oclock a u m imcsar miunwalln nntl brownes nftw stnnc lluilrjingtv corner of wellington and brocb streeu when cilj be dtfertd for ale a variety of cseful osnamektal and fancy iv donations mil he ihanlfulty reeeieeilaj b ihe fulkiwi ladit m5 dr mair lif adam mam mf capl atay m jane stewam am thvea wilting admissnut ik 31 chihleii balfpriee uol 3l isi 0 kito extensivk sale of manufactured furs sbasqxabe dry gq0bs 4x- n friday islh octewral jloctock pi vul o oid a urvjf quantity of fur dims it of varnnji oiahiie llie imvel sfvles llilvs if butfalnloes and a general aorlment of staple and s ab dry gootu with satinelu ciijlaieeea and canadian clolbs william wahp- kiajplon 4lh october 18is t0 mntf- and 3j laws the tvell k on moxotnndrmu one two eai old r m doscaster fnl by n nncimcvnrm a pii of well rnalileil cariiae ji 6 nd 6 ycts old watlmteil miitil and tuilanle either in diiee or riile a l or 1 ty ponies well match ed senile in hame eod to iide will carry a ladv welt one may loee eo i traveller sorelivlare da 5 vein od w hat ro do w mileh coiv in calf durhi and hrt- fcioll llreia soeae of wbicb will calve tbe 11 oflcem hkt and are nnwtiin50 ar milk pet day ainotii ihem will lie lotini rune ol ibe hrl catle in the country being all nick ed 0tv 1250 pitt in 50 eoodiien 2 lijm vaoii 2 lumber do 1 cuivi liajber sjeh j v i 1 l- r single do farmers and rredert vrdl nnl ibi a moi favnravte ppolaniiy of purehasin ol nd ralimbfc stack and ujaii areoj lhat larey cojcditiiae over t x roonilw rili with ifttritfalf by fun slin app jel eodor- ed nut sate at lonvoefe pcccieltf- iiuxletl ic bhtl1ff aucnoneen kinvlo seul25 i8t8 n b hy ine eroosiiy of mr norton lunch will be otottdcd fonhe aodicnee 7b cokii wooda sealed temlehseill he leeeieaj ft tine oilke ihkj thuiisd y tbe ftb of be ttiniaaj toauly ithmonln orilard vmhf taro- f mide mrecband hickory co hr four 11 liijc fo0 0ml o crafetha vfofeiobe delivered hy ihe 31 1 ocaer ir aino jdece inth naval lyitwbi recjiurrol tao iireli will b rerjnire for ibe faith ful jeifoimoceof tbe comrat naval yaic point fredencb 1 sirntemwr w 1- t rociiea bac711ers fc tos f5 foreign ezchang office frills ciinpae 1 st11115 uimiiiri education ii k sii5ri ihof w it riirn w lhhtmv in bslitivn m monday xml october alva 4vxiiin wjti ihvtiame tlwn ii tiu i 11 be rrpttsmlt1it kertaantltealajlivj a f in tiii ceil fcriiei fttcitujri v3lh jjjflerrixfim ii the ole ad it itive inslrirlio ta to tell at manu factnaircefr a iy william wae klnkw0et7 ims apnt 8 1 si m tl hie p ni nii mht i j4n viee s o wm mr mieaar- btr mrmaeck- rclm jtihn oiteeo h at mills national hotel oel alv jarnea rieniitkam pjiuwh c w jum chaoiberlieii ffiekknh j mr li1ifge mr fray lie villa ate ftor llimlreal it llins pcioei s mr itlifih klei1v w inini spieerville a llatt- 141 mr hrlllen mid lly li melittcn lfrlrrilf a lirtfp mi jtfo vhn c1i1 miuomiai llwtfli redttmit fkitn ni honver jan i rtd ad4mfnnn l mxttae ifaekela lfarhi m- mie iiey m h nd rln m fpevf mr ubioaiio itttvnnd sievei lurw m p4llitroi if mlltirgll tieajrect b lady 1 cml ini p tlv mid w u11 sk fred f in rrrdificlthiirgh iitdcnhit n- y kin new yok city ickthurh if given hy a ciuresoneot ol llie cineiniuli dpateh wrilia leorn pailph troaa ta f the at whale tory4oioy argil why my wife tvowe lh in the devil v said a eentleman whotv re showed nin of the atfcltonaie attentions v butnetter halh beww he added if jnj rfslnt the rjeeil hr ilc from yo but if you reiil my wife the dies at you lurivrtxt rwitieal mveurr tire ujtj- veu snuiwc ewe in fri4vaipei tajtfa ii y i tl if ii udill ul a rel hllf tekriin of ihc ulir cla j wlima if inew yo which veaaheld ln evenme vauihatl iaa iulhiacilv it oaa ehrcteiied by eeat cn thmmiamaauj waatllendcd by ainie fic ihov- m rid pet ilwrllbe erin lbtl mr clay lmj beeo ntimulirij s ca for ihr piraieiiee ha ottabfajl tayeti the ntminoe if the rniladeftphia raatrmal rnmreaititjii aijj be teen tbai in ronopnitj to tutu em jdeieciy electoral ikket et lliiv alata tbat a clay whij puirwiu j cicelcd reeimincn jain treed mmb km mc llat whan th0uh0vl ilit couotry oi oy llubt and r into ihc cantm nf tluy and f- no wo j 1 mirt kooar awlher tin recninvndiion wdl oe fvivircd ar not tune wm leu if it he mm svijj be a fouiih eandtdaie in rh fitm air the preaidiney mr tiy and tha untveaat vyli be daced in eiiriij ih uiv ooatthin a ilea dcnucrai mc 10 n y itaald kingston market pmcbs tslet4at oct 3 lsel8 pftfmi fia ui d 5afa cfni aj f it ive na pleasure to learn lhat c uirt ixlioy of ihe koval artillery w the lat imee years has been in charge of ihe lloyat maneticai observatory in thia cily hi been recently elected a fellow uf r jlyj ociey l noon as il is wet known that none out men of he mot emi nent aviemifie attain innts are eleeled fellows f ji learned iinltittica it niu be pecu liarly giatifyintc lo the numeious fneidof lhat ptmlleaiaa to find aucfia rminuf cojininitot paid to so jomij an officer cuaiarjini khiufy m la hit ural civl i idian mel do 1 livkwhrm henl infftio crn v bih oam hualicl ptm rlo i it ve da r f porlmab ttjroih do h lviry jterlh d itittrr r la iteef sfft do iu lb pora un kf la rmtit ltmhalh eia t dotiftf tuikayeeacb lei te per pair twin ay reaif dca per rsir rhieken ti firirdjje hay ftia 13 19 r 9 rlr h 0 a n li n o u t 9 1 17 0 i 0 0 it kbi d 1 1 1 4 0 ft a j a a 11 3 0 ii 3 0 0 0 3 10 1 9 0 3 01 0 5 8 r 0 0 z c 0 oafe and pine timber c foil sii xt garden island 1jy rikclis white oak llaled about unfet r in- pi hiitop 251 wt rua 120 p cooks- ajfly tu wimiam ware ajcem khftflsw sji oct i81s 61 an act tvnnndaad rejatal prfr me irf ee- o ficmieiv dirurt in the town 0 jfitvoo rwavd meaijay octcaer id 188 bli evnaeled hy ihe cilff cfuftril of the uly fit kinloi 1 t ffial o inueli of the aett relating lo titer caitcr in ihe tmvn of klrjgriml a ii iiaj 11 or in coi sslinl wilh ihe nmvi- i lion- lliia act te and the same are hereby repel j 2 flial ihe price of a drier licence to 1 pefsoe revidjni tfiltlifj of hie hntt of ihe cilymll h- nae tuitd frv shilhui j and to ipohb nrtr iesif1iii aitkin ihe taid liinit tiyi iaiod five ai lltrttr ami lhll ho ikiv i licenai v i- lo jieints rrsidtii ttiitnl jol nunlier lrlv fnur if the lri cokev 1 noil a tru- towthhinaf kiiion or ihe fu ture lierlie nf cie filv un ibt n ihe prearyar ibe tfefrofalj cailf rliccne fthtl le hvo ii is i ti 3 that mo terin sltll hid fit drive for hire reiiad uiibm hie lnirj of said cily inytwae rwihe lraitiaiutimof removal of any als ivare 01 rneicirtttxe or joy other lhiii furihe ariaae of unloading theejr- joev rf vrrk viilhul be i 15 licenced aa a jiublriatter 4 jeiul cfale stiejj wv fonn j citr1h1oruber3 1819 a hie vuiv m flanff- v cily cferft 4 ivepailrtlcml fir gil la in wlticli be will niifiul lltea clamva fur wiitin an 1 arithmvtic a xx ntp it 0 ot will be elnitrnncvd fcnni lit- same diie puiiiia tu boifilifi v attended f j seettmwrssrji ims 77 any line nl packet m9trt wtuttmwtm brck srvtt llp st iiirre ltlk7 oflh utjuri lim- of livcroii rnkta siilirg pimrtulfij from riecipen wfi ship each week limine the vrra 18 anj is40 tofctlmf viih liwir tk k1 ent ln b of fiiai clashipa avulm rtaily from livwwml ami ttie pitrt nf ireland to all larl iff the united tstatua aisl oii- iili aflrfsetu tbac uipi will he mrfl supplied with pork pbeur oat bred crn l klo ilttjineat ivaa v ineirr anl pur o atiff arid llie pi3eiifa lie auj- jilieil wilh hr vtino dtivillj llie vvyeafe ottc fctatxx c deiviumer j it whieli wem uiimuiit ifmiicy tit if ticvtttit ruail inrrauf knlnu will be prniurty taylor ratioua jksdkits of ihe pen forage will he reeoived it tin- ojfiee u niiiii v until twelve ovtoek le 3 111 4 of fvio- u ihii to lurmri al noon qntutssl oher itei frmn peron nkk fitanlilmi of iiatiovs and forage a may re required for the service of the penilrniiury from ihc 11 iy of rvcimber i8w lo the 39h day of novabef 1i9 nil jvntlei will be received but neh at are pn nriittd frrn hivli vtli f ml her pit lie i i tf miy be had o apjdicatioo at the l h smith hurn previaeial penilentiary september 39th i64s i 79 ls 4qokisg oussesf looktsc glas ses lqqkisg glasses a of looii- assohtme1vt frnud or itjrjine for late hhwksau or fteuii eon alargk glasses na hand ami at law rates ala iodrail and tnrlure frames of ihe various kind uf wnod and uohj on hani or ratal to order 0d krami- reeit lvokine ui jm vuiv inserted in old frame h iiovlk conner rfwasfotj fr cfartnu itt lib0fl ltt j mmaio dutnicr cvsrti ornery kitfgtf aujut afh isis notice iswrredv civkn tbat iba walen treirer of lliu ikstriei are oow rttii m horrnv ninney on district luid j iewled for hy ijjljw no ifi vis x3fm on bamla of x5 each nayjhle at d yiar afirr dile awtn beaiih of xm ieh payable al 6 year aflr r tle 30uv or ftitvn of at5r each payable al yeirs after dale x30v b u00 eeh payable at u year alter dale- tlis imeirem on ise rima to be pan lff- v nl ihe pi ymnt if th- ineitil ifd nleivf ff 1 w jji jpj jwr4 ihealrici 1 i ileitrtiis of irivetiri mnnie oi ihe dmne will rrerue ai le inornalioii m t utjr by apfeu n wibliah rintimjn rfw troaiu- the aruaod ii ba ropy la n in 1 for sale in camden- 7etimrf no ii in the 2nd can andy bi joikv btnoy es napa w or id cum1mnc i matoonelx sepl j9j lts kith ctrui to inform at ion wanted 0 thomas mealipf late of tbe onnly of lrrliim trrlaod wbn when staleax ye if be c rmj ncan4- it hi al heard f na in ovven should llia adveiiitcment mee laall adeaa lell iu j it 0 kyal eairaeef depariment ki da west he will hear of minelh ftcatly to his atlentae kimttami c w sept 30 jftlrx 3iw uivaaa lif ve rtt ilnt n v s tfto inaer- llvll hhsl iitiee ihi ttlutv iiirlln caiiun rer byofilrr mg c tl dktloji avllrw cm new machimi shop bvjt sijtkkt kingston r snrvrihcr hvinir 1eael the a fimiri in fiint if ami i rnii ncctim with ibe city puunafje itirjeal slrvcti kiiijatiii iannw pieparftl lr hienio nlti v in the fotjusv liratirhc vs flour nluyoiifl throhinj millar caper miln nml l muehtnery nf cieiy kiml shv min ami pjaninsj mavhinet nail c lining machine f all it mitt- wrti 1rimiij mocbinea st nee 0 liiliv i reared rornirijf lailha ami sliili rei ervinj ma- ehmee ami pvercwinfl trwe f all binja pnifiit farra vrtffitlt4 vpriof foony tm arte tem ut4in chutft prnrii itm exfrtenre in ihe ahnvp hiiinehiarif irvh tin luiilrriicneil fenh naiielleij ihit he i aide li furnish mo pbtnery eiiial in inaiiy nml cbuaphh tnpny tbierjin he impsirlftl in maimfac lured in canada alex ma1r kiogatonjunc 27 183 izi irelamli sc in nir ihi iltn ihu illicit kii mcitt the init seiiijint f j ilninl wale ayatile in in iv nl llie 1 nvii9 il rt i in it arranc- t ewr etijlliletal m i rrrh tn ll pi k fir theit pnelrh svill fiuj mil iftea ul aiiipa tlaj itmtti exihrditittua a apet all ttlier4 and can olijin any iiftrrnatiiui mi itic miljct by plyini- ioiy lettuft tt puj to canavan l cos office dtttkjmitf irtsno strtft ik r rats n v ty- n bdewam f uthei prf- lalpftwtjrifif these linest itiitiirici ijaotiirtss 0t rare hie imlyf tlrecl nwitfirij nnj ilacif aget duburt lh mly 1 pimiin vlm can ar iage villsriri in ibmcnuutry usiftiilo 101 scpi is43 7fla canada f0rwabd1ns house canavan wo0uar0 iu projwr furiitirihnztf cnmmhtioii sasssaaiws jtrccroae oesieji ajp auireea or ffoar i i nbtft brrf port sail piak pot and prurl asbra n n h ktoa 9 or uaflrato rroiifer null catateea ltav qf itouiv ah ie csr- ix cnictior wivn steahflaits prnpkirleri and vessels ox thr ukes dotikftotttf ivhogtun sirccl prjat o- m uajuvaff baakb wovraat i bdffaio n y kiciii j scoftm fcl m i pf aatijgalaj f prjptrljfor f i iai ur safflmf ol 7- steam boat notice the n w iron steamboat wan q tav raajaj bl tkv t attain mtnieblanix yyitl fomioenee on thursday the i lib inst iu rva lorice a week bnveen ktgtn ami foarifon calling al tcrooto al intermedial aula will leave rvirron every tnslay an frii y after ihe arrival of tbe hirer mail unak and fu miff on rverj meanjay anil fruiriijjy jlintiiyi at 8 ovlocb september r lesta 71 lands fok salb the snwrifc oitera ihe mlatriffjr liif kr sale on ibe most reasonable terms tiz 400 acres of land in portland- knmvu i thaiporttandiitch falls nne ih f nraier prrviea in canaoa wilh a saw ami frrt mill ereclei thrreoo io full oprralioo a fa m in 1iwfmci etjjninf tw1 htndrkd jtcrrsop iaxdoae bimj- rerf nf which t under iwirnvemen1 am two buiijrt acr nf teanj land iu youee for parlienlara aihv lo smith o iiknderon nbeilofi orio john hovvcutt toronlo c v kinjitonjsefitjoj im t new imiiligudo s a dtshaw ldlenrlrtri of uhitish dry goods wholesale and retail princess strfjet havfciointtroate tbe airieal at knn lon of their ahijunenu e coawoaxo camono maavev and tormci ceipriaieja a eneral awnrtnveni f panc7 axjd staple db goods ilpel tobe preaent anl cooiinf eaoria a- dt d while diretrn uequen totba forrcnine vvoihi be lo state ibat froa ika fii in baeinif a rraident lnvi in he iter marketi uafj sre aaiia- liej oo oahttr hone in tbe tratjc can offer realer induce me 01 to inunjnt purcbaaera ktoi sepl 141813 71 atlantic and ontario r fillowinr ltteriare detained at a frontier hol hfice for the uui ltd 5i4ie piktae ihy can be oouincd oa vmmtion to iliia olftce mwlni ic hee ll fijse ivalban piee lev drsienrt i9wm dc ffimrkcaj kineed01 cajrmmaj mnj rlitrthival iliehelji it molat th i a ax ivtiem miller leather hanjun wm p sw cav ir fut eim leei cammj miai mirjt g ura wiffa dfi ifiehic 0 en if 1inj uhj ic uijiij kami fran rn cajj ujttlaal wllic krin 3 d sept iftia faielle r- amem livens itaaiiiftet t0 hhmekinw miciiai biae mia iki pesace vt malefearl j fsiawj iw ilefim nebin tie j i vtaw t a kten rjjfad llriiir uhr1 biird eir liee jhiea amlcrwtn tthfit jnhorn j piifff lit it aw h miallcle c sharp for sale isrom fifty la sixty loos old aaal 1 new hay fjv ftr funhcr particali apple lo trvh cunrv cfy ffreieerj ojjice miss mntyrb milliner dress maker kkslectfully ir it public lhl he huciimeicfd iti ivir t- mwrtftav hrillhilc w l ft of public kilm sq 6 1818 3 removed hi8u cantuell egsm return bar sincere tbaaka to ibt u k nd its vicinitv aod vroutff ihfofm t he bav removed to queen st kea ar raci cucbch aod has on band a lare vjpilj- of madeofihebeifrencb msrerial jlee ifc- nanst immeeil tmo t alt orders fill be received with ik romitteit ihentiofi who rav fx her with their pateonare kitopuaj 5b sept 1848 724v to sell ou tebt tho sydenham brewery lyithatl treaptiorlenancetbfleanjfu t it imniediato pnaneaoa fill be iea and every thio connected with it arc ta rk rale ordev for buviieai fnr forber pafticaura applj to tke peea prielor w 1 h0ld1tch sydenbaw set 8 c 18 7lt hm bowker is now at p ttrs0n hotel fatal be will be read to attead to calla at ail time ox pi vale entrant in tha win j qejfldiaa krp- oeri j ipi6 771 house to lot piiat patt of theumbsoohoaie froeilinjt oa beol strrct and known u wtckv private aprimenta it is in ifood rpair anil i nifiiy loiied fr a tiftrt ar dclor oteca with dwelliag ailachrd rent modeuu appt at ibe vvcwgoace sep 7 city of kingprton jv0t1ce ia hereby fiveo by the city cooa- c i i pursnant to the act relatine lo tho sleeeli in lha city of kiojcstoa tbsl oe and after the period nf one looolh froaa ihio date ibey will reqore tbe remoraj of all inaeacept taeero signs orolbrrojr- lors now umjeetin naore thin one fot off aidfioffl any buitiiiitt into the street oforar any aidewalk in ibe aait crty and the aii council hereby order the removal of all eich sijena or fiatorea aceordingty hi ca of 4ftf neglect or refuaat of bia order tbe parties otfendinx will ba liable to ihe penalties ia be aforesaid act mcotiertlil by order of tbe cily coiacil 51 flanagan ua curk kiototi sept m 1848 to let with immediate pnsskiok givem y4 the twt story stone bdllix jtbl inc no ontario sueel reeatly et edil an tbe site r the pccisea forverly necopiej by vvea siareata and it iaekaoa eofiyrfa these premhies are well atartd for ane wholesale pninet and will be rvotej fow apnlieatitfo lo b made at ihe brillib a mck- can lloul or to mr war mcmiu- aie- tiieer and cnfmvon marocaot jfoa voce kington c iv sept 11 itsbs it