steamer t of the touse of lords grcoutaanwrro ireland liflr linacfh j uun that xht smnidficftexa rf rh i p- pni tiling do of u xeoe tod 1 antenee of mint dwp haxsvri fbfir fm1 rep the id vijhlc to pem- title ihtt in th watt lour nnn j- tj rrnctre d wfftjw etrim ih took evidence 10 tfce llale of ireland brilnh north amrriea the wre fn- rtt hmaswxjtul in nirlitn1nuie for t deeipnn r mem of rriv l j i at xhoal nperaiie ihev tfer to the evtderxre or m effi nd mj wji to u neat rxiofeel m tdjuacd lle fulfill- iiy ui- ilt report the committee trill now diroei tin atten tion of the tffluo to fnltt f hf rtol rnmi newtttxmc which have bete adverted 10 hj tor wilt xe addln hi ihv margin a refar- rmt 1 ihr evidence in which rich vt pimle ymajaaajlior u illouralil and commented im tod dividint their observation under two ttu first i to 1 rel i f aj second if rvrtiine to the eoinis sec i fnrjtkoi the evxessnfyn- ration in certain district of ireland o cftm- rartd either with il tiijlir of food or the h rfl of employ ne n 2 u iiij jrfn ff fecltou riciili improvements 3 the impmjrrtbrlrty of rairtht eofevstt npp of cftmtfw 4 tin- eftcl of the eve of npowtt nb nomaw administration oh lu cffvclon tbc uact i r conilr v i irdatp v in copland by forcing rxlt- nuifllvn ihrie 7 tfcc btrtgcul iuuwacr flfri m i m m where aheady lfik i rf tfrtraffv rrir imuoivn o- tl ifiwii mm of ijir ljj pu ll critic tlfr i noi boly i rhltm i kilul wifl apt fcm in avftlmlt hiii thr fl l uj iftlf 0d r ir i inn i nc r- itlijch ht n f wf lv it mlcfv lo mw iuilln jti f tcfkcl i ravx twa c f ifip r di- monlwvry tlusfiith rfinillrd litoh hip tblfrtj and lmt hcuirr malfit lyilnffc einrrl- frith frf- y f w wc- ji w j cx01oi ll 1 li n r 5t bw kcifely wuj jo cvijrilor 11 i jvof rwrfi sriitil h iw fa- th a iffh av rtr i rt m it ws i i fr m i n i v liviwftl ttvttor4 on lh- ii4ftty 4nf of gr jiivmmm rv ad011 o bntu in uissjuiiirro cm- froii hy ifitiuy noticfd hut iho evidence xeth ihry havt ukn both otouiftjr he tpirt iffflo f iht iffomvti of driiuh nora ainftic mpj pbmv mptcillly projn ihf imcxampkl rofe of lii nevvfy puntrd auitmliao proriorc it well cflltolalrd tc mifrl n i i 1 lir k o coini4hon o fin tttainl af t atnon ihoo hifico1 mimiiro nd hcivleil wik for tvliitu modern limct afp iiiitilkf iol onlv l been rcalittj io fotno britbh aciori tiol jla lcc0 r vc ni jifitict oft 1 cruller 5c1c and silh rtmt fhflft mccom hero of lalt ypw llian ta if aanifrlrd cbwhere in tin pa ft himori of imnkhti to inoiflni ouf 1nprf lup j comifttkul omijkti okiruu our jnliluloo our lahfia0j oit firrtirr out tfmf of i t s m t to llic mrp rfim1 ffion of llic sjloli u afi rntftfififtc woillty of lie cltancfor of a groal fnaraiiino aation ll i not only it prort tli pursuit j rii hif aliaiwiwnf nf nlory 1ml in iuccs i the poifomnco of a irigh duty oft iht jiccnnilihctitol of a iwmr dfflioy il if it can lo no made miliiofritra lo i- i i of nretiliij diu0i at utou if ihr ior which i m cnmincoftaia pin of 4bc conn iry can ho trndcird lb tource f ift oxtend- c mirimt pofjttftfy in ih cfmirf ncb a conbinalnn of advantage caftnolfil tin nioro lo recommend ibu qnfjlion of lolo- n ilnn to ihv 0llif5t luoilllod of the lct lilfk the queens viht to scotland lln ualojr hh royal cohort trith hr piifvce of waua aftd j royal nnd nnilo irfi 0- r i- ccov iir of wibl on tiv 1 hh i i r fof their loiif through scotland irhlrh i pcjirctrd lo ocf ny ahoit fivf hwln- ti jlv ninadroti cootitrrl of hie victoria and ahfi utack lojele urdirtf carland fry and scourge at tquariion anchottd al inilit in hf yif cfttctol the hay coming jilmdy opposite the town of doltfi thf coixo it ilniim wi motanimalinci d ccu ami mul liovo lihon ovtrrmlv califyin lo lief mijoty vvholiad hn or mo limr on the plitfi riowioc oio hoh fid varied scenery of 1 lie coam and wa mw feen with a book in inr hand oulently ikufeloc the nljccl fctfwo hcfi after iioaioiorobout 4 qutftrr of an hmir the tcnal for filling wv mad otnl ihp ciiadroh in 1o ofder hny rntetid lire bay u mio proceeded ontwanutt rrme buc lite short ivliicli in mam niees wrtmfovdr with ifvteacort till it arrired at the ftifotol ayr whn the ifttnbr ateamert ielume1 teaem the svwn ti ri-e- 1 t rrllam oa motnlav ei tsiinj llie it il minadcui chnnhin scnhi woiirantf itwd the nixmj in ipcs ryan kokti lhrnml ijiil qitl rfto will proeeed m tu4iy mnritm i itm clydomhvfv ii ftimlili of ituttjir j ui 9ny rfeamvr maiv f uk- larl th ii the lifer will wclcoioc ibe bhitai f ll frlrndi with new mpe it wift ercenrai ihem to mini to tlfif portion t and rc5i 4tf the ljl aiv pracrfnt cinjronve which involve iho jtkioevibeimotitic ifcc ft i j p hi y ful thort iiifi war nirit n rllcr anli anaxirdiiim- f hi ptcvftme m the b n i rrraen tltpy im vr brpo hflttf tnort fr year ll if un hat he i trr miclv irncj ai ii i biatavnente in ihjo md plvvd stnra ana in irr tecm- liic chair hul llirir w 1 jni rufi o cjjtv i rncc vhf inti vpitit of r w teinks vfcfr in au it eotc c anna ft i t1e mliojtl profli of lvii ind monlufi ami fluifilay sflfr t toon oflcr daybfeak on mornin ot under wefch the trad ikii un mjemy and the hl ef til alone will l- one lit bn nrok nver licneinallnl 1ey w down the 1rlh io nvi iv myj and afterward accompany it ceit pro i pr uiiti- the fiel awy ei trpa iby tvrannv in tub buitisii navy perbapj there ha not oeeorred ialhe hulnty of the natal wrrice a tfroer un of itijutice than lii it of ireuunjik branch which wa reported in llie ftmbii tlw tb cnlle- mn the renndlifmfenan nf the fiv lvoiu wat ebarelhyhi cofnniiave caiiarn ktw ion with ditreinrcl and invubhinallon oi veral oceainai hetwocn the oih october j8i5 and rhc 11th maj isis on the la ineniioitirj dav ne m pijcmi nnder net on hoard abifi 4nd in iht 4rinatin lie remained until ihe uy of hi trials a period of nearly fourteen month- tlie cadence ainsl him wa of lje mm fiivoloth dreriilioo atnourt- crrof of l ll b jritk 4 j r i i -ma- ili 4io itii 13 thrpr bttilhk i-vea- awtnhftet tl l f lf nitfhtn lli jf l fw fcji n4 by la ui- at hvm r k aksss lwt rirt- mrtiwm ftfrial iihim 3 thr expr- i dieftot of mnjiiu ihl jv f ri mn i- rariiralkit sv mtliti itir iib ahfh for iaoi7nfy nn ernnty of 14 tv irwefled fmw rt mu4 lrt ral of a trt oriroo evil of orri wnn if it jfrrmftl u-n- o irr fmfjf floa iwkjfowmf anj ii roneiclton in lh hnna of all lb ht mian nikrteim ant d rcrlfr mil of lam r ikk- i -j- iho mdtw aid to ttir farmer criun h ca- ioo of ion- i4r i j j ft n w wtoi lhi wn h mlaljr promo rrvt the ertiufmuy ilb which a coi4irf if atlrrt thsn cfenmpj wnn it b once arqam- bof 4o racially frm the ira rapid ncorae of in liihfer ail com paferf ajjji lue toplation w tlie mor fioim- sgdralncu which favi it if demon hittwi ineexjou coofni ih h jprot j li i to ajforvmle hatiiuof nevdrnoc apd fteethonxhland ml hdbfttfitte loatak in he aocbl tcale hr makinc tmproridrntcnamac j5 thermibitiiyof tooenm- tbe fiaie mlr toil com of iramtjlanak jtftfalcaa hj the imivitiiion of niou or ankcawfro isehettuitd khtmrnttcf liejjaoh ibr poviue trte of leitn fot nlijurp moefi vaftrabte ififo rn itioti on this tuect will be navnd ineridenre frtren ceifn a different ohct by hif cface the dhaflcf wetlinton aonitaj seanfrtrtsr j bwrjomo vrtewon bjtiford sir h dout lord aylmr and ahr withfoeti hfir ibi commlsaionecf of eembe frvqr in wi j cordmjliceof llhf iordf irrflrk th ernicnee bearing on jjhiopoiik vew be freind in the tiffwft 16 oety inlerrline ektawtwnu maile by th atarj j i-jir- t f r i mpnj of jroli i 1 hi vauiord by their nnjandirector colonel itainv whwe eridntee will b- read with artj f jthiliitjp ihe aetnai renlu of pwt vplied t hio wtbiralioji of iritv i eeu h ieh ojirationy vndtbrdertet 9b ipite lo ad on a ffplt pfnla- tlctfx flatrinj ilm prpvlrd out foe eontidera- mittrtrr tr i nrhrjir rtinna mirioj hy the etidnr ahf to j ij the cow- aittre proceed n diect lh ailenton of ibt io ome f lte pujitneni nertiona e- lot fhiir tho locootidtlfoarbf ihiir encpirrlra ufj it indit btehfcai ihry hiald be him rfjtl lih it ap- tn rflm1al bu condition lo hffallaai iwca a ieirvinj- o i h fitm tlie evije hnmth the madilia gy e te ftirt unjlnr piack keie axj t rmatjyttemi fric vifo tvl iv llur i j i jivtr bad vinrrfif d ficori pnjlt o fo- raoac oji and u wai drmd prnrfchl in ton into allnm say near freshwater utsi imdc the needle rocks lo the eastward in the course of an hour or o g weather tomeivhrtt etearcd ie nnd the royal yacht wa aain ent tinder weigh by inroclockithad whi elaajnd the roeknd wasateaming away ai full speed lo the wcu ward theie wa a mriall h2c blowinjc ojt ihv channel from the oulbwvlj but com irattvey titlle f-a- swannne wa patted foaffj after on ovlock wrvmonth ahavl oon i hi people on omrewereflilicni in hofctin color al vifiy prominent place but apthe q nin lid not kevji voiy ctvie to lod and the ai command iu be ihick the loyal penile hail rety flight rlimrr from the steamers- at ha1pat s ovlock on thntday afternoon ibh eityal fqadton iai into diirtnoiilh llay a- rfflchorid thie for the niht harm- ae e mpji lilc ka lhau a hundred mile of lwitg foe djiht on friday mm nin lite oiiih- if jepirhirv w heard among the royal qtia0s lililin fir- anf ettin the cteam n at fonr oviotk the iral wa made to weich in a few minute the whole aqaa- d on aajticatly left dartmouth under a royj frm the catle battery and vro- ceeed down the channel for the seilsy is- lamb where hct makfty fl l f i nieht a idler fmm sooner core cornwall luted ftdav nicht described ihepa5vinef lit nuj m abowl noon there were federal lare venelii uatin up whse cmwj lustily ehrertil her majesty a the vcuel shot by avh ooqineoniicuou than thereat apj- rently an american liner for london fired a jute nd iranned the yardff bv the aid of a slaw ilei hajeiy waj diiccmed on deck oa 1 afternoofi the itoominf of the artf at carnkirton comin itm the strjik on the winn of the wind 1 far and vrwa intellierne of her nfajily letaal aiial in the menai and throw the eity iotn a whrrlof ovcflomcnl iwfqre ivhirh theiirr v iijh ito imil suih t wi 1 such was ihe reneral eaaltatjon ihuvdreds made for the suspension rrhce honand foeafth pot and in trie the city diieai- beauuiio ihe ueoos wkoie atirtace wa presefiuy covered with crow ded hoafak albeit expected her majesty look her loving sub ject ay surprise hot itutaat preparation were made lo pre royalty a loyal reception by r3l salotes with artillery a brilliant dis play of daj and cbehncwithont end hot tajrly and the triftce c in the fairy came oeer caernarroo bar betweeo one and two oclock on sunday in company with the gariand and followed by some iuoenger learners on the look out the victoria and albert and large steamer of the oadron going jtrjid by holybead the fairy halted aboulteo minute ost caemajton lo lake a view of the fine old castle and theo nused in in oe nlanee io proof ft a mere jiidmenl in th other to what must appeal t a eivtlisn tn act of cnncienlon dny ik pfotcnled ihe lihekt ifltimoniilt ofebareter cw4 fni il 1 proiier to oberve tl inembert two iliuslrftus means vhaiacterid by an em of dikilieici th ltorabjr i oiihiltd a dipeiiioh li acfjuifsee n- ilefewjenee of ih imueoaie leniloy nd it mexaihl lathe t uie lfejva a id other of the nlvden rinjera1 ojoi1y dojuuited lilt thnmu1 din ratvdnnr- ret hit lujihtaenr-lii- retoli at the head 55oh0 men tie oveihow of smn aritfallie in ii tin of llirero a peei dead po- aiji of ihe itepumic mid the han- i4tmettl nf anii a ran iletrrra inwever iimj not tie rtll e aueit winter and fit2 m calonteo i h more forcibly lha nr won etn d tet llie loloie iiecemiy muh eiu mji laaria of- in witli the eahoaed with the rapid im ifonrprnisiaee jiriof the period inched lh atnsanon of tlie si lawranoa i elonl vjik lh river v- ii will always hfcud an ettomtas jie of ihe grml trade nf t- we nnd when the jllinot t if npleled a very jare pmpntiion of wheal ieli now roes 0110 ii nt cat rotilli en pa knnwhdjce of the requirement and ililioaof itii ceonlry of lvfoi by the new ojeans via c ie llie lakes dot ttina in of the winter fn- ihe creatoft il i nania anon ii rlease linc wm placed him in mower iioaefly diqtmfji bad ovfired lli ally i ae- vmtu amcule adyslmeil rf t if he had been peroiiteed eoriooce with h own prhjp have bcn no war emitiiries ilnl lveifes and aliavo en of a diifcnnt icrmper inarched uieiranniea io tlie i ii nt j j mi witrioiit ihe hj vi d siazu life laahitaffieif nnfnhcrcu acnn admirals hy nn undue lefiioiev in ma name of prke and napier will be deemed a urficiinl jnnrantec that ihe honor and iho iuteieiu of tlie navy were folly prvtef led on ihi aeeosloo thi coit however com puted of soch ntater ili dismissed lbcborjea aainm uoolffiau branch as frivolous ami verjliom ami in rrtrink him in sword e- piced an opinion iuji he had been t0 on hvj1 nnjoily jeptmed of it whiul ihl coolosn of a vesel it allowe i lo iitdule hhitnallv in a lanoitjte and beha viour which eonld n it he supported fo an hoir in general society whilm he u provided uith atinndfinl opuomunily f persecuting an oooxiou nbordinalc with all the thoilsjivl rexailooi of an atment feminine mihce the nnforciinal subnrdiniie himself often a mre deorvin officer than hs tvjwiiift iseomprllej to nlt m uenco nr jo mk the overwhelming odds which every sailor knows who accuse his cosookaijefi and if in a moment of weakness siting by nn unmeiild reproach or artxltrd hy an oveibearioi demeanour he half tineoneiontty civo utterance to ihe tlihteni eapf mion that iieenuily can distoit and enn- jlru into an ritrcion nf contempt for an llirity ffgm thil tnpeul he i a lot man and mav lok fir a lfe of toil without promo lion if not for a moc bitter alternative of intuut dejradation look poiitoti of ihe covernmenu in june f 18 is pa redes was iiulalled rvetidenl hut brin ambition j do ferviee in ihe trehl rnro wa left in chaise nf ihe roteroonrt dot hi icijjn uroa hsiefi under ihe cy thai paradei was imirhjoiu to rtauimi a monar chy iiion the nuns of ihe itrpuhlic he w overthrown and banished w santa anna who declared iirede the dtleiiairatd cne- ttwif ivikfholotito porwtae eovafoieni wa recalled and by ibe oomeame of our ge emneii he wai aeitailm io jmiii cra cvue and assume ihe rrins nf llie govern- it tt 1 1 ftom which he had been banished it would he singular therefore if these twn chieftains o ion- a war itoum now be found acting uceiher in this imitrof thelt oauonl peril if however their vieware still di- j and pjredts cjo i i o ihe lial navigation per iianof ine insiness nml e carried on b oid lo the eahrin1 or bt locked tit l tvu or montreal lilt ibc sprifij fot- vri t lu hen jiiilly owrvrdthat if ihere hd i n a r i fot from ei m vl or k t i to the seohoard hundred nf thmiandi of ulha nl canadian itmtr would have reached jijaod ivhen rtio market was bnfjr and w iutd have had our iropoaion or weafth ieli has bowrd in mch ahnndjncc upon one fajdiw inalcad of whicb the hiument i ihe l liarftce only arrived when rain tween the two 1 j heinniirto h a drug and mere specula mi in the kagrjml market and ihe natural ffupfmooco lias been that heavy losses vtere pdirotv nenee we are losec n ve m eonei canada villi the sealoar f se kinpon neonle are wannly takinpup w formalin of tlie railroad between that jtt and the atlantic while lliose of moo ie ivvaddi o hear away view ifieic imiralv planner in which ilia lt of the canada company itaet been conducted under hi mflosemcnl wo feel therefore fceily justified io lookine on mr lloydn neli a either graiaious or for iho purpose of dcceirinfctjlc puhhc i t sfi and canada as to the ijovition hntfi m tf ihe aftj of ire company either ju re venxo for the oriinsl comuiuy having been dropped hceauic incapable from rariotn cir- cumitauc or somtfurthex tpjeel vrhicb i rt present wish to allude in british whig on are anknown on lhi continent ornown only by name if there is any difference lo be seen it is ihi wise a the north of ire land protestant does not generally leave hut native land so poor as his more unfortunate roman catholic fellow countryman there is not usually such a marked distinction between his primitive and hi- after conditinn in his jvr far b n i lvi whg tour to the west litter kgr 17 adopted land in short f to close these re- ostfsr psr oim dtcr saturoay selember 11 1317 covatav itfu- nva lut j mnrpncs cl7utcotsmutt wtofonio u c moitlieol nmeeeof birtlrt ejnrrtd 2 gi m rtinc minilar anlaoiiit tui cir divw th f mm cm riumt p x ii la tcr rhn t ilii own pu in lil mcthtra n2i ihe tiftri iter juii luv w and pjredf ejos inlo mexico the of santa anna we mav look for new pronnnci a mnlos and tstw isnvrv if not for a dilleent policy in the procculion of the war it it nol considered bfoltauo that parade went immdi4tely 10 ihe capitol ff lie di noi gen seotlrirb there before him lti lunnoced ilyst he would at once proceed to trvcrai of the slate yet unsubdued j1l liiunelf ul the liid of a many men as would flock to m standard and march either ftgaital llie invaders or the government a wtuhs nosl likely lend lo the promotion of his nwn schemes we therefore deem the return nf parries it this lime nn nnfirtuaate event it should hart been and vrilh nrojier viilancritcontd have hcen preeeeled there has been cnl- mhle neuenee snnewhere if uol ciiinlml connieance on the usl of those who houm hare boon neutral our overnmcnl owes it to ielf to inqiire into the matter because whtlc our own prevident uay ftiinih ufsh to mexican fccncish e henj ihe filttof the sutjrets ot any tnei i pswer to atrrd sinilar and comiom mthc vlieny ii i w nn ldewily 12ft c- wnl 13u li nd iideiamf ee it rierj exeltjn vti rnmle bh by luivli anj hn mjenl4 etiip ftifken- heaj j m p ia n4 ty m nn i bef hip rti r i i i i j i i cannot scenou eh la pie nf ihjrpt eieln i ik to dj cnitunj 0u xvn y r ui5ra rtnvs will fiiher jfitl fin thj lure licn bct ihi lime tw ihe ttemkoissi mr bolbiaty mroom eiproniery hsafty in havmxi w hh ujet ovm rluible llu itiidci- through sweljies droprung anchor off s -nakftl- pe aor george pier toeee prince albert an oppor tunity of iretpeetin the menai bridge hi hoy hihneas waa ro red to the caernarvon hre shore and landed at ibo pier under tbo vicora hotel from whence he walked to and oter the brfde concerning which he put sun- dryquslionc her majesty and prince albert here paid and received sundry visits one of the visi tors writes her majeaty was attired in a chin straw bwist with a blue veil thrown ikl shawl c a description of dresj which many of out bangor belles would he uwed of on state aaj0 and looked pale iviuce albert poted a drab jim crow hat brown coat and drab continuations and was hi- lann ty hi ipi giiym iren lijc will be liuec fort tujer ihan on later from mexico new york sept s news from vera cru a the slat i is said thai ccn scolts army reached ayoila twenty miles from the capital n ihe 13th nil jsol a pun has beo tired so far taj fmty wirh rechioreeineohi ha gat safely htvond jalapa mnj welpseoriman had a fipht with tbeetrjiasal lln- national 1 iridic and j- forced to ahandnn the attempt locrufts lot 6 killed 3 wounded mij lally had a kirmib at ccrrogurdn with the rtsriillis oie report tv that fei snlt has seen defeated with a jos of 800 men hut il is not believed most lettrr wriura brieve mevco to have al ire ijiost anxious iniro the port ed railroad hrituih ffetins lead all wla r usomnaitvr to an ardent detire lo r rl hoc from montreal to ualifa or i andiews eocninenced in good rrtirl j bat hardly possible to set aidc the idea that inline froi montreal to purthnrfj which loififs so decidetlly the advaniaees of a nifl distance with a sopefb harbor of ty cvalall seasons will uilisnalely oe ibt at jlvm of cot- in t b it is ewioui llijt older pftfnt circamstan- any attempt lo procure ftrifua fonioffor jh enterprise on this continent is utterly jj of the question even il lb preen jsh had not taken plaeo craft ir ledue jtion bad been ojerved in regard to ftw vcnlations the demand for money m e5- l for railroad pirrocs woum have ahorbed ery shilling frocff however we do not v tliat even o fruaranlef of any potihle jvttsl com govctnmeul would prose eftccl- f to induce private capilalisb tu cuinu for- m they cannot ov il if there be ttmtinvajhul iri lhestat t ie the ttroe foe our neighbors mav r j- t tcik in onr railroad art i if f ureal western company bavg been blo take oavantae of it we think ihcy bavo ve wisely fn aj pability one or two years nr psr- even a lonsrer perind mnt elaptc brfore 4ttsb ci ii can free itself from llietrm- which late eircumstancrt have imposed jn it snsiricully lo enihle il lo because tiable for on prpaaei i fivira ideas lie pan projjtsvo hy mr wddero mr dslnsie and which has served as he hasie tn 04t of ihe prnoiitions since entertained vas bets considered ihl i money was ool icrcnlly at command to justify the govern ni to nae the necessary ciiakoinenu i mnirtary metiers have hofb rjr rnore steady and in greater dirhcutlieserer since rhe utmost that any company cn di or to cjrry ou kfkjjy lat iookine remarkably well gelling inlo flesh fcii h ri- gr evidently within the last two or three tar rt tbeprmceof wales woe a ead hat wtaaorb eira- jatfcot and vhie irowsera a minaliire bri- paoriho n i h thnr r rematirev 2 iv eateil u iv eujjiy my j uan trl jdast ea blch ibis ty b couied ud the hvnut 1 on j0t vewof pojiry it oaeht loherjifhid 5- th oficl off an inejeatrj apmy f z f iif sm ihe prod ucli ten awnhieotv eial land and c the fntd in ttr ielird by und sales- 4 the ff ct whieh olnttyiiioo mayhfjxtcj lo ihooluer nn hs iu4oatitl ofjfp ciiul th- eusos pkd it h0 j now ii- t i vant prici of i jrton of iifill naflrof rreere r vbh is ap itedthai u3ts investment are i in oquocr of the calca- riv wliich 4iijpi or tbe the effeet of a tare r o labnr n- ihe value of ij m css wtwre as in new wales that it has beceme aun- lookauatn ind hrui down sheep aaotatfow for the want of ahcphvids aotl bet lalsrvrt required oi om il bfjaafl khhidlnxthe wrlitinflhe oolooy nd ssv materiarfbr british wmmificmre 6 iwoftetlujiroiveaipaiedhy the oju- rormtyiittt orworbs of unb- suehas life uihoads project tbyamaica uvryt ui winch jbare alreailvbern tux ntp7cottbr govem- eartf 7- the effecl nf an auemrnkd popp blttavfrt tv brituh coloo not only lo n- jgrthhjc iheir wealth arieoural miiirral d commefcial remtfrc iheir pover of con- somin brifrtb rniinfjcluw aid pm for ltwittitonr i rcnmirv snaysindin need but in a di to heir unnih and mean of deneeaud thus con- olidfn and tnfitr the pwtof the em- jfol icommflftroiunrnm etbe th report briltoirt onev more xoinmine themielves from vfmfmai i thil fr hannjdoaj these oh ea m rfeieinf ihr fnnrt vermis rvoectin sedssricuv evamiortion ihry at thereby p he qapiro thereby ooy enetiir otiimon of their owlt tlul wa rvjrnionfy to be ffmd a the re il a ontior eftri rer1clnn which th y tewady eeom trided tiiey believe tv m mtb to ibo rvdetce befcire ihm ejeh n to re v oio ihr hooie and the jiv ura sh foemttion of an ultimate mpshilaeeteticvto u riico-tirdet- fojr uortj ut folk aware chat lh i lib tar the princes royal appeared in airaw bonnet tunic and aaimoaeolorcd drcsa and with her rnyal brother looked the very picture rr health andeontenlment the fairy then joined the other steament passing beausuari to the cross lioads where thrty all ajn oacborcd for the nucbt on monday cooninr at four oclock he royal scjuadron stood oo its course for ihe l1c of man che expeclation being that herma- jttv seoald tana there under most farorable weather auspice eoyalsalalrs were fired from ihe batteries at craj y dou port pcnryha and beaumaris the steamers merchantmen and yachts dis- pfayd their force of flap and the american vessb joined heartily in the general demen- 1 aim of respect and urelcome as ihe fairy approached lh u s ship jo sh quincey capt graiier the barqe john parker capt cummin and the bark juni- llacipt cluld the british fla wasdis- plaved forward the american flag at the peak and as the royal racht voided past the american flag sum hauled down and the hri- ttah llj run up which marks of courtesy were acknowledged by the exhibition of the lil l rwmm ftj r u of tllo fairy her nf v standme by as prince albert rowed off in his btrc he on met by capt chibli f the juiatu in his own per the crew of which ve thee cheer when thi escape ok parades voai foe k 0 piroywne jvg zu from von cru we team that seuor ato- eha met gen paredes aoer the latter i and recognized him paredes is undettoed to have signified to him hy a sin lo keep rttrk and the handsome senordid o for the space uf n hftiir or inflie at all events until the di- r o r ij mexican had parsed nut of ihe citys gates we have seen these fjcts writ ten from vera cruz by a gentleman of sense and discretion from him we learn too that senor aineha held a situation in the customs at vera ciuz from which he lias been prompt ly dismissed far conniving at the cseipe of paredes every day i- farther developing the fitness of senor atscha to act as the emis sary of our ovtrnment we learn too that capt clarke the port captain at vera cmx ha he c dismissed from hi posl for rejqtne3 in this affair of parede we mention this and what we have said above of alorha on llie aulhorily of a private teller ftom vera cm from a gentleman who would not mislead us and who should be very well informed it is his opinion that ihe ivnlish have had a more direet agency in the bcktneas than he facts yet developed show the correspondent of lc putria give uuite a dramatic scene between gen pared r and llie mexican who furnished him with the ne cessary supplies for his expedition inln tiic in- tejoe according to this the merchant had been the political opponent of grn paredes in days gone hy but was touched by the ap peal of ihe taller to his patriotism the gene ral avowing his puipofe tone to throw him self into ihe arms of bis countrymen and pro cure a posilion in the aruay to aft in the salvation of his country whether ibe sketch be fanciful or not we deem it to be ibe true vry lo the part which pjrcdrs will enact tlie same writer says that amone the mexi cans of all parties the arrival of paredes has etcited a general enoinsiajm they ar- rue that paredes will be able to derive from the elerrr ihe resonrres necessary lo prowi ihe wartor manv yean it is conjectured too that ute six states which have formed ihe coalition and declared thcmtelve oppoied bi any peace may call flnon paredes to as sume the leadership viewed in whoever lieht ynu r te return of i archies is re yarded as iajurioos to the design of ihe uni ted state and very possibly lo thosv oj santa cfijalapaonihhi r ori ira ltii s l form is mfxiot the malanwat fai says that lho1loar- inr may be relied unoti as nearly theorreri nnmbett and the diwiriiion of l tap in mexico under ccnoial scoll ad jvw- under taylor buena lu a monterey 731 cerralvo 0 upper rli grande lower grande ww tolal 0jq i under gen scott at poewa w0 with cadwallader 50f with pillow j0 with pierce j00 j total ywo grand total aw anna- q ibis there can we think be no doubt uuiiio wo full aw ao yrt aamenrahoto m nr pnfnta but wimwwgr f weeampu mm onsincvoihern atnmoodso srrioeya hoialhavooot f faoao ooujmmoi aoose hiiti have lat thi have smin mspveliiia aay ikoroafur be ovutoomf new uj of 8r oeaoiat upon ihe 1iince flood uneoveted am howd his acknnwledtmrnt uilynn mnndarmminqthe block eacjr one f lh royal moadfoo arrived in omitas day announcing the intention of her majes ty to honor the isle of uaavritn a viaii in cvpeetiiiou of aucti a viit the iithabilauts of mona had for some day urit en the owi cftp and reat enthuttatut wa maniftsted hy all classes and early in the day ise piers and bcijhu around the bay of dachjni were ihml with anxious speculor liclween foar and live ftclnrk a m the black eairle came into the auehorae annououtia poi lively rhat th myal vpiailmn would lonrh at donfusinthe forenoon at eiht oclock ihe tyiiwld royal mail tramhip to the me of man sleant packel comiany commanded by copt william gill the pilot for the 0cciuii proceeded with a sejccl com pany on hoard on the loovour for the vl rno she was followed by the tleam4hi lsnmychre and pcnelta the semirfe onr rf ihe squadron waacvii ronniocfor ihe calf of man about half- put nine and thorlly afur th- royal yacht hove in sht followed bvthyairy gailand and undine a reei fot onjiria bay in a shmt time ihe tjanm from the island yined company the tynwalo puotinr tbe way ahoot teva mmk ibo veoseli rounded tba btad and ileturn of pahedes to mexico fvm the r jtwatj the return of gen pa rede to mexico al tho present critical juncture of affairs in that countryi ia properly exciting vcrygenerit aitemion we obetve that some of ourcou- u mporries deem it an early termination m the war ftnltbj inference li not jutined hy any hic con nee led with ihe hitory of ihu dittlnuiuied personage he i bitterly hos tile to this country i a deadly enemy of republicanism and an avowed monarch if i fhe exutinlr wnrw waged nmler his aitiin ere and it was the apprehension thai hi well known piedilcctioitv for a monarchy miht induce the cooperation or iceland in the war which induced tie president to facilitate the ingres of sanla anna when driven from mexico byuie combina tion which wa formed aainii hm hr nro- eeeded to rurnpe fur what purm il i nit known lint it is knotfn nun was known lo onr noverumen hl for several months he ha been loiterins iu pranclhul he has bad frnjuenl interview svith foreign ministers al thai cnmt ami thaflie ha heen active in his endexors to excite the synnpathy or eu- amrtyof pnropcan rr with a view in iadnee thin to aid mexico in her strucu and lo assst him in uw eon sunt no alien of his tiloi of iablrhhiii a monarchy in that coun try what he elected is of course a ccri w iih hifhclf hut his lelnln al this juncture fteh from the icrnti of hi intrigues ii cal culakd lo produee a commotion in the two cminirie moil inleretrd in iho iaduc of tbe pendhif sanuinaty cofitolf while we do not believe ibal hi relorn can materially altel itie uiue of the war we be lieve that it it calculated lo protract it standing from thv firtt at the iwtd of the war lri hn pieaenco cannot h inopire hia centuai america of file frrridfxt of itmlurfrf ae se orafw arrien wj ifflafjoaa arir cvuttn aeiu llavaftaj sitfesi translated fa heno- hetia from fjfa pocl tae vcsrfenf of me a to re if ffapffautf central dhierreas cmnpariu lriun now th iheaiineo f mexico nod incniecn her iin hi nd ex termination the crth aokiea0 rleimvrd the interesting poijlrinnf v c i wt roneud ihemolvea r ihir clti ro 7j i i z opon tho cpla w yet know hhil oihrr cilnnitwi itl iffiv w nation tliej urn our brcihem their daneerif oor and their flo awaits na wo shnonj w bmmflawtti if c cn in ony mamice i0 ibeirhonotimc virnle the entire world rhuld koow that rhydu- refioa are ready to folfil their dunce upu ntnre they may bc- i will aetsain io io sute on hnoomfc pea t of hndnrerten ikirvir for a dir e fithotlobrrhoma nod io vutte wfchj ibe iri uid injone whioh iho mii i aolrom myrff lody to llie gowtir t the itrpumic nnkine uem otwrejtion tfcslif itraalrno deeded expedient wj ilifipmaible ottird il t lel rshllfj rw- i thoir njm hrs oivisvoodioiemil fcpdj hafo rjff j mexican brothers right mitfocw hm ttt wbnm that nnlion h cnmpweithnrev nni ble u ifefend uwmaeuea af ainrt htadtf wjvi have aeixed un their irffiiofv anjf i aeetvi aaul annulled iheir rifhia hfx j il to undertake j present ir surveys and complete their plans ard i it for more pfopii aiu limes lo call in iheir victlpliooi for the actual carrying oo of ihe f tae governmnt htild advance capital iaraivtee inurest it will be only oa sur- gf and pi in made b them or receifina ir santlioi f and in ihi case only can wc ttcl thai a rl trunk railwav will ite filed from le lltron to hallfat nr st drives in which all seejinnal iutereis wilt t aside and tre general interests of ne linee itone attended lo l a recnt mtmber we nsffced an eml onr t ir correspondence civinrj an aaoount of the proceedings of tha toronto and lake huron ruhvay company in don at iheir ineral rneetlnj on the 8ih july list adjourned to snej7iho ihesaite saojtlh at tle same lime we tematked on lic course pursued uy a mr lloyd who made violent attark 00 the director of ihatcompiny nrst fr taxing advantage of their pooitlon to make money by receivini an allowance out of the irishmen nearer h too whrre ibo belplesocs abroad uiere is a province incapacity of demands upon stitcetsville tliia large flourishinj and prelly iulft pleasantly utuated oo the left cninlt of river credit eijhl miles from its mouth and about thirty from toronto it hu all the ap marks which arc warning the characteristics j pearanec necesary lo make it in a fewyoaro of a pane yric instead of an eoquiry uc may a t 0 n ittpotunee it is built tn the confirenlly ajsett ihat olioorfnythe illnature cenlre of n rich beeuuful and well cleared of tnetinvi to pass for tmlh an irishman couniry remarkawo forlfie cxlensire jrowlh hs only to leave his native country lo became of wlital to the cultivation of which thn equal f nolsuperior to any race on the fact faamrsderolcnore than thrrefourthiof their of this continent and this we feel is the greatest censure that could be laid on dritish rule in ireland li fn j- directors and funds of the lompan jecnrxdly or jobbing iu the anpointmenl of mrwidver as aent in england ftr ihe canadian company this latler accusation was aliuffrlhcr at variance with the fots as lo iht former charge il is only nccafj to stal that nfr lloyd was himself a director kd shared the spoils whatever they mghi ve been with respect to the appointment of mr widder the london board had noth ing to do with it it wat the art of tho to ronto directors alone j and it miul be in the rccolleclioii nf ever one here that al the lime the necreify tossndiv an anol inai this country la london mo a universal feelrn the opinion here further was sjnanimocei that in retectiot mr widder the lirj acted wi judicioutty and lhal such was also th ouinwu ofall parties concerned in london inclodioir ilr ltnyd himself who wa ihen a mchr of the london board may be leathered frun the fjllowtnc extracts from documents pb- linhed at the lime or whiirh are now at the office of the company here io been iwie of ili americana if we contra- ixc irndnrhi alwny apnenr eafrv- rent ihey adapted iho nui effeciuivfj fvcnro their iedi b ur rtlmnpo lhcn trn sat eeriihk aod aotmianon tawi ihev tf il 1 power ihir f lory and taeir imtiur wlni hipnineso hier ito oxircuee thedetmie of a pclc adoel 1 toootsi j van cpaoaji june 1817 tir r7aahf0rvi f7rorte f dili army f idvror poinptnttna ntnio ia lhonjiitft e i and ev idem ia uur leil in to the ileft nre nf tlie onlfv ik bi1ic aod the c in- teiieh llrtjf mai uiiio llmliflibertv aninteioniiei i nnmpliouco ui aiciej dujf t miiin aotn aeil h the prjr t ti tl ivmetie avaynslffatay aifam afjoi if meii- rl til m our n ia ataa i pmela- i di hi j tvttuy piw ie apf mtrdeii renee and jnr driir ato a a timo hut ha may colt pm armnvi fawyatoni frrerare ihhnar ide w divide ih onr ulereeia nnd nor p eund in ivr oognrre jlvr irininha anil onr hnov sle deimdi auftire meuan u ii onfih and livhy ia in mn ri fofll i lilinwlm would proniito and ewt bwjamotfii f nititrn ull oojapafwatjomi kit- hnw mtni is a llin pv we have heaul this j manv lime the seirnlific ante um j what ii generally eonriilerrl ni iwauj nd crtract son t proreeivijr of tic cejirrol arefinr of fae conoih consony 3fjt december 1 c4o frot fnj l- sfomixg ctronjeic decem ber 31 1815- the act tor ibo formation of thet railway tlie i oronto and lake jjumo itaiiioad was passed by thf provincial legislature ol ca nada in 1836 and revived during lst seon as aoon n tbe director oc chosen in jly last and were able to act locally their nrsr step h to apply to mr widder ihe resident cominisaroner of the canada company io to ronto to ash him to proceed to england urilb a view lo ihe furtherance of the objects and full powers to represent them and delegate their authority in any manner he thought lit mr wtditcr accordingly came to jfr gland in september tasl and having placed himself in com munlca lion with the company fesuoed here concluded an agreement for the complete union of tlie two bodies a alter man could not have been chovit for the nnrpnie hal practical kttowltfdjre of every thing connected with tho province and his connexion ami acquaintance with persons in this coifilty ckaly pointed him ml as the mot clg person it was also gfetilyiiito the canada com pa ny as sheuin the confidence cf the people in the province tbnl all the proceedings would be conducted in oa clkcicut aod buai- neai like manner thanks ware unanimously voted mr widder ertroel frrtvi n utfrr from rlie yiorrri of ijirivrorv of the 7rronto ood lite huron tntwoy cmnnonu in lonjon to mr ipiv der lit y icvlti- i sjn directed to lake ihi opporlmuly of cafvcsftenj in the stronger terms the thanks of hi 1 1 hoard for ihe valuable ailince derived from tut konwledze and experience ot the iru- iilervu of car ads and i ihe mckf in which they can be bot promoted hy the form wio i of a itailway through ihe province and especially i am directed lo exprras to yoai ihe eotifidrnce eiileriained by this isoard of the suesa whuh aroui attend ihe under- flin you have sueeled hi your proposal of ihe d9ib dccintr to ihe colonial o fcrr and i redineaa with whiehttbe dtreciofo uil eteit uieoaaelves lo carry that pun usta yfleel and native power make the same imported activity where the inhabitanl have alt the hindoo cbimuhncs withom the hindoo ttactabi lily where the pcaaanis ie- rinirejredin and watcbiu as iinoeratively s the ryot 4nd where the landlord aur- pame the zemindar in rccklessney and raacily on the officers of ibe british army in connnuht have actually devolved the look of the mactrate the landsord the col- 1elor and the ovetaeer of the indienou jordi of tlie soil the majnrilv were too nd totally incomoeteni the remainder ohtinalely iinwillin to discharge the doties of proprietor ship nn the magistrates bench and a com mission of the peace for tjie county wax rhfflhvilh sent down lo ibe officer in com mand who4 intnitive knowledge of law wa lbabi to compensate ihr short com in tif an lnh pro vl nee- w1oh tw autst 6 wc find the above pithy ofisarvation in a late otrnaber of tha ivtfe tbe tcadidg joxirnal of europo is ceraioly not very com- pljrteotary to iruhcaccr but nevertheless jl must bo conceded that it neeor utters onrrt but what it can fully ubslantiate and tie censure however illnaturco must pass cor rent a matter of ftcf it therefore itislo be deplored fbat in tbeuown land thttoiv ib little iotvlligorrce afloat ajnon the people trentta and aimple that rnrsoa cannot he found in timesof dtitres lo execute the offi ces of magistrate overseer or superintendent as ihe time asserls but iheir places are compelled to be filled from axnoo the othcrrs and noncom miaaiotred officers of tbe britbh aifjjj quartered ifljhe distressed dtatriels lei ua see wlut is the caus of this iiffchority of intellect and whether in a forejssa joad tbe tam iuferioruy ia witnessed the number of irishmen abeoact in lh driih possessions and in foreign cunyics u much greater than that of enxlishricn and scotchmen put together fond aa tht scotch are nf leavinj their native hills anl round aalbcy arc in every part of tba habitable lnbe they are lut as a drop in tba vookel in nunterieal comparison with ihe son of litvvma and duroerouias the cnlisli are in their own unloved ilind ihey arc sol an cmigratin people and few ao abroad who by any outrivanco or pomibitily coumslay al home leaving to others lo xoy jvtt the conduct of irishmen iu rviooo ptb abroad wo shall confine onr objcrvaiiom lo canada and llu united slatr where he popolation is torrpcc j fully of rmehtrit in iiaja and oaetftenth in the unit states of irtsasaien and their souoediate scendanta io other word there are t hundred and fifty lbojnaad irish cotiuja province amdthiee mdho io lr adjotjirn country p whatever may hare bden tho coodttiodj the poverty or misery of the irish emigrant ihe moment he pota hit foot on american aofl he becomes a new aian- xad fcooy bfo- oadicst infancy lo regard the nor world aa an eldo rado he is somewhat shocked and diswec by the hardships he ejicoodtera on reachlne ibe place ol hut nltimxle declination but eventerrrleon blxroachhithcr be cvincvh sense of freedom rjjriru3i5 to labor bxsaap at an exenrbitanrptmsim- thi faalidioua- oesa howevr tkmffl orhenopce located i he becomea a settler and from ihjit dai datea his pmpofitjr lfho he f4i life as a farmer axy agricultural laborer a enechanie a smaltftop keeper or a jobber about towrw il is rare indeed that he does not make wealth faster tbao his neighbor not of the same origin his religion fthieh at home miht be av acotrcfi of ccwfottlodliv but which ccrtaialy wax a source of contiouedj vexation in canada or the united staffs never giveshim the slightest annoyance on at a meeting of ihetrnjlecs ofcoaunn schools for this citft held in ibo it fort office on wednesday 8th september inst tbe following resolutions were unanimously adopted moved hy fr michael mccunlrtc se- cocded by mr f doncfefibc j trial in conformity 51th the 7lh section first second third and fourth clauses of school acl for the prevent year 184 wc take im- mediatoryaxurro by the fbwm vested iput for the recovery of the deficiency of the teocbers aalariea and other iocidantaj ex pensea relative loscliool porpose ajewralltp such as rentx for school houses school furni ture fuel for tbe ojc of 6chooii ic carried moved by tliomas willio cccooded by dennu kane that we send a copy of the aborrj 27th seetion iai- 2nd 3rd and 4lh cranaca to the kriirsh whig for imbticattoo md a coiy to the kintciton herald with a copy of the warrant from lha city superintendent for the recovery or the samen order to lav befive the inhabitants of ibis cilr use rmdr we nre under to make ibe above deficiency available carried moved ty areh mcdonnell seconded by john knyce besolvcd thai ufe also submit for pomiea- tion the 25th section of school actshcwio the power with uhtch we are fully invented to make the above dellcitncy available coj- ricd moved by john roycc seeoaded by thos willine kesolred that in conformity with the fifth clause of the above section we have caused in oar discretion to be levied and collected bv voluntary subscriiition of the chifdmn attend- ing school fn additional turn was here i had the first occasion to remark he ajreat chanjre a couple of hun- dred of miles make in the climate nf thic country when i left kingston grain of evt ry dscrijition wax creen no si en of wheat ripeniiie yet what was my surprise when here only three days after i found prain of all kinds nearly ripe and the wheal crop neaily all hareeflcit i rrroarted thrs peat disparity to an intelligent farmer but he mr priced me more by his lepty ibal this was a later harvest than usual i enquired particu larly concemine ihe wheal crop both here and ax i travelled up and found that invarla- uiy it wax most ofundanl and indeed xar far a my own knnwledee weni fiom ocular dcfflwxjrtrailott i can safely aver ibl tho nunser of rejot concentog luc ravages of ihe weevil otc- which were inrfustrioudy circulated ttrtaijrxj xnt fjfk prints ia many instances to suverve private interests were grossly exasperated slatenvonu drxcrediiabre ta lite origiujtoo and tf fully bjuevedio would b- ruinous to the ioteeexuof tbe coun try will any of the jonmak sasert that in the home gore or wellington districts the wheat crop of this lurvest will bo under ro averaer crop none of them can with any truth doo the troth h ax i havebeeo in formed the reportji were chiefly got up by the speculators to answer their own end the potato ii c fi i j irlr u v f as canada is concemed for not onctiith tba breadth of potmd has been planted qhu year that waslajt- nor do i believe thatevco ihtx mall cpianiily will be very tswrauy afloat with ihe disease it u very atrange what an found neees say 10 pay thesajariea of teacjiert i cwdeme bad news is ihe slifhtot report or moved hy m- alex- mcdonnell seconded by thomas willing itcsolved that mr oliver mnwat mr michael mccuoihv mr sam shaw find acohector who shall he sttftolicd with a sitfb- cicnttvarrant to collect cuttrie lnliabliajtlx of each scoot section the sum attached to iheir respective nainc carried mf 27lb akenbv and he it enacted that it hah be the duty of ihe trustees of each school section ut to auibf orre of he mielvetr secretary and treasnrerwltduihaji keen a minute of heir proeeedinev in a hook kept wr that purpose shall receive the moneys collected bj ateoill or mhtcripliufl from the inhabitartu of tbe school section shall bo responsible forxuch moneys to his cohacoe and shall pov them to the teacher after defraying the expense of collection in such manner ax may b dimctcd by the majority of the trusters sod to appoint a collector if they iball think it expedient to collect the sum which thev have imposed upon trie inhabitaan pf their srhoo section or which the sjid in habitant may have sobsxffbed and to pay such collector not to exceed f fhetetaof five per cent fnr his tmnble in coll feline and every collector shall tsve soch eccurit ax may lie satisfactory lo ilr trustees and ball have the pntovrin cntleehn ihe schnolale i- ui hkdju h4uu4lt ner anl lie subject to the earn liaunut in the disoriam of his du ty oa is or m ay b- by law provided io respeel of coilectors ofthe district rate arid aseaamonti 3rd to lake isoskxxtai ot all cormon school property vhichmay h tve been aqoi red or xven for common school prupotex xocli section and o jtcouifo nod hold ir the corporation by any title whatsoever d pcr- aonal nroperly money or iitcomo ibr cton school fnftposes pntil tht poioer hereb lakeu away or modified hy lava and he same according to tho termsbf ojbjnne ihem or receiving them i 4th to do svhauoever may le ipedtent svilh record to biiildingjrepairinjintjiit re- newm wxrinine or keeninc ijorder tbe school iimmi it ipfcxmaflkbrnk fences and moveable properly which shipe held by them 25th ajcriox and be it enacted that the schl xaiuteex tnauch school section shall be aorporalion 4rr the uameof trie scjioot us ilees of ihe rjraajts on iikcesxfcxffxind irom seal may ue ana be whlmk th powers athich any otner i ortor jioraldlia with regard which it is ronsliloled we the oodersivied trusli of semoo district no in the towns town or city of in the cnsmly- by ml rrpemaf a tttrf nunnrr ia n iiovir aulh ien hindioi and thirty uhindj uhi in i c r u a s uuekltvu al iturnic roifooc ibt if il ahuld he atlnnuj and encouricd anhllc authorities is ojiiile irpnwibte under these cirenm- tinfi tolvik mr lloyds nerlion ni4t itwaeodiozmr whuer la eutund h ajit far ibe lfnpany heft wat a jownox transaction between mr pranks and mr ivhurf as anyihinj- but the eonriun of djaair- pontted inalevohnce the llireciors here maun whom are injlviduan ol hifh atamhoj tid trnwledtreor the country did their duty tnl iin mure ihjn their duly in soteetinc foe ilr aicoiit a prnn who united eoerxjr or fliuracter aj uiv utmost iitle to 0 iho the contrary hi daily increaaiox means enable him lo contribute to the xmnlenaftee of his church and lis miotttetx at he ad- vancciin itfe be edocalej hii csbildreo and ambioioo which boitty teed ptxntedon a rich iu i iu n u wi uij n him and then not caaratenied xvith the sphere of life in which he himself is placed bctirm at making his sons ttvuyxy qf suidducti altboutnx irxa bcthueivfie twentieth in in descent from iillatfo tbe soil nooo of whom ilesired chanaje jet oeuje io a free land he indulges fnairthvaxpirins hopes of the other settlers no inferiority of intellect isfcdiscernable io via thoughts or action on the contrary ml nafivt ahrewdoeix or wordly cunning become bete his friend and he is continually found going ahead and re maining ahead or hh more presuming and more pretending fellow subject ax he ad vances in life the honorary offices of the country are open lo hia acceptance j and al though woioafexa htf1coi get hisfnu share of the fat of ihe earth in the shape of official emolument yel thf reenors of the land are his in abundance let tis cast ouroyet over the northern portion of this immense con tincnt and wherever we llrjw them we find irishmen or iflclr immediate deseendtnls fill ing every post of honor of profit within ibe reach of forcige citiaenahip io ihe leiia- laturc al wajhlneon in thel various iqisla- tutcs of the different stale i i that of cana da new brunswick or nova scotia we find irishmen emifltftt or tftir wenta avcalth and jadotmt as coercbaxttx lawoert agri cottorsatx parsoot or doctoa they hold ihe first rank moro pviietitaily ax pulpit and fo rensic orators and if we descend into the humble ranks of life we can discover no in feriority of intellect nor any compulsion for tbe provincitt or united state totcrnrncnla in limes of emergency lo choose their maps- trolca and ovemeera from amon tlw ranka of the british army qwutod among them or from the native born ciltxensof ihe toil nor is this energy of tfo or rrony on- rncd to aoy pojieuex claxt creed orotgin the north of iland protestant and the south of jrvloiid papist tba coanauxjht pena- nnt and lha hunttor laboreri tba tvuroist from wieklowaad tht poor flshormnn frorn achijl au lcme sjily iiapeiwtii k alfha induatriorui and aolmir the celt and the sax- virlue of ihe ower rested m or iv sixth division of the fnrlyfourth sec oflh ael 7ihvic cap 39 do hereby honxe and commauil you here insert the ie and resi dence of the person appointed eulfeel ihe rate bill thalafter dxyim tbe date heieofyou proceed to and cot from tho several individuals iu the anno kate dill tor the endine the of- tho snm of money opposite to tl respective name and that wlun thirlsyt from the date hereof you uy the ainouo cojieclodj after rciainintour own fees hw teacher l the above school district oe diseha rze hall le your acquittance forsumso pxad and in default of paymcriloniaud hy any person so rated you are herobmrnauded to levy llie amounl by dutrrss rsale of llie goods and chiuat of the po or persons making defaull given under our hands ibis day of 18 a c trustees oliver mov aairntfri- t- tiluitoi secretary to at editor of the b m dcxn sis inundated ax canada has hi lime back wilh lok and nowa x who are furnished with a glowing pectus xetting forth ihe superior advnnuofsnme work lusartftg a high sounding lilod being far preferable lo any other u kind extant i would caution the pubtow they sub scribe for such work i ha paid rxuhar too dear for my whittle baoliouily sub scribing for oroo of thcmtbc thorl lime after i wax applied loajaiiftolher agent to subscribe for other wol did so but tremble for the mall h hosr ever to ule thai my feaso not rcalucd having rewind on joxt 3v ibe grslof ihe workx atlaa i muxl do fullptatico lo tfeaxra- harparx for the creditable manner have fnlumled their twonruw- the containx 47 well engraved and beauv colored map on good paper and well i tho site is ininrfioxtfi tvluwllpfovo a muehdevirej aertisio coliees tvul seminaries and ouht th iho library of every genllenian in tbo two messrs tremtlo ami th trt lha agents or this and other woritha former the local txul hxjagrivuuoe the travel- irng one yeun lispliih im7 a e an uutowardaspcc ix circulated with axtoa buag ra4ltv it ffies fmm one tnot to another joing nothing by ihe flight the respcclamc journau ert hold of it it ix copied and replied it oxteuhetotbe bodj tulitie you can scarcely meet a paxxerby in ihe slrret bul had news b legblywritlcai on his lowering brow welt let cootn- diclory atalement appear mark how cautious ly lb told and withotl soae miopia oct i of nature scarcely believed it reajlly ieajaa j ihat evil lidiugt ore xaoee cenrvjiat to our pliant nature lhau gopd aod that all reporti of an imcbrcrint naturvj are ufcarmirvfxxxw f under our csjeeiaj protection but i fear i am gelling proy stfeetsviue miaxbon about 1300 inhabl- linhand contains a ftasl office wol ve stem three taroms and a hotel condurtcd very roipectably with the ntiracrocj other ilir necessary to make up a thriving locality there are ihrcf evcellent crii mills with eilil run of stones owned by street batyw k rowean extensive woollen ftoty by bather ihree snw mlik and a vm tvr 0n there arc four churchcx vi one eflgltsh cxj4 prexacbin aod ismfsssv btnwfitaugcmtm no lawyoca bet a brace of soox of evculapiux and laxx ftffljjbftyno jeaj a ncirspaper tbo krfcrirw tfrwk ojrc v owyooforemeiod from which i cony ibefnllowrnj chaste and deticioos morfeots faking ejimtwjsy imtiwiisstf jflmw jjty rope rvc sajs poor ireland ccntiouex lo be the same boiling kettle of dirly water which stehaxtvfibeeji how to coxsteua miserable irony ccoveyed m the former paiy of ihe extract and ito excellent adafjtioo of language lo bear cot the fdea intended i wcldax1bweeuftv rviev fo not he know full weh ftat poor treland has not always been the boiling kettle cte which he fefselj xayxxhe hax ever beeot it watrangc bow tar a cowardly anirnoxiry will lead individuals toforjel truoi their swft character and interests acd it b more auaogc that a paper lately xiartad into existence of mecucrtrerexpetlxbiiityaiirf lrorttvil firetiu- it will ioeojgcin adaxla at variance with r j rrode of ex- ihe commenext the eovabtixhed let the jwnlnrty tart- rules character of paltry- atfempt at ironry worth il only mrvfect kefcpiis iljj puerile attempts al wit which adoro id reviewv paes and which xdcco 4o be the favorite hobby of lot recocioox editor these may appear xtrvery line an the eyea of the ruling ste bofexetajnly eolrlbrflrj eery tittie to the enurtalaineot or knowledge of the rvidnaof the jotinwl i would strotig ly advise tbe review to alter iu lone if il ckeaire toeunstre succesx from thb village about four nultxwmvo northeajterty direotioo islhc village of futtxurrruy thas vtllaxjoj a bxaw tilully situated on ihe credit it rveft i ai j- a prai office iveorrbt mill owoexhy dueao 6i i a gram three vj tore lxw taverns one tannery nd about v i iliiiiri ft is a very large mamicpcr turiog place and tonx cju some cf the beat work of any place in ibo province- i wax told of an occurrence in connection wish tba mill now in mr- duxgajiv posxesxio which i have not sect in the powic prints it wxa formerly owned by a man named adams of very induxlrioux and sober eharaclcr laxt winter he went to toronto to draw mnhey f belierc from one of iho banks was seen in ihe city by sovetxtl x ahout tho lime but strange to say no trace of him frnat that limp to this can bo discovered ii was know6 thai be had a large amount nf money with him which must hare afforded a templaljoa to puii- wretch to no duuht murder and eob him leaving lub place i travelled lo norral ihoiit twelve mileo from streelxvlllo ajoxsa a beautiful road and ihrough sorno exdelltht country this for tba exl yiatob towoshipof kinjaloiisvpt c imt o it la with a rxdnfll fttlmsr t that wo announce tht dealh fiom i ever cawt while atliadina- o tho lal icharti cif hia duiiri al ibr ajjrrv al st jolms of iht rot wsa 0twts toiol ihat parish audctiiryonfiftorrt sociviv mr daweoli fte mend citrtre- mn o me kpieuiuil chtireh in the ddinot of montreal who hax fatlsa a victim tn lh fidelity and teal with uliltij ha rulwej tm itutiea of hia aacrrd ofllf t in the c n utt of hit divine maatvr and sufferlnf humnnlty wh lnwe iijpi aflvr a tvvtnr utsass w lahpa at about pi l fln udx ll slk i- wontlfvl ferold i i 0