d sir robert pkeis spbeciitothe electors of tam worth cenltrmrn yenttil me kck io ht he commas lennum ptmmfm heretofore to give fm to j l influence nf ft brae irt nw i r iar fwo4- an hy ihr mymllom i have now oeenahy foils ii at head m 0 that even if i jfm of joi ahontd mil hy iimr lo tato m ntthleetual jejuhie j twre for firr yea vvhtr i wo al ihe head of th lh lrr of commons rherand chnm 1 am not therefore hiticil wt whitooftr ilea hear 4 cheers luiqnftrt hwt w jwav4 tyllta1miv lorr founded in justice i j v von whai he principle which jaup ihea neighrwhonj rndtcl yuir rommercial rftalons on will bimohaui i i e wwiw md many awkelgardenei and ihi i ei air h mew j villl a fruitful tetania py riuie tothcfv cuhivalc nnjf 300 or 4a0 jrfr lh product- nf which jntortiiis biinich sup- i w the maikeljpirdrnm cf birmingham ai1 rtiii was very hard im ifcwfr ii or sopje lhj li to have re f tam worth wetumcs they viuhlttikfvllr vrv mwnr ju1 see what il would be they m uuhl say these tamworlh gardeners ibnt cnulrihulc at all lo ihe birmingham luvocralc their sil i more fertile ihey fwi i vegetables at irs entl bavins ercalet kill heft thef cne wiili their produce to ihe birmingham market they undersell ill ike marketcameiier in binniouam nd in ike ncii1ioiooj who luite beticf rtle lo iay let iw kirea cfe of die he onions cahhaces ah iea ttmjm from tjmwonh mteh innhter ojwkynntt 8imoe t poor mjrlrl-ir- ifcnrr it ljminliiift camp hd still tha 1 bold frr ft of jrounj pv fi0ier r- 4i5led on il before i uy a eery heavy rent for l 1 cannot nim my eeame on ac- omintoflrwcoitcf poornte lijeiiirirjivs and keavy loll i will prove lo yim iht ibf xmwottb nrjrner can raire hi jtolnloe nh abbagca at a much lower cl than i fan i an terjr rearmiblf i mly ik protection h tfjr imount of 1he ftiftrefree let n hev 6 i t peek on pea mnch innentcro dvon ivmkunl teryarwnfdt that u jh what wii mw orith rttpert to the unttrd slate tv hirta1nrhan an wtll ojn further he will prifcihi dda the mnuivipal council and jdppoo the major had the power lo apjily tafeftatlhr mlgate fcf womld mytolim 1 oly ijk for proecinn to native indiitiy in birmingham i wilt piorc to lhat theae tamwoilh gin1ncri that comr hrre n il lji jrptl i in dont take biminhain jooda in rttini they oon dcol uirb ibe dir- m i m l r- bokhe ihey invc the audacity 10 jli their 0h4 in th bminham nuiki arrrn they seal with tht tamwoilh bniehe tathat reciprocity f lttrfilff ani cheen u ibm fair they dont even buy ike acimon and knieei with which they pmne fld cttl iheif rgrtable at rirmioka- 3hey aay thry can ect idem cheaper and fceller at sheffield rut what h that to o too uke yonr money anl n nd epeiut it in olbtr place what will be the rulf the correncyof vr ihi be dimri wuted much laughter you may demand yoymcnl in ready money we jay you in ifleer ad pld yoi abiolniely take il nut t jbe loo ad pend it vim will e xhinil biminxham of the whole of the coin you uke in ootid coin week after week 53 ynj opcrd nothine an00 us the cnneaunce jpill bc ibal ee tball he drained of all out tfajq laughter yoti think lhal very a ed bnl if there one pact or the argument at doe not applv lo our da1injc with the jtrd state tocre are the united sutcf jarketarden if thi cnonry they kaie a oaore feiiile oil and they want factaree bat none nf m ay o ihejn we ano deai with the lvttaj stlrt tkey mtanmi al lr tod than we do they have aao fek beavy ratci ihy wont uke our oninufacuirrs in return ihey will have votbiajcbot cold- ociend upon ii ihoih fmy irtfetooar fira ifir u nol s jajvtblrtfi jtgctajjrjmict can amucc ia faeor ol fna irtdc with birmingham ttjjlch dooa ftot apply uour inlrreta with thauollej state chnand wlicn yon iaiihed t tbc propojoj of reatrictiona on ffic cdmcrcai oi tamororh and binninip- 4aaoon aalflkjtvt a well lauh at the impojicy ox puacln realrictiorav ipop that of fruaatavul england ttiajut llteaame 1 kaa f leum almighty gh to bies france a ncllrr climate llian ihif country sh ida the otive an the jtpp we pro ca hardware cutlery and the cotton iafenuracloro la it not the height of abminlity slthen twoeountrie arc p-cireniin- lhetr rjbuflts from deaiific vith each other blltnaiiri likelht pmdoce ot the smili nj they wont take the produce and birmtnrtam would it not policy would it not be more in ty mlik the beneficence cf ma al- irtafo that we ahoom interchange reapeuvc prodacta and find anew mo lar amiftt peace he recirwncal in- 4arpmca fuod cheers my belief is tht qm cyirmpte whkh jpvtm the intercourse ftajravortk and oinnihcsjm principle fakomyou think so wife hut yot tanh at mfffaqmit tromj thrm my hrliif thai aytwttmtndrnq the velfmfeel ttt th power- fpjhc principle will uiim4tly prvi jawtht forrijpi counlrle wil rea bbir nlnhin- tkdt notwiymnkn the rr i rti i maatcr in one cliamlh any h power of cotton mannfacmntn in the trur licht witj bieak in al lie val or the cocnminiiy will thai iiro- notbinchut a tax uvm iiditrv land continued chemil iiiilomn ill iry lojttvc ettcl to tlnwe principle lahatlliy undv piimy ma y arajcemcnu to aaale frmritriftitj not icree o uke from ntir cottafrie ven lbcr cnuilri arc fiah mwzk npt qtfte fjoco u cheer lord john russells pekcji to the electors of lqnjlon nhae and unworthy n feclinz you may feel confident hut the aame piineiplea which hare animated ihoe men who have served you in pau limrt will be likely to animate ihem for he future and when uiy newejue- lion arice liter will dal with them in the ame spirit itit ihor aie olher quetion4 which of ut htive divided pumic 0uiiioti 4iid upnn which the ruimic mind ir nnt to set tled a f hnum jy it ir on iiritioe o reli- rioni divihilitief and eninmeiciat monojvdy hie foieinnm a nonst thce ii the jjreal cjues- of edu athni- tieiiilc mn am not bete to nvny ihil lor many year pat 1 have looked aniouty at ihe increase of educaiini m tint c hy with tlul vinv i have al- vpay iakin an active part in ike bniith and foreit school sjneioiy which haa done much to prnjiolr edu4lion i have cnnvideied education a a ireal innd in iuef and as elntlv enniirtej with ibe lihilit itic in- erevd libertie o tha country and let me iovhow how deeply cduealfon i connected with liheit call yhir attention tor a momrili la that which lake dce in the mihern and nlern al of america in ihe northern ftutrfl where l1nre revaiu the utmost freedom we and ttu mho htiin in aiwl encuuraciu and primolin edikilion and lhal then the rcal roitrliln ul ihe body of the lwdc do receive a full a whnfewae and a liberal edncition bui on the other hand in ihe southern itea wheto slavery prevail we finj education dicoiiratd and in many tdfff probllnled hecirv il ii known thai a know ledice i connect d with freedom w t igno rance connected and jinked with tlatery nlleitwnn iiro njtin education therefore i have sought lo promote the liberty of the country genlicmen i appear lef didte for the honour of vmr te v u 15 a cin- uirrivat the pprvachitecti f i lo r 0 f i rememher well a declaration t j made in tfns ron- that i limht that if a weaver in lancathire pmlticvil a pi of emllin a i- 1 i jn o tha kink of frtowapewa nitii wheat 1 tha two men ooxtit to lc at libeeijmo ewhan lnracteverol ptodticis anl ran f offlit to intrrfrre to prevent fie iulerchan7- fflear her that ufsc i n hew in leu i iropowd aam b li in th hoawft i pointed nir hpw fui- mo now tfrhklk it waa hin in jiv diih-il- ttf pociinnj food in lift counuy hich tnithl anoethat ihe abuount harvcb of mcfki ahould he made araij to ns and that the prodiclf of ihr m inufteiurm lining lif of kit ewnuy jmu be cul lieri uj ehnv ear hear and nltemn ha thu bad the foreign bonds from the tine the madrid rnrre pan dene of tr 7imct dimonrate in the njttnralionji which it fur nijjies from the spanish papers tho utter dt reaph with which any threats of a forcible actrioa of the claims of the furei n cieditorx of that country i mi to ho mcl spain know well ennujfi that all inlimalions of the kind arc merely for citct while al the aino lime they aflbrd her ihe opiiortunity of puilinfomhdnirhcsahot ser sen of daily and ol parading tbc lat remnant of an in- folwilt e jfemeem the determinjlion not to itf influence i hy iuolcnt menacv lord palmerioo speech may pmlubly have done otnethin for the hnndhomer beeanso it uirred ihe ptildic mind not only at home hut throughout the wot id and llm tended lo kf p up that notoriety of deadation 7hich is now connected with ihe spanvh name and lo the desire nf ecapin from which and not to any enc of honeov the creditor will owe ibe final satisfaction of their riht but as to any actual resort to war on the question there i not a man in england at 1eat not one who it conijo of the tone of the rfcrnt generation who would entertain for i moment an idea of its uomibilrlv u a lar and increasing pmnortinn it would be nminscd on ihe ound of abstract principle while with ihe remainder prudcatial con derations would opcrjte with almoit cnal power h spain were the oulv divonet nation on rjw lobc the matter would be within a narrrow compai but the moment a mow i uruck on behalf of her creditors it must unfortrimiely be regarded at the com mencement of hostilities not only with ihe 1arer portion of the continent of saoth aaria but ako wilh the fraternity of state eticudin from texu to maine nav a war nf recoivry comuenced aimt spiu would alniost sotm in involve an tinruit vc- leclion tince nfi lo this dav she has nctcr drnied her nwitration while such state a michigan mtiippt imlianna and other hare ataujutely triumphed in repudiation to threaten tin eomparativclv weak oltondcr and to pas by ihe feleral qoeemmcnt of america fur a war acainst mitipni and other would he a wjr aainst the united slte wimld win discredit nt be tolerated and wc should there ton have no choice if the rejguinon nf tje spaniiu bondholier were heed 1 lo hold onrselves inreadi nesv to ac rd jio a like step on behalf vf the axfixtv rjt ihc koweecrbe tnick where it wmim in ike united states ibo equator spain or else where of course it would amount to the same bin in the end rhc debtors arc numerous and the creditor sink handed and whether il would le wise lo encounter the fraudulent alliance that would thus be certain to make common cause aohsl ur ts a question that few either in oc ontof ihe slockexchanc will hesitate to answer in ihr negative ierhaps for all thin however the matter is oot remediless il ha been contended that there k a method yet untried far more power ful than war which will soon hrin delinquent states to reason whenever the british and other dehtpayios governments shall bave the right feelinsj to combine for its adoption in private life it is far more than the dread expelled fromsociclv that people of feeble honesty pay their ordination than from any draad of actual cocrtion so hat repudiation etteialy a rejirds debt of honor is rarely heard of but it is urod wc do not apply l hu wholesome influence to ihe case of non- payinc slates the representative of spain or of any other bankrupt and uncertificated country is received hem wilh all the deference tint coim be paid to llic most honest he is ariaiie1 to the hospilalily of the queen and toh friendship ef our ministers oven nl live vcv lime wwn be declining to favor his creditors with an interview let taeso thinex bs rajwiedp and th creditors sav wc shall soan heir of cloru to regain hvm character pumtc optnioi is lh great safeguard for the oiniry creditor but it is one which the ikitia invcrniont denies tothoe who have claim on oihr countries in ihe words of the potties hy whom ihee view are pul for vard iicii imid kihkrof al dc ciplions any ny to our gsvmmenl give iw this vaitse and w shall haic little occasion toeal for hf treat ih re re mutative of d fiutsin countries in the mole whkh you consider to be due to tlinse who i common society havo denied thir dcms and above all hii- rjcas of honor and wc shall have viw cane for despair receive them on husine masters tehave to thew with civility ire eonprld to have transactions common when ftil were ihr countfie whi i then avcrtcd fts dtsiuu ffacometo pas- iv- hae be f9doce of america brouit in fcd the pro- u kr fuui ftrtrftf of min of varknh lo bave oeeu ihouchl inlo anssjon of this country fon ainesca o paat year thcrefre i 4 10 propomins even what j ihcti propped ff7aa well as in suppojlin lhal frriyrh 1 afterwards caaleuk j for when f w ihere waj no bar room ut a comyo- jj rtlon of hie d r t j a thai i nerved your merel a- dt r t vlich wft car he areucmt welfare of iw coumry rjraltemen u aid and papers loally bern circulated in c4nt of tin vafatavuasjiraxi whijea d iv- al n ptam culul ivths mniof umt link 4d rvln toanre tuy lute i r iv in former times litwrau fnvi- helped f r i- bake off the of r u rical uiay tt f v joneiam aereice h fenlrd twrrtoe ium inuieei now to mm rv wjy t 4 there ltin i and eojovw t fai uy wu when with them hut do ivotamit them lo your c imtnlmr and almve every consideration dn nor t ihtn sit down as quests at the table of the queen apjjy to the tr n rosea tali vc of cheats in bol hie rule you would apply in ie individual pkoftl and the dishonored mi ion ihuj npivnmhv remjrlcd of its stanlin wnim not w hesitate to make an ertort lo purify ils fame tiie duki or umlmnto akd miss courts trom miflioroujtr- ejca 1ic ttreimsof ouo ftviw- the rsvmt of l divr of wellington now inhisih ver to mr omits hojrcx of the duche csialhanr aid iheratr4 for tune in the world i k n nf in the london nnasa t aw are at a loss wlic nitt to ifiiit ih doling folly of ihe oto rrlnn lh tiickmdirit uv which would iiilnro a ye- ru woman to i hrnelf in him for ih fiule reidne of jiiv drawn vl l ils longest i4n lme for her punishment he may live m ih ae of parr or jenkins it is revtdcm tohincon what ihe ie notinfyi of society will du to wauu cor rupting th- soul ami makun- ihe imv seriout obligations a matter of simple baraitr and sale 01l coultn fortune has taken a singular round sine- it was ac pnred by the firvt owner ik eiimsvlf when a ynnn man i will th reenljeeld mrritl i hfvant iil one susan starkie hy whom h had thc children alt daihtertp 0e of lhe marfird the tinil of fuilt aiitthr the mioiui of efljte and a third sir francis isurdeti mix couth is 4 dauhlw of thi kit marriae and of rourmj a rrnl daughter nf tho ofdhanlt coull havin n hrs wife in hl5 msrrird in three nwntfrps ifleff lnr rvalfa luiriet mr lion an ae er of vur- rntehrjty on whom he hil several ve4t- wi setttd itw irrlini ami with whom hit rrlitii wri ly no meuix etnivoed1 ifp did nhnut uvcndj years nrr and as lie had already made whal h dfmed 4a mti oulenvnl upon hia dijmt hr left the whole of hi- enormnnn riy vakad l 1mfjw wr annum t- ida mri did nd near it willow very long having in a few years a ain entered ihe bonds of maliimony wilh the duke st albans a yoiic nomeman of two or three and twenty el kich rank beltiq related to ftivalv itself and oi a very ladly alud purve heincthe pootcfl man in his rank in all he kinrdnm thin rnileh very untuilablc in point of year for the ceiilje harriet as ntd only fat and fiir i- foftv and the ri w for many j mnnllh the xuhect of tv paring rid irtile- in iiil the print of lu lriti h oielropotiswhi lory and liadieal th dukr ca lilltefor thai however but caw l u his natural pro- peutilv fr dil w tnch irnet- nes iliat ii swcer was oen hrnuit t- a end ihe weep willow wvs lrft mtii ihe title of uuehrvof st uhansand jcft a veai lo ewnssde fca te let i miu she never married aiin huf lefi all m oimousitare lu m uinn llurdilnite of ihe riand fhimrru of lici rit liutjsind i eonditnri of hr to t aus- of ceavt thtsis lti- lalv wim is aou to bcuiii- duhevof lvlijlm tsu i trly whal kvron eah ftvmi the cnlvr ruiift 1015 flsanoj i fvt f lotln dailj ytvt lierpoal i at lal linj jnrirk of lv masses nf poierty and da e that hic l lone artlteted trial cwi the cellars in which tvphus was neraterl aw bciiiseler cd of their wretched tenauls aid the fristi who have nv lcal claim upon the iovji rales are bini conveyed 10 ihrir own roui- irv where ihe now law will vffittl uwlrj re lief on friday and saturday nofwet iiau wpertntis wre summnned in th p f- fce for liavinr let their celat to irmi imnii- jtant5 the al cellrt oiti only about si feet in height fom the flu o thccilin and theceilimc beiu llmril ft ftt 10 a 6um and a half from the level of ihe street msj of these crllars were situated in licestreei midehalltect and in iht vicinity of lhal low aud dnoiyopumcd part uf ihe town and it appeared thai ihe fever had been and still is raii in nearly he whole cf them and lhal mekiriuin- iself to ihe wretched occupant ef hie ground floor it spread in ravarcs lo ihe occupying ihe rooms above and was rapidly corwis il viclims to pre mature ravr in every one of those riirhtv cases mr riolrtoti inflicted a tine of xi t gd and repeatedly eviressed his dele rrni nation to levy a aiuvla fine for every day the cellars should coilinue lo be occujned after the first conviction lie urd stonly lint the in spector of nuiinees should proceed wild the saluuiy work of ayinaomitional informliojt against other oflenders and he was informed in reply ftal sanitary committee had ful ly made no their mind not to coase their ca- eitions until they had first clearel and then filled up with and or other mailer so 1 render uninhahi utile at any future peiion every one nf thee hotbuls of infection lite arrangement for convey in the paupea haek to ireland nro now complele the corkwj- teifnrd duslin uelfatl droheda newry ati lmdalk steamer are under contract ami the printed forms of passes for the pasen eri are all teany tlti week will witness an ex portition ol irish frvm the merey 300 had mw up lo saturday night thetct wilh very few exceptions embarkej wilh reluctance io marked and decided thar were it not fpr tlie passing of the poor remo vals billdoiihtlessys the liverpool albion we should hve bad the pleasure of their com pany and the gratification of eontiibutinc to tlieir continued support for many a day twenty of them refused point blank to quit england upon any tenn seemed to think that the kind treatment and the excellent fare ihey had bee receiving here wem amply sulticienl lo banih from their minds every vestige of love for falheilaud these twenty had therefore to be taken into custody and brought before the puice micistrate the process of compelling to leave according to the provisions of the new act is the work of 1 inoottnl the relieving onicer who has been in the habit of riiliri ihcir ditrict proves that they have been recipients of parish relief for one two three or four months as the case may be mr- evan of ihe parish ollice rewrspnnv rfatfjufv f deoes that be or sho bas reason lo believe thai such or ucb a place in ireland has been the place of hi or her birth then iwo war rants are sienedj for which 2s in the shape of fees are payable y ike parish into the bo- roueh fund and while one of there warrants is detained here in case proof of the pass fttlfui dvtrn may hereafter be required ihe oilier is handed lo lie captain of ihe stcaiacf as bis autturilv for kecpinc the pauper in custody on bafu until he or she is landed at the port nearest the place of berth the twenty rccuvinl on saturday continues the albion offered fifty reasons why they ouhl 10 be permitted to remain one had a bro ther here in n jjood line of business and neilher kil ktu nor relationship in any part of ireland- another had sons in america from whom he expected a remittance in a day or two that would take him across the atlantic a third would let his wife 10 to ireland but wanled himself lo eo into the in terior of the country to em he harrcsl a fourth would break stones sweep the reet or do anything however menial rather than ro back a tlftca dd not know where she had been bom it mnxht be roscoaimon or it might bo cok or clare or tjppcrary hc believed it was in some par of ireland but bad luck to her if she knew or eared where somebody had told her it was in ltocomnon but lhal somebody anight be mistaken and she would not father herself upon that county by takjn lite tci which merely de- pctseas to their birthplaces but a refusal of this kind doe not vitiate the law for upon proof that lhv are recipients of parish relief aid were lioo in irehmd they can sj ship ped off niieo votnf the were the sort of excuse mjiieaud reason advanced xone of ihcmhad y citcct cteept in llie one case where the fellow pimaiscd to earn money hy cutting the harvest and permitted his wife 10 return to ireland mr itusjuon told the whole of them wlioi ihey appeared to be ipno- ranlof lhal he skm of jprirae outdoor relief as in england wa now in full opera tion in their own country that they had inn etrmh leeti a burden upon ihe in- dustriotis sheppkeeprs nf ijvcrpoot and ihey mnt5xi back thai nidit and he supported in future by the irwh landlord aarl accoid- iosly tual scryuiht they set jail almtj with other fi mayo icoconimoi cjven louth dundalk and umteda alreadv vv re hrjf miancen for the lal four y cars sin ihr cuinmerciat and administrative reforms a rom- ulished by sir n peel th receipt have annu ally exceedvl the expanses this eess- lineal isij naiisenlu j71i00000l sltiai the fjoveriiinenl has avcd dnrir the erdr ftf prosperity um wliich exactly rfttiimli ihe amoutit ihe sacrifice r ow imposed uiirh ihe trauy ly ihe duinms of ireland de not mmn t say 1u1t tiisenciss tnaitiied iiviklalde a otlioit ha relie v sn inuc ilie capital of th jem piank 10 aneh fsoikes thr payes have iieen reliev d fun l jro- deihome jiofnt o faei when the nine declare iif tie itterrmnent wa l ditote of ahtntt imtxk the ivimittftvr of t la er use vill te covered tv tl uf u iotfi it will h- ttmarw that whim rriinn- larye asijinniuii ins in isu- nrhie re and real saving in tlieadniinstraliveservilh icilih fsmvpinrnflit hannt eeied to in rf iniuitefeistve f eveii at this inm it demands ol lb yy seamen an- imo nitillervnn more than en is if ih vhu avi f um be evmkirej wilh dial af iav it will lv fomj fiat live resource applied be miiimry cauishrftelil anj efi cuv iaval service of tre41 criiani are inwincrivd by auil nioxniif ihe army which cost in is30 rnfi- iit1 eeits exnenses estimated for w a jlv the kavy which was rwl n year jo olo an expenditure of 40 130 isiilrostxtsrjl 1151911 will r means of defence and agression pbe ilihe4l of deal rjhjih placed un a most fntm tile oidnanee itead end x3 r ilthc leen llrr have flin able innti ir 111 vludt hai risen from j03 or aearly to notion rcnf llatf fiance on preseitinr tbe iradel for the v ike enlih chaneallor nf the f rne cljrsihtel or more sincere in peel lhan our minister ol finance to- ul account a probable diminution in the l of receipts he did not jeem it poi lh t iwr res- iptv a ycic of famine im it povin the public r lcuuv he ed of ifnrin could maintain itself al the same jevr would not however have stuod iu ft preieauif he had been willing lo lif enum- lo that pilifnt quackery 10 moeh in this country everyone knowf inf j the receipl have not decreased in ljxs that contrary lu general expeclilioi lather advanced than otherwise dur the months r4 january and fehmaiy an even in ireland deposits in the aavicajs l j was increasing when famine was wji r away the most miserable of hie cullir the soil in ihcir dilapidated hovel f lip iii crisis over england will find tional debt brought back lo ihe point l if l sooj len years ajo bnl she will klj iwatii secured by the suppreston ofsoi 30 onerous taxes a profit which ci estimated at lec than 2500w00of per the storm will have left no trace on u ful soil gieat riilain having a a avaiude balance of 225000030 tceastirv will be able to waitcverlsu we reserve ihe admiration which is its vv n in hit name of m ivm ni im 0 leagues for lite ilay when they t daccd us n a similar position uot be nnum fruit- fjntly i her epose anded u col- bare mail of nan- eonv 1n0ia and china tun ovrivo mut the caleuili tv3rd june ninredon tuedtp i el tannuil frvm lira pfllish p aanqjp piece of inicllizeneo ive as nrwaiwtfv ftl4 iith of ckibecniterathm nt ceylon lv a uf the leimtivr cooneil in tho eii tiio niaun instiere continued ursnllh rurlhor tevaneo of troops uvu hyder f tta liuevervcenctunleriiinied by order- r tftijiie me rotcin merit of indik from i jgga wrrt il i lepicd that cofonol liwrencc tnvit csihmne wilh couub sieh i srf d deirc tn roaao is his eshlcij simn mrdhimtid kln bmiherof d1 mct nuaioed perfiisi n lo return il rtiifnf whiehtiewjitiriiierry tkeevrf r fnrca h t hud leltirnrd 10 eapttll ill j i vt villi the gktrtee ehef hsd been at rnn laieof aitiir in cnrno ui viil univ fp to the id ma when the ust ac- and iort all tv ieissiod swpevw nth ao htissuviihtsifnt ojmv fa ifci coocceion to forcincre ond threatened te wuv hit palaee if bo diirniptrd lo ivo ofteet v trrmrof tbolale treaty craevihy in an ff canftd i cnnee7o to the eopjh of sdis tand for dreelhn worelioe un th ijo- mu side of the river a ho rr ike erects of i church in llisv vicinity of hie present f-eto- d rpeefor the ftvmlion of neemetry t whopa mr pope who had been eppninted l- insp niundsfor ihce pirpa hd wen omd lo abanhon the rjiirnpt under iheao eireii cesn fres rpcrlniti ajptntt caftlfla fjf o tie pluto walalwncd opile lh factry and flie scol was edered lo nrpmo a ncir as ptiraible to the oily- in the indian vcn- peui attiirare fmboftfdifjff innmtibfoctryo- ner tfce utclymnied cmssil and es aloner mr brooke left scjraporenn the wj j may in the mcojatr nemcsie foe sartn am3 drone where ho neuurcd an ndvani h treaty wilh tho sullon omar all who t wilh ins rhkfr- ia said lo be adopted by tin friendly dispositiu towaidr the englifh s mraore he nwy be uppoct tn feel ihe cir ojr pujctcd setilcntcnl on pulo libutin p flic of grri britain is heady there raianv srrutccfioo of a shp of war tlic ilhinumji pbrbftejty to darin and adsyotuouv not about pcertlly s peform their aelmventa m a e lander line manner fam ton aucvar the e warmlh of the weather during the laat bas rendered all the lighter materials nl very fisiiionable bareges and moumc soie arwl nankin desoie are ftttrtl ites the cnaes vary to suit ihe r some are full at lite shoulders and waist s en hiais whill others are lihl and sfrft harec whea worn over white bave r ihtee deep tucks on ibe skirt but ii v encored skirts ihey are with flounces li materials the irounces ate pinked in c co lhoe of bareze or mousseline de are in lare vandykes ediced by a gill yl min or festonn wilh silk or worsted ft r mshesnre also fashionable ihey ahmr very thick four and five rows are p n reaching lo the knee- many dresses arc med with ribhon deep fringes are as 3 worn a ikurices on shot silki gimp lue richest as well as the simplest onii nccurdin 10 the kind selected and is e v for lf worn for morn inj as for evening dreu eouulrv ami morning wear many dresc mantelets of the same trimmed with f if of jaconet or biillarlc the irimmiug l i icnciennr some rodinotcv bar t ihe pastinir of live new art has had another fr eadihs cut in deep vandvkct and a very sahitary efleel namrly il h are cdd with eimp and ewfinei down cativd j duirniuoi in iht uuntrr m annli- k w n kj fhe prowrij 4l0at caused a dimunilio in the uumwr l app eanu for parlu relief in ihe evlent of lvrt and il h believed ihl lhee lmd perfons seeiuc lhal if uiey ftmaini jrmd mur be their dlinaion the he 1 1 week or forlnilil havcsuadenlydicrverej lhal ihey can work and hey fiavu now decamped into the interior of the country fur uk uirnise ul cultine ihe harvest the rcsourcgs op england fiomi fa ircrv wimi is now paic in knland prove hal there are no eventualities which can peiil the repose of a nation when that nation oaey n wise and virion fjovrmtnenl the british nation is smillcn with nne of lhoe calamities of which there have heen no examples since ihe fjmiucicrf he middle as iviland has the whole of i retain iijtort her shsiulders 5000000 or 6cvjha0 persuirs lo feed work must be fcuiid 000000 liborcra employed at once piovisione procured lucad and money dmlrihule and present necessities provided f willmut neleclin the caie f the fulure the most invrat calculations estimate ttie sacrifices of the treasury at ivijnnoof until lie ne inuvesl suppose lhal fitncr which aipea to have been comparatively spared shoum find herelf at thu moment iu a simiur situation how wmild our gnances resist ihe pressure of tho varsirth rharjrri which ulready exfeeil ihe revenue t iv bleed oursvh at every vein 1 1 distribute a few millions by way of iodemuiiy to the inun dated victim rd the luire and iu ay uw labor f the needy urt nr ihe popuuimn what would il be iheuf if individual inifir- tunua hislend of bein cnunltd hy ihoaaudx accumulated by inilliona 7 what enahlea knklavd lu meet unforeseen neecailies i ihe provident economy which alio ha iulrelueed for lame ycaj mto ihe management of her gimp and confined down buttonc ihe reverse of the body form behind vaudyked ind liuished in a manner some little change is appear f the form of bonnets in paris the uppi of ihe front is very open and meels jj chin with ihe brides crape lace crin v and sltaw and emluniitervd mirsiins will t linue fr the proont the mnterials in ctj use chouv ivilleu made of pinked iu form a uovel style of trimming i bonnets areptemy ornamented wih atv of black lace rmsned al the side hy autumnal frails are often uscl on si eeanl epns are made of oranjy rv4incdiviited hy lace insertions and uir wfhnieudof pmkor blue tibsjii ma- o mmnlili eknuoidenl an eriehet aie ined wilh frill cded wild vaumriennv minple fvslomies munielets chales aio el of iwo deep point ikiowcj out a aim ivilh deep einhjoiderv all rourid maulelet confess is a small handkeu einbrnidercd all over and made the nece rkxe iy mean of a very deep lace thnit es ilmv- nil- med rll rirn- or rm- the the lief ary insr ortfr- bv a relunt of the and net revenue f rlic tvt lunsre qntt cot of management for ihe year ltf find that ie x iveuiiu imnitnted t tksllmlr and the ur revenue to 0ravi the col r mauameul w xl iheevpetne ol relurnid letters atlo oilier charge itlt3lr7 the ralii anmunl of trmv pihvt njvm fnreic colrmianvttes ror the var kit mmii xiivi iii th narlu eul ut rlri ainnii wa f eel hie est iu t vd lie- paid hy ho im iiriii ihr orne jieiiij llrslee ftnuu al penx id liywi mid 1h cross tlhe we mr iu i i mil ted and 1 lo m ihr- tr hlit lltl of j tltis amount includes xlfaoltl for ptae slumps ij by ihe loitdnn limi receiver the number of money orders is sued and paid in is i li amounted to 7 and ibe valuenf such orders was xnll flic arnniut of commisou received for injury order atv530 in- evpensc of ihe mney irde otftcc in the liited kinsjdom for the year jinoualed lo fjtl vrir er lln mtiisrv n scirnc th luv onirier ves the ldoain we have received the fllnwia iulwrnaimn ftsfjft a source 0 which we can place ihe ut most reliance the queen has taken ta- n fmin the marpii of aherenrn for tin wuiri osoti the court ui ill remain ihere fioit ihr 1t of au to the hiynniii of s pi llfr majesty il is untlrrslrroil will viil eit- vrfltshon her way 10 duurubiu ihe eeond aek in stptrohhrf comin down the fale- donian cxual from tint william nwthin- we tfil will occur to interfere with thee r i f i iiiri the roval visit will all d unlamuded ratification lo all ihe quecus loyal titjccls iu the highlands and ihe pro- pfied rente will enable iter mapvty to sec muriv ol ihe line scenery in the ilihjaiwis we may anticipate fr tlm roval parlv a ma- iiilieenl ialherinj- of the clan since the day of the fiery cross no such rallyingcry ha beer heard as ihe name of ihe queen and from ben nevis to hen more in avynl the whde imputation will be poured foith lo cheer etetymvpvf the royal pmress il is now tiyoituiidrrd and eibtyfive years since mary queen of scots visited inverness and no other british sovereign bas since penetrated into our northern region mary faun the tes of inverness castle closed aairm tier cuuance for ihe eat uf hunljy had then ottfanisej a powerful confederacy in opiiosition to the crown queen victoria has fallen on calmer and happier days all gates will be thrown open on her approach and from hall and cottage from dunrobm castle down to ihe meanest hut on ihe mountain tidethere will be heard only one voice of enerous loy ally ard affection lite shooting- 1 dc of the mnrijuif of abercorn aland on the marin of loch lagan al ardvreckiv on the property of cludy nlacpliersou theacalc on which this lodge is erected says the author of the statistical account may be inferred from tho fact thai it is taxed for sixty windows- the interior accomodation is of the mol splendid description and mr edwin tandtccr- in one of his vhils to ihe north graced ihe walls of some of the rooms with the fruitsof his inim- itawe cuius the situation of the lftslsj and ihe whole of ihe neighborhood is picturesque and romantic in tho highest deyrce prince albert wtil also have ample scope for fa vorite field spirts in addition to lacan the marsuis of abe icorn esses ihe adj lining riound of glensbeiro the property of evan baillie ej- on whieh there is also a hand some lodjji- the extent of his lordshitis highland shooting may be gathered from ihe fact tha- ihe rental is nearly 2000 per annum the deer foresl alone bcinx let lor j3b2 tut onecosr tcafttronv a curious fcl transpired at the closfow eleciion mf mcciieor of ihr hoard of trade one of the candidates stated lhat al the time our ambas sador t v h hon mr pakenham refused 0 negotiate on ihe jwh parallel of nctth latitude as the bais of a treaty anl when hy that refusal a danger of rupture ie- tweeu great britain and america became really imminenl mr daniel webster for merly secretary of stale lo the american go vernment wrote a letter lo mr mcgioptr in which he suouly deprecated mr pakenhams conduct which if erailed in and adopted at home would to a crtainly cmhroil the countries and suestcd an equitable coni- ptomise takin ihe 1911 parallel as ihe nasi of an adjustment air mccreeor tent the let ter lo lord john russell who gave mr mc- gfeor permission to intimate to karl aber deen that h lord jon fcuel nuite agreed with mr wehsteci this cxprened opintoii of a latesmau in oppotilioii douulest rvliev ed earl aberdeen of any apprehension of cen sure from that quirler but mr- mcgregor cljims for himself and lord js i rosvj hie merit of bavin thereby contributed essential ly to preserve the peace of the world urxvpovi ttfbcf fort i luis us- a tlui- at iclj bay ivaw sown wir the sovereign steamer proceeding from brisbane to sidney waa wrecked ortanuty point moiclon ry on the 1 1th march and fortyfour souls per- iihed the captain and a few nlhcrs nu board were ibe nnly persona saved the vessel xvl a total wreck hardly one plank or beam re maining entire the wreck of ihe hull was sold by auction for xi4 10s the total loss of property i estimated at nearly x30jom the note and money aboard are said to have exceeded the sum of 2000 fnrrurrur loss or lira i a dsrrcrav com mine on the nihtof the 16lh inst a destructive are broke on oft the premises connected wilh the marihaye coal works near scrain it originated in the engine room near the mouth of the port and rapidly spread catching in its process and hurniut ibe ladders and rope which served for descend ing into the coalpit and thus cotline off for the lime all means of escape for one hundred and sixtyfour workmen who were at work therein at the first simal of smoke which came down the mouth of ihe pit the work men immediately rushed to the ladders but the foremost after ascending them a short dis tance were either aultocated and fell dead lo the ground or killed hy ihe fall of burning materials from the top of the shaft the fire was after great efforts mastered and a descent into the pit made when a most fright ful sight presented itself the dead the dy ing and the wounded lay all scattered about the place fortyone dead bodies were taken out of ihe pit and ihirlyone alive but of them badly wounded search made for the remainder on the 2jj of june a terrible fire broke oul sn russia which entirely destroyed 1 houses and iwo churches it is reported lhat lord palmemton has de cided on recommending the despatch of an accredited agent of madagascar for the pur pose of restoring fricudlv relations with the queen qu thursday fiftythree railway bills re ceived ihe royal assent these wilh the 130 previously sanctioned make 1s9 railway bill wtrch have during the present session received the royal assent the average daily number of persons em ployed on public worts in ireland for the week ending lihh jolv last was 3 jj and ihe tolalevptntc v2 in the preceding week the number was 40605 and the expense 10127 the whole of the railwav from warsaw to the frontier of austria is about to be opened for traffic it will place warsaw in coinmu- nieation with the great imes of prussia and austin in ra few years travellers will be awe to pro ceed bv railway from moscow and st peters burg to the atlantic and ike mediterranean the gizrtu of friday contains the official announcement that lord morpeth has heei appointed loid lieuienaulof the easi riding of vorksbire the eminent french author fredrick sul- i- jut reenverin from an illness inch fur ra rhi- lime threatened to put a period to his existence fifteen vessels freighted with indian corn whirh ii iuw a mere dru in the market ar rived in port since our last an interval of three iliys t rtrk chronicle an additional government steamer has keen staiiuiicd on the wesi eoasl of ireland w ihr i- of puitrnjr a stop lo ihe acts of nrnejr which have been so much the fashion of late a ifwal ordonnair prohms ii t jiniiny liet the laws of lb january d ith ut jvhrury lavl akkilal from snta fe yurnreosjrrrocif eton men tawr afcatarvthsr contjrirwtitcwtrtd dt- fftt n liu jtroict skirmbh mwen mijt ejwtton and the jtfexkaiudftqt e a fatter another party of volunteer has returned to fuel leavenworth from sanla fe they arrived oi the 6lh inslanl and left santa fr on the 5th of last month from mr isaac mccamy of the firm of bulratd llook h co ira lers lo mexico and chihuahua the fol- lowin- interesting iufnrtnaiion is derived when mr mccarly arrived at bay 73 miles this ide of santa fc if learned lhal in farm alio j had been received there no ihe mi lhal ll brown attached lo captain opinaa1 company of volunteer wilh sevrral ol bis men had been killed at a tmalt place about 15 miles from raeyit thai ulhcer with me unahau and quiacnberry and a mexican uide left camp in pursuit of persons who ha stolen horses from them they did not return and on the 5lh of july tnfonnalion was received from a nfexican woman tliat ihey had been murdered and iheir bodie tiurnl maj edmonson on receiving lh new look measures to avenge iheir death 11 marched with some go men and a howitzer against the town where the ersorinities were committed and discovered that the inhabitants were flyin- to the mountains he commani- ed them lo rop hut as ihey did nol do so he lircd upon them killing siv woundin- several others and takin forty or ftdy priaonera from some of the prisoners it was ascertained lhal ihe bodies uf two of the americans were burnt hut that the tody of ll brown r kj who had the emblem of the crosi on hit neck u1 thoti am was apposed from the circumslance be t o was bein- ihu hi luchrt pviae ivas x rprur xjtmiesh pjjfl w tevenu the luitfnii diliici inhuiiip il xrtl aid llir iiel pmduev lo allil after dvduciiuajfwiii jot the ciuh- uf ihe im 2mth nf relative in ihe iukporlalion and trailport of com m fiance the ffu poakinnf hie ieorlrd inar- riarjthr duke of wellingfnii nd mi burdell fwitu says 1vrt rata longer ay dmitr that the prelitmuaiy arrancmeula arc ijaity completed the kni1uh reidiuls at shanthre have rridvnl tn erect a churih whieh will be ibe urt jfolrtmt placu uf wnfliip ever built wiihiii the duiiuius of tho kuipeiur of cjuua ic was hid in the mountains where it was afterwards found all the houses of persons concerned in ihe murder were bunted to th ground by order of the major by ihu energetic conduct be in duced a confession from some of hzm that there was another conspiracy on foot to bring about a massacre and revolution at taos and raos some articles of property lost in the rntjacemrut at the bed river canon were found at this place showing some of the in habitants at least were participants in that affair licutnanl larktn and privates owens wright mason and wilkinson heton-im- to a grazing party of ll cnl willocks bat talion were surprised atmiit davlight on the monins of the 6lh july and killed lieut brown whose murder by the mexi cans wc have anihhiuced above was a son of robert t brown of perry county in this state young mcclenahan was from stc genevieve and yonn quisenberry wvi volunteer from this county ihe son of mr j t quisenbetrv iv new- will fall wilh a crushing weight upon his parents for he was a vounf man of excellent nualitic and creatly beloved hy those who knew him his return bad ben looked for for some time and trusting thai he had tscaied from all the dangers nf ihe service iu which he had been enaed we learn that hi mother tvilh il amoihcrvcare for her children had pre pared his room for him even in the most minute particulars necessary for his comfort alas it is one of ihe hardships of he state of war lhat ihe best arranged plans are sod- dcnv chamrcd and the housi of feasting loo frequently converted into the bouse of mourning mr mccarty mcl the first iran of fnvem- cnh i wagons ahoil one hundred mites from santa fe lieut love wlmhas charge of the ovcrnnni money amountin to more than 3tx was met at upper semirome sprint and cnl rations batlallion of in fantry on ttie arkansas a few days pre vimis 10 ibis meeting col kvton enrnmand while pvii ol his men were emjnyed in net tin wood on the opposite side of ihe river they were cuiiplrtelv surprised hy a parlv of camancho indians bv whom eihlnf their numser were killed and three wounded one m the wounded was sealped alive and was found in this situation hy we who were seni to relieve them lie slater that he was scalded by a while man lhal he bcd for hs life tellin- him that he had a familyde- radentjtuui ttim fj unrycl hit that lite ciiij ivpky rccivvu tcom uia aiaiijot wi lhal he did not care a d m wc reerel our rot bein able to aate the namea of ihe persons killed and wounded or th to which ihey belonged it ana three days before we have this information lieut simpson of major claiks artillery battalion was left al council fjrove on his way borne st louts repvbtkan aug 12 head t del roil aug 16 i hasten to lay before your excellency the capture of this very irntorlant pot 3 troops have this day surrendered prisoners of warand jltont pieces of ordnance have wen taken without the sacrifice of a dropof british blooil i ha1 nol moie than too irooi inctnd- in militia and ahojt rjiaj indians lo accom- jdivh this service in fact of regular troops brock had at hi dihosat only 33h meji and yet wilh thee am a nriua did our we1laauetl uppr canada venture lo attack twenlyfive hundred americans shut up in a fortress deemed impregnable in explication of ihe miracle of succett it may ie aa well tu relate that the allantjieirini of our hem and hi band was so invincible in vriy lok that the craven trarrison of detroit surendered with out a shot tho picture of this incident rs complete when wr and theconnucrcrsxtitinj home from the battle field in llicae slnft but pregnant words my dear lmtsers and fricndv rejoice at my ond fortune ami j me in iayert m heaven i aend you a copy nf my hasly note to sir george let me hear lhat yoor are all united and nappy assuredly most beautiful trails of charac ter lie hid in iwc few words written at such a lime fimiiude to god ami love lo man warmed the heros heart even in the first jin of his splendid achievement hie victory al quceniioii was an equally saltan affair though dearly gained hy the rath of the viclor he was shot while lead- in hi men against ihe enemy in ihe beau tiful worik oi mrs iteiuans hebtet lielmlr madt i m ui- 1 1 the romper and hi bier ihe wltl ttii cmhai oirthe beim if vaw t tlie flnsh nf ardour lineron hitchcilt ccnehciifti m hevcn ihore coainyer tlienfor uy country bicatliea a prci and dies anion r the many marks of appreciation whcewilh in life or in deaih sir laae was rewarded the following may b looked upon is not the least gratifying others besides brock attained ihr dignity of a monument iu si rjul many more have the knight- hood of he bath some few beid sir isaae havc had columns and towers erected in their lhoor and several have from time lo lime earned pcnions and grants of laud for their surviving relatives but of how few can such an evidence as this be brought of their gene ral fame and appreciation such was ihe estrein say mr tupper n 3li in which sir ljac brock was held by ihe enemies nf his country for he bad or could have nt pergonal enemies that major general van rensselaer the american ana conquered commander in a letter of codo lence informed majorgeneral sheatfce who after the death of brock led the victorious litle band lhat immediately after the fune ral solemnities were over on ihe lltilish side a compliment of minute quns wnud be wid to tlie hero memory on theira accordingly the cannon of fort niagara was rired as a mark of respect due loa brave enemy since marcdlus and atchimedes wc suppose aiucli a cempliment to be it upreee dented tobrinr- those remarks to conclusion mr f il tupptr has done the work of a biographer without any undue partiality for his illustrious relative aud ihe work of an historian with ability and fairness sir isaac brock is nol now lik ihe multante aeaincm- nona who mihl indeed have lived brave but have innc since died without distinction venerated bo those he jovemed full of honors from hi kinc his country and his very ene mies sir isaac frock tinlil recently never theless has lacked ihe vatrs saccr and now to 611 this need a lalcnled and amiable relative has reared a literary trophy to ihe hero of our upper canada amet of ihe the company ay he two or ferdinand brock tulpetvs life and correspondence of major general sir isaac brock from the ckureh of englcuui oumoi the little island of guernsey has ever proved lo be a soil of proline heroes admi ral lord dc saumarez general le marchanl killed at salamanca major eneral tupper who amorv- other callant services chained for the marines both their royalty and their laurel it ibe baltlc of bunker hill and far from least though nowfor c cellcnce put last our present theme sir isaac brock these all honorable names connected wilh each edher by birth or mar- liae and beloncjin to the hizhest insular families form a notable illustration of litis remark that the sarnians arc as loyal as they are brave is equally a truth and nuile is well evidenced not merely hy the pnvij- cces conceded to their holy isle in con sequence of its adherence to the fucilive stuart in years one by nor chiefly by the crehujiasm wherewith guernsey reoeived for the first lime since kine jolin the craeious visit of royalty last aurjust but even more by the patriotic exploits of ils children and ibe record of their life- lone service for iheir country and their sovereign a moor- such records we are his day glad lo introduce lo our readers the intereslinej and viewed in a colonial or more piopcrly a canadian lght we bad almost said the na tional memoir now lying amongst 0ar papers for review sir isaac brock was one of those noue amosaxont whereof our empire may well be proud in stature six feet iwo erect athletic well propor tinned with a fine bene- volvuce in his face and an enariug frankness in his manners he stood a soldier and a een- tteman and the wild red indians whom his wiitom secured to our alliance with the noble tecumseh to he the mouthpiece of their na tural taciturnity could not help yicldine lo our stalwart h british general iheir e pig ram ma lie homarje in a inngdrawn ho d4c this is a man p 2c of brocks character under circumstances of peculiar difficulty and dancer let the fol lowing trail beat witness p 5 when as a voung man he joined the 49ih ihe peace of the regiment was disturbed hy one of ihose vile pesls of society a con firmed ductltst brock soon proved to his hrnthcr captain who took advanl tte nf hcinc ademl shot that he was neilher to be bullied nor intimidated and the result was a chal lenge from the latter which was jiromptly accepted on the ground caplain brock wlin was very tall and alhlclic observed that to sland at twelve paces was nol to meet his anlannist on anylhin like equal terms and producing a handkerchief insisted on firing across il this the duellist positively de- cliried and being in consequence soon after compelled to leave the regiment ihe officers wen thus relieved by ihe jirm and resolute conduct of a very younc man from the pre senre nf one with whom all intercourse had been difficult and dangerous for i cood specimen of ihe influence which attaches in high personal character ramifying insubordinate in the alrrence of the princi pal we must refer riir readers lo an interet- illff am dole resnecline impeeiwlilm in rp av iannlreeyet lhat ibe eatfaci would i- too iniiic for our elluoinv the principal ntimnry evjdniu nf sir isaac btoek are the capture nf dtinui ami iho vie- inry at tentnn of the former the one- ralssltnrl tinle lo sir georce pmvnst will kervs n hnw its etraon1iuary r x r r tle life and cnereennence of major grn m mm inaejtnxdi k ii kdltedbyhiii w ferdmoml il topper kssj eh il rliiiri himpkii itarviall iwdrn vol pp aw tne names of m the foftren wo ttw team ihe bmmin burnt being fcry derrflypo- puiaied irut ilioe wo recollect are mr- john vnree mr w wilkinson mr- spvhkio mr a smythe mr gilurd mr white and mr ejitrer mr mcconxll ll houe and mr llained iot another be well rented but tho real of iho properly belonged lo hie relates of ihe late i s cart- writfhl and ifcbl drummond esquires and the ground bcft more valuable than even rented m it was but little loss occur we are ah happy in state that owing to prompt and able assistance the peateat portion of iho sufferer cood and fumiltiic were saved so lhal ihe renderin ihem iwaseless and out of business wa- ihe ecajcr portion of ihcir lost the city will indeed bo a earner for iho building had lon been a disjtace lo the place and the burnt part when rebuilt we hope will prove an ornament the cfcalcsl order was preserved al ihe fre the phf comparuns and oiben worked well and all have l congratulate themselves or the fact of thiv fire ever expected harist occurred durinif the day time nkvvs fkom mbxico weirvebejtwtnelaleslnewsfroti mexicn three weeks 3p in united states paper were filled to repletion with bombaatic account of h triumphs of the american attn general scott in the hall of iho ftfoiitt- irius- avolhercrfil victory c o while allernlliililuilequcslionable whe- thei the mighly general has advanced from fuema the american patters are f till look ing cut for orious news but we shall bt greatly mistaken if ihe matter ho nol iriilcil hy negotiation one ef the now york pptrs menlions is fact lhat peace coatauuioo b have been appointed zhsrocery of seeret correrocuistenca beftfsears gen scott oasf santa anna santa annas apotg a letter in ibe new orleans ea ftrra dated at tampico august 6 states lhat letters received there say ibat scott beeaa his natch to ihe capital m be 5th without doiim oaccf ibese lelters also taja thai iwo days ago tbe advanced mexican ajaard intercepted a private correspondence bctvveta sanla anna ansl gets- scott in whkh tb latter had wfillen lhat he had cccienctd wilhdrawin the troops from pemte tb disclosure produced a ccneral excitesnent and lo calm ihe populace it became oecessary fisr snt anna cnmake a public manifesto de claim that hit policy was only a tvm by which he hoped to surround geo scotu a leltet in the im patria dated at tampico on the 9lh stale that the tvraifo has appeared in ils woisl form amon the amesjcafii iod aheady ijreal mortality preraited that a per son arrived iberc on the sth from the city of mexico whostalej tbat the juvparalicnu of ceo scott do not indicate an advance ran ifis lirsl of auusl as reported nor was it believ ed he would advance with the force he bad the teller adds ibat the new cenceniuif tbe interception of cen sculls eesrapoodeoco ta confirmed british whig optfar par oita kingston satukday dior aug es isit costat tiiiiuin prja t4ir it rvcr trent r c monimh j b of jjirlha charted 2a 6j mnir 5 destructive fire amdf or twhff bouses btrast calamitous fire occurred in ktnesjton on wednesday afternoon last by which upw ards of twenty families were rendered hotisewss the fire took place io the vcrj- heart of tbe city at the corner of princess and wellington streets and being in the centre of buiincss the house rented well- although all of ihem were wooden tenements in a greatly dilapidated condition the llames were first seen to burst forth in the rear of a baker shop in wel lington street and in less than an hour ci the wooden buildings in wellington street all those in queen street and all those in princess street were entirely destroyed the fire being stayed by the brick house of rvfrs talbot in princess alreet the fireproof warchotrses of j watkinso co and the briek house occu pied by the upper canada bank agency but for these buildinj the whole block would hve been burnt up so furiously did ihe fire rage the kingston fire department were early on the spot consisting of tho victoria fire company ihe great western fire company and ihe hook ladder company under the direction of mr lejlace chief engineer no i fire companys engine was prevented from being present and useful by reason of its worthlcssnc ihe firemen however attend ed in full dumber tlie military engine belonging to ihe royal artillery was also exceedingly efficient and rendered ibe great est assisuncc a large parly nf the 46th regiment under command of col carratt kept the ground and protected the property rescued from piuage or destruction the may or the several members of the corporation the magistrates and a vast nucobcr of mili lary officers were afso present and personally contributed to slay the progress of the flamri from the commencement it was clearlv seen thai all the wooden buildings must gn and the efforts of the fire department were entirely directed lo stay the fire at the proper places which we are happy to say was quite successful the victoria engine preserved mra- talbots house tlie military engine defended mr walkings buildings and the great western engine excellently well worked by mere boys not only sated the wcilcrn side of wellington street from ihe lames ton tire three times but actually pre served tlie new frame house o mr kune wbeclrighl al one exlrcmiiy of the scene of destruction who in building in this ahtuccoeli neighborhood had ihe precaution lo face the danger with a brick gable being in the day lime a inlerably fair number of the car ters were ready wilh their puncheons and a good supply of water was the consiouence although nol quite so quick as could be de sired the old mansion house hotel now oecu- i ried as the central military hrista1 and unfortunately full of pnlieuls vri in peal danger of being consumed beitltg ml donr lo mr tullioi oud haviut its rear build irnsemciidintf inti ihe midst of the lames tho hick weio early removed and ihe wea- llier being warm the remnvut was attended wilh mon inennveiiieiire than d ungor tho lluvpilul fiiniilure wus also removed bullht snldiura worked well iind by maylnf tho fir al mr tolhufa and mr wotltlnathe jloa- pitnl wassavvvl p tin hatvii or kiscstot afd tim couxrav rouho tho health of this deiajl- borhood wc still regret la uy does not im prove the mortalily amoog ibe emigtssous at ihe hosthtsl nd sheds is cch qolecao reat as it um but both town and country m vciy srcmyt the country it posaiblr cocrt to than ihe tocn htuh cnioca are mcch divided as to ibe fact of the fever now raging in the adjoining lownshsps being lh shin fever imported at quebec or w bother it ia nui ipeclcioityphsmitiot or lake fmer ocataoned by ibo lowering of the water in the tw f pvsumri ssswfta i order thai tbo ncceasary repahv 017 ba pro perly effecfes certain havtboi arrnig tha eighteen mile bash to brewers milb and on ihe other tide of be canal id slorringlon where few or no emigrants tove0m the fever is most prctafcnt and fatal sererxt most valuable fives bare been tost to- the to during the paat week hn infinitely mora la the country found w can feok forward co the coming cold weather as the only may to the peerailinjdrsmse t tnc macnrir tuaium tie conductor of tbe station besaracts very liber ally lo tbe press a full report of tbe mar kets at new vork buffalo toronto and mcss- trea was offered to us on wednesclar last but having j u- gone to press it was unfortst- nately of no t- wr ihoutd be happy to oblige tha public wilh telegraph itaportt of the markets but the obligation must be mutual we vvill publish theco bat tbe pnb- lc must pay for hem whether pirsteibeja to the british whig or raot the late biot to the editor 0 tu british whig- 8- i perceive i your last publicatlorvsi letterr addressed lo f editor of the torosto uejmlsl by captain tvohy of the whoai phxrrsasii royal in which he slates tbat a coversatioa look place between htm mr greer and aay- self when it was agreed tbat it was not advi sable that captain twoby should go before the magistrates to give evidence concerning ihe late rioton board ibat vessel pcvfrd through your journal to correct a uiiiauprc- hension into uhieh captain tnohy appears by his letter to have falieo f was requested hy mr greer lo attend on the part of hr urthune at tbo investigation which caplntr twohy mentions and previous lo doing ao went on board the steamboat princess royal to ascertain what captain twohy and bjai orac could prove a coqvetsation thess occurred between captain twohy mr greer and myself in which i stated my advice ahd opinion to be that although frvxn wanfof evr- de nee there appeared to br no probability of procuring the commitment of any of the riot- cr vet that captain twohy and his officer should altend ihe investigation to state what they knew cf ihr aftsir and show that on tha pail of mr bethun and his people there was no disposition lo avoid inquiry into tbo uulh capiat twohy however appeared unwilling to attend before tbe maglsjrttes and one of his officers declared thai ha would not go afterwards when tbe magutrataa were assembled and the mayor of kingston had slated to them tho object for which tha meeting had been called and neither captain twohy dot any of his eftcori appeared x requested mr croef lo wlitl to caplala twohy requesting n come wilh hie iiflr- crrs before the magistrates mr graer did so and the mujor cauiad his note lo bo taal hy n constable to captain twohy who ft- turned fur answer thai he was nol pwrutfid to attend i hare lo a for ootrudlrur on tha public any fuhlier nnlica of an flwr wl which they nro already no doubl lu-rrtliatjj- m wearied lul i da not wuh by rsaqajnlruj rar- lent o appear foaanollnn any irnaataia alftte menl eeuieemlaf hls maoh miarafuiutasl ncccurrcjiee 1 am st your oluiiliant ittftaish i j j uuhfcvwk ungston wk attfuat- 1