flu aft wol f avonden vi niii america trill be the lire from st induce us to prceol a hthtrowacto per stkamkr tionxixs of nritish north et america ap gfrwrstt pr- d commercial firrptwrsea rkrujll and r rl sate vvilh or w o iwilfi merlca willi raol 100 how lu cbflqftttl mlb j ta ohjcve lial ibe sclccrarnl of lc irw aayrirce rf new 11 ii a h l prn- ft-jwrli- imi i enef oaimtihvi y- j3tif legitime aatfim wiol nfujlacr- bo -i- elod to eonsirvra f vrf ihc rjicsms vheb itiaayhc in lrir ihc olhd edconco of the cfrnnjir p taiion end wealth and the deretopcriinrh f stf cecal nnjusal lotwwtv a cheap tjfljtflf the provinces wi tbx zoft of ihii wb the rlnif ttacri ii ifcf near r firm 1 ter ir tlf ih province wil pttmnte this object meat pqclxal and aifrliittlby way f ih whole terrilnrr mehl ttr the endowment for ijimi ant municipal purpose flu awurvdlr it it ihe mnt i4vsunjv jnt price or rrnl re pnnriptc- cm torn l thil the land ilwsf 40 csiih fnssnvirh flic b rvtl tialhr irtftrnf further hciuf which demin 3rvrwmem will t ffwt it s arrtjtle immediate mratbfsnvrftirnt of f i fit la anrt whle il iipm nfi ictiilij comrlicieh marhmv nrtuo rrafiirc chanler u cot he icawmvlettta eanic remit at icrimvai of atfjomof english mart 009 of eeeitl capital spread over ft pdhod of three vf afta fj jlic contraction of piwcm a94m4 f five rl cfflt fcon rrmixmr mmw i at isi p inrow ihc ffrtsfl 1nttrtommftlrftfn s ih msevi aai iivrfltti f bff 4 azt rirtr trd new vov tbo i of irmmmoj ffwi nfii wlfih erf thrw ct4fbjw rofiifi f roanirfatfira iwf jja iw tirf ff jfaii iho exlewiwor ibf wiet3 uiair vfechlmicif piib hojlh atic vlhri lihr lnwatn 4 wcevs srtiymaitff rund agri- rntlnrlna mineral wriflth cjnvacm rrrf a ftit f the si crfitfgry 2000000 cf arrerf rici unlpcm unficr ina tftlna- wc timhf mml whirllfefialcvly r4il- tar nri in attract cha til is mr wiotfielik fcr ikr wnjoyiwrrtot british hrtitj or tb c3lfciritioof bsla tnierprfv tlrt ft of st andftufc nt the month rf iht s- cwl m the bjif of fimtlj it iffrfttnat joint f lie btiua cait of north antric4i to4 of ibe bonittar hclwceo fhr flritish inf rcri irrritotbui ihc sl andrew anj quebec luilvraj with iht ikoat ajnicamo itocnuftiuo vith the ruica tim run joralm to ihe lotmdry lint otlorj afhburton for its whole chite tbe act tteorrrfitatinf ihe oriwwl ctmutf whoie eiatiftnivresn7eniedpertomlrie jntr men of that bnrvltry vquomjned in 1836- tlie new aelvhleh hit jtptwd conrirtnerl hy the tj v i in c u confer the following itearife ptivltejti- n fc in the fit ptte the aorrev haa been eom- ftet by mfftvcrnmtnt al an otitlar of xldfodo and tbe uork are ngwawgl tp be c4mincncci tonwiih i belt of lard vjo i on each jjikjai the w for ju wbou ftfb involving tfce potteiaioo of thfronrtip fill litid to st ftflled cotllpiomu lub wli9t a erant m2fi006 aerea hai wa irsanrelvp company l- be jcurlod l contenieflt blocks jbh the tfmfr fncl tiutri ncemafv for the conjtniclio re al conceded wiih a cjatantte of fire mr cent on the portion of capital tlberibcd st knid flft otl rfitrehosctfrs bcn avrat5i mjyd rvfatinj t participate in itih eajiotec nd fljiro oil and rfcdny importan lytpecutht irmubc tioloojiajtoo am wl nncemenl of iso ptrtke po tee x to lrimb to ftjl rru otbwm bnmwiek oontnftuitf pkvilro to every claasin cxtix britain the tftt went of bntbh north america bi subject deep ipoftace aorl interest and now ih a nrwopjiomhnity thfti prtient tbelf to luteamin of eftclwelyewourisrna the pi tason of rttoe maniscent profioees it indeed most detinbl that no false stepj intbecaat of new zealand cod almnm nor modenv colonic biaien lofte out thc pnncc which s4w1 to ftctlutc qtj and in which we oronjhly cone h coouojiomiiavctetmtcbnd t rltcjilaj youtfwburnofto i wnlanctn m otk wowda ckar ll mtewttett laycol cstabluh municipal ckonaj rtkr ansoffiar inalituliona aftractintvs cf tari life bviaiteocy of corotidcd capital hrcd tabor in a word orfre morrjlv j tettj the field of enterpriie if ibat m safteicnllv atttatiife if ue d enufccnents whrh hare hitherto rlam tbe energies of the yeoman aid atrayife moderate caoilal and thrown tttf mot irish nt gnctuh lawer a burihtn up jvtooal instead of british poor ralo morcd capital and laior will of thr i be he dome of the siaioj anl in a new fpiinuv where on vrirl i itr ri interfere to perenl the arfojtioi a a principle ahslraelr11 jml ft it to he hotted thai thi fnhin of slate irrefttte ny he in the ouuel dircrled into ui rifiii c t a r i in truth the tabula rruji o tuiitfli norlh aorfin hov itpealtto the uriiitb ovn- mtnl a men aifln njipoamniljrv rratljf- in a iylem of naiiiteai acd cifll rcoaoan imnkir m mtcataua amvini of htotl lid rnrf rn j hrrcfl the terrilofv iutlf when i meet eel ed hv railway nffcra io brxin with ihc hfjt tf all f j i i for a svtlem nf ali at tvrrtnty iw snrcty fcoi pro- dnrin laj yearly incteafin in yjm by cnltiraiion and by facilities ol interchange 3d intrteommonieatiooj would sw lift bet of all teorilioa for ft eonccntiont stale monry pyrtcnlin an itie juimamt meam of carrin- otitmb laitfe md ertectnal icita ffhatere ttnovnermeitk of i public chifaclcr kcw imowkki nva smlij nrt canada may tfjuifc to enable ihetn io marnlairhtrr lailway taoe wiili the united stftlea arl frr a bo1y of official fteporu presented to ihe hntiif m asra1 einbracinc details rel five to thr tetonrccof new ttri3fwick its adaminn twtetllemrnli the fhdml mrt of its limber forest the chjraclcf of ih cwlern hstnort of kiri scotij dnd unoq tbe inuo- iiciin rf n w raiv3yaand sofcbic tultr f jjba into f1iiitb north autcricj has jui been rtpoblihed herebvordoaof tbe govtm- mcni ir ether with a buiehoofc vf cepw or catrmuof cotrepvn4nce with tbe goloniat oracc relatirc lolwconitnieiion nf rallwar in etl brltith eolonier lhe jrjrnerat rncrtien tberrfoiv 65 crtdrntly ititerd to lioiri roniidcrstioo dortn wnri msiterof the firetent reeri toronto axd lake haiuvay uujwn anrrrtnj meetin- of he aborc cornpa- ntxcashetd in lottdonnn the27fhjiiy mu chimefnnai in the ehaif the chairman eigttmed lhal uira waa a nftiasf adjftjirof d from he 8u jjiily ftft foe the ffrpw f t- otifinj the acennnj 0 ihe cojonany iuii au dited tlje projttietort bad alieady reoeired prinlrd m0pit9 in anawrj to vartoirtf rjnea tioot from mr ivt hwea chtfaif hr tedhat thairecronh crery drtpofhioh to prosrente the onderlakin hot as was men tionrd in their report thej wcr anient to as certain 1 first hat determination wogld hv ecmt taihy the 4teinnient vpon tbe ubjecl lie halifax ine fo hjrtnltmedateiyp flf igns nf the potato disease last year he examined bis lyifaioesftothiirsdiy and that he dtscorered iie rot m a firw ofu retwme wbch hut ixen perfectly soond on tiir4av jibl he also mentioned ttt nacnrui fcl tynfly that there wa em aprearance ofdmawon the leares of lbrjotoe he liad ptintcj with heanc kfjac oucraiicqlirtln asiih whom we hare rkvmed corrnlloratejlhc testimony of the fnllema 10 whom we barcallwlcd as rtfaidi the jense fax f wednesday mo- ninj and that of lat vcar and asarad us latoji jrhitfe liata perfrctly healthy ranee or laolaj nieht were foond wils llic leaves sinucd on wednesday ihaijfcc tpr france the peers of france have eomptrej their ridictftion of the law aaimt me corrupter of m tote u peltapra vfio has been cor- dfmntd io tlw pnteni of a fine of 10000 ranranj the frfviliic of hit ciil cisbts tn tbe ease of he inhappy m teste his mtnishment is not nnlikety in temiinale lu life seiitius apprehensions being ctilcftaiflpd of the faul cllecuof an ahsee formed u 1 the chest where atficb by the piitnl shot in hit insane attempt at soicidr rsikralcd at tacks have been made upon othtff member of he cabinet nho are chatted wild conout act one of whicbismade thesnbitclof an action for libel and so serious had popular discontent become that it was apprehended some general dislutkince would break out on the octebration of the act ol tbe rcrolutinn of july ail howerer pasted olf quietly and the tourse recovorod from the panic which hud armled il member party on these accounts but principally owinc to the heary fatl of rain of the temperature at the btjinrtiii or zl week which thrcalened the oropects of the harvest the weather had become mitd and warm and new wheat pj very superior equality bas hceu brought into the market and soil at 33 ftauet tho hec- icjltlta fc h coaluerclal review iriccaarpnjciioir lite 21ih iihhto cco- crsl vi 11 l being b6fbl in prep inn fo hie- 1 in jkft coimtrcinl aftitri hranol ocuprd cacfenea alicnli tli prvwure for mortoy hn ou operated to cheek aaytliinr like vpceauuso bumqcst the les odhtrcjt tjaviav hoevrr w 6 ripcod iq if 1 rlftmpefj mrj itit fc to the settlement the capitalist co oil reap a rich reward fr hahrojitncal 7repaoj0n the yeoman will stilsuxtv the pri ftr rrft f fom which ihe readily finis a return and th enzisi scotch and trih ahlebo4im laborer will- it is within ihe ran of eoy pmlility hi meat the prtwiple of eet adtipted an ieoe modem experimetu im bvn to sell find stuch ftpreashatl errrae wcratjafl and j letivilic ataptton to rhc rcipirennt of a tfinsptanlef ioctetj but most xjnforfrn- fc jt tittcbasco bare been fee the meat fart at tse antfoe and ihe rrrrpara- iton fund ha been we towed vi in the pas aajee money of piapen has been atj expended in the lraumiionof bbor webetiereibai au circqamtaree ronch perhaps as official pride so fiercely denounce i the ioercatile crerhahiness c the nw zeaed company ihe imwcilhv f mis go re mars the in araociousnefs of land jbcr the jeatnn- of qniiotit kstonarie orthe naaalllaaj af wonderinsr aiigtflht sras at the bottom of the kew zetland failure both erl fjrry im l f btaath xeatons cvtemor of new brunswick sir william rolebrooke aree in ihii prinritle of prepoam and the latter in a deipawh dated tbe 2ih april int a1o orts anoitit eascnttal point on the nokr of lord grey a not lets valuable rfrment in rnlonol proj t the agricultural ooau fid aetifet should tt powaion on tnait for truly that ftrica miwt be vcty inadrquale io tflprty a fund tor adautioa to the p of a comma oily which the moderate yeoman hcidea ftis neoassarj irri rr 1 in mej apj oihrr piilrtjlt it abtr tenrt4liy jaln jo pay down on ttcfjppfv ooie 59 oj lrtj acre rpeciaily aearatarra iif sijtasm jafrr nanto thr fmoaaljoo of a lowi ssith axcemmodaviai and farm laisuatononntlitkit rio aoeae conrrpiem tpc on fh r line tfailway to eteeftay 1lflfiu acies of land l id fay nut av4 make jstans far a town of ifimj acres j u coratioct roadi brn e qo v arid to uy the jfcpadaiion f ihe rupiitin- aacial intiuouona jryj facilities fr frfsre- nd cwdfoet voaidirroue in invitimrni of jsrefrtpt tne mrhiasi aurlinc ti make n jfw urf l i r- r 1 fhf jf ri fu p j ara 4jiher nr coonrry aceamnotltion or town ban wod ptesa hriy nma the rewheaa of 1te acifler wvie a modertie annual fct1eani reuw the 1th4 at a nd of w year would he adapvd to hi aaa twa hal ftieapcnla- tv wui p eqail or fiyr at iho andw y nt the wi f be auaer riti aac h fen ijj p 10 ow jr sv tar en df kiwn iti- 4t ad aahee eaeial coaeemtnr a y f hat tolaj reef iio from sales tvfli h trawtver d ld i etiiuo ay fx v- w ya wweh wmh jar sew entoi j tet awre wiaea hw aorfav sasaoa af w tasti j ia use faoerel fn uie meaa time lha amtam of the company wonld bo very tiifllnjand could be met fnr the nem law or three years suppoiing that aotive operaliows ware noi mevionv crsttmencedyby the bal ante of about je250 in hand the company standi af free from rdnlj e tht difecrors considered that if a line of railwar were thace le connect the wkeleprorince of onfm north america the toronto railway wonld become a desirable source of investment but it appear rd the n eferablc course to await the jviermi- nation of the gomament mr w- uawcs was anxioui to know if the toronto railway were to be considered as being under the con- trot or in the bands of tbe canada land com pany heciuae tn tucb catt there wonld tar no probability of it being carried onl unless it merf d into the canada company or was re- modrtlcd ill- hon proprietor wtthed also to team the extent of their liabftitirs the chairman said that the toronto and lake huron railoay was not tn be regarded aa barinj any connection with tbe canada com pany although the latter was ojktaralty inter ested in the success of tbe railway the di rectors of the projecle4swilwayrtadensnoat cautious io prtserre thia distinction to fat in deed as not io adopt exactly tbe reeommrpov tton of mr gwynne that the jine should ter minate at goderch elihoogh that route woojd he most desirable for the canada company the proprietors miht reft assured that the toronto railway company jhould never be conducted by the present directors onksa there waprosreit of iravcontine nrins en- roiisep taafltstditiciora frit coaci need t hat if trie praaoaed line of railway to connect the brilifrb north american possessions were adopted the toronto tailwav would hare the benefit of ihe wfstem traffic ard mtieb of the united statea commerce in that direction estimates bad keen submitted to ihe directors showing a rnxba icrctnro of j0 percent upon tbe capital required for the toronto tine but itboarfi the board did not adopt these calcu lations or hofo out any specific promises he felt sanguine of almost tativlaciory result if the line were carried out no steps would be taken however without the ml concurrence of the proprietors ajul the directors be felt ccrtin wjauld forego all remuneration until acticc operations were commenced two or three years mibt possibly elapse brfore ihe riewsof the brituh eoreromertt were ascer tained or carried out but there would be no expense in the mean time aa to the shares not taken up be had no doubt they would be subscribed when ihe mouer was needed and the director would consider hereafter whether the parties who had not paid up should he declared to have forfeited ihcjr right as appeared lo be ihe wish of sorflc of the pro prietor mr gwyuncs terriers were fully recognised and would be entitled to further acknowledgement when the company resolved to rail up capital and commence the works aftor a few remarks from m j c sim and mr mocon the audited account and report were adoivd ireland the remain of mr ttconnell havin been brought by svijraf france to smubampton were- carried by railroad to loader and thence transferred to chester where the arrived on monday evening and were laid ihe itoman catholic chapel of tht eily mr cardner of chester had reeelred orders to make a new coffin as that in which the body wa encasrj and which was maje at guoq wait of rather common worjtmanahip j j -i- 2 rtji ram was celebrated in the cliiyelort sunday and in the evening a procession accompanied the remains to ihe raifway station on mon day the 2ml they were placed on board a steamer especially engaged and hy it con veyed to diibhn the funeral will take flare on tbe 5lh augml the weeks rent at the mai weekly meet- c ihc repeal association held on tho idh was announced lu be x59 jo 4d on ihe itccecding weekly meelinr it airionnted to xflo mr f ohell the late member and present candidate for alhulc as nrewnt and with mr monrtin jho oconvlf ad- drced the merlin all the speakers ex pressed a coialeuee that the uepeal more- neai wontj regain strength and that the next rartinment would grant a repeat of the unioa an immense o umber of lenantrr hjire been evicted al chffrlevillr on the fcirt of cotka elle and it was repreaented to have been eilected under circumitancet of considerable harshness tlii hawer w ha ben contra dicted and alihonli coacu of cruelty have been pertetratei by the aenl atill the evic tion of the tenantry teems to ban been 00 a rarje scale taut poravo cnntutn ihe whole the reporttare still favoralu although it it ad- mitletl on all hands that thrre ha bern a par tial fjiloro in some disiritis there are conrdclint accounts from mayo in town todav one of which positively asaets thl whole fields af ittliinrobe are atrcted wilh the iu rite of latt year in rti most virulent form thii slalemenl however rtrniirca ronfuoia- tion at i local pper tlatet that thu appeur ance of the crop tn to yemeidy ireenied no indications of the mihl from kilkenny the reroh a will be seen sy the following from the jqutwa ntwypvi it very untahs factory there is nm we believe the trrhtut donm but that thrre will be t ent a mtrial vvtam of the potato tmft tn eoulrj since wrhi uy ji me hlihl iiqjiiie ri me on several ajff the mutn vialka and irarcs which hare neen examined andalfmtce to say saeaare wftr there hsd not been ihe smllr ayioj4oei ux ahaaa tfnr ihai day una af ihe brejeri nnd mst eiprrience far meet in tha cortiry aa told ut that early on wdft4dsy mornine eeaerred an urseom- oiy thick tf over hat saa4 tbat aisjpilar rrilairy ice irum hut iji nroni uim ve ncacc wdtbc lul rd ami cuuiucrce relumed iaiu he cmii jy cliaonclr the on interrupt d tineoear if iho wesiher doti- ibc last flieim mttl holds aol lha tumoee tbatour harrrlof crau will lie ft full ixvertgtooev foi nil aaaalin of bfam there tfowagonerel concurrent opinton ihui tho yield will be iii in lha chief nn prouucto poia ooiholih may ihe priceofbest amen iiiifm aresdfclo 40s ycsler- day a aabahaaaue sale took afar of he eame dee enpinnofrtaurai 27a lare w 1e higlie1 ronrket price of u ut mark lauo on monday lira 2nd when a further reduction again look place of from 8s to 10s- pr quarter re low the cur rente of the previous mondir wee 70s per natter coosiderablo tupptiea were broochi to mfkouftot sales were with ihe frraiem dincuru cttflcied the euuity of the new corn eahtbited rubbed outi wa excellent we recrel to elate that tome rilorct have i ft ken pbca in the corn trode and the lumora which hsve reached ns rea- peotiagr the credit of tome of ihe yndon dealer are vcr j antalufaclary we era of opinion thai however e buna ot the imreett may pno the etocka sa umpe heioc eo eahaoeied ftod iho do created of puaioc whealier vriioc from ft liin iti eulitvftlioot or frvm their deter iotntctl qoaliiy reoairuip a urea imwetetttn in mtfco no tbo dancknev that pnccaot graio nill itaaatav ile end af tbayear aaer incviitmo flueoliaat oljt bo rp rila c i at ft further coot f production a t tho aooeoi howeeer tuo market tain ft slate of encl dcfwtwieo for cored tvoviainoa of alsoost all doaciptincii shera iaa ateadv dcnand the alftlaof imdo in tho anofactonnc hv iricis ia on tho whole of a siifrclory ebaraeier cotovtal paootrcct very numerous ar- rivalt bare taken place within ihc last few days i iir canadian poru and form an impotlail uem in thesotjltrt of train and prorisiooa from north america ttie follow- ins are the latent the conrad from quebec llltwnvwvrv foalrrieari thr deuits from montreal u5 hrrrrs of floor and 9671 mtnots of wheat the robert stride from quebec 59 barrels of sour and other projuctions the adelaide from montreal 7525 bushels of batlcf and 1333 barrel of floor the cbapman from vonlrrai- 1353 batrels of flour and 9000 bushels of wheal the jane tom montreal lloqoajieraof wheat t73 barrels of flour and 500 hftrreh of indian corn meal the je mima fmm quebec and moolreal 6438 bar- rebof rrosir and 7933 bushels of wheat ihe montrioma from montreal 2637 barrels of flour 560 barrels of oatmeal 9525 bushels ind345basof wheat 63 keg of butter and jsof hams the care from quebec 4493 barrels of flour 79 barrels of oatmeal 189 kegs of lard and 22 barrels and 12 halfbar reb of pork the celeste from montreal 501 cajksofporjc and 2778 barrets of flour the charles jones from mootrval 1609 bands of rloar 162 krfcs of butter 1300 quarter of wheat and 168 barrets of oatmeal the isa bella froirt montreal 3215 barrels of flour the eliaa price from montreal and quebec 7610 barrels of flour and 391 ban of wheat the leo from montreal 12425 bushtls of wheat and 106 harrels of flonr the hebe from quebec 4566 barrels of flour 25 barrel af oatmeal and 25 barrels of indian meal tbe whole tbe produce of canada trrt steam sniff grkat britain after aprcfious but partially uasucfctffiil experi ment the preparatory operation heln com pleted on thursday the 20ih ull a second attempt was made to raise the mikty vessel at nineocjoek the ship bean to move a was apparent to thc on board by the erind- i i 7 of the chains over the rollers a the hoes docended at halfpat nine she had risen exactly a foot when the tide had only risen ten feet it was expected by captain cusion and mr bremner that she would rise with and rqual lo the tuc aa she waa nearly fight the result after a consultation was an order toceatnpuiapin at fortvfiee minute past british whtg oatfre pr orbtta ditoft kinfiston whdw au 2 ta ixtreaarixc paa rr n 8 waddinlnn m qjporaa uatrs ci lrttctric li waddinton irhnnd e it from our loxdov correspoxdest auvoojrilaie mk thn parliament of 117 eirired iti jdbifk on friday july j3rj and to show that england possesses the appliancer of weath and aien- dor the new howe nf urdsonthaldc- fa- cenerai cauificld l 151- scntcd a mftrt mirnifrcent tpectaelc rery part hrn- nlled except that before and aouad the throne in tvtry other direction trneye reci uion beastly of form and face rich eoaliuejp slate robas or military and tiplo- matic tiiferaiaf the koy of the ifoue on either bind presented a mass of light an tanl color above which rose snowy fealiera wreath hcaaldreaae of a single flower dis- ccd with excellent taste or more mcly rich diamonds and gem the peers were forced lo sit together iu a close line or the front benchea and on the seata near the woolsack forming with their acaheand ermine robes a rich centre to ihc tableau sae splendid imiform of the corps dipioroavaue rnd thr hclmols anj breastplates of txoor three officers of the guards varied al le ttered the view the effect of which eam- bfrred with tbe fiold andoatsisocarveevr of the wall and roof was that of a bearltfd picture enclosed in a gigantic and eifous frame taeroyaj speech at the end of aseo i usually rcjardad only as on act of es formality and scarcely affords room for remark on this occuion it was more usually arid and is in fact a mere rerjwf the chief ptibiie measures which hare pft accompanied by the esjprecsionof hor tw tys cratiftcotion in havinsr assented to fr the edification of your readers i sj tbe royal speech if lords end gentunen tf l hare much satisfaction in hejine3ct release you from the duties of a laboricja- anxious session i caonot take itarc pt j without expressing roy grateful tena ir assiduity and zeal with which yoo haf plied yourself to the consideration of lhtr interests your attention has been crincipaltvi reeled lo the measures of immediate i which a great and unprecedented ctt rendered necessary 1 bare given my cheerful asjeot to laws which by allowing th r free adrrmv jrain and ny affording facilities for the of suar in breweries and distilleries lend v creaethe quantities of human food promote commercial intercourse i rejoice to find that you hare inb stance proposed new restrictions or intft with the liberty of foreign or internal lrji a modt of rrliefine distress i lee he that such measures are generally inert y and in some c apejarate the evils ff lt r alleviation of which ihry areadopted i cordially approve of the acts of penn of the deatilbte tn ireland i hat niven my assent to various bills promote tha agriculture and deretope dijstry of that prljon of the united kjrf tare flek fov a member of the ievernmenl by a majority of upwards of 30w and mr c pearson ha auildanled mr hawrs under secretary for the colonies in lambeth by a majority of vtort than 1000 in all the me tropolitan borough lha miojaitfrwiisj or radicals hare carried thedagt below 1 give von asfli at places known for heir impnriancr or ah worthy of notice from the cloieneitof ihe mntijtfc the i denotes liberal c cthwn alive or followers of tbe erminite and v prolcctiooists tboso in itallca are elected aliwssm sir frrftruk tuutr c my attention shall be directed to each measures as may be conducive to tbosv lary pnqtoses aju mmua pn voaiaie nance of peace 41 it has afforded me treat satisfaction to find that ihe mrasnre which in coeemwilh ihe km- of tbe french the queen of srwin and the queen of pertiial 1 hare ttari for ihe pacigcaiiou of portnl beea attend ed wilh success and that the civil warwaich for many months had afflicted that coorepy haa it last been brought to a woodless trnnina- lion i indulge in lha hope thil fatnredllfcr- ences between political parties in ibitontjn try may be settled without an apnai to arms c cenceou o the 7ouse c cooioions j thank you for your willingness inrrranl- ing me the necesmry supplies they slall he applied wilh duo cire and economyto the public service- i am happy to inform ymi lhat rplsejlh- standing ihe hch price of food the nnne has up to the present lime been morcrtoduc- tivc than 1 had reason to anticipate jn creased use of articles of general consitnoa has chiefly contributed to this resnll the revenue derived from sugar esnechill has beer greatly augmented by ihe rerrfow of the prohibitory duties on fereie i the various prants which you harmadc for education in the united inedomwlli i lruslhe conducive lo the religious ftmjmotal improvement of my people afu lord ond cenremm 1 think poper to inform yoo that uwy intention immediately to dissolve tbeeal parliament i rely wilh confidence on theloywlo ihe throne ami attachment lolhe fre easy nine she had ritn half a foot more and cap- fftin claxlon ordered the valves to be opened lo let waler into ihe hip at ten she was up two fert and the tide had risen to twelve feet more means were ordered to be put in prac tice to lei more walvr in ooae of ihe wedges bating floated up- at halfpast ten she an peered to stop rising the tide however stall rose at fortyfive minutes past ten she re mained slationary at a ri of twoandahalf feet and orders were given lo shul the valves and let no more water in after twelve the tide turned and by one had fallen two feel during which poces iome awful crashc too i- r i as the boe were pulled open when at her highest a large quantity of stones pre viously prepared and ieiy on deck were shvt under her bin dropped on shooli inzc- nioasly contrived several boats were hired by captain claxton who went on shore wilh a alrong body of laborers and sueedily re turned with toads nf monet which were dis charged under the ouiide bilge we have since received a alaurnent lhal the vessel was sufsciently raised to leave ihc iceel coniplctely visible and that workmen were busily en gaged in repairing the wstlomthe ressefbeing suspended io the air by means f the lever tbe wedge the screw and the large boxes of ssmj creal hopes are entertained that she will be immediately got uj rainit 40 mfttii auraiea mm- friutr kwip rsv4hea of iho sicm 5hipt inteoetl tor the cuoeeraaceof ihc mtu heticen tinund nndlho uulcd rfute ptated imo iter watery heoiem nn the v9lh uftim rhc hsi been ntmed the p fijira and like hit sitter tln tht aawtsaa ia ifvble tjxciinrn of i t na eat nrehilcctute dturn or smtt rvasvraavtjiu renectel ern tlcoiio vrhu havbeen ehwf prnwlvf ihc wt i iin since lph3 nnj tho rbttaito ingcr of iciriiiiy jhv o pcrtod capped on the u vl al riutlinflibgse rsuara the naffvrajaaani hive pmpwd lo iho cort of lljreloa hi kirl tf uelheaiana f jeratr gsn- ralof adia ilemy maaajraraa got- 0ftoivf madras tl prie f tufhn nhpwjias nwfu4 ihoafter f mi jftln llta lutfhotl birfoet viii lir- mitnir o fx ft tm dltrin i lii navtt r i i t iiu last al ml raaiaenca u ucrkate fruast seed d i hrflsr f ilia kin nf area hninseh nf v jefuaeloiii fur aaav to tions of this eciiniry which animate therreat body of my jot i join wilh thrnyft- plicattons lo almighty god that ihe ctey b which wc have been afflicted may u the divine uetsinr be conrsrled into clw and ptenty- the lord chancellor then made prov tion by the qt command that or par liament do stand prorogued until tucsovj 21st day of september mtt then torrfi ihe despatch of business parliament is now disaotved andw can again address your reader a new of commons vij have wilh few eri becntetccted from the people in ihtw time 1 will proceed to give you aeew such of ihc elections as have yetlakchfi always premising that hitherto thay has greatly in favor of wnitten the ffst uemcn returned to the new pfttliftrocrf mr dnncombe and mr wawoylhc w m ps for the horough of finshury j hc ciiy of london three liberal candidate bare been elected sir ceonce larpenl the k only losing lib scat by three volet ifi minster mr cochrane a liberal h defeated hy loshihgtofi also a lihri v only iwelvc vote tlie keenneaa of fr c00 tet may be inferred from the fact thai ihe minority was so small each nf ihes dates potted nearly u00q votes lord 9 stuart aiirl sir b hull hulh liberal h lwen relumed for muryrahono the iwo groat citica of tho nnrth bursjli ami fjlauw have returned fnfrt rrtlslopartianienl hut al ibo forme a theriiihuii t u mncaulay pssj of the forces has lost hit teat ikhbw hc opposition of aaectiunnf his parly cloe of the lvliiiuiriii poll dnsltwathrv lrtm as fid lows corsvrn liberal mhi crtiion cntw iteral 1851 eluuled maraulay h 1447 1 itfackbun cnntervnlive 18 ittoiw trw ford pmwml t shhs mr dfnvatvsrurlibernl 3iw ntir waf c 17 urd jtforoal0 13 j a roebuck l 11 a seat gained for the liberals covtrrnt- hn e eqis l 2563 rursjcttp li w wdliamt l- i43s a seat gained for the prolcelionisu oiulmmioulol6vi w r o fitaaxrald p im lasfipttr c peorson l 46w tdk efxwrt l 36cg b ilawcs an okciaj 3ii lieaapoou cddiorfl co 5sfti t birth to 4ss2 sir d mac worth p 89 lord john manners p0 2413 a seat gain ed by the liberals city op lostr lr john russcfl t 7137 poliito lo 7030 barm bomau l672 j mailerman p 6722 sir g larpenl l0 ct19 it c l sevan r 268 aldennw jchnsonp fi069 i w rreshfieldp 4tot w payne l s13 noawrch s jatvumi4t jfajatft o drouro co 1713 j h parry u l48 korrrkciraw rvurac 1830 fear- gus oconnor cbartiu 1340 s gisuw lolorjd sir i c hobhouse a cabinet minhtter 974 ttte government bavo i 2 seats here t bjamiiraiiviiaua282j scmeew l ss14 spoono 1 2322 jo tbis bo- tii ti ministers tjarn a seat casoisls krosi u 479 sseaaip0 471 howard to440 thb city baa been represented by liberals since tbe passing of oebebrmact hawrvosrr is of wrosrr hoastn p 251 avorrvi c 250 blake 00 242 citptoo l0 237 siiaiwswiit btldvrt r 769 sttony l 743 torrjinc p t a vote lost to the protectiooitr tarprrom ifr labovchtrc fl w sir t ccubrodu l 38 mr mjus p 376 bawavtat sixwsfosnv- intend po 150 sir t winnington 10 1s8- a seat carried by the opposition bwsrrox atraja439e3 mtu p fripp co 2469 peuait l 160 tbe eaanteat for tbe repteeentation of the uoiverstty of oxford continues to excite the deepest iotertst sir robert injui po waa from tbe first coaaidered to be unajfecled by thestrurjre and itehathaa since tajcen place proves that tbe opinion waa well fouridcd haasia tbo happy poakionof rescinding the second votes of the friends of citbor of tbe other candidatca yeaterday mr gladstone the peelita and tractarian was gaining on his opponeal mr hound po but not to such an eatant aa to drscoeiraethfritrsds of tha lattor antte- man the poll is to be kerrt open today and it is not deemed ioaprobable ibat they wul instst on its being kept open for 14 de the longest period allowed by law tha fouowint ia the uteaisu its cf iht poll i v sirk hengtis p i6w ihn w- egudstaa antf in it ii eroerted thrt the entire mtntr who will poll wilt nuyall mwh short of 22tj at the cambradgc uni ffniiy mr lar seat is safe tbe cottttst baa been between mrfrfitwo aort tiscmot fiejdiosj lawrl fleldibg were at tbsa-coari- menccmeat of tbe poll far abeaaf oprnesits but oo salilrday mr gcalham gained rapidly g wrm the aombers ai tbo close of iho ipfil fw hon mr lm p0 1466 piacovnf tud- tny p0 h i ar e gloafortt co h89 mn- letcyreil rr there kas baea siaxpitmle at val- ungford bticfrriojitv 166 homtoji- 7 j i totxejs lord sejroosie 2u barry baldwin 14 sbkards 153 cobden and heatd have been tetaratd for lockport the nambers for ihc several candi dates being m cowrnfree trader 673 ffeati pons free trader 970 keratraw rad do 537 west cbartist 14 wctsiovth it u cfttsifte l 260 cowi tnssfisa uy 2803 g m bolt co 20 honf vipers po 272 duiav nffss0 gotorr 852 raikc mgnh 216 j v sir george arthur the military serrices of sir ccors arlhnr have notbeen of a very distinguished kind fi bc jdayed dijtlomaticutenltm a highortfht which ob tained for him soueaacvety tbegoatrrnmenu of sydney uppetatrada and bombay from which tanajreayecey h eecrtrfy general hi juslretorned lhe exlrcmely fine weather we hare had the last ten days has brought the crops for ward rery rasdly and a wrsiidcratile quw lily of wheat will no doubt he col in the early districts during tbe week this circumstance in addition to the lare supplies of foreign wheat and flour from all part has quite paralyzed the trade- yesterday ihe transac tions in foreign wheat were quite unirn- porunt although freelyoflered at a reduction to ft per quarter no one purchasing except for tbeirlramadiate necessity american flour realised yesterday in mark lane 2 to 30s and canadian 27t to 30s per hajtch it has been qute iapoaaiblc to effect sales of indian com at almost any price but 40 per cjr aaybe considers o extreme quotation barley and peas are each cheaper oats gooff heavily at a farther reduction the last quotations of foreign wheal are roar 55 to 69 per qr the following are the latest election re torn member elected- 207 liberals 64pev1- iteaad67pleriofiisto f voort truly omeoev cut council mowdav arrgtrst 231847 pftxsxkt hb woes hip tho mayor mesart ford rourk baker sairaaraji meajtjer counter angten patterson cfiahaooboute uarrcy lintoo wiley- smyth mcmafcba mrnntes of pee viotisibeetrng read mr fuacilwbrcotvbilfioe tbejrreveri- tion of fi re- was rexaned lo a scsact co- mrteet r t opoa the consideration df ihcaccond nai- ing of tha bill retatine to tha street and ttse jury of the city snrveyoe the cotruesj re- solred itself into a cosuroiuce o tbe whoia councillor patterson in the chair there were severaf slight arrveridntenti 111 one of two of the clauses of tlsc bill tho racipaj one of rrbich was that every vacaot loteeafa m lefiiifs ofttu cify without refercuctlo tbeiinej of baj or west streets sioold hi fenced in some of the claws of trtc bill causerl a great deal of uscosion jevwpeo tbe question was put shajllhijclaiisepassv the conoeil were almost irhaoioairis inaroj it some of the members said this lengthy tbeml elect- rl me uiaeea contarvatitrj tf i mmisuiwn crtiitvrvatire 17tt tuthouwer flarnku mr csanrire ton liberal hut diiplaccd mjur bptil baron meyer de rothschild brother to the succsssrul caoikdate foe the city codtested the boratigh of hytbe with mr beockrnan but was defeated the numbers were brockman l 220 jtothaxbild l 198 nearly all the country elections ititf take place this week it is now decided that lord dalhousic for merly president of the board of trade will prooeadtotlie government of india atfhe capiration of lord hadingos services y go vernor general sir henry poitrngerwio assume the government of madras nd the government of the cape of good hope will probably be the reward conferred upou the gallant sir harry smith the following in telligence was received from india on satur day a further reduction has beca effected in the bombay amy tbe affairs of megand continued in the greatest confusion all waa tranquil ia the punjaub dost mahomrocd was desirous of coouactiog ass alliance with the indian government in france the cele bration of tbe three days of july haa tahto place with tbe acoustomed rejoicings tbe madrid papers announce that tbe queen had left that city for la grtnga and that the king consort hy her majestys commands tad been refused admittance to tbe palace during her absence mr labouchere entered on his duties as president of the board of trade on thursday sir denis is merchant has alto entered on his duties u under secre tary of slate for the home dcpajlpaent in the roorn of sir w somerriuc appointed chief secretary or ireland in lbs room of mr labouchere 1 nc obituary includes ihe oconnor obn m p for roacomrrion and a lord of tha treasury sir david pollock chief jnslico of lvisabay admirals erakine doublet end siioeofgt martin and john waller een chief proprietor of ths iui newtptjper the vacant good service pentiun of 26 pv i jus beaa unfarrcd uion major jenaraj gftastwwssssa fatatemenbjarwhkrs- we ihlnfc will clltt 5 is lorg wrnr3otfariir tt as speailjito bt boped bat aoeae ae4iv tiej rtrmlrf hatrbrn faren f mr beaanvta hivo tt3 the gullly person idrnllfed atd anaated bajl tinea usml gen liens an baa detoi miaed to allow the crime to pass over wrthoot svrltigation and paolalaenl the public ni fc s content it wcul j hava greatly eva lifted a tr pottfoo of tbe iabitsrits of ki njifa ls among whom we cla the srhftk of the t pecuhle bomaii- cnrtolieavaitbat tbb iastt sfjasaeful c raiabraldnoi allowed to pass annoticed by the latrf and apeak advised ly when we sdd evenat this jate time of dayj co old maaosba taken to identify the riotora moaay would raot be wanting very marry persons are willing to coolribula five pounds a piece to arm a fujidjbrthia pgrpose and proverbially rarfts ahc canadian press j wf shoold willingly add our mite tofutbrr lodtslrible ajiindertjkix- a for fae fintisa wh an roused from my retreat by xke tal lyho of your correspondent hinwodld a desire to interest the public nywhoirst of course mean tbe readcas of the britieb wh as well as togratify the cooccrfacs scraoen which has just seized me i beg leave to oc cupy your columns with half a doterrlcllers illustrative of e late trip to he west hoping that ni m rod your readers snd your bnmble servant may be all equally pleased at the perfomarjee and that a meed of courteous gratilode may be acceeded tcibe writer t be permissioa to subscribe 3yself with great respect yoav c viator a tour to the west ittpk j dikuaniofi amounted to nothing and therefore was iisoless and left the hatl j irkk otbevs moved for aa adjournmejit which air ao- glen strongly obyec tod to and said that he thought tbe mayor should have power to de tain them and if not aid they would not attend to the business of the council thay should be noised through the medirrcrj rf the recess at aboal a quarter paat ten tuc cwx mittee having proeeetlad as tar as tbe27ih clause rose and reported tbo bill io or amended the luport of the finance commit re lative tothe claim of the executors of the lite andrew mayne was adopted the second reading of thebul for rajsiog i aadlsjvylrk i 1 ot i j lo 0c kaw rrjaad a second umc the council then adjourned t grants men women and children submitted to a terfecl abortion he did not leave this stsv enviable task to deiuties but was himself ac tually engaged in tcrubbineand drenching them i am the more ready to pay his trifling eapression of merit from finding that an unfor tunate dissension exist between a portion of the irish and him a dissension which i re gret to understand ha spread among the great bodv of the jdfcfjt uatfourrsa i deeply deplore thitllloiitvieesaffbofast winter had fr ever eradicate and destroyed the very germs of thai baneful snimosity whicli so long and so unfortunately made them ihc scoitand by word of their enemies are ihry again to become the pliant tools of ihe designing are their naturally excitable tcmpcrafttciif lo be made the means by which they are lo be disunited i fondly ardently hope not as ao irishman i entreat of tlicm todirowfiosn them the firebrand that is causing so much ruin as a protestant irishman i matt assert thai i do rot think so meanly of the roman catholic clergy as to believe that any one of iem worxfi be aiding end ejecting a mow to do mischief tbe scenery ivmcofcvjtotoronlo is really beaiatifpl sod prctmresqtie users ami 4hpcc une table lands waving like a sea of rojdy gold under their heary crops high clafts crowned with majestic forest trees and snow vhitc tof3 the openina of the sroods reader the scene highly pleasing while tbe still and placid sake opoa whose bourn we are tailing re- fleclsj litre a broadrrrtrrorthe drflerfnt oects that lie adjacent to us ewdmvtv l whole a similitude lo somvof those quiet but exquisite stteaea aabetauiulty 4rrtbt4 in lula rookh we arritel at tovomo at4 pm- and landed the emigrants at a wharf at tbe west end of the city eterved exxtwsivety for them it eiakve4ejaftw vrbieh bad been waiting some himofot oar arrival came a lor mde lotake ortiboe nltr fir vcm aodaslwasfor pott credir i goroes boards a few moovehr and we wtjt msti way skirting the stajares ot uojo ontario how differently werejhe emigyajvts dis- posed on board tbe ecli pu- to tbosc on the sovereign all comirraaicatioowtscutof between the eeriiajiv mv regular patten- ers tbe sams tbiog could he dooe oo board the latter if there were not txkh a crowd put onboard- t vttrt fitlingttipoi ills boat are chaste and besutirul ftekfdies csbfn arid saloon are finished uirmaji notvuig kaody hoi every thing elegantly simple ueecotu- mandcr is afjable arje caartqouj hrr officer obliging and cisw attentive but eoougb for one teller i am owwaafely laodeonat port cretil for tbo presamt then i bd yonr readers adieu and gaotly squeeze them by tbe hand viator township of krigiton asrsll5 ffl47 what i ask his tho boasted rofiaenttrt and bumnnity of tho whfte done frr fbe in dian it has destroyed that savage grlfies of aoil which once reiencfl with ilnrhnrtr ralvt efanjpiir in the hearts of ihoae soni of ihe forest the iritrotuction af the arts ad science by the iace lias paved the way for tbe deep degradation of tbo red nan that unhalrowed thirst for apiln which predominawsanaontc our race induceu the introduction f toe eejmdtiru water a if to render their destruction more sure sad the annihilation of their manners customs and ndcrcudant nationality more complete itsa march of civilivatiou has with rapid strides slaked orer their hunting grounds once tatmdto their throne alone it has eocroacbad on and prostrated their liberties and cow- ratttsl their once noble lords of the soil into the condition of serfs dependent upou some haughty noble for liberty and tabtis tence iu a few short years we may look ia rn for ihe red ruos path while wander in throngh ihc forests once their abode and tbiiiung peftiipj of their hapleas fatt our cars will be saluted not with the stoo- nin thrilling whoop which made tbe forest rinc ami caused ihe warm blood to comraa quickly through the veins hot by ttsesbat emu ireehaw of onc plodding pvngbraiia as he follows his patient oxen in some adjav cent clearing alas alasf that cirilittcaa is attended with such bumitiaiiog coenso que nee f admit that the indians in an ancqlljvatea state were savage barbarous and illilaralei but have we taught hem better r have use improved their condition we propftsiiffr teach them invrtiby uuaoaify and rvim have we done so t of ihe 6rai we bsrru seal them a 6ne example indeed of the aeeoajl are ire iflorc htimartet tme we do ao a our enemies ice but war with us and btxa differ more in kind lb an agree asrvmitjft the last what belter u our holy handrarttr- bted systcra of religion to therr aampla rbitrv belter far belter to have left them to afcair simple and pure method of derotioo tha in undate thern wilh deaajo rareaes tlxtaeasa and the ghostly train wkkb pam m w ditelhejv way lo the rresirritw tat hare only inrolved them in doubts and fean and debased their oobunass of soul and madsj shipwreck of the simple ami unalloyed faith of their fatliers leaving port credit i irarcucd for ths dtfr- tance of three or four miles through a dense i tract to the pretty riitage of cookivillfv but as i hire extendrrf this lellerto areaaoa- awe length i shall reserve a description of this place for tbe comtuencemeot of my next viatob township of kmgiton august 16 1847 ieo ir lik iff i left yonr loyal city of kingston on board the royal mail doat sovereign at 5 ovkcfc on a summers evening fur tbe queen cily ofthewetl or rather i should have said 1 intended to do m fur on account of the non- arrival of the montreal boat at her usual mic we did not leave the wharf until idomock the night was rough and stormy peculiarly trying fbrthne who seldom plough the vasty deep but more so tu the five or si hundred wretcbud emigrants we had on board orr getting np in the morning completely sick from inhaling the pestilential air that found its way through ihe skykghls aad door ialo the cabin i mode my way for the deck in erdecto breathe the moreing air bat ibis wtt a tea norc difficult to be accomplished tbaa i anticipated for tittty ovcnaeiothe middle aad saloon deck was so choked op wilh boieebeds and prostrate msn and women the efluvia from whom was perfectly disgust ing that it was by dint of squeezing i wa able to accomplish my intontioa aad wbea i did sneceed i found myself if possible only in a worse situation 1 itedholhingelselodo bat lara back go through the tame pushing snd squeoxing and coufinu myself to tha cabin until some change for the bettor should be wrought this it s disagreeable position for paisen- uers to be placed in yet the extraordinary in itux of emigrants this tetton renders iueh unavoidable bvfire leaving this suhject allow me to pay a justly deserved tribute to the klndnsts and humanity of caplahi twuhy alaaul noota of ibsdsyaftsriuparlure h- iredell the ea the close of myi 6rstlettcr lett oo the wharf ajatve yillaja qf 1 1 sumr cscuatj this dourishingijaje ifituaterl on both side of the mouth of tbe fitver crtdrt al its j entrance into- bike ontario it b sixteen miles from toeofflooy watar it numbers about 200 inhibsunts i has two well kept tavern a good sterci fcverul largo itorchouse admuftltuhoo two atwta fte ii bas a fine capiclotr hrrbotjfbp en trance to wbloh ifj autwecis tsap psura of goo feel in length when oace veavei ia inside tbe piers she t completely epiayti tbe harbor is bciag rendered mora capacious one of greater depth by a y avqlge whkh is now end has beejuaoaaaeasouths at work there sorae idea nay bet suefaed of ihe abjp- plng trade of this vifaaax fnjfrf thra hcing shipped from it op to fee 10th jalsvoi32 barrels of flour an rnausenua qututity of wheat about 1000000 uel of haber and luoofmeet of square timber tsuoa retuus show what extensive grist add taw mills sosat rjebojtiuiwcreujl there is on tbiog bare i eauukoipaaulty without rjoifccf u la hal tdibiatee wbare there is spmncb lo peaisebat tbaarosant condiuosoof tho bridge over theckcdst at ibis villageis cjertaioly a jsmstasj to those who have the control of tbe barw it is nearly aifodgasthe lararjol bridge yttibvils engre length thera is not avuvtigeof a rail the boards are for the most part unsoufr and full of boles the water at wtfhin tarecr four inches of ihe plmuks and in a very short lime will overflow them even for toot pas- seogen it is dangerous torravelovau lis h shameful and calls euergetjcalry for reoara tjoa- it not shortly reoajrud it willccliaiah- leitd to the disadvantage of this thriiiy anj flourishing village about the disfanco of two ruslesr up the river ij or rather wa an indian yiflarc nowirdejolate as the tribe wits thtjajcptor of its chief the somewhat coltbrttted peter jones and a aquaw tkd wife oxawhtc tesnovcd west out of the march of civilim- lion the village is prettily located an a high bank overlooking the river tbe flats op each side the river are highly riehi and aitord luxuriant pasturage fot cattle long be fore the highlands begin lo put on their var- danilivcry goldsmiths u dcaerted village found hereiucbunlcrwrt anajr of m solemn solitude bruatbed its opellovocit the houses tenanness windows fastened up nochcering hum frooa be schoolhouse not sotitorrjeing seen to break lha moaotony- i stood on the bank sji1ooktd down on the river that crept aloug like a silver serpent vainly expecting to see one of the stalwart tribe a i saw them of yore standing ort ihe edge of the hank with poised spear ready toplune it into some scaly inbabllanl of the a tribute to daniel oconnklu the following poetic ertuswn reached us by the last mail from coves bridge ireland ac companied by a ms cupy of the mujic ta getber with a ms copy of what tbe compo ser calls the kingston polka mr af quilk is unknown to us and whal hta object cao be in sending hi compoiitious to far afraid is afaouakuowo wc regret wa liafw ao music type in the office whereby wa cootsf have laid the music as well as the werus be- for our readers s i 1 gorks bntdcc ireland july ftflssttv sia i beg to uke the liberty of sending- you some poetry and music written to im memory aftrahnrlocofinelli for esayyeue the eloqucrit and aealosas advuoatu of frisal libehyand in dependence tvjaajur of evraanr has fallen on ihe maatermlae and great spirit of leelaanl lb gfoaicst benefactor nf the ha man raxothe best niend of ireland aasdlsb- truest supporter ot erulisb nrsasaeataty had ceased u exist j raaj ode to the memomt of doavistt trconnell lavath woaoe av lcctixs facur awsso aw st savbaar oh why i tbe wild harp of erie vakatroflft sa oh tf by ant its melodka dytae away t oh wh n tho cjpreaa irnmlb niovrnfdlty sta where io u the ahamtdokeo fjern and aufuyt oht thr irrvt ofiiic iirpe u mtila itb bespnir his voice ii seat tonh ana deuiepseaui fl that in unison bkuds wilb b hnrtbcaalkaer peayer and riji jicu aua now rtaarrted aaaaa- fo lboh all the io ot his kindred mtefil aatf thonrh death bad atnacft froen him tarrrd isl iho dear there wu one who bed truly a free ir awart and ever would abed ailb theysnf tfawsss f w ba now t tad iftmt wabhi tbecaiaataf pus flood but i looked in vain r tawrhfflv claltei reverbejuted tbrougb ahoaoumn quiet 1 turned away heart siclt but oc it went t ll seemed as if il was proving tome with eajh sccaaavjthc tdunudio bitvu fev art over wild ajid unlophisticalco wae 4 ijyt not a eruat pity that in tie psograsa f ovcrrut noigreat good of any aetouqlceo he obtained wilhenleviljmdntoinjury bath national and domestic iook at ihe histbr of dejisea aauans at the present day llo have they introduced their dogmas jtcr is it wilh the olive rjrttrth of aeo nr lh can nons mouth civilization the aria and sciences pnd humanity ihelf have bcfh taught to unlions tribes ond casts by rtaurpn- tion cruelty and death nay iho uible the charter ct iinrfrarily na ycvhnj beeiv preached at tho uayojistv point aidtovoat friendship have been jntrodirflh not by jh- worm ombs ace or ifo friorjjlyilvlijjij the clash of swords andttfus04juajigt strancu thifuumnwi anaaftnira u lb- aad srhei poriabed was ihii mhty heart stilled stoca oh sad iis to break from iho laio- wa bnra eaw rbed that lored ua as frtendt and reaiaisel dot ibesv dnl while we lafnentrar cjtssiwtl wahwadi and trilh the wiw eyieof capaw oer him isk wi csrhsh a htfpc sbfijrht pulie orruanav wabnvw that be shsoaot toecve ihosj anrasj tvourhutadtrb trtvorieaaaavijatfv bk head and the voice af onrrajtarojfioe 0 hoanad in lho iraapvi yet ihc anjels of god hell watch oer hwafl yualtsfaa aball andtbebhbtsursofrcavcnitlominaf and iho strife of that epiril wilh ertts fj cease xo ronfor it mourns rw opprcesloo easroaf j fut ithabilathehftleyon remo of peace 7 la thai very fs laio ft here oo mortal nsay know f teefmmthc thicsa bright ekansrt wasassmtofi cmjictcil by aiieii and borno un tbe wind ll bears hit n in jay never eodiag aid katc hot iheesskeiofennh rsora aaiiifta so minelrel ersaeao thy oaolodsotouoabasv r and wmlbo o sci aeoenl a aofl uy ejtora for tfoassasss ihtgh aow ua hie grmvn only loutbers 1 in itaok0 of tbo traaipol shall umbras andhisawa inraf erin few fans of uwscaau aaajeasujy break folh fieea be der ssfaa ttnier 10 rasrd by oieio cemimtliaft out rihtn iriuuipuftrt l tricmk turn bar tosu onrcrivin irls oounlvjr are u laturiant nd i4oiniiag as they haa beesfin aasstea son for ihe last fcyearti ihcy oob beaulifiil and pruspeious eondiliotu tfcs i hs a most blooming and the sp wheat are the taaie al pratriljksu s ktrai rii lyof naw bearaull aftavsum li iiiii of nsw potatres ara aiw wwft srem fiee from divesse nutwllrwrtrndlnf ths pmsperiuseondiilotof lbs etwua ibtra kavsf heeq some ears of wheal brghhm aboul- otes llrijjie nnd israrst olhsr ptaoftw hl imtoany eonildoftbu siltol tbe tuju luf vhuh htd been eswrldtrebiy tsl btf ihewslntta of lha majon ii naas i of lha ifaaoni tivim lbl pt in la rrtelr rtnantlltts in tialsj thin ea in fact tip totsti mmaal ner yeera in fact ihe wealhae haa bee ilftitf i sin mi up all luiha imtiaf uillleli