tt whig jsjnmsuud hkmnwkekiy h wdjirjht in it imnnuy drnlytf atewrd johtj bamttr bl 0 t at the attlknaum aqm gtmu rt dour to far lamhtmi ifmm h enwo f aimnrir paidta aafaia noraapor dwsiaiihued until arrvarwfcu 0ft ptw utiles al ihc oeiiuu of 111 pulljk jajemtieur sn liram and under 3 0u iimu and tl rsrsh uhrmenl irnlin i oil vinrtio ton irne 3 4d fwl mart ivsu and loii o vuaasfuuctil iiacrtt bneolcii hiet 4ll art t5 tv rfo flri inprrlkn 0 pef u r fi r eaarh jto inrtloo advcrtlacarenl wilhowl specjfia dinction winch orm io be in wrilin- nrn mettled until firftnd end cborcid ccrjinrlj- thallaivan ivniubrtn uretn cendin toflltweit 0 ijrevnl will lit iltngl yl dvorljsnhit 0 any prrlfll wiialftoevcr iuor lo w fnalpij le tt and general advertiser for canada west ii opifeh per orbem dicor m vol- xvi kingston canada wednesday mottning august 20 isix no cs iness directory james powell ironmonger a wirrj manurociorcrrndcctfi street khlgtn the british american hotel haatb dalcya by j iltttftsoff kin wft canada wtttrt ftf s3tbffib wall furrier halter bract street ktiitthi fur mail opir wtalir on iho shortem notice for of crrjry jjcriplinn bought anj sold winoden tailor cc opposite tftrwvitliairi wilirtin weilinrm slrtttl ml wqrk in liu kuw executed with neat iqii dispatch w drummond grocer h spirit merchant weuiflftwri 1 b katler coach borliicrs zm cmiijo mkm pnncew sue hkvaptocl cormicki wholesale rrin wtfteisijmute3t prinr5i street kingainn ganca saarsmacdonaldcampbell isteruc auuroejsat low pnnceoa jobtf a maodomalp j alexander campmuf iamea mcmmanrteher of muic piaoo fthiea toned aumreas jvm mchill ayioieer isnnsoil carev general icwpwiin ladcommwioo mcrcjiantsm broad sirert new york ttarb canadian drawback law qxlando ware commission ldnjufti nd general a no 105 wijcrsitwt new york- bacdonalds hotef late stone oppotile the cjtj baths king street toronto- francis v carey m d surgeon accoucheur c c aow- edward stacey merchant tai- icfrmftrljr opimwite kc montreal baok jfi iflacfcifltan sailmaker ntf harjli baildih onurlo strict- a 1 ealesj puinter gwier hqp rijeaa street achowhs tin smiths rr smhhi and tin vlaio wofictsj harveys surgery ence sireet obe door bluw ibn kftf british nurtli amciica a wj 10 1s iff t cnbioel maker oud ar bdonlre1 slrrct kingston jbtjencnl atortmont or the latest tyte fvnatore consumly on hanj and for fcooliberol lorn8 0 land for sale jvv acres of land for jqfj sw in iho township of fioymoor newetftdo tfimxku leinjlol no 17 ttd 18 in the 9th concession 40 arm of which arcclenrmi nj ha larp log house anil a frame darn 3otfcctby30 outttouses d and ll mifrrod ft will beridinooe lilockorin lot to suit pnrchin itcivtf mojeraic fof particular ap iauavlb4os lr bjletler prwt paid 4 j b oeahv toorfnjdrieie iw7 49hrif asdngwtiirx express t allen co 1jtill dcfpatch one of the firm to jt kevvtork every week mkini rihetrip between kingston and new york rim repilriy circumstances will prfdll all prco cotomitiora and mersogcs iretob6 left with tiiesubflcribcraicreorfi avhtrf- v eowaro harvey 493m bid0lm june 18 lst nottce allpprjontiiumiled loth eute of ihr jtte arriiulald mcneil esq of fate briracrounli in miiij either tcjlh ooot the onderirried tmr- michael mccabe of nipance jnd all thote havia claim ajaint ihc ruuir yjj prcscri thrm with pnr oucoentotbe j j rn c partlea 0 r wm c one of tlw m samuel clattk thomas downer 5 extuton john a macoonald diiifl aili my 1m7 3n j ick 1f n alexander tqiegs fetpcctfullr lo inrorm ihe in- jj ibitanti of kingston ihal he ii pr- phrtij to fnmhrea every morning frthdir own icaijence with ire the qnsriry- girtn wiji u from 14 u 20 ibo twijittfnrlirrifcin wiiur litflnlhri huhcs nuaciijalliiy will be otmcrved ftidrjery oruorn lea at mr robert mo- t clreoi will meet with prcynpintienuoo jy h- a- ttieslblf opportunity to in- rifjp bit ftiefltf the public tht he irlll conrtnuaio manufacture hii ctflebra- icdstoucfton bitiehs niboitlee h i id oaen champagne bottld cldeoj tsfl por joaon kinhil7tjmtm8n vlli fresh groceries at thfi cxxt storb cobner op king 4 princess streets kingaton wholesale and retail tiikswbkfiberfeowomitifti fton mo trel and ne via ilkir 5kiq uyptj ol frcj teas snjjftr coffees frnils luqrx htrie j- a hh m of tlm ftprjmx itffcponli nd on iwtna will b fd j ywt x lftr in kcr than nnr vti oftrfj vi ukrt tho filwiaj comjpi rrt of ttu n teas loobovea yunc lly rariowiioliiiea co tuny o 5 ou ufm j cno 20edjweil6h iko do 5 bt gwpwdf do 20c glu ilo i 5 cttrstt mkhnff fjond 3fedjkboblor soochofii fi flwour sugars lohbdi dichi prfto rks 10 ycfe vlilsankl 4 hd rofied tst coffees 4 jr tobaccos y bc carfnaa 16n 10 lloacjdcw sx tttpefior 10 n do da 5 1o chcwinf 50 uvt cvt llonofdow pwed fuc chomoj 20 jn soperinr mcecabyy snou s ki scoicti molasses liquors 3 hd oifm mnjldlv 5 do nrftleani omftd j do kouoi ic kojpet 2 dn do 20 bmfc smrtvfon hnpo whukgj t hltov hvftlv port 5 caf do do nbyttlc 1 lfcd taytur xmckirm scm do do idboiilrt 2 orpo wikctru win 2 hbjovhm wine 4 eaaecurii ttl julim m04a fruit 100 boxrmoealh rit 50 drurttifvmnfirwoijerl 50 jinct uoicpnjrw 5 ba- rlberu- fro ii du wlnji 5 do soct shell atrnofld sundries 4 troo rieo 10 6w po tutoj jo brnsuretn 10 do ff blae 1 cue indic 1 cbficara 2 boidgnd cioflimor 4 bp pepper rtmoiilff 1 box common do 13 uorot lcenoo strop q srprin do 6 prftptr siee pkklra 4 0idt salad oil 20 jartmottald lvt 0i nroom 10 m vbikf 4 koaalcmtn 10 umxrt knox 0 wih a tartorr or atlicko ui u urecery uae iihj fiurornjj lq lcftuoav thomas hendry co kioctonjone ii 1847 for sal r fresh teas sugars coffee tobacco fruit and other staple groceries ltjuor glass tcarc sfc cj rphk tncriberi are receiving cj offer x forre i hhrfi miucorado ar wbbl do i hhd fcfitd oaf do 5 mio cuba molaaie 75 rwlf bw ymo lljwn tea aoe and fcuddlinc s chtrtw ou uywno m 30 rlfcnoki mwtwiinky do 80 pcke nuekten scncboi fouchocr rid 0npn 10 bij r coffee 10 vwftct nlddfl uo boiei mkue dh r-u-0- 1d rmr 70 bciicitobno anilic tion c tcndi 5av8v a loxandnafrod 5 m trinripe iml lttnn cirw jo erutii cli 3 bar uw 12 di aartd pukle ad orer ab tef- per saoce 20 boiea latidon sufrh 10 rfpcrm conjw 50 dot orn broa 2u true 7 1 9 gorotao botf iaa m0 dnx pead llttleand puln taaftmuilj 40 bollka iaoan ittk 15 bbuno 1 llerncin fod eoudiltmi maotlu bed cwd rnn twoe i lamp d taper md o6fw maielno logvmd voelo rjand nuridrj other c-rk- atao 20 ewki eod voeaf 30 kec morwoa stf ratnff ocnae brandy jmaic ram and ifollaoda gkbrtbehlulor qufte cak- ao 150 bol itirrer fcfjnurr co do frtah eieftd water lame onondiimealleoambltj ou land s00 dem hajr rakea ompiiant it watt xrmn r ktn 7 not ick the subscriber baring tikes en lieeiut art anctioneert ukea th metbod of irtformint hii frieodi nd the pathic thil he will be mot hippy to lltlfjfl jih cajh va that brie and ihar caay be aalired or ilricl flltealion to all orjfra and ptioctoalit iohiohioiorer ibe proreed of satr niflflh to him- all older left at the oface cf mr hnh caldrr ooroer of oftutm tad brock stteeii will be thinklujiy rceitrcd and ponctqalij john clots v4yeforr klupaw in june 1s47 if- bed bug poison aceatain andeftolrerndy fardevtror- in- bed boooa ppetion wll dcviroj all iieir ef and prttcnl anj cwn of ibca ffcbt0 iunr- prcparod too sold by robert barker jtarj itra mreci kitoj puce u and 2a cd or bviik ciibat and luow rich this h lprft hie- arnret frinrrtonf v mn ny r tbc li4roe denlor in v 11 o tin time and they bae eiiivd hie incl hamewt imhhilitii on tltf tmity mcfobaal ithrtil n ft tmrifcti itvf nrrei in tliatrui trade la ene anl k ibkln tka co vi pa x v elm hffcwfr t il ialmtaeijoo tjler cf llir 6rat a raw ibe imimer vt jcfio 01 arbteb 11 im inaeribcd tle atmpv wfj pure tkas at uosbst prices cotpme retvhlln baa oeh lire ertnaeuewee lhciaomcrf t afr hcee iwk at what be tue dne lat w aw ll fir to atftd llcm tea lhai vied l lc ruued le rd fr innn ufirc 2nd wo jioko drill haul fllic market a rt xrowlotnf irawi anl llrojt4cd a belle eaa of teaa than b yet tret lce jd lioforiera nf tea ffn rne t o t c uacie own iho and cor lhir monda tl outiitca ihey ran find no whrte te 3id wc hae rodoeeil rieaa more tlan 8s oor eentbndi in black and meentoaa thawlrtk jc crvoca y wo art roltin tkc tralo ami call ualiudikoe tk wc hate dno a1rody ftftd now e irbat we oro ready in dts 1 we will aell teaa by le alngle cbeai half- elieat x 1111 botf at the n prieea that wf1c- ale toeeni pay iihpvrten wben tley biy by hie hondred naeker 9ad tjk livle erncet llw only 13 01 at nwm uhah ian to the hinvueal tu ewl wo will allow in moaf inrtanco 15 nd 16 h lire on ibe anoe 3rj wc herehy ontlctake tnn eteiy kind of tci ffotn x toittrtrt ctntr frtf woaj f4ratfnt titan the wfrokiv 5ocer dev ho can wc do urs ak tbo eooniry rocr- caant thiiogranwcr wo are eonimt witbaer- en p mm nhk inncidof 23 and so per cent o la wnaiknhu jcroccr wo dvjtfrto the tjmok nl tlio aaavttry mer diaiha from caring them herrftcr fni beiuff clteatefl 1el tltrin eik l tbo wsprvir f the pek1n tea company nd coraro aam cnf tea ibey ei euewbore and if ifbajr boy lena tbett ai hib prke rt 1 their own coru an gnlil i inpotlce lately boavicd in uaiw ha 0o1d trtake moo mony by eeodinc bad tea to xew yrik market than on rrd tea- wa era rcaolvcd lo ofenhrov hh faod and now call or aeenl io etety btwn in the united stmea tncnen fcwardand inty the tea import ed by iho pbkin tea company and we pledge noraetie iliai if in ttx irwtnih ihey ev rt aehmorotaa ihao the nldral and taravt dealer i ibe town wo will gite ihom nor too withool chart thi ia plain rliai and cano le rfia ondvertond we arpr umbo j tt- the ini- meroo aucceaa of a atoia in any pan of the uaitcd jiutc- tt aftmu araofeat f trtry iw0 ae 47nif- ff ooreaartae iaear tea if warn uey can ouae iry af efer a 6evif rae poaftr 61 fe aorr orrkfr catalogue of teas on at rut waaenoth nf ma pekin tea company 75 fvfa strttt v- y ao thcteaamcnivnned in ihi cataln0 are d4c 00 10 qoailcr pound talf rond ond one- ppond pack a g 10 firrf or ioaido wmpprr i wad tbo aeoond wrapper n watrento pp r and the tbtfd or oulido wppe ia of 0 iee pa- por fs company aell none ttt t toaa dnnc on vft tb orka tnanne all f ibnm gmwn the nxah 1ioiani dki- in china tuntiy dealcaanay aeleel aa i a quantity nf each kind a ihey like nod liaeo ibeoa oarked in at cheat thetcaaauoene in nre w cfc ncaa packacaa lrd miatlema a ey eonrem- eit fanciful ond pitaltlc ahap feea nj retulm in any part rt ibe lmtl stole canada can order any 0 uk tea in ihiacataloeoo bv leuer in ajiaanlilin b ami lnr wiahea wc pch them m linec liim unl dr jiver tlietn tn ike rvwardinu lleflova eharec f ckn and errie atioold alwaya accompany the order green tba youxtiljyonpv d awent j 00 v di d fai du fine rfi do du riea ru do silver ixaf sitrtr ffshdrtm anw qieti byuje doiler becawm nt llc vey nh prjlt nude on 11 ale th ia a eery aoperant tm jo do gi1av cjiop puntatinor gitn towti t tio gtd y anl reen tea colt vntcd in china it i nf ihe firat pickine and carrda all other crvctta or ha vhocy n flatntf ifoana and alrenjlh iirctoro 1ht tea haa oerer roacbed wrnt onmity except in email lot ao prcaenta o impntera hysox very fine m d nnuiraa fiionlh cunpowdptt fil do pcw do aaiallloaf runllion imrfirial chj da beijt and fraprnn dft emomo caf eir aiipcthjr uysonskixcoml fine flarar do do ratra fine black te foucuoxg food fotl flaror ovi nc elo eery aufawhw sounnoxg ed f enm fine i ootong atmn flo ftftc ih dafaathiteaiicreat faronte onieemal ttaciinn do eery fino do in oat pnond and half pmvtdcuya cauaftno 00 75 ne plus ilnta w n pfo fftro the tea in a frafftani and rrtaaanoactay it yidda a pet fo mo thai u truly delightful it iaof garden eowib and aajfotiortaaay tbioof tbo kiod ever jd m ihfooowntr- exgustl dbeakfasttea fine 00 oi avi ralra fine 00 nowquasmxnjreanli rtrh huek tea pekoe llivot congo fd d eery fine m pckobfloweksr- do do garden cmwlhw a rcatdee iho awwe we eipect china emml aplcndid rlrtp ff tea imcortrd by iho pbkix tea company ond which wo intend to envyrighl lo preecot trickery ul oor agent a c ready recommendations heretnforo t hi bnei rery difficutl indeed a fit free fiom tlie umiwy 0fi 3 09 m 0 pt oo 75 oo 371 t 01 on on 1 75 nn 75 00 23 00 75 1 00 i 25 no n 00 oj 00 38 h 110 ti rt0 3a lt so 00 0 ami cive 00 63 0 61 31 00 50 m 1 w daty fmaa m m- -y- uban c lihf hhh 1 1 waci tco hul nnw 100 hae mify i t room of the pek0 tea cmnpany 1s nt 7 fat- toa atoat in oocaiibi 0ucimm arj fragiiint tea aa you ootid wiab 0 aiiy bin wchaeinediioteaatmprid by the pckm tea compiny a 77 fjin trei new yorti and if we lira will tryihemften- they orcotl liny bo liioat drhowoa tea wo er drank and retail ibeo i wliucaab prieo ivreai for the snct apceimeoa of and waek kaj rv re aold n lhia coon re arc mfkl by j iv- kaoteacoaajaanyjavlt futtwi treet ivoe who mbj fund ieaa ai noc prior ran at- iraya etx than ibt tml u a woan to faieaa the pekin ten cxn pony 73 c 77 fojtnn tieei hv mpnrird inkt thit marbn avieno itoonl dllam worth of the fineat cr f green v5 utek 1va c tlte celralial empire dvmc m 1ic roo- fancy naekafe thai chinec inennriy ran inrent it a pritrleco in boy leo at una creal eiaw hbnenl and laioro and comfcrt hr drink tlwrn they acll food lm rf1y and reuil ihem ol whnteeolo price onry nelanl whi rih to olwayaaell pwd fea can ixryr 0ratnaj rhrm at lhia jce uf ieahiablo kla- avie for cooreotfrxr7oir- hat jvkin tcl c0foiny 73 6a 77 kuimi st arc fcrfnmim 4 ajtiat and nj wru d witu in a tvw y afo uvfl all dunm diie almi- kr leiim whirli luv 1il 1 ip eoontry iinl kfrrodrj nu avt if um arliclr o ft cf lv hitrkel lkv ititpirt rwilo llt ore avt frat e and ttttti ilrm hy leinliw tl nhr- ajle ert fvni t t tiuij akcuf omi pji ii at lhia reit lr wr irviitc iai oiat ti aoit ili rite4iteiioa onj l ilia nc p tat tin ukieluol uyl itto bnihaell aain ditty tiutsm fie ootv pi ik ta 1tic pekin t forwarding notice rhony 73 a 77 fnhhi trcvt avpl a doheo ooloi tva it oj cnla per pom coofa af tva arhobrtv lti pmyinau ln0ina pmind rpr lh if tic e urn rrnralcd to canpnr wilh the ataato oiaj jnlc fu 1lenvlvea wh h lire lxi- if ynii cn boy n uner lea at dilliaf per pinj thn ji hare been eoliin ail fdnufna ynn will be itttlted tu oa fnc via iititff treihoyoun lfvao aij at thi ral tea euwuhnient at 73 cen it u better ina onvthm of the kind wo have ever hooht e wltere at uno dow gvmwtrnt ancerfiaer if any of ir rcadeiv derire lo haeo fjoadw they awn lablaifvil of th iv kin tea compay 73 v 77 fnln atrcctfereare tiia pckk tea cnhear we rtfy cht fully en i the altntvn of all 1ven m poo aa frafral 7 bth iutan and country tto fieil tea wrehoe f thi cornjiany oor tc arqoatiilanee witli tho pripriet enmo oj tapk fr then the entire confidonec of the pi tic wc ifotr that ihciric h in orality on pice arc all that ia hated vf them mann lover of iliii frafraati herb haa loon eompetle cache w live dmkm vf too in enntoqeenee iti injnriuo cttveta ontij nl loar lb he haa becve hf wi of finjii anino any nf the impo varirtw of tea in our market a kind triiicli d not oeh jn cncet in this rmwerce aijch ama witl he aeenbly dianppoiiited the pw tcj conminy have commenced the impohrn nr chnee rjtirlir iif garden tra of rrnt-i- emu flacor eoliiraud ond picked with care kb hare hat nerer been itrvdoecd int f coontryetepta prcacnu to imporrera anwr ihce ihey have n oivnjf mild aiephyrnd frayam a itiae which wc hccntly reenmrnod to aii peraima it rtferf opn many of thoae r hare tiled it hwcit ij make tlm eoorrrn4 ea drinker lad who lavo iiacd it ey il lhay nerrr wfnro drank tmch lea uuc all taaa can inve be vutlcd wilh llw grcal ode antafe rr mbcra i rttti pore article at nhojeak pew jiiwrrcr atimll tlie mianlilr llie compare watcbottcwal 73 at 77 f0k00 atrect 0m jwa tea the pekin tea company nov 75 tf7 fwlion miori unaiionaue aett tho bealna taporled into lhia market that they aell trm cheaper thim any other elabtihmcnt it ct proied in n tlawuaaod ioataoccn inco ihey kre uiicncj their aoee wo would adviae our fend id call at thi place and if they dwl wih lor at leat t ubiain a liillc pantplilet kept nnttir cvontcr coiiikd mint lo tea urinkertnd trapfcftom learn o little oeful inforrnatn onttat runjret- the imptikt i frroo tfrof jotf 0 ctfmineree wedrink green tea and fcr pamy yearn ire been paying uno dollar per pound for h 04 lhank l the pekin tea company wo ftuw e a better lea fron them at 73 em trr amend we drink one fond per wiekby weli we aro ow nrm thmtreq dollar per year and rmhppwig hticr lea in lite bargain tvunmenj va iie pekin tea cnmpanyaoy we v-vrar- ynai may be aore of obtaining n all lime ore and liiiu fl iwfd ie- hy tlie inu ponj l wlmvnlc peer nl the pam tea coanaont73 v 73 folfna teec ivy hie aeaibawev ureat lth and ffetei variety wf siwv md black ta of nnyctabltsmeni io i be i nd ftiare they arc dnin o targe botnew and a jreat uncfit io cononceof if- ait lerehv ilin- a ce nolicc that uafsl new and u t iroei st earner emerald and oregon nttm ttc onion kailroad are raw in 0ictalion and 4jin a under steamer emerald capt t cumtxo upwanorleaeec aylmcr crery tienav f7itjrjtfy utvl faliiriiwy at oclock a h 1 downwauds learca the kailroad imme diately after the arnval of the car from tin jteamerocejcon and arrives ot aylmcr aj i oclock km stea5ter oregon capr t atilluko dowkwaarx lfrbfte portage dv foil erciy tutukfr 7noroviyatid 9ufuriiutf at alfjial g omock a m tctiunin leave union village immediately after the arrival of the car from the mcamcr emerald roth boats loucb at all lojmin- place en roofc each way thcr alo qire notice that no freight will be received on board ihcir sieainci if not property marked mai wayuillej and not after cjcrcn oclecfc p fcfj at aylmcr on hie nigltl previouv to sailing any corning lo hand after thai time mint remain in store rmtil the enfginj trip they do ibis to pre vent property being looely and careleasly thrown on board by owners without dilloe markonteqocnlly noi entered they witl not he rcinoiuible for any pro perty wiihorjt being duty entered and i receipt granted thos cuming 4pft union forording company aylmrr in joty 1s17 lake onta rio u kditne and pnliiaher of nwpapc io ilic tmud staler canada weal idie at wl n e va the above 13 rnao fi in ther f peeiirc jnitrotl includinf thi notice wtl be paid fo the amn 111 any tea ihey may cle ktpleet fraaai tho anove caulor otlhc anoea ihcic kimotd and by ihcir porchaainf cf ibe cvopma tn- iho amount of their bi viich lliry tre at liberty lo dipo of aa they plcvat panera who atiirjwi mutt drvt cvpw a4ef iii the jcjh vvd comavny 7a jc 7 fuitm trrt near vrk jt3i fresh teas for salk by the suenlr ol hi slre whero cawor ymtiy 6ever mna be obtained at low pricee- arnl tltetxaaac fine impcail ow and vomf hyam tranky ovinavnaf fooebon pekiio uoapjder eec- in clret half clicau and cadihej with a variety of stn ficklcf soiee rrvoaoa nod vllotr article io lhia iiqo iano mcrable william mairri maikci seuur kinjjttoo jooo 23 1917 8 chooljeoks just received at the atheneum book store thi fijjiaoiug school books oston academy ic b olney gcmjraphy and alur ktrkham grammar do klxiiin ii walker dictionary piimoek5 goldtmith england the royal mall line of steamera wiui leave kingston for toron to every afternoon sondar excepted lj vk oclock preciaelv toocjiint at cobthf poet hrctc weather permittine and returning wj javo toennto for kieinn tobclimf at iotcrmediaio ptt every may snndoa eieaptxdj at one oclock i at prectfely aaaiil iho igth september and from lac 1 0th septeraher lo tbo cltf0 of tho 3caoo al taretee nom ifi t ateilrurtsotrnretatlvronjirx lr fr co from contact wilhhtck riant u iwoe aro enowed on board the moil line rl mail office toronto- jvly 0 jo47 fluish importations of rvines liquors 8tc comjriing nn assortmonl of fine onrl cmnmon wines i jiiior c wholesale and ketall at the stwc of the soacrtbor north corner oftbc market square kmun wines fane old prt hunt v snihrnan port uuekbotn madeira ec co madeira pate 1 cjnw jslierfica llrown r- p tcnerillc chaeaudeticjctrfillvclrel jrape dt ke drandychampafnav xty fme lrt old cn pale broody liolhnda sehcidam jamaica spirrit fine pole drandv in bottkav ron- genuine aenteh whukey canadian wluakey with a tmiety of liqoore toiumo tor iho aeaavavehao fine anocnyrua riwrrrsvrop lemm r dec te for sk be william j martin makct srjoare do do io rome ctecec jnc sib o to the lovers of the wcejd william martin iters f sate wliokaalc or rrtnd akioient of llavanoa prineipe pnatcla and mipet ciotaa of the cbotccel brand aiav r- iin ilaaeydew tortk a rem lie choice nt faehewinr pn rico and torkipli toaaccwav mikrt sqvare kinnnjone xm lands for sale- tiir subscriber have the fejinwin la in the mimland district fortjfl south j lot no 1 in the 3d con pilubtn m acre nj 10 inlhe7lbcon richmond 0 ac soolh im no 3i if the 7lb con camd lflfl acre weat j lt no is in hie lib con he bee llm crc ll no 9 ftli 0mb olden j00 4ere l01 no i ib con cou acre cumminoni macim1vkll kindlon jnnecoth ia mkch vmos institimov all piemklxs bavin ranfce in tly paeajan helon-ir- tmhe liuary ofl intlimlion are rejooted lo return them to lihrirlaii forlhwilh kv rder of ibe fnmmitter oi manam j pktkjt lmom kington jpra 14 ko 5wv kineton i7lh june im7 ahs f evfv avi plii may be bao t s s ii11 vvx mote to farmers alberttoongs metamc c01ls1mungtoot11 horse rake commenda iielf nih only i former who have level farm but to thoao uhneoltivaie the rojcjjed hiha bociuae it will rake cleon on rough oorven and nny ear face that ennh be nked by any other tlorae rake in uoe iiaea a rcit h 0 of he nvo tiwn uuw ncccawarj tt eeoinj hay it alao aavra inoch of uic lone oaolly devnicd i raking which may be ocdin mnwinf u hie ordinary exertion oacd at the anjtoeh if j lower ttn acre of made hay an beacearcdin is m note it enable thehvilo tlirir accoatoned noniber of hand in ecore their hav cnp m much ka tone and rnoch rooe of it ffwjt raia ne smersvi bain putehaaed iho patem andnecaene ihcj orruee 0 ra tight ro aara on rendthahnvc rakealar a relate in thr midland anej prince kdward irialnrl wz hium irv pobte and eapeeially the ftraiee l aaad iwrku that be i now havimr from 600 t ihooof atid rakea manoftclnred by memra u ker nod lrtb at napanee which wifj bo ready fi deli re v in tone ihn cnaoint barrem we h a aample of aanl kako will bo frf wafow n the piu 1wu and vilufro in bmli litriei before lite end fmay whenjariie will hate an ppolioily to namtnc and leave ihcir order for the iamc- joiin d prixtile relleviltejoly im1 p s l ioitca left with hie pmprielrf n ndlevihv nr the mitofactorci m napaneo will be at nelly attended 10 notice the subscriber begs to arqutkt m fricnu ami the fuldic that alilionclt lie ba ilinhctt of inn ltlackinith shop tic ha not left kingaion nor doe lie inlcml to lcave but thai all rnjert ivfl nl iho 1 hack t m 1 ill shop or at lurf rcai- jencc next door will lie punctually at- unuvj lo a usual thomas paul k ttttmfg 5uv kmpltwk junc is l7 u a fuilitarv tikis in a vtt a liitlietm aene rvd tv ttthr dr in xnilioiy i rattr wh an t r llanatm ia in cm uf cimi rhii 1 j vref pserp- iturt my emavy an adrmi he aari f il 1 wilt trtihh lh leatm iwrtf tvtivm mtnj thirtly oir iho it1iicncn 4 a lmi in e hliy wioe ir the tfjreal fivdriil fttr 4 drink and tutpti jui catt- chm oth ttw a im rju crutow jui it cm- mthciftiiriti hl t nrf imciab if irdty lt1 pa4dy iiatediheeuiimf ilijuitdiatene4hielkvka wtcuhaijricj uu 0100 mi t riiu 4 wib of ignited hhenr eminrichd oarki of ptnortrti man raatiuktlima ninth were ufriulolcly jm to nrilnena o w lf s be ifnianid eteivy lively at the ine tiimf etamarc hi ihtartl in a frcmied intnaffifmf ik pirtd wk frlh cam nitii iho eieer f a wmnsrd hle then aud- denle rerivcrin ihe ve of hu apeeeli h jivied och morilei hot la ne it all over wid me mnw v 1 lvjnr cne lhratal the crowd ihatlmd aobored amojnd bbnv udm fune pvo nnlliincd him u tfnty si- patrick rc wllwed him v r and what tle dmco rai yec wflonrl v m a vnake aarrorlbermj oi i talkrfrlysv ptock prulect me sure then t ec inde a mi iq yrmr dinner f amdafita sber anntv otifw la fun thtn ayrn- pnlhy wfiilr ahool of mina led laojhler and in- etedolitv fdktwed in mkfh eren ihc x r fcrer eovtd lurdlv rtfidto froin rininjr ifot araortahve omnioqiirrdaaympatliii ins mjtvido j when llo chii obatavd atire m vo my i hy tw bwaed pnwer ye dvint tloik id bo hfwaibaffuio dead i alire a it and dtdn be jomp d ene tvoit in piio o mc teeth i tlien ehpouvr hi haml t ha stomach he eicl aimed t ex lmes ltcaaenrmtnt now uh bvwly sl pjtiiek 1 iohy dnjn yo oviycrwork entirely and kill the anaae in thi moriheriafi coooiry ti ll1p he will bilo ihc tfrndeaof mc oil faurly mw f i tip mor- lljer fire r and papr put detracted iry fur col inwccjpribn a cam an the at a war daba tul int ito quiet naio roliarncd another low ih inil know it wa ke j how oxa i know itt t uido i i fala him wtfehn hi tale nli ivwiy saint rklteer mo a tamcrolcnt hilm iceiiemin hefaouzectted thjl it imcbl paawly 1ca iii or pcrhtpi an eel tnd remarked that there qflght f 1 be a filter allach ed to every hydrant m the t ity a tbo vntoff wa full af all wrt vf nnitnileidu etc fe it a nn ail icwtcd a hndman catching at the idea ilike rta an nit row lor a phalter and yell catch the raacal prmtntly a filter a filler i w the fcoeral cry ron mike lor a filter wilhnal pnuainf to inqoirc into iho feaaibility of ananjt the article in qiieabon foe iho porpoe daued tho por diatract- d ane of erin atartcd witl urn iteod f a racc- hore it tlae cdkce in uiolahr jinm l ii- no of llcbeiandminilowiiidow poorahcr nerr oeatinj fvunl a whit dye call vm p crilheroahmc fran tieahy into the eauhtithment a nkc ejtelwr fwr the liv nf a nekctateher oh imwly st pirlek j- hecou tinued naichin op one aod ajityinj itonoroti cally to hia lipa como out wid you yo tbraf o lie world my cnud fctlnw aaid the tonu1ed an of diardmftm uhaio the matter wrtli ymr maohcr ia it int erylhm the metier lic cot n ait m my belly oeh hohaboo holu- boor an eel hnw cane an eat ynejr atimach f and ditnt iho rarmmtyimp intomymnmh witheat tme he ver v r r n tlioltewil uetarrrcreiawoavernato eervtjo mn h- hihp uul my man that wnnt o yo any j1 il ahwd hat heen attached tho hydrant and ihenyoomirhl have dnk with peraeel aafeif and l it caieh hioi now p naked mike in a pireou fn lornutr haat a ho drofved the inwronient id dcapair of couac utt how hirtiim ooh mmther wliat wiilticeoinoof me clainaed mike with an truly painful tw be- hohl cot a ankdoujer fiahhavk ahootcd a waj from ihr cowtl ron for a oetorr aid another ond a atomaeh ponp tin torhm wa inaienlly mtowed ami be tart d or a dn tom near hf the npwtbecay however applied an einelic owtedof tho pomp ond the or fcldtw after ai dent retchin catcted a lively btoek eel about m mche1tnc oubwly su patrick heoieuinkderpo- rknetne iiumedeotr rclif why didnt ve mkc clano kork ov if- and kill the ail a well hore and ihey re lint cajin l the wicket narpihta devil n dmp water 111 ite drink aain ia thw beed country without a anako catcher on my intmlb f and with aowlry mther reaolutim which avoou liare aliieked ihc ctr of a tempemnco man piir mike pale and irrmbhns wiih evhauatioo reloro co to hi work spuit of iar time jith if ymi if 1ere bv one anton- o m tl eilia waiiao niconl n nv irlttcd riavt c hid a ljrl it imatoeaalele n he lav tvh4jywrliid u in niiafy ftc tkn 3141 y rooetcd hy hc wive and cd irwo rtota 1i1- utrtorea f a fi idly c mjwraiacc s lb oaarlifioatoia f rrpciwdtr lljeeetpa fruawmanibha lit chhuvi lhii lch j lhiwc4 iv 1 1 a i yvo are hitir4 jnl inkk 1m0 al vm will 2 urthanth and any th palnr vo wdl tvl w 1 hk mar riff baae iif i nn ti m a vavimviry wcihaclenar aaredeaicd nn adjw c c b raw creat neat f he rui hit ovbtvta hjjh joj dk eredlot- earai ii vare dwhwieat awmtrtoj taj sun poa o arifl ec p y ua aeancer m yn 1 ue an tevuutim b eafhivaxo is it let in- aajll y u roend out if yaj dit d rt yw ih to tlav tnmii will beatrvwai ofrlli ibonar yu wi1ih ji rr awj fajfn the breoblr tor children will die with hie drcnlcry yvuavjvc will ne vnr enjif thebletfmo uf health onee catted vti mtiik pert whom ihc dic tor dey aired of 1 akrd hivi if he hid midi lilapeace withhii mle ifeaiid he hi j agoared i ciqoind if he hid bnrgtap alt kaaeaauiana he rc yc i tlvn i if 1 r 1 10de ht kcc wih the rninkr lie liinvj fo a ntmvnt nd and helhutmh iwcd him avunrllnn idtc tw dol lar ond fifty e ni which boa aubve paid befcr he lud farewell lo the woelil iwjaain wa immedmlcly raiitteil and fn u iv mont bcovwllm r nv io r he 1 itiwliyore in the enjiviikui uf jeic witti nia e cwit tr nc4 hi fjd ml the nnrlx l t lw brant tie ypi my frrnjpitinirt the primr l ikl pay tiik printer if ye behmemvofirmhlmcn coye andjtpar tkc parvraa 3tr llearaa t tlier nre imnr aeemiarui fie in tbi world which yo ire apt aa overaaok 00 account of their unonimaneo ihe nrfleet vf which baa phjnfed lbmanda in the doepcat mire of imaery and unk ihair eharaciera laaa ineairi ca ble degradation aenoo- theao tnflo that of neleetms to pat one honet debl ia tho aaoat comatao and attendad with tho wont eoic qveneca it lakeamtall the eilken forto of tho fine tliread of feehnu cioate a a ut eataao- ihmpc coldnca about h10 beorikim vlf nil ua cream that chance to rivo on hie mdk of feoc- roaiiy and make ana bvh yagely opm bia brother man o dwa a 4 hpna wio of hw nn tpceie while cortcd tli imtifyinc janfvy- ment nf catin hi inakva dinor i bavo at war olmrrvrdi thut bo who owe a mm a dollar i uro to owe him a rodo and bo i alwaya mivc ready tn eommnd lotcrenta in iho latter ihan in uo farmer oh my friend ltbo rcv heatl o car in deln i a bad a a pervm in i n ouhteermhein init to be n ileeply in debt that ymi cant aeepnf nihta withthil heme haunted by the glol of anme impaim creditor i aaajaajfe to give a ounltie hydmjhobia rnnko himbiio a v heol barrow o it t roi mad and creat a mineral erriiairrntion amiwig the lamp prtat my der fnemlaj llic debt thit ata lwnviet nn the eoaatirneo of a aatfla i provided he haa one ia the dem due ihe printer i preaa upon m brtmi more ibnb the mehimire eu yiufret adehawae vnobhnf amimient nrceau tlie jiiioo fraieroal aympaihy frvm tlto heart and leave it drier than tbo eurfaceof a oaatod ia4nl a min whn wmo a pointer can never eipxt in anyvy rxmlariiii lhia world and may well htvedmaiif findiof kappincaa in any otlier ho will be aura laayi down lo h grave cro time aliall bavn wdcck4 hia brnw wilb the ail tcre wijaona if age and the f rrn leaveanf bnno hall fqll bepire the hod rtyiymeou ha been eipanded il itroe muhr4ho of peace may ara ofi darinr the lriii aiffhl of fwrrjetfolnea mil ihy mil all viikj ivnrath the aevrchme of reiranrav iiiw can jn my fneml ever have tho wickcdncm to ebat ihe primer wiko he ubu all day jinrc fr rrat lie la poured inm the heaaurie of ymr mind aome f ihe mai valoabla fill lhat anylhm- hrl 4 0- ran beatoiv ava with rwhe with wheb yuwoolj nm put ajr tbo povanm of ihe wholo wm od rnneteea on mttcnrnf heaven with hie key nf mafic aa it were he hjt pened fjia imn v4 4mi of humia urdertandine dlrd lau darkeat if- rttwafrco and lit up bavrwkatfw and wadmw marhy engine t hie tarmawrri deubrahakiot c and it rltulfner nihd all ovr the bmad empire f mind rlriioiinilinx the daikol vuae4 of ihc lieail aid vet tho prnier tho man win toil- at thu to h mhetiumn- iaatronirali laaiva rohtvj jfha hard earned bread rv hioo wli ht h a it ht etd fmii mervtal li4il4o ond mw fit um ihe fruta ef bv lat in pjvpy fr ihri 1 in tidatner an 1 wra d iyi will w ai on earth and ovcrdwiihcwilh on aaaew of hiwimri s v l r- araicav slivc tnioe n itrteretat debate opuo ific african sluvo trtr nervrrc m lite lloum 4f oimmm im rhe 3th nf j1y 4a a n ln l appnmtmie xioiiohl fee the iwt nf th roiuh croiaeva i coit f afro mr ikhttbtricktwj ihat tle ayrtem live iory hr the tfrrlihtovronrcnttnaujvea tlie slave trade by mn nf coiiaeea hid whrdly faihvdihat i itead nf tlc idling ihn imrmr f hie nuijdta pi- rnv it hid mcrcvacd lliem hiat it wa loiyteihir lo cirrrmpcio hy 3j mile f onaol with the venwt eaipuyed in thvt arviee that the alavo ateater tielndo the war vci on th cai hare ihcirrvaelahwilt fre fa mi1mi ond conaoorontly ihohdd into which tho ncfmee era ulaead wave o narrow araj aaaaeajaaaod that the mortality on ihe paafj was ifrcatly ioercaaed f n lflki the noaa- ber nf o lve carfo w40 llaauht enomviuf if it waa 60 twa morrahty wm eetioiated t fn 3 bloaaf eanl tho mruhly at tho pave ii m nx or oveo hmmd pnr cent out yf 60q ute taken on bard tn tlie cwiat nc nue than 100 or j00 were landed tlive thi iorap nf mortality throw an imjiadimeot in iho way of afri can civiliiilmo- tha necoanfl af africa writteo at iho lein nm of rhc icih cenity apoak f the eamajut before it waa oaaled lo by to ire nifnra ti conipmtiely civikaed r propto f gnoa ondnfand fiomftkce and lu a erlan jcrra irt ftiurihtfd ainonj hiom at an umo la kine at timbuctfio wo atkan afar a patmo of literature- mr uic uidtat the antislavcvy society wrre now omviaeed uul thoayatcm waaliaau ed with emit f rj palmcmton in replr almwed thai the hoe tr uf the trade had not incrctfo hut had very much deceeoied and hoi ia withdraw uin llaal fnn the rrwwi ai oiia iku wiejlj be to rive an impetuale flat lave trod cronierhioo ititadever berf reeeirad one o in tiittf rut j thot dorinf atarawal year 4ij0 davea had been im fried tnw lleml fnjrn afoca from wliii it wa cvnjhitcd that nruo than slifoow mut have kit iuidi hmliunifr dredmi ure mc ififfil pilaniaafim web char- oetcriard tho trno a m abve the pwr of any enileman a deacribe and which wvdd make orcrv man hodder to cmitempl jte tb parv priation waacarriod wiihimt a division th vou ime leri1 alitor t v po have ho mvrvl aaih ihra mnev m j nl fia- i ifdafdtdmhi nltr cd what i uvkli- hoes fast past printing prks the dotttr ttmfofr fnr thi wctf printed on a new four cylinder printm tna chine lately iavvdlcdind a tented by ft 11 line of the extensive manufacturin home rf hoe c gov nf new viark bv tvlinen it ha been manufactured for thr rsfahihrvjrii h ia tlie hm of ibe kind and the only one which ha vet been made it i eoatntctcd fur ariatin nn a principle entirely dilferent fiom any pre hitherto in uae an i i caphle if rivinj fmm fen fo lierfre fanuvono ircj il per iir ooouf r hundred iie minttfr or orfiecin ftco or farce ptr weond c jvte whether it wilt do as rood or better work than the prcste now in ener uce vve abam leave lo lime and eierienee to determine the main jviitcijde of difference between thi machine and all other hitherto iwed eonsitla in the fact hat in all other dcctii tion of presses the type are laid unn a bed the turfjicc of which i flat and thita printed upon with either a platen or cylinder while with thin ibe types are incentives alaced on a larce cvlinder four feel and a half in diame ler which is surrounded bv and revolves within four other smaller cylinders tcrolvint in an opposite direction each uf these small er cvtinders receives from its saprjyiric at tendant ibe sbeet of paper with wbich ia its revolutionit meets the form of type as it comas round and in passing cve ibe impres sion and instantly throws it out into the rr ceiverv hand the press wpon which th dounr ivftftnsr basbeen hercbafore prinlvjoneof the moxt rapid in use and cajiable of printing ahemt 6vc thousand imprecsiom jier hour required four persons to feed and recejee tle abceu while thr new machine requita beside il superintendent eight penns four to feed anj four to receive ibe shecuas ibeycocne call if upon thnroughly tcslinc the qualities of this new invention we find it totqnaleur expectations in alt other particular as it doe in peed and rapidity of execution tl is destined not only lo make a none in the world but lo be adopted tbrmibout ihe world where rapid printine is reooired and we shall hereafter arive a more full ms com- plete description of il mimtaar coxifasttiok we have been favored bv a exnttrman of ibis city with ibe ewpr of a letter wiilteti b cen scott to ibe how millard filmore it is said to be au- then tie it i anneved htaoovaareas or rue aaatf mv dsiaa sin i bare received ibe turn letters one from the re mr anier and he nther siinprt by ml von vyek aakinc em several eoundt ibo discharge of james tbninpann the second remanent nf artillery lt ha ha aince tiia enliatinent reformed hi habits this is an argument in favor of his sereins out hi lime lel he should tvbpaa if dis- charted before emfirincij n lit reformation aailitarv discipline hiaiily favors reformation 2dhe has become iimia this make mm at nnce a better soldier and a belter man and fortunately we re not avitbaajl m officers and men in our ranks but 3j it ts alleeed that he has imbibed conscientious scroales asainsi rrrfocmin rjiiblary 4atr if ibo waaiibernad he can be diehjrej nr a rsons cetliwcate to thit eltecl hul f he has onlv turned coward we have mala means of punumnx him if he dioutd whe oideed refuse wfsl- j return the letters ymt enelnsed and remain dear sir with gat eteem mre tily hon m fm0fw- t ia almot mmeerrsary longer kny rata merjl on thi letter it aiwak fr ilaetf it i mraal in point to the fammi mtitay ofjcr of the battle vf cerro gordo the a then anim book 8tors ia aaer tamrt fi ae ft raa roav asfassa at uri whi fcaa ketrm msswat kuda arf muti y ht a llovh irkhrdh off tbo fww elwn irii hime teota prayer fllwlic 1a t vjt u jjl ala all kriad- fata vrtf ivuicahim tatur swdyssst adrfvma of rsutdird wwk and aj s oiijirjf aftem aird mf4m wrbe vo kice m fibfw sewrjm llookiunlhnodsltcuvt lej nj u hlna cxirlf flawj r5uni alwy kept r su job prtntiss all lrcripte of jult p uso folly oseotel t the at vro paieraao ffav blttnuivr with dcapateh wad oiuawil rai ptcv hmimi nreaoai bill tleoda card ftflaav ldn- bmaaasjt bin ittanumajlbiada pu ncr a it do due dec- prinfin in cc neofiy cututca ktt twa aawrtment v iey type aa etksrejy i and of ihe very bet decrifiun hie latg swatfuv op the pizov1x- jvc pkruambnt ia roe qkw cutu we hwe rerited nticm w onimary ot iho k vf lb eesg awenimf darmc ihc kurd avion of uv rcmj provincial pariiv ent wf canada whili ipend oi lb 2nd jdoo tod r clcd on the ui jojy 1417 milkm received leltmimitlea w ftilh iollwwocd n hie ienm i v fvi lidiuvoi i i prcd aid aawntod to jll tteaeraed lesatia hie lecujalive foneil 14 boat ov dropped in the aaocmuy i3 darraiteo accnstvr a rft msirev aauawpra led dartof l t4rraf mf foe eeoai prmimt rowioar conoda yrciyiaa takerarr rir appttpttt n asad if act of porfwirwar r 6y ilusreaf a an atl toe ivctffefice arermofy l werraa dirrajor divoao 8rn thi act areeorvtea the am of 1 000 raw- rency yit aunj n fue lc ctabiaejrtmwt ond aua port of school io ihe new dtiicl at kent acl tbia 7 oaw puawt ia kaaats p a s- amoej luunjed li be erected oudrr ui u ujhii in cujiioeoce wlcu tbo ptoctioed ii maoavv vauaaaca or sv aaw sits no i79 thia act apptipfntoa annuatlj the ald cortcocy to defray n pcaaino 10 1 b 1 1 aaartnot v il widow u ik uii ha jompri eonai tv- licro do st rati m hi if liana cbaaf joatace at lb diatrict of montreal 111 tut tori bul nu isfo- th aeipevaidca 1st torfetr iharpnafti nothc pro- yidrdforf ih rvmrrmmlf th pruurtc tor ubc year swdiof oa tho3tt ueeorobar l7 ibeaumof xi lojio 9 currericr nd to 0lray iho coat rf oavtveo publio wirk aovfid in ls cojmitea trtoasnittjaj fo hi fsccllrncy ho gotamor wcnorm on tea fa and luijolv idl7aum noi ajonodiaf t oot thooarooto boiodbv dataanlown snow od ondar ike aotbaeity of taw gvaenar fi couocji oe ih credit of tbo gbwaldauml asmadb 3rd in aid of vajswan ednalitaj fjaatattsa in lower cafteda iba aoaa of i6z x7avawv rasaoy the amcootoba ilitujiil nni nf aba afaiw nuea aruinp frm law eula of w lwt- jnuij fe taw yoax 187 tvul apeuprlalod by thw b j3 td curraacy aooaswrssk throorh a andm- v i of lb i awmily of ibo lilh jreaaxlbw tha 500 ev u adnewd toavaeosr os m ojaiifeeit rnnnea of that body tkrouri addranwrfiasrfrifc thonmof ily waa a d r ft cj m frj th coaibriroaoum 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march 31 quarter ndinf jnocjo raoomnf qovsw u lwswat iba if urn oaatlod jormf w 545 per day ifjj isat fsssswaa railroads in kew yobst iukat twfloi rajrd rodonveaworhl mv ful ublea wweb w and in i a aeuvaast aarawi tasv ajjas repvtrof tho compandor bta there am lo railroads fa e som mcaannt 693 mf fi el anvnt w 8ib iftlvowlwo 07250 ncr nale tha anftoni ewrtot iaami raorf ajl0prmda iho anwa nscftpta asas are im3tet beine n axceaa rf reaipcs eniisr eardiimn f ljma wtuch woold prote oaivwd of bolweon i and 6 i pu1 oerelaremarc which p erlor penfila lhn ja 1 atopmed am the aeaam 1 a rem wclevn ridroad u ihwa ahcs sawtasw b the nnunrihaa iv aaaeaft vaaaovt a loofthe ndrwr wjaansa mm taea vah psw senraetrnmla b wwbrh irasoa awe nana 9mi oiaw nwns aro aoajwayssi roada the csantaa of rtniaatna haa w tha ppar fw nawwuocw w aweaot bos rh an the woihoou