tuiifrt i iwupfc a dread t in- tv l wrut ftrtjs ssl fc ifrwn tnitflnmlv assat f r vi ilp at- knjumww mhhih1 pmibrnipijit nill uh lnaitliiuuftk- p4 th lji oiuwm i njl rnilj- lsu furm jliif iifr alike 84inftls ri ulni u in mmrt llm vuiilii v4pun n n null cntiwtnc i ihftuall tb cm aa lift again inimiflii willi toftuty fujtfon jflwil iniilh and cswlj a is 8 rs iidiirf ineit ivnnt ittny ftn j wo vu d i vttal1u fnj twins d l oidr ssrat rftim fay u rssjyftlft ltt bmil p mr h asatiewft rtd bemjujli irialum m nmmiti to rne in c e mpf liewlili harp flk m eamifli n l j teull a4 aimniil rt wtftlr iwnnni crra mtvi wnnr u hftlonwiufm arlrwu- toll titfjw htpt centinoihc eiidem f ibs ww 1 ycmdwn which nm wwi ihe attas f tho body ftnd y nurntor of mnilfnaui 9tt4 it lk rofuef qub and moolfwt darlnf weak ndmf from riti bod ireland uariihny uiff in ii ju8t received at t fmimlb raporlod tatai- to i uno piilaii js a c atm pdcttmi tl hfty anerlkirtf of uny udn peiesfrim- 0 hi oo fv4of potenlcen lu ik 103 brlwf n mm r irl xkeho l l i ji t to imuo on tqjt 0 liel ft ffl wftofmiirto iho pcimf hj r m i i fj rffm ftffpim oil ihcl iiiinuhirlr hht l1lflfl terfornwiwof mvmtlli st wm blibwmi fc oiftper bor ihiohvut tuo wbolo im of lwdrobocroftl l n6wbj wjj fa of foot nij hu mite at one oclwei 2i imtohdufimiirlctd tiilwily flw iwo vttri ifcuhifiirthmik ihrtdef mo7 uoioti i mlti rtr inch ibhii tofc il ik fatfelmtf cwtf klnfu rnkib u tm- rom ibo ihirtjod to mf tortjr- lull mitet hcy kcp eomonj oftcf winch iho mwm malbty wart 1ko nd mclc wren aumrta oot f ihe cm rum n tb ui 1w roite tllmjillh bu ftfty ilc io cleten hu lj- jirm ifbflmv in wtefrt cwum in urrwj whortt- pifitooiif between them mj wort diedu i nd better n ibpttbu nir tilh of uicm ewdit tor hctog cipiw joib tho ulo w thidyfim oofifn wdeci with ww nhnuoioooitibufoi b tot of eooeevt hie peen weu otnd bj both uu to u4xi ii tw it fmmvllt hriwwiu y f c pp teld in iho wcwtf rn-mn- krp r imkni i lb he fieb tneau hvppod up tike uco mnt onco dj a srrr wryxa portion nv imk b r octioc ft aj tp 9iek htn during he winter on mm tkc limo t cirfiippt m lite fal t ihcy ppcr i tjgciianan chief afeat ppnnpr llmm to rmio ia utc lbw iny ce rn fi wbal m cftlkd rert iif n d mil run wi the ikah od no f ra left id tbo rvnt f hen wit not oun r o tfler lb prodoewn f tenor f cptf w lhr atwuj 6t when mmut ond net cf rsro uflowrd t ji continct hjinz pcrpcttiahy my henvbj tjt vinter ftvdem frmn crettfivo toooo bondrd ft inncceioii if ifce twie b1n we crnrruj fehowed tc wuiild b j ft pfcftlj in wint ml jo wflt ti oity feofi whj he do tut bj id winter freely ft miimt ift ilo wnl of ftnintfti food wi i li ihej jet ut mrotw in bcndnce in the ra ol intect 1 bt foe tvcnl wmuw p- etectd mf thbitj to practice tad ji proted it tnl i re evrreejlncftft r the pilot- hi sid tint the pflrf htv jeme into other hands thr cone em hnrht been purchased hy t freetfirtf fotmerly eonnietcjl with the defunct ewrif tfae nimor we tnihv has one foundation in fac if onr may orijc hy thr marked chait which h uleiy come nv the edi dejparttociitor the journal irb n a emtio n tbrowi o utrold fcftrtaft oreict mcrrrr 7th ac lm ffiellcy uecoetnotgftnerl bt pvwdloinimiv f4kjwing- nfpmnurent f b t tvtfnvjuhn f5fd of nkiikft eftqojrv a r 4 sufvctor gi her mftfftiv cutomft geok moi f st cftthnae goftllem n bq 1 rrfttfthliie 0cf io ue mipt cejft- aojoter gi-htftt- 07lct hikml od aojoti 1847 hi ecueney th coxroo oonftrftl p to tnve ie fwini fotdueftu ia thft miuu torctof cftftdft fint kintn indrptderj irttocry compojiy tv b second vpfn willi in tieofpft hind ejifft tobftfirtt ucutcnimtt jeteinuh vit i hr to b second lievtwiftiii mkhec njftjh pnilcnn tobesecflodcftpuiei air indf cftnpm bculm te bft tim lieutenant edwinanrcwy butrowea gestuafts to b seen4 lntennt heil moleodcenucmftn ysui ki4f from 3ut jftly u tik am grt inriutib rirntiir- fince relfliti adunteo tante luehr5e4 died v 1 ir i up m i n jf wmip qkipftlkouforwiioo pnqd- tr cipy thos- w- robison james meagher 144 16 4g1 m d 7 t7 sorccon il fae pftener rttttwd hf h auf afitt or m rf n a tvjtdt ijmi firijun ji pof et4a ahj i3rt jtyfr cf twtoikd sjwfa wwfi pftft5jcei july it kbko uneriek j7boruo do 8 11 aoyftrwt d i bs u poltiortr fielfee 252 i3cum livetpool 121 it jftficenr do 46 3 wftthmgtoa d 32 e colnni- ik 4s3 r bnhher ctabtin 39 3me im 74 indoor ti 177 9mir weatrwmu m ewsftcrftof artftn buneel 6 jijy 1 tjift jyrfon 72 3 jolicl jo 369 13tiki pejooertb js9 4 cudftdftm glmfinw 10 36waa do- y lhliirni- gnoock joujfcdli ac nip 112 tb wlicfttmtieio oaift v uoftutl ivl ir rt oil mt ey ewi rotltwc ur uvh beff i- dv lvf nalvrmp motion hftm do unller in fm oa in tub- cbcerfc emerdottft rwiveyft pertuufu fwk chicic 00 dick do cicewi oidutmmi ikiy v tvr strftw4o p vyoodrcvd on market pricks satvudav antftt 7j lftl7 air tfowe citrt t l ibvie ft n o 0 0 0 16 0 3 f 3 15 4 n 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 9 1 s 17 c 3 60 0 o 5 o oa 44 a i 0 60 0 60 0 o 6 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 1 sa 0 aiheseum bqflx strjbe a epppiflf of fd mftviof inw lloehineeu ek tjddi twbif lob ctwvan tied do mninitr vx do steele flhe andftvupftnururiiyof ilhck oroftlik kiftplon a05 ililstf 17 m0nt8ral markets kru y ao c iijn vr wfchfttw oonllnoeil infttliw fftriag lotbc md quntu srin- tit oqu- rt bownrft i irod ftnd ft bpo bine rniht b duno t 2s o 27 6d aeerdifif io qjh if borer woold fteeept tho nte within thmt fftftjpt fift roe tdj urt ibej ore dot wotth ftlkidin to noeo perl-coufly- notbiof 4otnk i 7i tbo rte ftiied boiftf ftboro ibo t4w of tho buyeft attiftftto oordd0fnftfid ftnd rftftdil d i 27 o 27 d per cwt for both pt ftftd ivm fruioirr l egftfftiricntft ftrc mfte dite h veeftl qujbecbftt ehiey tw londn nd glftcow tnrtebant 53dglcpor oh fmo qoebec foe liteepoo o demand u ffpofe bn- iiedbjl el 1 fir bui0hftnoendonft a5q s 3d per ia foe ft reftfel eapected boro diily 6 6d haibeenrtrred ine fftl cre lo jyiooct fuiro nominftl at 6j 0d-y- cocftm mrtto ahfcha dc- ennod to s3 por thftro pftncg h bceo puocd l cj per hftro moeitroftl tebrph- tlock ia enured fo aoi upward of 150 hrot 6a boon uifj durin- x- wcvk ftl par city bajit ftloctt i fttih nttfiflf et ft djcounl cl a coftrrwal bant nd soeiue dt po- pl uofttreftt beok ftqd dftob of oritiah nortb aeeicft ftfft ftoquirfti foe buffalo marketsacocjt7 flocft good brnd readily benutht s437 98a at irwcrftavvf iwft markoi parecja vcro 1tj fni hold ftt e vnt4tgoodftueuold at 8103 log u106 coii in ooe domindp ben tho vppj bruited for cnaed hdcr ftak 50 ctft wbkh wa bout m of borer- thcro jo 00 aaleo o totcs ut lirrujrt 30 et forakhtf without obaoft- cfttml fxeigbu u afoaoj flour 64c wlitl i7ft corn 14c new tchmmarketsacjirjt eictmgc if trsdy 6 0 for fod bit vteijft ere dull at preioo rteft tbero ra hfni rirt dliftf tbo moruinf vbicb pot ft up to alt buiaraoaav fucft and gftftiff crft bold at prev004 rate iri marvenet anded coav wig ftftftrt nthftr fnu modcrtto do- manrfvftateft 40000 bofthel vvaatgood red whefti 12x1 cotfo mcad with a caudooaod aftji wj t bou t c bn z r f lji ml dntl laoriod iaooiry l married albalbootk5tb lmbi stjobn s1h0 env la ft hftaraa mr iyilum ntawtj new yrk to mia sohiu ftldret dftuhlar cf ptraa dve bauu died saddanlfow friday llw 6tb inuor oetweer ono ftnd two celoeb z ftfltrnooo 00 brd the vobot trfttofwr 00 tn way dowr iba 6t lawterwe boot28 uato below prwwtt dto hmaaofr eniftnar cptm aibw modooaua pcttn tolbo wbaefal wftwl wlliaeift- borfb whra t blatter ma idrcatftted before or- grant cofooer and 1 rorpecuwo jury who retorrjen 4 tedklofnluracotb in brnotowd on tta 9th ioauftt at etoeaat curiae wav darr eftotof typhoid a red 47 notice for sale by ihfj subacrinor at bis sile rooro comer of outauio and brock streets tffetily bajrela pitch a quantity of hay foffc teas tobaccos sugar c 3cc also tha iase of the premiaea jitoljr occu piej byythorrjasgeeer at ueffatdlm j nrf cotftnuaotott store ontario street next door to john patusraono the premise are iogoorj order andpossesa ion v immedtateiiy terma jieral to ceso approved e ndoricd notes al 90 days john s cmjte airfioneer te ccmmhslon hjactanl bunpton july9 auction sales by william ware sale of valuable real estate o at til commercial mart n friday soth ati t kftmoek on ftccultul fl crr l tone house will foe sold coftmicftt itat val til k story situated on wcllitiglon sireet being part of lot no c7 contain in rntwnttrlh of an aci- 34 feel front bv 6u fert dcep the kaom are well linuhvd and apacioo willi e good cruxr kilelieo slablya and 0ntboucs altelber a rtxj desirable rrsi- dence foe a trieste family- lite rrokftty is frediold and iwe indispwlauc- wiluah ware- xitiptoa 9th aug isi7 sale of valuable real estate by auction on mqn da y 3rj aofcwn at liocloeknooei will be told on the premise certain i ceiold prmim tiloated en beovvj ihviaioe and jhnstun street- on 3 1 m m concelmnn kington beinjt iart of tbt filiate of ihe uu mr edaid kobte termt matlc knowf and plan srtnatthc oftice of mew kiekpalrick tc bunowcs william ware a i- f l-l- r knloo 30th jolo 147 commercial sale rooms sale at auction on thursday the 12lh init at one oc1ock lh owaj exlensiee variety or choice staple g roc eriefl liquors and otber goodf confuting of motoeado sugar coba molasses green coffee gi and black tta of various grade bunch raising hooevdew and caycndbb tobacco 5s cvs bnd 16 mactaboy sntiff coba cipn durham mvurj starch com brooi wrapping raper pickles cavia preyed and plain tumblers 7x9 window gla tabte cedilt smoked nerrin and american dftiry cbccae o fine qnal- ityyc- ok aiae conc brandy holland gin and jirjtiuca ruro clarified vmegar in lhda vtd qx caaka tara liberal- otlphantotwatt kinpton augusl 6 valuable re ala estate for sale that largo and valuable farm belonging to jamae uu iili esquiro known oa turtles hu1 btm egreeably sittiatcd on tho montreal road ouly three milea from this city coetaioinj about 540 acres ot whltr 940414 untt under miiiitmiinn lite remainder being wll wootied tfiero if also pertaining 10 the farm an oxtcijftivc m ailsh from wluot an im- menao quanlily of good frjder for horned cattle may be annually cut rendering iia mot desirable farm fw en otenaive dairy being cornnnetd of what was origi nally three dutitict though contiguous fainis viz one of 96 aciesi one ot200 ndfmeof236 aeroa il till so aub- diviilol with excellent fence as to admit of each being occupied ceparatcly and will be id m it desired the erections are font dwelllng housea two barm witb stables 6w tdere ste now upon the farm about 200tonaof ilsy and 50 acres undor cropi of wbeat paae corn oats potatoes and turnips which with a span of horses a yoke of oaen and the fsrming implements may be had at a valiutioo payable in c and 12 months for further information regarding terms fvrhich wilt be very literal and otlrtr particular apply to the pro- prietoror to ouphant watt jactuie rn jlierolvi kinastoo 41b august 16m7 just becelv6l hy uu lut kail at tdk itbbftldlbm tldbl london funcii pictorial times imxstkateti nbwsp fhkkmamoys iiuautcrlt he- view almost wh lit urummoni island cr icketjsrouno tllk umm crtrkvi cltof prttcvtt will arcrjtt a chillne in jiiy a mjicuon lhs ihe vnet ground in the province fron i ctnb in 1 as cemtitulrj cceil ihe teiiminx klcven ef mcntrcftl ane tionco at any lin lriwrrit this anj thv ili iroimo and ut any nognl that may be ieed iioi by the secretaire of im re o c live cjnb ahcorninnicatiotift to he adjrekted to the sccrciaiy pirearmticw klciiaro bamard sernfcfw vim crvktt ctj prtkqtl a ih 131 nu drunmonoislanlifnnrrnilc below preeoti and of easy accrs to steamer r m 7j2 mniasatrp iy chief aent cloeje itb aifftm isc wialarh bajsamofwud ohfittf pyjjeft lh from vermont ksvusms r kfseth wfoetu- m srr hahr tfste ifca csajt or wm dil- ftaopf wild chcj4wvri in kpasbf to yon lbe ken rjiy ova ce joe tor nwn aatas- 7ursjftavo4 uic bootil of otam jn ytr so jaftaa as siolenlly aiueked wilh acwe cot j and cntijb with nmch pin in n i which ju cpnij ijcr bly bwolliik 1 nnakca to 4 namsrr of phyaim bftl alauicd au luff 0d iftej cold i ssm rrt help tmiueiujy my be dmbtful ji wu my f oo4 fri n a ddnarvnftnt raukcivp pp fnitn cenf wnrsi riln nf war- yiw ibvknf it to 1 vjifttje4rdepi aoraft avlanco frnovro ft oofjlr vol then sfick 9uwil ivpt ier our feinuy ftftd to to otrntmenl i nxljvcj tram trituitc toulo imincdlctpi jlqw a ll jj y moosaitiduf i ii ill frrar joiiorootnionn cule oid do chccsuuy royn it leam s btiny an ftiticle of groat iu james kwo jaaftridiui qn ce vi v i6 g ibe pioviics government notice fmk pf 0jj i0n a2bd stores at tt lade staxicmt on tki fiideu cat tbnders win bo received st the officer of ordnance at bytrjwn c tffi 30js ii4 v op september 1s47 at 12 oclock roon for the purchnof 0d cast and wrought iron unser viceable stores timber e now lying at the various lock stations along the line of the rideao ceosj the rate for the iron to beetaied si per cwt of 112 lbs the other smctosby the tamp to be seen on application to the lockmavtere and a list wilh a des cription thereof vo be teen at tbesore- keepcrs officejet this puce the monoy o be paid to the lock masinrsin charge previous tt the re moval of the articles- t ofcce ofirdnance 7 rytmtfi aogust s 1847 6 okill stuart s executors to ute charles account ihe government sale or barrack and hospital bedding at the tele de pont barrack stores on monday il iclh imtsnt at ii oclock a m will be aom at foblie auction a quantity of condemned urd- dinse fc consf stikc or oar rack 491 rlankets m9 bed caocs l n bohler 321 rors ls shetifc iloapttau 17 blanket 11 palliasse 36 rohtcrs h 12 sheets 31 ca4 40 covvhr 57 prs troksert 12 waimcoali 16 bcdtickiwfft 63 bj cords 17 tooiftts also 2032 lenzlhs store pipes 52 water paili 30 forms meat disbea 43 shovels is saws 5 tablirs 5 ladders 2 grind stone 7 forks 4 r moves 5 tubs together with a quantity of iaoi tix anoj piwtcp uraxstls basjucx fuayrrvacj eec too numerous to insert james unton qtjeevs auctioneer kiogston angnu 5th 17 13 tabic tops 9 wood boc 12 fire shovel 5 pr do ironj 43 suble sbovch axes il tin plates 2s porringers 119 cantjkuicks 13 metal bauina 3 kerwjert 2 belhrvrs j s hlmas pbophietor mi exhivh iftlhwcity nest thursday friday and saturday 12th 1z sad tlila angift the new novels ust kbcflvl mi kipratft fnrt n v-rk- kiholl tle tl r r en nf flrrle it hi- mf fevies ky n p it iwe kasj tkrtnifklof vnrwa tftso f ih lime nf hir uini hjr lt1e lorrmiiwlp 0mii lweft icikw rarmirrspftpft ike llihvr or ftvdyftrawf and hi wti nnv ix n rrlimi nrikt or nnl lit ttimt ilia lf of l crtiilplnn 1x jjrsj rrhm- j1ruilitr if ji of flutk ii uilh u4lvf til- ky m tnfe- r t c itiiaimkh fl iiel8t jjmetrerl uantrrel ancini lejit lipids government notico sealed ten will ho re ccived nt the cmmiftinat uficc ftvinfiiuii unul one oviocfc p im ontiroral3yuei9liiasral 1847 ffmm mith pcrnns as may 1c dwirmis of tjicrinf into a cunirsci gfceohly io eor tm cimlilions which may he stfin diily n this oilicc hetrntn tnc ituurs of ten md three ff supplyin fresh beef por ihe tjso of the tenon and other at his station from the 1st otfubc ls7 to lie80tlisepirmberl8ls thcbccf in ucof ihohemqnality ox inil no other to be delivered hy the con factor at iho iespevtive itanack and ijuarrors nf the troops rationed at ort henry point frederick and kingston h whole quarters or amallcr qua miles if rrquired and at such hur as may h lirccrcd heajs feci ond offal to be wcl tided r 1 1 v offering for this service inspecify their tenders in words at length the ate in corrcnty tor ovry 100 iu of boef ti which they shall engage to supply the troops if pcrrnillcd to import cattle fnr be purpose f the contract duty free rid the rate fw hie same quantily paying he duty themselves without any claim or reimbursement it being optional with be seninr commusonat oiccr to accept be tender upon cilher condiiion caitii laden wilh supplies for issue lo he troops will be exempt from payment f toll over the cauraqni bviilgc a printed form of tondor will ve ornbhed on application and noolher will e noticed such tender to contain live eal signatures of the principal and two tare lie aunject to the approval of ine kenior commissariat officer who shall 0 willing m enter into a uond wilh him in he sum of one thousand pounds urrency for tho due performance f the contract all payments on sccormt of this sop uly will be made exclusively in treasury qui at ihe ar of 24s 4d commissaniatj kingston 30th july iw7 just received ffisois sffiwcjwwlawa nd foh sale by thesubscriborj at hi stem in priacma street si choice sssortment of groce rios c consisting in pari of 50 hlids bright pn ric sugar 0i boxes muacatl rsisina 200 do amrlcd teas 0 do do tobacco toodoz com urrmms 500 reams wrapping paper 25 bblv rcin 10 do turpenunop 10 do ts 20 ptjftl tuba 10 doz grass malts 60 gro matches 1200 aides spaniab sols leather nt york tannage with various other snides uo iioroj qdmerated matthew rqurkv kinxstonj angut 1317 02 hasty news government notice he commiaary general will t re ceive sealed tendora at montreal until noon on thrjrsday 12th inst for bills at thirty daya ftihoi rjcrma- jeatya treasury payablsvn mexican or united states lollars to to deposited in tho fiasmmiasariat cherts at toronto kiosjainn montreal or lielkc thai tenders must sute iho rate sterling per dollar and be market on the cn- bt iflrgfl montreal 4tb auguai iw7 notice the snbstriber having obtained frrum the court of chancery an injunction t69traimngthe revdqconoe okill stcart from tntormeddling in any mannecwieh the ram or personal estate of the iato coamlcs stout esq fonnerly sheriff of tbn midland liwrictoiihcrhy sale or by the receipt of monies due by bond or otherwise on account of the said estate and baviog been compelled to file a bill sgaonst the said george sn4 alltn mclfan esq- bo will of hag said sluart esq to obtsinn public sfe hereby catrrtoksj noithorto accept any deeds from ute said george oflt btuart nor to pay men any money as tbey will do so si their own loss ond taiil tho said gecrge okill staart having ilkortn refused nti still refuses to render a just anj bnosat acomloc of ma executorship to tlto said estate but on tho contrwcgi aaseita that hu is thj heir at law itermo all those persons who arc in posses- aifjn of or claim title to lnd formerly belonging to the said cbwle stuart under conveyances from the laid george okill stuart end allen mcletnesq ot either of them as executors as aforesaid are sjao mtubjd thai all parties in possession tfiu he eject 0 therefrom unless- in arrangement be cffdcted with the subscriber as all such deeds are invalid fur severe reasons one of vrbich isthaj the power of sale in said will is given in all tho execuion fivo in number ad nni to any one or two nfihem and therefore neither the said g okiu stuart rur the said allan mclean ea4 either ofthnm were cvfrsuinotizedtoconvey the real estate ofto only of the rcmainin bxecutini liavirg kcooiinced and no valid titles cmji lgiverithy any one while the said por sale 2 a a a l of flan and bacon 2d00 fjoihelsoj om 100 tons of brftaf 500 busaeu pease a large snpnly ot ftovr and indian met a quantity of split pease nd other crsth sf4t water salennn herrinrtj and olln rh a small aaonrnent of teat toaaecos kt ot good qnalily and mast all article connected vrita th granary and pioviiion nmmess store in wellington street is ooe mr reorks buildtngj neatly opposite th glasavv warehouse a few naoee cusumet wan led j neb seed apply but such as pay case c kingston july 30th 1847 m sale of real estate by virtue of a pwor of sale cm tained in on indenture of bargir by way of mortgage datl andssln the 1st day of january one eight hundred and fortytwo jrf ctiajccrj remains pending f chartfs stuart kingston 6th august 1s47 tttousaf nd mni bmilb bsvaim olctt late nf tl city of kingston deceased of the en part and wtttisst m- hftneiiataiifi the same place of the other part following tweets of land uole previously disposed of by private sslft will be sold at public auction tws day saturday gilt july at 12 omock noon at the aucttr room of mr jams li5tos aoctione kiogatoq vi lot no three hundred and serenr the city of kingston fexclusive- twentyaix feet on princesaair esending through the whnle jepta the lot and lot no three hundred and eight n thesatd city which lots are ne partiruuily described inthessiil denture francis mh f attorney for the mvrli deled at kindlon hn3rday of juno postponement the ahave ulo is rmtnaaed until sa1h uavlhe 14th iayor anost nem lbs same hoir and f liceai which timely lwnd will be pesiiivelv sew july 1847 otern ment notice ealed tenders will be re ceived at the comrnhworiat office ikineton until noon on thursday he l9ih of august 187 from swh pcron ffllftwfln ions which may bo rcen daily at this of ice between the hours of ten and three tt furnishing the ondermentioncd supplies or the use of her majesty force ond nhera at this station from the 1st octe- jcr is7 to the 30th scpicmbcr 188 nclusivcly vix- bread to be manufactured exclusively from roveinmnnt flour and no other and to redelivered daily by the contractor at lisowneptnse al ihe reapectivn bar acka and quarters nf iho tmeps it a tinned at port henry point fredffita and kingston biscttit tc be manufictuttd from cneernment ffonr and no other to be kiln drie and la he jotivered into the commsiarial magaxtnea tele de pvsn kington tenders to express in wfjrdaat lenjcth the number of poctnui of weu baked bfa or bbcoit which will be relumed for every 100 lbs of ftoer separate tenders will bo rehired for each 4eifict lobe made out on a printed form which can bt obtained on application ot this office no cihar will be noticed the tender to bear the actual signatures of the party teuoerin together withtbose of twa perton as sureties luhjeet to thft approval of ihv conmitarial who are willing to enter into a bond with the principal in the following amounts for die due and faithful execution of such cnjiltacij as may be entered into vil v i f s 500 currency biscuit 100 currency carts udee with supplies for issue to the troops will u eacrnpl from lae payment of toll over ihf cauraqui bridge coiis5ablat onicr f eiegalon c w 30th july i8h notice the subscriber begs to acqostnthis friends and the public that although hehaadispicdof his dlacksmith sliop he has not left kingston nor doc hr intend to leave but lhat all orders left at the itlaclsmilh shop or at his resi dence next door will be punctually at- tended to as usual thomas paul prff rfnarai swaeon kingston june 18 187 49 if mechanics a institution ll persons having rooks in thrir possession belonging to the library or this fntilolioaare reouesteil lo return them to ihe librarian forth with by order of tbe commitlee of manatement peter lamond jter cv kinjston i7tb jane 187 n ccow htd desantwrnt montreal 10th march l8ic ot1ce hereby given by or der of his excellency tho ad ministrator of the goveromentio coun cil to all rwrvms who have received locations of land in western canada since tho lt january 1832 sod alio to parties located previous to that date whose locations were not included in the list of unpatented lands liable tn for feiture published 4tb of april 1849 that unless the claimants nr their legal representatives establish their claims and take out their patents within two years from this date the land will be resumed hy the cioveromrot to be disposed of by sale government notice skatftf titndrrswll be received al the cotniiimrial odice bin4l at onkovlnck p mon the loih august next fimjheiii drirou n aupplyiu- her mav srrviee with ihe nilfawingtkah splhitaeiac vaefiin ihe nt 0iow 1817 io tho tlh september wis areeauy 1a cetlain eotnlition which tmy be sen at ihu odwc daily batwcea ihe heiirs of 10 and 3ovleck land transport fn lb vnaieevance of trnnp- pjrenter jiuj public stores ltel errptnl from kindlon h the vsrioti poiu in 1hi provioc hy wcaa oe slelfb to le iiviim with traiy arideatefnl driver 3 mib- t be coitidvrd a day jmimry ben loaded ex cept when moving with tieofh wlien the distjnce will he i emulated by the march route and 1q mile a day journey when re mining rinpw hie lle and uarnefs lvasfj uiitl slrisht t w of the bl or- crtplinn and to us farniihl on the lotrt notice on tojee in wrilii- fiom a cestui- saiial officei to that eltccl tenders u cxprefs lie ratr per day n cur rency fr every double uore ttajn or slech wilh a driver to be fiinuhfd a afore said and to arry six wen their ann aceou- tremeuu and knayiacl or twelve cwt two- third at the rale for a double hnre team will be allowed for each single horse waean or sleigh io teitrey three men their arms accoutrement anil knapsack w 6 cwl cartagi2 nf puhtic stores and litiz fuel crrrpfenf in the city of kingston and nrighbirttool for every load within tbe toll catss con veyed on a truck carl or sleigh drawn by one horse for do do on waggon or sleigh drawn by two boriei- jtittr firkins hotter fhnu rat rate qusliiy by the sob inter if ueen and welling tun su4ut wry cheap p- j buckley klnlnn august 1317 c3i 25 5 criwi t lands ot sale rillhv suhriher have the mliwiwg land x ittthe midhaniiblstitlctfotsale south t im no 1 in the 3j con pilbui rj acre no id m ur 7th on itirlimoiuj c00 acre smith i lot no 39 is le m con camden 1w wri wesl ut no 15 til the lilt con kenne bec 100 acre lot nv s 5h cm tldn cooncre lot no is 6th con t ojnrj aerea cummlntift macnoneltr iferietr- ilrfb krftrtorilxsr baw ihe ueoctev gpaia now reftirtcrs neat ovarrr fe mr crockery strrre king mreet where he hopes by strict irtiaineas am nvnjervae prices w tsre jf public patruse john foteat july201n kington june 2toh is17 xteitortfa government brdbrswill he patent anticoinbutiblei solution for the prevention and emnctkii of firm- ftile suhsrihor inventen- of fja jl above named liquid hemby notr- uie public hi at he is now pre lit pared t for every load fmm within the toxn to fort henry point fiedciick and their l -n- boihood inrluding ihe lloxpilali at point 11enry the ordnance yard and ihe dacs yard st point fredeiicfc and vice vna con veyed on a truck catt r sleigh drawn by one horse i0 jo on waggon or strigh drawn by two hotstr for every toad from within the citadel of fort henry to any of tho places above men tioned kinejitoa excepted j or to the ord nance wharf and vice vera conveyed on a truck cart or sleigh drawn by one hor do do- r waggoa or sleigh draven by two iwrse- fof every tmck cart orsleii drawn by one horse with driver per diem for evety wsmoflsc kleih drawn by two hore with driver per diem whenever a r euritiow spec ine ihe weight to be conveyed s cut to be considered a load for a single carl truek or sleigh and k cwt for a double waoo or sleigh cartage for fuel fmm the fuel yardtutcude pool point henry anj point frederick to tbe sftvaral quarters barracks hcouiiab block houses cells c fuel io be carted daily for distribution in such proportions and to tucb place and at such times as may be centred by tbe com missariat parties tendering will express tbe rale in currency for each cord nf fuel wood aininj not less than i 28 feet cubic measure conveyed from ihe fnel yards near to ute tile de pont to the troops and others vn the cikr of xmcstoo and its vicinity within tbe toll cstef from ihe furl yards ct point henry to ihe troop md others al fort bforjp nd it vicinity from the kuvl yard at point frederick to tbe i rjtpct of the a separate tenders will b rearmed for each of the above ser vices to bv executed on a printed form which will be given al this office and io btar the actual signature of the party making it i wet a the real signatory of two willing io enter into a bond with the princi pal iu the fan of 9ltt for land transport 100 for cartagoiin kingston 100 for cartage of fuel teams employed in her majesty service willbeexjcmpt from the payment of toji over the caunrjiji llridge tbe contractors to produce at tbe ad of each month ihe netcssiry vouchers pre prod aecordins to official form and to be accompa nied by certificates which must have the signature of the parly employing the trani- nort to ihew that the service was aa and properly pekormrd on which psyment will be made at 1 hit omct io silver dollafsit 5 id currency by a draft oa a chartered flank at the option of the semoe couimiuariat offlctf- cmmisslriat j t6in notice received ut hi office on the lcch august sl7 from pdiuia wilting io enter into trien nial contracts fur 1 lie performance of artificefis work for the service nf the rojal engineer department ol kinjtnn and ils dcpcn deneies fram ihe hh oclubcr is17 to iheslsi march lo persnns desirous of tendering for all or any of ihe various trade- may obtain printed scheduka m iho dimrici coov manding engincnra office at kingston on payment of four delhrs which trill be repuid io the pnrticw upon their rc- turntng the schedules undamaged a printed frm of tender will be fur nished on apvhcaiionj no other will be received no tender for these triennial con tracts will be recommended by tbe com manding engineer except from persons of kno capital and sufficient eaubttsh- ments for carrying rin the works and re pairs without delay j nor will any printed schedule be eiven at the engineer of fice to persons without these meana payment will be made by a draft of the ordnance storekeeper on tbecom- mrasarujt in dollars at 5s id currency each or in bank notes at the option of the senior commissariat officer coinreussariat kingston july 187 so kinttus 30th july t17 government notice tendrrs will be received at this office on thursday ihi- 19tli a- tfl7 until one oclock p m- from persons willing io enter into a coitrct ssjeeobly to conditions which may be seen at tbi oqice for supply ine the carrion for one year from 1st october 1s17 lo30ih september ims with forage the forage to be of the besl qeatiiy which can he procured he tweet and dran and of the growth of 1sv7 and to be detivred by the contractor at the coataiisjahat forasje yard or tbe artillery stable kingston and at the stables of ihe oscerx tartered in and aboii fort henry and point predehck lite rations for the artillery horse will be 10 lb of oal or when required u lbs of uran- 12 lbs of hay or wh reqairtd dortnt the season 36 lbs of green grass- lbs of straw for tbe stait and regimental hotses ibe rations will be 9 lbs ol oats 16 lbs of hay 6 lbs of slraw tbe manure which may be accameliled at the artillery stamr to be um p tbe contractor and to be remnved by him dily o aafirn st the conmandirg oftcer royal artillery may reqaire otherwise that service vrill be performed at his evpfose the tenders most txptess the rats in cnr- reny in wortft a full icnrlri for racfi ration no tvnder will he received that uball rot be executed on a printed form which will be given on application at this office or that shall not bear tbe actual signature of tbe party miir it as well as the real sigaalareaor two person subject to iba appmral of tee senior commiisat ill officer willing to eaxer into a bond with the prianpslin the sam of x500 for iho due sad faithful performance of inch contract as may be entered ale carls laden with ferafftwer issue to the iroops will be cvrmpr from oil ewer tbe ca rarmi brtrfce payment will be mid monthly in dollars at 5 id each or by a check on a chartered bank al the opiton of the seflior coaaisna- fiat oqcer cemmtsssrist kingion 30lh july ieh7 j 616in bahracscantebn3 notice is hereby given that tbe canteens to the undetrnentroned barracks are lobe r opon the fnl- h i wing conditions for she period of 3 years from the- 1st october 1s47 to 30th september 1850 no person bot of unexceptionable character nor any person fur naore than one canteen or who will not under take bocasde to reside in the canteen and conduct the business thereof in his own person wih be approved and two sureties will be required for the payment of the rent moothly in advance and of nil sums whiflb may become dueio aid canteen and for the xvfriwnwtw wu4fti rmrli tions and stipulations of the lease the person wheso proposal ohsll be accepted and hiaauretics mum execute tho indenture of the leaseand covenant relating thereto the pa rliculer thereof may be known by applying to this office or to the barrack master th names of two respectable persons with their dwisttan nsmc professions and places of abode who will jin the tenant tn executing the indenture aa bis sureties aiuitbs inserted in the pro posals and the ordnance department does not undertake to procure tbe tenant a licence seated proposals addressed to tbe respective oltccra of ordnance kings ton with ibe wotda tender for can teen written on the outside cover wilt be received at this qiuce until 1 2 nrmck noon on tuesday the 31st august next after which hour any proposals received connot ho noticed ity the mutiny act canteens arc have troops bucttcj on not liable to them all persons nuking tenders tor the canteens arc to take nottethalthey will be held to tho strict rrvrformsnee of lite covenants their leases and full payments nf their rents without any remission nr reduction further ihsn the covenants nf iho lease itself set forth the form of the tender to be as fol lows i hereby offer for the canteen in the barracks at for tbe period from i at october is 17 to the 30ib september i860 the keatcf per annum for the house a a dwelling and the further rent of per month for every ten nncnmmi sinned officers and pfivate soldiers both regularsnd militia who may occupy ihe barracks during that period and propose mr of and mr of as my sureties r the same renta aj dwtauiag tetoocpont avls ftrfcns pefaaouai fort hoary office of ordnance kiageton july 32 1847 j bed bug poison a certain nnde4eta1 remedy roe destroy ing bod quonft pejictw will dturvj am thair ccaand prevent aay rtturne taase diaftitofto vumn proparad ad sotd by ilodertt darkeil jraft brook smvtt4 kif atoo tiet is and 9a u per bottss strayed on nr about tbe 28th ulc fmm the premiaos of lbs subicriber a middling aired light bcd 00w with a short tsil end large horna whoever will bring said cow to bo subscriber nr jrive information wbern she may be fouod shall be handsomely rewarded h- a mtlf9i aofionoi ifolal kijjgston jul 10th leg 9m for sale flfkg nortb half of lot no 13 in the 9tb con of portland apply tn chables stuabt kinftlon july tt 187 0w aturohtjl frame llousnaauav building materials with his patent afitl- combuuihle srwhrw which after many yetrv trial aiidtuerwncct has beeftv proved to lie fullydequeic to thwpirf- pise f which il was invented the patent anti combustible 5o1d luiion is sold in barrels by tie tjallonv and fjan be used by any person who wilt hive himself the trouble ttrftdlow te directions of the inventor nrltsrillln spphcil by the sulmrihcr iri persop to all houses shod stable fences feav wlwre k may be needceft ai the cifeiy of 4d per square yard for further particulars sppl if by letter haepaid to the subscriber pat the old brewery grern bay vsr kingston or snbe ahenieem boot store john montgdmeby kindlon july 1817 6734 english stationery c ac just jieceird at the atheneum book stori a lxxge assortment of englbil staliccery of tbe mat quality tfaajaa- t sicdnuoi demyanj fc pas sksmd frtcftp j qftirio p votif lai small fat ird tin nrc ttitia lsrijsmncftrrrwapifs mrnsonndtin 1l-va- of l1 abfl ajtvsp es7ini nnjvunr ctd ttcsft krft nmrm ci frwa 6 iaeiwu by 4 ftjtssajt flfc ftiirtiejcfrntttsttimrf lin jly71a47 wanted v strong boy about itv ot 10 years old to wort on a faros apply at die atbeneum boot store kingston july 21 1s7 on hand for salb 300 casks superior home manufactured pale vinegah al is per gsllod 3a 3ov for i t the warehouse cctoi oft phant sswati kiowbtos and a clif kingston krtrtxnj attbirtiiurf sax bra tbi of choice rjuality at fs per iqjtfaav black walnut lurlbefu 2a feet of nrtoa dimosjojasv thai t ttuarda nch and i inehf v pjank l2 scafilunet of grinder iestfhaiawjai rrhspa the above lumber will be disposed of 11093 par m- o i james morton kinptoo brewery diatil1arj july 17 1m7 commercial mart- for sale oxtonslgnmein three flcant au very supers toned piano fortes m1e by the serj url makers of new york and uoston jjlycoin- william wars r miplad smstrict to r fillrtxein arjitinnl hale far tbe re- l gnlatinn at tavrra keepers within the hirlland distnel15 rvw pubrijiad for lb information ef alleoneemed rolrej thu no innkeeptr sbafl permic or nttrr any boj of persons to assemble oe or kot thrir preoiit aratb bannera st hlm flacsor symbols arvtioustoorafur innrclnutin any procession which is made illegal hy an act of the frovincisl parlia mtnt 7 vie chaj 6 eatitlesl an act to restrain party procefjions io cartain casts that say lnfceftrxr iransrtsatns this kale shall not receive a renewal of us or her cer tificate for a licence to keep n ian by order of the court of generaj qoajter sesorysjjaly ll jamrntichalls cterk of irva peats paris new york fashions thomas little merchant xaxloh princess street kingston espectfully informs his tut- morouft customers sxaj ihepobltcs mierally that he has rtceised froea mnntrosl and new york a cii oico ami vartcj aorlmni of saperbne broad ckrtlu q while drills and sumrnet cleuaa of the mnyi approved shsds and finest textures together with a beautiful assortanswr of vewinm consisting of rich cut velvet wbiut satins london quiltinga of difftrenlr styles while marsaallea barffi xellovs cashmeres c c- slc t s slock compriaei all thats new n0 lesfah1ei nhia line and c0ors rea irtdueemcnu to srcntleroen wishing tr obtain a pren article of clolhing belnj cm and roarle op aader bis own sosraaw dials iospcctlnn and at auch prjcea m caonot fail te insure him a continuance of that support which ha has hitherto received ladies riding habits xarojorw lfiliary unrme tiirrvj tc- made up tnoeder in ihe most fashionable marioer and an reonahle terms kingston 1st june 1847 64sr caledonia springe watei the above celebrated watee may be procured oiireya fts by tha docen bottlea or less quautity at the athcncm bom stoaa or by th hoeihesd im groi of thesub- j iber william ware july i 1 84 7 im