tuffltk niiitiam mitm imjurt wit tfrti i have 11 aihlnl vin thiii wit furor in a irtolil tl rt i 1 1 1 v i j4rt pmed in cahaita in ho aenl imoiiii 1i ttnw5iaviaii wiittvihefmiuir ihii lir muvitijf ihares iuil krgala cu lb 41 nfmf palrael hi caiiadj anil afnl floti h- iiftii 11 hilullrl in any iura in tholhiiinl mi 4u fin h piihlisbera to ml acent i hi iviiej stair fin iwrfilthltatt tnv 1 wnl al fiepa wen of lliv lovhiar rjif of on iiuiy mci kw ativ l ill il or nvh h r fta inmijirts tjrj to id i the 1he p imiii r4-sl4t- iram be mvtoij an american ime of 3 unfror 24 cv eah in imiini in ireikl rale lirnbt a tatal fkiige rvj friifuijof jj eaeli newrw caruln aimrrwri la fuotai cwtmnre m tie mul through the tmitel state main dittfv nevrpnr nah catutis lulei d l lo w fenrftrin t ne yk y aajriican tfteatn- ttilttloam fdaer ii in coilirhi1 of rtfftane lunttnd- aljiin umic of 3 rent a ngg a mai ire paidthaic each wf yi- ra the am prorfagef mv iam al the time or i nrvcvibwn caiti i fcf um lalfce ivfed 5ute oi through tile 4iiitci stale mah j a vvmc mwi okrtlini srivaal w ii ttriffi a l d p m cm exceni 1m trine h ic it at on inemyiiicn aiir vj ijni i trine h iuwtmtfr may i of 3j each artimr of murttjrn a ww days pilicetweof the huh police ailiieil in 11 city on buinea or tinjioiiarre whth uml incetbfr jny w tnjsleiv ilw jutuch- lr att now ntfjt btimjf t aj wf ivr thiu konect 99 ittiiuc too miksi cniitnol ni fcij in puuc wf onr pfttie fwco j of mr a lrn idr jitjtii bailiff fur tji xrliviiv am on if on lliifbtiloo difluy ollirf wiknu till 111 ciccunuunc was nuk tovn lo t jiilldrili- lllty tortk lstftfl if poniblfj ht ac eurl ulif ii vc aft ljp x aulct rrmlud in lilt culture of ht oj bit trtir at dill at ih uc of bill tirotbr tn itic netemxfjtxnl of stfrtvil1c niflultwn are lb srtknljf of he -nor- palricli waf ttinb 1 ckvarj bby hc mity armiri wi aiwjcrol fcj lifophy ot of abt hit 3 j may in ewr qtltut rfont otmittasitriani a mliiia of prfvity piomi lo pjincl wjkh at iti mamart paritun of tfuj l4n1itr 10 whom ht wam haj bcn matiirj n lh monh of frbly la loptljr iinrhn1ilc- ivafltruic moriteroi wa1n pfwfwr w llin accaflirtnled hy tuo urirr of wiuli and a yonnf iiiq iwr fto n m tailtc in iht ip gtwiaiw on itr s afltr iht tnutjer lild ern vmiihi j i he noo a uko by quothr aoninbw in bfjflibjnjoei ktaiipij amtnimtd in asmall cftcfe whtw el wat jicorrrjon ihr lj of may by on-wtn4intnlt- a mum ti i n havintc washf ittw the ijci uy wliich lot body bad bf en trrrrk kraui w tbtn artsun uy h iritti policy nd in olrf tatikatt bitnjf from llt ikkian which hljcjirj 10 1iiu pav- h atilbotilir ht in- foriion cnnifliim- fiioihy aiitt ctcu tlti inforrpiitni tlic gtvrrhtarttt fnl out a hril caiahabl oamtd michael fo and a ttjrant af iht moir fooct connor infeafch of uijjuy ivltnm ih t v vamtd had brother in fctkn of toronto o homil vfai likolr ht uoiild cotor anj attim d here by flit 1 1 baijifftfod polico focct f iht city ihty havr ucccttfcd in arrcatitt btcn afin facing him liifft the gnfortttnalc nmt h wen ycrv i ntr ht it ry inc ht wa lakth ai it iow in mil nwtll bt it qdq6nj to tut liofiui tht ciirwtactl of tbc i iicvi at quite maulii masonic wcftaftfo foncalutett thu member of ffce cfaft ihmipail the aorhtci on tht rojrtwwhicb 3hrrs lia madr tlor iht fttlah1itcfll ff ltw provincial 1rand lode in canada wtit i dnriotbo rl rar ttfo nrw bl hnf jtvnndef dltpcmalioniifom ihe protirrcia grand ioue vr rihc ll and jo nic n iodqr i k onttday iht slfcimtw b f hi- thardaoa p- o stcrttry w inualltd mas ter of iht ionic loot t imrhinj sertmony took plate in it ttbwxwgt rnom wcluftstrw iuiliiir kin stt and was jfbnncd in- lot hi iv d p grand mister ttoiiicjfcilout k asifcted iv a tarsr liuiobcro pifajtrn after the w maitcri ttv tondcd to the tfiair iht wet was throtrn opei w the jonibr ffrfmbert whtb the alowinr obttn wft to vested bf ktaatitllyt c soo wrtt aopiim li sullivan x tv william t hoptle trcxwwrfr cbarita fifr v ihjy robert well 5 tc c jvnrs kei1lr willi m b- jare m c matthew crai g frs otoird i d mfluvw tvf- at the tintlutton of ihe business of teirei tue brtlhrc fyrftnl rettfd to plirjictdvj where rcrr wa provi jid havinspent a ahrt time s omviiri abe meffbrra acpaiatril ainon the vi nrvrat af ihe uidinx brethren of t ixidiironj loioy of jtc inrmwf tie sister lonjce mfliis city who arc dilin jbhrf torthcrr 7ejt ant love fir inaotll- wetihtlie ffltiic xr f ihe rjri centrally tivfj protjtfiiyrofeno corta aji rtiiimk and much valmblo infoimatirmi h tiroielby llinttujlrtf iiandmr mkmftf lh avtiva td mlbiil nratit foroefn- mini il vinnni that o hijvfrtlijtomv have hrenlb ettlitio of lift imm jmhiaiiti thai of ifintw or 170x hmnlsffure only 2 rtiiair at totinttu icluvo vf urn in fie hiiul fiil a few in the hquioj wtitiuthe pmpvftiy pt their ick friend ad of thi tmall noinber 6u will ltae tofuntr ir tow siti ii tvern commenced lvfit the bval lm aleethi tile irmi n hiki land he llrf comrnilteef with air iltfficf tlfirtrii wtv apfintej l manage the irtiurl andrew h kfaoafitse tjcily tlrtbilierlun tva anioinfed trvfciireu j eantrtly hnjud that ft liberal vkfiilioit vtll w lealitcj iioftfo cftc tit fitittt kverv iuannr biitfs lflctntlllllorlvfrortclwvofhetlkk ami dirmunle oourcitv and the hfuniul y cmwded tlitmajrt biildine wi found nthic- citnl lon aw and a nunwem laitaowy wodn buildinn hi irfvn enroled on the nttmri where the invalids am accomhohxtcd amt art rcrolarly attended by our fliyican sji exertron are very 5el and aftdo al up imminent risk of their own hciilty the attinltonandminac of the evi ration ajeut mr ucgvtfry mhifltiy hamqw- uiy and byvontiuuin to adit better mt ns we haue thcily inay v jarcd iht tjutud of diac 1ht wealher has folia rtatdy attjc- i the heat bcio leiceive a meet in wju iflil ycilerdiv erertiitj in the city hall fncihe tiorftcne ol tokine into consider- ttanlrfeftoeyf takim 5lepfor the re lief of the famine ot deceived emigrant aiid who rwav be iutmc o labour fht early larw at which wt are eomtf r q hi pjtcm frventt in from giving a fufthcr ttottct p coiicirjn thrftiftpl ifirvftfjarr inlladiio inebai- vnai fauoo stonuy u ine balvf ihhl of ttontc mm a cinnnd mhif nittiialao tuatm trille imryinq ril wo liaj parhttrf tfetit mrwnkd that rii ir- riio4 ittff ri ii 7 mr a tofljl ifirri oi aitmnm llrao trfinhdii lite uik dtrj it ihr ticmurt fjcidcd mir carcttimn fav iwrtff frfoertcdm wk1i toifhcd fn lt qatc of iir bitrffaj fmtad lie4jli tre uaibt pajfnft ma mrawnnh and a 4nrn iliwm ivadlrlalfilrtal iinoae twine mtd io t oi frn 4fx to cjo in ffafia on lftfc h rtft j rtfrot tlr aetnblaee 0o ore arij ftfjlratoerltftrcidpch ji tni no of r brnhelort hl dim at aoar nlniimimi nf tltft gocl li utfoalblfeln lrt a euvit iijnbw id hut wc betto ii i t n i ercty l clh rtrvredhim ta icfift fiot p mcrde- wchave atno it nf vuiii ht il toibe peniientiary fur and vc conaointiit wnii ilindcn admmilraiiai of jktiee thin i immclfemull o wwheieww veoo- iri uy i rmmbert uwd marj5 ht i lrcvij wv dilaaecft comury fccline inghi to mro conur xkcsffic ttlkckani- m wee ihe ttperinlefiriitil of ufa torn to and uo- trftl tlejjaphtc jift iiainintntvn uv icarii fnxn mr w that we a1l tt in con- ttectiim with cohuij anl prt ilpe rarly in tht arnnini wek wth kino in lotil itpl jliv juij willi imoiireal oft tho mji 1imia fotvhto colon elf f3 dtteat dr fin mimitiiy fxo art loaaww art act fbf tberlioolbf ptililtc laud and to alrow futthtr ttmv for making certain clatmf ondef the mhe fie wac tiii in the leative council on the istli imt by a majorily of iv tbe tun icotu snllivn dilayrd reat ability da u oeca ivi and pointed et in a vrfy fore ih re and eloquent terchtht torrgntian aint fvoritrtai whreb had been pmftevi ley tbe rdlieal aha wanton manner m which the pnblie jaaj had incenlviikrtd away he ptthe of ut lov teiiich ibe country had ituljiued by ibt jla- inff mif manage mrltl ofth ijttiot of the imu lit revenue and attributed hie rnt pros perity of hcunited stamto the tnrt jtidi- eiou anil dquitahlt maniitr in which their policy reipectinr mhli- jaid had been char actr ttd the olc slooj a follow navhon metjra sullivan joliette macaulay frrie diortne walker irving pifiby ferritr mathewon ulion 1 1 vca hon ilemfsi nlofiijff rmhtj crook knowllon slier wooj 5 a ads autr 5rip3 oriuial aiii select r boanor iiimh t iiu hody have wen iuenmhity occmjhcj fr oft fail fufinilili hi providing lw life kk eviiraiitft now crowding iiorioi rjvci 400 alcrtt ire now mi wmpllfil tlwy arc imid in hie liawe in a i i li4 i lli lhil riniisj oic aijlih- imvlntf tvivmuh lit aieafxnp rf rnpi iviilln trflnjienw4f iiimed medi cal oklcff ilmin dr firieit llthtiv he will ptoli4hlr irvnre ihe permanent iiioiiil- airnt or fltaiil lliittvnd hji bjrn ap pointed ttiutiil medical attinunt rind pliy ician ftinl str john fekenaie ha bieaj hpnntrt aitlant tvwaid oim dealb fftrtfl iyphiu oceirel in tnwn7wvjifo olvtrt i catt of matt col- mackit ds hat the tewrjin of ihe nrli linentrd ural- lviwnel marrftv of ihe sjj llepnens now matwiw in ihn ttr wrf tnwved to tliir lit icvtinn place ami intoi- rtl wih the oitiuy lionf v t- ii rank the children of the icrviirmtul ikhnul c com ptairttt he pfrfeoion attired in emhl im of iwnuint foe hi occi and fth tiw wmrfen andchitdnitoji ta iiiic4frivtn in testify the rfttt fnr the ha of hint who waacwurrtdlrvaji auirfiitliei of the he-i- inenl tilt itdl tbilautt nttttr town alioatmij- ed iii nftat minltr to pajrtcil lal irilmtr nf itatrl lo the laic worthy ortice- lwva itati r it 7he cmnji caife coiiuiaa a frnelaina- itia deiaiin the riue of edtvardktnrrh in ihe jfmtowi prmiict a port of kuyivt claeac niider the naoe mntt ityle ol 1ort kdwatdcrnich and prtuct tvlwaedn bivin the district ol ftmca kjwjrd hj had like iftolfwded ohitr the tfjmt ef wmi privttrtv mtifofd f5 tha vnall nx hat aeaim broken nnl it an acravated form nithimid the trvip itblp atoslo whteh was ti have cwmivvcj the 5a llestrtltj now in ariot to cnijj he depftfture of iht ifriejncv in kweta tiu olt in conrquvice- mvturtvl pthtw bl lc ie aixtoffctil nitv jnitiftil tv ohevjft ftviih prbw ardcmalvrlimemfni m turdmih vtbkk ro ih det i to ptiito j0hrnr mnrrcoilcrlc- d slntf midcmtif s ofo lonoxrilt- venr llo enllooce f t flhnwptjpe ftnd st rrtr thao i a no 11 hund dcuelctrfoin ike suinudt4 naoo ijc r ohnncl ctmi iinint nider odotafr eiicmlioec urtly ift- thirc frel f water njiieo liowrver d ticenin both lct p and r oariof to thr i fo heavy r n aidlkeiaiaruktftv tite yv nc kvvinf oeeaiaokt tofoa uvt bfcad iilsilnil- iromed ihorfktdvrt v inrtdy u jrieied mftv wniei l iiff e ifftod by tic t nainl n v latacax lirmch wid i id ditndnc6 aom d fciyeciid they ti peto acen atftfia in tfce ivite in ciiaet with cch oilier and hvt- iii outtf rd iaia themnin vlrcata tlore brf e ature oiot j le rtndenm tlieyrtnk lo riao ro mm rvriocrcica aayualalfraapii to i4 ibp msryi ffivc nv ye iroed u ceim tte uiffiltnicn gloom dwjl tjre wv ohbmd sfwerftle c7ieie- bajhre mvwiay iy iritwjo m alivs it 1m f iw knj fl1 n i mattt- 101 luly huhk nfcakit mimf hie lamty vitimtfru h im ilniij m iw rawjftj pdnmiy r n i iu mwlviiillrvtivtiy n itmi v aeriv hi 1- rliwa- rrvitrf jru hf irohi t eojuv a r- in ikivi- t f iik ii h e u 1 ro rti i it lli nudci h- i mc ikom i cimtlmlh hi hit thj f r wftiq w i m btwahy lr ueffkk wttmmi pjjyii md ililfti lutifefiil w- tw t4ui4 ii i fri lyinrlody wvi bd lc lvdinnlie frhjhii bfiliatame ftd ali lud uh li e reif vul jvh im uilliftft ri y nlif wisiderir ii rjnvi1 v e truofw aite tnd ip atinoiri n u i oh ut mi la tir ronl die ati i n mj lwni n pitohd tilt li4 i iim fftirtf 4 wainvntttd tu tiijn oo kn hilaiebr kalf vristaitn lmam wild c viiiv h itt iivtrtaf her omkmi itthliofi imine im romlrtft trrrr tlmilmcdj iih eiit iftdv perirnerd eeal rahef ftnd f rtitttf liifitlif we e itecvtly ptvimd mwf udionirnd siu i ot inpw n hit rrharalimi of ujlti owl uomv iri1 iii hc h ftt rtuttfo ti ih j4v of ih xft rjiiuptie u ijncdj bu its on iw fwaival the altfoeom lvk fhoffe and by lfuf lat grneialy ihourhui ibe rrovmn untdhat ibe luitjih laitrirau ilutj lallr tf wilhmjt somliwkli ktw vofb mr hfii stt vrrnert 14 ti hi rrcvvilv j l lovy ltry ifoieh mr ihiixo ivntt- eftiafta h4rf mnlrcfttr u j vi h kmrhuh rvffwaal air iviner mowmi mr vonnf tffj it ft faleanaetfttxt khciopee md i tdy- tnrthln w tttotofn iwton aff rrlrin jlf amaj a ii head link htoix y nj fee rc healer i mrc f rryot am lrov balaai j ft w i vjjidy ndi u isdlrv mr iraane nvvf h iu ertbnd mr wm4 mr ir-iini- newyhi cirvhke atbni e f un vueor mr frfo pecftir t ii itiet ijondn mr neremrtu u i olr momnv ha lattrmn frramtf w ilobam ivlin i j llmivn mmlrrvl j jp- butjieff kl rtltftiae mirnipori mnwif mrmrt4 r4mt tc- kc d vvd seollandi d c tliov jrih figiecyltrecfctfc me petcoie mnuitieil jdio mler pictfjfl me medmul itehomilii snrtrolrnftrontiur-li- xeie yov ctiac cum mine gc fnce rivr trcvl piei mulliifo thoofel m tiui pincfjeivo mile mr ihnmc ftod ivy ykoc mr mcrkirao kdmovjrh i b ltrl ftnd lady rrvtri j mii tuili mr imut ijimir mrr d momarti d paotily rulli hi jni knllt mr k- imiihi itlfi cvovnan a fjoanvriaa nd i e j creitfti mihdyjjiodityl 4 chid rn fxeli hde iftd ro ctiijfo ono mi iljldift rlfde lifaj ciaamy a ke- kir nvw yfi de smh 3r- fikcr 0mwmv ma mconnajd doasai m- rcw- krrf rtree vcnc 8 ltne kojod e rweumaekela jurbrir i g lenvtil yofif jil g asiiau4iincw yuks trj cdniwiie ta- aiw ufroal c on c e 11 t k iv a nitre lo un it lry trill of t a r torvvelftuof jclyisawk i oiuscfiaociax ft trte annararyof thr dattletf iht hoytte 7mscomotrrnotacd fft thta city by a jnalit eoceatott ccertiico of iv rt of ihe vatonsxdf thtltal oarte aanei- ort- the asaemwns ooli nffot in ih bovl- ing gfttnntlf tbt ftrmrmn of ibt co1ree a0e ae artneeroeot eere eodteted fs 8 iil1t tin and ihe number of 3tahrrntfai awrmbod may ftavehtn about 350 each l4dee rravio tormcd under iw 4kapeeiite crrirmrr iht procemon reteedtd hy ftabaod of jiiulc proceeded ovvntht avenue nfereer ftreel and whence throueh the prin- rfffl zltttu of the ctly t returning to th pxt of foftaaliorii all iht member iihbulttto tar fcte ptrorn were tifnforibey drecd white teoteiburk ccat atd hat al- th6ruutetandarrof nftia different lnde were displayed lea htn one aff of the members of flit assoelauorj o thi efty were actually in trfe preccwon ihe niayirifjr hbd- inroncicolioo or otbtj acntnjea as to tiad moprich on thlrreiamlo the crren the rwcihrcnfonneo mirrclf rtd the ilandad- warers advanced lo the centre the effeol aitbia period was dexidcdly impoin and waa cooidcrably heittrcff hv the trrme lovciinc of the amphitheatre on wtwvj thy t tabled strnoundeet as it i bv fine tree in their ric he rf foliage tholrtsrcn wee ittrt addressed hy r ll miller evj and oihe who complimented them on their gtniril an- ptaanee and the orderly manner tn which they tooducud iheeaaelvt three deafeniae ebeenwereivedforllermyetv iheijuen and three for the metmry of the late lord metcalfe the variftflj lodr then mnved njf nil aiumtaiii rlined al ihcli iomvc lodge poem all passed over quietly no breach of tbe -ac- occurred no jcrm at tempted to ritejcft iiih them and they iv terfciedwithno reftcom coitoifian k citv btisr- hi worship the mayor returned from tbe seat of govern ment on mondiy whether he hil fntie irfv lum ihjmoofjr rae w i defrav the pcejeot very heavy experwe of the immi grants healthy as well as iea tht ftne- ral order from tht provincial secretary was o ambinously worded ibal there wti a differ ence of opinion whether government iotendtd to pay for aoht mort than the daily ffations of thr immitirth to scthhrs matter at rest vij f other purpose his worship made a ipccfal visit to montreal report say that with some difficulty ihe mayor obtained 1000 frorncorcttinicril towards the expense already incurred with an asauranoe that alt proper expend ilvirtf would he reiotburved lo the cily which ii highly satisfactory in the nrosent talcof ihio yesterday afternvcn tht bond of health and adkmt had a rottlioj whereat committee wa appoialedi tt wot oh lhe formarder to know whfaljer to furore toty wwim be willing d all imnrieots at horrr point lon to whcfa place t is r 1 iecl small ct shall ply crcry hour tut 1taith or to ctt with eption of ibose snfering from ship y the town was ntter in ttfromtrtirfiet more bealifcy absssv alesertt ah3 with the exception of a few scftflerinir oasei aboot the eity and its sjibnrhs ship fever is entirely confined to tbe general hospital the-nam- ber of dealha is cerlaiftly ltrj in proportion lothe number of invalid but not frightfully so allthe rnedicit men are stilh la tbe erf joyirwhiof gooh bcillh in despile of thcrftn- cesaartt eehiosis and among tht unnerou oeiotatfl df bw oenominaiiors wliocpwj rolind ihoaira amd 6fn oflenn- them ibe otisolatroot ot ttlifioit we tataroonly one cetttlcmin betnsj laid tfcft sen is de charit are unienuitine in thev vndeators lo atleviale iity oo iho wbole qr health uf kmjstoii i not to bad as ihe tlarrout wotfld makeout t lamcsf- layer 9ciw on stordy laot a at nd bctifnl imn siatne lann ehed ni niee siai caim ihe wftef ftrid i tntrifdd a o letween thucuyftod lmtel teliich inaupetccftt cmal ueemtinhfilin iv ihe c4nmkriiftf i iliv m4l at tho cvuitry stir uitti ahoimmtnflilwcjpt sutheilod vrho n rofl kortrrt aaonc 1 irie rim cetuli rnintf eftp- laia boihe like tic isursnbo owner of ww bet of pliarfc in tio eel tie rliy pftttol ult irt llic int1 jirnt c niiirer ho wealpwr bejitf ciceejme aire ard the iriiinerftkrirt conhi iel vnoit tvhueircle a ply af lidie nil fen- tkniert feim thi cey lrt in tie leleenph ift hie iiwroi t in order twtvilm lg lvtunchftid til iiitk liifihtr of tijpjrrtee nf the sf nel tne niifra pefc f ovcfta ieme eredli fw hie vert vvrkiajinhke immc in which they imto boilt ih nie e to l pl tfuili erurul aj credit i due vr hi ejiifit a id eie- ofve n4 in hitn wiv ihe ii 4ioi2iooij bo ehu fly urtaad brtniieneiiifieciit sreimcr snd buteiire r onieoratl feetiajf in wuijiuj the coram aol km erei reere nwfihle rmeeefs iftft wmsiis fvjl natveailtia myiftt gtanaait in neco plvated 10 make iho foiroem- jptftjiutiatemv vrt xem verier bsmpc to bo ctttcoitrof cue tuiiwia ik miiioid lardjitr tsminek of bta ejlw tawrt pftoa ntwn x scjrli divid j btplfajirr jritiivtn utoitch clir ciljnj petival lir ftioof niatftfaiaba preetaiireoiuuer ba tkr ety i crtvt anh ltjeref iwytlt ae i hoi biplusit dnhl poeljovnu uolkccofof tolu oo lac corn it c j i doacftngaham of oftawnto lecolkclor of shtle lloe on thootifttro river kltjflh ht ajfyhjicb fvtd aleiande le aulay jailtft cansnin flj icj j dtn v v aaj i vru ucaver kttieca hoa iitintoa ujdf llvajlli al the treat villas nf acaftle lhmrtcu cvnj i i v jdtn mibcrlf eurd a wlker and arrvikim vom baaja iooin tualsrd of tlojlh at tin tuwn of lfrik ttuiiooc djra t aojoratct gteal 6rno grvftait oaoa- hit eiclitxcr vwa giea ciwut i sftfj hi naaeihe fohowioj ypinitiataia llw iliuftreoftf cm-d- fis j onofroa a4dita tnbelaeaiouit mjorjuhnaeselalifk fromrhe lot llitulm addmrf thitd ntttatia jitfdwgttitt tohehaouift iaiaofrc gaqmro licatto- ani llowaro niciivd od geocc hiatd tu he flenni eofft william j- howard uidluniolfwtcr and robert l gale gen- tn ho coaf n- ylidenbsevtt francu walker wigauhi ciiblnand iuvty wausxrgeo tleiticn j j w to bo qbartcf maltcr anjo slckjy gen- ilemao i to heslreeon tmoeift ansflepnf enquire mo the pride brothers t vocal emtebtaflwr utiavpaated hy tlielateal inpnved iy aa 2 a a ij tiv tithetscroiarnncevi hrt his rnryel ken mvtmtvd lot the biuma vut- j couht uousi thh wbbwesta e7en jal 21 lliey will intoitiee ii choices prosramme 5oea they ley eaaibaltfil ttilltoeet iheand wiv aiobjtur and natiwte of a mn- ita iiiiiiic jvkr in be had at the rloor riiluh anr iritiii iblel ajnl al armour ii pm9 ojienhi hatft7omoefc conceit focnikaetita 4 s uclock ireciel fri uatiicniar stesmali bill iplon 2l july p x j 7 ululasu msthiv tm uw 1iik lotliihiiu- aimjioa il iiulr f- i j w l tjvei keepers w i in i rnw bnbttjied for the ii 4 oikmed liteper hallprit hi mi tu itll i tllj lieni ot j ei t n ir hfvtii ti march h iihti hj menu vie d l l4l no iy l i i ur s ini uiiii4 arfe iinee4iui which a i ol ilt ivi chap ti rllilta rvfo in amble on vti hantiiffp eav i urilief i made- etl ralia- an al jjmiam kiv loe n m rruin tftnr thit any inker frr tririii ij ktle i h hut nerite4iem wt i m i k tlii ait ft j litetifrr lo kei an tie fl older r4 ihe co ill nl ietwraj mftjj seaim jtil ii 117 jamksnlckalls- oaft of- awe- caledonia springs watfl j ftb nbuvo dlrlfiaiorl water miy bn pruculptlt wjf ea ly lfj i114mi1 ismtlvainr ki rjitfiiiityp at te atllflnkvm rlhirjiirtj ciiiwjr july 14 r plmfjt or in 1sj7 vrik nr ru uf iy hu tlio sglh mam ware 1 hi caledonia spring racea i847 tiswttttij 7 0 o kf t cafif j u tip coi tltz asotstkcz arnttlvd ral avorsaiv a if r j r a i r rurtfj seie arrivals at ii a milh aalional ilul jaw 14 mffvaffttenhrirftfe dutk n v gan ii krd frallfs 3t s cin y r- m wdtnsfroit c s wurmrr offen w- y l s sliibty foriund mr j mlnicv huosaavjli- lairi mr c v piefcerlnj bflitoft dr a j trkjti ftoclitttr i v vanra ntltii mr aliftity rieoersejtt ii a kiwiep d i grant daniel 0ker d vjvntiae h rrmii fl ihbroan i cbnrch t lackey c tviluft vrciek y- ica s win e h- wir j m tjker 0- ataylor jl e hitler j 0 tltmtfln a vkiksavh ritflr din tjwrenc ffiwiji a ihirvciinj k r otiecn a altardt srfy 8 klock bcvia p atthftav nxelloeeu if kni ri poell ii c cebee w uardiie j n uo-if- fiesiiff fliice ft h wurv a tmvwlifidlieme dulehcrh ciljetwjtflunjroe crdoee l htaetotvrec n v itik juan milr and bdy oesfce jcrtcn yj w ri- meoann nod ladydi- j krerpe viiiecni chrlekiliborn7jneliirell perlh r nalfeiin v bran if an hunion jjine pwnee l died of v 1 1 y uk iho wife of mr lionrr mathi- on m at uosrirv friday isik irtat dacl mc- fak one ulthe aitani r rim attendioe on mtaiarw llptui ai st ann eii4itfte j in devitlin to b sitoua d a 1 ic rr lliv relief of ttvm inncdiaie atiftiint and l he fjen erjlpfeelionif ihe mbhohcallli kingston mar sna rvtv4f vrvfre enoorar no lb wheat oer basta qh v urtiel riijr t 1 1 eri vmatrav hoahel xjj pftioper ock liter ay cart do v lb iwk owt i r lb vcala lb uiitmyrb ham do m bvlusr mi hi lo in tub clcroy 9- etc f dn lkva cjicfccn dt dfeka 1i0 4lio a svitod cord klat rnicks v joey 17 iw cfcrleae itar 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 17 d s c 0 ftj 5 0 4 5 ft 4 u to 0 j 9 0 vr o 0 nil g s t s 3 3 a 01 0 u 0 u 0 d i 0 0 c 0 0 i 13 0 d 0 e3tiir ctbriiiibtrlo vf iia4 corf- sidered ifie glebe as an example tue ries of wesl era canada in diction and eoitruyr n apilt of hie high lone of iu n jieal polities but wlien it injue in och coarse trsonalkyt as tbe rwrowflisp u demends to iht terrl oil tbe ttoru paper r the protinct speaking of mr cayley tbe fffottof f hhh instant says slowly and sajry the lnrctof imt raj gol on hi les bis nj and hi abomin able aflveialinn were ore foroncc pjpy- tsm wa defiinet covecajirjet eanoifttioft cfrrfca qocaic u july 16m7 number of o r a r l- iin 1 1 at tho pvel nl qncte and daootecai feofo tbe m j jk to 4ac- mcctcroa tub kcciar oi dcsritnr emmiukts lal nilit a mftthn was lieli in tltt lil cily hall it wo reiecumy hul iotiuoitrowly attended alderiran ciimetl was in the chair and mr m p mayes acted tasticiretary hie chief oci was to -io- cjrtao ruylutti for coojicccu eniinu mf jlsey leave the ijpilal until they are jut toioeeed lo tlteir mltfl of selun and also to destiuite rrlativet of itue who hate died motions were rnanv by ibe chief ililke er connor a llamwin fv tsad othcrjjtnt introduced with uillt r tub wtsrftiia has aain become mot tremendonily 1ml and were it not w a freh ueeae wtilch blow from off the hfce- dntinj the diiy lime il woald re sy unbearable- as il is the weather i io very sullry as wholly lo incapaciutt m from tr trfof ft wtf vl hi daily rlly at least the heal prevents from paying that attention lo onciivi which many of 0ir icadcrairraj haee the crneky to require c a nveiof itfifv urfreo pilmil far tha i pil law uitn oiatri rlh ihe ilrfiat lluo eillviif airiiind hi tho oaaeicl town yallcd ibo ivrl hio pikd new asftl i yt ee l mmfty aufter ent inenvi eneo in llr m uiinci r a mir i a divuxec tby lnvo havel to aitead c mj otbvr nuance at mbtm bot rlitthi ej w tdd noi nl it nvrcincircnieiil oi rire the oeeciaiiy luhja fr tin itpjwjt f lire vaf ijua iv oikta ihecrcliin of a coat uuuk j g4t 1 a eow 1 wheti wo wuld ant like it determine tlt iaotlubt but aucha meaauro in line nuotd be very dairbk and ctcii pteiiaabla 1ul il irttei1 we wjm ihiul tfa ljvmrltrl ii4initu vaej tfaw fnxn eaund icund ii strvtund eriafttir toarr pnjinili 1 tnl1 previoualy reported tmal to aamo perwj ul aar tiitl u fitotof 1i7 tllu 17738 eubls a c bocuiaarr clirtf einra t aeoot commercial mart foiisalbon consignment three neurit al ver sbpirbtdnedpiand p0rte3 ansde by ihe very tet msker of new lork and wiclivm wx pound 413ink notk in weltinton 5lrtel tht owner tan have it y proving projee- ty flod paying for lhi aovertemenl iflfv qmre at uio more or mr s vv iifady corner julyaolsi7 thisjay commercial mart saisr op cheese cfikn blooms clurt wiae c c this morning wtdnesdav 2lst jqlr it tlocloclc wifl be tm wltbotil rffseree lo clbe a oonmmncriey 2500 flw- toporijrr american cheese pat up for ibe eriluh market lfcfj floss crn broonss 2 ccs cliet petit mtiloc andararltty of staple crocerien wjlmam wafte k 1 july 1217 sale of fine floor- rathls olorkhm 01st jlly at 11 1 oclock will bi- i j without reserve s quantity of fineflour in jeod order anil in lots tnil purchaser m tulliam ware jtfy ei itvrx kingston building society the third loan meeting will lavo place at the district court llajtjt on ihooday evening 2d august 1341 at 7 ocloek p m when the directors will proceed to lend or advance i 0 0 wanted istltoxt bow abiut 1 or is yurt om to sys on a lrm altlio atmhdir1 ba store mr lintun of lhefindof ue society which will h put op to competition in smcte snaij xlol and in roajiutc lo be provided fu ry lb di- reclocs thr tbirrl ioulmet uinc due on that day the treasurer will he in attendance at ata oclock i im to alloiv mmhi who ae iname to attend at ht oflicr jarinjc the iv to pay tap ibcir snofctifutio svfm ihe cftair i latsrci ry order ckoitge naxteb secretary ft areaswtr iiflfelon 21st june is17- notice iis rev mr pexw1ck of the oiikrr chucn will proici ii chapel in johnson mrett 1- tlw tjion church cm sabbath firt instaiitt al 11 oclock ii the leeniia elicit in ihe rvefjirrc e jorh cjonxio optw pies w halthe ifftire of jistttmng totlic mgncal eourtain rni1iyrri bv ihrsclwo younc fpi4jcmenai statuiplostmi on wtdiiesitiy fveivniirof b vctk a timer5 tie liavc heatd lot ot one ttpicssioii i- reaij ibtajt- thty re ksjieio ftititc 41 1 mwl hr siii rr asandleur fv thry liavc nil ihecleaitntsof loees a ioof tthfc loive fl cuscrcadna i irpniibacrir and most amiable retiring and entraaic mafief auhouyjii ititic wj ool so ic ldienee a we should have been tlivo uate seen in attendance lie concert dde1i credit io ihe messrs pium we contend ttivm to alio especrol fa ear of our friers al the orth uliether in the state oe the taataalasp and doubt not but that ley will jvftht aljtstaa i inaction ancaj pet foeren and at gentlemen ikioawrslfic ivinon h jfcfoitri idin iuxd for sale smi casks shim raofl home sianupactcrbd pa lb vinegar atll pur gallon 3 hi for v at tlit warehouse of mcasr oli- i phjitl i watt kinaaten anil ot thevtrijfsfori brewiry pmaf dislitloy ofohoice ijaatily ni sii pa 100 ll b1ack walnut lumblft 21wk feci of vftrjous dimensions ilut it tnfh jirirh and 1 inch pw122j 3 and inch boniliiid nf utiji lcngilia 5x i ix mj3x3 t abnv lumlwr will be dispwd of at 35 pr m james morton kiidon hfvvfrv ft ditlitlfrv july 17 1317 qmimercial sale rooms t o f a k m e it sh alcert vdungs metauccoilsimung toofil horse haki ljiinieif iaraf m4 ijy ib tardacra inv in to let i rrnm hi lltfr avhvcsdiltjle uic rnnlhil ueavc it tvll ry efau al mlfh4 incsen andalmy aiuucy ihit eviifcibo rakco byny otlic- llnae kike i os lliv a c lpoiln of iho itfm rati4ji tar 7errr tn ujnir i muelib llio mite ntl ikvnredvi nhiot h tmi bei blw aaissssiff f ihe ordifiaty aailabl d atlha opoichr a 4uo otic tf jj m rjutc ii ossaalaa ilaaai haj minivr of hnd h a vurr ibcir and iftvc nvic vf it acuust cups unie v- u in laeit i hue enj id taai leas 1 1 tin i it i tho suwiibtr haeine hehi- fha run anrf bectiiiumiie u rer w ri rrjir laaaalc eneo i he a luaeew fy resafn lallia midland and liinc edvratf l infonrt ihe ublc and ioalj aije frwi of aau uitkiriihit be i bjoeaaavim fr l 500 m 1000 of id it miijfcrcdljf heav ha rnd lrtalnaareo whriflbcrcadr price 8l0 a amplo if ah uhe will be n wipjd llho diflt ent lrji and village in ipafll wtriet uforo theandir uy irhcri piliea aiuhrve an floioftouiif w examine ahc kdvc ihrurderfor the asiaa john p pungle dcllci1cj1y 117 l s al oifrr left lh tsvs pnpilor in ktlcvilfv af aa l nutaclvrcra in xarasavoai am waliicur otvitctoi w r mfietlko jl oet thi cuee will cnnni ruetmy lhaj sed f tvhctrtre iiillfeiai- pcitaes will be ititi fur viz tbeuaiabilokiacvp cloo en- traherrclo ipert in all rlofaaja tn- ihu irh a tho oytxwa ruitse 50 etj- iraiirt i3 nen to all h m- lienis a svrrpstake rifoii clhil with five stolsriher- july 25th 1316 io u tbh tor the s dinrl 1ayuc r mceiiisg 11lreiiiilaj lleaia a tfibmtakss for throy om xijeacb t0 forfeit fswtfil with mrtcli nkcrilitra denilr sflaulai the dirtcr pukseav- fin- sirance fi hvinets nnw iwrie in milollaat a hurdle race clmici bt sweeiakea of 5 each tsvu nriim vvffv fjh hiinlles fnsr feet vifk eici oppn tu ail liitac to carry ii atone alareo an cl aillgfvcj 3h siiuiht to iho rates and roeula- liona of tlio cutilnnia spring fa ace cm j l mtkjr cataairimkit p awciia 0 a 4 ft- oai r otve flavto j vvrf baiav boh lam ti ij0- mvft 4 1 rf- uvta i 4 rfr ic hi a- 7- t j govsx filert iiwitk imii fast ti i ota rtjafc calc lnii lriu lur- 1 ings race mfte ftpitlnf iv tnn all lh lrearr soartbolf ibe cvojiani nn rtfs htho farfnj nn r- hi t efot w- satins which rirst a t ilae raloc cffflai tilts phmfits iaftmhij vhll acerurah 5i in brnr itliey iat m mt pf d cc of ajlvcuj fe df of tbe dieidj ii cetaq inled iwific a riftil iamvtv will share in the fun ajmi ura4 bu oal by thfa levstiajq if the j- im- f of lowing nsav isa whi ft sauted fw thunsoay v lee oclock 1 fell il auction uui afiioeot o 2ij july inaih al m ihe nbtriherh ivill without roeration tbe t5 teasfj coffe erf and rnatted jiitcovado siao uuncb bvin jtvieeopraiwr ton ilurchcaia kckle ww lil i j a cotton twine aaitlla ud con1 com frcoans pto eid uretsed jlvtlr1 tumbler bvci 1 ii cjj janan ik ic r ilsn vc branjr holland gin and jjfnaiea hltfc u irhj- and rrcaslea dale elatiji vinecar inbairel a ictv harrcu ninth hore iferrin a t of nx 1 twe cojiislt artj a lot of american dairy checie aaziial nyatlertns w uuphant s watt lorsjthy 16181 f rvn a rctail estabush went in tciwn a younii man tvlio baa huen accutmrtl 10 rmk keptn anj woum rnafco hiinaclf otlier- uiie orfnl aply b idler ailjresjej bax 147 kinfiawi pdl 0iseci strayed ii he sh ytl 0 or ahout oreinisca of iho sbbjeriuo frem the mm kill or szril light ked cow with t sfiort tail amil larqe imrna whoever will briirg cw to be suliciiber ir is iifrrtitiji ltcr ho may bo fouj shall bj haijavmcly vivorjcd h a rfintrft aofrcssail flisfcl kingstnri july 10th 117 ni paris new york fashions thomablittle merchant tailoh rincbss street kingston espectpully rnforma hi nu r forwarding notice fllfle ivion fwiccrding company herew- give notice tfcal their new and fal sailing j lror sieamcra emerald and 6rcgon arvrfj rn union kailroad arc ooe in operation anj plying a under steamer emerald arx t cvjjinq l wa a ns leaeea aylnter every taerdbj auriefuy ano sutur4atf atocooi a ft u wwwtioi leaiv4 ihe railkoad irmne- dialtl alter the arrival of ibe cars from the stonier oregon ani arrives al ayfmsr al i oclock pm steamer oregon aw ijaw awafc doifvwaam lave prae rfo port every village immediately afierr ibe arrival of tbe car from the steaioer ernrpld doirj boats touch alallstoitvinjurtsei eowc each way hejalo be recctved 1 pteat anticombustible solution pot preveation and euiicuon of fires ftbavat named sabscriber invenior of the liquid heiehy noli- sea iw public tha he is now pro- part tuaaturate all frame housmaml ijuiingmiitcriaf with jk paimtt aoti- corthusubte solution vthitfh atvcr many ytjctfv trtal anil empemftce has been prtvj ui be folly adequate to the pur poatfor which it wis invented l0 patajnt anticurnhuatiblc solu lutirii is solj in bairols hy the gallon and hr ned by any perwo who mil 41tt himsolf the trouble co follow ihe diredthnaof ibe inventor nr it will bo niijiioi by the subariber in pcrraon t aflteuaes sheds staltjk fchcc e whiiaatt may bo oioded at the expertise oflir pee oaro jarrj fr fuiiher pavnculars apply tf by letoir poalpaij to the subscriber m il oij kioreton brewery jreen bay- or at the ahencum near book john montgomery kingston july 1s7 13m sale of real by virtuoof a uineo in in blidsajo by ihn day estate way of m if january ptworof salo con- njcrjtuie of bargain muicgager dated rmo thoanavid ciolt hundred art j ltylvrr and made iuiqtn dexjtstijr olcirrj vto f the cira of kingston doceascdi of the one par and wilmih m- kckciimku of ihi nafne place of tho other pail the foitiwiui- parcels of land unlcas priviuiialy dipnted nf by private sale wit be sold at public auctifiv q3altjnhy 31st dty of july next at t ijcwk nomi at iho aictiin unot if mr s tts limo5 a imiunuui rn4alrn vis- lot to throo hundred nd hvn in do cily of kiagatvo exolirtrt n tvimityatx fot mi prinooatreoi cindifi throlvh the vtimio dcplb of ltts mo ihrou hundred and bifhl in htj said city wtiieh inti uio rrture utrtuouily doscribod ic tho aattl in- uuturo francis m mill 4vorynr i ralejlii kksto 1 nvwb nj j 1s17 j jpve nouce that no freight mil on board th stemei if aot propctly marked and wvbilcd and not after eleven ocleck p m at aylmer on the nittil arevioui to jihi wy ccaaine lo han4 after that tiree most reinain ib mrt until the ensuing trip i y tjo ehia to pre vent prooeryr nrin locftifer j careleisly l b row 0 or arrl by orvrters witliout bdjor markoeoeqiienlly not ciiferctl tby ivlll not he resftoncibu for any pro perty wilhobt bernj duly entered and a receint etinled e h thos cuming amt union foriwrdtng cwmny aylmer 1st july 1sx lake onfcrxto the royal ali line of staamon wiij leave ki3lorron ar toron to evkrv frkrxlon sunday rzrrotcov at five ocpick prcely laocliincat oiuui pt hlpe trcnuor asvaatatsasaj and rctvrmnc will leavo 1- j f kiieato inahfcba at wl prma evbsy dy vjsim ea4ed j at 0 ojk p m lavajbcay ootil thv 1 0 1 r si ad from the lolii sepierjbor i ine ctae uf tho souoo at twveltc wkft n fr cofnc orcx jsnrnritlbeeatiro- i freofriirti jjmafi wiiuck eniifnuvta aauoao lire r j oi t- ni tbe mjil taoo kvm mad office- twoail jobcisai to the hflihinlc 7 aulsaiis of canada n sfptemoer next moron cuslbiner and ihcpohhe ncral1y thjt ho has received h n alinlroal and xow yurt a choicii and vanci asaoi nrtcnt of whiio drills and summer cloth of tho mot approved shade anj filter texttirti toother with a beadtifijl i assoxtmhwp op ve3tjnq8 conistiiig of rich cul velvets white satin jmtltn quillings of dirterent tylea white mamailtea uuh yollov caslitnore c tec t i loet cnmprisesallba new nnd desiralde in hta liht and grtai imluveineni to gentufni wwliftg to ofeiiin a ilim article of cloiliing boin cut and made up ll wn itmito- diaie ioaneoii and at aih prtctja m ha iourr hiio a cnaitiuncc nf rliat uprkrs flitch c haa ifthceio received mm b w ies kiornc habits varaiam ijifary tmorau lreeovc c- made rip toordr the nxm ftslfioiia6e inner and on rcaeonahletonnv kiogaw latjuiio lw cllv div4i4ju icasaja iho a atjvw amot othrr 4v aslla company tovrhicb tt- is especially iimled bcfaniinariard lttif cmlmx il the 1- fr r- r if pjq may be paid r4 hallyrahv option of ihe par- y aiiic iii the larrrow tinif t fo iv ojbmj rearda frndvacr i roeiiw lb itmiu bciitu matilly tees tterri m oom hm rj any yorla iauinji pr nvi oy wrarap aorr jina cf tkyw vbltovi eiiti came tlteanred nerd that h tinker no aoyee bcttin vl ioin tie vnrfiu of their policies by lle omiiiofc pvtha iriadtcrirui- un iheir yael to r ihr rrcc relird n- tl cojioaisj n ilwr iiitnlio aj croa live atbntic iv rheprvapf 4iipikk ii tfrrportlaf ii vn hie uotil vi urctcfk i 1uiotl being iivried with ftll 4werjfvajrie tiw and vvef4 o pionos 1 lu n tha comtany an in mfcfci i witbuulcoui- 01 itii ca in 1 a wui ihe areul ttoaj v il be tut pwiv 1 stomp itirv rrace iu or any vtakr fs4 u ffriuhmj vl lac fact of ihe roananj ofinjr uavfy a lic aaaranca oiftce uiiconiivchaai with viibcr fue v maiiinr ihltra1fci coraes af ihe company prwarfcloj lobars of hair- fur aauraice arirn fmo- fiis wiiihhii pionb on siaja iutaa joint lw and 2iiir bvorbiim fbt lhr s bojf leni t ipiiv hr tvaiiidiiiimiifeev wiib every olirf iii j tf ob tained on ailitivo al ihe 0cs a thar company uy older of ihe dirvetflravtt a uavi branch uead omceo n13crcal t n fishes 1 frien iaaetoaa h- peter mgillgauisv alavid owidson easw a allxlt simphun brav iiksv ramsav ra 1 cilkuyr dvmhtlff aasjui siaoicac afl latssav ceo campbell asav o iolicjtqa i 1 in the 3d coa pinu r rlchmoorf 200 acre tbe tib coo on senae- is sfrtemoer next a fe awp v acta fa aav cwy under rjo iimoadtiu latfonao op his cxcnttxcy trtk oovcowoa cxscjuli rr th- exmninox of samp15 6f workmanship by rdcaits in uk proiioc f canada dix tioitce wiu be pven nf o i1t and plaor tintco for the rcevplioo of tbo ubjoia caroa- inbiuoo dy older mrcbvtio trttitsei montreal lay 9tlf t mcfoxxg sacrftay bod bug poison certain and otavetsjl remedy for 0v0o or- n jed uuaorio iirvi r ii ty prcvjt oy reuirnnf lve a if if ee and di ienceamc viotora- trparcd ana sold by roodrt cvftker drusgut tf slcel k s r i y 1 paiee 1 and 3a 6d per n 1 1 english statioory sec c jivst received at tfjx atheneum book s t 6 a f jojof avrori kmgstok 4 large asmflfmtnt of lavish slalioner of rtie frtsl qaalily consist- in of i medium ivtay aac fafr past liid pap filscararni3 quarto r4 sritlne paper hip all iv indsiiin ditto tmc and srri4ll cutiri fpor i ovikaf aitca hayiat and viiilinc cardi irariooa binds rimera card from s incura bj i v io as io hia ainattesi cjd in use coctoior wilb acrwal tlir artcua in ibi ufioiir line jal ffrls motice suhicfirwt bejsto aeoiiaiaihja js and the poui that althodp hehasdiafkkeil uf hi b1ackc h tie haa not icrt ktnpion nor 40 he intent la fa tcslfcyi left at tho blacksraith shop or ot hia re dcncaexi door will be puactnally at tended ti ai usual 1m6ma5 patil t- tcrrtaary vrgcon kinjsfon june 18 187 4ftmf lands for sale the subscriber hate tbe followine ltpd in the midland oistrrct forsalc 1 soolht lot no w acre no 10 in the 7th con sooih lutno39 ir 100 aeres wcsl v lor no 13 ia thr 4ih con bee too itre fot 5ih c io ohlon aw acre lot no ifl fitli con fitf acre cumwnc macdonelt kingiton juoeoslb 1847 fresh imlortatiovs of wines laiqnor ftc cotripninng am assnrtmerit of pitve and cnnunnn wines liquors ekc wholesale and retail a t lb 5 ivfcf of tlio suhacobor noetcajraajr a uf uk market soianr kin wlxfia sine atd pnr 4 oota ic 5an4imarta port 0atbborw madatra yy g4d n shrrricsv bn l p tencotw clutoaudo borrfrervilta clare orapo ea k frandrchampajoo vaej fioe u aua enc pak graad senoidaia jardik inrtj rinpaivdrod oil rfluino scjatoli whiakcy canadian wlnker wilb a vriv 1 uootfi loilauo fcv dc a kaanfj ocri a piao aiyli hymp rjapher ryvrop sirabrfy serya k l- io ae hiaaiittfc markoinan gasajai joins je47 to thi lovers of the weed william john boseea innkwaj mgtlt davllmtls irtrft bat uiotcli oiljror aib uma taunav h 4 r c al um fadlaia uf fiaahil hi ovtvi sihb aatcar- vfjt fmi s4ts st uivasv lfiiiv ka- sovavlori rtaodumc huriaarjaaw j 11 srttfaar f c j srewair aa aiasv for wrtlk01it jamka traw hrl iliilmfjguwflui for mstltallaln sytfflft nd adakf raktpe rowxyiofw koh rsr inimfs and ce0xfu rittii m l ioibmy ij tsjamsj for ivlk a ib scwribav u h- ons jicr car family graorrua tffiy obtained at lute price auraifc twtaaao fe liopeil old and yoj iiisshv twanbav sclnnj wboof feeno lf oiaitor dec- ia eiirara half otatji caddis 1 wu a rio of aoeaa iscale saaaafk drtoma aaw utior arnejesv itt uuollna 1 rarrblo wfluam l avashfrtaajajattll maffl 3 lumber tug suwcrilief ogen nasvaahle ftnns sjfitfaa fmarmintht t f v 2000mee srssieri ftjftavciiiv ltoi incfrea thick alaef acwn of oak manttyairfcn tonguea an hobbs piae and raroooal scaailin spruce siara of variiiu titmonannna am rount caar ift lonpht rom 20 in 40 james fisntlr prnouih june 29 iw ittls- r 4 just reeeiveo at m atheneom bofclc stof 7v fmwir scjual bookmjj 60ston acaokmymrmc olrtey cearaph and lrjr xukbaia fjrmnimar do aocuivorff i ivatkrr dclronare v pinaoertceialatbens do to hoot rf- do ev gtteeel jane stir 8t qffcfls a sala j martin ivlwkaak or raiaa an airuucolor liatanna prmcir panstab an cl c a ip of tbo ohuioaai uaoak carcndlab ilrrvif oii arvajmiio clrofca col w r hum i pfto rioa am4 turkic tchc- market skaaro k f i- lli mechanics institujqn- all persons harin rva w thew loaaearnn iitim- t tv chr5ry af tbu tuiiituiiocrare reqnasted ureianstaroi to tlc libmrjan forthwith by order of tbe coamjtter of mv are men lnell lamomt rao 5eera- fctinpton 17th jnne isi7 la rgb itooms to let fok exhibition lectures iu cast xaara or any other pdrbrtecs tho rnomaara op 9vrarta tavern ontarin tra arvpiti j waltbr earjfer kinrfunn 4th june iv7 frk9ii fruits heceiv just rttais ni injra pharrvrd ui- c e i v e o awoaoa i fmvl nuta in 1 rbona i w1ftt r i pw nat covvim non of oroaigr tvbokaau aod retail bt v wiluamj su3tc kr s4of atioio f llujaaa 17 j