Ontario Community Newspapers

British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 14, 1847, p. 2

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t rt wkcntbf rd cm- ruilo mr cwlry ttiwblirn for the foftwine tdidio on t unt ttielrto lprfllii hi j shkiienkif wrtw h ir i c y rfnhoij tirgej wtfc fiovtftnf wt f w t mdh we w l lewf l0iic mninial e or flwi that should economy 5 it min oc tfflsj be aiie 10 foiol out the proper ww of mitctisl actio- iw g jf esfttttm vfour self imrwlanec mm has envcah fcabfrmwx in her own line of wnrtrwiher slfm 7 ornru puhhealiois torname her bear with kt limeiim t ntfttawiftar are the articles lo which we ashv above rtfij tfi pffiwtj r t r 1 paty iwj itkt sw w wh 5 oir m v ueuirr 2 mil wnll w the ahove jutcfeuitike ireth tome tlbers which w hav m wjiuoocil are ww imported from the lm ted stair and s m far therefore a wat amount to imported h concerned the wdoclion f jur wlw wti icftrfimy th hj the cmmner- wt ehirnrej wwitt thai a numr of mue which a nrnicipallf imrtj froo vcjt grvai a have tonxqoemly never vrilrniulderlhelmrialerdifferenlialdjhh urc riu fcj mr cjly ffff tow be h u l j ri c he fcjloivifig catb mr pcclle 7j p c wr 5 71 per uw f aw i 10 per wlriissooo 5 mr ciruj etimhf tile ltj cjim tlevenur ly le frcv ts jmfpod liriltj m gaacmf te ename tagkifc opwi ihe raefj3 of tlrii tajtulitian we serve that mr cajlrv ha tte a hi jjj for ihe aioonnt rirnjrru liftdrf the opr4tiori 01 hi new qav llie afltoiftl r injoru for lhc yea i54fi we are iiclinej to cijai ihti eirnlr rather too law f i ne thin pretame lhat a ewidrrame change will le fovm to reeolt in our comomhthue rhimf m the r of duviea fofviyi rood ftt th- tnuftiticoreiyool too raletvliieh yi hold aui no lemrutu either to nuler ur to ipttnotti iitieerr it b also highly probable thai many article f oecizn ifiapofu will undro a material 40jejne in qitantily n conedoence of lh redocttooof dotv produced by the abrogation of ihe difewiimi w rroceure duties ueh loeciamplo as cuw silk jood anlmiiyof thectsai duioate unmwrattd vaicr the head of m remjit rervttobieiletni which indicate buc a very ioferim decree of cowimrei sagacity or of ia cfirttaal rtvanccment in our ttecnt etcu- flw u awtomfrd prcparfliioiu pnrw bttfu ffpfitdyfir rt f ionycuir or flol tftorfer r jcl e asfhi if t ac a a ti f w jlhfj i w a peteioui utfplt 0 ihe rvni aaw lie amttft cmmder the benefits of humanity pro tmtu fiooa ttt jiftaion of sound know- ettre i very probkrosticaj we cannot se what strrico will be nndertd m mr st bv plaeio obstacles in the wav of kientific nvestic nc kcdieal fro- fmkm be already too well informed in the branches of koiwledy which they requirr is study mr cajley is onl consul wg the toafit of atutotfcfcat and sorcwat knowlej- j ii mr ctley a ery stupid dt in haviise iiatrodnrej 10 bbinc a cnaoi cf llcal 6nieh itiorn of mr sherwood select committee sppoinlej to eonsidcr ihe hjeri or emicralion rxnerally with a view hmkr ilmofohcncnciilto thft tinjc m w uw indivtjnal vmirnnh mr- mttfrood answer 10 a remark by mr lafontiiaesaid that he had hwiitlil over tin snbccl atil conjil if t weir conijerrd uttfw p u blan but hi leacned friend ml c awn re that the subiect had mirth oecujed the mtc- lion of the govemment at homf and that there a similar course harl been adoflh it tjieouc now nrortsrd the colonial covernmenu hal abttrn invited b the imueuot govern ment tu make sfrtfe rtia in aecotdance with their wev tad he had no dohw that when these ifetri had been comimimcaw somt general measure would h adopted he araa not prepared nor ij tw think aoy oe cmiu be with a definite plan on sweh a mrbjeel mr avxwrt riaarked thai no ineieiier from the district of quebec was earned on the com rniltee m srtrcworti had no objection to caane that mr btidwtn ihrn complained of the course mr shetrtoftd preoed to lake instead of throwing oit the reioftihilily of a measure ol this kind on the hooers a eommillee minintees ouhl to he prepared to cone drt n withsv spveilic plan fnr which tlwy wiw holdiheaiselves responrime he mut decline to take part in the committee ov account or the views he entertained mr aytwiuniamc ftaviag been ttmimed for mr ualdwinv wrw m0 of those origi nally menlivnedj the oliwi was passei with out divisiwi i answer to mr aylwin mf bauble y said inwcundertnhi tbat the sureliri nf john fiiller heady bau been proceeded against and ulrhiit ohlatned upon the house eoidk into committe oh ihe customs hill mr aylwin beed lo have the measn re postponed he said thai hi cruwti- tuenls in common with rrsny other commer cial com m unit it throughout the ll v not had an oppculuni ty to contlrr ihr mrasfjit from quebec he knew ihatadrpulation ofrhr board of trade waiat hjt moment on jls wny to confer with the lospeelor crneral he believed lo hat lhc tfonstiiuei is 0 itip htih member for montreal haf no time fortonjjcr- in the new scale of diitie mr mof rattaid he vaf o meet thv rton- treai coard vf trade that ilay at bafpal a ocloeli to cmrft on the suiject mr atlwtal toped thac nder the crr- cimunccs4 the resolutions than bfore the house vmm he povtpoflrd mr mam hoped they wonm not be post poned the members ol the corcminent had he hoped taactc up their minds on the subject of these duties attd were rcsjioniiblr orfjicm lie had no ija that the mtnitty vr th ifoute was to iive up lis opinions on account of the views of a fexv nercba out of door mr cattdsaid that when he had propased the scale of duties anf had peoeeoled as far as the sec nd reading he intended to pre plenty of lime fr the cemlmmllan of the hems before ih bill paed thrnn h commit tee hswevera the roiretsof the measure had been so ttriouily delayed ihonh he showed canadian picchmt for the rotwsv he proposed lo take he could rot convril o any lon postponement m howevrr he diit not dvsirc to press be aeaje forward in a discour teous manner he woulil consent lo put it oftcetl the nexl day which woulj at any rar tive time for him to see the deputation in had not had the advantars as hk- hon member far qwsee hal of retuniiic in his family on sa tnrday nights and he wanted tocl lioioe mr sntnwooo remarked that the object of ministers wat to iet lhrouih the buiinrssof importance really neceary for ihe covero- mrnt in order that honi memvfs minlocdir- utised to their homes quickly fj potsibfe he knew tbrc were maoy mrmhfn on each ide who had tpreel their dcirc to be re- lcatt from attendanu in ihe house in sitch very hot weather surroinded too as it waa sail obc by a pestilential atmodiere- ii rt mamed for the llimketrietd wvtwrihii pressed a desire ol a sejy pr jrootiou min isters were ready lo prorogue immediatrly after passing a tew measures of ahsojute inv potlance- if norther were ready to 5001 wilh the nanal course buslnesa mr lafotaixal eved if among the bills rcnsidereit absolutely necessary he hon ac- lomeyoeneral include j the municipal riulbe educaiion bill and the jurors hill for lowrr ctaad nwmmiml utii lifjl oe was one cf those members who wa desirous is cet away anj il was impost lo tote in awer with- hal be never saw any pie out knowing exwlv wlft rki hifctift everything atawawaktfihlhophl inc hon rcnher the sim kn werej tit ivireliouue aholth have given notice hi question in thtr usual manner then lb hon meuvr had sam that it was ihe faflll o ihe hiustrylhat parliament wa not sooner as sembled now it should be remembered ial ihegorcmor gcncrhl had hut recenmy arrived andcoum nol meexhlt parlianent wilhonl some knowledge nf the slate of public hui- ner the ho njembor biioeirad delayed as lorn lu call torelher the parliament he had no reason of thai kimi bt ijtfi as it wa altely ntcessarj jbal parhimcnl should 6osefnmedatoncv of course ilforced it upon the hot weather mr atlwlm thenmovrd 10 postpone the consideration of the resolution till iav and evpresed hie piqirikc that mr hill should be oppowd lo delay he should ne glad to know be said how the hworamc membrr was qualified lo decide 011 such queliom as twe before the house was legislation to be carwuectl at a haul gallop because the hotu member for pclcrboro wa homesick 7 me hat j replied that ha uiwljmawail had a rihl toincjnirc into hi cmnpc lo voir on questions before ihi mouse his coo- atiluerli tliouht him qualified or they woild mi hare sent him nor did he nntrrmand thni it was necessary to sejul at every mm lo ast them how he was to vote the son of a mer chant enaiced in mcreanite a lairs and own- insevrral mill he considrrcd well quali fied toofler an opinion at least he was hel ler qualified ulan ibehon member for quebec at to hi brin honscsilk n he could say was that he never once ml his nast and the honorable member himself could say no more afieraomtr oilier conversation which pro flueeti nothinciresh lhc lfoiodiridej ayes m nays 14 ministers voting with the ayes upon the estimate win bronchi down sofneennreration took plate relative to the proposed rant for ihe college at si hyacin- ilita ft was carried on however in so tow a tone as to have birenquitc uninlclliibleiqthe reporters box upon ihe cran i for vktoria cvljerelwin proved mr aywtfi hiwxm before the house the cwum or dislnvn cahfje at len- nnxjijlo jm that intcituiion xvis a ec- cumption into his urirt ajaui the duly of 25 per cent on anaeri- reprinl of english copyriht books inlesa presenhe by colonial ojfw jan ivf if a most abiarf add imioljl ro- r ion the pratcriplion of ihcic vntfea pi ihiutakeo it the smugger ami the ajmcnu jnroicr bare a ttry large tempta- fawthrotii in their way they will eadc uaiioty and will v public benefactors in tiotawa they will introduce british mtead cf toeric to ourpele and lcaitctrirtrlotallt by apscuiothc japrojeet of lb- ttecultve lo foster the tajoaof repatlicabtealiment in canada prou ram parliament legislative council rw oc 4fcf rnl rror e ttcfdaf 6th juy speitkev ld on the uhle hie second tto hs eacetteiwy by inspector of cji it louver canad tvtre read a third time ost feters chare h brock ville of a lot jf land and to apply pro- cuclia of 1 ftnitana hoje on v tb pliee erf beep the ke- use cerumy of yamaska fnde lh township of pwtajjmel lairwshipt a awtae then went into committee of the fcwbiu to amend militia juw iffisdjvii ohicct of ihis bill was to ic- tbe fine paysblr for empiioo from srr- mfililia quaker sec from xjo to micfwar tli r q wa opposed by a ipcmf irseovrs on tkf grounj bit it tvas aavry al present there heini no pros- 5fwaod thai the preset t law was mootfb to ihe class of persons tosntioa- pvswssfattfl ihe house scomalucd juao aoitsout ton any- axaan went into cummilke of trfjj bill to eoave familiee of 1 froto accident or neleci to re- fm lhc frmwraiiiig their the jjiji without amend svltov atrtke of actions on de- 4g m other districts than tha operty hnlnalrdl c na lioae and refcted to a tfelrc i wlaos1arusr lav of upper cana- ljjftt0r was also read a sreonj tsssswulj kisrtc1 coitijiller sxssvad lb provisions of marrias baw cassada l- h y all j liana was af s second lune fvwtsrpofate si- torerkrnl ii lndetttry jlailroid ail nrrrir avaisal si catherine tclrjfapn couipa- tn alto read second lime and irfeurd mcoaaaifte aarf mitvrn received from lhc assemmy and read a first lime vitajv tfcjr juljoeirnrd ifalutiveassbmbry liw tociiv jily ft ivsfceacvi wine put lhl 1 uij g ammui at worts act u paarf kasws sofod a t winch utild baissw esfcl f the ltojidol tmumum faiitod as tolllinoof fewb amriism laijjht u iade aw fcttaiu general cautroniiok kn wrrw 1 ascdlan din li- fcbavir v because he was directed toiioso by hisphyw cians hut that he was mill ready to stay to eiss meamirvs of imporlance however he saw thre waste benojnsticefot loner caua- da b if there was a necessity for maun the session a short one that arose from rho min- istry havim- chosen so unfit a season fcrasscov win- parliament and he wis convinced that the moment it was orcfi altempls would aain be made to brin over hi friend on lhai side of the hootr to strenfhe n the ministry pur his own pan he mih bo called lo leave at any moment from the uncertain slate of his braltb hoi he hoped bawever that might bc that there wc4d be a strong administration formed he cared not so much whether it were formed by bis ten friend froca north york or his htm friend from montrealhe hoped that there would be strong government and that the governor general woulj not be kept in a por tion in which he could not do justice to the country if there were ueh a stovvrnment he was certain the house would not be told on the 2nd of june lhal it was jummoned then because it was ihr best season and then be told three weeks after that it seas the wovau mrs strcawooo had never heard any one say that the jwesent wa the beat season for the meeting of parliament mr laroyruxj saij an amendment com- plaining of lhc unreasonable tim of aein- blin the house had hr prvpcwd to the ad dress and had been rcjfdej mr- sirtbwoop supjsef d no one would as sert as a matter of choice ind s an abstract theory ural theifrescni was the best season but bis frirrfdi he snppmed did not take hotu tnembers oil that sidr of lhc house forsuch diddles as to rote that miacd up with olher thioaiioconveililinioa vmeofeeftsure upcm mnisfers he wjt prepared liowvver to stale lhal if the nreirasarv business of the cotfouyoejcat through miuisters were pre pared in prorogue the house 1 once with a pfede that lbti oold assemble il aaiu brfuic ike lt prhuary mr lircaraiaut rem bed tial here was f no answer to hisqutfilian mr r r-iir- could slate that if tbe non memner for terrebonne expected any one man toket ttnavb all he instine lo which he had alhrded with the tana promptitude and vigour as in midwinter he c vpected a lask per formed which he r dad jley was not cro- ptejit to do the lion member must remem- too that he had only been two months in the ministry aod could not be ejected to r have hi measures very forward however he had introduced three measure on tbe sub ject alluded to by the km gentleman and they were now at the prinlera from which he haj aeeo unajric to eel ihem on account of the peer of mm sent hiin from thv ut time were aven bim he was reauy to ft on with those measles anil aass ihans through s if uot my snettt of course ttaiid over mr 1 1 frjvrwvr had no intentios ofbtam- sftglbeboo gentleman he knew liat if lie had hern brager in power his jdans would hveheeajika mote rvwatd slate hut hr tdamett the huu icentleuiann coltcam whose fuli svjji it that the atterncy crneral had been so recently aprinted that ihe puhhc mincss was injdcd b ihe delay f llrre mr dueitsaii rducd ihe hon nenth- man to order trie chairman however de cided that 5lr lafwitaina wm in order iijd wsucii jr hmtra apasratd to ibe speaker ivteaarrnvsl isssiuwwoii of l chairman mr lt w unc eoathiiied m iir a an swer a la cyietfwi ij fh drhaiv w- kept jpfwf some time without ehritins what he la iu censes of i mr gowan rmarked irt ire nor mrmhtr m ymtkmm had no nght to ask any question iff ovlalc ond mr aistifl- requiring a j cr before bo wmild iikw ihe llousflo- proceed m lrorraime said hie bass attorney ctarial had made a prvpeihon to ihe hiim parian one he admiilcdi and 1 it had merelv rlt reconrio mii- he ihauld not think it deserved a nnl of pumic nwncy t bnl he re membered epmj for tjic fiiu rranl lo victoia cutee and he did sa on the distinct undr- aidirt lhal in vulin mnny for seculiafl eiistilulion ho was selling an evimde which woui be fruvl whenever thce noiim be a similar ono in lower canida lhe 1etiuov rilfe caflefe was now ctablished hy hit pub lic contriliutions of the member of the church of enlan f who hnf ivrn ajojt 10000 for that osjcel he ef aimed ii a riht thai the ami favor ihotl id he etendj to il as toother the church td which he hr loosed certainly did not the jes dive civisi feral inn because il waal inn e1amuitd churrh in enclatid uoweeerhodesirrd no pe eminence bol only simple juii ami cjlted upen the members fiom the eastern townships to support him the fc watj hvwevri thai in tower caa da ao els had any reacts to expert nliee fiom the aiiiiistrv and this the minority wnum soon find nut now he appealed on behalf of thv minority and as that sftcr all was moie favored than the majority perhairf he miht he vuccessful unless this were accirfilcd he shonhl sute againt every one of lhc grants for ccdleftts the bora gemteman concluded a somewhat lengihy secb of which we merely give the snbstancci by morine an amendment that after the jsm words of the tjrant the following should h added provided a lilte mm be granted it bishops college mli caylvct i answer to what the hoi member had said about upper canada and kvfrwar canada showed lint the grants to all puhk institution intruding llernr cel- per canada mrcwavexpreed hit rordiat ocquies- cerce in all that had been said by mr aylwin as to the propriety of a cyan i to the lennox- tille c mr waz desired to have a grant for the lennoxville college hut wax aio quite dis- rjoscd to lrnl to ministers lo recommend it be inul say he thought this lutiitulion well si ji d n ojjjj n otbersj hcanse he was under the impression thai the cflees connected with the roman catholic church iter usually very weallliy rho no from the oypition onche- well then aain he was under the impression that they were connected witu a eerv wealthy hody in montreal nn no well it that were so he wodld of cdurse withdraw the comparison he was oinx to make me atiarial said the hm mtmher for sher- broakehad had the jdrantof of oriental ex perience in eastern concls an 1 that probably xeoiinled for the csmii tierlike mbmission that he maiiifesle i hut lie air alywto had an idea that his rough john bull ddwurtght english way of making bis demand was the most jikely to obtain ih proposed cjjcct the bon gentleman however consented to with draw his motion and ministers as we nnder- stood gave a kind m halfprnmie to do lomr thing for ihe tvfjc iu tlie suplemenlaf estimates mr patcc asked why rhc bapli collcm in mouirealaultlie innleiiendeil college at toronto were lo b excluded ffunl thse grants the government had hdught tip all tile olher denomination ahy should itnot buy up those two it was true that he anj ihe supporters efttosc nrfitniions were coflccieittinufly op posed to the assistance of the slate heing af forded to religious bolies hut that did not ex onerate the government mr siikftwoor said the hon- memwer talked of buying ui was his mr prices sect or sile r mri psvtcc sail thai the jenminstioni in rjotfition were nil deposed lo take money for religious purpose but they mihl do it for the purpose of educating their children mr- sutnwooi wanted lo know whether the phrase huyin itp bad been ned as a mere figure rff speech or is conveying some mean irtg if ihe meaning were lhatthe enomina im receiving ryis awnpovt were kodki fiy thc grants eriven to their collets he indnanrjy denied it a lo giving ntonvy to people woo did nol ask for ii or who would refiiic to lake tt as the hon gentlerrfaft said inese people would do he did not understand the propriety of it at all mr lt r p 1 i 1 1 hern aniicipsled by the hon attorney general in some rem irk that he had mlctrdrd 10 rmkr tfo didiijt see however why beeaifse a few thousand people were op- poied lo ibvagranlii others who approved of uwrt shisiiu be excluded from having them mr puicr then mentioned the free church college at torouto belonging to people who had no objeclivn 11 stale assistance but who were lo eel no granl lr sirrawooo said he faw not heard of that college iut afterwards tjmamaj him self by saying that he had not hearof it as m applicant for public grant if he had sr far as he was nervonally concerned he should have bvrt ready to juf them at once mr avlwrn remarked u the cordiality with which the hon gentleman expressed himself in fawrof this cullege al turonto compared to the heitalin manner in which he had upoken f the grant to hiahrsps cnl- irge- the sulijvcl then doipcd and lhc vote mrd ujon lh ilem fr he appropriation of xlutfxr for tefrayin the cmwnditirc con nected with eavgratiaiu kin brouht before tbe hnue mv hildwm enquired hsya what princi ple the money was expended cavmsv rhd that tile goivrnment followed rweettaim priiplci they applied the money in them inner ihey to md tnoi etpediera they ha jtrratlyapenlaimiif xio fw a whatrwer rvprsssu ihey incurred they evpected tuu reimbuifed by the urltnh oovermnenl mt balkwln hejiel thl gfeat care would h- taken lo eo that leasieful expondilure wa alfowcjd mr nkmoy said hn cntiul ut allow the present ntimrluuiry 1 y without making aciine remark lu hn stale of thinn- wlnrh exim in lha kmigraut mhftlfi he had been recently ther md ho mi say lace omi5rnaoa wa in tawasigs il withpil nllej nee aid without the cnitnoiiesl pceessa of life usey ctu not gel eom svato ev although the sheds wcic sihtalrtl at urt r side tlie snina laemct and earelefnee ercatty inrrraed the mortality j ami wife ibere was a lavish eitndilnre on one hal on the mhcmhere was the greatest tihaeft nesst he sculd mentinn otielhinjlhe vi1 of straw he bad seen some line me iitton which ieion were dying these jf aaaaj had inc been removed ihy death or br- wic arul oilier persons had been laid uprs the same straw they halagain in their tin been removed and still others had heen plird unnn the same sujw ha had enquired ty fresh slraw wa not supplied he answered lha tfcer im no diltr louo ain there weie ww oiedvh wilml water which wa absohiuly rerjircj ti moisten the bumin torques of ihe nor wrctctcs tiifllrring under fever hehale- pratcdly sunken artl these jlsipsa lo te persons al the shed but il apneard to bi0 ooes duly to attend to litem pe whir sheds exhibited a scene uf gross mi-manac- eneiik mr cavlcr said that the hen memer onghl tc have communicated these t hi ao the f eminent whom ho must rernerncr ilkrilad all person to semi in any sngebs they had instead of withholding ihtm mil the presr ml innml and then reproaching guvernment fat things which ihey knew nih- tog about the hon member laghl to liv infortnett lhc uovernmcnl imojcdalely tier seeing these lliin in order that steps mhl be taken lo remedy the evil mr ltoutson said that there irajna stcktion as to expenditure and that alhhe pcopk had plenty to eal there might he hi confusion hut that ik thertf mnt have hen canted by the death of the late mr- yarwvd- mr nklsost said be had iepreseated things he spoke of to many persons and tat repeatedly he had told the doacd of hehb and ihe members of the coporatiti whoad told him over and over a train that rerfla- slranccbad been made to the govemmt while ht was up he mr n would how it came to pass lhal 1000 or 5000 emi grants were left several days before v toild get boats to forward ihem these rnts mitht hej wen ftnt fonvid as iy it ttsnbr lint partirswerelold tlutuvvv rt take care of their own hy law or hy force- thus ihe ucpartmrnt ekaped imnm at ibe price of disorder he aeitusedjiim ajstf oti corn merest policy meompelling parties taking limber limk to cut nwdc thr cjnanlity of timber hitherto markets were g 0 require itedamlt j by which ihe he country ruined fhe numerous hanlrepleie which appeared in each rtorcffe were enough to ronviuce any one of the ill influence the hon gentle in adminislinlion hail njon ihe affair of the co lony hon enterneu might rot peiftap bo aware of lh imparlance of rho timw trade hut if they wgt nol he would remind them lhal the number of ship brought to can ad 1 by that commerce exvrcurd a material ejtoei in mhicinthe price of freihi charge on mauii which were hiuiifht oit fmm lreat britain timber too was ihe grcalimi- cte by fcich canada remrned the metre or os so thai when the rednctioa in ihf were ml in aooel health but they were until numbers of ihem got jick from alout sied and eniuy consequently lie had tom this to many but nohm ever done aaain they waited uuti boats cinivcyiu the emigrants arrived h ihey beeait to erect sheds for them an t te last shed ihey had put up wa eroded bv tt lit it side of the iraveyard where as rnaj fifty persons a day were interred anj- under a veiy few inches of carlh was a proper nlacr to erect ashed ik wis f lam that the hon member mr cayw never went to ihe t1irds or hi homi would have caused him to see that somer wa done hrllrs said as the hon member spoken very decidedly against the fine mentt he mr it must say asdecide w him thai he mr il hd visited ihe rt and he wis glad in say that he aaw 11 a obliged to jic upon the ground all hi- commodsiion in sheds which he thoif j were very comfortable i he had teen fj nrle of flravg from which every rnp c iet all they wanted mr wlftlii people could not go far it there p ptenly of person in attendance ibere friends medical mcn student tilfses np ters nf all denominations and ahoec troops of ladies belou tjitatmttts remarks of the ho founded he had been to the shed evay morning sixc he came to tnwn an- wa glad to say that he ewu corroborate ev ug to relious mmuties hear hear me was prov 7 see it he had auo enquired about theirt and wtry cmc whom he ske tosaid hat hr had ptenly and as much a they fonhi j ha also found that there was plenty of j in the shed which were not when he f them all filled he taw ulbers i cov creetiomj he hal seen me uial a j earth nier the cofrt as lhc hiin meuver mr kelson had said ihrre wa ani tnr feel of soil over them the ho meahrr had talked ahoot the confmion hemrjl i at ahm twaofc larvrjijil 1ire prrienee nf great hodie of mfjithe thonh ihey could exist withonl confoion epcculy when all could not speak ihe same iajijrbsrje as in the sheds wh there wer man ym- said that he thought the mr nelson quite in- alnosl he if word which had fallen from members on uis side of the houte mr solicitor general camkitox aalil hat the remark of the memhrr owawte at nelsun would lead lh- ii hw ip infer lal ihey were erecting hets hy the side of e buryjngground where there were great nun hers interred daily such was not the erf the burol gtourj had been chanxednd upon the ohl one four feelol earh had fr placed besides large quantities of time id there was not nvw 00 single vestige grave to he seen he would tifce to ww how the oeivernment could h blamed for il- liwuel5or 1800 out of 3000 or iooo lu left behind for a day or two fr mri want veaels to carry thent forwarj could ho expect thai when 8 of dooo einirauts rfe ian ed in one morning that ihey all could jorwarjed in one day ft was impossih the hon geiitlcinan had talked about siige lincssr he mr c would tikchinttorenl il odlj the uavtrnment hjd sj tared n pense and ifa ittlle confusion etied w naturally mnl have arisen fron the dealli the lite lamented mr yarwood ccmm t blame be atactlei to the government mr i l the ilem was then passed the remaining items in the estimate wv than gone over and passed after which committee roie the llodse tten went into committee the uitl to exemnl public properlf in lom canada from seal taxation mr avlwix opposed the dill for lhc re son urcd upon a former occasion mr baldwin said that it hal been birfcd that ht had skptd from votine on ihe cccl reading of the bill he denied having if p so and aid hc intended then id he ne now do lo oppose the bill mr aiarr atr caused the petition of tv corporiicm of montreal aeainit iwlh j be rean dotie on baltic timber hud ahnmi rajiactl ihe qtebec oadisthc price f ftchaftje went ii toilandipatcen tve neat chare he ha i to snake against lhc hon gratleuan 3se anil of the purchase of mr mccdl house wilhvul the authority of paruavtbl- aain he complained of the niinnrriii ivhich ihe hon enlteman shut up huoince the crown lnnds oepailmeut 1st mr cameron take i on as a warehouse where ihe province sold it land and hthnuht he ouhttohnvc a fiee aecsf lo it as to any merchants office ii the city lusteilof tht he was deeded hy bin kepi waitin till he con j see wi- papineau whom he did not want sec a all indeed so far was this carried that even ihe servants had been lauh lo sy lhal hon mem bers had mtie such impropee ue in the house of the information they had oolniocd llitre thai tboy should jf a no raore he desired to know if he had avtr doae anythineto annoy lhc office 0i the cmitraryi he had frcon3l- ly eadtavose heretofore to sellle ditfirnlt affairs in which his friends in the country were concerned and had always done sn in an amicable manner during the preseni sriion however he had declined to interfere hi this war becartie he woau not submit to ihe degradation of wailiiirat lhc doorfm mr papinean tha hon jeeallemaa at a prece dent cited a similar motion in the imperial parliament aaint lord gtenel mr papwcau said that if any chorees were to h made against him ihey should he of setilic facts put down nt papr and lime ivea him to aitawef it if thit were ilone be would undertake lo convince the lle that he had acted corrcclly notwilfoljadin the comidaint of certain jkrson who were actuated hy selnih motives mr sncawooo alt feaaid that v vi third vole of waiiaf crmidnc tint hid ben atlvmpted in the home and hr had nt doubt il would be treated as othw wtrv of course if hon members were deterou to ee the hon member for the nrth kijii and hit friend walk acnss the hme they wvuld rnte fft hi mo ion if not ltiy would reject it that wa the lijtit in whici the matinn in iird gicneus case was rerinled tbe hinntleman ihvnciloied r pjpinvau disinterestedness and said thil if there were fatilk to ihe mauaement of the depart nenl they were not to he imputed to him but to the bad vlem which prevailed eeiiiilly itnde- the admiiiitrilion nf his predecessor he remarked ujion trie kind nf puefiriin of wllich mr papineau and mr vier had been the ferrets an i aikd if lhal was what wj called injenendenee in lower cana li frr a whole people lo beuudcrlhr absolute direction of tivo or three penons u it were he wcum let hon couemcn that the anlosavon woulil scam it tt was net because theptnple ihonsht for themselves anitn them they were lo he iiimitizd a traitors min- ittcrshad a majiritv and it was na matter imw small a one u they were in he defeated let it h- roue baldly by a vole of wafll of confi fence mr avlwc attempted 0 show that lh irmvn did not involve aiv voc nf wt of tfttr gen dtilv taid lhal iftte v- tc pv views of the question which miht be adid first it was either a declaration of a waulo ecilidense in th minlry or secondly it wa a charge ajinst he lion bieiiitr fur oltafra for personal misconduct u ii werethfflatterit ouht to luee been hk uiponsomc certain aim tpeeiftc facts to ujiich lion member would have wcr to makeadervncc he cntild not be charged for ik act rf hi whok lit he could only he charted tor in axis as a iuhic officer and in a public chiracler and there was nothing b ifnrrihc housero sustain atiyharaja at lit istia bi metnber for lanark had tasked a ejeat drat anout hi purchase of a hoise for the jepai imrnl that purehasc was not made by th cammiiionr of crown lands upon km own renonibililv it was donchy or der nf liegnvernmni and nol isr thai wa re- tfomhlfl fir il the hon member tvt ttla via mutt h relieved from thai charo alto- ecihe- tv ttutcr ekifgei before the itoote were t and wrc njt hed upon any particular fact could it he said lhal a u jsl miaisier shoald be trier before a british hem of commons upon men assertion of a general nature unsupported by any mjj mr govtan slid he wouhl nt have spoken upon the nrcscnt occasion but joromc persna- al appeali thai had hern mjdc to hun by the honorable member far ihe fourth ridinr and tncauss from anna reajoru which he ooji not iiftfarslaiil his mr cs name hailooen been mentidned in the pnhlic print in con nexion with the crown lanls department th hon cenlleman thn made some remarka about his beinsj accused of olbceseekine and deaiii his ever having done o and satd that iii it was found that bhad40ueht fornfhec the members opposite miht have timed the allusion lhy had madj to hm with recairl to what hart been said about the small majori ties of the pretenl ministers and the inrere majorities of the hon member for fourth rid- in when he was in power he would remark that he mr g did not desire to see a mln- islrylrone in oumercial majority and gov- crnin by ihatlrcnth but a mtjbtci strong in 3001 mocnres lie neser wrslied to sec a ministry lhal could govern solely by a ma jority such a ministry was dancerou to the country he desired the ministry to be the servants and rwl the tyrant of the peo ple what he wished to see was a ministry 11 fv eniounled to 073 bein- little oieouehjf the fonlaiiuii of lower cada while i fisit h advaneed to skm in eleven ycarv ai the rnle of4ftfk9i or nearlys er cent whieh shew a ivipnlaliou in upper canada in toll of ssfivj i ffrsoivj that shnill the pouiltlon nf upper canada coi tniucto increase with the mrne rapidity until 1ki the pnpnjarmn of 4tl rf swfit wih have jlced to 9i839 beiiic at the rale uf illi per annuo and 4i1lb0 i j the acatc in ten year 5 yfewrcd that the forcgoiit- fat feote coe1imjvtlylhat upper canada duiimes its population in the amc period that lower canada increases only one tonith c toxtitta 1halin i9i a shod perind to lonk forward fa in the aj of a country ihe population of the western section of the pmvince witl on the forenin calculations hae increased lo l75jutf 1 whiieihe lamein will ntty hare attained a triflj over a iik0nyi 7 acwcet thst tvitt ihrte ficts so or- eibty rxhibiliu ihemrefves to the notice of iii llmiaa and to ihe public it rould be ex tremely tpiwrtc as welt as nnjost and incon venient to the threat hulk of one inhabianl i wt inane nil to elamuh thfrsealof oovern- 1 meat in the less populous anj less issucatifag section of ihe prewinte a radttdf that imhpendeait of m fore- joing c on t derations it is lhc opinion of tin ttouse that the calrcmc het u suvmner and sevee cod in winter torether wth the smaller aicitural advantages for sopdyinjc the urdiavry market of the capital of the counuy montreal is not a deirame position for the permanent sfat of the ooverninrul of thi provides nil that ihe same shoull be placed in the western section of the countrv where satobmy of climatr fertility ol toil and the srrei increase of posulitiots aikim- syire to point it out as the proper place at which public al1wirirf this ereat conntry may mot conveniently ta adminislered in all litfre to come fltsoitevtliat an liammc address he preicnled o ller majesty enbojtn lhc fore-in- reolutiun and praying that the fieat nf fjorernment tty he permanenly established in the western section of this province mor are distinguishing cbaracleroliasi hht enlerlaiiuuesii give great salisfacllotf au though his voice in irrtglng is no joo ilia otanner licnvevarcovnpematei foraverydaltetr and the audieike firjl every deficiency in litens to his mirhhioinj anecdotes and iftfies he fang six of his ownsnag inclu- iflng rory 0more alt very greatly ap plauded and cre bold soger doy e to chaiuiinai received uic honor of ao encore mr over jtroceeded hence to montreal yesterday mommg porpoin to delight the oid pvoplc of ilut city on saturday iu ihca descend to quebec to do the amiable there relutn to fouircal to givtj another eveiiiux and jind his way to upper canada again ew the oitawa river hrlejftraai painter a wll as a poet and as he passes alvut he takes sketches of canadian scenery with a view to future publication the ot tawa river snore particularly that part abov bytown is unuejjen gimhtd- totbearlrsl jtd mr forer has been induced toponsss iluuhe will aseeod it as far as means porfftilf ubfaj views of ihe mtowing jnaanificora cacajc of which even canadians know only the names vie tail of the rideasi falls f the chaiifterc falls at the chatu fills of the altninct ainl the falls al pohage di foil views of thee maniueent cata racts wil be new to european yt the ijnoj is4ir of bylaws may expect lo sec lr louver in about three weeks time and we eel we need nol impress upon thrm iba jvwllaga of ftvin biirijiiroperjexpaon j rc in iiiir he calel netu th ifpi fhriie- fvhf nt v- tnsupfii th iflviiiiij n ek ii dec arc iiel- ly that they approved of hi coiiductlhe list he aid he was sure ihey coitm nl rln the attorney geaeeal weslj dtfewuvj the sorrfe conversation then took place a the nia lo tav properly uf the crown and was admitted by all the members vliospo that iicouhl not be tased- ilr iu cited some cases where crovn lad allowed it to be laxed in eula hr avlwim said that he ihe law of u canada the property of the crown vas sn ject to local taxation mr- attorney general bancmtv tfenicd i such was life caie the uiit was then jiit ntf carried by against 15 the committee then rose tho house then adjourned at 12 1 m wednesday july 7 1si7 mr rhmov gavy notice of ins intenll to move an addressto h11 kxcellencyt vecufj mending lhc immediate erection of sultat pumic bnildiie and declaring hut the k creasing peasdblmil of wettem cviada mam it abwnlutoly uecrory that the seal of jaw mnithoulj he removed ta that scl of t iiovincci mr siicnwoapavc notice of hta intent to move an address in itvr mty iiray fur the modilscaiion of the naviiion jaw v iheyinterfercd with trie lrefc rflh i so f ira colonn ano fi lhc mttti li inquire nppointnieul ef a cja- ip the hem mean eslfthhnnr a culaarhl iwomer nnl confer with similar crmknithis frotn s- itfunswiek and viwa scnis me mcljoxaijcavenoieen hip kileirf tu mtojuce an university hll mr cahvann then hrouirht hi lestr cum plain in of the comjuel of mr capinm the heail or thb crnwn umu trermrlmei me profee ihegrealed prrniial tiieel i of wv asvinffltr ssfrifiat hierefir v ilffe rial supporters could not vnlt aejainst him tnr fear of vutine want of confidence anyc vrr- jniijf wfin nan nen i nomcmaun hut ter miht he defondd in th same mviner lie was the butler of a nablemsn who was rrlrbralejto the history uf the province and his sister beinalo the friend of uis jotihhip vofpned him uhu there wa a rood her th ol hiditpxal john thanked bis lonnhip and accepted the situation of attorney grfleral a few daviaflerjmwever he came brfc and taid that he understood an attorney cemlal had to cnuouct case in cwtt which he thiht he ertiil j hardly do eery well well ail his fonuhip yon will perhaps havo some difficulty at rnitt provide for you som he was acconlinly made a strong in th confidence of iu snorter and slroi by the measure it introduced and in that sense he cuntenor th present mintstry was a tfflmj one the hun ntemvr had fpnkea ahottl ihe large maiilfc h cocn- mandl when he was in power il wa iruc thai h- had larcje aiajaritlts hut hn wa the laliamtnl constituted at that timi if they lurnt to the journals they could find cuaite of fraud of tocc ann of vtocaee attinst lhc hn member an i w supnrlers and even if all the eh arse aaiiwl the ore- tont ministry and friends were itticj thev were asrolhin compared with thnc made agiitjit the mvrnhers oppmitc- he me c came to this country in iks and he only re- mersrel nie raliamcni since that period altamii there hit been fvjf or ave rteeiinnt which had fjrea tie reformers in olr ca- asla a nijoltv what prospect was there of ellinta mifrity iw i cries of trv it j did tvv wivh itnt the eninlry hntm he ailaiil frni the me en to the olhet inl all pumn fristu lomod basu theoieiihri for the lvirt rlitiisg ofquiec wantvl hi nothiith tlmijst cinild ulify the ministry in dsntvin parlianent at peient whn sn miihre lo he done with regard lo th pvticular ojielinn hctie tho chair h must say 111 1 iv crown lams depaitotnt was atf al prcent in an efficient state liar hear hu the ministry had declared that st wa tra r3r intents to remndrl it with ihe lasl piiw- mjt ant he therefore must either dish rseve then and vole for the motion r mit believe them and vnle aaint it- nn r as he supported ministers hn mint be lieve ivafl hotiorame me and fclicvint thsy intended fat aid what ihey bad promised he wvild vnienainst ihe mnlha f llc oe n nude yy rmirk in 4iit j ai irjau 4kmt kabuaia lui in oajlv hid a mijorilv in one parliament jnee iftili whfeh we did nol hear very whl on aecniet of the noise in th hotisc lie british whig 4 per oroem ouor to tlit hn joha mcponald kinftston weds esy jolt 11 ts7 covvrtr latfku staw ova uit j f nd 8- i aad 0 s mmtreal av r iwiesici w w- tueastta cobrespo7icb fianklord e m montreal ni ell j r war he an a jud ge he wa the hoii yn cmancahclmted a ientlw speech hvaltack- wat mesrj vijer and papineau for svinj irailor and rencades mr pctsuiaauj that as the hon memher for quebec had called on him he houlj ay that there wa no lumbering iri his cuily and he had heaisl nn complaint lie knew however that in the ditlriel of ollawa here fwd heen dimles aboul ihe timber liitlil hut he knew not what parties were rtajht and as a rnle those who were most to blametnade the mot noise mr cavifcr remarked that he ws stri- setl a chartee of mismanagement should h hrnn chl areainit the present administration nf the crown landi deartmeat by the frienin of the jeenlleman who managed ft three years before during whose lime aceordin tr lhc hon member for meiriu lincoln aj55fl had been expended against abaul xi 2000 re ceived hriuu excuimed aainl the waste of time hy these covert inolicm if a vote of want of confidence were lo asseil let it be ioaein bold straight forward manner lie complained ajjo of tlio cnnlanl wash nf time m attacking the bnn members for tbree rivers and ottawa npon all occasinii ver lillle ihe chances brouefu aeaiul them had to do willi tlesubjecl beforelhe house in the preseni instance if mr rapiieu were to hj enndemued was not on trie accusalim troohlaainl him hy the hon meinvr fr quebec hut hi conduct white in ofhve he muatsaj loo that the charge aainst rene- padescamo wiihan illrace fmm the boa member who ifhewa rijthtly informed wa a renegade himself he did nol pntej in consider the crown land a well conducted department but at least it wsa well eon- ducted asunder the late ministry he wond nnt aeense those hon eentlemenof corruntiun b ii this h wailj say that in a ccruiu own where the pcojile wee all coneralives the covemment owned same hundred acre and directed an agent to n and cat ihem up into lots and put what price he liked on them knowing that the inhabitants mitsl buy thorn in order thil he mucht itl his citniiiitu fhal acentwas dr uitviaon if that v 110 corruption it was very tilfe it he would if he wished to vote want of confidence do j motrtanly manner bal a he intended to do itaiutin of the sort bi would not be entrapped hy these covert motions afler somo remarks from mesen wltoti morin and fhavean mr baidwiv addres sed lhc ii mise hcdeprccalcd the doctrine thai o small majority wa as zon as a toe 011c to carry 01 the concerns nf lhc couotry anil read from the journal to hnw thai when infnwcrho had had najoriuea varying from upwards of riftj to nine thai vuk hcintf up- oii the flank kill in which he wa orpoed y v win were aeltrowledeil to be the upttcrof the ministry vet h dtjaaaed lha measure by so small a majiy 1 t1 hat upon mr cowan saving that he l the kcj moalftal july 121817 dcaa tattci this will he the lastdetlcr i shall write to you for should the parliament nol he pro routed almost mtidijltly as is universally evicted and blived i shill make mjs1f scarce and hapten feoit a place that is hotter tha 1 danl nerno yon upper canadians who have itahippinesf tn dwell in a otia- lively temperalo climate have no conception of the trenetiitnm heat of this virtually stone oven with ut lhrnvvtitor ran in all day ton fiom w to 100 the heal to gether with ih increaain sick ncsa o ihe emigrants renders montreal not ihe mojt acjeeabk summer usidence in the universe the mhvaters arc malcinj ianlic stride to tain pumic approbation they work night and iuv and day andnijbl at firsts with you and others i was inclined lo believe that they must fall otcy had no experience and they had no name hut the longer i live iron ni only will they no toll this seion bill they hid fair to live for many sessions to emc tj a tis should the measures awbcforc dial arnleitifth hn lured thit duly ofrtfr i hnn to like the slrp he wn tin ukniff he charged tho linn renllinnaii u said wail itieapacily with want iii winn- dieiiinn he fiiil ihot h stead of lubma cat e to prevent itijeite as hj to carry aid threw il up mr- snl ceu capnni jiaid that if the lili wiry had nol made it a mini1eral ijue- muliie oprittoi ivoum have aaid lhal ihey hd decried mr ripinei1 tint tjry wore afraid to sn ake it u inriiitrrjj ciitesltimi hl tiey shoiihf hr- in tt miirfrity and ime heir seati a tmijtre ii q pervnal eharne aranst one inenanr ol th tovemnrut reeomidri t i ii hicnimliluninia iierneir 1- renue fv ments had only spoken of period since ism and in inrn h member confining himself to at pcriouthe admitted triat there had heen thrc parliaments called and lhal the reform ers ha i only a inajnrity in one nf them tie hon mtmsereoncrunvl hy eayin that i th minwry twtfht ihev ioieej the confi dence nf th icreat body of the people even if ihey had nrjly a very small majority in the house that it was their duty to carry on tlie gwcrnmcit the motion was then put amidst loun cries foronmion and lot avos 32 navt 3o mr batowrn eviifessed his opinion that it was very iinoihlitnlional for 31r papinean to vote in his own favor mr snmwoon remarked that ministers al ways vctol far themselves on sjuestions such a votaaof want nf cnifidenc cie the speaker t left lhc chair for about n qnalcr nf as rviu- thrlloashtviin resumed th chair mr btltawts then proceeded accocdito notice to enter on tfte question of legality of mr itobinsons election for simcoe he cammenceo b to the ctork from the low tone of vote in which ihev evert put and answered we could make nctlinj of them mr baldwin was then ahonl tomoift smo rcsoltilion wh- ci pajsnrie said hit to save the time of the house he thmrjhl ihe matter houln h- referred tn asrlrel comnit- te ant trwefuc mnj that lrt qtieli i be referred loth- standin committer on clec- liona which motion after a litlc dicnssion was put anal carried- ayer nav ii upon the mniiou nf mr pjtter an address was ordered praying for inlwrmtiou x tothc circumilirvcosconnoclejj with the senleuce of m white which having heen for six months i 1 the ciraoxnn qul tvaji afterwards prolong- cj to thre year in ihevcnijentiarjv in thi onrs- of the converse ion mr paice stated lhal ihe man when sent meed said my lorn would ralhcr to tbe peiiiteitiarv than 10i in itte duneons ol sand wich gaol but he did not speak at all in an iniertincnl nvanner th icarno i attatltca did rva pronounce the sentence in a himlcd mauner bittaflcr cvusustin witii his cajlea- mr bacdwiv vvd lhal altered tho com plexion of the affair very materially he lenient ihe learned jsidaj eiltt to be cma el to un lion nastibft fur south york for having brought it forward tlsc hont adpvirne1 very shorly ifttfl havincarrwd lh the most important to canada since thccnton let ma onuiegtrayfe to bill to alter the assessment in cppercanada a lawmuch needed nl from ta passinj of which more popular ministers shrunk the bll 0 repeal the differential duties and remxjel tha col lection of aa curtomi revenue a highly impotant matter the bill to attlla the vcxcilrjucstioaof kinjscollea something cf a firebrand i confess the bill to amend t ceoiam seboal act imperatively de- manoj tl bill to revailatotvatlinj con- panlcs anlthuiu tore- ihl all majactic telegraph comaniei tic hesidesother which i forffjl are rovemjisnt measures anrl all are himy important to tse fihnrc welfare of tbe province it ahowa e courage and muct resolution on the part younjand raw ministry lograpjdo with such subjects and attempt to carry them amid the r sirennojj parry onraiitijn they meet with y piutin- a number of questions i i can aaoro yog mr whip that this is a 04 the crown in chancery hut j fcatkcr tlj0 c4p lb 1td one which yon wild all your sneering can- not stilly or destroy in fact am be3nnine lo thins very highly of these people and the sooner you follow my example the betlcr for your readers touching the relative strcneth of these two pasties u remains the same via a majority for ministers of fattr the latter have lately gajrtel mr wtsm from london j but that accessioc is conlerba lanced by lhc rc- turn of mr lamicuv for dorchester in the place of the late solicitor general east the papers of course have told you that the min isters were defcaiedat dorchester mr boijton is agitating the smi of gov ernment question but ho will not make assjr fii of his resolutions for ministers daro not mrjjttjjt him tile debalo emescato- night when afler some speechifying ilisex the seat ok govronmrnt ir lloullon slic member for toronto and mayor of lhal city is agitating tho rpiestion of removing the seat of government to western canada we heartily hope he may bn eucccsjful allho we cannot avoid ex pressing our opinion that hail the nfembera for ihe cilyof toronto mr boullon was not then in 1arliamenl been ime to the cause of western canada the seat of government woum never have been taken to montreal nlsolutioxs t sbntitld eat mr itoiaiov on ubasbaj far i3m y ihi7 oi an wufcfl to iht mijktjf mitim to a- vnvouof 0 tae atd 0 guvtrnwint to uppr ionnrut k fkujttpl that by the official returns made to parliament of ib census of lowee f i ssl the ppnluon of that section o trw piotiice i shown lo have heen 511- fio and in 1h11 lhal population only ainriuntrd to t7hfwi hwin nn inereaeiii ihiiieen yean of loatitj siinx an nvernjrr annua incromnf lfiys 01 per cent 011 llncnu nf hil rj luvjivd tbilbftiim lhc popiihstlou n lnwer anaa conlintlo to inrrcaie in the mne pruiiuflinn unlit ihjl ihe pof4iinliiu cf ltl will havoadviiicrl hi isj iwna j per annum oud ii utoakre- it in trn years a artvfvj thai hy ihe lilo itetums it ppar that u populali hjip- canada receiver general honoaco sia t tlie hon mr sal gen cameron in laying before the legislature an act intitlod an act tor amending the contmoti school act for op- per canada and with his dow cry bill shottlcs he nccomplish hi ends would not fail to art cflte for hiist tbe title of the great canadiao oratororihc pitt rcraitaiof the present day or mure properly that of the great lancaster wv introduced a similar system of ectoca- tioss in ireland som years aej which for ma ny yean soccd the seed of discord arnortgtha different classes in that cpuntry ant whieh may he justly classed among the great erilj lhat await that unhappy country to the pre- ent day the government at last sector irreir error in cotjntnancin a system of ectuca- lion so injuiimi to the constitution introsluc ed in its stead the present national system of education wbicti does nut fail tomciiormta the tisin eneralion anj improve tjiestato of society fie present school bill which came to ham through the gocnlnessof the member for- prentenac eron at ties utl hour after being received and road a second lime carries ora its face lha very seal of rfieorl which laa eiter nwej in ireland i should not won der shoatd il bv the same wbopecots him- ietmihc person 0 he hon sol gen cam eron as it is said he made v escape to the tow lands when his race was run in ireland in your standing in public life f be leave to inform you that you have materially injured every subject in this province by allowing thi important matter to be done in a corner 1 a v p urffe itfnov ajssf have nol seen a sine instance q which it is taken notice of i submit it however to c and ill usan myself for seriocu coruitleraion and may i not ask ihem with propriety have they rial received a personal injury apm tjiear rcsfjeciive rcpro eitaliveav in iiaoiijiia matter of such importance from public opinion 1 have carefully eiam- ineil the said bill and find after mature con sideration lhal the principle is bad aitet not conducive 0 the well bein- of those or who it is intended i would therefore hope in tn name of common justice that not only yoj hut all who have tbe welfare of this our adpkj coaqtry it bear wiy dtscnaleaivtc a measure so injurious to the pumicesod sec- 105 lhc wry great evil which would be likely to result from this measure should it pas into ereu4 nuces me lo lay before the public a of thjubjecl matter on the face or the duinc matter is sjmptylhis it pub all ppvtct irflhe lands of the muoicipol cocuseil a- boardof police of each municipal kathd town or city for them to choooc a doard of totttces who sbah be rested withauthori- ty to name the teacher antf manage school piirposcs senerajly thereby depriving tbepechj pie of any rijht in the selection of proper or useful education for the well be in 5 of their children none except those whee paj ta pounds sterling a year real beiitjjlhfl vtif i- it who arc entitled to vote rutaicstek mv thrr iiujcn clecliow the others ao atafler kowvejl educatei arc no better ban caatcaxta and hy ihiaci are esteemed not fit forsociely- what a ridiculous measure in the heart of an ea- lisjhlcncd people ami may i with any coni dene ask i there any redress aa yrf to bo laidwnatrtelllhlicsar issave- no imi tation in sayin that you will irr this as welt x in art ottor maltoryof fportance submit ted to you for erfderatiou asc your influ ence move an amendment to th bill let peeled mr boiton will tafa aw iv i tawis thcmselm draw them ultimately he may prevail i tw fo cach wcuo ln should thu contemplated union of all the brit ish provinces not lake nlace butsbonldlhe victory lie gainerf remember mr vhie tlt il is not tor kindlon ke fiajhts iw toronto i to be a favored and happy locality for future governors general to hold their courts in i ou ht to say something aboul ihe health nf montreal but as vet i hardly know whal to say a great many deaths dally occur at the hotpilal and at the dnficvflnt sheds and ti the nuns are siclcbut although reports are rife rcspoctiag the cxiatencci of typhus h ver arnone the mlabitouls gentrajly still 1 rannol trace these reports to any real founda tion daleys hotel whew i am slopping is a living mass of human beings and al though the greatest porlion of hem ore about the city all day lonsr 1 ho not hear nl even a township town or cily and let tbe trrfvtccs choose from among llicro a boaroo tnjilees namely one from each hool acsv iioiueacitown or city whohailbc vaal- cil with all tho authority relative ttkbml purposes generally aod subject 10 mcci moali ficatinns and reelatioas as are rudffl foe hy ihe school ael the rsmajlriing two ttua- tee to be the acting ones in iticir rcfecliva scciioaa sjch a mcaorewwitd iteycot tht fatal cfleeuofa bill to irjbriwii to tne wolt being oflhc rbio generation it would makt the secrpion tolurnagajn lolhef ijwjariij eas in ulvg and ol hm 1 atv i under i3ise circuiustancev i would ttoro- hopc you will uk your inrtueoed wilh ibci members sueu to ihem the pro where homsjaye belter auecear lie seed of ducord uiaa in tho tore single headache among them so jieailhy is lhc hotel the same thing may he satd nf 1 1 ss fl lss dtmcifaaa ami other ilntela surolyiftho fevorbe prevalent and contagious as aomc alarruiats aacrl why should not strangcm eatch h r tho truth is the riantcr is not so great vj is lclievc your ar tit f u mil 13 ver this occoinptitiicd rentlemin gavo his rib irerflnk al the couit house on monday nigmt tho audience was pnoilainl highly respcctoblti allhnujtii we cauld wnh to have seen more irish facv amona idem ciuisldcriuk that mr iover ii 0110 of ihe ktcaim iiihfuen now living mr iiver has pure iruh counteniuro eprtsjvo nt liih mtelkeluallty ol uwli mnih anj jm- supieari a ineosurc so injurfooa to the ubiit gcnwl thereby forfelung uio good opinion of not only three fourths of your own eniulituenta its kingston but thut of the juuvine at targe 1 remain honored sir vnurobedi humble seivanl kindlon july 13th 1m7 hseaciaava urttj i vsnftraf lofa jmty ft mi kmhfttey ilw tuevtnor tfrniral haa uoa ptihd in moho ilto filluwiaar arinvihuta m j mot lulunsrntxirnjtttt loir hivijltt nf jmiikrtiuitnr theluirlattt ll ree- 7 jmrallunr itiuuur to b ltiijrr aftfaa ivthity nt ulihunvnts at lulinin litis rt t tuthsih ai iliiui j u maethh trsot liwiiu iumtf titltflh vrniha

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