offifii uuwdiwmlol com- ell k ummin g2fle2 1 ttm gt biltf- ill irail away rrson laaatce if takm a the go ritoiy ii n america muinm lbs arfrtnieicr c1- l prouiiuinl parliament leglslativi cclnii d crv 30tli june frow 4- lfcmi urruu i oil t mv jisl f pc l m l-in- mind i act willliml riv ami a vavl uwn on llie motto cm ii un f c ihi n reading i of iamli in t 1 p i u in 11 afe franks kiua to i prient op new x0ks7 pff tnao jj llfafihirftitiiti aaelfrrmayn fcuff wittriww ibr cause or nii e inaiy a monsieur vattr- uw laerm alarpentimhtiof valo- sijrrejul wrlt ionalron from the f ii v pari l ihe city of new york made uaswaeiaree viih ihe tffrmof cxchnjt vav mn tli myorrurxetsthr almcfuof vji roller to lroi i jh truss tht mat and common cevnts jaeurmfrcty e mm vo i wjojviu after avanfnee of rix years r u ntoynsir be6tntur crty aawd fry ctertfpi wprtfto htrwttrciy rhlfh- luifpt kal pftftrflhe d of ff rbtiil 7hrtt 1 4 htc and ttpy im k e pptnipjin tin pr w a roe lr lionorrj m i iti r r m i of nflmft and viluflmc rck v lt fjlm tixluftlnat rta- w rw jwtortejwtt ihl f wr4un lrbitftex bf wjtm u ihc mhrom of foce wib ii n et caorful li b brojlh 1- ivu urn ilw 1i mnilvj initrfta il txjicrirnie laftt ruy t of u irtyoil jitfl rlhr tbe f9nt of hi irfonnttion tnrrice ia all vtiou5 bfanchr mitflmiilwlli h shpenlr mbfi i return ibxl new vnk ih do he 3k liw lo cfiee ibem bei lokfftj cf t- ajtd he fotrtufildpttl fanhfr lo fator hi v in wllh sucb ulrfln of mlb1lc eliae ihe ayftt ryiioidirwcetfyur ablc v reporu rf dfrpart- at r m iheeewhleotof your wi1y rij mtl wil r4ute4 cuy rriy fftvn e lo tme se riic to the cilre f new voik vi i prif i3ow eorinftled he w i m of ahclfrtirnfodhipbiitof c ihallam rrol beopy io brin irt lb pfrrn lac ibe vnorrd i ii im of ihl nn- to lecoire oi fttbkc acu of cofiey ao m nbicri ffiiy bofwvlobcahj ntoeunih owe ftiioncly h klm oj 3ppy te1loruhifi tthitb ha rr evittrj rweto her i4 be vm sulei j alexander vattemahe hew evlf mrlw runf ov ff6wri prtt of th te rt cw affluimle e ftv o jfmwir fofcaoie 5m i be reeeiefj wih eoor feor of rxstb ii ok jrzuutice nujini io ibf cityof pari nm of ihe stmet ot m yort jlte mftwcbwiu rfl rsohchunrt tteewofk licoitoijeralionf lhr in- rmc worth iml impwtancfi si wll a the vely imitation oflbo fruma feehnje uachdto lbam requirtfrom d ft r3iie fci ofciel pnofofoyr eaaem i bovr befteand aecordiejj lyoor wihe deci- ttlh4i they iktimf wlh th other veotk nwrff reeeej oeetipe ll mod mm u room ia the corpoaon librry of ibr iitvof paeb ayoo arc on lha eec of yoor drpaflnre anierbftt ll oe b ofyoti to exprc to fthaa stales ciiy of new rdt onejftleii1fki for ih jetiof rooj will tuj brother eotjmeih- ley hxe aouberauj mauifeiled cowmrj ibe rof paw ieiiee sir ibi avoraee of my higheil idttation tin peer of ffcvtc ks ye wlowf axuat of worln preeotfd to ptorkhyateavwttrn4feiki the fifcmr ksat raeabattaof ftftduiv city of pant fcwhicbare wv of ihe swude kite of pmru gieiierr of phtm a work on lh lljlctien rtrpein of the pmeni if j decfipiioo of ihr rrvttoottfjo io l15-re- r7eifve to ihe mbeu of pmu and shoprdo cii rpofl aril to ac- t pkti or uttblic paveo- orr- for ihv jrwr of pafs piocecd he coioiilof he dcfafuoent f the ii of tbe r 1 anrt itffiwirptlfripan viih vviier- riniii of ihe ffaffttau amums ms aal of lodoty feiftjiahclsoreeyof th r d ft e odine vrfimare amfji sfla note thal wider act ihcae hooki are dcuineo at cr imi s iir of mr i fod v u rtrr p yeara aco liwhoo otb lberrflrr w lor tiouftv- georer s ooplton 11 t after lii w4ffl lork hiaetal n mrffih r f hie lln a nunhr of pelilior ee prauel in e1ioso otic from be ruhabianin f irte ctiy of qih her prayrfu for ioevstigaliofiinio ibe tilbjecl of eiira4ron a memac i oro hcincy vei h- eeieed encociona 0 jmlch fioin tt e l on tenant goltfvm of foeii s r c i c 1 4h hv coptps of c- vi fl i i j i4ed by the lloio of atmwy for that proritwo relalieo to the poi 0fice a ftiibej o oilu wrrv raeeieeil from ine ui 1 tve a a nby a bji i- arm ihe act 4 ami 5 vie eap 7 and 9 vie ea 07 ti4 to eeid ihe time allowed fir taking oth hv reioot imof to brcoffia naolii m read hon m- peewit pneinatfl to notice mtyj that art adlr be prntej to her mafty on ihe ujeclor pcniicrtittoi fmn ireland in lbi onoiry in doio tn o- r eoteman stated tbt the 14 n rt cj jrr t u m try and dejih whkfc j oc eurro trithin the laat im ttfekaoione rmnnlt cottin ffom fjreal crlaio induced him to make io mulion a ooo kal had been ai4 about tne erikley orihe hnj- toidl in aeodio their tenantry ovl in nch dettilnte fttr- he mr f tbnnjht that it vrai their acenu who wrri tor to jlamr fr he could not beltevo that vobleme ftvnt l them exijoyin ilia conftrnce of er jjajwv could be icuihy of lhemiifeprfirnuion which had been m- ir order lo indiic ihe pewpftt emigrate a ereatnilmner of thu 4 vaixrmtk vreta rveaw and piuper trt t u for ihe iorpoa of frocine ib taoiom fro 0 ex- eoce of keeping he mr f hoatd that ep would he taken to try and prevent tins aa bethought it vrie ion hard for a young cnatlj jike ibi to hehiirlheitcd with l he pauppa of a nation like lrejnd h intended after a if motion waa passed ukrefvrhie artfrc to a select convriiitco hom h hoped irmm not aoftdi or it 001 tbe triuh coiaqincd inthe petition from fear of iu offiaee hon mr mourns hid aoouectiah jo tbe motion allhoucb he vrax ot uilninn that it tvould rrt be of mah ue aa j 1 adilreii en the ane subject had be aeitt ioji by lal oiail ctm the hviae tf a h jty whics it wtretwieadlly intendeiuhonij hve otjaind ibl concurrence of tbil i i ic 1 ihi- ittn lim 1m frustrated by ihe ofttlion notbinj 501 ready im enaujfh he muted llhtl the fi of muery ttnicb baj h ji yrilfttti hirir tb- laa two jnoalha weie ihoeil 10 imm away tbe acconiill which hid 6tf tt f 4 m mofninjc were mol eherio a bfm 0 umber of emir40lj wo uvt rricd uilhin ihe tal few uya wee jt found lo he hattiv at itm there were nnt jtllod tn fblp nek prsonr aitd were omij in pay mote attention to hie eomfttof linr- hv vn ruling lheri wih blt u- and hy uj- them mora room on hoaril of sli 1 loniequenco of thefo r- havioi been strictly obterved jvere that out o 1500 croiranhp lbere wereoedy zbout 11 sitc after ome further reirtafsc fron wne other mcmtetf mr ferrie withdrew hh miction ard allowed mr morrit to fiiej oolc tht h- v n mote that the llotue ila revlf ibelf into a convniue of the whole on fitday na ihe u of rri rpi tse bll in facilitate via caiimlilioi of tenwre of land in lower catlafa inceitan ctse waa read a aecond tim iij nfoircu tj a elt conavittf- the hoose then ajjvtrftyd tlkb 0 jity i ho mr mbmh presented a mentje from li kellecyencloain copies of acrerar denatehea from her majiy a iejoherof petition wrreifeeitr the rcher of tho day for the cnideratton of lh reno wf be select fnmiiitlee on the atwooce of the hot johnucuonald tvhom h comnilt e ic1ed l the fomd from fomerarehinjftirfa haee been ahaenf ddrin the latl loro swo tharehy bj eame liable lo lome hit k wai dicharrd fier soma eemarki fmoi a member preieeof lhairdouhu of ib house 5ein able lo rceed farther in teataiatlaa a dill to thotln ihe lime akf peeiiiybeal in certain cam in dppercania which rf di w a j avmehl tine a mimhcr of fiihs were rewlteil itm ibe leilaltvi aeasty aaj rctl a first tune alle lirichiho bmtk tidjouined tiool thi pitol tjocse of assembly tncnsaav jawsl kfarriagg bill mr w tifv moeej ihe ihiri rea- itit rf he hill tt ohli- certain elereeniit m ijn before tlie qortersaainnt atitl rfoekc a certificate of onlioation nreviaui to hvin per mtfirl tfce1ehrate mania e mr pane w antniti to pnet an aaiendeaeiil rendeuiz it necesarn o clergy- mn of ft jrwmintliofl to dc ncerlificat of o dioaiiin pnteoiieniion iti jlajf caqntry aiajofi ch tflv fom such dnsw t aj thi titprted hy tv bill at it then tool he m 10 eai aoxiot tn place clerymin f 0 il 1 the aama looting he vaftm moee that the hill he referred to i committee of the whjtb on wednejay nev iii oider lo inlodiice tne affleudment he fttjfevted mr william eraa a jeifos a any mn td jo jisticv to all denomination hi objtt ni 1 iee a coreel reutry of petaax analird to ewsrate ramaj j crjer ia pee- vt djiamiee anl be thought ibo mje pn- paied in ihe bill with the reibtavaa alrca ly uilini wnum be sufficient iv pqrauae tiolftitof curraj casic v jwce in lz lice al ihe hack of ihe flt aaim hvihe emwrftfl fer jtlsvl erhl anon l hi ue premfvobwl ffe hl iinplieil 1 m- crtslcm hoiic maafo ec hut hajosmineil na rdre and tfwc fare new came before ihe hout te rn tion mej ivithnni oppntiiirn mr sorwmiheii waeril for cpiftt at ml paperehowp- the anaifitf rteooy cxpenl i n the 11 ihiic wrk ililliaajinthiae tiv lail ntlnjrfori ciidaandtbo upc ca- mala mr nclet iheamoveiltlieseeamreviia than ihrt if ha 1 die charter how mthe dill laaemtlherrawahv of thecen iandaaad oi ihe survorca thoo pfilc njower ciwida frjaj local ftwi ahoiilijsurfcnderliiida thousand acre each laiei cbal the kt i was nt intended to m autn performed hi part cf iho aftce1 reheee the military geemmeni fron any mnt bt w at hat period u tooca fea t of the burden nov irapekti umlm hi lenrfk of timojo ptocvo tho aurveva and nerely is etempl the property ot illm pmvia chat let ho did not t tfcmemplcioo before cinl vtament frnm mvhtatpal iaej ai 1 tho greater oart t hii asaxiatci becoming mr morr att move of ihe bill to fsictiiui lower canada thtmwaa mcofpoiltia at lint on the part ai uvmh ilinnftovi and mccocneu ir thescciilrcadiraj wtlch aa baweyti bnilty ulmrawj id canpwtuvaca if mr mooju ekprcasin lua ieiuingiie to refer it to a secvlcrmtiiuee it mihmww tvcotoieai 1 which lh tiluteicj ertr anted a a dtiui porioi to aftl jtcho a atotin ejwicit an lhai jtcmld st fiiy- four ovapiuuv ajid majc on aeement will tu ritod with th- hadibtpsoey hdtoen dure quitted thp torfaabrpj aad sonwof them sod ttieir ngitaloa oiariof the ame of cook who kept a utchi pi the bordora sotieaoti their rights tor aqnartof nuo and ottes for 4 nidis cafouse jsirtcc ihat period other percotu have aclucdoa the ivida but in general lby a in a elate 0 1 nature asit u amoit icnpo3sib1e to 6nd out who are the real oxwaaim pati wawac to purciasa are thereby pretaated thbbill w thaalbre brtudu ia to odrto arist th commin law ehich has not power to nedy tbaerilt andif potnole to effect a just part- tioi with due regard to lb richs 0 the 0 ijinaj proprietors thtr bill was in consc- qiene jead aeaad umft and refexred to a coiaoit tee wfdvctoat june 30 ot si tviltaj ih aa ifred twl tn mjc of i of ihe hon m t ii 1 t j miein in refer the durnham mr ainr- fcje pausearvtday ffc- irloeaat ut hl ztvx r iv pert a w etev riwren thil do jl1 t b ioj i ji hamfen- we were of4tane h vttj jolo ineia teatier aftm iii h fill i cnbii iik eroerallr 6hoei ioa ihe fiwit iohc ad mntreal ftev uro 1 r i- r 1 10 00 hy far the 6nrt of have area on tbeae lrrav she i buili c iii eejulj fc piui- lf 11 fnhti guetw wjlti noe v j 1 i en 4 ateaa wrd anj u ri i f jf ti iea- motion waa tf eaar wutel imors wehtreont jt aeen bee hr wl ffhl f hr nan eat iviae si l t i 1 iva em ihf hedy weh i ennerf i wjm r 1 mmui viimr care hi f leitfra laea eurfme af aajuw atata yflm ik4 ii if hrr eyhrdcr tuti bmwt lafco ft tl ffttmal ht fr e beh mici y f lit srtfin duiabfilly f aytate ihm u ejaflaaifajire t cifj and iuj ihe team ftnh aod tboa atakhitaj ita 10 irewj f e aof aecieviaiaienne tan rne t r 0 thn ue hr 1 t n mj avoitffviehe a wv oflivociad hia e hr ie 1 ft on j folijr arpail ti anf sih ajaai ai u tc wo if ijc 4aaced a mrin an era n safcaj i ir fri vi 1 fw ed v aa i a iff dna fira 1 h ftad wt eiatao en pal iir skaheyf frtvtmefoil ui lv- w j r a i m itfriaaje uwt ml ftfllicia l ea- at v o weal haw r n ri n yc wleap aavfaalmaaf we betaete en u nu rajpfjlf ie tv of j oee ei it ca a uah ad at a caaf atwaei lajaiailad rfpej by ne iwi mfowi rar york eennm be ineotmaient and unfe mr prick could not percaire how eaajft- iou or daer coam aris from the cmine h iceste if reenra uiiht be destroyed in 1 heiaty oxcfi by miht iu the ilftce of th clerk af a com i he would re peat hixdtmre 10 prevent jcalontyinn eon tent in nrrtn the r e t i i n n s deivminatoiil he had iftely enniitd to him a larjc petition iioif mrnser of the free church of scotund eonlniiiin4 of beiti ii oi- inferior position in iliia very isaiter tn the clercy of rie chntch of poland tht latuf ivat nm ta hnrea miittrate thryifcept a reitry of lbeirwaj hemrp propped that in the inlarcein ijaeiiinn ndm should be done hrid bfeine a reitry ihe cletjryasefi re ferred to tsoujd ie poof of their ordination a dtvisijn was then co lo w the mtioi was carried hy 39 to 15- stfflm tr ait aoorck to tn rivrvo i os tiaaaor at roar aopjttii mr atratircx moeen fat an address to ti gtcllency ciliin alleiulon to the tact tyittjlthou h th forming of harbor at purl ftnrrrlt rrajdrrcn sererat liofeirreoinmended by the m kite hathait hail keen done anil tatin tsi in the opinion of thehoose it was a wr or naramoimt imomanrr u aowajr doubled the power af the hmii te enteitaeh such a motion it pro- pxm lare elpendilike of money and would reio the ministry with whom such s pfopoitinn shuuld originate from all repon- herwnoj the ion ny general mh9 hvidthe claim era fp from the ladiant by a person men rogers in t76j and a few mmiha after ihe lm iil linar hear el wilh ihe hofi memher eoie propned wii im cat it compiled some thou indsperhapi niliia nf acres on the nartl o lifce suierior but it was made after a pnclwajlinn announcing that the cennent would not recojeoise any such lille tie thin had bten already dis posed of hj the cnuncilp nnd should not he utnnhl he hroniht np again mr eamatiitclr ihnmhi the subject sbaah be inquired into and mentioned that there arto a peaarni liwin in m9tfel who es ihe lineal deaccaalant af the cueft to country on lke superior thought ahe bad lihtt dr nsiof related the- mot y of sir r a tract of vrhtch ahc was in upper canaiu mr chaaro enuld nm e why the pro afiyuclfer prneiicial gaeemment smnld otfte lived at well a that of any individual for i0e1l pmtpaee thii wisjattl a cnutiaued spoliation of lwer canada- mr mrfartcoulj not see how there cavl he any nuaiinn in a bill which retea ed the people o 1 ino proeinee from the payment of tax he had laken cite osuhmita copy of the bill to tne mayor of montreal and aa h had receieed no anwef he concluded tb corporation were ae4 oppoied to it mr darivnt said ihe mayor had called ipoohim yf evpeessed hisdislike of ihe bjll thinkinc lhai am the propeity within the ciiy ouhj 10 pny alike mr xmeaopnsfrl the bill- mr r awn vo m thefrieeinmenlwni not mtuated in the sauie way ai an individual- thtfgoeeinment did not sfttf anything far the goeenmentp but ihe people mr ariwinowrd an aclciovvleljmeiit to the boa member for three itiver who had inoried and detintej him by a condnet so nfewl to any which he had purs cdin 1844 he h4d auted his atnument with much ability hemr aykvinyihought at least that there aair c wliich ought tn be excepteil from flihesewas he meant ihe eitynf quebec utea true ihe frneial rovetnmenl had few baildlari there but irf mm t iry goeerj- rrierjl had mnt etenie property nl anpil to be compelled lo pay more inilad of bttipx any eaenitoh alfalonthe roads round iw property ihe people had to keep not only hair the road but the whale of it and a the c are frequently eery larqe piectl of ord nance the winter roads were quickly des troy ed mr moaim thojhl lower canada could not b rohhetl any more because it had nothing of hiiwever now ihe pec ynn johntin and the inilian of whom the latter most lobe robh oie jy 10m lhi firmer thit he had dreamt lit h j present of sir william uniform inthv i aj4 try vaee jt m mttr fjrviv h u r n 1 easviip 9 mav fa t phi lil i f x- tim a 1 1 hv mr 1 aaajmeafaj mlrd lo put the ian of uppr canada tame state as that of ufjaqd xeas read a e caoi lime after a feie anarjs from mr sci- i irai u hoeonidced the u ii injie one htmich would pmve highly ivn fic i to ihe cuntrj a llilt to enable ihe famiiicofjewo killed frnm neleet or accident recover dama from the pt ties causing the acctdealj was read a second lime a bill 10 prevent malicione injaiet hyfire and for other purpose and which ihe speaker lated to be a iran cri pt of a law pnued ii encund in idee was rea a second inr ijr a few word lo n tbo hon jhi ivi who epred erea satisfaction at peeing the government introduce ibi and ttn other bilh which tud jntt rir1 a second fci v if showed thai the gnvernmrol wa watchinc over the persons and propeity of the people of the country andhfiwaj hipjy to see aueh falls inlioduced because they leodeil lo aesj- mlate tbe laws of the country with lhoe of eoiland which he coaaidered a eery desirable ihin hon mr 1rttic expressed bit opinion that tke bill was a ood one and one that would prore highly hrnelvcial to the ci ry hon mr soliie moved that an addftti to her majesty prsyine her to ve her a went to tha civil list act of i sisioaj which hail paved the house of assrmuj be concur red in by the house hon mr nielsok objected on the rjround that the house of assembly tyled rjiemcelvet in the adresalhe cnmmotv of canaila which he thouchi they bad no rijhr lo d and which he considered ao be against ibo urmj of the union act hon mr fijrtawoo said ibat was ihede sienstiea which the hauue nf assembly in upper canada commonly nsed pref on to the union he thought that the house fhauld not inirrfcra with the title whirb the lower hoose nad laken lorlaelf as it mifbl be deemird a breach of privilege for im paretic thought of asenshly had a peilectnht to call themselves the conmorof cmads hon mr nmlmj then we hve a rijhl to tiji oureleei ihe house of laralfe woo- moaa thought they oakt not eoiftlrfar wl matter a it m14htbe coruuedino a breach of pnvtet in up- canada ihe kw hanw ol vsealy myled themstlvo the iinaws attaouxs in the con ituuonal acf im hoiueof asiemblv j hehnueif asfarm- my were better pteaitd w ulr nm f canmnanf canada he x bad to biuiocaa loiaiecferc v s ueii that nane v hnnmr souiajot altlimarl ij mat con trary to the mter of the union ac dodij not ibtuk it wa agaiftl the anaciulve ibat aiforthe house af avrn j 13 lelve ihe llue of conmon mdeed ie thought t waa highly ianunl arha1 liuj- to rrpreeni iiiemwlves 41 tfie common a a jrtcat maoy prisilegrs 1 llhfatfglil le denied luejn l a t l j r l- diy unlesa ihy were found to hand m the am situation a ihe irialaaja house of corn ronias regards 1 nyin fact van ihe canadian lfroue pf conii lion mr r li wondeied nil they baii been calud upon to concur in ih ajdreu which prayed hut jlcr majraly nllauavnt lo a bill with which ha tonid iu1 amlarfr 1 bemjf a money bill h- imht the uaauer shoiddne left lo the h ue vf vaacmbly to arrane wiih the eruasi coearnffteat u the best way that ibf cl 1 j j f hi one would jiare nothing to 00 with tbe matter hon mr bdafm bajread the idjreea ft ace h wts put ij hiahamli yeiterday and be must say that be heartily concurred m the address he al o agreed with what had beea mil iniiuliu im mtn 1c fia 1 1- u t of lie llooat of astemtly lot jie the iiiifai ol house of conrfroria it ihty iked the addree was ihen pij and concurred l9tlswhaai mr ofoiff ar fnr ldi ilufth poer bril it rented wilh hi blr gwans ide nr lo houe to enforce propriety in lht att all other mailers his ff moiijeide hau i0l the paunaft and werenol regarded a rr sifrfturood did not look iht motion as interfering with the diitot or the minify it was eotnpetenl to the houe tosy whether ihp wok rrfrrred lo waaone of piranvjnt inneuna or not 51 t lai ijtz i til tl ill ivtel 11 ine opinion 01 ihe oivernment ally oen shtawoodthe onvemmrnt do riot think tho wifk of paramount im portance mr bonttoir ihoubt tbe whole time of thi haaa would be occupied m diiensaions about local icranls of tbe kind aatsujm for by thumation if the ministry dd not lake the resosvathy of pronounclrue upon them at one bear hear mr btirwix wa lurprlaed at the conditet of the minisiry rs ashamed of it what could anfmembtr of that hoitrie in his place arid rmpoae ai expenditure of money wilh or without th eonamt of the govern nsenv he ahnold like to knnw in whom be- looedsse money lo be ependd was it the peoples r and4f ii wore who were the fldesnr haw itonht triba applied vvho khld dr be responsible for the deci sion vvbelher this nr that mode of expending t i present of mr wittiama untrnrm co wilh epaulettes and received the ahinlnir gift only to he ohjied lo repay the compliment bv predentin- the salrlier with a iran of lnn which in lum liad formed the subject of a dream fi a division tbe yeas were only messrs ermaliner and movers cnnrnu-ieatien- from the denl novefone ot nova scotiai relative to the post office were 1ad on the table in answer lo mr drummnd mr nadler said lhal ihete ws no fund upon which ih indemnity for ihe fihriqiie of s llunilennw be eharced no bh 01 tbal luhject would be r 1 by the mimilcrt daring the present seioo- mr barmrih rnnvd an aitrroa to nm rveollencrj repeftm the nnminitinn of mr robert calder mr baldwin aid trnt a let ter had been rent by the executive cavern meut to mr cald offering him tho opjce or pit master in mme place in upper can id n an 1 directing him lo pul himielf in communi cation with the deputy post master general however when ha did o and found tn- rquited ynds lie was told that ba was not w mr snaw00r attorney crnerai said ihe question was whvtber havun riven munict ptrtieatbe rihl of imposing taxek the people f the trovince vrttt io pay thna bodiea xm90fer anuumf mr shciw od of brocvvhc remarked that sioee tne unio every at ct jncorpora iou of u- c coitamed a clause especially exesnptinc he public properly from luxation on ih vo iha nuibrs were nay 20 aye 1 filajuiiy for olinislcri 18 tncasoae july 1 mr eamatikx a rooluliois on trade and commerce were poined as wero also veraf other moiiom of which ntftit appearejl on ri oicrs of the day tho station of mr cnmmina to fnrnuh copies of the journals of the haujc to munjci pat it was passed un inimnuily tbo dlicusiion ou lbs privilre question conncded with tbe si rrxoo election was joit poed mr alcauitt in rising to propose his reso lution roiahve to reciprocity with th united states raraarkd that the result of a similar of piece of icilatioi aorne years he for had iu faustw that ifitwere asioptej utvcud be the btpaici of ciciutctng a jat ilesirablc blr- mccott old oot thattsc au much of fre jtadedid jtot bclicre it was what it wai cracked up tooe he roprckaled ao amntltural ccruiaueucy and thou mjfmrt lion wai evht the country wantad tne iloptionof that pkacipla hadjlone eveatcod ureal rccrtcity coura be vonht about he would pot much object lo il hat tie dd not buero it coali tho h menber fo leds had sid lhat alt had lo 0 n fmii til farm to a ctrujin awtcnt was true mr goeuj esrplamed perhaps he bad not mado his meaning o tleaxas he should hare dene hut what he deiaj to show vra- ths 4hat whatever budena were laid on th- mercantile ctavses they were oblid to qsm lo the price of tbeir sools an thai ihanith the formers jrot a tirfle more hy tbeir protec tion they bad in ihe end to fiy trcry half- prnnv of ilthmselves mr mcconnctl ar any rate could not aztee to ibis motion pnksa be saw the duties first taken of on the other ide mr iiir- jij ot aee why the duties in canada iratatl be tlone away with before ihe american itxties when thev were put on a a set off to ihoie from the united stales if reciprocity wa to be established let the prin ciple be rtfst adopted elsewhere the hon member ft middleset said that this motion was like fighiinjr with a shadow ao it ua because it was for others to take the first ep mr mcihtrrlhotjjhtthe principle sotplain y and obviously for the interest of upper ca nida trfat it wuuld pss 2 a matter of course if ancihiitaltstsknew what their own inter est were theywonld know that two markets were betier than one the hon member fo sherhrook had asined a most ostraonunarv reason for opposing lha motion he coilerd- ed that the united slates heau the present system canada ouht to wail uilil thev toik the initiative in ch r v i soil a ir 0 they acknovvlenad they were injure they mni wait lill other people tlionjhl of it to get the evil removed the people of canada aieul instead of that tn consider whal was bcl fnt thcmtelees and try to et il- the hon mem ber for norlhumberbnd fve a reason fo- volin that was an answer to all wbih had been said against it vtz lhat last year tbe house had unanimously voted an address to the crow praying that this very principle of reciprocity sheriff b- if possible cuned nm nour by the british peseiions act the co louial government coud leilatc foritdf and therefore the huue ouht to pass he re- olniton tbe hon aiemhc for fonieae who had notrrj to vole against the riotii lion had also asiined a mol evtiaordinary reason for iloin so he sard he icpr senlej an apcricoliural constituency tbe hon -n- iemtn was mistaken in his roiittenis they were not so ignorant a not tn know im llieil own interests were concerned in obtaining reeiptfotr with ihe united states the hau mr ruber ft middlesex too desired to firolvvt agriculturalists but he mr menit1lold thi msy ifhv iyhitthi- ktrsiirawoonopptedsbeshotion tecause rcss of tbonortheast and northwosl hefeltsure that it waa quite contrary to lhebo bill the adra i e which would doctrines of the constitution for either branch 1 cene to canadians if the americaua did nf the leislatiasr to enquire- inn the reason- their part uas obvious since tbey were rauch money tjpa as tumaavesl wh atocr of mr neiln ri r ii vnl nn- pirarpntint ioportance or not 7 most ceitiin- ly it waa the rt bm ibis duy arrfresriansihtil devoleed hear hear j war their ivtstncrsi pcarly to sgnare pubkc outlay according n the reoucas of the eobolrr and to he irfnroed of the relative ralnealiosparartoenfall snhtic work but thiewat not ihe system which iha present mrtislrydstre4 to act upon they preferred tntowtvirtflosaffd lei thieres take ahalever coume ebaoce directed soiisaaf wth pu- tiooialto he noticed the pracltc- of refer- rinaetitions to select ornmiu whoreby alraspomiblityrejurdln lham wis tvoiitv htlib minitert did not act in tbal manner they were rlvays prrpaod either tn rpist applications or to shew fie pnprieiy nr ae- ceinjijcln them and such undoubtedly was the c any other could not hut embaras a government hut the twn jentleroen op- rwsiie coild not le emharrad bear hearj they haj no rele of action no principles known titber on this aide ol the atlantic or the othrhra hr look tor mark at thir position in regard to a leader it eot d not be discovered who waa their leader baa he v hear at on time ihe attorney general west appears in lhat character and ajin when application is made that learned kn tie man walks out of tbillonxe leaving e qtieuion to be answered perhaps by the houmrttnber for mejruntic 1 luster or by the learned solicitor gederal west ha mr b could understand why tba atiomey gerveral thus yielded superiority to the solici tor geoaai ih latter gentlernaii was the aruoratfb council board and the hon and learned attorney general with thai moirsty ii jvculiar to him is content t acknowlcdjo bis inctiorily and admit himsejf to b meroiy ajointin bt learned colleague tail loud laahter but wis ever anc a atato of tvtifshvvapf bcfre naone can tell tbr mole or manner- of ministerial act he mr b miht however b wrom as to the present moment there roiht have ben a nlemtfisic perhaps on safflrdav last hear andivabteasrt of qtiasicahinet meeting at which rules and princfplos might have bwi h upon be hoped it waa aa hr bid althost heeome indirterent to the operations of the ijinislry so bad hid thy become but in the present inliuco hi litteisnest ba4 done 5oaii oiiied the tttvr side of tb holwj ft cvcdcrp the hon member fo leeejs mailers were r twlnvl oven for him he mr b crttirely apecd tl hn member in lb prcfenl instance what hesnjeested was enlwh pepclsce the ge- venmetooihteertxtiuvtorciist the address ff effect tail one or lb other was their duty and the ifcmse should not tolerate avmrkifi roi1 jfr ceus hea hear attorney general sncnwooo stated at the vt v 0- s t ihat the oara nmctl were cjycesd f tv moiioi and had ant the hon member af lefcl rise sohlilyhe the attorney gt woiad 7robabiy haro been the first to poaltioitf estill tboujhl however there wj otbinr ijjtoperin tbo question gofaa beiototb house 51 tvv- dsnic tbat bo had spoken ti3ii l ftn o04 w hal been put and was ebomt to ba ptoiousiccd varvicd when h tose it aiilit bv tht i- ban ally ccnl hau not noticed it freii h ft ihe raomctjt in contoratjon with onrlfor hon roembrr blrvjuua bad lusedoi tbt motion but dial not bclioro thit the wnr rtfanarl to vas oao of paraowunt ui1portana war hvctr mi iichler a sfthvcw that wfsa ihe very ladnac of iha rioiion vtiuaett hl i ihtna la 1 ihcum ro tjoto ac7adoil it tanchtero the rrii im r rhei nt iha tuomioriof ounarul ucuarial iilnia vritlriawn- j arrre r conaumers than canadians ho thought it unnecessay td say more and would there fore mercy strike the word oil out of his re- of a particular it rcise of the prerogative of the csovr if ik hon gentleman svhnapnke lat could show any precrdrrtt he would con sent to the motion if not he mint oppose it solution so aa to limit it to the naturnil pduc mr baidwjh said he did not ask fori the tiojs of canada reason for the exoreiseof iho prerogative mr sktrnof fmntanac would ba jad to but only for documents showinej the reaaoos har th 1 on 5c ith m m jive some reason ia mr daj scvjonaipprrted ihe mollon rnehalfof ua extra dinary resolution for rquired whmber there was mr calder col patca er any petition frnm mr baidwinsaid no col- v i r in thit case should vote aojunat it besides wh ch ha thoofht it ccoild he extremely inconvenient to inquire into all tsee milters incre wre lately rumors about t c commissioner of crown linds and the in- lcclir generalship which ha thoux it would he etemely inconvenient to up up mr catano solicitor general aid that it was an etrjord o iry thtoi that two ses sions should paved over without any notice beinj taken of it till now tne no- eurfenee took pi ice in 81 i and it was now proposed f inquire into it in ib 17 mr gowan would decline tn inqiir mt- an occurrence of this kind when there vra no co nplaiut whateeer from any neiion who hiaown part he did not understand bow it iwaatb t aftor bavin imposed these duties duties that wero universally popular the rtoiuc was now to step in and by one resolu tion swatp then away tho aricourial pa t of th papulation would not be satisfied with ibis obzajgo though ihe representatives frooa towns and citiu might bo he would callupon the meaisers from the eastern town ships to say if they were in favor of thia mea sure ha contended that unless it could be roval that canadians could compete with their neijhbora on the other side such a motion ought not to receive the assent of the lions e mremitiraea was of iha same opinion as the hon member for frontenac such a molioa waa chasing of ihadcwj be cause it only provided against the titnc when eoosdrred himelf atfieved nor did hiihe united states should repeal theirdvfiea that was well enoach but before gotrrg so far the houso should be satisfied that there rouldbe a reciprocity and that the rexipn city would boa real oq tbinlalbat the ministry were always in foul when things of this iott happened at the no 1 once he knee an example much stronger than this ailhin his own r j- of similar circumstance at that time a vacan cy hap in the peloctice at kintey for which he mr cowan recommended mr jn llr nnsn tjion this that gentleman h dwhere an ofjiciat commnni cation t and passed lhiorjh all the forms eveji to completing ii su and receiving the surveyor who wv t inslal him in ihe nffice yet the surveyor t id him he could not do it then and named another time in me meantime rne surveyor hr id some earn municatioa with the pot m nlrr tneni and another was appointed he vtr govvan aval not aware of tbe rraon hut ion after he ascertained that it was because tho sur veyor had for some reason or other desired to havo tha post office two miles from where mr drennan lived he therefore concluded that virtually th fnvincial government had no power over these anpotntmonu mr lacootatxesaid that aa thchon sjen- tlcman asked for precedents ha would civc him one it was tho c k of mossn turton and wakeom when thay were about to leave eotfland tor canada an arvqnity was made in thn iloane of lords whether thev were- to be appointed to certain offices and the answer was given at once that they were to be mr attorney geneal srtrawono though thai the hon gentleman could not suppose any oie so si rope as not to sec that this was no p5 wnn here raijht have been a preicdont at al in that case thoqno ton w2 will thci gentlemen be appointed t there wai nothing said there about the rea sons fo if he would recommond his bon fiiend fron the fourth bid tax to rtcalleo the much stronger case of mr mumey when mr gowax iboaght there waajio momber n the house who represented a more exclu sive agricultural county than he did nor was there any man in tbe house who was more disposed than he to protect them but he differed with boo members as to thi manner of proteetiningihem- he would be glad to know when hon nntlemen stood rjp and lalfcm abaat protecting atricnlluje wthnut all these taxes and burnens in whalcter way ihey wce levied at first wera not in the end piid by thcfaimers people might talk about taxing the trade and commerce of the cttics as loaj they liked his hon wood raijht impose what taei and restriction he pleaded upon the commerce of the country but he wcild examine the first principles of political cconomsrhe wonld be satisfied that he taxed the farmers all goods that came lo quebec or montreal j or toronto were tated but who paid t the merchant f no but tho farmer who consumed tbe good he told his hon friend torn middlesex that he bad formed an erroneous opinion as to what was for the ad vantage of the country he mr gowan would give all classes theadvantazctcf a two fold market and he asked whether that woud not be for ihe fanner- one of the great et boons it undoubtedly would be and if constituents of his hon friend and of tbe hon gentleman was in power thatpowe wai not exefoucd 10 scrupulomlv ajuj niake enquiry in alt cwefeerhaps desirable mr done ah ohjectad 0 vote for u malino of ihtsikinit wllhngt anyhajy feeling himolf omutharricrcjasioiljlnkilwuthhiswhiia tocomdaln if there watt any pnvipto 0 gove nmnt to asel or any wroii to rod h would vote for it at once 1 but as it was it was a mere waato of public lirn mr bsllwij eiled iwocanadiane tsmjde which he conidvred css in ioin oie oe- eurrcdin the rear 1813 whin the hon ar- t rney central seconded hit hon fiend ffufn tftirl itliln in moving for an vldreii en- fltiiineihoihecinse of ih tllsmsal ii lr vtlliam imoore kelly perhaps the lionib gentlr tina inijhl eacept sai n lh l eiampli- trial lie was thn in oppoiiln and 1 1 a the eire of sirprhmiinx the prerogative retted wli tbe ministers thai perhap nrihl hv a icon fmutfvtur that occasion ijjul iheti ho ftninj tut in islvvfeien iua hn wa in ihe mrufjif l allowed a similar moiim fsfl whin it i a moved by mi wailir cararion tba inoionwas then put ayra viv hirdixwin then moved lo efrr tbe et lion or mr 1 rmtvviek mi riwivk vri- he aalij a piwlon vni nllcer mid hidove mlev bend if watth rerjijellnr hia snprlo oui erjul qntihv in lei him bnmv th- linn n plnroet in friil tf thct lleirmri yidreiti of a eartall ae int- a- i d theintohr mild ut rvl who laul tltfa fl alifen jv am t other hon gentlemen had one grievance more than another it was lhat the americans bad ihe advantage of the two market lhat of ivnand and their own while caoadiarrs bad nootbut that of england heahould be de- lighted to see the system of reciprocity car ried out it wo irue that while england iftordcd nrotcetion to canadian produce be houht it for the interest of the people of canada to suprot the system contended for vw honorable frlcnj he was oppund to ir robert vielaplanaava colonist ftlthoub ooklnx at imperial intoretls he would have voted for u because he conceived that pva- nmiat considerations were involved novcr- aeeaa he did not think that if eat bolain al looked on the question in an ihr manner b rosl have found within serpen wide lominijos amjje means of maite aice and oiht at tie same time have iotered her owo ohsdira in the dibcrctt miicaa of he bbe whtc they were sctucd had she idmittod the colonies in be really parti ol the mwre and allotted the amencins to send ndfiae lh oirh caaallan wate s th colo nists would have bad the benefit of the in ind jrade and brilimbiiriogof ihe ocean trade sceia however thai gcal utilain nd taken from canada thalwhkh it was for ier inlercst to kep it wis now for her fo v to ber own advantage fo hoim fithnul jh rjije vote for toe resolution mr wiiuams thought thit thehon mem- kt hi stx lincoln deserted great credit or injtfojucing this mnlori tba pcnjvv of anaja djtrd lo rata with the tnited tljey itesircd n maiach itaroi on terrvofreclnrocilvp in base access lo the america ft amerirrt vm to buirs i and wat rvtiito taltlicjjoui ajma1 an ad o irrji to her alpulff pfayin iturl ia any 01cial treaty with lh flim isbbu llilsyfiffi retiproeiy vhi be nied hoo gentlemen- auo that they would heinnl iiri i if ihey did not prefer two market to one if hon enilenen would tcadsirlt pcerscetehiated speech in 15 ihey would find that he showdfrom the eiiwiicnce af a loiitucceionof years thai when the ffruid liowin countries in europe produce r in- fcufticieflt t ijjily it almost always uafipened that tbe erous in america were plenlifnl and thai on tho other hand when the crept lu america wete small those in guroe ware unusually large lsov the grain rur couiiuriesof the united state were umu nc tween virginia and ihe boundary of new i and the american farmer in thrae statra l two maikef he could j0 10 cnund wiihout paying any duty or he could 0 in ihe home market now suppose ihe prire should be higher in the unites sate lha laudooaccuiil a could make no differecce now while both weia rxporlin conutriea it would make a mtieriat duteronce then lathe yeara 1835 36 and w this did ivappen and the reateat disxalis- faction prevailed because what was half a dollar dearer on tbe american side than on the canadian let bou members took for infor mation on ihil head at tbe rertortsof the bord of tradijor at those of mr gainlbling presi dent of iha board of commerce of neer york he contended that these duties did no sjocd to the people ot upper canada and thai it was ihe mietcst of the axncultucalist to uke off these doliea whether the united mate- ro so or notv dat the revolution did not go so fara lhal it provided for the prejudice winch the peojdu oiilit have arising ticro a diiocuna tion to do away witi dutie wbiu others keju them on he desired to adopt the priitcqde of sir r vtr whose argnmeois were unan swerable the hon member lorfrcnitctiac would rc that the resolution protecteit the farmer ol canada agaioet ihe farmer ct ihe united slate because it would have no elfecl ontil ihe americans masa an act to giro the same advantage to canada- mil sherwood brockeille aeced with the i10 member for north lincoln that this measure if carried vmi- bo of a advaotaje and if it were not ikey as some of its opponents seemed to think that il would he reciprocated by tha united state ihec could be liuie danger io passing it- ii was a well known fact tbatpiodnc during hie irasentyeur had been aoed higher in new ock than iq montreal and so much o that persons bad found it wo ih their while to send produce there audi canada ha knew irut flour had been an least halladoljar a barrel higher oa tha other aide he could see no reason why this resolution should not pass mr colvillc would vpport the resolution and considered tbe arguvnenft of the hon member for north lincoln as peiftctly conclu sive li vinj aa be mr c did in a countiy borderinhon the state of ncv york knew itivoiild ri x freat advantage if the farmers coutd get into that otat to sell their vjrain the only excuse lhat could possibty be allci- ed for puttioj on these duties arose from the fact lhat tha people on the other sido of the line4i had dona so lirst canada ouht now to show that if they would id her people 30 to their markets she would lot ibcmcotac tobers the hon member for shcrbroae said lhat canada oubt not to take tbe ini tiative well ha thought tbal of tittte-ooruc- quoncc it did not matter who bean tbo lbiuj if it were good thoaooner it wore doao by some one the better air akijjtitoxn made sonic rcmarvj which were almol inaudible in the gallery all that reached 113 was the bon gentlemans declara tion of hi hostility to the rcdotulioa mr mcttas thoubt that in the single ar ticle of lumber if the reciprocity could be ob tained it would bo of the utmost advantage to canada in his pail of the couatiylhefo were very ivge exports of lumber there were ja agricultural esporwj epccially ol horses mr cual i as an aicuhurai memner oould not vote in javorof ims resolution tht caadian farmer was not in a condition to compete with the doited slates fatuwr ibi- laltor was farther advanced and had a better climate the great disadiaoiase to the ca nadian farmer aisin from the measure would be the unsteadiness of the markets if produce were admitted free the njajkou would be glutted ai they were befure the ariculural prolcclloa was enacted tho c jiiti waanotso muvh lliat the farmers were nndeiaoldi as that ihe markets were slutten to compete with iheamerjcrj- was like a small carialil covopctini- wilh a larg oqc they bad tbo largest capital aud could supply the market on supciior terra mr lataaasiiacoppoacit the motion ca nada wis so ctrcurolaoccd as to make it im- posiibto that jtcojjjrlcvertand in competition with ihe united stat mr safitji frontcnacx wanted to know if the cauadln producer was to take advon- tac of the now york market instead of the m- mv wbatvaa to become of the canals lie concurred wjth tha hon member for lou no and idioton in aayinj- thai canada could not bo pot on tho lame term 1 with the people of iho united siatea was out the balance of iraav4n flour egalnucanaila il lhal moment wo c not thousands of nuance of rain imported annually for dial illlna and viliy because there waanol grain oioihi prodflrod in tho coinu f thaamericuinr shonjl meet the nropoviiion and ll were car rled out iho wlmln trado of thn provinco w u1d ui to new t he wiihd the tn be daintily nndeitood and he wished it to be coni leied whether it was not for the intcr- eucf lower canada aawcllaaforthose of the whole country that the trade should ecu- tinue in its old cbanncl was there not al ready experience i the evils he srnl a he knew that durios the first month of arnin nota ateamc crossed j jakc to kir without binjinj tons and tonaof ooda which used tobsajrbspajht intowoatcj if these reoration passed he trade of tbe two pro vince would ba enliiey i4wutad thcc had j txn ipc cp ilax l inoiuc d in the ljisturc orttpoer canada tban ths i- icluira pleclion bifl brought in hy mr hncks and the people would look with 1 ruaonlieirpencen ilvvu if thy didany- isine ualtatt ir he knew well that free trado principles bad been wid4y ossjcmi- naled they srerc sprcadrnj fast and would ijrad but h believed ihey exert not appli cable to canada where neope had everytniue toontend agiist with respect locahe he knew that the american- tor several yci a at had brought in tars numbers which they aold o evaaiers ana salted down ino beef and since he had been inmonteil he had seen many urge cravea of the same dc- c t un- mr ceway worfd say but one word nave andhe did ao bcei ie lbere jrai omc planat- wty in what the hoo member fo froncaac hdsatd but if thec waswoi plausibility there aaufcdtywatuo phjophy ii il he attacked thcrciolulioa 00 two rrrojeis first becaauehe aadit woald q to injure the ca nab and sccmhy becaisjil would injure the aricuuuriau first he urged it would trifr the tols next thai it would rccreau the erain brought for dbi lit an these two propoilions were paihlyincoisistent for all that came into the country for distillation aided to the monev received for leta aain if it were true that ihe eain would go by kaw york on the c cjololions 1 cn carried out how did that accord wilh h doctrine about injury lo the farmer if new york were sc much better as lo make lh farmer 50 there in preference it wojld be so far f om an injury to his intercast to allow him to co that the errcateit injury was done to him by pre venting hm from coin mr mcnuirr remarked thit ifhi hon friend had considered the resolution more at tentively he would have eathat thee was nothing about manufactures in it suppose the aracricaashid a bolter climate than that of canada and certainly ohio was better suppose thsy could raise produce isssffr wan sal any rean whv their produce market tvull nit bi sjvtraai b thit of the piice lo which thelrptduce wentf no one cow controvert the principle lhat it vrai 10 governed it co3t an acnekcm3 and a canadian 5 to mrse the same quantity of produce so much thj ratvtl ht the lat e hul convj he et aothin moc for it well ehat did agricultural mmhcs desie t ti they were enliely miitakcn in the course ihe were takn bcaose thee excluded the amviiiuitt from his chance in iwo market in is35 1836 and t37marfccls were vgher in america tbattkienland and would on tiie or another be so aciia whenever ibt hatponed thern would le dirailia faction and it wa bis conviction of tsat f ict which mnde him ansous to voto the addrcaij which all hon mrnkcwj voted for last yea an hon member had talked about the balance of irad did not that bob serrttcman know that if th farmer send his produce choanct lbronoh the uniled stales than through ca- uaa that the crowc7 htmself was the fjaincr what were the canals for for thrmcicplo- ric of having them 0 to henofil the erowor wy were the differential duliwto be lakei off but lo benefit tho same class he had always bee for freo trdo with england as oapoed to lhat with tho uniled states so lone as england avo polccion lo canada i but since she had laken off hor polcetin it was nolhincbut fo ly for canadianato put it 2u ttr which he said was from an eminent mer chant who had been thirty years in the trade hen w h m m nr hontraal nor5- tymr favor of 26lhulu dated at th a place was duly recivd and i have atd ed mr robirisun on the subjects s115- jetcl i hopeaqtf troat your parliament will have intcllirufieaiod patriofsm enough toaeapfernotl onfte irobjact of the welland canul every matircof interest pride and patriotuimcvaould induce ihe early completion of tbal 5cat and valuable work it will repay mot houatifdlty ull te 10 u site eipen- dtvnrea botlrrtnter rcvcnub aaluicidenta nublic beneuts p uoth ycur conial and our 0ncra1 gov ernment are cowlircin most abaudly in tbeir measures of embarrassing ihe trade witbearh other and through their reipcctira channel totheocen tfne we cannot imorr yru foj pajfdiy eipoit it j n and tttain lb duly with much aitsndant ceremony and perplexity on vour pal your law is more wisa than or rahflr less foolish than ours ond voucan import the cround andcrporf the fair and escape the duly rat all this formality is irl it ought to be remembccl that both yoarcoontry and ours arc extorters of trra and for every bushel imrorled another bushel will be es poled neitbrr your farrjicti noronrscan be froteclcd commerce will protect tliem hut irv caanol if the whole empof ihe united slates was imported inu canada it would merely 50 there fo exortation and youc far mers would not sell a bushel lui or for a less ffrsc in connexon wth treeuom in the rain trade the hivcr st lawreace should he thrown open to the ahippinr of the world th consequence would be that a tar por tion of your cropweald to off in tht proper sumtner swsk at ss prbbk insteurj of j3 in english vs asexehavcly at the approach of winer wheftinsuranec is utraravut an the danger of loss df tfe and p ocily i f a fio ynnrlate and ea y seiotncntscould through our channels atioarftihts too to we should have enjish ihlppnif at boston and new york eomeiinfor w nlestcicht acain fice tho sllswrencj and new england will in hi nm m r be a ipplicd with western products ihrujs ua ohsnuc rjivin evemito your canals and comrtlline tho statof ncwyok lo rfdice canal tolls and elax her rcstrielioni cm raiuod a concession lo commence which will benefit canada as well as our western sulc i cannot yet believe tbersl lawrence almost the lincil river in the ivo id vu mad for nolhio or at leaitto adorn and a i off a iaaisiap with liberal and wise crriuoi wijpmee one of the best channels for trade io tho world he wasjoally surprised lo hear hon gen tlemen get up and oppose the resolution it related to a question which was perfectly well understood by the atpicttlttf t ta of ihe conn ty and i14 could trey that ill hs own co wheroajl were aricalui rita ihero was not a sinlc avanwbowas not in favor of it mr avlwim ihnnabt iha hon mmber fnr nortfr kincnna yni givtn himself a reat 1 of trouble lo prepare a rerdutinn nf which lb result wonlil he anything but aullafaciuev evenif ili irraei wen enrried oit 1ft- h fiiend fiom north lincoln bad rued a reat rut ray taklne words about muiuainte- eatlienefil reclpracly c but hi mr 4fwia to m not so that canada 0 the uiiiteil slates would v materially bncfitted by impetffcl reciprocity nor could he see liny botie af a perfvcl rrciiroclty a all his hon fr had inrmimwd the ear18wrht and but bo wntm nsk his ho fiend whebv r akhia- any 1e number if yeat there wnom b moe tbm one nr two when canadian produce would bae fnnnd it way intii the maib as of ihe uiiied shir i ye from mr mrrrill welperbsps iho h- inmvi eximtrtflce ibnl wy but bis mr aylwpv wen annthai l he thoucbt il wai imruutilile for iha io aimlifpa in iiml on ihe iju fm pi he cniim iuideftand ihe echanjvofrialhra pfoduclions htvean roiintiieswriau pioilucinnv were dir1aentl but in this c feirseespoersfnirn hnh conntrleir were uo rr cqvl was nn exiclmral rrni u r 1 r ii ivi jiilpentjlc c0 plain of t whv that iheytiad to contend utalnl a hard eliniile vofiefe rattle mnii bn heuiedansl fad forioriayapntnplhiof mu yr thehm irenllainiii luitajolrsn of huftaahcerlaliiy ihe cnunlrywas rty miicli ohllwed to llm for he luiipwla bod paid for thamf tfav peotde tbil wari thi majority of iht mftfui lhal wa fo iftf ibe affrfenlluril dnr yel whlfe ho bfafj camlanlly of ih tj 1 tactuting ami crrnwrcial inttrciu he never hearda worl acoulaappolinsthcsfrrcnhiiraf interests though he was he nrnvacitaltve of a commercial conmiiiitnev rather titan an aiicuhural inlerea what was it that sop- ported the people he rvprescnted if il were not for marnr the missel she aricultu- isls7 free irajetaras a fme thmf in a larae empire liwo real biitain with great miaal if these l i sbiendoos manufacture te iiosih desire to incncate free trade for sue h id eeriythine to an and nothing to t by hot the same doc i ic would b fetal to ibe tolcrct of thec prorinccs and he com- pajtvu he had compunod before lhat it wasbiouhi firwaiil bv rjrat britain al a timet most unfevo ahra lor ihe cneniea but what did ihe hon fflcnsrr deatro to dol un he dmre toinnte hie nicana income aid cuttrame in ibeir own matkes the far mef r v whom the prv nee flourished with cferrie n trade and commerce he would say hiithc erchanl vd trailers va edroact ia the cee niv he would o ihe full icnrui to scree tho interests of that class buttv would not go the lendh of sayinj thre tajai nolhnrhit tvadbasvcivrsitk thouth rco- le talked ot f e trade by the hour lvte ca ibe province was it could not csrripeti with i c s repabltc that rurroundid it it war impossible and absurd and could only be done canada had a rail witty pjumciaw and hid developed all hr miel resonrca he was not prepared to view th world ai a inlr family cif which ih iitei 3 were thn athc he believed that ncrcr would h the cast undc th present dijpcnstjon and fc lo freo trad m was ac imvosibc as it would be 10 odct the street doors an j qumbsus atthcramett cilh sionvvr fvoovva ilmdttd that talked of r fade and wa propared ta siirencer it england wauld not doeo foshestillpoxed the interests lhat usjhl to b proiccled he ihouejbl th firmer ougv to bo n0ertj he w o to sec sir robert peel take thn steps that lis had keenly lakro for he i wiaentuintd tlnf n ij maia hiarluacuk f fmjvi i ha afvtepneil ihe litne axt ten h ditini one srhoo isenew jortrinea nvwtd lie ihttvi overtnd on hn poplo nonm e hnnrlede that great britain bad ben mide tat hj h- nn of tlte cnuntry he fjuilj i i 0 l ihe liv when pily fi nivrji iotceata stoimhvfrt tloo rhieh in limea nsst havo brfo atovum tad ullh still mnvt bo pi- aoofii 10 aruari tie autl f ihe jrei mstnt ibe laialrumaiif ar essinty it wsasid that ihe pnince lud nn ahr pnee iba thai uucji wis cncn cd be tini fr market i ai a cuhii rtiraer iho province ri wtthio- o cniraetbir did not njily ideee rut ibe hoo eftilrm tyvmrd v wfei u ihe pienf errt dij eiy in cicrelil avsjilut who tttf rn- ctod isepnfelv j asm 1 re tritrr vrev- eeiie aliejkf ef li prkra at mak lino andtlone- irado vea ihe nrveat indent ti f r bread i i 0 vavo ctmda ee hrdo lnihe rinieemrade and in rrrin the- a 1 andllvr of iuneiehboft oil of vvbit etoesfim ibetioitter imqvt vvby ha uhf eierfie it enlrrelif ttriliof iha v r itrreja tbil inda ct 67 pee rem mm ibi irhoe vle nii i lo other itiieremi fnhtfufvit rojelolibe dnias mrkei il la i ladirrimrrli t iv satue f i irsrsfiimn undrr ihety cuse a etaswj i the petpef iha pmrinre do ayiumjr to re hvo rh tt when ihey ftii in liitlo oai of it mcioif whtget0riniaf4 thfre never aeneru n r 1 ho be rmri of bot the inbcco trioo fmw vrgisiia ivrvoli sssss rrfnierly eafrkd in o tho i way twox all for ktto advaqlago ef grraf onlstii andlbal wonerf iho eaoe nt ihe ecprtn al iim rmvificea tbo inhabitant of towns wrm si uill maofilv iid what was 11 uiat eucvjeod ibcirlraoul wbr ihencerii of ihofirmrr vet white bfuitot all ibn iho faimrr tfat liieofftr all uiednrica and fr ibr iaterem of the in iho eaoats tbil bad bemt l- cirdaod iberoidalhct hid rto mda ponptt iiii in faciliinte bis amfie nsichbir in brinjjnf hieprdoe v n tsuns f ji rir-l- asaa rotgbi laih rf snvbui hiey priard raslhll k 1 1 mine to an afiihsaericl leal hot a tb oooj iuaonrrrler the r aroia rpmlahtsiiverconblhaaiins- ji z tlvt vbl tfc unst inc arvuiim t dasf 1 to eu brie mt be puced n ai e ad ur a bo ttr far ih n thae nf tu a 1 it rnajbii v alvr iiiifrticomi nl unt werelnns a r j h mf m would 04 e- lt j in the firtlhida wapart w rtcihuic uicir rr woi cvory m f ib wiyld km uai hid bot nrte mo to of meets and wera only a oofmy wbicb coutd not catrr i berrndonran tmpirr hotbenoi iuic rarea atlcad ttie meana rf esscnufiinf mho a if thev weren4rorirot ho wjd ab ay ncaa- f v- hiuc irbriber ibe agrtcotuirtl coad- inn of caitadit had cvef aen oocli on in itfifv iio eatnpetely 1 if rb bon cniilrmn rmd sujj i t till fimttiftvttt be wnuttbmlluo nsaiastre us p-iciin- ne frr be di d m arc a hirb tonffpticesl 0uu 1 1 n v ifcnriimhinn umi iho v 1 sio dj edsrul ibatciaada huht pi 4 qbl tit ii aoe tviuld beep down m manofei smihy bid etwayt been jep d sv- tbeunibsf ihalca rid feitc the pcp thrro bad uo io lejisjc nrfinis and wb was thr raaoll 1 wy a lvclofcntiry tlurb ho had trvcrrd i wni svecn vcare before as a mere vha on h wiy t eo lee wh beennae nno nfiha far imwrt fl rjeu n- io enried tjluwi uineu aitaiulsfs lei dascicvrdlbsl ader a proper ajmern of urinr n nr c batvaoan 0umihed in t narfi booh a ayatcm wnutd nil pornapa rnsiko hoiimtmi fcpecvinftbulil waqm ap fjaaj etusarifl aead es aasonf nit elsaacaof h- aeuuisr- niy he wnubl pr v m rnrcisarrs at d tnenltr mihiifificmfpi eerv sn- tnseioss ho piorjiira nfyrh ther utusvd br dtcalrdba atdenjd prevent lhrmfroui ftvnmr ut oiha cudan nukfft wbeaevcr ihoao rea- 4o aeus ucrerarird int rrtecl wutct be rvodusw- cnre krawccn cana and cno united starts and ilaenibluaine abojt he mold hnt nbnt tn ii fr hejikod thaair nf aaaanv a belter haaiuial rt irnpo- ifo srel bnrn in lanadinrrd srnol t ntriiitiirjarabimarjle weiikl nolrmeraa f r be ncrer rmieduiua who hid to bave ibeir crunary huwaaf iby oi brllte ihcit cmdnlon jiv aohtrrrcd ucir imde and arbsv rd tifcr nntfmif ifuimt rollvi boks auat ibnoa hfbketlberario lioe then ebemfw laiavstir willi thutrtttplion he esild fika rn baveautnik- fthir 0u tfiptut wihw l lyrplc e muhiarj ithvlj wlji lqr e- trwdo nod- m aenrf ttioit jfu awfv inaendof v uhle yonveorhairs and wnne atneee in pereint ifn bom eftounenn lh vrr- nf hina n vnibeilve every nnenf whleh vc v in ibfiti the bn fa ui nia 1 thaw veal lhngh iho lat or aftc ineiliud in mr meruit n i n n l aaleettn tbnae which be wmrli i nd umowbieh o wtiuld oa admn aitnihre hmvs he avceavssl otnroled t tho ariiele f w 1 ml hik pili etejtrif lhai lbere were pirniy nf eot tndavariniiiagnixand he wisborl ihc aos -i- wen afaurded ipinoijfmi trade its ibem nr mow- it iu one eyeat lurif i k ene a in hip fnimt nyhf iln pm tfacss waa the clrcspne- nf 1- 1 a hreanee if if 1 ffidi gmli could ho luaito rbaia ilian tbo american wieo that would hrinf ibe inula ibasssu s iben ilierofi m gretl lujujm td ii the wavof ibia r 1 u 1 reaa ln reve u ftr ihoae ibe duliet 1 1 1 bo n ioipon fron prtcai- n 1 revenno bad swil op fmt ihjn and f tu it um be ti tarn lite faruily nf r j iciffv lb a hsfceain ihe taiialt ho haduwi en op- ihidtnlnoiicillnrrtldoine btarbenicut thnnda nubt in prntlnee acheijitr a tb fjnuej tater inidiana ir they wnnm wlv b e iqfi mii indiuiv tri bear could rrd oeqnileat huoily at aueiejee nnd na vi ir 1 1 i rw ui inill tho tfihnc0 in he in f it air nmchhnre iea of irrelf a pnvteaj iiti wirih- in jf hie qneviicm wero labei thai sr whoh ha knped il wiapd nni be he tliuld oim istsl h iilie 0rr uf uie rcen ai i r hn leeiird in lhow eprn ibe mxetai ibt if its uilidsleleeaiil were ttio tee caidie murht ao ibersv l il wer ibe rvat nf av ikr l hero r r f thei eomtne lcia idatkn i i- n ibalfhev wnih ifo ivn a rmr0ei in lrms he rlcind lhat ibe out rh o f ibr uuirnl iuatv sear rasaeim to ibit af nitfi it eainvikrj ihe wetrfa jaallj alisand qwat loobso ibslpihalllieeeuoieff ent iviiji ba bees flkt im oafbaan aime wai aa j t 9 naaj yrk und ibe uimtl nf mintel m at a mil aavennnirt bi ibe prplo in iho unit h tinra were juine iailuatii ns nnd bad e i ln ijvanlaeea whlsb cviadifts uiiebl aljn and srhrth if lbv dl nllaet ihry nbl uuii- aai prirton iw serie fma pae nf iha ipsu npme to niltlh latjliu fe4aie fcsw- v slikbbaaoij ntaifne siib pa le bit pd aarfj inntbir anint h till irt 9ft tv j nift j mvr wi aurte nnl if 1iai rr eidirutreileminaiu4 hsi iirn euwaff to tsssahwt aiesv ihlaoa ilv baibail mphielulea trraarsa reasanssuja1a wnaeit m rvlmriiilu 4jlrrshrat n- irhhta tt ill aniraaf lbsl net a tht caovas ktyt baefl ft lisa itnit hstt pef rtilv ir uetata tad itiie etuv aj 9vuvburt isv wiiafb ilia caiisilisn waaa ut ibe a sliaatu sstjfs hainfls ii n avi the vnk sle t tbsua j i n bi frplleiiirn aeaa nal uebflasv nrv mi ht ssti tm uuvsmt afiiafhs s