wiup ftrthrrtbsn an icjnal weicht of ihe fje 7nrtntbrs at which watrired from to result of analy shw that taking all lb tht jtfaiiik elemenn of j foo to frm4mfom the coarse i onehair more nu- meiee than the ftne leaving a wide awtm meit rty nerijm ttrere mitrltiee imt ty by the lk t whieh when f men v fiaweftiut would vuppoil ily sjeen the tfff 0 flu ewnrv in other vwd lawj- iffiivvttarnfls moil a wd to nnr scllir mdvrt hefre we nrlimlc mv d not reeoounend toyou even the whole oil of wfeeat a it sufeiitute lor yt bi nitmeal n youe pc the oat wmorenuimtuocyrtllmniw whole ein m t ufcen fihl for welchr kor lb bjfift hoy fot the fkv working men d fw the pnrtly o oatmeal coulain ibe inafrriib of ikr qwj bee ncuriihrnent tbl it owe in in 1a ia peculiar chemical rhmpritioti iius it pit lo it beinr it i rjrd in scetj ltd of rhotf mnl thr wly jioed funl erf yrhhre mj lanci- k ft noto rceime la a cohih taste anil iictr mi u hvirttrovf ihe rounder tir roancr ar j f lb uore no tbern coun- lir wmvf tftrrhftre tne whole meat of wheat mperinr tn the tif fiuitr in economy in nu iritivr jtrar mil in whamenakj and fjiervforr jtiotjtd be preferred by tlwe who lure npon wlevl in all lriec respect ttbt noj lina mrlf tie advantage anl therefore pviifb af fiaty to tic idhf tra la you owe li lo tne exsanctf af your forafulhr for a ithadfuad tear to fawab- il iby tveeire ttd jestinitt feih nci soft bwiance sni cult pob by odtr of the coemonit tho rciti sal uldl1 myltin i coe to ttj ery few deaths rotiflf jf loft in aptfl i mky oftbfim went larco-rea- tota wlwetowttn wen naiccut latiif d to the rtecrtf itair and ottittrmpic4ipfe- utttb cleanttrieis of order in ihholcf thoe that hate arrived lately are a smaller class of tasieb and the paengen under- better con- rol j l armsinonc jtccipes favn i- liralja f ibe navrrjr av ttcrttjitiqkfrii iik airafcvty dalv tavllvletl rf ibahlb aad a bbe iht mll 4m ri n ilia rtu ftrfqaprw in the ravrf iht o ivfaa apcaaiiaadh lo l0fth- ir rolv aalbififik tba feint wy if a ataftj in ifce a fapiiinrai dpiacni trot fcf jnt na vrrthti nlb fi ulea mf1v plcd a fucp rnd tfiuirt irtava a ftiiocwf id a xiinjlalii n rilj r4fai f raamt bfiwn t vcrr cj f f a a p aajdof aojr ua i lt n li tiflt j vhr jtiii bfflaad eknit it hvr lial mi bur ten w ii lb- fliflfl b- aj rf mi 4lntj ijm o fe i folly ebj tamafiilfil t n rh itirie a4j f jo avava fl mifl nf hraojv ihawtti v io vtm a la cfjjoer iit yhcrsnsf xtl sarr tor wa4inj cafjtfw jjk 1 lb ixf sew wlijlc iltosoam eyey poml or frail bu v in lpfbcr n ror yokvif pan wiis aaiuar ji1 i tf- in fmr rry tv an irtm vh avt pit thaaiatit e diim lira nrf tct lhro n brt r- with fcr ti i ttna up ao o chaafeu tt earltjav ii r tavy 9il mp a wr aah aa bailer thi it jaf anrr iha afl inctbod arstti fc uddilia yl awimijiav fm0i daajl ofta rant nvriaaa aad i f n tfcr pi pntip ajn i tjftlf ftlkd ah loiioy araler ht watt rltrad bbfaaa f f lla fni ith ininf j iv r m fo pva a faaat hicb art ni ea aitii w uami hk rtim ftaaall wrm i anli kr lfr tirl toj u if la i i- li fim a hilf af ndwtvd cwl 0 l f uit a3 r rpraa 2d ov nilrftfrorll 0 vitrm 1rtatiaruof k vnivi lj ibaa add eim qa t fi ij wilr cf ii t nil l4f ttf nr liv aod a ia nii f il ciiiundl bavn and iben uub i rrxrroa wfccut4verlaad adin fira nbblea col n bl if r nn jvii foar iiho tmia ritb pifif hw1i iii ijirjaa d wrh wisr ll u t aw i ihae wrc4 to u vaat tot rd rvrf r ftnd aanatfc tho milk k itt into it l t- it laoff f 1 4 ba rmi r wfim u tu ntaujib aj p iainiadulafj ravn a aadiaj diah p eio a y pcfi poi aaf a- iojaocaohhi ajronqime mr fra4 ta wlf utrh jy ajn aia- aoh la tho addifiirt ff eiir aiiar wbea vo fepraija awaoiribc drink far iavald aataiwt friinitva ffajrno abinncd lomt ruuaaiavraiaat4 on- blek rtjiar hlf a imttm atpka 8 hfdprpaa nd a aponofol vioslfd- auihaar tkciadfitf tflakba 0ual kwandaiittbvtdfte1 ia s viaefar flee 4 aava aa ninth viae io to w acd aa io uec 4lf raut of loir wlrn ike ai i ota ji ffto nd aol1e ooa ael it tnif tny w oo in two wreb w fronted tj a and t ieeo trr1 yarx koba ca cr rfri jto haaa doov iin twill of fold ai or or oold itnid wlten c jjaial dorni t4rd ioorfanv pfi xto tha f vmbnco ilia a from a iv ol ii neat iama spoonful haa been iren a ralwf hat been obtaineil arjr w more owtlk a tew e aar icae e4 pti ibwn doaae tha aonmr nod lat wankh tohe a aloe ceoelc ot fitkin and lua tayeeaf au hitfan inch dorp invri rrai lhaamafjf4nd cover oh hja fji with at tear of jlr if ibdtscaatofrcab fabed and put into col dry plar htfr the keep paxclly 0d i i fouowin i feitsatrrr oa va4t7pc otircaa lid cie 1 w 1 j o nft ufliy wlr- yhn lokcq nei1r oot the to aw inia lia aa bnf aa an pm iotn n dep maafaue dih a hreruf i of afaij or vicwaa lintt all anj pep- i n and in fif halter a thi awl theo a ujff j it j nu ita tp fill the jio bm hkiavafiatjh they lv twobaua in ok on aiiu el inluty b it i hntf an aagr m iteaixmo to theee pint of indin faa ivy a ct n riotofpf1of boilin hkvu and milk lo caowiency oj baur uajf a iea- a lnnim af r oil laf avbaju n icmpoonful if ircii wrrwver tc cojh pwitaffrjetlivf b m ct aeuor ncdj rttctca ibe ero loanmf ltx1oke tefea r ttia avej ytae ihrw wfajhnt lwtaapraqn paain lie por fvnl epnni unn iin mtrxlct it afvd until it ia trmtrd tltcrbv kep ut t atiiiw ioieiu o if rtf naa a -eii- iimieac3ini die ot rj u dtjiaii irfw com- i efv inpraj lv vt7 ilt aded t l gfm pp tl tstatlishment j crcav lle june 45 181 rit rocical cntjecft compoj bhub d hed at coue nui jtej stpehnvnd- aaacim slcdic 05fr pktfp bdicit lamcquc ctia3dohrit ieae iacuargr of pioel awiioi io hospital aott juieeij mr ctiorfrd ctfoyed inelairt jostera- 15 coka aotf 2 ordtrlira hfjc uojct ijcajroent 00 930 and on bard of eesaeb ia bi been ereeud end io vdi anmhereana- j2a n ill be ready loorotf m iauteof onaadne bat li ttritea io obtaioirtf c tespd eren by irk in pm victotr of to elrocta m tfann at the 1 apame of ton9d- theptajtiy pofll teneti 1 preame i e laj- thaeiti xbet a far fcx qn raft thrpnf rhn alf liennfnd- y mrfttujf m1 rr v nnatnia1 w a i7 ro pfmlfaam 7 ihf hnitcb states from mexico fwtattntal diiooa i13 mtmcna ap 0 iiii c klllso axp v r 510 foowle va vaft iroa scaa hat following impartiirt and inccrealinc in- telliienee waa oainuntcated to he iveio ormf dxuj of tha 20th inl by lieutem- atl ftoyd ad mcwihama of the sreond pnamylvanja aohnwni who camo oer on ibe stearmibip galrevton on tbe fitb ina aroa1l tetonnoiterinif t- y toxethee whfeorn eitizeru ad disbanded tohlien in number afcol i50 warmed men ulitjfl moonted left puebla for vera c1112 thi party under the eonrnwrd of cwl bainbfiile 31 arlilleit on tearing jbpa and cetu ne cerro wdo thia par ly wttihfwinwohim it would not be prudent ioalhohtle pavi there were 4000 mexican in the chapfral ainn the pitf prevhxu lo ibis the oficers who bad one to llie rear ofthe traiu were fired at from the chaparrrv the ukutb of the p the party wis orjaoiiftj and marched through withe meeitnff an enemy and aeri- rrd at ibe bridge that evening whilst lhay were bivonaebing on ibe other title of the bridge beiocao fairtftd that they were nna- me to fumiih a guarav tbey wcrd informed that some perwrower barricaiin tbe bride a maid wa lher uioned below ibe biile and llieencftmikinent to pftau ibe pay be ing nirprnad at tht tmeijnal ligijtsonhidgaaand ectfl ixre distioiiy en bcfot daylight the sconiu- tarty wa aeut out and also a ptty to clear ibe bnde rhith was done wilhogt any oppoahtoik the morn bvy of tbe party then passed nrer the btsd0 kerry thing iben appeared tobeoafe and m danger being pi lieut mcwilliamsond mr futtr were fctat back lobrrng on the train fin iht other ido of tbe hriie as ihy were entering the bridge partyof abanis mexicans appeared on the bridge ind fired several volleys jjn ihcm the vaoa mater nd fuor otnvrs who were i a the btdcc were 5rrd on anj lhcwlileilileiinl ibe waon otjred itww of tin grt iralnr 4tatv fire iiad ccsei parly of lancers aprared en rhe brid an seemed to be pre- jmfln io charge 111 soaing tt capt batn- bidgvv iirty rere pnrbariog to receive them wheeled thr horses and galloped efc capt b iraed h march in prooj order followed by 4q0 or wo foot uttce r who hun ujion hiv rear d pnk or four nr ire miles but at a rtjpeclafcte riuace tims hammrd n this le pa tv pnrtiediir way until it arrived where colonel hcltuojh bad encamped vrith is irin the mexicans wht bad attacked bain bridgn ar wttt tfw name who hsrt com phed co mcintosh l ball and wait so- re 1 forcement tbe patty remainad that nigm in cul mvcainp and during toe whole time the meacuu krpl a continuaj fue mi ihe camp aprmaachu wilb tbe greatest boldness eery near la our atrtifuk on the next day c baiobrirlges pariv resume it march 10 vea cma being joined ny cat doprru ij dttgao who rtr ant haek t l their fcerrv tlu camjiani wiiji its guapt cambii beharad rery banj- somelyattb attack on col mcintoshs camp indeed it was generally dmitted thai col ms command was sared by the galuntry of cpc du ptrus party vkpt bainbridgets party continued their march to vera crux wtte they amred in safely in the meantime capl dupems party he iug a long return train lv gnard and bain threatened he a urge nojy of jancn halted at sania fe where tbay were chaiged by a greatly acrwior force which they jtallantly repulsed killing many of ihe enemy and suf fering no loss ituintke jl wis said how- erer that ome i oor wagout were cut off and tr driaert taken prisoners capl dope- rts arrived fafely in vera cruz having lost in 4ji three killed and thrra otinded on i hr day capt bbndge party left melntos1is camii gen cadwanader anieed with a force of sm mn and uvo bountxers andusbedon towarib thetciljonal bridge on approaching tbe bridge gmerl c occu pied tbe heighls commanding the bridge from v hich the enemy had fired upon dtpl bain- biil5cpaiy where h was airacicj by a mtft force of tbe mexicans nailed oa the ridges anj in the chapparal and some bard fighting wbf carried pc for seaerql bom the miricfifts loting more lb loo men and gen cajveallader losing somo 15 killed and sitme 30 o 40 vonidtd tbe mexicans wtjt rc- puhed tlie bridge was soccctully passed bv otfb cidnallaev whn was on hu way to abpa- the estiinied loss of col- mcintosh paity wasahoit s1000 the road for miles was strewn with amply bote and bacon side whict tad been captured by the enemy there w a great deal of dissatisfaction in the army respecting tbe command which bad charge of thcirain jtttt will be a court of inquiry on ihe subject fh sarriveit at japr vcn broken op byojer of jen cntand alllbesick and coverattrot alocea atv beau sent to perole caale so that ibis hue of communication is entirely rhow gen scott lias tad a road opened rox ivrme lo tp wbkb u fvture ml nor stores ad nci will be sent in preference to the old toad the sweett of tie akaci en mcintoshs command has ftcn grel confidence to the gntritlai who are warmng in greal numbers thronh tho country and attacking all our panic lee and small it was chiefly owing to tbe gallantry of copt bojnal the iymaiter that the specie irft4ns in charge ol the pary were aed he was in ont 0 ihem himself when the way rzs attacked aud foegbt like a there ace about 10j nwo eocamedai vera cruz grace shield was at jifjra and wa alont to irwf ibv coiled slate when he received an ordr from gvnscoit to jusn him at turma there are no preparation to defend any pwnt brieen puebla and the capital ill the odd and ends of the army arc collect ed it tbe city about m000in number but poorly armed and are miserably provided for there wo small prtnunftemtrjo at the city of meaic it i early put down by general biuamentc it war got up by faction of the iopitwce party and of the gome farias ifty rfieircrywas down with santa ann but the president 00 inenoi still maintains hit never and iuflneice coojjesshfd refused w l r his rtsiu tjon we have abort us thoiund men at puabla nnder commntid of worth and quitman gen scu will remain at puebla ititj he it rtinfwced g r criv it in commaod cf the army at ibe cattl since lie above ffji written we have jeatrud thai in the alfair betvieo general cdttallanvr and ihe mecan at the nation 4 brijzw cempany of lieut blakely of the newly ijiiej vojunleeri with two hvit kfltpctard the barricades and swept ihem a 11 a fev discharges from the howitzer in ptstng through hoeerer lieut bjakejy received a heavy fir fron ihe enemy on lha ide whkcb commands tb road by which he tamined one killed and four wounje the lieuvnni htmtelf bhn woiiuded in ibe hr thy also lost seeem bortat trie haight were than charged on the right and lfi he road and jrallanlly carried ihe m7 afwt hoaj helore them 10 greal con- wheo oan cadwajisrfar bad pouad tho bwee u sta aliaked by a utp party of gverillaij wbokept op a coatmoaltre on hi men for a 1oo diitaoce at cerro gordo it was ihonghi ffom report of heavy flnig that the enemy ttad made a vtanjd io great rsumbers though 00 xpprehew sioos were eotertaioed for ihesajety of cad watladei conxmandf who was mating in a hnl and atymsiuier the only way to deal with the mexican captain gates company of 31 dragoon was sent by geo codwallader to the rear to reinforce the guards of ihe train who were attackeofby a ligo body of lancepwbeh they repulsed with considerable brts t adhere is much sickness in vera ctuz but vary liue in ibe castle gen cadwauader is much praiaod for ibe en ergy and promptness of his movements to tin rescue of col mcintoj and for the bravery and skill with wbch hescatieted the swarm or guonllas grown confident by tbe succosa of ocavsbottwasai puebla at the hsl ac- connls saia anna bad a second time soot in hr resignation of ibe preiideucy congress had oot tip to thai time accepted il he had atmtde formal resinaiioi of his office a comuiaiidei inchief of tbe army which likehtsrcsignaiiooof the presidency reoain- ed inabey nee ftvemoican geoerats wboae names ar not gven bare been arrested and eut to lb different slates for conrloement the gallaot capt walker has commenced his wotk of retaliation 00 tbe guerillas oft the morning of the 3th ost he started with bis command from perole on an eiwdition some distance into the interior during the cspediiioo be succeeded in capturing nin guerilla and an alcade he has employed ihem in clearing thi streets and sinks- a letter had been received in vera cms oji the ifih rnsc previous to tbe sailing of tht galveston direct from the headharter of gen scott staring ibat gen scoirw ifsued orders fur the removal of the pristmers from vera crrrx to tivpaa tfcis cbaae lfaja ait to be partly ovine to tfce sickocas in vera cni7 and because communications could be more easily kpt up between tuspan and puebla tlin between tb laiter place and vera cruz lake superior news th publication of ibis valuable papr has been removed from copper harbor to st maiie it was discontinued during the avin- ter months but it is now rcsnmed and edited with even mre thniormer rijor john n bcmoil its sola editora mjn of various character one whom it is aeccisorj to know to form a proper eslimalo of mankind the first number of the ncr sctiesof tbe paper is now beftrc us distlnuubed for literary and mechanical excellence vc give it full recommendation to the public iv learn from it that hoks for the sub- scrtnlioa of the capital tock for tbe com pletion of a siip cnal around ibcsaultate now open and that ihere is every probability the whole amount 0000 will soon be taken up t the cojtptciion of ths enterprise will give us50f milo moroof lakcnarj- sation iind aho fron tbe paper that tbe ofta ptilittr stanch steamer and truewill make one or two nkavuro eacorsions during he months of july and august upon this i- of lako the aoble suderio- and w cannot too urgently advise all who are tired of the dusttne turmoil and extravagant heal of crowded cities and wboicken fnm tfacdutl heartdispintin convcotionaiilies that char- acterie life therein to seize the bits with their icolh and hapten to scenct where they can see nature in all ber untutored freshness and grandeur hear what our elooucnt con- lemkrary of the laht superior mum says of tb loighty basin of water so little known ercn to our professional tooristj situated between latitudes fortysix and ffrivuo 5li i l f oil ta hundred yarn above int level of the occau and a depth renchinj far below that levela coast of surpawin beauly nni grajtdnr more than twelve jiundrcd miles in extent and anoondin in geological phenomena varied mineral wealth agates cornelian jasper opal and other precious stones with its rivers bays actuaries islands presque islcypeoiniolas caps pictoredrocks traos- parent lakes tfapioj cascadesand bold high audi limned with pure vein of quartz spar and amethystine crystals fall to repletion with mineral richer reflecting in gorgeous majesty the suns bright rays and the moons mellonf blush oertoppird wilh ever verdant groresof fir cedar and the mountain ash while the background is filled up with moun tain upon mountain until risinrrj majesty to the clouds distance loses their inequality rolling against the clear rault of haiven here you will find man loo more like tits original nature tht sons of the forest du- daining factitious tastes and superfluous attire and maidens unskilled in coquetry with toilettes innocent of the comb the ac commodations of the julia palmer too are excellent and too much cannot be said in prhe of her gentlemanly proprietor col- w f porter taylor you dont often see mth mnand when you red of them it is atwavs on the last paofibebookwhere they pin tbe best things ivrfesentmltcwy zvibum lter from vera gruz orrcas 0 re tec aejccrcu aotasset oe 00 k h jt to ho raio there hsa bfn another arriel f vera crur with aeural das uiernevra geo 3cm i repined w bo nt ri frio a city nnle iwv w three atagca from 1l0 ualuof the mem t annus lia wa mat at uml point bv a dpuuuan from dm capital baiin peace poniiit ihe naiuta of ejswh b noi tranfuired bvl lhaf were of eseeptiifnhla a clumcter that general scotl fcl bound m reject ihem the ovp4io ad olltera capreaoot the petipla r pjmapiu1 toalr aonoui to aeeuee an ii ha w i durjculliea aiia iciurn uf peace iionf that gaa scolt ba advanced an near the giiiilnn attack ennoi be much lngr dclaved i- 1 r injictaiions in the neigh uwlrood tha gar riai at tamjoo efa in rjjily ecpccutioo f being allocked 4raony jjttrl normal schools dr eerton rverson has issued a circular to the wardens of districts in tle province in which he sp ibe tetolutroiis of the board of edacation in regard to tbe rules of admit- lance of scholars ihe normal seminary we ean merely jive tbe subtaoca of them every scholar over 16 year of age having a certificate of eood character frrm a cle- man of the denomination lo which be hrlon knowinac what somelsydy or other celled the three it heading riling and rjtbinelicand who rjdares in writing that be intend to de vote himself to teaching shll be admiye lo ajl ihe advantages ef the normal school without cdare including tnitirkt or books and they shall be allowed tha am of 5 per week towards lha expense of their board other indents not inlenlintf for teachers to be admitted to ihe school at such rates as nay hercaffor be determined by the board of edncatioa the suoerintendant states htal the school will not br opened till early in antnmn in coittqtieiicc of the nonarrival of the master from home ale that 100 has been placed at the dipnal of ihnt gentleman to bn paratus totono 67n6e prouiucial aparkamenf 1 1 w j ij- t u l legislative assembly x feidav jane 25 97- trvm tht 3onfrecl heroic ifrpelilions wet e brought jip the following petitions were read of the montreal canadian atuxuntj sxiety for an act of urorhratiou the conmttlee on priitiu ptawv4 a report recomnendin that lha tendr of messrs lovell h gibson for the siatial printing and messrs citmplfcell pr4ult for tbe journal which are 10 be comnauiced immeditejf be adopted report contrred it- on motion of- mr meruit the tloute went into committee lo consider the expediency f remorinjf ibe duties on agricultural prutneb on certaiu conditions to sil aain on wed nesttay mr dewiubill lo incorporate the mon treal and province line junction 4 company second rreadm on iliumay m4 cbaoaeau bill to ineorpomtr tbe quebec and lake superior mining convoy of canada second readin on 6h jut mr ljfontaine hill to ikcorroraix tbe quebec and lake superior minln assxia- lion coud reading on wadneday bill to amend charier of monlredl gas company 1 be bill to i amend the act incorptfatin ue du people was read the cond reftrred to the committee ooprvate the ban timran bills the bill to incorporate the canada fllitttl life assurance company wtj read thercond lime and referred to the committee otpri- yate bills the bill to amend the law of ioiaricomienx for debt was read thr second ime and rwtvrtd as ibe house w about to procecslfett orders of the day mr sol gen cammoh moved ctm ibe house do resolve that a petition he preyed to her majatyor the sihjfci of enjjon and that the standing order of the uotfsx t quiring notice of any motion he ossff- wilb m order to enable them to sendih dress hvme by the mail which was to mff monday next tb hon jeutleofav ft making ihe morton um that all ibe dir were aware of ihe vast amount of sicw deslitutton and death which bad occi and that it was therefore unnecessary fi to say anything to fvw the necessity of tlt nch a step the petition set birth fads and called upon tsa imperial hsf r ment to take into consideration the staf in which the emigrant ft o which tbe pot lamentable state of thing wa lawaltnbn with a view of picvemin the shipni j emigrants in likt rircnmstancei aain aho lo reimbuis the provincial cover for tbe larc expense which it bail becnrs otajff and above the sum already eranv ihe imperial parliament in rendering ff sary support to the poor ah demittte emrs mr paldwis seconded tbe motion mr hail wished fci know if they ih power to prevent knlish landlord- aftehey had clirated oppressed aud mined iwjjjj tanantry transportini them to lb is cmv7 he wanted to see a lr emipation place lo this country but not one of pajf and even to one of pauper if properiyr dueirdj be had no aversion but he tssj that one like tbe present one burl im than boefilted thr country he was 1b chned to support the wesenl motion nnle j could he thewu that some benefit wrltj derived from it mr ca3iudm lnark agreed witb of what had fallen fnhti tb member for kt horouhhninolwilnslaudinij he would aw the motion be jlad to see aj3 hr lish mandsmade u pen it at any of iraruportiui pecie was office very md for repayment of money expend the provincial government which ought home entirely by theb 1i fjvw yv it a bw ctaaito vea tto fttta ivvloirrlfomi col jaji fiih ihtt motoobaly eeiovnf leeoiad at naea fall- on sjoajay i a fine lid of lbo nmaeof jfm mtirphy ovd abhj ihirii eear ip lhaeulay fjiala prftcr irt sr f- r n clllpoew 10 cuiv di dmwo mo iba rpidft ou tjto jcn sido ami ino uiagret ltistiue fall- when b fitu hoenerrd ho ww beyond tic racb all e4ftblv acsuunec ind ltrath tnelpiilo iubw dtl ofltpil nie cmirijfa o0 mfaneth cujd do holding bh llt vk mm nearly twentt mipuic ir atnrfvitfly and nhvo iird nmwra fl up coauntm longer mfh ihe wind anovfrrani butli nfml hn 1i10 hula follow ptmird 0r ifird 6 with lha cour20 ond peaareemnoc 1 n man fasf suina uma rrei0 the oorrui bui lal ton hie tiutrh wnbm ima huodfad rtda ol tha oro ia wi in lha amhrtiua lh ualiine italaracl ivtndi never ifbt if atnn ttn brvkrn fraf menl of bia frail bxk wcoah it wttr lond ol ibo hula marine a vidowd maltar and tbroe ehtdn non lha liea of a on od btfhr nd tifof irnar ummtt in fata uf a r ir n i r i n f ttiff m emirafori would te taken ut by the house during tbjt session mr gowak was very aorry to hear ihe re marks which had fallen from the member for peterborough he mr g thought that every man who with a stromr arm and cood health emigrated to fhiacountryi wai benefit to it let him be ever so poor the poosl emigrant made tha ht rhilt the nktsi wealthy i liiipsaifafty the wvat he irm not itaaed with the government which h thought bad not done all lhat ibey vboqld have done that should not hate waited until the emiranu had airived before i hey took teh it was iheirdnty to haee anticipated their arrival and to b prepared for ihem on their arrival he would admit that much was to be allowed for the fcreat amount of sickness engendered by famine in ireland and wlmheould sctcely have been anticipated he could nnt huppori the addrv as he did not see my sod could be derived from at mr hall explained he did nol say any- thin against iho emigrant but against the landlords in britain who had them sent nut mr attorney general hfinwooo hoped that tbe address would be hmiiiawmi he de- f ended th government from charge of neglect it was not possible be sad lo have anticipated that so much misery and distress would occur they knfw that a la rraaem juration would take place bnl they did not and could not antici pate that so much sikness could occur amonsl the emigrants it the government bad apent twenty or thirty thousand poind in ereciini hospitals as it had done and they were afterward not required there would have been mote outcry acairst the government for watlefitl orpenrliinre than there was now for neglect the gneerninent had done every thing in its power m aylwrjt said that the bon memher had taken credit fbvwhat the government had done 5 but the result of the enquiry which was naw bain made by tbe cosnniiltee of which be w chairnuni would slvaw that the govesnmrnt wa hihiy culpable about the resnti of he petition he fhonht ihem called upo make representation wtlh reapeet to the present manner of ahippim the ernutrants and to complain aeaaat their ctowdin the vessels xvilh inch lare number of passenger as at present nolwithstandinjc the law and the appointment ol iaaitsv fjy ibe british goveromat in every seaport to watcnorer tmlyatioa 60 long as vessel were crowded with such a laraa number of kmijranl disease and distress mitat occur he was sure their representation would have ome effect on this point wuh respect to ihe remarks which were made ainst landlord he thought they were jiut with respect r some but not jiistto other a large nnmber of landlords be knew bad taken every means in heir power to make ihe emirant comforta ble on thir paae and it snhc them hi this eonotry in a proper manner he would support ibe aidrni after a lew vlbcr remoibs mio resolution wa unanimously carriav the address w then submitted and ap proved and ordered lo be delivered lo ii bicvtteacy for tranaaiitston to afmfjand tlie bill to increase the capital of tbe bink of montreal was read a ccod time mr moreatt moved ibe second reading of iba bill rd increase the capital of lue lily bank mr jtrawoors wislied to know if the whole of the present stock was iubcrihrd for mr morrarr replied yes mr hunwonn well if it waa rt wn not all called lr forbekinew by ibe uewspapvm that iba acelora weie just hllimf llieir capital inand mitt the bank bowd lhat all ils cauljal was paid ui and the it ntttinl awr he bouhi it bad no rig hi to oik for en jnrreeac of cajn4l mr mcaaittaaid a sink onufd ool have tooibucb eapital if h hail it avovm dily hurt ilselftxor vt would dapaeciala hi stock in pewoj tbi lie wnuhj refer the home in tho bank of lwrr canada there wns oae ihinjt which la thought thecal mt m m m great and the drscdiint ihe fhnk charged for transporting kfc the bui was iheortad second lime a war discussion hrn look place on tbe mkooj nrordinj of the bill co amend tht cviartra nnd detroil rlrers railroad act wfiicht resulted in ibe 511 beinj carried by b7 artinat i0 c a nurrmer of oiher measure of a local nature relating lo upper canada only occu pied the hunsc to a very laic hour v 1omy june 28- yhehouyeaoounicdfor a short time 04 uclock in order to present to his kvccllency ev addreoj on the subtot of aatoifjttioax voted ibe day before mtt fociou sfotnign we vonr majesty dutiful m4 loyal sub jects tbe conmons of canada io provincial parliament assembled hutuj venture lo re- prefcnt ibe apprehenrion which we entertain irooj the unprecedented influx of emisrants from great britain and ireland in a stale of datilnlton starvation and dboaae unparal leled in the history f ibcprorincc we sxnture humbly to state lhat the ar rangement for the reception of the sick at crosse isle ihe quarantine station although made ra an extensive acalb have proved wholly inadequate lo the unexpected eoier- ency that the entire range of butdine in tended for the oc of emisranl generally at that station have been converted into bospi- lols and still are insufficient for the nttrumtt sick lhat the island itseif which is ihree miles in length and half a mile in breadth has been reported as not sufficiently extensive to receive all those who by tlie rejulalion of tbe health officers are rejoiced to perform quarantine lhat the apparently healthy have consequently been forwarded vritrioot being asjbjccled to the usual precaution and as a further consequence ibat fever is shawm ilek omoje th inhaotuntj of the populous cities of hontreaj and quebec and in addt- tioo that the prorjess of the emigrants into tbe interior is marked by disease and death we feel bound to declare to your majestv that while we believe that ibis house and toe beople of the province rc most desirous to welcome 10 ibe colony all ibosc of their fel low subjects who may ibink proper to emi- jate from the parent country to leltle amon ihcro we are convinced that a continued tmv- statfon of a similar character to that which 15 now taking place is calculated to produce a most injurious effect upon our prosperity un less conducted npon a more systematic prin ciple we beseech the interference of your ma- ittly under the infliction with which this land has been visited and is still further threatened not lo pennit the helpless tha starving the sicfc and dteied unequal and until as thty are to face the hardships of a settlers life lo embark for these shores which tf they reach ibey reach in co many instances only to find a gfarc we humbly pray your majesty that mea sures may be adopted by your majesty go vernment lhat the em i cyan t ships may be lare and airy that ample space may be al lotted to tha emigrants audrhat a larger al- lowaace of better food ibn is now furnished wilb sufficient medical attendance shall be always provided 00 board we hunbh inform your majesty that in the opinion of this house an unusually large expenditure must be made in this province in the present season to mectjuch unexampled dcstiiutton and distress nd we assure your majesty of our confident belief lhat the jus tice as well as tbe liberality of the imperial government will provide for this expenditure fcoro tbe imperial funds on the return of ihe speaker lo the house mr litfiftftjcrc inquired if ministers were prepared to recommend a rant for the road to cneaunevj co mr cavlcv said lhat 1509 had been al ready voied bv tbe llnuse for that improve- m n m inch about xhwo bad been expend ed the engineers feared that the remaining j- w wmild not be surticieot to complete the 3vrtc ministers however were not pre- pfd at that momenl to promise to reeom- mcid any further appropriation but he would not ay that ibey might not do so when ihe goirral eatircates came down itr- latttftirfti ah they arc both in lur ivknada dr gowax iben gave notice of hi intcn tim 10 move an address lo the governor gf- ncj praying for an account of all public winks jo canada distiniuattvg the cost res peoivejyof tbosoin upper canada and those latlawcr canada in ordvr that it might be seex whether the repeated asertions made by iheotber side on tlis subject were or were not correct jb thwinnuifrunce to notice put several qumioas to ministers ip which the following antra were returned k lac subject of kinds college was uoiw consideration and minister would be prcfared 10 state tbeir ujicniiqnj 00 that sub- jeciin ibe course of a week ministers bad made certain rcpfen- lioiv to the home government recommending thara cruto extent of freedqcn of navigation sboild be adorded on the su lawrence and reeournendin abo that i ton real sbotifd be ma a fo port until an answer ahould be pc civedon thec poins it waa tlicnight that it iwuu be preajature to 4k a greater coyi- cctra- non this answer being civen mr cow ah 3iisled tbe importance ol having tbe rcpre sennlioo of the provincial governnpent backeil bym address from the house 3d 0 nicdurc relative lo th- registra tion if upper canada would be submitted durw the present session 411 it was iounded to remodel the crown lanr depanmeot but it was not thought nectary to ask foi any additional authority from the legislature 5it it was not intended to introduce any bill bich would enable ihsiricl councils to plena ibe public credit by the issue of dc- tvii hut undoubicdiy eerj facility wool he recorded for the completion 01 worls alrcry undertaken air malcolm camerons motiop relative to the vrowo lands department and messrs lcrr and lrmatuager otolioas relative to trad dnd commerce were poitsoned jrt- attorney general sucuwooo in mov ing r second reading of the bill to amend isjaaw relatiie toconsiornentsbv mercbanu to ay laid that at present in inis country no hiigation and lc ensued rom the pre- slft 1 l law with regard to aale tna n acents fbus if an agent received oo wio instruclioru to sell them in a par- iicul- manner and be sells them by auction o irvtcs tifsni a security or in any other wav btai by his instruct ions tbe ptfio- puebasiog froi him even although he was wnrre thil ihe goods did belong lo aoy ihr nan ihe agent would boeorupelled to pat loc er of tbe goojs the value of thco stond rime although he mieht have pr paid the anl fhiscvilbadbcen sorer ha1 1 wrrm in ih bankiu yiem lhat was the cli4rtiujt of j ccaiu jiuount here on note pavahle at the- nebinilier canada nud inve era jv hnn gentleman then mnde tome raferanea tn curraiwy and chante wbicb we could ant bear well enouh toainiiermjud mr morrafr did not sea n oletion to tantin iulik increase t capitui j nid with trgard 0 redramiua mne a efaty brunch wilbmit diaeotin he said it would crmkari ilia bank to beep a much ltlr amouni of peei than at mtil at mfh brufbi in order bo able tn meet nny le- ly fell in england and several law hva passed ihnre within the last few yeair t0 nsedy ihe evil by these jaws the rs held to le the hue owner as u join boneid putcbiscr lioacquatntcd willi in fo ot the goods 1 losing to any other iiraonibao the agent the hill before the hm cjifllained a iramcript of the english enacn bill was much needed in upp caoadii where many casv occurred in wit h intimjoaew bad been obliged to pay for gr a second lime when they had bought flldj in sgent in confluence of the agent not h7jrtrjctly followed hi inttructioos the h w4ud pievecl iiu purchasers from defrasided and if the agcnl negle ic b do hi duty the loss would fall on jiu iirfpf ipal ttiio ought to have been uwrc cacittfl inejeciinghis agcni mr moan witlicd totcnow if the bill ei- lendh lojfltti canada m 6jt niwaoo ilvi ibatbe drew up th- bill fw iwr canada only hut that ince dotnft aoi 0 learned friend ol hi had informed him 1 would lie a very advantageous miin v jyvwer canada also na ihere liira indedrooatrtdthc jawio bulb upper and frinvda u ltf veniwoith bodh tbe time vsal arim when liwcould r ijsed for tht a os canada eneri mvaurri lib ttvv pni ana for th mercantile law 0ihl ew bo ll ane in wh pvu 4 ih prael mr mont said that the present rncaore was an amendment to the english law which was not in force io lower canada and there fore it was not applicable lo- thai part of be province in lowlr cajirti commercial cases wrftgoeeracitby the civil law they hadonljslw lw of knglarid as far as re garded the wbjof fvidetce jn commercial cases mr barolttlhonht tra measure a good one for lower canida there was a necessity forhavirl the same system of le gislation for both upper and lower canada mr- basowin had no objection tc the bill a for as regarded upper canada he abo was of opinion thftlrxe commercial law of both upper and lower canada should be a sfmtiateo at far as possible mr moiratt thought the present measure was absolutely necessary for lower cansda he ao agreed with wml bad boen sairl as to the necessity of having tbe same law for bath upper ana lower canada mr lapoxtalc made some remarks which we did not hear very well- what we understood hm to say was lhal it was not desirable fo introduce english laws into lower canada a the civil law of france was infinitely superior to that of england j mr banctct said lhat the taw of frjnca had often been changed ice 1073 whiff we still retained the law which existed al that time he for one wouldnot allow it tore main always in the same state he would do all in his power to amend ll and if any measure proposed for upper canada con tansd clauses which be thought voild im prove the law of lower canada be would endeavor jo extend it to the whole piovince he could not understand lhat there was any diilercqc between tbe laws of upper and lower canada as to the principle which regulated contracts and commercial rjuesiions tbe difference was only as to tenures and successions- he would do all ia his power to assimilate the laws of upper ang lower canada mr cfjacrxatr characterised ihe present measure a an attempt to destroy the ciitj law of lower canada by means of a ma jority of members from upper canada and threatened if it passed to ablate the courrtijv mr drcoar would be very averse to inter fere with the law of lower canada- vsslesa he waa clearly of opinion that be measure was to benefit lower canada he thought that since ihe provinces were united ihcir commercial law should be assimilated and although he would not support any measure to alter the law of lower canada he would support a measure to amend thorn he would have no objections lo extend any part of the civil law of lower canada to upper cana da if if- would iinprcwe the law of upper canada- the law waa oad one for uppvr canada and if any part of the taw of lower canada would be unprovcfhy it he would support the measure mr ciiauvcai said that the reason why be objected in the bih wj that it altered the law of lvcr canada and tbe menthe who introduced wa nnar rjnanited with the lw of lower cnditand roum not jude of its aitects if ibe merher opposite were im iroiii to force jaws ot lower canada ha felt that cmctii mint be done lu preevertif and ifrjvy would not lit to the lower c- njj meovis in the house tlie country would rcqnire to he ailated in the matter mr hatl had no dcmro to imoselw nn lowr ganarla imt he wished to amend ihvbwof any part olbe piavince when it could he done vnw there wre well informed lermi ihi kould be an impsove- ment which no body on the other ide bad yet enntradlcd jvvilfier had any one al- tooiptedto show trnit rl svonid do any lm the on atd sole objection wathuvil altcfirijc ihr law of lower canada wdu eveiy act of parliament altered lha law he tfepiccalvd lh attempt made lo influence the flootr hy ihreacof axitaon heia wal ha minofity uceateoin a julc reulbon every lime the mijorjly carried a bill s et miner was motl absurd did the coneta- lives lake that course when they were in thf minority cries of yes no they did not ibey waited jil elecuo came round jd iben did all they could u carry their poipil hut they nevr committed the gros indecency of ihreatenin the hon with something lhat iftpt done outride the door mr cmhiti agreed wilh what bad been oid about ihe necessity of having the ane cofnmereial law for both prt of he province he bad hear two of the highest authorities iit lower canada approve of the bill the cu was the attorney general tbe highest ral riutliority tn ihe lions and the other was the honorable member for montreal mr mortn who was one of ihe pvreatest tif mercinl auihuritio in the country he wmild therefore suipott the bil ivilh regard to what had been aid ahouj uieinseeof one sc lion of ibe province legislating for fh other section he mr c felt himself free to legis late for both pats of canada atd would do so if he was convinced that he would benefit either section of the country mr dacm0o deprecated any atlcrrjnt 0 the pan of members for uppec canada p alter the law of lower canada the kill contained some things tbtt mijehtbc advantv gcooly extended to iouer canada but ft would require lo be amended before it coul be introduced into thai part of tbe provfncc he touil not snpot ineasrcs to alter the law of lower canada emanating from per son totally unacquainted with lhat jaw t mr pnstc would suppot tho dhl so ss to rive ihe house an omiimily of heating in committee lite objection against the dill be ing extended to lower canada with regard lo the torqark of he bon member fiom the county of quebec mr chautau who said lhat the upper canadian niemhcis were desi rous of krawctfj for lower canada he mr p would asuit hjui ibal they would not 1i0 v unless they were convinced that it was for the benefit of lower cansa mr davmmomd asked if mr attorney gen sherwood wrmld have any objictions to rcfor the dili lo a slecl cmnmiiiet nf lawver from both sections of tbe povinec t mr siicawood replied no he would o ovlth pleasure after it 121 passed tbe se cond reading mr moht would oppose tbe bill as fie did that ii could b- amcnlcd in a saitslactory nianoer by tb committee tu question whether the dilr should be read asecoiid time was tiltn putnod carrird ayes lij nas io iu lntaieaoia voted against the bill and id doln so said lhat he did not vote aaiol the principle of tbe bill for there were some poriiotis of it lhal otihl lo be introduced info lower canada tut the situation which ihe member fiooi upter canada puccd bmj in by their attempt to leiiate for lower cinadi compelled him lo vote aainu the ditl tbe bill wu ihen read a second time and referred i o a sclent committee coasiattru of lawyer from booi parlt nf the proi incc the house then went polo committee of the vfcoleon the bill of mr attorney general sherwood to enable faoiuies of persons killed by accidcut or negligeucc lo recover damages iioru the pervnj causing the death mr sol gen cam mo moved the intro duction of a section cnabliu ihe families of person killed in duels lo iccovcr damage fiom the parties concerned a principal or sccood mr mcdovild kingston opposed ibe io- traduction of hc clause as likely to influence juries to acquit my person charged with murder a having killed another io a duel on the ground thitt it would be heller 10 wquit him in older to enable the widow to tfcl dam ages than it would he to convict him and prevent hie widow from getting any aupport trom bim mr tlorncy general dadclcv did not think it would have that effoetin hi opinion l would prernl lueuin mr pjuc eongralulaled the tvol general for his couraee iftmirwdueing vnchjrneaaure u though lhat jegialalion was necessary t praeent duelling nnd tho prnviinn to compel one man killing another in a duel lo support th- widow and fatally of tbe murdered man would have great cftecl in doing o mr ally gen sjirnwarm omeetod to ii cfautie 4 king forclqn lo the principle of the dill public opinion alone he lhnishlcoum put down duellinjr hie mover rlenereed lot eirdit lor hi having bronchi the mailer b fore tbo hnrjae and hit wculr recommend htm if he hiughi lhal leifiitaflnr wiild ol all itrrrit ibe rime to ntredije ihe vumrei tn a scpojalc raessttre aa it an mrtrai i the principle of the dill before the house mr baldwik did not think that tbe clause would increase the difficulty of obtaining a criminal verdict against a man killing an other in a duel he approved of tbe claim the only fault he bad to it was lhat be did not think that it went far enough but bo would give bia hearty support to it as it now tcod the clause was then put and carried umuu mously the other caiues of the dill wee carried without dijf msion jkfier oftr ihrofgh a good deal of busincsa of a local and nnimpohanl character the houe adjourned about halfpast 11 p mvnntil wcdncsdavat3fm- tdes- sy being a tu dotigatip e1tish whig opifr ft oibn diti kingston saturday jihy3 1si7 cwnmr ictttm fixer oca utr 1 u a c m jll ulivik bbftiiijcipiiij4b- tiimc ij yety utile eeitfis bvm from montreal tht mjglstttf aftet taii tkul fouhlbalk are reposing on lhir laurel ic stul and viihcrej as ihe liltcf ut seh bills as have been introduced are tdvanein try drjreci aod xoiaelbhi like 1 defile to cease talking and tja to bailees stati i be csbibiicd on bolh sides mb waliack the g people of kirrjllon whtpnpj j highly intellectual treat in rtitneinj e hu- ironic geformjineci of ihe peat actor wbw name heads tw article- mr wallaclcuav ordiaary morr nnlmc hti enfiowed bim with fftuhin physlea and intcueclnal wlueh haro long been ifcc admiiohon eng land and america he h 1i10 handsomest man ol the aje and by far tbe vy best mco- drarmtic performer lliateier read the u i while as a median arid ti camedian le rank second only to the hijls name- on sceord and even then has admirer wh place hum n tl r n inscelnzmr wauaek lhrj- wil no bf imgorhisurpoters tcc h nnainv ena 1 s skebi cpj w do not po ica mcji and who snot well kaolin ihe awfeamo aod tcy all ebgub wjfthtr d- ay reccnrwdaio i often awdated ihne concly tv wlowir gkis we lake he jfa j ketch ipis mr m ga cameroa has anmiscdtel t iauoducc bu on ibe subreet of ksna collejo from the lvnoru opinions of thi gentlettao thiiwiimajt pre ri to geat diuriior in the house of assembly and perhans h ministry feeble as ihe latter ar not landing brnvy on ibcif feet and hardly darinto cah their souls their ofta one tvoiiitj tbinkf that a 6rebrcnd like mr camcions cill should be the last hinc cost before ibe ifotist wise osen vculd avod doing so swtreat c0rresp0ndknc mtkctflxal july 1 istt i vo ithic there isso liue new of moment stirring in ibis frenchified british city that in order to fill a decent uzi ibee i muteneah life the ifoitse of ssetnb1y has been in session fof a monb and in consvjuencc of much talk in on the pan of the opposition memhf rswbo sec- m to think it ueeesaafy to lake up ss much tjiri a oiiwe in bearing theii or swecl voice cite buinfa a yet transacted is irifllng- anj nnimjiorunt the ministry however are not in name for this as it was well knoten by the ftole home thai they had a fair raa jority of at least four the 6tjt iy of the session and that they bad good reason to co ountupon the role of certain lpisc fisb awh as the gallant col prioce and some ocher who have hitherto supported the min istry but a soon as they thought it would fall went over to ibe other side like nits from a sinking ship tvj abo bad some private motive for opposition nol eerj cfeditame to their pairiotasm ive wpt ihrer the 11 aimfi iv nv i e i vujlr duui tcithpjkd bj um uhd i- vurravhiruv inajfsedj aejvana fcnhm ml mtvtl nf hie ui l tnvairicl fieaao in lit 01 btf isiopthlljibutwmlijjaih biojf i penine nixlif afc vvucb pyva irfin jlaut- j ii i i rapitj- n ucej be hi m d u me erteetcbo ob vujuuly fu1tl ttvitt ihii uwikhi ttb- i i hvj ray m pjjc eilijamjuii unldu nahbeen peicloined fibv vetyboml af fibrpri 11 i ud uli ufjut cinpfuiuipn ifl bi wvccoed l er9a iufi maupol irticve be h hrfie eencd to bavoavn itabijlaj v knuv nvt bov many tnnj erfsnj tbe ifv ihuv imf mir ijm vritti in eiceiiaa u ua fdrfefc coke uty m bd great lyadtk cctcd lliss 1 njij luiutaj iv a i uk naiswubi twwe u kc y ak 6u 1 j ike pjc mkd wlll tl pif avaiwa farto iiwi t tnel w u eumlj imibiu tiko liiiuliliv4y cjjiipgkfl d 0 bjy u- vine ibl r wufaci muidrif eb atra jnfcrrreri u rrhr rf liae4 hjla c of iama iydiu veepmk under ewfee m jul 4 ihe irri ile ikerrcil ihvut to affd cm ttrursdny uie expected cricket mateh took place on tbclfcvetumeat panjtffttad here bctivtcn the kingston and coburjcrub tbe day was fiercely fine and the eicxasivrj beat consequently kept a great amny j al borne who would otherwise have dftsirnd to witness the d splay still there was a iy aiskiftjrai wwsleaotfav rrtiriist into a mrnorrty at the commencement i beat tremendously we considerior it has t of tbe ses5ioo whea it was well known that tome p ibcir ebtef stfppoflen were absent was cotejppijble in the extreme and worthy of u honest bobrt baldwin iwgeotle- man and his supporter lost the confidence of thecooniry by their base sistvicnry ajd trucklfrrg to preach influence on ihe seal of government question and it will be long ere the upper prorince forgtts or forgitcs the traitor who betrayed it upper canada vomited them forth at the last election and their rery names have since stunk in the nos- chuofthc people throughout the tegh and breadth of the land your old friend the receiver general has en winning golden npinions from all sorts of men thy his urbane acd obliging deport men i toh in and out of office he veas nrujiics tionably the mosi dicing person jo the house to bo selected for ihe responsible situation which he now holds from hi well known and acknowledged excellent buoc habit and ft oo hispeculiarfdcilityin acquiring enrrsmee- cial information have no doubt that under his management tho credit of the province il not be diminished his appoinimec k haa excited here oud elsewhere much envy on the part o certain oldsicn wbo lob upon him aas a youngster and unable theteforc to pri form th duties of the office as well as he tlaltcr themselves could be done by them tfxe llujtebowcver is of a ditferent opinio and j baye no doubt be countiy will sustain it one of bis cbiff merits i that be does not take up tbe time of the countey in useless ulb try ctpiessing his senjinifnli all occasions but isevcraltenuvtotbuaaies and never itfrlnj a vott in short crve mr macdonald fair play with some care and a little more experience nd be wit soon rank second to norrein he province i bare been anxiously waiting to see whether mr sherwoodnow lhat he is a cabi net siiftiiier will cxen tbe power ofiht go vernment tor the much defied repeal or mo diticaiton of ihe lviry laws the counlr- loudly cnts for ll and ibe prevent stated ihe law bore onsidcred by all intelligent men of buarwylo be a dhgraor to the ineicnih century j lot not sue that he huase is ripfor the desired- dingt os our leaned icgisl tors are not in advance of ihe age on this subjecj but it is to be hoped that by the ekcrtioo of mr sbcnrood mr mcocnald and some othenwho entertain liberal and en lightened viewy a ebns w he efltfeted ibis seesiot any change must be ibilbt belle l f d the passport the hon mr hamilton mnehtahced of iron steamer the passport t her puce in ihe llnyal mail line belwceu king ston and montreal she amved here on her ftrl trip upward on wednejay eieninjj in derthecomirndoflrrut old jumlc favoiice caii ryn jlowen the import is a npjen- eirj nniueliouably ibo mo rlttjftni tih jbat floyi on the urittsh water in amine in idte she i a capacious a ibo cunal lock adinhbein rfio feet iq lajiih with hju piioriicuiabw white in ipeeit ahe hs no cumpelilrrbrlug iateen uslle perhonrboal tl it wholly out of our power to rf j her liliveiil bring lb ik unipio and jrnr ieou imfiiiable anjnothlnuil w rm lay could crime up tolhe fvlrty tht ufftri kuluin inlriiflii nrafly jh wbu ol hie uujk r dokujbemclbfliiiffu pil- mtiit r hi i i d j i bj j bvenour fuiumr vi heboid and nil whn stnvenl rally can iitmld loir no ilmi in graliryniff llnmaftv and frlendsby ailbrvlin in m been so long and so universally conceded ibal the manly pje of cricket is oaeef lb noblest and mosj kiuible lxcrtaliopj of the english peopie that it would appear almost like profanatm to doubt the fatt de gnstibus non est disputandum aqd we have the icoeriry to dosal it that a parcel of higfclaodmen hmvu togeiher on a and rn eadcr to circulate their amuse themselea vith exercise on the ice in ihe ihape of curling coif or shinty ia ail natural ni 0011 cotwearabje ut that mioofmatwe aje and in ubeir aober mrtsev should expose themselves for hours to ibe fuiyof imfju sub to ke which man could strike a bajl the farthest or x wbkb man could nin tho quickest between two sets of slicks at 4 time when hii physical energies are itsscoed by cold frosty day becumbed ficutli tlron wholly incomprehensible that it best s so musrbo wilfswd to be believed nerertbif- less as we said before there is no dispuling about tastes and we must be content to let tlvo matter paft having succeeded in eidlior 00 oihersenliment io tbe cninds o rery english reader of tbiariicle than lhat of ibe mo profound piy for ihe writer tjoifijci conmrnccj nt fier inute bxh ten a ui ibo kitv player beiij pj in wbn itic fotorin caie wm mnue iinaifom clii ettatfao iat ritf giideridoeve- i 2 3 4 a f t b f 11 jcnkink a i a r 1 1 q ppti s veey pol hrvre ifcelry it4riv ikt- wad 30j 4 ou oj ri cv 6 tic s3j 3 0 9 e10 jn t jo d cloi tiwwt hh hwird j ffouh u vvtrig i 1 buiy 4 rbck 6 oca- djck j hirrd a a jjbbj 0 41 ojitv h cto tcxu t mixer gtlralmoa ia jkme huitio prr siwycr ih 7 vi y k tui uvrj l letf mlk isjs 0 4 l theiino c5 tmia arjij cifi irml tj 2 ttuiiil 3 iviija m rein 6 if lavk i 7 jinked 9 ft ltji 7 10 iumflwt s ta kinn ooh hjr 4 if i j 1 m j ii tlareej 47 ourfllarlroad fret the smcrbroutc couth ive bare the pleasure lo announce t our icajttr that the work on tho st cawreae and aibofic railway are to be vijo ouity pteisecjited dining tbu piestnt leuoo wo artl informed that tho dlreclnr have resolved to open 0 the public he lint firtri imjjm fiom montreal in the month of may next unrlai further section of ffloen milea to st i fjmctnthe in month 0 auguit followiiig thoieniaining dislanco lo d bcinjooiu- phi ii ib ame autumn it i olio wo undmla lha inttnuon of hi- uiircton to eoou40t for lilt neceasary enejtte and cart in rlitrea1 ond negotu- iimi hr tip prioo are now ping livward tlii will wo are m effnrd dir moi htihr miiiifarmien to ih niraiiilbera lo lb ralhnad isnvinolnf a mmtllon on tha oart of u niieetura to retain wit bla ihe tovlnw a laijo propoftlon of th ooal 0 ue itmir tatinff n 1 prrljcjofe tmir friend in aittftai tnunlv ii talll e non j tb ri ftnw under omlait in a0rh hall hive bee peimaneully bvoted flu about 0 nni 11 i enene hoeo been utimivivd in mv lb line frofj lb temiluiueii il the i vnnlki nud pawiaumi kie lialltaad 1 th ikvenleul l nl tl rmiei ihui whh the it wry alteadv made ut ih buundaiy line a hereford uv ball ibl aa ttn twe ibal woahall tpdllv lb m heart r mim iue wfwei a iroad o n 11 1 1