an i advance lu in itii it ii ihrfttllnw hi ihm institution tint ihnl w ill wi rlntili hi memory n rahhtjrj i hi wiilhiel of imr ojdci to hi mimting family iv innler ni umii fell pmifmrhfr ft viujhv anl nature ihmi thai wliilc lliry me railed liwhih the iftstol n lirlitvtfd mul nftctinntte imaaml a kin j and iidulitt fatlw tfs mifi fnl lh loss of a ltimvrteemed friend and llmltier- bopjruj tlut this icimirtirtl ihdttjth ii eumel iwu iht wound which an allwise ul bai inflicted nor bind tip the hearu padf sttd v afflictive dispensation j jeiee ullcv hie the is mil n some vmdl for conneiiul harbor jio unftrluniiialy link livvovor uuul two milcaotil jaaacngcr- umlmrtr vm iirkcd tijib ibetloamf hvrfmi iumi four hour a ufrer luo d ulcr the number if hrc inftl knot natertmivo rrpuu iva dm ihcg of ihatewsnntmmjc m- vimiif hr atiarwrr clvvclind it urbnl1y kii after i lie iidrrimfiltft ciime down and risjl d iho mktftd vtmultl imvc mifeted m the noiianev lie cuim hid inr ki loon found hrtlinf unpunkflor iw hui nano vtro ftgnd niagara cafviicff ambassador to rome mi pemn are aware dlil by law pitril in enjklad it nd qaawpienl ij the tfi refer thai u may in win ndtm the government f cnund w prohibited sorrow of lhoe whose rwmacnrlmjj any nmiaiajdur to frimt or ftim ssmsbafttosks tecply to mount n cml in tis rntrienro laiticy how ft lmrr riwucil tlwl in letiinoitiy nf mr ifaul nceewary t liberal policy ported sy iho new forouf departed brother we will attend hi vii l ln m w v uufi j qucilrwr n bl moved in p4r funeral in a body htifihi wdl been h ibofmwwmronavtivk retuiweilf thai our ltfdjc4 and jewii he 10 which touk puee ui the house of cutimaoti dreej in mourning lor on ytf roolved thit the foreoin preamble and no i he jlih nil hniaiuil rok to ak ibtmatioa or vmoh nanirlywlkcttef it wn tlc nhd ivn noli lejolulion be vined by ihf worshipful master mtcoiim f fir mojry iiiami loihiuu biii secrctaty and that a copy he furnished to the family of lh echejt w to the eilitor of the mttontc register and the editors of the several qmmilmti published in this county ako to the kingston editor of tlie british wh i e b lysandeeubkown- vvvnttj secretary m we hflvo been ntwud i pwi iho follftwin eommtmicalinn we hail ii pjonl fo utt rigat- n uppended to it- qlmktlr ixolxo bfttqiic bowi 2nd june ihi7 meisn polkkck vi uiliitour gontremen wo carneilv rcqit ihnt jmi will uie yiiur hm cndoir h tlwprticf qunfier totlntttnf thtl ulaee ym by if ennre wjrc of the hr ron wc h d fam uwponl my 19 rtnytanddonnj utftl unhlw had iwjy fivr deth und when wo irrircd we hd not lottcj f iho aiek rennvld from ninco- u frim hie mnn jay niht when wc arrival till the sundiy m lowing when cilit snull it pitimt were rr mnicd and ifatrln tlut time c hd wwlufl tftc number of d umi is we lud tin nuny dratfi- in fire dija jti wc hml in u peikhm nmeieei days owtnc priiipiltjr wc wuld mj lo the tc k bcioff kept mvi it w h mill tew sick nnvfl0 wy ii rr fi wheh the doctor iy thry hve no rown f on shore twoihtrds of thl nmnbet limy prnitjiuncc lo knee fver liut wc ure ullf the itrnded pjn- km ihdtif ir urivjlhetf ikbpok hm been removed lwm iiwi- us tlm wittj v1oihr lives would have ccn d id lht l we rc kct4 hre niuch inoei muny more will br ofmutitn cfifieef diiese will m touimiill heiireid in amiy n nndihe rijclnn momorrvcr qome tiown off the deck wtfm iley ji eone ma bttifd imd newer in any ce pfemnm nudicinot nnkl proper tfeaiment h- r lhm pi will on c- not of ntjvtvrs oar wivf snd mr umines jo t ivini his vey nri do mil release wc remain nclleon vmiis ivt rieeiful1y siind on mililfnf the riaencrp unn mitmnt ofrta n umiwo ijov t bf a ti bu on of 4 or jtrfll hint i- ft llii tw4 ml jjft si rliwoihous4nd willfpnvivk mc where wlore llilh wtkioj aio nix- tiny iitil in him teeumoddtirtn for wkr rk nt tejst in minrcbil sid quebec all the ck nd tieettni4 m- h c h ilf jrril frmn rlifvatrn and ttant batw tnihufcinf md t hwd uiwci tmnputm which i ute to enini with chc if d iinih inr ihm wiihm a ptnirre i roftf mw ptnphl pn minvtmt t fir tbey would rwtimiq in ihc mtk ktth wiili dcd iei nnil ihc somrn f mni dued oot use orp with u mi- boolbl unod glm whit evil vrill befsll the mty wfaonmi ihey alight hot nvathc w hlcji the rvil nnw ov ihratiiloriieeaf qihre n1 mon hhu imr wmninj k iv i hiw w imw ft wfitr f rfwmlm fi l my hny hi drt n iwuk afoly rrouiria il vonrs ae tsiincd t m ihmmiian irff diniho is i sore to pndnee diac in ynur power u procure our ked dipfmnntic rcmimtfl lictwren tfiia country and the tourl of rome he ibnttghl it would be hisuw lrantacuihatlhiamumiry rho a rsi dent mmitfef at the couft nf rome with nhllon tnqueiont uih of mmrmfohl and tomftfial efcmmor it htd until reeenily heen dochied whetlier ir vre were dipcd to endeavor in rcuilirii a mire tricndly fuoir ha court tueti a mifure would not be i tonnihc oppoaim side but a ehanire had now come over ilio eemts laf tha tapaey and the recently eleetcd pitpe ihnvioff adopird the vmiifn thai the internal rrutinntflf hla stte ahoufd lie reetihted ra i her by politicai then hy religious fcclinr oud having iriren a verv hospitable reecption lo ihe ambama dnr nr the porte lltere m nn oubt thit he cnuld not reel mhinrmutm honored at npeaivink at lihj coori the repreentilirr nf did country ivre cmm be no doubt of the friendly feeling of thi country lowardl the pretcnt pye irhelto nr not ihy lovk any lep in eslamiah relations with ttm on a murefnendly fontinc such aa became the interests and tfcwawuf ttf thit ountry lord j rssslci can certainly concur with thehon member in m much aalohastaitd oftho hbrral juliry of the prrtrnt popo and i hefieve ihalit wmdd behii wrsh to ace more formal dipw blatie retaiions rsrabliafsed between thiscnjntrv and tht4tra of rome i hare seen with verv ami plffiian the cuurse which tho preunt put has pnrued rhecm ffni both aidei nf the house and 1 think it willtend much in increase the hp pmessnf the people of italy i havrnchesitaipm w saymjr that i think it would ho deairabla lhat these more ctmi relations should be rrtaljrd btwj but iherjneitior isoneinpojnlof lawnnd nr phey in pom t of law eiceedincly iniricat nnrf in pcunt of policy one that t likely to excite innaideranfo diacutsioii tio ijw at il stand leave a difficulty there are cxprcationi and wurja in the act of parliament to which it is difficult to fifem leeal interpxution thrrefrrr rutlhf uw iirpnrsenl standi i do nt ihink it would btfc lo affffah her majeiy to aend a minister rxprelv vtilh orcdcoiials tn rimc with respect to uito dneinr a bill tan uiiaailuvei inmik tin uw nvorr rlrar f an not think it vnufd be adrrtihfo the rl of a session with a it dil of hjslnss be f rc u to inlroducc a ull nn go imitorunt a sub- j i cannot tell hie hon jenthnan thai we infeod lo introduce ui hut tin is a subject on which i nnpe wc may legislate in fuluxc rhfor rkr and i rui think il dewrawe lhat dtptanatta rf uiiom should be rstnmihed bclwovn thia country ttyxmn arrnvtfonjr of wolfnrd wjaon nlnn- dy fully committed inlba jailor hon ur- ifibtl eliirifod will hasme mm vmtfit fttmhuh on tucphm mttfmtstol marnrhviiv hi in several wmsiwbi nn hi bud v with kmir nn iho iireviou mi inhy tho eirruinl w lrttood turn una kafahnajstt amipro- vt oapr uhi un worts fur tf m mcj hlj ihc day lsfi uiutd ain acciimdli bsl w j med and in intucnce rummrnecd ulimnj- mr htirkkvvvwaa in choree or ibr mill arrn- atrnnjti ws evidently put nut by merrick lie llicu iflnvcd off short dulsnaethreaienin proae- cution for an asavull hul suddenly whirled round and dcw fits kuifo from his pocket reentered the mill and i acted mrrrick who accin him coming in a lliotcpiinc manner turned towards him when he receifcd severol aevtreaulw but succtorlvd l loti ic armitronf down at lle time amwtiwi vra acil lo jiit merrick was sull living itwirifir rmarnv ojfictof til ccrk a f creien rn cairnety unrftrnd lib june i47 ilia eiceltcnry fic governor chnmntl imi ben pwfled tsi cjh io rhe liislitive thiricil gvh strange ilouhtmof lite tnwnof ciouif bjotifv skcrfttshvv ofticr jatvnfrmi i9flr jne hi7 fits eieeleney the governor ctostctnl lus teen plciihrd in ppoi wiltiiin d4tw euire b homtcrwvuf slulr dnejo the rivrtient in rhil utt 1 the iv- vmcc formerly upper t mud aavqtaat tfiola owfff thntnililm june 117 hi eieelteney w governor grnrtitl i nlrd to nuk tlie following aiuvinlmcni in lire mditiu force of canada va tn be surgeon assistant 8 fnvid atlrn to ho ravaiatial surgeon janrm younj alkn gentleman to tie cptain lcucnnia wtllmm m rnmin rice dorund ptoiiled john uoerd jjcob rut inn and tuiitnas dorlind to he lcutenan riejurd aerrw ornil mn biftipns martin ftouti eiee uowit pn miirdt andrew d ampbc eree robert tu- john tlultmn ec ruttaii priinnied tuition stiles commercial mart tra bo tdtinc- onfrrdyi8ihjreal one oclock will be sold yanag iiyon feml twaikt tw coffee swar liqiior a- tohaccot rjisiik vmeor wrr esoin snn j faekagvs cut oljn a varieii rfoft kinlor i5lh jue s17 irlicle ivmiam wark auction sales auction sale ok household furniture will be soij by 1nhlic auction em wednesday the 16th june inum t eleven oclock a mj at the refidenee cf w a gkooes eiq the whole of his house holil furniture cunijfosed of mahoiany centre sf wnrk tables chairs hhck wdliint dinttife table side board imd chairs with hair seats firjss jrl scotch cnrptting damask and moreen curtains bedsteads and bedding house linen china breakfast tea and djssert setts and dinner service silver spoons and forkt irory handle knives stovrs and fire irons- and at onr tfctock jreeiirfy a splendid square piano mhnrity case 6 octaves with ttvn pedals rnde by brenien nf new yurk col 90 and a sett nf chimney ornaments of china containing u 21 day clock and two flower tutf on stand with gutt shades cost 25 also- 10 cord wood thf article can be seen at any time after 12 oclock uooik oil lijy james linton auctioneer kington june 11 1817- eice dirund irnrnoted njmtfd and willlamsluan to jc nsin wdliam chureb ucntlemvn titt ilouih proinfjird josetih dsne ucmtvjmtj vtce cmrbcll pmmted iwis ifuik en tlcman nee hulfmun pn m tcd jd- drlandp gntleintin vice sjiran promoted james f dllvciftnd gdbcn cavey oentlcmcn tu lc artjlnt tlirutenam richpird daveenc tn be quarter maiter i lccb genllcmarr iacls aitit scraps original an stktl t thftntitftctonighl lhat prefly turtcer and very chaimin woman manemoi- selle albcrtine her benefit the ptcttf advertised are ittcck etjtd suson ind the lady and tht devil two ckcfllenl dramas the theatre has not of late days been so well patronized as it desetve and some benefit hr been such only in name but we trust the gallantry nf the kinguourse will not au ni us to include the benefieiare of tonihl amnn lhoe who have afpealed in vain tn lh kmihicms or their palroiu mote part ich jar ry our worthy chief maturate tkiifcparick ki lias alloweil the bill of attucticu lube pul up under his patronage let all who are afflicted with asthma read the following letter- mr seth w fnwte sir havin bren afllictcd for nmrcthnn thirty years nttb the asthma at times so severrlv at io iqcpeila1cuic jfun attendance tn husinem and having adjiteil manv medicinra without any but mtnpirrwv t i f i purehved about three yeans sineenf mft edward maton ynni asjefit li lbs rilf cverl imlllracf wtttirs bbin of wild clicrrj- ftnah tltcertlaorwhitdi f 4t4ined mrmr relief ih4n aim all tbc medicine i hd evei inken ft ir lint dsircsin distrdrr hveby the repent ed uc nf ynur tjlnjbtr balaam been inre freeof pressure f brritb and npprrsitn nn ihc luns thui i bd nntieipatcd and in4ket cinccivc inymlf m cured of tin masf rbjieitieiiiie malady 1 do mol rherrfutly tendrr eni llit- rknow- ledemrit which uo wili u s yior udnment dicfai c d naynaltu afiua offie porlund mnfclicg 1817 nneenuinv unkas signed 1 dultnn tlie ttfinptft for sle at ht athmeum bk 5iwe and by druiil senrrslly ihfliuvtut ibe pivmee watches clocks and jewellry r he stiicriher in returning thanks t fur the libent cncairigeititfnt lo ha receive j since his ciimmiitmont in uusincs teg io inftifm uis fvicnus nml the public ihul he baa just received q 3ientiij assortment of gold and silver watchs cmfilinjf of rcavors lcpincs c itrbkh he ubbti low fur cah- also about 40 cmttrtf american clocks vvlncti will be nl wliokaleand retail a rich assortment if jewellry platej gooija ice- of the nnt modern paterna wm hurdle kington june istlt 1817 jjn to let fuetwo story stone house in princes street op- kim thescokli church nqirfre on tlie nremtn or to j bitkakenridce ewiiijfc barritiicr- kiogntun june i5iht847 48im k ittit mil n w swl lb arriral al ihc bririab iniii j3tii tfr dltwg elstfj beltertlk id maik mrrr mntiirral francia ammrn i hand kerr imicvillr j iv anipvirtorouiu ifamdltn neve york ihe huss utnv wntnl tl iirm totiim j fnir i ilnlfl ineul crcq -her- 1r lister sjnsntssfj hr- wmlhri clswi m i rehes-itl- c vvdbnd bvlu k tflfcp r mrineiau b vanhmitnsihtneoiitn i jib mr krcf itvinun govknmfint 1ealpotexders notice will be received auction sale of valuable hkal estate t 1 e subcriber ha been authorized lo otrer the lullowin vilu4ble prujieily at auction on ihe remiei belonging lo u lirown eq- arcbilect oftthttoday mil june at 12 oclock ttic properly consists of two elegant and substautul sronc iloasi situated in the vicinity of the new cathedra great attention das been paid to make them both comfortabto and convenient fitted ini with leaded rain and well water cistern hvdiaulic pomps patent water closets orfices in rear all stone built with cellars they are at present rented to the queens college until may is43 the property h without incumbrance aad title induputale il is seldom so good an onportuuity occurs of purchasing such comfortable houses cheap the hoiws will be sold mjafattly with thetr respective premises after which wilt be offered the adjoining vacant lots with iheriht louse the pre5cnt able adjoin jn thin tot is of the same dimension as that on which the hnuos are situated the terms and further partrc nl ar can be obtained on application to the nbcriber ami at the sale william ware aucthtktr kingaton june 1s17 fresh guocbriks at tkb city storb corner op king k princess streets k1nghton wholesale and retail the snbterihcra arc ryiw reccittn from mon treal and new yvrb thejr spring supply of fresh tens sugar coffees frqus uquon wines cjc all uf which ft nf this spnnfa importatinn and nn iiipeciim wijl bo found cons io quality and inwer in prie than anr yet olfeeed in this market hit fniwinc eoinprtaes partof their new goods via teas jfio bnsf yomof tlywn varioui j ii m t 61 tmnttf do t oji mvsnn eery 6ne 9leadjiku6ih do do 5 omie gonidcr do oil caillm em gth do do 5 flhtelp sntrlwuif kn44i ciddnaojtin sojctionc finefljynur sugars ifllihd bcht pnrlo ricu tu wrrelakdciidiod 1j m tohnff florinah 4 hhja- rrfiued ismf coffees 2 hr lujrra 4 jea 3 mooba tobaccos r lavmdisb lcs 10 ifmeydcw 5v superior lit co 9 b o jr chew in r btlavn cut flunfvit j i- l vin lo jin 5oprinr maecjibuy snuff 2 kef scotch molasses uhhdsciui liquors 0 mttfe gnghm- manejiv du hirdi v srndv 3 do hauoda de kuyper 3 d gin 91 bbla smart v port hops whiakay 2 hhdi- iliuiiv frt 5 cmiff do ho inbollkv 1 hhd taylor v mitdoira 5 eaeo di do in bottles h pipe benecarbi wine l i while wine 4 caaecjaret stjihw mdoe fruit in exprcaaiiig bit very liberal plron ipo bnxemnactl raisin vj druin t j in finemder so v i uae iv j i buj rilhertv fresh at wa inula at uiu oidoe until ii n noon ic bmrktbwi btllri bpurj tvfaui nru mra wurtinati him ivsban l latku prom mexico an rnival nt new orlrto fl ihf il int from htazf cntilirnis the n nrrival at parras after a inaieh of fifteen hun dred mile with ariit ijih tnji 16 pit- ce of artttlerv col mitchell wilb the alvnnc nf duni- phanv enmrnauil including a pieked phi 01 wait expecle at bueni vmm m the 15th in pavinc ihronih duramen ihev imk po- io of a small fort 1 eaptjin 21 private and 46 rtaml of arms tlie captain mid hit men were ftlattd nn parolis mul col oiwii- pban were to furuith thin wiih anus tn ii i i i r vesaiint the uainmclie at mu- ey he found 125 muskeu and s5 lanco the troop- fled on hi approach gen cuhm- had reeetyfd order to join i gen taylor immediately at monteiey with 4he massachusetts regiuienl three men of the mas3cbnelt rejimenl recently deserted and were all murdered by ihe camauche gen- taylor ha determined 4o employ ihe new texan battalion a letter from m lois poti myi the riot- jital there is crowded with mexican soldiers avho are dyin hy scores of starvation am ne- eltct even the eilizens tc wifferiox fit a4 vant of the common necessaries of life the f o ntfi crt iloosc- should enemy have evacuated san ltii thctroons lmorrow prove rainy the sale of mr w w i left j a gedde furniture will not take jdace the steamer fashion fwro vera cni7 which place she left on the 3t1tb may arrived at new orleans on the 4th insl the report of the murder and robbery of jiassengers in the diligencia is confirmed amotik the victims was col somers hearer of despatches from gen scott the budie of tbefnvtdrred men were atrociously mutilated santa anna is report ud at kio frio with hree thousand men a report says that herrera has been elecled president of mexico but it is not traceable to ary authentic source ir scolt was to leave jalapa on ihe 29th tttttts gen twig division had already lfl f lhpiitrtcmcf the scveml parlies mot l fli wheeling ailvtrtisemenb whieh appear in their pjper rtfrufiag their letters unpaid were 0 mtc thai ajjsuch letters if taken from thepovlnfecc are immediately torn up or otherwise ictroy- cdumihl have the eltci of chrrlciofftiicli impertinence lor the future burinj the fif- leeo yeais of ihe llillish whin existence no such unpaiduttcr wascver replied to clerk fivernesies c are the parties of 4vblch the loudest complaints are made ict hinvteville lmof or rvkl am ac oceriio natom the brtthmi of dcllerille tjoae no id of free and accepted musons ri ii fertivat of si john the bjpliat at belleville m thursday 34lh day of june instant the brethren will forma procet- ifaisi and j- l i divine service after which there wilt be a dinner neighboring lvdea and so- jnurncraiirc rcspeetfolly inviird lu attend ict iteffvosubniich pleasure lo be able loaay ihathrmtatmy baa at lamauccoedcd with iho tvuvernment in oblaininn an order for the suspen sion ofl1 the chjnccrysurtscoirimcnced aainst thcoccupanuof tbeiodisn land in tyendmna bcthtitu itiutugtnctr ct liooit elctioh the address of jnhn wilson eq the elecmra nf lundna will be sern in another column ft it notneccsasry to say rnuchon the aobject as mr wlunn seeinsto be the dhooet unanimous choice uf ilia e ice mm of undon so much o at least that mr john dtrggao haa reared from hie contest and there will be no opposition to thercton of mr wtlsun ivarfe c w4 timea ttf patsmat the fine new iron stmmerlhc pasa portntvned by the hon jhn hmiltito on dement a trial iripnn tuesday ltt she pro- xeeded frum lichine tu the mouth nr the bciubar notscanalf in l minutes and rriorned in 50 nun- utea he distanco is aay it mirca whieh pmes her to be superior in suecd to any of the usmlsou rtbc upper walera tba past port is truly a tplendid specimen orsiimboatarchiiecture and is fitted up in the ot fkjtanl monnrr with bsrsji laiornmas con- j urning berths for 175 pasenenner dining aa- loon will accomodate 100 peaosat a lime her nii- about hqhnraa power and was built by messrs wrd brand ec c in hot a fort- niht we undrrstand the iss pm ili be put on 1 the mnntrealondkinatonune where alio will run with lite llifhtander the canadai nd tbcildcr aloeve ilia howeeerevl yet quite decided wlielher b walnut bo employed in running brlwecnlbel head of lake ontario jnd mnntrcat or quebec ut wbrch rout she is well ndapkd intjtd bultjto june ii fatal cotxiro we arc indebted tu mr h r jerome of ibi steamer cvlnd forth fni lowin brief psrticoura abnnt nne ocforlc yesterday mornin a collision incurred bcitvern she steamer ciiesapeake and the schooner j p porter off conntaut the steamer bound upwards willi passenjl and mercbandiic snd the schooner bound down tritht fu carjo of wheat and orn the latter eunlt in eight faiboms of water the crew mm wved by polling on board lot chmpsajt which a collision look place at the entrance to the harbor on wednesday between the admxru and a smaller steamer ihe king wil- uqlt which occasioned considerable damage totlie laltec toronto canadian kingston market prices satuhday june 12 1847 prepared by wr fable clerk of the mirkct hour rua a 90 f 8 0 0 9 6 0 wheats bushel 5 barley none 0 ofl 0 0 rye per bush 3 3 v 0 oats ay bushel 2 600 pet do 3 6 0 0 0 odt meal tf hundred 50 0 0 4 potatoes if 0osbel 3 0 3 fi brer f hundred 23 tm 250 dnkr a 0 5 i 0 0 pork v hundred 27 6 m 30 0 ur lb 0 so 0 6 veal lb 0 4 0 ti 0 mot toft lb 0 5 o 0 0 butut in nij n 7d 0 0 uljta rib 0 0 6 6 3 0 0 szv irten o turkeys tf couple 7 fi m o u fowl 2 224 dcks do 2 o e o o may if too 40 a 9 o o sirwdo 17 6 20 0 wood r cord j0 6 3 0 0 child nw vantf tmnii inwn mr csihefpio m t u mmtnr nrllrrjlte u riamrw win- uibvr r aueivwu catirmsnx mr maole tawih mr ifeahllh and rrntmnnireml rev mullnrh tirsar hdy mswbnmi aur viahik qnrliic k kirnapu y semuir milium j mr itilehic simeiie j r hbins lnudfin u mtlvu gen hull u r v- prherrsirrjli wduuni white kitifwi ln slrff anilib llla cwd it s i in j l i i e pmei neuxihlr ulbvwbwd jnynsoii kjlsud ritkrl l4httfl mjricieltr u tc i r switarsvduiiok nmllade i thump sou md tidy delmit j kuht tnnjnm mr memuihn and dauehlcr smdstich m finu- bell tasmlj mr poouciniiham v on wortntsday thf aijirt inst from perntsis willing 0 vontricl fur tl re pairs ur ihc st lawrcj wharf and btiilijinu a coal shrd then piimirijiifrifiriiihr mtits- nnd buttdtftgt can lie tr ttl xi nivnl vtftl any working day jiffnu t working liomn tw miflicicnt acctirhp lf qultvi the rigmtim o wlioiii will lw rpfjinsiid in the ivnder tvlien oircrod nsvai stue kcaper oit dikk vnrj jiiitestll 8 blacksmifhing in all its biunches vie sirlwriher rephf inlmiw thsatrs royal ukdfr tlfg patrokaccr his worship hie mayor benefit of madlle albertine who will appear in iwo dances first apirtarance of mrs jh powell from the london and new york theatres mr w t jon j s as william this evening tuesday june is will be pctformed the celebrated nautical drama of black eyed susan ok all in the downs blue tcter madlle albrrtiru hi which she will dance 4 sailors hotpite dnrinllic piece a characteristic dance hy the company- the evenings entertainment will conclude wilb the laughable comedy in two acts entitled the kd adid fiksvfll or loves statgems jnne 5 1847 john vanstone veterinary surgeon inform tue inhahitanis of king ston and its neighborhood that he intends to practice in kingston and hvin devoled a coiwiderablc portion of his time to ihe study of iho pfofessiorj at the veterinary cuurge london he flallers himself tbst with his ibual care and attention lohusioe he will give the utmost ssiaction to those who may fat or him with their commands application to be made at mr bamfords hotel princess street kingston jorir i i a 7 fresh fruits just rece1v ed t lly that ho ita tnhnrt the premises utely nccunied by tb3s paul in prtuees street ilirectly opptwi j smiths eq m p wh h tenrinn to bolieffif liope enjuj of xnblic r3trnnac 8 james kinpton sunt 15 isv w hi ffion11 a ml lto public gener al not at- a ahate hobbs 48 if 1847- rioeau canal and grtfnviui route tjegs to prunes iojra preaerved ginger in pot figa condird lemon whokwlcand rhami bv william j martin market tan kinon t iahjone i atveds baxil null fijborta walnut pea nut and orcngt thx low rntslorc 3tra3fck perth taptaix fsswioki wlla during theaar4 baiafffb kuisotl and jjjptutii andnvjce feraaa follows i uqivjrward wdl leave liinti rvcrj tneadar at 9 a m kinastoti mill h jffj hpyc itavwb y 2j p st jnauvfiajlj m 4j h isthmus rj oltrera frry iii sintliarjtlacvvy udio7 3 a- m and will mcrrickvitte 4 hutltlri 10 licekeu lmdfn 31 p h ln- utaa m dirifc in djcnwn i upwards leave hyiowu reer friday at 9 a- h lyn inland 1 p ii fjccktft landing s flnrnda i mcrrtckvdle 9 suitla fulls every snturdi iy t a m oliver ferry la lohmua h 0 m jmn fills u 1 p u cscr bewers 8 klbfmofl alilta 7 and ftmze in kingston every samdav at 84 the above lat runa in eonscf w regular daily strainers between bjrtwaj ndurcnilir rut montreal and hsnls in lyyeen iraelters the best mota tu the caledonia l forfrtiehtor plsjwiflik vift aopfrar cabio accuniiindtion th kkard macpherph a cilane kinjton fithjooejw to let the house at jires by the subscriber posses rittffl 0ll isih june iniunt kettt lo the aik i48 22 10s enquiie of b j inn or to the subscriber w jtincliicm sessai ii grove t a ceddes freehold svoperty for sale txill be sold by auction on the pre- miseson tliuilsday ihe 7h inst all tbove three dwelling houses lot situated at the upier end and north side of couwne street adjoining th tesidence uf mr isaac if the proerly comuiev three dwellings new under rent with a yard attached to each on tli prpniirs there is erected a urge hake house willj a brick oven which will contain from 150 to 200 loaves of bread the littery is now in full operation and good romlitiou each tene ment contains four ood mzcd roms with a firepltre there is alvo an excellent well of water nn the prmie the whol now be dikosed of on mod reawimable lerun a- follows one quarter down and the balance in ti 12 and is months with interest for further particular amdy lu lb proprie- tomrjoiiniiarvkvjnncesireelno james linton the property is now insured for 300 and the purchaser will have the benefit thereof an iiidituiahlr title will be jiven sale at 12 oclock precisely kingston june s is17 5 du ft shell ahnnnd sundries 4 tirrre rice iii bbl put uarby ll uxtsiarch 10 di i- otoe 1 cac indigo chewt casaia 2 don ijffmfrd cinrtannq 4 ongi prppcr 2 v it i- 3 bbu jamaica cinor i bi ctjiiunon do 12 uacs iikn svrup il sjilr i r 1 j do tj ivpocr i 6 w prcbles 4 baaatfta sasd oil iiu jars moslard 91 uoe oun hruoma 10 m wbfakf 4 krsastlcniuas 10 a fnhayhrvirx with a vauery uf arnejes in lbe grocery line itu nmncruui id nniirut thoiia weifdry tco kintitnu juoe 1 1 j s jt- notice ei- just reck1vd direct hoi wm d ttw ylirk at the signofthe bear brock street two urge consignments nf hats comprising best beaver fur silk palm leaf tml irghorn spring summer hats nf the vciy rural qunmiy ami fabrics which lie is authorized to sell at veiy low price vuole6le and rrtail 1 country merchant ar lequetej to call qtnl examine the articles itiv ailveilied j a mcdowalu kinjpton lltli june 157 47131- s government notice eafaed texueus will be ceived at this office oh the igili iumatit until one oclock p m ismdi pctjuins willing cuter into a contraci fur delivering itifu the ordnance n lanack sturca as btav le required tilt uiidcrmuiitiiiiihd articles viz rrnims birrh 1850 forms sumicf fi leel 44 tti a felline315 helves iv i b axes pick 3 table tops 6 fret 32 tray coal wtotwrnistandinu partial de vi km iuu til ui j itrtamliu ireuine by fire we betf to anndimce to mir numerous correitoudent that no iiilentiilion lo our hwdnttt vrilllnkf dace ourcrafi are all in aclive oeration and wi have made soch arrange rneiats in ihe port as will enable us lo receive and give despatch to our up m d down r l i we have already commencej ihe ereelion uf a spaci hlock of fire frnof builjins which will he ready fnr the fall business these with an increased number of first class darges nuw building when added to our jiowerlul tog fine will enable us lo do busi ness in a safe and xneditious manner john ii greek co in kington 4th june 1817 notice whereas my wife mary brenrtan has left my bed and hosid without any provocation whaocer this is to forbid any person haihorinjortnttlinjr her on my account as i will net nay any dentsof her contracting michael brennan kingston 1mb june 1847- 473i valuable lands tor sale beloxginu in thn estate of the laic a i mcnkill esquire lot no 4 anil the eaat liaif lot nn 39 cuucesinii a or broken frout q ihe tnwnjiliii of tyendioaga in the vitinria district contginin 240 acre f land tlie situation nf the abivo farm on ivhih there is a largejmprove iii- must tuirableaiid advantageous being m the main knad leadine frum kingston to toronto on the sltore of trib ijynf quiuic within a mile of the oburdi on tte mohawk 1aoc a few yards fnm tlie steamboat landing kikwu as culbertscns wbarf and witliiii ix miles of the flourishing vll ugcuf nnuruitv there is on tbe nronaties j valuable mill site also 76 acres of the west part of lot mu uiin the mdi coiictaaino of liun- for sale oh to let malareframehoubeilnsaea1 in the vicinity of the town nrtr hie artillery bsrraeks on the mwiik toad the hoe is a very cornpt one rumalnie lint roomi potsem gtrea irnmediatrly apply x this office or to mrs rornall rvtliingtm street kinloo june 8 1847 46u caledonia sprinffiu the canada house the subscriber obligation for the age he received during iho pircediaf snm mer legs to infum the public that the canada house is again opened by him for the recepltoo of visitors and he mont respectfully tfotitita a continuance of their patronage up assures them that he yill pare no paim ir add lo their comfort health nd mi creation since the close of ihe last season the houe and grounds have undergone mnny important alteration an i improve ments which it i hoped will ajddtnui comfort and convenience uf vjilnw- the dining room has been considably enlarged and the bar removed from the hotjse the subscriber is happy to state lhat miss murray whose ottemiun to visitors is so woll known will slll rerpain at iho springs the caledonia springs present ifee great advantage of a variety of merfiotos waters acknowlejged hy the moi enn- nentnfihe parol ty to be eaoli ofthois kind tnrivalei in their efficaoy for the cure of disease and invigorating qualities the salt and sulphur biyhs as in full operation feqm lha use of which lt noat extraordinary benefit have been derived the stages irill loavo montieal every morning sundays excepted udarfifoat the springs in the evening tbepharftsof the canada home will be ihe same as last year namely by lira month 6 0 8 by ihe week 1 is 0 b 0 7 r clitton large rooms to lr1v polt exhibitions lectunts bv jjll zasrs or any otfacr purposes tbn rooms are opposite 8tetarl tvorn ontario street apply ti waftkr eafes kingston 4th june 64f sf house to uwft to bo let with jmroediat possession lhatbandsococ paiui v keiidence io oeen safreetj wjth extensive tiardeh and robvrd now uccupjed by i macjntqab jf- a also to be let tat large and conraodous sta houjttf in queen street tiesr the nes cbuixb isijjy ctfcupid by the sub acriber apply to t a corbbtti kingston itftuio 1817 sprinu and summer new d b y qoops fpiiesobserileriaoselliofhy prioateals i vlltwjlttca sttoliukiilfl britisb dry goods juau iotpofted com lirerpoo per carar ate fyt onataung of drab ajjdicrry ifaohaeveta pancv i j teed etn is 30iiftgreytl doenesiico while loom and kj nuv cuunshecu kuefc wiiiie and colored italians navy and two bjve pinls fancy rjoe style do ctrockcd ir ted f aoey ar4 fi s ck saua veav- sod vert pattejna u li s l r and madder biaflnu hdkts madder ounti bed spotted svraoe ad flat n pocket do jnd paramatta otl liuek sain bo albert and satin fls jrppruved i r chinu coium wonted cjs and other braces dtc ic with a targe atfaatwattt of rfiadymado trohysers and ve8ting3 a tai o a cnticornenl front lvojn uicect per bolland juai arrived heee 15 cases aupcrimf velvet napped pafijs anp london hats ouphami w1t- kiniatai may 34 m7- spring importations rimt arrivals ynon sqitais at thk glasgow wabehoye princess sthbet craao avf vtuastsi m kkri1 waodeli 0 beg to antiiunco to their cuitornrs and the publiegeiishrajly that thoy haveguat receded per ganwria froos glujtow and st fiwrev from lnpdou the first arrivals from flea part of those spring importations aomprlaitiguiia table tuscdo ind fancy 18 patterns of whieh may bo seen ar the barrack office kingston and further tpsai information there tihtainnl as tn ilw l i uaf uf lot no 2 an the period of delivery c the mvcralt cnnrsun f tbe rownahip ma arielrs to bo auhjjct tu the apprival of a board of tjlhcors a pftoted form nf tender will triven at this office and secaritj fill rbe dim performance of the service required co the amiuol of a30 cuireucy cordfeissarial kingston hth june 1s47 ach00lb00ks just received at the atheneum book store 7vie fallowing school books boston academy music olneys geography and atli kirkfiams grammar do elocution walkers dictionary pinfioclc5 goldsmith england do do rome do do greece june v vt due victoria district containing 100 acres the east half of lot no 7 in the 9th concession of the towpship o loboro in the mijliirid district containing 100 acres apply f if by utter postpaid to samuel olark thomas dovneyor j execuion- john a macdonald napanecjurie 1s47 463m notice all persons indebted to the estate of the late archibald mcnell q of napsnet will please settle tbrir sccounu im mediately eilher with one of ihe undersigned or mr m4chael mccabk of napsnet and all those liavin claims against the estate will uresent the ra with proper vouchers to ths tame nartiesf or some one of them samuel clark thomas downey j executors- john a macdonaid dated 29th may 1817 3a bomn btft bonnet and cap ribbons aod flowa silk and cotton parasols the nevreat styles rich shawls gros de napla and saiin tukj hosiaty gloves and caeu striped alpnca orleans fr coburgs laliim matdat and chhdreua k b40ts amd sboafjav k co will codtioue torn ceive dally the remainder of their sping jaajior talons whiqb ooerriyai wiu be found to be vury xotspleto an inspection j their stock is t spectfully momteti whea ihey ar satisfied tfcoir goods will be fmioj second to none in the wad dither u arlaa guali vt orjotrneaa of piricaa kjngstoo 10tb my j6j7 1 las governe8s wanted t anted in a retpeotable bngliai f family in the country a youa lady to inslruet and take charge of four or five you n children and to aasist witb the needle work respecuble refcrerkns will bereqolnsd apply lo the ejiiof of this pirv f- r further psrticuan may 36 t847 if